How to ask the boss in such a way as to receive, and not "receive". What should you ask your manager when applying for a job? More numerals, fewer adjectives

One of the most annoying things at work is asking your boss for something. And so, we go, reluctantly and clenching our teeth... But why? Because we know in advance that it is unlikely that we will be able to achieve our goal. Because everyone knows that bosses are harmful, and they only sleep and see how to refuse something to someone else. And they are wrong! You just need to know the technology. I'm going to tell you about it - about the technology of begging from the bosses.
I understood this technology when I myself was the boss. Then I found an effective way to interact with other bosses (it is based on the position that the boss is also a person). Therefore, as always, everything is checked on itself.
So, we need air conditioning in the office, replace the copier and an extraordinary vacation for a week (of course, in reality it’s better not to ask for everything at once, but for example, I will take these three different things to demonstrate the nuances). First thing to do:
get the word "ask" out of your head. Instead, put the word "offer" there.
Oddly enough, this is the most important step. Do not complete it - the rest can not even try. This is explained very simply. The fact is that any boss has a lot of petitioners. Everyone comes to him from morning to evening and asks for something (as if he owes something to someone at all). And after all, as they ask - they nudge, nudge, nudge ... One headache, in short. No, someone would come and offer something worthwhile: how to speed up the work, improve the result, reduce costs. You will not get it! Everyone just goes and asks for something for themselves, damned egoists, as if the boss has no other business.
Is the main idea clear? First thing

formulate a request in the form of a proposal
(if you can in the form of a rationalization proposal - this is generally aerobatics). For example:
  • I propose to buy an air conditioner in our department,
  • I suggest replacing the old copier.

Of course, this alone is not enough. This proposal still needs to be substantiated. What we'll do later.
Holidays don't work that way, of course. Because this is a personal request. "I propose to grant me leave" - ​​hehe. No, if you have a humorous boss, then why not try it. In other cases

we formulate personal requests in the form of an appeal or a question

For example, we finished talking about working with the boss and at the end: "Mikhail Stepanych, I have a personal appeal / a personal question for you ... The fact is that I have a difficult situation, and I have to turn to you, although this is not entirely related to work. Maybe you can help me? .." Not a perfect example of diplomacy, but "I need your help" is much more effective and pleasant than "give me", "please", "I have a request for you." Further questions will follow about what happened to you, and reasoning about what can be and can help.
Of course, you are a little disingenuous when you say that this is not entirely related to work, but you are going to ask for an extraordinary vacation, and this is very much related to work. But this is not the main thing. You say this in order to flatter your boss a little - he will be pleased to hear that he is so significant to you that you ask him for help even on non-work issues. And these words (about the lack of connection with the work) must be chosen in this way, carefully, otherwise, after you tell what you want, they will definitely find fault with you about this. And this will reduce your chances. The last question provokes the boss to become interested in your problem - a purely automatic reaction. The question should not sound too interrogative, otherwise you can run into irritation (“how do I know if I can help you if I don’t know what it’s about yet”), it’s better to say it softly, with ellipsis, as if letting the boss interrupt you.
If you heard from him a remark like "what happened?", know that half the battle is already in your hand! After that, he will no longer be able to refuse you. Because, firstly, he has already become involved in this, and secondly, what kind of psycho will answer “no, I can’t” to a directly posed question ?! Further, if he does not want to help you, he will simply try to cut back on what you ask, but he is unlikely to finally and irrevocably refuse. And so that it does not cut much or does not cut what you want at all, you need to take a couple more correct steps. More on that later.
I ran ahead a bit, writing everything in such detail about personal requests, but, oh well. There is just one more priority step - it is preparation. After all, before you go to the boss, you need to

prepare a rationale for the proposal
With the justification of the proposal, everything is quite simple. To do this, you just need to remember that the best language for communicating with your boss is the language of numbers.
We were often sent on business trips. And we didn’t want to travel by train at all, but we wanted to fly. Naturally, the first instruction of the director was - for all business trips only by train (he thought it was cheaper, and in general, there was nothing to pamper employees). We just made a table in Excel, in which we showed the cost of a business trip with delivery by train, and in the next column - by plane. It turned out that our trains are so expensive that, taking into account the daily allowance, the cost is almost the same as by plane. The decisive argument in our favor was that in the case of traveling by train, we will not be at work for 4 days (because we will spend this time on the road), and our salary will drip! With this argument, we influenced our boss, who did not like very much that someone was not at work (even on work issues), and his salary dripped. He grabbed our sign himself and ran to convince the director that it was better to buy plane tickets for us :))
If you want to replace the copier, write the numbers by which the boss will see that it is more profitable. For example, do not be too lazy to take exact figures from the accounting department, how much it cost you to repair and refill cartridges for an old copier over the past year, for example. Find a good copier you want to offer and show that it will pay for itself in savings on repairs and cheaper refills. There are two more important points here:
do not burden the boss with the work of fulfilling your request
This means that you yourself must work out your proposal to the end. If you want to replace the copier, look for a new model yourself, find where it is sold, negotiate a discount with the supplier and go to the boss with this information. No need to go after him and whine "buy us a new copier." You don't think that the chief himself will run to the shops to look for him, do you? He will not even think to bother himself with the choice of a copier. Even if he agrees in principle to grant your request, the matter will not budge until you yourself take care of it. In addition, the bosses have such a popular sign - if a subordinate does nothing but whine, then he doesn’t really need it. Do you get it?
Second important point:
put your fully developed proposal on paper
It is better to see once than to hear 100 times. Believe me, in case of requests, it works even better. The boss already has a lot of things in his head, you don’t need to load him with your problems as well. A written proposal is much more rational, from all points of view. Put your proposal with justification on paper, approach your boss at the right time, calmly explain the essence of the matter and leave him time to think. At the end of the conversation, you can ask when they will give you an answer. But this must be done carefully. No need to pressure anyone. For example, ask: "Tell me, when can we get your decision on this proposal?". And they will answer you, let's say: "I'll think about it, remind me of this again by the end of the week." This is already, more or less, a specific answer. Then, a little later than the appointed time, also come up at the right moment and ask: "You asked to be reminded of the decision on our proposal, have you already decided something?" If you see doubts in the boss, you can ask him: “Is there anything else I can do to somehow contribute to your positive decision?”. It's very polite and it's not pushy. You are simply offering your help (in helping you). Your boss may ask you to request invoices from several vendors in order to compare their offers. As you can see, everything turns out in a businesslike, serious way. No whining, no excuses, no offense.
With air conditioning, things are a little more complicated. You are unlikely to be able to justify the economic benefits of its acquisition. But there are other tricks here. For example:
  • if we are talking about the room in which clients are received, you can count during the week how many clients left without waiting for their turn due to the heat;
  • if you work in the sales department, you can agree with your boss that if you exceed the sales plan by a certain figure, part of the money you earn will be spent on purchasing an air conditioner;
  • if you work in the economics department, your rationale might include how much money was saved this year, and how some of it could be spent on luxuries like air conditioning;
  • if you work in a department that doesn't deal with customer loss and sales impact, such as manufacturing or accounting, lure your boss in under the pretense of dealing with a few difficult issues. Let him sit with you for a few hours. It's very efficient! When I worked at the factory, one shop office was very much asked for air conditioning. They asked for three years. To no avail. When they lured the director to their place to solve some difficult issue, the director sat there from morning until lunch, and in the afternoon the bill for air conditioning was signed. And, they did it very well. They didn't close the issue. They made it clear to the director that he would have to sit with them like this a few more times. This was the last straw :)
In general, justification requires a creative approach. Just remember that it greatly increases your chances of getting what you want. Because there is another popular sign of authority: if a subordinate cannot explain why he needs it, then he does not need it. When I asked the director to release me from receiving incoming calls, because this is not my duty, and greatly distracts from work, I did not succeed. He was convinced that all incoming calls should be received by the sales department, because it was the customers who were calling. Then I was not too lazy, and with each call I began to make notes: who was called, and how much time I spent on this call (fortunately, the duration of the conversation is noted on modern phones). At the end of the week, I brought him a printout that clearly showed that only 7% of all calls were customer calls. But he was even more impressed by the figure that this week I spent about 13% of my working time on other people's calls. The issue of reprogramming mini-ATS was then resolved very quickly. Well, not without the help of another person, of course. This is another trick:
enlist the support of someone from management
We communicate with many at work in a pleasant, friendly manner. Sometimes one of these many is one of the leaders. Here, the main thing is not to violate subordination. If you're going to ask your immediate supervisor for something, don't pressure him with the support of his own boss. Enlist the support of your colleague, to whom your boss listens. If you ask something from the director - try to enlist the support of one of his deputies.
In general, this is a purely business approach, and it works. Let's see how you can justify a personal request. In case of a personal request, be sure to

provide guarantees to the boss

(i.e., also, a kind of justification for the request). What kind of guarantees are we talking about? Well, if in general, then about guarantees that the boss will not regret that he went to meet you and extended a helping hand. Exactly! Of course, in the case of a personal request, you should not paint anything. Here it is just better to speak verbally and get support. When you get consent, ask what you need to do: write a statement or contact someone (depending on your situation). Most likely, they will answer you: "Yes, write a statement, I will sign it for you, and then ..." And they will give you instructions.

Your warranties must be as follows:

  1. you will minimize the impact of your personal problems on the workflow (for example: "I only ask for a week of unpaid leave, there is nothing burning now, I have knocked out current affairs, reports are ready, colleagues are ready to support me, in case of questions on my part, I prepared them detailed instructions. I will also be in touch at any time")
  2. you are not a freeloader (for example: "but when I return, I can stay for an extra 3 hours every day for a week" or "I ask for unpaid leave" or "I understand that I was recently on vacation, so I guarantee that in next time I will apply for a vacation not earlier than in a year and a half"). You will certainly not be required to make such total sacrifice, but you must show that you are not going to take something for free.
  3. you are not going to abuse it. Remind your boss that you don’t often take time off for personal needs (of course, this is only possible for those for whom this is true), that if necessary, you are ready to stay late at work on your own time or go out on a day off, but you also have circumstances when personal problems can only be solved by working hours. Be sure to let your boss know that you understand that no one is obligated to help you with your this case, but you have no other options, and you ask simply, humanly, to help.

By the way, in such a situation, it is really not bad to enlist the support of one or two colleagues. So that they confirm that they are ready to deal with your questions in your absence, if they arise, without prejudice to their work.

Show your boss that you prepared as much as possible, and that you yourself did everything possible, everything that depended on you. Remember - the salvation of a drowning man is the work of the drowning man himself? Well, so, and show that you, like a drowning man, did everything you could. A normal person will not pass by after this. If it will be difficult for the boss to let you go for objective reasons (for example, an important commission will arrive and your presence is necessary), help him help you. For example, arrange to show up at work at a certain time specifically to work on a commission. In general, find a way out of the situation together, do not transfer everything to the boss.

I hope this article has helped you understand the difference between begging and being businesslike. Try it. My practice shows that a calm business approach works in most cases, even with especially degraded personalities. And perishing, normal people, and even more willingly go on normal interaction. With especially degraded, you can play on their own vices. It is very effective to play on greed. Yes, and in any case, show the boss that the satisfaction of your request is beneficial to him, financially or morally. If I forgot to write about something - I'm waiting for your comments in the comments, we'll catch up in hindsight;)

Ekaterina Babkova
Source: Business newspaper "Business"

According to the classical rules of service discipline, a subordinate must address the manager as "you" and by his first name and patronymic, at least. Because following Vasya's orders can be more difficult than following the instructions of Vasily, say, Petrovich. However, as practice shows, addressing the authorities simply by name and even to "you" does not violate subordination. Unless, of course, it has a significant reason for this and harmoniously fits into the corporate culture.

Even Peter I wrote in one of his decrees that "a subordinate in the face of his superiors must look dashing and foolish, so as not to embarrass him with his understanding." The popularity of external "sillyness" in modern business has declined significantly.

Yes, and "understanding" today can only confuse individual representatives of the ruling class, suffering from doubts about their own competence and other complexes. But still, the general meaning of the royal demand still remains relevant: superior colleagues must be treated with respect. And the easiest way to emphasize this respect is to use the pronoun "you", and add a patronymic to the name.

Exception to the rule

The habit of referring to "you" and by name and patronymic to "senior in rank" is brought up in kindergarten - children are not allowed to call the teacher Masha instead of Marya Ivanovna and say "you" to her, like their own parents. Further, the habit is strengthened at school and at the institute, in communication with teachers.

The form "You + name-patronymic" seems to be a kind of symbol of respect, albeit not always deserved, but necessary to express the subordination of one person to another. That is, in fact, to maintain subordination.

However, in practice this symbol is often abandoned. For example, many leaders who have not reached the age of fifty, it seems that the middle name adds extra years to them, and therefore they do not mind using only their first name in addressing them, and sometimes even insist on it.

The form of addressing the authorities by name and "you" is increasingly used to create a democratic atmosphere in the team. And often it can be a prerequisite for maintaining good relations with colleagues. "For example, if people started together in the same positions and got used to a simple address in communicating with each other, but over time one of them took a leadership position - in this case it would be logical if colleagues continue to refer to him as "you" and name, despite his new position. It is very difficult to call Ivan Ivanych yesterday's Vanya. And in this case, the requirement of a freshly minted boss to change the form of addressing him can worsen relations with colleagues, "- characterizes a possible situation recruitment consultant Olga Dementyeva.

However, according to Takhir Bazarov, the head of the Center for Personnel Technologies - XXI Century company, the use of "you" between a manager and subordinates is not in itself a violation of subordination. "Breach of subordination means that a person takes on more authority than he is supposed to," he clarifies.

“Compliance with subordination means the ability to distinguish personal from business. If a simple form of address does not prevent the boss from being demanding in relation to his subordinates, and for them it does not become a reason to neglect the orders of the head, no violation of discipline occurs,” agrees Olga Dementieva.

Of course, subordination requires the permission of the leader to address himself as "you". However, there is an opinion that an inconsistent "you" does not violate the rules of discipline.

When the leader himself uses this pronoun in relation to subordinates, without being much older than them. The classics of the genre allow that "you - you" communication occurs with an age difference of at least 10 years. With a smaller difference - a moot point.

“According to ethics, the transition to“ you ”should be mutual. That is, if the leader begins to address his subordinates to“ you ”, he must understand that in this case they have every right to also stop using the address“ you ”in relation to him " - says Takhir Bazarov.

"You or you are not the most important in a relationship, it is important that the rules of the game are clearly defined," sums up Svetlana Ivanova, trainer and consultant at KPG Training Center.

"You" must be earned

"Personally, I do not require a special appeal to myself. I generally like addressing without a patronymic, as in the West. And in general, I think that a simple manner of addressing superiors can help unite the leader with the team. Only excessive, unjustified democracy harms. When a subordinate the boundaries of the internal hierarchy of the company are completely erased, the orders of the head may not be taken seriously," says Nadezhda Kopytina, head of the Ledovo group of companies.

In order for democracy in communication to be not excessive and justified, the appeal to "you" must be deserved.

“In the early 1980s, I had an absolutely amazing boss who said this: “You can only switch to“ you ”with a subordinate whom you trust and whom you want to show that your contacts are not only business, but also personal . That is, only if you want to show him your respect," says Takhir Bazarov. Nadezhda Kopytina, in support of this point of view, emphasizes that she herself allows the appeal to "you" only with those employees who have been working in the company for a long time and with whom mutual understanding has been firmly established.

In addition, the style of treatment of subordinates with superiors should be consistent with the general style of corporate culture. “If the team is young enough and the company’s management style is democratic, the appeal of subordinates to the manager as “you” can be a significant plus for work in general. If the company has a stricter management style, a simple form of address will interfere,” notes Svetlana Ivanova.

A simplified version of "you + name" looks logical in Western and pro-Western organizations, even between Russian-speaking bosses and subordinates. And, on the contrary, in a classic Russian company, especially in a state structure, even a very close boss and subordinate should use the pronoun "you" only in private with each other. And in an official setting, still adhere to the classical form of communication.

Olga Dementieva also adds that the choice of the form of address to the head also depends on the scope of the company. "In a creative field, for example, in an advertising agency, a simple form, that is, addressing to" you "and by name, is possible even between people with a large age difference, but in a strict structure, for example, in a bank, this form is also unacceptable in communication peers," she says.

Without a doubt

It is important that the appeal to "you" is precisely the result of a democratic management style or a trusting relationship between a leader and a subordinate, and not a tool for creating such a style and such relationships.

Just switching to "you" will not be able to correct the situation, for example, improve relationships with subordinates or turn a structure that is strict in form into a company with a free style of communication. So, not having one hundred percent confidence in the expediency of the pronoun "you", it is better to refrain from using it.

“Switching to“ you ”means reducing the distance between people and, accordingly, allows for more negligence in communication,” recalls Takhir Bazarov. “And if such a reduction in distance is unacceptable or undesirable, you should not force it. In addition, democracy implies equality between people Mutual appeal to "you" does not cancel this equality. "

According to Takhir Bazarov, the appeal to "you" is, in principle, more useful for business relations. "Try to make a meaningful speech, addressing the audience to "you", - there will be little persuasiveness and effectiveness in such a message. And, conversely, for contrast, try to quarrel using the appeal "you": such a quarrel will either not take place, because it will "give away" comical, or be much more constructive than it could be using "you"," he advises.

Sergey Vladimirovich 18/02/2016 at 19:05

We ask you to objectively understand and conduct an internal audit on this fact and bring these traffic police officers to justice under the law, and check how the head of the traffic police, Frolov A.E., actually conducts internal audits for similar and similar violations by traffic police officers in the city Pyatigorsk, and whether the above protocols are valid. We have made many appeals to different structures of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but there is no result, since the wife of the head of the traffic police, p / p-ka Frolov A.E., works as a federal judge for the city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory! If possible, bring this issue to the general council and television! We want the traffic police in the city of Pyatigorsk to work according to the law and without any "pull"! We hope for your support!!!

Sergey Vladimirovich 22/04/2016 at 18:24

We ask you to consider the actions of traffic police officers in the city of Pyatigorsk, Stavropol Territory. So, on April 26, 2015, at about 11:40 p.m. on Kirov Avenue opposite house number 67 in the city of Pyatigorsk, my friend and I observed such a moment as the traffic police patrol car "Hyundai Solaris, registration number U 40-03 26, stopped the car" Audi -A7, registration plate М002АЕ-26 in black color ", which was in a film coating in a circular pattern. With which an unfamiliar driver came out and got into their patrol car, after about 5-7 minutes he left the patrol car, got into his car and left at high speed. After that, about 5 minutes passed, and a traffic police officer with the rank of police major got out of the patrol car and went to the nearest wastebasket and threw crumpled papers there and then left the place. After his departure, we approached this wastebasket and saw two forms of protocols there;
1) Protocol on the prohibition of the operation of a land vehicle, number 26 ШШ 004565;
2) Protocol on the detention of a vehicle, number 26 PZ 004690; in which it is not clear that yes, and together with copies of the protocols, and as they say the traffic police officers, strict reporting forms, but according to the actions of this employee, I think that it is not and they see a violation of the law.
Similar cases have happened before, they burned copies of protocols, copies of decisions that drivers who violated traffic rules should have received, and where there are video recordings as evidence.
Also, in similar cases, we turned to the head of the traffic police, police lieutenant colonel for the city of Pyatigorsk Frolov Alexander Evgenievich, but to which he answered us “in words” that internal checks were being carried out and these employees would definitely be punished, but everything continues as it was before and always no no changes have occurred in the area of ​​work of the traffic police, and the head of the traffic police, Frolov A.E., is aware of all violations of the law committed by traffic police, but no measures are taken by them.
We also turned with the same question to the deputy head of the traffic police for the city of Pyatigorsk, police lieutenant colonel Khorogrov Vladimir Vladimirovich, but to which he answered us: deal with your problems yourself and escorted us out of the traffic police building in Pyatigorsk.
The above protocols were sent by us to the Prosecutor General's Office R.F. the city of Moscow to check and identify violations in the actions of a traffic police officer and whether the protocol data is authentic, which ended up in the wastebasket.
We believe that these are violations of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and the law on the police, and where there is a corruption component in the actions of these traffic police officers, as well as weak control over the work of the traffic police by the head of the traffic police Frolov A.E., and the deputy head of the traffic police Khorogrov V.V.
We ask you to objectively understand and conduct an internal audit on this fact and bring these traffic police officers to justice under the law, and check how the head of the traffic police, Frolov A.E., actually conducts internal audits for similar and similar violations by traffic police officers in the city Pyatigorsk, and whether the above protocols are valid. We have made many appeals to different structures of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but there is no result, since the wife of the head of the traffic police, p / p-ka Frolov A.E., works as a federal judge for the city of Essentuki, Stavropol Territory! If possible, bring this issue to the general council and television! We want the traffic police in the city of Pyatigorsk to work according to the law and without any "pull"! We hope for your support!!!

Uncertainty about how to call the boss - "Dima" or "Dmitry Nikolaevich" - can create tension among employees. In modern organizations, subordinates often address leaders by name- this is normal. Problems arise if the internal censor turns on: the employee in this case regards communication without a middle name as familiarity and decides to play it safe.

In Western countries, they came up with a good way out: appeal to the boss by title or surname. But in Russian companies, this form has not taken root, because "Dr. Levin" sounds too formal. This form looks like exaggerated respect and even subservience. As a result, a "black hole" is formed in the conversation when addressing the leader.

Scientific approach

The Journal of Practical Social Psychology published an article titled "Black Holes in Social Space: The Emergence and Consequences of Name Avoidance in Organizations" describing the study. The experimental group consisted of 74 students (their average age is 30 years) who entered the part-time MBA program. At private traders were asked how they behave in: how likely is it to avoid being addressed by name if they encountered the leader in the lobby, and not in the office. Respondents had to rate the statements on a five-point scale, where "one" meant that the participant strongly disagreed with the proposed statement, and "five" meant that he absolutely agreed.

"Respondents indicated that they often avoid addressing their supervisor by name," the researchers note. In addition, the results of the study showed that when communicating with the CEO, respondents are more likely to avoid names than the heads of the departments in which they work. The researchers put forward a hypothesis: women, due to a special model of socialization and a tendency to lower statuses in the command chain of an organization, should be more careful than men in communicating with superiors - this hypothesis was confirmed.

Differences in status cause stress in the office

Even in organizational structures that claim to be egalitarian, differences in status still affect personal relationships, creating tension between authority and subordinates.

Employees who feel insecure in their relationship with a manager due to a gap of one, two or more levels may feel awkward − how to contact the boss? It’s somehow inconvenient by name, and even by name and patronymic, too, if the boss calls you “you”. Many prefer to take the path of least resistance, avoiding names, which is psychologically wrong and creates additional tension.

How to avoid "black holes" in communication?

"Black holes" in communication between an employee and a manager (especially a top manager) can only be eliminated if both parties understand what is happening.

“When an experienced employee does not dare to reduce the distance in communication with the manager and avoids any kind of treatment, this should serve as a signal to the boss: the employee does not feel comfortable,” the researchers note. The ideal way out of this situation is an initiative from the leadership. For example, the development of a clear and understandable corporate policy that will tell the employee how to behave. If the manager ignores the problem, then it may make sense to raise this issue for discussion or at least find out how other employees act in such a situation.

There are certain norms, the observance of which will help to better build relationships in the team. This is especially true of relationships with management.

Permissible forms of address to superiors

Depending on the degree of subordination, there are different standards of communication with management. If you can communicate with the manager face to face by name, in the presence of other employees, do not forget to address the boss by name and patronymic in a respectful manner. Whatever your relationship in an informal atmosphere, formalized norms remain at work that require mandatory compliance.
You can only use “you” with your boss if he personally asked to be called by his first name. Usually, this rule does not apply to newcomers and newcomers to the company. However, during business negotiations it is strictly forbidden to show your informal relationship with the leader, the format of such meetings is always strict and official, even if the relationship is actually friendly and trusting. This should remain a purely personal matter.
The use of pseudonyms and affectionate diminutives is not allowed in the office. Each employee, including the chief, has his own name and patronymic. Equivalents will be perceived as an act of disrespect.
Modern companies use the practice of referring to colleagues and management by name, but on "You". Familiarity has never been welcome in business circles.

What should you ask your manager when applying for a job?

Do not forget to develop your intellect and control your emotionality. The main quality of a good employee is diligence and responsibility. Try to reduce the level of initiative shown and focus on discipline and the results of your tasks. No matter how brilliant your ideas are, they will listen to an employee with an excellent reputation and high performance. Complete tasks on time and even ahead of schedule, this will be an indisputable advantage in comparison with your colleagues. Even if you do not have time, you should not panic and despair ahead of time. Calm down, formulate the reasons for failures and solve them effectively. If the situation requires it, ask your superiors to give you additional time and resources to overcome problems. If you have any questions while doing the work, do not be afraid to approach and ask for the necessary clarifying information from your superiors. Thus, you will show that you want to understand the essence of the issue deeper and are ready for an open two-way dialogue for the most accurate result.

Be optimistic and friendly, communicate seriously with the management team, but do not frown or show your negative attitude towards the situation.
There must be a certain atmosphere in the team. If it is inadequate, aggressive and destructive, your task is to abstract from the general background of behavior in the office and focus on your work.
All of the above methods will help not only to achieve positive trends in the development of relations with the leader, but will also affect your career growth.