The narrow forehead speaks. Eyes with upturned corners

Friends and like-minded people, I greet you!

Well, if you have already dealt with the question, well, we will take a closer look at such an interesting question: what connection can there be between such things as facial physiognomy and character?


The head is the most important part of the body, where the main organs are concentrated through which we receive information about the outside world: sight, hearing, smell...

Thinkers of all times and peoples have tried to correlate the shape of the head and facial features with psychological characteristics. Friends, have you ever met people with an "evil face", but with "smart" or "stupid"?

After all, a person's face keeps traces of the most frequent and typical thoughts and experiences for him.

What can be said about a character by looking at a person's hair?

Let's start with such a noticeable detail as hair. A person has the ability to change them at will natural characteristics: color, curly, length, quantity. This is one of the brightest means of self-expression.

Meeting people with thin delicate hair we can see that such people are more , fragile and vulnerable. It is clear that such hair is more common in women. Isn't this the basis of sympathy for blondes, who seem to be sensitive and soft?

But very light hair speaks of indifference and coldness. And here golden issue willfulness and cunning(chanterelle-sister!).

Coarse hair corresponds to the rude nature of their owner., but such people endure the pain and hardships of life more easily, they are straightforward and indelicate.

Coarse hair is more common in brunettes: black curly hair usually belong to people hot and ardent.

Brown hair talking about justice and nobility their owners.

And now, a trick question: How often do you color your hair? And weakly painted in a radical color?» When answering: « Yes!”, we understand that we have before us an impulsive, conceited, self-centered person who is not able to see himself from the outside.

Only hair, or also hairstyles give us away?

Men, for example, who love to wear long hair- it's usually artistic nature or.

And here short hair prefer athletes, military, conservatives.

Girls if you see well-groomed man: haircut, styling, expensive clothes, shoes, accessories, then remember - this conceited and a man who demands admiration from others!

And here women's hairstyle is not a very indicative sign- it all depends on fashion and social class. Young and sexy women wear long hair, but short, fashionably and immaculately cut hair indicates an artistic nature and testifies to the financial well-being of their owners.

Less stylish haircut reveals practicality, and ultra-short haircut - extravagance.

Features of the human face

Conventionally, all people are divided into two groups:

Three parts of the face

Looking at a person's face, divide it into three parts:

  • top part starts at the roots of the hair and ends at the eyebrows.
    It reflects the legacy intellectual ability, it shows the history of the development of human life from 15 to 30 years.
  • middle part starts from the eyebrows and goes down to the tip of the nose.
    She governs the heyday of 31 to 50 years.
  • the part of the face from the tip of the nose to the chin is called bottom.
    It corresponds to the period from 51 to 77 years and is associated with instincts.

If the upper part is longer and wider than the other two, then the person probably had a happy childhood. If the middle part is more harmonious and longer than the other two, then the person has achieved the greatest success in the middle of life, and if the lower part of the face is the most developed, then most likely the person will live a happy life.

An ideal face is one in which all three parts are approximately the same length.

Good signs are considered: a wide, high and smooth forehead, clear and penetrating eyes, a straight and slightly elongated nose, a well-defined mouth, full cheeks, a strong chin.

What are the types of faces?

And now we will learn to distinguish between different types of faces. First you need to define it form.

pear face- the widest in the jaw, tapering to the temples. Such people are very different activity desire to do something all the time. They are determined, stubborn, but can be rude, heartless and harsh.

elongated face- the same width in the forehead, cheekbones and jaws. This is an aristocratic type of face, is considered a standard and is rare. People with this face shape have , have refined manners, very emotional, persistent, diligent, hardworking and prudent. Much effort is spent on self-affirmation.

triangular face- the widest in the forehead. This is the type of people well-developed intuition, sensitive, impressionable and. Among them there are very cunning and quarrelsome natures. In general, people of this type strive for peace, a state of relaxation, but they are often unsure of themselves.

Round face- the widest in the cheeks. These people are associated with kindness, kindness, gentleness. Such people are distinguished by activity, flexibility, sociability, the desire for new experiences, the search for new friends. They are attracted to easy money and gambling.

Square face characteristic of people energetic, disciplined and executive, but such people are often difficult to communicate, and sometimes straightforward to the point of cruelty.

Eyes, mirror of the soul

The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul. After all, over 80% of the information about the world around us, a person perceives through the eyes. They always determine the inner experiences of people. It has long been noted that a person with beautiful and attractive eyes has good health, mind, will, balance. Beautiful, expressive eyes have a number of characteristics - they seem to emit light, well protected by eyelids. Deviations testify to character traits that create difficulties in life not only for the owner, but also for others.

First, pay attention to the size of the eyes. Owners big eyes different emotionality, artistry, masculinity,. Large dreamy eyes indicate a loving, musical nature, though with a penchant for distorting the truth.

Small eyes are a sign of caution. When making decisions, the owners of such eyes think about the situation for a long time, carefully weigh all the pros and cons. Such eyes often belong to closed, sometimes self-satisfied people. The smaller the size of the eyes, the worse the susceptibility.

Features of the look

The manner of looking over the head speaks of pride, arrogance, neglect.

With his head bowed, a modest person usually looks, overly cautious and restless.

The one who does not look straight in the face, but only throws quick glances - a person "of his own mind." But if a person diligently looks away, then he is either plotting something or feeling guilty. You have to be very careful with this.

A courageous person with a clear conscience usually looks into the eyes of the interlocutor, withstands someone else's gaze.

Sometimes people during a conversation lower eyelids. This unconscious gesture may mean that the interlocutor is unpleasant or uninteresting.

Momentary eye closure means agreement or approval if accompanied by a nod of the head.

Wide-open eyes for a long time indicate focused attention, a desire to make contact.

If the interlocutor squints eyes, then this can be considered as an unfriendly signal - they do not want to see you, and sometimes the interlocutor can show that he wants to take a closer look at you. Well, and, of course, myopic people can also squint.

A lot depends on other signals - on gestures, posture, head rotation, etc.

Focusing the gaze

Often uncertain, a person who has not achieved anything in life, does not focus his gaze on the interlocutor, but constantly flickering from object to object, on other people.

And the man focusing gaze on the interlocutor, looking long and attentively, as a rule, turns out to be smart, understanding, knowing their goals and ways to achieve them. He is a good analyst, determined, far-sighted and persistent. He is slow, but achieves a lot.

eye color

dark pupils, bordered by silvery proteins, testify to great mind, nobility, authority.

And if whites that are yellowish, reddish or pure white, then this indicates malice, shyness, stupidity.

Large iris- a sign of mercy small- Difficulties in relationships with other people.

Grey eyes found in people plastic responding quickly to changing situations. They are distinguished by patience, realism, observation, the ability to subjugate other people.

Blue eyes point to people persistent who achieve their goals, possessing intuition. Dark blue eyes in people with soft manners, idealists, but not always sincere.

Blue eyes characteristic of active people, insightful, able to subordinate people to their desires.

Brown eyes indicate people who know how to work hard and hard, who have energy and will but sometimes impulsive.

Green eyes testify to high sensitivity, tendencies to deep feelings. Such people need love and care, they are very devoted and gentle. They strive for pleasure, but they are very envious.

Black eyes- sign independence and desire for dominance. Encountering obstacles on their way, they are aggressive. And don't forget that "evil eye is black eye".

And you also need to take into account the distance between the eyes and their fit.

The distance between the eyes and their fit

Widely spaced eyes reflect breadth of soul, a shifted to the bridge of the nose, the eyes give out a person pragmatic, purposeful, striving to penetrate the essence of what is happening.

Bulging eyes- nature willful, self-imposed not accustomed to denying herself anything.

And people with deep-set eyes and the forehead, as it were, somewhat hanging over them, is a secretive, cautious, not cowardly character, but capable of unexpected aggression. And these people are sensitive, temperamental, suspicious. In short, it is better not to anger such people in vain.

Eye shape

The shape of the eyes is of great importance in determining the character. For better memorization, since ancient times, Chinese physiognomists have associated types of eye shapes with certain animals.

dragon eyes: large with a lively sheen. The upper eyelid slightly covers the eye. Point to desire for power, the desire to have respect.

phoenix eyes: long eyes with double eyelids, the outer corners of the eyes resemble "fish tails". It's a sign refinement of nature with business and artistic abilities.

Eyes of the Tiger: almost round eyes with brilliance, with numerous folds on the eyelids. testify to impulsiveness, cruelty and thirst for leadership.

elephant eyes: narrow and elongated eyes with double or triple eyelids. They are more common in overweight people, calm, friendly, unhurried.

Sheep eyes: narrow, small eyes with a black and yellow iris, with three layers of skin on the upper eyelids. It's a sign passionate nature, but are often prone to self-destructive moods.

horse eyes: the shape of the eyes resembles a trapezoid (the lower base is smaller than the upper one), they come with sagging eyelids. These eyes indicate gaiety of disposition, talkativeness, and inconstancy.

wolf eyes: The irises are usually small and the protein surrounds the iris from the sides and from above. People with such eyes usually have evil character, cruel, vindictive and ruthless.

monkey eyes: small eyes with double lower eyelids and black iris. They belong very restless people with unstable temperament.

snake eyes: The iris is small with a reddish tint. Points to explosive temper, resentment, aggressiveness.

fish eyes: upper eyelid falls to the outer corner of the eye. Behind the external calmness of such people is hidden instability and impulsiveness.

Cancer eyes: eyeballs protrude noticeably forward. sign stubborn, brave and ambitious personality.

Rooster eyes: more often blue and light brown. The irises are lined with lines emanating from the pupil, like the spokes of a wheel. Such people are subject to all sorts of misadventures.

cat eyes: eyes with double eyelids and dark yellow iris. Sometimes they look sick and cause compassion in other people, but attract the opposite sex.

lion eyes: large eyes with folds on the upper and lower eyelids. Such people tend to justice, as well as organizational skills.

After the eyes, let's pay attention to the eyebrows.

By the shape and color of the eyebrows, one can judge the mental abilities of a person, artistry, talents and other personal qualities. Eyebrows vary in width, length, shape and position.

Wide eyebrows point to courage, honesty, directness and sexuality. But often they are intolerant, have a desire subjugate others.

People with thin eyebrows are shy, modest, conservative.

long eyebrows belong gifted people with artistic inclinations.

short eyebrows belong timid and lonely people silent and distrustful.

And here short and very thick eyebrows talking about courage and ability to lead others.

Eyebrow position

The lower they are located the more impatient and intolerant their owner. Extremely touchy people have eyebrows hanging over their eyes, they do not forgive insults and are very vengeful.

People with high up eyebrows generous, easy to deal with make friends easily.

asymmetrical set eyebrows are found in people who are thoughtful, easily changing moods and desires.

Eyebrow shape

If a person has eyebrows symmetrical, neat, beautiful and slightly curved, he is by nature friendly. If eyebrows grow chaotic and uneven, then relations with other people will bad. There are the following eyebrow shapes:

  • Horizontal- the owners of such eyebrows have a lively mind, easy attitude to life, love for honors, comfort, prosperity.
  • selfish eyebrows- they resemble arcs in shape, grow in width from the outer edge of the face to the bridge of the nose. These people are selfish, narcissistic, vicious and vindictive.
  • Short and very thick eyebrows- neat, shiny and slightly curved at the edges. They belong to the people with artistic talent good taste, impatient and hot, but bold.
  • devilish eyebrows- bushy, chaotic, sticking out in all directions. Their owners are people extremely proud, cruel, vicious, suspicious.
  • Crescent shaped- such eyebrows speak of tenderness, softness, sensitivity, openness in communication.
  • unibrow- such eyebrows indicate restless character and difficulties in life.
  • "Willow" eyebrows- slightly curved and attractive. Belong to the people romantic, smart, friendly, pleasant in communication.

Bottom line: wide, long, smooth, even and raised eyebrows above the eyes are considered a favorable sign.


For those who do not know, the forehead is located in the upper zone of the face and is responsible for the intellectual sphere of a person. The forehead should be wide, high and not protruding much. Studying the forehead, examine it in profile.

The options are:

  • sloping forehead- belongs to a person with good intellectual abilities, but often impulsive and pragmatic. These people act quickly without thinking. Very often they are deceitful and cunning.
  • Straight or slightly convex forehead- in front of us typical intellectual, with good logical thinking, but a lot of time is spent on reflection and there is a lack of intuition.
  • Too prominent forehead- in front of us nature is not far off, evil but very practical.
  • Straight and narrow forehead - honesty, kindness, but weak development of intelligence.
  • Too big forehead- it does not harmonize with other facial features, this is an indicator laziness and tendencies to a sedentary lifestyle.

Wrinkles on the forehead

Forehead with horizontal wrinkles close to the hair - pride, lack of kindness to others.

And if the wrinkles are located closer to the eyebrows, the person clearly has analytical abilities.


The nose is located in the very center of the face and is of particular importance in determining the character of a person. And it also serves as a fulcrum for assessing the balance of facial features, the harmony of their combination.

Ideally, the nose straight with a well-rounded tip and beautiful wing shape, the openings of the nostrils must be hidden. In addition, the ideal nose has a streamlined shape from the bridge of the nose to the tip, but, as practice shows, the nose has the most deviations from the ideal shape, which is reflected in the character.

Long nose- points to independence the ability to solve various problems.

short nose- this is "open soul", inexhaustible optimism.

Bony long nose - pride, arrogance, arrogance.

Bony nose with a pronounced hump gives us.

Drop nose tip- cheerfulness, optimism .

The tip of the nose resembles an eagle's beak - insight, cunning, and sometimes vindictiveness.

full, big bulbous tip of the nose - human cordial and warm.

Elevated, with protruding wings of the nostrils, the nose - willfulness, incontinence, promiscuity.

Bifurcated tip of the nose - timidity.

Small nostrils - excessive compliance.

Wide wings of the nose - conceit.

hanging nose covering part of the upper lip - a sign perfidy.

The wings at the tip of the nose diverge widely - sensitivity, and sometimes aggressiveness.

Mouth and lips

The mouth is at the bottom of the face. After the eyes, they pay the most attention to it. First, evaluate the size of the mouth.

Big mouth indicates a person striving as much as possible keep near you: information, people, things. Such people rarely miss anything in life.

In people with small mouth much less appetite. To possess something, they need to show great skill and cunning. There is more than enough perseverance and diligence, but the strength is often not enough.

Large mouth with falling corners lips points to strong will, it is difficult to put pressure on such a person.

small mouth in the form of an arc - sensitive nature.

Sometimes one gets the impression that the lower half of the mouth is slightly lowered is a sign stubbornness.

Men tend to have hard lips, while women tend to have soft lips.

Pursed, somewhat retracted lips give out in a person passion for hoarding, and communication with other people is built strictly for profit.

But if you met thin or thick lips, but tightly compressed- in front of you self-confident and courageous person.

Slightly parted lips point to compliance, the openness of a person, his desire to communicate, but such a person is often proud and easily caught in flattery.

Some people, if you look at them in profile, lower lip protrudes forward, which indicates capricious and a self-willed person, accustomed to getting his own way.

"Full-lipped" when upper lip resembles in shape horizontal line, born gossipers with imaginative thinking, with good intuition, with a premonition of the future, perfectly oriented in unclear situations.

People who have a line the upper lip resembles a wave, more resolute and assertive, specific. In conversation, they are overly categorical and straightforward, somewhat talkative, like to joke and are positive about life.

Dropped corners lips speak of frequent lesions and other sorrows.

Some raised corners lips - a sense of superiority, triumph, optimism, success in life.

Chin and jaws

The chin and jaws are located in the "instinctive", lower zone of the face and govern the later years of a person's life.

With a round face well developed jaws indicate affection, generosity, self-control.

With a square face, they speak of determination and firmness of character.

Generally speaking, a wide jaw or chin is a sign of a strong character, if not spoiled by bad features.

Usually, wide chin indicates the presence great strength and agility, such people always go to the intended goal.

If developed jaws are reinforced protruding sharp chin, then this means determination and the speed of the onslaught, but aggressiveness and ambition increase.

Acute triangular chin- an indication of ambition and ambition at . If in profile chin is slightly pronounced and noticeably sloping, in front of us weak-willed person, but quirky, suspicious, vindictive and selfish.

And the owners of chins with vertical slot in the middle in character will prevail cordiality, tenderness, passion.


They judge the first 14 years of a person's life. In its shape, the ear resembles a human embryo, it is determined by condition of almost all internal organs. The ear is also an active erotic zone. When evaluating the character, attention is paid to the position of the ears relative to the eyebrows, the flatness to the head, the color and size of the ear canal.

Thin translucent ears - irritability and impulsivity.

small ears- striving for order.

Long and narrow ears - stinginess.

Hard ears - internal energy.

Soft ears - underdeveloped thinking.

If the upper edge of the ears is above the brow line, this indicates mind and ambition.

What if the ears pressed to the head, then a person lack of independence.

protruding ears point to decision making.

Small ears pressed to the head - vindictiveness.

ear canal- a hole inside the ear. If it big, then its owner kind, generous person able to learn.

And here small hole in the ears speaks of narrowness of interests, envy, vindictiveness.

Secretive people usually have large and deep auricles.

White and red colors are considered favorable, but the dark color indicates a weak mind and poor health.


big lobe usually happens to obstinate and stubborn people It is also an indicator of longevity.

And here small lobe portends cardiovascular diseases.


This is a kind of outgrowth that covers the ear holes.

If a tragus turned out, then such a person needs information from outside.

But if the tragus is bent inside, then we see secretive person unable to use their abilities.

Well, friends, we have come to the end of the study of physiognomy. Remember, appearances are not deceiving! Just not everyone can read faces and between the lines! Of course, keep in mind that this is not the absolute truth and that you should not take it for all 100. To be honest, in many cases this information is very true, but there is always room for exceptions. I advise you to watch several criteria than one or two before drawing conclusions.

I wish you success! And may the Force be with you!

Irina Danilina

The forehead belongs to the secondary features of the face, as it frames the upper part of it and is the background for the perception of the main features. It is not difficult to determine the character by the forehead, because it is the forehead that personifies its main features. Those people who claim that “everything is written on the forehead” are not so wrong! The forehead can tell about the intellectual abilities of a person, his career success, intuition, and so on.

Occupying the entire first stage of the face, the forehead characterizes a significant period of a person's life: from thirteen to thirty years. It is during this period of life that the formation of a person's character takes place.

In order to learn to determine the character of the forehead, it is necessary to carefully study its shape and size, including the contour of the hairline.

Ideal Forehead Dimensions

According to ancient Chinese physiognomy, the ideal forehead should have the following dimensions:

  • the hairline, along which they are guided when determining the height of the forehead, should pass 5–9 cm above the upper point of the eyebrow;
  • the height of the forehead should be equal to the length of the nose;
  • the height of the forehead should be equal to the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin;
  • the forehead should have a width of 12.5 to 20 cm

Forehead and character

In profile, the forehead can be flat, as well as convex, in full face - in the form of a quadrangle, circle, long or with a sharp top, and in size - the forehead is low, medium or high, as well as narrow and wide.

1. High forehead of a quadrangular shape

The owners of this type of forehead are distinguished by their extraordinary intelligence, practical acumen, purposefulness, calmness, sanity and prudence, and excellent organizer abilities.

2. High round forehead

Such a forehead testifies to the irascibility of character, developed imagination, originality of judgments, abilities for the exact sciences, but the spiritual callousness and coldness of its owner.

3. Medium oval forehead

The owners of this forehead shape are romantics and dreamers, gifted with creative imagination, extraordinary abilities and intuition.

4. Low flat forehead

The forehead of this type speaks of perseverance, stubbornness of character, diligence of a person and difficulties in fate, since in youth there will be no material support from parents and loved ones.

5. Low rounded forehead

The owners of this type of forehead, as a rule, have a difficult childhood and difficulties in the initial period of a career.

6. Forehead slightly sloping back

The forehead of this type betrays an impressionable nature with a strong imagination, a sharp mind and artistic abilities.

7. Sloping back forehead

Such a forehead is evidence of the originality of the mind, creativity of thinking, ardor of imagination, eccentric behavior and independence of judgment.

8. Bulging forehead

The owners of the forehead of this type are distinguished by perseverance, stubbornness, silence, limited thinking.

Hairline and character

Features of a person's character can be identified along the hairline, limiting the forehead from above.

Hair growing on the forehead in a triangle is called the "widow's peak" in the West because of the widespread belief that their owners are destined for early widowhood.

A completely different attitude to this feature of appearance in China: this triangle on the forehead was called Beauty Peak or Peach Bud. The owners of such an element of appearance are characterized by such character traits as romance, self-centeredness, and the ability to stand up for themselves.

Bald patches on both sides of the forehead speak of the artistry of nature, a broad outlook, the desire for creation and creativity of their owners.

The broken line of the forehead testifies to the ambitiousness of a person and his organizational skills.

An uneven hairline indicates the inconsistency of a person's character. By removing stray hairs, you can make it smoother.

From the point of view of psychology, an open forehead inspires trust and respect, therefore it is not recommended to cover it with bangs. If bangs are still necessary, it is better to make them rare.

forehead color

A pinkish forehead is considered ideal, so women can apply a little blush to its central part. Too high a forehead can be visually lowered by applying a darker shade of foundation along the hairline.

Usually the forehead is slightly shiny due to the large number of fat and sweat glands on the surface of the skin. Its brilliance is considered a lucky sign in Chinese physiognomy and indicates health and good character.

Moles on the forehead and character

Moles have always been given a symbolic meaning.

The location of the mole on the forehead on the right side indicates a person’s desire to increase intelligence and comprehensive development of the personality.

A mole on the forehead on the left side betrays a person with a weak will, able to easily succumb to other people's influence and often commit extravagant acts.

A mole located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe right eyebrow indicates a person capable of deep feelings and a long life together with a chosen one.

A mole located near the left eyebrow speaks of the sensual nature of a person who does not listen to the voice of reason, often commits rash acts and mistakes in choosing a life partner.

The owner of a mole in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "third eye" has excellent intuition, logical thinking and a predisposition to study the occult sciences.

The character of the forehead is easy to determine thanks to physiognomy - the art of reading the face, known as far back as the 5th century BC. All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is allowed only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and an active link to the site

The first zone in the Chinese art of face reading is considered the celestial region. It reflects the intellect of a person, his ability to think logically as a divine gift. How an individual will dispose of this gift will determine his future fate.

The second zone is the human region. Here life leaves its traces, that is, interpreters can see what a person has acquired as a result of upbringing and experience, what morality he has learned.

The third zone is the terrestrial region. It reflects the intuition acquired as a result of experience. For these zones, information can be obtained for different periods of life: the celestial region represents 30 years, the human region - the period between 30 and 60 years, and the earth region - the last phase of life.

After 30 years, as a rule, the first wrinkles appear. They are also important signs. For example, according to the Chinese interpretation, two or three horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are indicators of happiness. The only wrinkle, located quite high, indicates the habit of mental work. The fold below is interpreted as a sign of limited mental activity.

But even more important is the overall balance of these zones. They can be smooth and even or well-defined and convex. The ideal shape of the forehead is said to be even, evenly convex in all three zones, as well as high and wide. Such a forehead testifies to the excellent state of the body and spirit, and this is already a considerable capital.

Along with individual forehead shapes, the most characteristic hairline shapes are presented below, as this line influences the shape of the forehead. Xiang Ming points to an infinite number of hairline options. Let's take a look at the most common options.

Broad forehead

A wide forehead indicates high intelligence. A person who possesses it can calmly open his forehead. His sharp mind is always ready to adequately answer the challenge.

People with a wide forehead have ideals, they, as a rule, have spiritual capital. They are fighters for their own and others' rights. They know how to quickly adjust to any new situation. If you need to get to the bottom of the truth, they develop wild energy, are not afraid of failure. However, even in the heat of excitement, they do not forget about the good manners that they were taught.

A wide forehead with a low hairline is worthy of special study. In this case, we have a theoretician who, only in exceptional cases, is able to use his knowledge for practical purposes. In extreme situations, this person may become confused and will look lazy, lack of energy and even stupid. Sometimes such people completely lack any idea of ​​​​justice.

The family becomes a yoke for them, as it requires spiritual and financial support. Unfair, as it seems to them, requirements often make them embittered. Perhaps the reason for this lies in the imbalance of such a person, the negative impression of which is intensified by the painful distrust inherent in this type of person.

It is even worse when a low hairline is combined with a wide but low forehead. Then insensitivity and greed are often added to the already named negative signs.

However, do not think that every person with a low hairline is destined for a sad fate. Among them there are many people who gravitate towards practical activities. With innate skill in the craft, they can win a strong position in life.

narrow forehead

According to Xiang Ming, this forehead shape indicates extremely unfavorable personality traits. A narrow forehead indicates narrowness and pessimism. It seems that the tendency to chaos in thoughts and emotions is inherent in this stupid person from the cradle.

He is not able to think logically, therefore he commits imprudent actions. Such people, of course, suffer from their own character. The situation changes dramatically if, with a forehead tapering upwards, there is a highly located hairline. In this case, the person has a mind that is hidden under the egg-shaped skull. Such people in life are rescued by humor and charm.

Such a forehead in the most favorable case has a highly located hairline. It appears smooth and well sculpted. Looking at a person with such a forehead, one can, as a rule, draw a conclusion about his high intelligence, the ability to carefully analyze everything and act decisively. Behind this forehead of a thinker, an extraordinary mind often really hides. This shape of the forehead can be observed in scientists.

People with such a forehead, as a rule, make a decision only after mature reflection. Their ability to ignore minor things allows them to almost always make the only right decision. People with a high forehead sometimes seem sometimes eccentric, but they are distinguished by responsiveness and great tolerance towards their loved ones.

A low forehead indicates the bleak years of childhood and adolescence. It is important for these people to realize as early as possible that they should not rely on someone else's help. They tend to be conservative and stick to tradition blindly. Therefore, it is difficult for them to accept the new. People with such a forehead avoid talking about their feelings, so very often they communicate them in writing. The positive qualities of this type of personality can be considered unpretentiousness and the ability to choose the best of the given conditions, taking into account their capabilities. A sense of reality saves them from deep disappointments.

Flat or concave forehead

People with a flat forehead have difficulty making decisions. But these slow natures, nevertheless, tend to get involved in an independent business, which carries a high degree of risk. They don't get along well with their superiors. Their constant struggle for their rights and tendency to interfere in everything often turn them into lone fighters.

In addition, people with a flat or concave forehead have very unstable ideas about morality. These negative qualities do not allow one to consider flat-headed people especially worthy of love.

Gifted with creative imagination, they often put their ideas into practice. In this case, they are guaranteed success.

Smooth or rounded forehead

Chinese interpreters consider a smooth or rounded forehead to be the most favorable shape. People with such a forehead are distinguished by clear thinking, intelligence and the ability to take decisive action. They have a special talent to always be at the right time in the right place. This is a fairly flexible character, able to adapt without wasting himself on unacceptable compromises. However, these people can be blinded by their own splendor, which gives them a certain arrogance.

Both in personal life and in work, they should not silently endure failures. They can be sure of the support of friends and relatives.

Due to the flexibility of character, they are open to everything new, so success is guaranteed to them. Another touch - these people do not tend to rest on their laurels.

Arched forehead hairline

The hairline in the form of an arch allows us to conclude a combination of excellent qualities. A characteristic feature of such a person is his focus exclusively on the economy. Due to his analytical skills and strong morals, he often holds a leading position in the field of economics. People with an arched hairline often enjoy fame (sometimes bad). For the most part, they are successful. However, they are usually indifferent to it, or at least pretend to be, as they tend to pick up new ideas. Their calm nature allows them to show respect and benevolence to relatives and subordinates.

This applies to both men and women. Women with this forehead shape can also be found in leadership positions. They also show a clear propensity for professional independence.

V-shaped forehead hairline

Loyalty to traditions, dexterity, instinct, due to heredity, dominate the character of a person with a V-shaped hairline. Thanks to the tradition of this upbringing, they easily fit into the hierarchical structure of society, which allows them to achieve authority in certain areas of life and profession.

A person with such a character is able to easily squander money, because he is fickle and does several things at once.

Women with this forehead shape have the hardest time harmonizing their goals and feelings. Maybe that's why they almost always clash at work. Without a doubt, men and women have great eroticism and sensuality. The fluids of passion emanating from them make us assume certain qualities in them in this respect.

Men with a V-shaped hairline are often somewhat flirtatious, which in no way diminishes their inner masculinity.

According to Xiang Ming, the first two years of marriage for this type of woman can be like a horror movie. They are brought up in a traditional style, but the role of a wife does not satisfy them when it comes down to it. If this period is overcome without serious mental losses, then the connection becomes especially strong.

M-shaped forehead hairline

In leadership positions, people with this forehead shape are found in extremely rare cases. They realize their abilities, as a rule, in creativity. If these people make a career in art, becoming actors, sculptors or writers, then they owe their success to a sharp mind and a penchant for philosophy.

In addition, their sensual, gentle and gentle nature makes them great lovers.

Triangular forehead hairline

This form of hairline is not very common. Perhaps this is for the best, since Chinese interpreters attribute unfavorable forecasts to the owners of such a forehead. People with a three-arched hairline need great effort and iron discipline in relation to themselves in order to achieve at least satisfactory success. There is also the possibility of deterioration in health after 30 years due to the need to earn a living by hard physical labor.

Rectangular forehead hairline

A similar hairline occurs mainly in men, in women it is extremely rare.

This character is characterized by reliability and solidity, as well as great attachment to his family.

At work, he instinctively prefers to follow instructions punctually. By nature a performer, he rarely makes a career. If this happens against expectation, then in his soul he always expects encouragement. For such people, it is very important to see recognition of their merits, otherwise their energy easily turns into depression. People with a rectangular hairline should heed the old Chinese advice: change your hairstyle - and then fate will change for the better.

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  1. Oval face: the forehead is slightly wider than the lower jaw, the cheekbones are pronounced, the face gently tapers to the chin.
  2. Round face: the length and width of the face are approximately equal, wide cheekbones, relatively low forehead and narrow jaw.
  3. Rectangular face: high and pronounced forehead, elongated chin, wide cheekbones.
  4. Square face: equal height and width of the face, low forehead and wide cheekbones, pronounced jaw line.
  5. triangular face: broad forehead and cheekbones, narrow chin.
  6. pear face: wide jaw, forehead line shorter than cheekbones.
  7. diamond face: wide cheekbones and equal in length forehead and jaw lines.

How to determine your face type

Method one

We will need a large mirror, a felt-tip pen or a marker (it is better that it is well washed). Remove your hair from your face and go to the mirror. Remember to straighten your back and straighten your shoulders. Looking straight ahead, trace the contour of your face with a felt-tip pen, ignoring the ears and volume of hair. At the same time, try not to move so that the drawing is as accurate as possible. Finished? Step aside and evaluate the resulting figure.

Method two

Measure with a centimeter the forehead, cheekbones and jaw in the widest part, as well as the vertical distance from the forehead to the chin. Compare the resulting figures: which line is the widest? which one is the narrowest? how much longer is the face vertically than horizontally? Match the answers with the description of each face type.

Remember that a face that fits perfectly into a certain shape is rare. More often come across variations of the main seven types. Determine which form is closest to yours and follow the recommendations selectively.

Oval face

Stars with oval faces: Cindy Crawford, Gwyneth Paltrow, Charlize Theron

considered ideal. Correcting other forms of the face, we will strive specifically for oval contours. Happy owners of an oval face will suit any haircut and styling, you can safely experiment with makeup and eyebrow bending. Within the framework, of course.

Round face

Round faces: Kirsten Dunst, Drew Barrymore, Christina Ricci

If you have this particular face shape, congratulations! You will look younger much longer than your peers. Soft, smooth features of a round face give tenderness and femininity to your appearance. But to look even better, you need to harmonize the contour of the face: visually stretch it vertically.


Suitable for you:

  • Loose straight hair, released on the sides of the strand. They will hide the cheekbones and cheeks.
  • Volume or bouffant at the crown will visually lengthen the face.
  • Oblique bangs, side parting, asymmetrical haircut will divert attention from roundness.
  • Soft waves starting below the jaw line if you want to curl your hair.

Won't fit:

  • Fully pulled back in a high bun or ponytail. This will draw attention to the exposed cheeks.
  • Voluminous puffy hairstyles and large curls above the chin line. They visually expand the cheekbones and cheeks.
  • Rounded haircuts like bob will make the face look rounder.
  • Straight bangs will reduce the forehead and flatten the face.

Eyebrow shape

On a face with a round shape, short eyebrows with a high rise will look best. Long, thin eyebrows can add extra width.


When making up, pay special attention to darkening the temples and the area under the cheekbones. Don't go overboard with light shades under the eyes and at the top of the cheekbones.

Rectangular face

Famous Rectangular Faces: Cobie Smulders, Sandra Bullock, Andie MacDowell

A rectangular (also called elongated) face shape is similar to an oval, but with more pronounced cheekbones and a high forehead. To balance the rectangle, it is necessary to smooth out sharp corners, visually reduce the line "forehead - chin" and expand the cheekbones.


Suitable for you:

  • Graduated haircut or curls along the contour of the face. This will soften the features.
  • Curls around the cheekbones or a bob extended on the sides. This will help increase the line of the cheekbones.
  • Milled or thick bangs to the eyebrows will hide a high forehead.
  • Hair length just below the chin. This will help expand the narrow elongated face.

Straight hair loose on the sides or combed back, as well as high hairstyles with a pile, will not work. They will stretch the face even more.

Eyebrow shape

Give your eyebrows a horizontal shape. This will visually expand the contour of the face.


You can use a little trick: two foundations, one tone darker than the other. Darken the forehead and chin areas, and apply a lighter shade to the middle part of the face. Be sure to blend the foundation well without leaving a sharp color transition. Finally, highlight the upper part of the cheekbones by adding a little highlighter.

Square face

Stars with square faces: Paris Hilton, Olivia Wilde, Helena Bonham Carter

Women of this type can be proud of their beautiful cheekbones and a clear jawline. And in order to look your best, it is enough to visually stretch the vertical of the face and soften its features.


Suitable for you:

  • Hairstyles with soft and smooth lines and color transitions.
  • Delicate rounded curls and curls laid on the sides of the face.
  • Soft asymmetrical bangs or bangs laid to the side. It visually softens and distracts attention from a heavy chin.
  • Long straight hair will lengthen the face and hide sharp cheekbones.
  • Volume or bouffant at the crown will raise the forehead and stretch the forehead-chin vertical.

Won't fit:

  • Straight lines in a haircut: your face is already rich in clear lines, you should not overload the image.
  • Hair to the chin and above, especially cut in a ruler, focuses on the chin and makes it heavier, and also adds extra volume to the cheekbones.
  • Straight long or short bangs will hide the forehead and shorten the face.

Eyebrow shape

Do not forget about competent eyebrow correction: choose a rounded shape or a horizontal scatter.


Use a simple technique: lighten the face along the central vertical (middle of the forehead - nose - middle of the chin) and slightly darken along the edges (sides of the forehead - temples - cheekbones).

triangular face

Stars with a heart face: Scarlett Johansson, Reese Witherspoon, Victoria Beckham

A wide and high forehead is usually considered a sign of intelligence. And if you have a triangular face shape, then you can be proud of an attractive pointed chin. And yet we strive for an oval, remember? Therefore, our goal is to visually narrow the widest line, the forehead line.


Suitable for you:

  • with a volume below the cheekbone line (ideally, so that the widest part is at the level of the chin). This will instantly balance the upper part of the face.
  • Wide straight or oblique bangs.
  • Hair of any length with strands rounded to the chin: they will visually expand it. The ideal length for you is below the chin and above the shoulders.
  • From short haircuts, an elongated asymmetrical bob will look best.

Won't fit:

  • Volume at the top of the head. Bouffant, highlighted strands, combed bangs, cool curls at the temples will make the forehead heavier.
  • Facial pads. They will open your graceful cheekbones and chin, increasing the disproportion.
  • Short haircuts that open the face completely.

Eyebrow shape

Rounded arched eyebrows will look good. They will distract attention from a narrow chin.


In daily makeup, it will be enough just to slightly darken the tip of the chin and the forehead along the edges.

pear face

Pear Faces: Kelly Osbourne, Renee Zellweger, Queen Latifah

In another way, such a contour can be called an inverted triangle. With the help of hair, eyebrow correction and makeup, we will expand the forehead line and narrow the chin.


Suitable for you:

  • The volume at the crown, raised bangs and bouffant will play into the hands and balance the heaviness of the lower part of the face.
  • Side parting will distract from the vertical of the face and chin.
  • A high puffy bun with carelessly released strands will focus on the top of the head.
  • A slanting elongated bang will balance the forehead and chin.
  • Curls below the chin with volume above the temples are also perfect.

Won't fit:

  • Highly tied hair (ponytail, smooth bun) focuses on the severity of the lower part of the face.
  • Volume at the level of the cheekbones or chin will visually make the forehead narrower.
  • Parting - a straight line in the middle of the face - will unnecessarily highlight the nose and chin.

Eyebrow shape

Elongated horizontal eyebrows perfectly elongate the forehead.


Lightly highlight the upper part of the face with a tone or highlighter.

diamond face

Stars with diamond faces: Taylor Swift, Lisa Kudrow, Sophia Loren

The shape of the face in the form of a rhombus is often referred to as a diamond. It differs from the oval in a narrower forehead and chin and prominent cheekbones. So, it is necessary to expand the upper part of the face, divert attention from the middle and hide the excess length.


Suitable for you:

  • Oblique elongated bangs and side parting. This will visually enlarge the forehead and reduce the elongation of the face.
  • The volume above the temples and below the cheekbones will balance the prominent cheekbones.
  • Lush bangs, laid straight or to one side, will shorten the elongated vertical of the face.
  • High puffy styling with strands left along the cheekbones will expand the forehead line and smooth out the cheekbones.

Won't fit:

  • Volume at the level of the cheekbones will further expand the middle part of the face.
  • A straight parting will visually increase the length of the face.
  • Short haircuts above the chin (especially without bangs) will emphasize its fragility and increase the preponderance towards the cheekbones.
  • Smooth flat bangs will make the upper part of the face look smaller.
  • Excessive volume at the crown will visually lengthen the face vertically.

Eyebrow shape

Girls with a diamond face should try eyebrows with a lift and short tips.


In makeup, it is enough to smooth the side parts of the cheekbones with a dark color corrector.

Each face is beautiful and unique. Know your features and be able not only to hide them, but also profitably. Sometimes you can follow the recommendations exactly the opposite to highlight the uniqueness of your facial features.

The most important evolutionary factor. After all, it is on the basis of the volume of the skull that anthropologists build a ladder of human evolution, where some representatives are closer to chimpanzees with their 320 cubes, while others are closer to modern humans. But in addition to the size of the brain, such a factor as the size and development of certain parts of it has no less importance. We'll talk about this.

It is generally accepted that Neanderthals had a very large brain, up to 1700 cubes, which is as much as 350 cubes more than the average brain of a modern person. With all this, the Neanderthals clearly lost to their rivals the Cro-Magnons in the complexity of cultural artifacts and social organization (due to which they were everywhere exterminated and supplanted by more developed competitors). Why? The answer can be found in the structure of the skulls.

Large, powerful, elongated Neanderthal skull on the left and smaller Cro-Magnon skull on the right

Immediately striking is the incredible size of the occipital region and the almost complete absence of the frontal region (the forehead is low and strongly sloping) in the Neanderthal. The occipital lobe is the place where the visual and motor-motor areas are concentrated in homo. That is, we can unequivocally conclude that Neanderthals had extremely good coordination of movements and excellent vision, that is, they were excellent hunters and gatherers. Archeology also tells us that the Neanderthals were quite skilled at making tools. Representatives of modern races with a similar skull shape (Australian Aborigines) can distinguish a jerboa in tall grass and cannot watch a movie due to the fact that their brain splits the video into separate frames (probably, for Australian Aborigines, the video should produce more than 24 frames per second in order for the movement to be perceived as a whole).
At the same time, homo's frontal regions are primarily responsible for social relations. That is, a high forehead is responsible for a person’s ability to build friendly / non-conflict relations with a large number of representatives of his own species, share food, take care of the wounded, make contact, etc. The size of the Cro-Magnon frontal lobe (straight and high forehead) clearly tells us about superiority their social organization over Neanderthals. This is also evidenced by the data of archeology - the Neanderthals lived rather in extended families (up to 30 individuals), while the Cro-Magnons lived in rather large tribes (up to 200 individuals).

I.e human intelligence is a two-piece construction. Where on the one hand - technical intellectual data (how to tie two sticks together and knock down a banana, how to sharpen a stick, how to make fire), and on the other - social intelligence (how to communicate with relatives, how to agree, how to come to a compromise).

From these two points of view - the average size of the brain and the shape of the skull, which indicates the development of certain parts of the brain, it is extremely curious to look at modern humanity.

Cro-Magnons- this is the basis of not only Caucasoid, but also other races. The difference between Caucasoids from Negroids and Mongoloids is that on their evolutionary path they did not receive noticeable impurities from other hominids, that is, they are direct descendants of the Cro-Magnons of the Stone Age.

For the Cro-Magnons of the Stone Age were characterized by:
1. Medium-wide, not massive, but not gracile, face, moderately high forehead, moderately wide, long skull and massive skull, with a brain volume of 1400-1900 cm3, that is, on average, much more than the average figure for modern Europeans.
2. Tall (up to 190 cm!), normosthenic physique.

Reconstructed appearance of a Cro-Magnon man. A completely modern European face is looking at us from the Stone Age.

The Cro-Magnons lived in large (up to 200 people) tribes, were engaged in hunting, fishing and gathering in areas with a temperate climate (which varied geographically depending on the position of the glacier). Oddly enough, but compared to these smart and socially organized hunters, with the help of primitive tools that survived and multiplied in the harsh conditions of a cold climate and a wild nature full of predators, most modern people are obvious degenerates. But more on that below.

From a single Cro-Magnon trunk, it is possible (conditionally) to launch three main branches, three small races, to which all Europeans belong in one way or another today:

1. Falida(Phalian race, Cro-Manids, Cro-Manoid race) Hunters and gatherers of northern forests. Descendants of the Cro-Magnons who settled in the forest expanses of Central and Northern Europe.
For a long time, in some parts of Europe until the 17th century, due to the climate and the underdevelopment of agricultural technology, the population lived by hunting, fishing, gathering and nomadic (slash-and-burn) agriculture. Harsh living conditions and powerful environmental selection have retained high growth, a powerful physique and a large brain with well-developed engineering and technical intelligence.
In view of the long (about 5-6 thousand years) life in a harsh climate, selection endowed the race with features that were not characteristic of the ancestral Cro-Magnons. In view of the need to survive harsh winters, the physique changed from normosthenic to hypersthenic, prone to fat deposition, severe depigmentation occurred (skin, eyes, hair) - modern falids often retain bright blondism even in adulthood, and their skin easily reddens and does not hold well. Tan.

Due to the hunting-gathering way of life, which was not able to feed large groups of people, the tribal structure was mainly preserved in the areas of settlement of the Falids. The frontal lobes of the brain, responsible for social interaction, did not actively develop in this European race; in some cases, we can talk about the reduction of these areas in comparison with the ancestral Cro-Magnon type.

Typical representatives of this group are well recognizable by their powerful, dense physique, light pigmentation (frequent blondism) and characteristic paelo features:

This race is widespread (both in pure and mixed form) in Central and Northern Europe, in the British Isles, less often in Western Europe and the Middle East. Such peoples as - Danes, Latvians, Belarusians, Lithuanians, Russians - consist mainly of representatives of this particular race.

2. Nordids(Nordic race, Nordics) - pastoral nomads of the plains of Eurasia. Few people are aware that long before the appearance of Mongoloid nomads on the expanses of the Eurasian steppes, this niche was densely occupied by Caucasoid pastoralists-farmers who led a semi-nomadic lifestyle (with constant migrations between habitable, urban-equipped sites). This European group was the first in world history to domesticate the horse, use bronze in craft and military affairs, and also invented the spoked wheel (which gave rise to both simple carts and war chariots - the super-weapon of the Bronze Age).

The mummy of a Scythian warrior - a European face and preserved blond hair are clearly visible

Anthropologically and genetically, this group is the closest relative of northern hunter-gatherers. But, due to living in a milder climate and the need for constant long-distance movement, the Nordids had a slender and athletic rather than a massive, prone to fullness physique. At the same time, the growth of the Nordics was not inferior to the Falids.

Due to the complex social organization caused by the large population (cattle breeding fed well, tribal alliances could reach several thousand warriors), the need for constant organized migrations and military campaigns, the frontal lobes of this group developed rapidly, and paleo-features (powerful jaw, wide cheekbones ) on the contrary, were rapidly lost under the influence of environmental and intrasocial selection. At the same time (and this is very important!) Gracialization (thinning of features) was not accompanied by a decrease in brain mass and body size. In terms of pigmentation, most likely, the Nordics initially occupied an intermediate position between the blond phalids and the black-haired Medityranids (medium blond hair, light skin and light eyes), but after the invasion of Europe and contact with the falids, under the influence of sexual selection, the Nordics became significantly blond.

Typical Nordics today. Tall, slim, fine features, large, tall, long skull, light to medium hair pigmentation (beard color is often lighter than hair color)

The invasion of the tribes of this particular group from the Black Sea steppes into Europe laid the foundation not only for modern Europe, but also for the civilizations of the Middle East. Partially destroying, partially assimilating the autochthonous population, the Nordics formed many civilizations, from India and Iran, to Greece and Rome.

The group has spread its genes and anthropological type very widely. Today the Nordic race is widespread throughout Europe, but especially many of its pure representatives can be found among such peoples as the British, Germans, Dutch, Swedes, Norwegians.

3. Mediterranean(Mediterraneans, Western race) - farmers of Southern Europe and Western Europe, distributed throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East. It is characterized by sedentary agriculture, which led to rapid population growth and the complication of the social structure. A characteristic way of social organization is the so-called state-palace (Crete-Mycenaean cultures of the Mediterranean, Egyptian culture). Thousands and even tens of thousands of people lived around such a palace-state. The frontal lobes of this group also developed rapidly, which was caused by the need to maintain a large number of social contacts and the general non-conflict within the agricultural community.
At the same time, living in an agricultural community in areas of warm and favorable climate did not require constant physical and intellectual stress. Because of what there was a gradual regression, both of the body (short stature and asthenic physique) and the brain (decrease in the size of the brain and skull). It is curious that many agricultural civilizations represented by this race did not know either metal tools or wheels.
Outwardly, representatives of this race are easily recognizable today by dark (from brown to black) hair, brown eyes and initially light, but well tanned skin.

I intend to try to give a photo of the "pure Mediterranean type", because the recognized handsome men from among the southern Europeans (Banderos, Celentano, male and female models) most often have a significant influence of the Nordic or Falian races

This race (though not in its pure form, but having experienced some influence of the Nords and Falids) makes up the majority of the population in countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy (in the south), Greece.

The difference in the size of the skull and, accordingly, the brain between the northern and southern European peoples is still clearly visible. When moving from north to south, brain size is constantly decreasing, from the highest values ​​in northern Germany and Denmark to the lowest values ​​in North Africa and the Middle East (where a fourth group could be distinguished - nomadic sheep breeders of the Middle East who did not know horses and wheels , which are the ancestral group for most of the modern Arab population, but let's not complicate it).

In the next post, we will talk about the most interesting thing - about how the structural features of the brain and skull in the three main European races affect the behavior and fate of the peoples, among which one of these three races dominates numerically.