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Health as the most important factor in the safety of human life


student 9 "B"

Tsykin Alexey


1. What is health

1.1 The concept of "health": its content and criteria

1.2 The concept of "amount of health"

2. Basic components of health

3. Lifestyle and its impact on health. Basics of a healthy lifestyle

4. Functional manifestation of health in various spheres of life

5. Conclusion: a healthy lifestyle is the basis for a safe, fulfilling and comfortable life


The state of health of the population is predetermined by many factors: the essence of the socio-political system, social policy, the level of sanitary and hygienic culture, the specifics of the customs and traditions of various groups of the population, working and living conditions, the level of well-being, social security, the nature of interpersonal relations, the state of the environment, development of health and medicine. In addition to social and biological factors, the health of the population is largely determined by the subjective attitude of the individual to his own health and the health of those around him, his way of life.

The health of an individual is recorded by various diagnostic methods and means and is characterized by the fullness of the manifestation of vitality, a sense of life, the comprehensiveness and long-term social activity, the integrity and harmony of personality development.

Vitality is a complex biological process that occurs in the human body, allowing you to maintain health and performance. A necessary and obligatory condition for the course of a biological process is activity. In a broad sense, this word means a versatile process of creating conditions for human existence and development.

The main types of human activity are work, teaching, play. Other activities - socio-political, pedagogical, military, etc. arose thanks to labor, which has always been of a social nature.

In the process of various active activities, a person interacts with the environment. This concept is understood as everything that surrounds us that directly or indirectly affects our daily life and activities. The environment has a constant impact on human health through material factors: physical, chemical and biological. It goes without saying that a person, as a social being, is also directly influenced by psychogenic factors.

In the course of a long evolution, a person has adapted to the natural environment, and any changes in it adversely affect his health. The human body tends to painlessly endure certain influences only as long as they do not exceed the limits of the adaptive capabilities of a person. Otherwise, damage to the body occurs, which, when a certain degree of change is reached, is qualified as an accident (injury) or a chronic disease.

At the post-industrial level of development of a civilized society, mass epidemics have receded, but other dangerous factors of vital activity have arisen, one way or another related to health. For example, only a physically and mentally healthy person can safely drive a private car or boat for himself and others, correctly determine the moment of crossing a street with heavy traffic, withstand a long plane flight, go scuba diving on vacation, etc.

Thus, life, health and safety in modern conditions are very closely interconnected.


1.1 The concept of "health": its content and criteria

Human life depends on the state of health of the body and the extent of the use of its psychophysiological potential. All aspects of human life in a wide range of social life - production and labor, socio-economic, political, family and household, spiritual, health-improving, educational - are ultimately determined by the level of health (Table 1).

Table 1. Share of factors determining health risk

health value,

approximate specific gravity,

Groups of risk factors


Harmful working conditions, poor material and living conditions, stressful situations, physical inactivity, fragility of families, loneliness, low educational and cultural level, excessively high level of urbanization, unbalanced, irregular nutrition, smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, etc.

Genetics, human biology

Predisposition to hereditary and degenerative diseases

External environment, natural and climatic conditions

Pollution of air, water and soil with carcinogens and changes in atmospheric phenomena, increased heliocosmic, magnetic and other radiation

Health care, medical activity

Inefficiency of personal hygiene and public preventive measures, poor quality of medical care, untimely provision of it.

As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) Health- this is a normal psychosomatic state of a person, reflecting his complete physical, mental and social well-being and ensuring the full performance of labor, social and biological functions, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects.

Let's reveal the concept health more complete like:

Absence of diseases;

Normal functioning of the body;

Dynamic balance of the organism in the system "man-environment";

Complete physical, spiritual, mental and social well-being;

The ability to adapt to constantly changing conditions of existence in the environment;

The ability to fully perform basic social functions (communication, education, work).

Thus, it can be said that Health- this is the ability of a person to adapt to the environment and to his own capabilities, the ability to withstand external and internal disturbances, illnesses and injuries, the ability to preserve himself.

The WHO definition of health given above is theoretical.

In practice, doctors evaluate the state of health with more specific indicators that can be recorded and measured: blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, blood tests, urine tests, x-rays, etc.

If these indicators correspond to the age norms of a person and allow him to study and work without interference, it can be argued that the person is healthy. If a person for no apparent reason begins to study poorly, work, he loses interest in games, activities, it can be assumed that he is unhealthy.

Health- a value to strive for. Mastering this value, people more fully realize their expectations, satisfy their needs, become more significant not only for their loved ones, but for the whole society.

The most widespread is the functional approach: in the ability of a person to carry out his biological and social functions, i.e. perform socially useful labor, production activities. In connection with the functional approach, the concept of “practically healthy person” arose.

Therefore, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of both health and disease have a fairly wide range of interpretation. Differences in the severity of health are determined by many criteria-signs: the level of vitality of the organism, the breadth of its adaptive capabilities, the biological activity of organs and systems, their ability to regenerate, etc. The ability to adapt is one of the most important criteria for health.

1.2 The concept of "amount of health"

According to the famous philosopher and surgeon - Academician N.M. Amosov (the book “Thinking about Health”), “the amount of health” can be defined as the sum of the reserve capacities of the “main functional systems” of the body, i.e. the ability of the organism to resist various deviations. The better the functional systems work, the greater the amount of health, and - consequently - the less prone to disease.

Health is the result of the impact of various factors on a unique systemic phenomenon of nature - "man". Each person should be able to manage their health, taking into account the risk of diseases and the characteristics of psychological and physiological factors. For self-management of health, everyone needs to be able to create comfort for the soul and body, which is achieved by a certain way of life, attitude to the means of healing and healing from ailments.


Individual human health consists of three components:

a) social health (well-being);

b) spiritual (moral) health;

c) physical health.

social welfare- when a person is confident in his future, has housing, a job, the opportunity to improve the quality of education, career growth, decent wages, the opportunity to relax according to his desires and abilities, has the opportunity to support his loved ones, and finally, feels his "need" to society, those. these are social ties and interpersonal relationships, favorable working and living conditions. Social health is closely related to the spiritual health of a person.

Spiritual health - the health of our mind. Spiritual health depends on:

a) - systems of thinking, degrees of knowledge of the surrounding world and orientation in this world;

b) - the ability to adequately determine one's position in the environment, one's attitude to any person, thing, field of knowledge.

Spiritual health is achieved through the ability to:

Live in harmony with yourself, family, friends and other members of society

Predict various situations that affect life;

Develop and optimally adapt a model of their behavior in relation to the environment.

physical health - this is the health of our body. physical health depends on:

a) - human motor activity;

b) - rational nutrition;

c) - hardening;

d) compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;

e) - safe behavior in everyday life;

f) - the optimal combination of mental and physical labor;

g) - the ability to relax;

h) - Refusal to use alcohol, drugs, smoking.

When assessing physical health, four main criteria are used:

the presence or absence of chronic diseases;

the level of achieved physical and neuropsychic development;

the state of the main body systems - respiratory, cardiovascular, excretory, nervous, etc.;

the degree of resistance of the body to external influences.

If a person is interested in his health, he should equally care about strengthening spiritual and physical health. The components of health are closely interrelated: if a person is physically healthy, but experiences psychological discomfort, he cannot feel great.

3. Lifestyle and its impact on health. Basics of a healthy lifestyle

Lifestyle is an indicator of how a person realizes the conditions of life for his health.

According to the above table. 1, human health is 60% dependent on lifestyle, 20% on the environment, 8% on heredity.

From birth, a person has certain reserves of health, and the duration of their use depends on the person himself (conditions of behavior, style, lifestyle). Health is the main gift given to us by our ancestors and not always wisely and too wastefully spent by us.

A healthy lifestyle is understood as an individual system of human behavior aimed at maintaining and strengthening one's health. Conventionally, this process can be divided into two directions:

1. Active actions of the person himself to form and improve his health (physical education, hardening, hygiene rules, rational nutrition, daily routine, sexual education, etc.) and

2. A person's desire to avoid the action of factors that contribute to the destruction of health (primarily such bad habits as smoking, drug addiction, substance abuse and alcohol consumption, safe behavior at home, on the street, which ensures the prevention of injuries and poisoning).

Important components of a healthy lifestyle are personal hygiene, friendly relations in the family and moral behavior.

A healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy the first place in the hierarchy of human needs and values ​​in our society. It is especially important that from early childhood the younger generation strive to appreciate, protect and strengthen their health. The incidence of young people (people aged 16 to 29 years) has increased by 26% over the past 5 years. Mortality from non-communicable diseases is constantly increasing and now reaches 83% (according to WHO).

The reason for all such diseases is the lack of personal interest among young people in a healthy lifestyle, caring for the continuation of their kind.

Generations of intelligent people have developed simple and understandable recommendations for a healthy lifestyle:

1) know yourself and do not set yourself unrealistic goals;

2) keep your body clean;

3) eat right and well;

4) work, observing safety rules, work and rest regime;

5) choose your friends correctly;

6) keep your inner world clean;

7) learn to say "no" to temptations;

8) if you feel sick, see a doctor; take medicines as prescribed by a doctor, undergo preventive examinations in a timely manner and get vaccinated.

You just need to remember that The main condition for a healthy lifestyle is the personal interest of a person.

You have to understand that nothing in life comes for free. . That the result will be the better, the sooner a person begins to work on himself, on preserving and increasing his health.

4. Functional manifestation of health in various spheres of life

The state of health affects all areas of people's lives. What is the activity of man, such is he himself, his nature and his illnesses. The completeness and intensity of a person’s diverse life manifestations directly depends on the level of health, its “qualitative characteristics”, which largely determine the image and style of a person’s life: the level of social, economic and labor activity, the degree of migration mobility of people, their familiarization with modern achievements of culture and science. , arts, techniques and technologies, the nature and methods of leisure and recreation.

At the same time, an inverse relationship is also manifested here: a person’s lifestyle, the degree and nature of his activity in everyday life, especially in work, largely determine the state of his health. Such interdependence offers great opportunities for prevention and promotion of health.

Health affects the quality of labor resources, the productivity of social labor, and thus the dynamics of the economic development of society. Under the conditions of the transition to a predominantly intensive type of production development, the health of the country's population, along with other qualitative characteristics, acquires the role of a leading factor in economic growth.

The level of health and physical development is one of the most important conditions for the quality of the workforce. Depending on their indicators, the possibility of a person's participation in certain areas of labor activity is assessed. . Therefore, already at the stage of choosing a specialty and type of vocational training, the problem of the psychophysical correspondence of the individual to specific types of professional activity objectively arises, is posed and solved.

The acceleration of the rhythm of life and the complication of modern production with a high level of mechanization and automation determines significant loads on the body, the importance of such personality traits as speed of reaction, speed of decision-making, composure, attentiveness, which are to a greater extent determined by the whole complex of indicators of people's health, increases.

The need for health is universal, it is inherent in society as a whole. Attention to one's own health, the ability to provide individual prevention of its violations, a conscious orientation towards the health of various forms of life - all these are indicators of a person's general culture.

Physical fitness is the result of physical preparation for a certain type of activity. It is characterized by the level of development of the leading quality for this activity (endurance, strength, dexterity, flexibility, speed) and the degree of mastery of skills (high, medium, low).

The level of physical development, physical fitness and health ensures the optimal adaptation of a person to living conditions.


Healthy lifestyle has a wide positive range of influence on various aspects of the manifestations of the organism and the personality of a person.

in behavior this is manifested in greater vitality, composure, good communication skills; a sense of their physical and psycho-emotional attractiveness, an optimistic attitude, the ability to provide their full and pleasant rest, a holistic culture of life.

In the psychological aspect the virtues of a healthy lifestyle are found in the quality of mental health, well-being, in neuropsychic stability, in the ability to successfully endure the consequences of mental stress; in a well-defined volitional organization (self-control, purposefulness, perseverance in achieving the goal, determination), self-confidence, less susceptibility to depression, hypochondria, suspiciousness.

In functional manifestation you can note:

a) higher quality of health, improvement of adaptive processes, increase in working capacity and fitness;

b) decrease in morbidity and pain;

c) a faster and more complete course of recovery processes after mental and physical activity;

d) strengthening of the body's immune defense mechanisms; activity of metabolic processes in the body;

e) increased sexual potency, normalization of the ratio of body weight and height;

e) good posture and ease of gait.

The above content of the criteria can be expanded and detailed, but it is clear that health is the most important factor of safe, full and comfortable human life!

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Basic concepts of human health. Human health and well-being. The definition of health is formulated by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is recognized that health is not just the absence of disease, it is a state of physical, mental and social well-being. In the general concept of health, there are two equivalent components: spiritual health and physical.

The physical health of a person is the health of his body. It depends on the physical activity of a person, rational nutrition, personal hygiene and safe behavior in everyday life, the optimal combination of mental and physical labor, and the ability to relax. It can be preserved and strengthened only by giving up excessive drinking, smoking, drugs and other bad habits. The spiritual health of a person is the health of his mind. It depends on the system of his thinking, attitude to the surrounding world and orientation in this world. It depends on the ability to determine one's position in the environment, one's relationship to people, things, knowledge, etc., and is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with relatives, friends and other people, the ability to predict various situations and develop models of one's behavior taking into account the need , opportunities and desires. In addition, it is customary to distinguish between individual and public health (population health). Individual health is the personal health of a person, which largely depends on himself, on his worldview, and ultimately on his culture - the culture of health. Public health consists of the state of health of all members of society and depends mainly on political, socio-economic and natural factors.

Health Assessment

To assess health in biomedical research, indicators of physical development are used. Body functions are evaluated in terms of mental and physical performance, and adaptive reserves in terms of biochemical, hormonal and immune status. The morbidity index reflects the prevalence of diseases, which is determined by the ratio of the number of diseases per year, multiplied by 1000 and related to the average population. This indicator is a collective designation of negative health indicators, which are considered in sanitary statistics as criteria for the state of health. The concept of "environment" was discussed in detail earlier. Includes a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors. Anthropogenic factors generated by a person and his economic activity often have a negative impact on a person, his living conditions and health status.

At the UN conference in 1972 in Stockholm, a declaration was adopted, which states that a person is both a product and a creator of his environment, giving him a physical basis for life and the possibility of intellectual, moral, social and spiritual development. Thus, for human well-being and the exercise of fundamental human rights, including the right to life, two aspects are important - the natural environment and the one created by man. In this sector of living conditions at the end of the 20th century. the most dangerous tendencies for humans are concentrated, since the depletion of natural resources and environmental pollution occur faster than people manage to replace them with artificial conditions. These trends have become most acute in large industrial regions and cities.

On fig. 19.4 according to T.A. Akimova, V.V. Haskin (1994) clearly shows how inevitably the flows of matter, energy and information converge towards the building and the car with a red cross, which a person builds up in the environment with his activity and passes through himself.

Rice. 19.4. The relationship of environmental factors that form the complex

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An essential component of these influences is social stress, psychological tension that has gripped the masses of people, due to the acceleration of the pace of life and social changes.

Basics, health

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Basics, health

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Fundamentals of life safety (OBZh)- the subject of the school curriculum, accepted for compulsory study in all classes of secondary school by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 1994. The goals of studying this subject are to transfer to students knowledge about the various dangers that impede normal life, the causes of their occurrence, the features of manifestation and their various methods of neutralization. In elementary and middle grades, such a section of life safety as the basics of health is studied, devoted to the issues of a healthy lifestyle as a means of maintaining health, good performance and gaining longevity.

From the course of life safety (basics of health) guys get to know about what health is, what factors affect it positively and negatively (for example, the environment, conflicts, emergencies, lifestyle), as well as what measures should be taken to maintain health and maintain optimal physical fitness. In the lower grades, the rules of hygiene, the principles of healthy eating, the rules for observing the daily routine and physical activity are studied. In the middle classes, the rules of healthy communication and conflict resolution are studied, as well as ways to deal with stress and relaxation techniques. Various emergency situations and methods for their resolution, first aid methods for victims, and orientation skills are also studied.

The life safety course involves not only the study of theoretical material, but also the mastery of certain skills and abilities, which is facilitated by the implementation of tasks in the practical part. Helps to cope better with such tasks GDZ on life safety (basics of health). This manual provides practical advice and examples of the correct execution of tasks that may be useful to students. It is most convenient to view the GDZ for life safety (basics of health) online from our website pages. If you wish, you can download GDZ to be able to use their materials at a time when you can not find access to the Internet. You can also upload a text file to an e-book or phone and watch the GDZ on OBZH (health basics) right during the lesson.

The solution book is best used as an additional tool in the process of self-study of the basic material on the theory and practice of this academic subject. When there’s a lot of time, you can occasionally afford to write off the GDZ for life safety (the basics of health), but it’s better to do this infrequently.