hyperactive child. Questions are answered

Fil Tatyana Alexandrovna

Your little fidget cannot sit still for a minute. The whole family gets tired of communicating with him very quickly, and educators or teachers constantly complain about his behavior? Perhaps your baby is hyperactive.

Symptoms. How does hyperactive behavior manifest itself? The child is fussy, he moves a lot, it is difficult for him to sit. The kid constantly spins in place, can be overly talkative, annoying with his demeanor. Quite often, such children are aggressive, cause a lot of conflicts and disputes, because they do not control their impulses well and are quite impulsive. Often, a hyperactive baby has poor coordination or lack of muscle control, constantly drops or breaks things, spills liquids; he is rather clumsy. It is difficult for such a child to concentrate his attention, because of which he is constantly distracted. He asks a lot of questions and rarely waits for an answer. If a hyperactive child is asked a question, he answers quickly, without waiting for the end of the question. He cannot calmly wait for his turn, interferes in other people's conversations, games.

This behavior can be the result of both perceptual and neurological movement disorders, and psychological problems. For example, fearful, irritable, anxious children may come across as hyperactive. So how do you tell if a child is hyperactive or just active? The behavior of a hyperactive child corresponds to the following signs:

1. The child's behavior must have at least 6 out of 9 symptoms:

  • you can notice restless movements in the hands and feet; sitting on a chair, spinning, spinning;
  • gets up from his seat in the classroom during lessons or in other situations when it is necessary to remain in place;
  • shows aimless motor activity: runs, spins, tries to climb somewhere, and in situations where this is unacceptable;
  • usually unable to play quietly, quietly, or engage in leisure activities;
  • is in constant motion and behaves like a child "with a motor";
  • often talkative;
  • answers questions without hesitation, without listening to them to the end;
  • usually hardly waits for his turn in various situations;
  • interferes with others, pesters others (for example, interferes in conversations or games)

2. A set of these symptoms began to appear between the ages of 2 and 7 years

3. This behavior of the child lasts at least 6 months

4. Hyperactivity manifests itself in at least two places (for example, at home and in a kindergarten or school)

5. In infancy there were several of the following manifestations:

  • poor sleep (the child slept less than the prescribed time for age);
  • change of day and night (full hours of sleep during the day and wakefulness at night);
  • frequent anxiety, crying;
  • colic, problems with bowel movements (constipation, disorders);
  • excessive sweating and salivation;
  • allergies, skin rashes.

Some researchers suggest that hyperactivity has a genetic basis, since such children are often born in families in which this diagnosis was made to mom or dad, or another close relative. There are suggestions that such a diagnosis is a consequence of preperinatal complications, severe pathological childbirth.

The first signs of hyperactivity, as a rule, appear at an early preschool age. More often, excessive activity occurs among boys (4:1).

When interacting adversely with a hyperactive child, these disorders become long-term and may persist until late adolescence. These adolescents are at increased risk of developing antisocial and aggressive behavior, more serious alcohol and drug use, anxiety, more frequent job changes, marital problems, and an increased risk of suicide. Therefore, it is very important to diagnose a child's hyperactivity as early as possible and carry out the necessary series of measures.

What to do if there is a hyperactive child in the family. How to behave with such a baby? How can his family help the baby? Is it necessary to use medications to treat hyperactivity? These are the questions that parents of hyperactive children face. Let's try to answer them together. What is important to know when raising a hyperactive child?

Diet. For hyperactive children, a well-balanced diet is especially important. Vitamin-containing foods must be included in their diet. In times of lack of natural vitamins in the diet (in winter and early spring), a hyperactive baby needs to take vitamin complexes. To choose a vitamin complex, be sure to consult a doctor (neurologist or pediatrician). Remember that many hyperactive children have a predisposition to allergies.

The child's menu should include foods that contain the necessary trace elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc.). Mandatory products: meat (veal, poultry), beef liver, buckwheat, seafood, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, natural juices.

It is advisable to avoid foods such as chocolate, sweets, soft drinks, premium flour products, cakes, cakes, canned food, dry sausages. And very carefully it is necessary to introduce foods containing allergens into food: eggs, fatty dairy products, foods that contain preservatives, red and yellow fruits and vegetables.

Daily regime. It is very difficult for a hyperactive child to concentrate on observing certain norms and rules. The very first clear indications of the lifestyle that a little man meets in his life is the daily routine. If adult family members take on the responsibilities of strict adherence to the regime, then this process can be benefited. First, rigid adherence to order in the house will gradually, but daily, teach the little crumb to structure his lifestyle, thereby teaching him to concentrate on his duties. Secondly, adherence to a strict daily regimen will allow your child not to overwork, eat on time and rest on time.

What should be the daily routine of a hyperactive child?

Excitable children usually fall asleep late. They tend to spin for a long time in the crib. The kid can become a "bridge", sing songs, play, ask a lot of questions and not fall asleep for a long time. Therefore, such a child can be difficult to get in the morning. And if you still succeeded, for half a day he can be irritated and aggressive. How to be? To begin with, try to set the optimal rise time. If a child attends a kindergarten or school, then you need to get up with the expectation that you will have time to get ready and not be late (such a child must be taught to be punctual from early childhood). If the baby stays at home after waking up, then the rise time should be arbitrary, but reasonable and always about the same. Do not wake the child with loud calls to get up, do not take him out of bed until he wants to. This is the ideal way to wake up. Come to your baby's bed, stroke his head, kiss him, wish him good morning. Only after that proceed to the fact that it is already time to get up. It's good if you develop a certain system for starting the day with some symbols. It can be a morning relaxing massage; the song my mother sings watching your favorite cartoon; 15 minutes of lying in a parent's bed or something else.

In your daily routine, the time of eating should be clearly defined. To set breakfast time, observe your child. Pay attention to what his daily biorhythms are. If your baby takes a long time to wake up, is lethargic and less mobile in the morning, then most likely his body will be ready for the first meal not earlier than in 1-1.5 hours. Also, symptoms of unwillingness to eat can be nausea during breakfast, a complete lack of appetite. In this case, do not force him to eat before this time. If it is possible for the child to receive the first meal in a kindergarten or school, this will be the best solution to the problem. If the child stays at home, take him for this hour with some calm, but always interesting thing. If, on the contrary, your baby shows maximum activity from early morning, then his first meal should be in the first half hour after waking up.

Daily long walks in the fresh air play an important role in your child's life. It helps to improve the working capacity of the brain, which leads to an improvement in the attention, memory of the child, and this is so necessary for a hyperactive baby! Give your child maximum freedom on the street. Let him run and jump, get dirty, walk through puddles (in the cold season - in rubber boots), knock on a pole with a stick. If aggressive states are characteristic of him, then it is best to defuse aggression on the street. Most often, children themselves invent ways to relieve their stress. But if your crumbs can’t do it, tell him. At the same time, do not miss the opportunity to talk with him about the fact that you can get rid of aggressive states only on inanimate objects (children's slide, lamppost, stones, asphalt, etc.). At the same time, one should not harm other children, swing (even jokingly) at adults, beat and break plants and offend animals.

During the walk, you pursue several goals: oxygen enrichment, stress relief, satisfaction of hyperactive processes, socialization of the child in natural conditions - on the playground. Also, on a walk, you have much more opportunity to change activities. Let the baby first run, jump. Then switch his attention to something interesting but calm. Look at the bird (what does it have? beak, feathers, wings ...), learn colors from passing cars, tell your child about car brands, count the trees in the garden, etc. Offer the child a walk in the direction that he chooses himself. And then from any place let him, guiding you, find the way home. Try to switch your baby from active games to calmer ones and back with a frequency of 15 to 30 minutes.

Even at primary school age, hyperactive children definitely need daytime sleep. Its duration should be from 2 to 4 hours. In order for the process of laying the child down with the least difficulty, try to develop a certain ritual. For example, after dinner, take the baby in the arms (hugging and kissing) to the bathroom, where you wash your hands together. Let him close the faucet and turn off the lights. Make his bed together. While the baby falls asleep, sit next to him, read a fairy tale, stroke his hand, take your favorite toy with you to sleep. You can do a relaxing massage before going to bed.

When developing a daily routine for your child, keep a few things in mind: this routine should not change for a long time; it should be convenient for you, your child and not interfere with visiting children's institutions; the regimen should take into account the individual biorhythms of the child and his interests.

Here is an approximate daily routine for a hyperactive child.

    9:00 – 9:15 Wake up
    9:15 – 9:30 Washing
    9:30 – 10:00 Quiet games (sculpting, drawing, watching cartoons)
    10:00 – 10:30 Breakfast
    10:45 – 12:00 Walk
    12:30 – 13:00 Lunch
    13:00 – 16:00 Daytime nap
    16:00 – 16:30 Active games
    16:30 – 16:45 High tea
    17:00 – 19:00 Walk
    19:00 – 19:30 Dinner
    19:30 – 21:00 Quiet games, reading
    21:00 Sleep

    Tatyana Fil, psychologist at the ABC for Parents Center

Do you get tired quickly while spending time with your child? Do you see that he is constantly "spinning" and cannot calm down? It is possible that your child is hyperactive.

active child

If your child is a big fidget, he cannot do the same thing for more than 15 minutes, then he may be hyperactive. These children are very difficult to calm down, they are fussy and very mobile. Adults quickly get tired of spending time with such children, as they hardly sit still, move a lot and are too talkative.

According to medical observations, hyperactivity is more common in boys than in girls. Usually, this condition occurs in children from 2 to 7 years old, however, older children are also diagnosed with this diagnosis.

How to recognize hyperactivity?

Some signs in your child's behavior may indicate hyperactivity. Among them are the following:

  • excessive fussiness and restlessness;
  • excessive talkativeness and an unpleasant demeanor to others;
  • poor coordination of movements. Hyperactive children are clumsy, they often drop things and break things;
  • aggressiveness. Often hyperactive children are involved in conflicts;
  • distraction. Hyperactive children find it difficult to concentrate on any issue or topic;
  • impatience. Such children do not know how to wait at all, they are always trying to interfere in other people's conversations or games.

If your child has been experiencing the above symptoms for more than six months, then it is likely that he is hyperactive and should be seen by a psychotherapist.

What to do with hyperactive children?


For hyperactive children, it is very important to eat well. The diet of such children should include foods that contain enough vitamins. These are meat, beef liver, fish, cereals, dairy products, vegetables, fruits and fresh juices. Often hyperactive children are prone to allergic reactions, so be careful with foods that most often act as allergens: eggs, exotic fruits, full-fat dairy products, red and yellow vegetables and fruits.

In winter, you may have to give your child vitamin and mineral complexes. However, you should not do this on your own, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

Daily regime

It is quite difficult for hyperactive children to stick to any routine. Such children cannot fall asleep for a long time, and in the morning it is very difficult to wake them up. Therefore, parents will have to make a lot of efforts so that the child learns to fall asleep and wake up on time.

First you need to choose the time of the morning rise so that the child has time to get ready for kindergarten or school. In no case do not shout at the baby in the morning that it is time for him to get up. You can start the awakening process with a light stroke on the head. Favorite songs help wake up, so you can turn on music or TV for the child.

It is also necessary to clearly establish the time of breakfast. It is important that the child eats at the same time. If, after waking up, the child walks sluggish and drowsy for a long time, then it is better to postpone the first meal for an hour and a half, and use this time for morning exercises.

Be sure to make time for long walks. A hyperactive child should be outside for several hours. Do not judge him strictly, let him run, jump, chase pigeons and get dirty. Thus, he splashes out the accumulated energy outward, let him do it.

When compiling a regimen for your child, the most important thing is to be systematic. Try to stick to it for a long time, until the child has established habits.

Additional measures

In addition to the above measures, special preparations will help a hyperactive child to correct behavior and normalize sleep and wakefulness.

Borshchagivsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant has developed a drug that perfectly copes with such disorders as sleep disturbance, emotional lability, headaches and dizziness.

The composition of the drug includes three active components:

  • Taurine- a sulfur-containing amino acid that takes an active part in metabolic processes, in particular, in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. This amino acid has neuro- and cardioprotective properties, and also normalizes cardiac activity through a direct effect on the sympathetic nervous system.
  • hawthorn fruit extract. Hawthorn fruit extract has cardiotonic properties, improves blood supply to the heart muscle, and also improves metabolic processes.
  • motherwort extract- the third component of the drug, which has a calming effect on the central nervous system.
  • children aged 6-11 years - 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • children aged 12-18 years - 2 tablets 3 times a day;

Children who live near a busy highway have an increased risk of developing ADHD. This is evidenced by the results of a study conducted by scientists from the United States.

The drug is taken orally before meals, drinking plenty of water. The course of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated.

With increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, allergic reactions may develop (itching, swelling of the skin, urticaria, rash, hyperemia), as well as arterial hypotension, bradycardia, drowsiness and dizziness.

Keep the drug out of the reach of children.

Self-medication can be hazardous to your health.

Patience and more patience. Dedicated to mothers of hyperactive children

Recently there are more and more children about whom it can be said that they are “hyperactive”. activity is, of course, good, but when activity is replaced by hyperactivity, it becomes a problem for both the child himself and his parents.

Igorek was restlessly active from the very first days. at 9 months old he already learned to walk, then run, but he did not learn to sit and stand even at his five years old. if you need to sit on a chair, he will fidget, play with his hands, pull clothes, jerk his legs. Igor is interested in everything, and at the same time nothing. he grabs one toy, throws it, then grabs another, a third ... often breaks toys. Among children, Igor is the noisiest and most active, he always comes up with something and always tries to be the very first. if he needs something, he will not endure and wait, and without hesitation will push other children and take possession of the desired object. but only to throw it away in a minute. igor is fearless, he does not recognize any restrictions (immediately offended or angry) and does not want to adhere to the rules of conduct. doesn't listen! can't calm down! and can't control himself! with difficulty concentrating on tasks, his attention is scattered and can hardly be kept on one subject.

such excessive mobility and activity of the child gives rise to many problems: motor, speech, educational, social, neuropsychiatric.

this may be accompanied by somatic ailments: headaches, abdominal pain, increased fatigue. similar symptoms usually appear in a child already in the preschool period, more often at the age of 2-3 years.

problems associated with hyperactivity appear and become aggravated when the child begins attending kindergarten and especially school, as hyperdynamic children do not adapt well to the new environment, and neurotic reactions become aggravated.

What are the causes of hyperactivity? will it go away with time? Will this syndrome affect the mental abilities of the child? how to behave with such a child? does it need to be treated? We will try to answer all these questions in our article.

main causes of hyperactivity

The problem of hyperactivity has long been studied by pediatric neurologists and psychiatrists. At the moment, the following causes of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are distinguished:

- hereditary predisposition (in a hyperactive child, one of the parents is hyperactive).

- chronic diseases of the mother (allergies, asthma, eczema, kidney disease, pressure, etc.).

- problems that arose during pregnancy (late toxicosis, stress, lack of vitamins and amino acids, medication).

- complicated childbirth (protracted, rapid, caesarean section, birth trauma, etc.).

- socio-psychological problems (unfavorable microclimate in the family, the absence of one of the parents, the alcoholism of the parents, poor living conditions, the wrong line of education (excessive exactingness and severity, or, conversely, excessive guardianship)).

- polluted environment (environmental trouble contributes to the growth of neuropsychiatric diseases, including ADHD).

signs of hyperactivity

A child with ADHD may have the following characteristic behaviors:

active attention deficit

1. inconsistent;

2. not able to hold attention for a long time, cannot concentrate;

3. inattentive to details;

4. when performing a task, makes a large number of errors as a result of negligence;

5. does not listen well when spoken to;

6. takes on a task with great enthusiasm, but never finishes it;

7. has difficulty organizing;

8. avoids tasks that require a lot of mental effort;

9. easily distracted;

10. often changes activities;

11. often forgetful;

12. Loses things easily.

motor disinhibition

1. constantly fidgets;

2. shows signs of anxiety (drumming with fingers, moving around in a chair, fingering hair, clothes, etc.);

3. often makes sudden movements;

4. very talkative;

5. fast speech.

impulsivity, increased nervous excitability

1. begins to answer without listening to the question;

2. not able to wait for his turn, often interferes, interrupts;

3. cannot wait for reward (if there is a pause between actions and reward);

4. when performing tasks, he behaves differently and shows very different results (in some classes the child is calm, in others he is not, but he is successful in some lessons, in others he is not);

5. sleeps much less than other children, even in infancy.

if at least six of the above signs appear before the age of 7 years, it can be assumed that the child is hyperactive.

but the diagnosis of "hyperactivity" or "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" (ADHD) can only be made by a neurologist on the basis of a special diagnosis and only after the conclusion of other specialists!!!

after all, the manifestation of hyperactivity is possible or with the manifestation of various diseases.

as a rule, the hyperactivity syndrome is based on minimal brain dysfunction (MMD) and neurological disorders.

What parents of hyperactive children need to know

if your child is still diagnosed with "hyperdynamic" (or ADHD) and done this at preschool age, then with the appropriate recommendations of specialists, the manifestations of hyperactivity will decrease over time.

the child's brain is very plastic and maximally receptive, which, with proper correction, will lead to the completion of the developmental deficit. often, with appropriate correction, children do well in school.

for the best result, a set of measures should be followed. a neuropathologist can choose medication and / or neuropsychological (if necessary) treatment, a psychologist -
determine the course of individual correctional work and give advice on proper upbringing in the family, taking into account the characteristics of hyperactive children.

it is necessary to observe the daily routine, choose a diet, give the child a massage, take him to physiotherapy exercises. you may need the help of an osteopath, since in some cases the manifestations of hyperdynamic syndrome are associated with impaired cerebral circulation due to displacement of the vertebrae.

Many parents hope that with age everything will go away by itself.

it is possible, but often, without the necessary comprehensive measures, the manifestations of hyperactivity at school only intensify, depression, headaches and other somatic conditions appear.

very often there are problems with discipline and in relationships with peers, as the child behaves inappropriately (unbalance, conflict, aggressiveness), problems with learning begin due to insufficient concentration of attention, restlessness, inability to control their behavior.

The most important thing you can do to help your child with ADHD is who he is, maintain close emotional contact with him, help him master the basic techniques of self-control and teach him to adhere to the norms of behavior so that his behavior does not create problems for other people.

general advice for parents of hyperactive children


Don't let your child sit in front of the TV. in some families it is customary to leave a constantly working TV, even if no one is watching it at the moment, in this case the child's nervous system is greatly overloaded from the constant noise and light background. try to turn off the TV in the room where the baby is.

Do not allow your child to play computer games.

A hyperactive child is overexcited by a large crowd of people. if possible, avoid crowded places (large shops, markets, theaters) - they have an excessively strong effect on the child's nervous system.

A hyperactive child should be sent to kindergarten as late as possible, when he has already learned to more or less control his behavior. and be sure to warn educators about its features.


Organize a personal space for your child: your own room (if possible), a play area, a table for classes, a sports corner. this space should be well thought out and planned; for all personal belongings, the child should have convenient storage systems for the child’s things, there should be places: in order for him to learn not to lose things and put them in their place, since the observance of the general principle of order in the room and in things when raising a hyperactive child is especially important.

The child's room should be subject to the principle of "minimalism": calm colors of wallpaper, curtains, a small amount of furniture. toys, except for the most beloved ones, should be put away in closed cabinets and containers so that foreign objects do not distract the baby from his activities.

family atmosphere

To help a child, a favorable environment in the family is necessary - good, trusting relationships and mutual understanding between parents and the child, reasonable requirements of parents, a single, consistent line of education.

It is necessary to treat the problem of the child with understanding and provide him with all possible support. the child needs your sincere, kind, interested and attentive attitude, an open manifestation of love.

An impulsive and unrestrained parent "infects" and provokes a hyperactive child to inappropriate behavior. however, it is clear that the mother of a hyperactive child is not able to restrain herself all the time (and this is not necessary). nevertheless, try in most cases to set an example for your son / daughter in a calm, friendly, restrained, positive and gentle communication. talk to your child quietly and calmly.

Hyperactive children especially need a familiar environment - it calms them. therefore, try to adhere to a clear daily routine, daytime sleep is required (or at least rest in bed) (it will give the child the opportunity to sleep and have time to restore their strength). follow the food intake and diet.

parenting a child with adhd

Hyperactive children often have low self-esteem. build your child's self-confidence. praise, encourage, celebrate what has worked out well, support the slightest attempts to restrain your violent manifestations. give him a variety of tasks and ask for help.

Rely on the positive aspects of your child: kindness, quick-wittedness, sociability, generosity, activity, optimism, easiness, etc.

Don't compare your child's progress to the development of other children. everything is very individual. and separate the assessment of the child's actions from the assessment of his personality. judge the actions, not the child.

The feelings of a hyperdynamic child are most often superficial. in appropriate situations, tell him about what other people are experiencing, so you will teach your baby to analyze and look into the depths of current events.

A hyperactive child has a hard time accepting criticism, reprimands, and punishments. he begins to protest and defend himself, behaving even worse. he often responds to aggression with aggression. therefore, use direct prohibitions and orders as little as possible. it’s better to distract or voice your expectations: “we’ll put the toys away and go to bed now” (instead of “no, I said no more games! quickly put the toys away - and go to bed!”).

In no case do not suppress the activity of the child. on the contrary, give the baby the opportunity to expend excess energy, because physical activity (especially in the fresh air) has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, having a calming and relaxing effect on it: active games, walking, hiking, running, cycling, skating, rollerblading , skiing, swimming, just don’t bring it “to the point of absurdity”, the child needs to be given a rest.

In order for the child's play to be longer and more consistent, it is desirable that the child has the opportunity to play with one partner, and not with several children. (and let this partner be calm and balanced).

development and activities with a child with ADHD

If the child has, then the function of the corresponding part of the brain is impaired, therefore, this area cannot be overused. therefore, during classes with the baby, avoid overloading his attention. to compensate for this violation, teachers and psychologists recommend developing the child as well, that is, stimulating the development of unaffected brain functions.

When working with your baby, keep tasks short and clear. offer visual supports - hints. make sure the task is understood by the child.

Teach them to plan and achieve consistency in their actions, offer tasks “in doses”: first one thing, and when done, another.

Limit the time for completing the task (it should be minimal) so that the child does not overwork, since overexcitation leads to a decrease in self-control and an increase in excessive activity and aggressiveness.

Alternate calm and active games. the baby needs to "restore" the work of the brain. if the baby is too noisy, try to direct his energy in a more “peaceful” direction or switch him to a more calm game.

try to identify the ability of your child to a certain kind of activity - to music, drawing, designing, etc. Give your child the opportunity to do what they love. the more skills he will have, the clearer the result of his work, the more confident he will feel.

Work on the "weak" sides of the child as well - for example, many hyperactive children have "problems" with the development of fine motor skills. offer, for example, classes in origami or beading.

Once again, I would like to give advice: form various physical skills in the baby, because. this is a universal tool that helps the development of all functions and processes of the brain: thinking, memory, attention, coordination of movements, fine motor skills, orientation in space (I am in space, objects are relative to me and relative to each other).

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Material for the lesson.

By the age of four, children are fluent in oral speech, some even manage to learn letters and numbers. At this age, they ask a lot of questions, puzzling their parents to find answers. Are there flowers on the moon? Why is the river flowing? A grown-up baby is interested in absolutely everything, and for mom and dad it is important not to ignore the child's need to learn about the world around them.

Major changes

If at three years old a child is practically unable to sit still, then at four he can already devote half an hour to quiet activities and does it with pleasure. Modeling, assembling Lego cars, folding puzzles and mosaics, as well as many other entertainments of this kind, he perceives with enthusiasm. But most importantly - the baby is already showing interest in communicating with friends. He likes joint walks, and in the sandbox, children build real castles.

During this period, it is already worth taking care of visiting an early development circle, of course, if there are similar sections in your city. Evaluate your child's hobbies, it may be wise to start learning choreography and vocals. At four years old, children do not have false modesty and readily demonstrate their talents to both adults and friends. One option is to attend an art school.

At an early age, it is extremely important to identify the inclinations of the child in order to choose an activity for him to his liking. Parents are often frightened when a kid strives to master literally everything, rushing from one hobby to another. In fact, many children themselves do not really understand what they like, so give them the opportunity to find themselves.

hyperactive children

There is such a thing as ADHD, which stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Often parents attribute this diagnosis to their child, trying to justify the excessive, as they think, restlessness of the child. In fact, any child initially feels the need for movement. If during the day the baby was constantly at rest, it is likely that he may have trouble falling asleep.

Teach your child to play sports from an early age. Football, table tennis, basketball and many other games will help to throw out energy. To do this, you should take care of equipping the playground with sports equipment and devices. In no case do not force your daughter or son to go in for sports, try to make your child have fun during training, ideally play with the baby, this will allow you to get even better.

In the world of temptations: food

Every day, the baby sees advertisements for delicious products on television every day, as a result of which there is a desire to taste a new chocolate bar, cookie or something else. Most of these products contain emulsifiers and various additives, many of which are harmful to health. Do not be tempted by beautiful packaging, carefully study the composition of the products that you intend to offer your child.

There are several nutritional rules that you should follow when planning your daily routine:

  • the optimal time for breakfast is 45–60 minutes after waking up;
  • the last meal - about one and a half to two hours before a night's rest, with the exception of a daily portion of kefir;
  • in between meals, you can treat your child with fruit or something light, you should not offer cookies or sweets, as they can kill the appetite;
  • try to choose a meal time that is convenient for all family members;
  • try to limit the amount of fried and overly fatty foods.

The largest amount of food is for lunch - within 35–40%, 20–25% for breakfast and dinner, the rest is an afternoon snack. Do not force a child to eat if he has no appetite. Food should bring pleasure, only in this case it will be useful.


At 4 years old, a child gets 12-13 hours of sleep. Of these, at least two - day rest. If your baby is often sick, it may be worth increasing the duration of sleep - this will help him recuperate. The need for rest can differ in children with different temperaments, so try to find out the needs of the child and adjust to them.

Before going to bed, avoid too active games, they contribute to overexcitation, which means that you may have problems falling asleep. The optimal time for going to bed: after lunch and in the evening - from 21:00 to 22:00. Take care of a favorable atmosphere in the house - excessive noise and frequent guests are not the best sleep companions.

Looking for a compromise

Now the kid wants to feel on an equal footing with adults. He already has his own hobbies, is ready to defend his own point of view, and at some moments he is able to show unprecedented stubbornness. In critical situations, the most important thing is endurance. Do not succumb to blackmail and whims, even in the most tense moments, find the strength and patience to explain everything to the child calmly and without shouting.

The most difficult moments for all moms and dads are public scenes in public places. Forget about those around you in these moments, try to find a common language with the child, and at home, in a calm atmosphere, have an educational conversation with the baby. Believe me, if he sees that you are not indulging his whims, the baby will understand that adults should not be influenced in this way.


Children of working mothers usually attend kindergarten or early childhood development school. In this case, it is desirable to adjust to the schedule of the preschool institution. On weekends, it is advisable to adhere to the order established in it, so as not to bring down the regime. One of the common problems of working mothers is the lack of sufficient communication with the baby. To replenish it, it is worth devoting as much free time to the child as possible.

Give your child the opportunity to dress himself in kindergarten - at the age of four, he should do it on his own. True, some babies even at this age may have problems with tying shoelaces or fastening zippers. When buying clothes, always pay attention to how comfortable they are for the child.


Let's highlight a few key points:

  • meals - four or five times a day;
  • daytime sleep - one;
  • at least two walks daily;
  • 1 hour of educational sessions;
  • the baby already has his own responsibilities - cleaning the room, folding his clothes, helping around the house (the simplest job).

And now let's make an approximate schedule of the day:

  • 07:00 - rise;
  • 07:00–07:20 - washing;
  • 07:20–08:00 - bed making, morning exercises;
  • 08:00–08:30 - breakfast;
  • 08:30–09:00 - study (English, letters, mathematics - every day a new subject);
  • 09:00–11:00 - the first walk, in winter it is advisable to postpone it to a later time;
  • 11:00–12:00 - returning home, changing clothes, while mom cooks dinner, the baby can play on his own, offer him a sketchbook or plasticine;
  • 12:00-12:30 - lunch, preparation for daytime rest;
  • 12:30–14:30 - quiet time;
  • 14:30–15:30 - reading books with mom, developing games;
  • 15:30–16:00 - afternoon tea;
  • 16:00–18:00 - a walk, while the child is talking with friends, you can enjoy the beauty of nature and chat with friends;
  • 18:00-19:00 - return home, room cleaning, dinner.
  • 19:00–20:00 - watching a cartoon, reading a book, talking with family;
  • 20:00–21:00 - preparation for water procedures, bathing, putting to bed.

You can easily adapt the proposed schedule to the needs of your family. The regimen is based on meals and sleep, and everything else can be varied at your discretion. So, in the summer you need to go for walks in the mornings and evenings, when it is cooler outside. In winter, it is advisable to wait until it gets warmer. Accustomed to living according to the regime, the child will be less capricious, and you will be able to fully enjoy parenting.