The babble represents. Baby talk or preparation for speech


babbling, pl. No m.

    Incoherent, indistinct speech. Baby talk. Baby talk.

    Gentle chatter, light conversation (poet.). Their languid gaze, their welcoming babble no longer has power over me. Pushkin.

    trans. Indistinct, light noise, the sound of something. (poet.). The babble of a stream, leaves. A babble is heard in the sleepy leaves. Balmont.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


A, m. Incoherent, unclear speech (of a child). Children's l. (also trans.: about something incomprehensible, unconvincing). Gentle l. L. stream (trans.).

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. Slurred, incoherent speech.

      Gentle chat.

  1. trans. Indistinct, slight noise, rustling, sound of smth.

    trans. Unconvincing reasoning, explanations.



Babble, or "babble speech", is the stage of pre-speech development of the child, following the cooing and preceding the appearance of the first words and phrases. Appears approximately at the end of the first - the beginning of the second half of the child's life and lasts until the end of the first year.

It is a syllabic vocalization with which the child expresses his desires and demands or simply "plays" with the sounds of the voice. Often babbling accompanies the subject-manipulative activity of the child and is activated in response to the adult's speech addressed to him. Gradually, syllable chains become more and more diverse: they contain not only the same, but also different types of syllables.

At the first stages, the consonant composition of babbling is varied, although the nature of the sounds and their number in the sequence is not always easy to determine. Over time, the sound composition of babbling becomes depleted, and the syllable-like complexes that make it up become more stable. Regardless of the language environment, the most frequent consonants in babble are /p, b, t, m, d, n, k, ɡ, s, h, w, j/. The most common are syllables of the "consonant - vowel" type with an initial stop. At the same time, the following pattern was revealed: the sequence of the appearance of sounds in babble (first, labial consonants, then front-lingual, etc.) is similar to the sequence of the appearance of sounds in verbal speech.

Later stage (at the age of 8.5-9 months) - " modulated babble”, or “melodic babble”, when the child is already able to repeat intonation and sequences of sounds as a repetition of an adult’s speech. At this stage, using open syllables, the child already begins to designate objects of the outside world with them.

Examples of the use of the word babble in the literature.

He only eats pure food, and pure blood flows in him, and therefore his sleep is from babble foliage And the splashing of streams, from the song of the Dawn bird, between the branches, from the fan of Avrorin, - was scattered in an instant.

The case swelled to a noisy scandal, and then - to the screams and babble, to the roar and splashing of saliva in unknown offices - a well-known growth named the Reserve was born, and public opinion calmed down.

babbling an eight-month-old child includes almost all the sounds of his native language.

With iron logic, Protasov smashed in his paper the vile, self-whitewashing babble gendarme captain.

They heard her first, quite childish babble- Pozdnyakov heard, Zhivoglot heard.

To get rid of the crazy, passionate babble this boy and change the conversation, she praised the picture of the famous Parmigianino, which hung over the altar of the chapel.

So did Psammetichus and gave such orders, wanting to hear what the first word would fall from the lips of babies after an indistinct childish babble.

Worlds intersect - A custom is revealed: Discordant choir of different languages ​​- Consonant babble kids.

And Alexei Fomich, touched by this babble, almost childlike, he embraced her and kissed her, first on the parting of her hair, then on the forehead above her left eyebrow, and finally on her round and tight cheek.

It is a hodgepodge of belles-lettres at the expense of physiology and archaic babble old logic about thinking.

GUM, Bonmarchais, Harrod, Macy, put together and cubed, are childish babble compared to these catacombs.

Aunt Pittypat's little legs now carried a body too heavy for them, and perhaps a tendency to thoughtless and somewhat childish. babble could sometimes resurrect in memory the forgotten image of a lively playful girl.

Leonardo leaned over to inspect the dressing and listened to the rapid, incoherent babble.

He suddenly became angry with himself, with his senseless babble: Is it really impossible to clearly and correctly state what you feel so clearly?

In case of uncontrolled inspiration after decoding and translation of a drunken telepath babble on the tables of the authorities most often lay a full report about what a bitch Luisa, what a scoundrel Luigi, he does not lend drinks, but she does not give at all.

Compiled by Samokhina Natalia.
The development of speech begins with the cry of a newborn. It has been proven that the cry is carried out by the subcortical structures of the brain. In the period up to 3 months, it has an unconditional reflex character, and after that it is conditioned reflex and becomes intonationally expressive.
Up to 3 months:
Normal: a cry is loud, clear, of medium or low tone, with a short inhalation and an extended exhalation (wa-a-a), lasting at least 1-2 seconds, without intonational expressiveness. The cry is dominated by vowels that have a nasal connotation (uh, ai).
In children with cerebral palsy (dysarthria): crying may be absent or painful in the first weeks. The cry is weak, short, high-pitched; may be shrill or very quiet, similar to sobs or screams (which the child usually makes on inspiration). A painful sign is also a nasal tone of voice. In severe cases, there may be no cry at all (aphonia). All of the above is noted due to a violation of the tone of the articulatory and respiratory muscles.
In the neonatal period, a cry occurs to hunger, cold, pain, and from 2 months when communication with the child is stopped or the position of his body changes. From the same age, the appearance of a cry before bedtime is noted when the child is overexcited.
From 3 months:
Normal: the development of the intonation characteristics of the cry begins: the cry changes depending on the condition of the child. The child signals to the mother in different ways about pain, hunger, discomfort due to wet diapers, etc. Gradually, the frequency of the cry decreases and a hum appears instead.
Pathology: the cry remains monotonous, short, quiet, slightly modulated, often with a nasal tinge. The intonational expressiveness of the cry does not develop: there are no differentiated intonations expressing shades of joy, discontent, demands. Crying is not a means of expressing the state of the child and his desires.
At subsequent stages of development, the cry begins to take on the character of an active protest reaction. So, at the age of 6-9 months, the child screams in response to the appearance of strangers. By the end of 1 year, the child screams loudly in response to the fact that this or that object was taken away from him. With a cry, he expresses his protest against the attitude to dressing, procrastination with feeding, etc. A cry arises as a habitual reaction to any unpleasant stimulus that once affected him. This could be cutting your nails, taking a bath, etc. It is characteristic that these negative emotional reactions, which have arisen as combination reflexes, quickly become fixed in children with cerebral palsy.
1. Mastyukova E. M., Ippolitova M. V. Speech disorders in children with cerebral palsy: Book. for a speech therapist, M .: Education, 1985.
2. Prikhodko O.G. Early assistance to children with motor pathology in the first years of life: a methodological guide. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2006.

Compiled by Anastasia Bochkova.
Cooing is a kind of pre-speech vocalizations of a child in the first months of life, which includes lingering soft melodious sounds or syllables: "a-a-a-a", "ga-a", "gu-u-u", "a-gu" and etc. Usually appears at the end of the first - the beginning of the second month of life and is noted until the onset of babbling (up to about six to seven months) (S.Yu. Meshcheryakova)
Spontaneous short sounds of hooting in children with cerebral palsy appear with a delay of 3-5 months, and in some children they appear only by the end of the first year of life. The pathology of vocal reactions in children with motor disorders can be expressed to varying degrees: in the form of a complete absence or inferiority, specific features of the pronunciation of humming sounds. The complete absence of vocal reactions is observed only in children with severe damage to the nervous system. The inferiority of voice reactions is manifested in the absence or poverty of the intonational expressiveness of the cooing, the absence of even elements of self-imitation, the poverty and monotony of sound complexes, and the rarity of their occurrence. The monotony of sounds is combined with their specific pronunciation: the sounds are quiet, fuzzy, often with a nasal tint, which do not correspond to the phonetic units of the language.
Most often, children in the period from 3 to 6 months make undifferentiated vowel sounds and their combinations: [a], [s], [e], [ue], [eo], [em], and back-lingual sounds [g], [ k], [x], are absent, since their articulation requires the participation of the root of the tongue, which is extremely difficult in children with cerebral palsy due to its tension and limitation of mobility. These sounds do not have intonation coloring. Most children need constant stimulation to produce hooting sounds.
Separate undifferentiated sounds are elements of humming. However, they are short, devoid of melodious sound. Back-lingual sounds (“g”, “k”, “x”) are often absent in humming, since their articulation requires the participation of the root of the tongue, which is difficult due to its tension and limitation of mobility.
With pseudobulbar symptoms, violations of voice formation and crying persist. With spasticity of the articulatory muscles, an increased tone of the tongue and lips appears. The tongue is tense, the tip of the tongue is not pronounced, the lips are tense, which causes limitation of voluntary movements during articulation.
With hypotension, lethargy of the masticatory and facial muscles of the articulatory muscles is noted. In children, it is inactive, as a result of which the mouth is half open. In the case of dystonia, the muscles of articulation are constantly contracting, which is accompanied by hyperkinetic components.
In children with cerebral palsy, muscle hypertension is reflected in the pathological symptoms of the asymmetric neck-tonic reflex. Pathological growth of tone in the muscles of the tongue and lips, severe hypertension or hypotension, absence of voluntary movements of the organs of articulation, postural activity, friendly movements, voluntary manual motor skills are clear indicators of a delay in the formation of motor activity, as well as in the appearance of chain rectifying reflexes.
At the age of 6-9 months, most children have extremely low cooing activity.
Children with severe damage to the articulatory apparatus for a long time have no voice activity at all. The time for the appearance of self-imitation in cooing varies from five months to a year, which is significantly behind the norm. In many children, self-imitation in cooing is not observed at all.
Due to the fact that in children with cerebral palsy the sounds of cooing are monotonous and inexpressive, they cannot serve as a means of communication with others, which in turn negatively affects the formation of the need for verbal communication and leads to a delay in mental development in general.
It should also be noted that the low activity of humming slows down the development of speech-motor and speech-auditory analyzers.
1. Arkhipova E.F. Correctional work with children with cerebral palsy. Pre-speech period: A book for a speech therapist. – M.: Enlightenment
2. Badalyan L.O., Zhurba L.T., Timonina O.V. Children's cerebral palsy. - Kyiv: Health, 1988
3.Prikhodko O.G. Early assistance to children with motor pathology in the first years of life: a methodological guide. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2006

Compiled by Maria Shahina.
Babble is important in the development of speech. During the period of babbling (6-9 months), separate articulations are connected into a linear sequence, which is considered an essential mechanism of syllable formation. Babble is the repeated pronunciation of syllables under the control of hearing. Thus, during the period of babbling, the auditory-vocal integration necessary for speech is formed.
The child first repeats the sounds, as if imitating himself (autoecholalia), and later begins to imitate the sounds of an adult (echolalia). To do this, he must hear the sounds, select the most frequently heard and model his own vocalization. The stage of canonical vocalization is characterized by the repetition of two identical syllables (ba-ba, pa-pa, ma-ma, yes-yes). In addition to the typical repeated syllables, the child pronounces individual syllables and vowels. In babbling, each sound is articulated on exhalation, that is, coordination between breathing and articulation is trained.
During the period of babbling, the general motor skills of the child are further improved: the functions of sitting, crawling, grabbing objects and manipulating them are formed. A close relationship was found between the severity of babbling and general rhythmic repetitive motor reactions. It has been established that the general rhythmic motor activity stimulates the development of babbling.
From about 6-7 months, babbling becomes socialized. The child babbles more when communicating with an adult. He listens to the speech of others. Gradually begins to use vocal reactions to attract the attention of others.
Characteristic for a healthy child of this age is that the pronunciation of sounds becomes a form of his activity. At the same time, a healthy child begins to develop an initial understanding of addressed speech, he begins to pay more attention to the movements and actions of an adult and understand their meaning.
During this period, the child can simultaneously look at the object and make babbling sounds. He, as it were, listens to himself and the adult at the same time, “speaks” to himself, but also to his surroundings.
Children with cerebral palsy usually have no or extreme rudimentary babbling. The sounds they make are monotonous, intonationally inexpressive. The child cannot arbitrarily change the pitch and volume of the voice.
Most often, in the babbling of children with motor disorders, there are vowel sounds a, e and labial consonants m, p, b (if there are no violations of the tone of the circular muscle of the mouth). The most characteristic in babbling are combinations of vowels a, e with labial-labial consonants: pa, ba, ma, ama, apa. Rarely found in babbling are labial-tooth, anterior, middle, posterior lingual sounds. There are almost no oppositions of consonant sounds: voiced to deaf, hard to soft, occlusive to fricative.
The pronunciation of individual sounds is often accompanied by a general increase in muscle tone, the appearance of violent movements. The reaction to addressed speech is manifested by poor sound complexes, devoid of emotional coloring. Most often, the voice activity of children in this period is at the level of cooing. Self-imitation in cooing is just beginning to develop. The desire for onomatopoeia is usually absent or slightly expressed.
Sound activity is extremely low. The child does not try to communicate with others with the help of sounds. This is combined with impaired motor development: by the end of the year, the child usually does not sit or sits unsteadily, does not stand, does not walk, does not crawl, he has no or weakly expressed objective and manipulative activity. In the motor sphere, violations characteristic of cerebral palsy are revealed in the form of pathology of muscle tone, the presence of postural reflexes, and lack of coordination of movements.
1. Mastyukova E. M., Ippolitova M. V. Speech disorders in children with cerebral palsy: Book. for a speech therapist. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985.
2.Prikhodko O.G., Early assistance to children with motor pathology.: Methodological guide. C - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "KARO", 2006
3. Smirnova E.O., Child psychology: A textbook for universities. 3rd ed., revised. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. – 299 p.

First words.
Compiled by Marina Mironenko.
With the appearance of the first words in a child, the stage of formation of active speech begins. At this time, the child has a special attention to the articulation of others. He very much and willingly repeats after the speaker and pronounces the words himself. At the same time, the baby confuses sounds, rearranges them, distorts, lowers them.
The first words of the child are of a generalized semantic nature. With the same word or sound combination, it can denote both an object, a request, and feelings. You can understand a child only in a specific situation.
Individual timing of the appearance of speech varies considerably. So, the majority of dysarthric children in the second year of life are at the pre-speech level of development. At the beginning of the second year, they have a decrease in the need for verbal communication and low voice activity. The child prefers to communicate with gestures, facial expressions and screaming. Usually such children say only a few words, and sometimes they have a delay in the development of an initial understanding of addressed speech.
The age dynamics of speech development in children with dysarthria depends on many factors: localization and severity of brain damage; early onset, regularity and adequacy of correctional and speech therapy work; child's state of mind.
During the first three years of life, children with cerebral palsy and movement disorder syndromes have the slowest rate of speech development. In the second year of life, the development of gross motor skills usually outstrips the development of speech. Children begin to pronounce their first words at about 2-3 years of age. By the end of early childhood, only a few of them communicate with others using simple and short sentences of 2-3 words.
With the systematic conduct of correctional speech therapy classes, by the end of the 3rd year of life, the rate of speech development begins to outstrip the rate of development of the child's general motor skills.
Phrasal speech is usually formed by the age of 4-5, and at the senior preschool age (5-7 years) it is intensively developed. As a rule, children do not realize their speech capabilities in communication (they give one-word stereotyped answers to the questions asked).
Active vocabulary at an early age increases extremely slowly, passive vocabulary greatly exceeds it, speech remains unintelligible for a long time. The connection between a word, an object and an action is established with difficulty. Due to the inaccuracy, lack of systematization, and often the fallacy of knowledge and ideas about the environment, the child experiences a quantitative decrease in the vocabulary and its slow formation. Children do not have the necessary linguistic means to characterize various objects and phenomena. The stock of words denoting actions, attributes, and qualities of objects is especially limited in such children.
Restriction of verbal communication, impaired auditory perception and attention, low speech activity and underdevelopment of cognitive activity cause serious disturbances in the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, as a result of which grammatical forms and categories are learned with difficulty. Children find it difficult to use the correct case endings, agree on words in a sentence and when building sentences.
In children with dysarthria, the phonetic side of speech is underdeveloped. At an early age, many sounds are absent. As a result, some of them are pronounced distorted or replaced by close ones in articulation. For children with this disorder, pathological assimilation of phonemes is characteristic (the sequence of their assimilation does not coincide with the same sequence under normal conditions).
Thus, children develop defective articulation structures, which are subsequently fixed as a pathological speech stereotype is formed. And the majority of children have violations of phonemic perception.
1. Arkhipova E.F. Correctional work with children with cerebral palsy. - M., 1989.
2. Balobanova V.P., Bogdanova L.G., Venediktova L.V. Diagnosis of speech disorders in children and the organization of logopedic work in a preschool educational institution. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2001.
3.Prikhodko O.G. Early assistance to children with motor pathology: Methodological guide. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "KARO", 2006.

The sounds that babies make, perhaps produced without the intention of expressing any meaning. When babble gradually begins to include sounds typical of the child's speech environment and used for communication, various clarifying words are used, for example, directed babble, controlled babble, etc. It should be noted that even a completely deaf baby babbles during the first few months of life in much the same way as normal hearing babies.


a kind of pre-speech vocalizations of the child, appearing at the end of the first - the beginning of the second half of the year of life. It is a variety of combinations of repeated syllables or individual syllables such as "ta-ta-ta", "ba", "ma", etc. They are used by the child to name objects, express their desires, requirements, accompany subject-manipulative activity, are often observed as a child's "play" with vocal sounds. L. of the baby is activated in response to the speech of an adult addressed to the child (the so-called reciprocal L.). At the end of the first year of life, "babble" is noted - L., intonation imitating a whole phrase or several phrases in imitation of the speech of adults. "Battering" - a harbinger of the appearance of active speech; unlike other pre-speech vocalizations, L. may be of diagnostic value, since it is absent in mentally retarded children. At deaf children spontaneous L. is observed, but there is no reciprocal. S. Yu. Meshcheryakova


the child's vocal reactions to positive stimuli; appears normally in the second month of life in the form of various simple sound complexes (cooing) and gradually becomes more complex, turning into multiple repetition of syllables; with developmental deviations appears at a later date


Common Slavonic, from the onomatopoeic “lep”) - sounds that precede speech sounds that a baby makes from 2 to 6 months of age. At the same time, many sounds are produced that are not in the native language. The preference for certain phonemes depends, as expected, on the mood, the emerging needs. They talk, for example, about food phonemes, phonemes of pleasure, etc. Intentionally repeated phonemes that imitate oral speech are designated by the term iterations (a normal phenomenon, in contrast to the corresponding speech disorder in adults). When babbling begins to include the sounds of the speech environment and is used by the infant for communication, clarifying words are used. For example, directed babble, controlled babble, etc. The term linguistic babble refers to the babble of an infant, which is already a means of communication. At this time, a delayed imitation of the heard speech sounds appears, preceding the appearance of echolalia - metalalia (cf. Phonography). In the first 6 months, babies deaf from birth also babble, but then, unlike children with normal hearing, they babble less and less actively, and by the age of one, their babbling stops.


Babble, or "babble speech", is the stage of pre-speech development of the child, following the cooing and preceding the appearance of the first words and phrases. Appears approximately at the end of the first - the beginning of the second half of the child's life and lasts until the end of the first year.

Later stage (at the age of 8.5-9 months) - " modulated babble”, or “melodic babble”, when the child is already able to repeat intonation and sequences of sounds as a repetition of an adult’s speech. At this stage, using open syllables, the child already begins to designate objects of the outside world with them.

see also



  • Lepet (Developmental Psychology. Dictionary / Edited by A. L. Wenger)
  • Primary vocalizations, cooing and babbling (Psycholinguistics: general course)

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See what "Babble" is in other dictionaries:

    BABE, babble, pl. no, husband. 1. Incoherent, unclear speech. Baby talk. Baby talk. || Gentle chatter, light conversation (poet.). "Their languid gaze, welcoming babble no longer has power over me." Pushkin. 2. trans. Indistinct, light noise, sounding ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Ex. babble babble Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 Informatics. 2012. babble n., number of synonyms: 7 buttology ... Synonym dictionary

    babble- BABE, babble, colloquial. babble babble… Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    BABE, husband. Incoherent, indistinct speech (of a child). Children's l. (also trans.: about what n. unintelligible, unconvincing). Gentle l. L. stream (trans.). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    babbling- a kind of pre-speech vocalizations of the child, appearing at the end of the first beginning of the second half of the year of life. It is a variety of combinations of repeating syllables or individual syllables such as “ta ta ta”, “ba”, “ma”, etc. Used ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    babble- a, m. 1) Incorrect, incoherent, unclear speech of the child. To whom are given both the first smile and the first baby talk? (Mamin Sibiryak). 2) Indistinct mumbling; incomprehensible reasoning, explanation, etc. Why now sobs, unnecessary empty praises ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    BABE- Sounds that babies make, perhaps produced without the intention of expressing any meaning. When babbling gradually begins to include sounds typical of the child's speech environment and used for communication, various ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Psychology

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