Mystical mysteries of the world. Secret and unknown

Many scientists have spent decades trying to unravel the mysteries of the past by putting the pieces of the puzzle together. But there are such artifacts and historical moments that are still shrouded in secrets.

1. Geoglyphs of Nazca

A geoglyph is a drawing on the surface of the earth. In Nazca, similar images are made in the form of geometric figures or animals. One gets the feeling that they were carved on a hard surface.

To a person on the ground, they seem to be a plexus of yellow lines. Only once in the air, you can see full-fledged figures: fifty-meter monkeys and spiders, condors 120 meters wide or lizards one and a half times longer.

How old are the geoglyphs - no one can say for sure. They lend themselves only to approximate dating. It is proved that all this was created at different times. The first of them appeared in the VI century. BC e. And the last - in the 1st century AD. e.

2. Mummies from the swamps of Europe

As early as the 17th century, references appeared that human mummies were found in the peat bogs of Denmark, Germany, Ireland and neighboring countries, which were perfectly preserved. Some even look worthy to be displayed in museums.

Each found body was carefully studied by many experts. All showed signs of violent death: a slashed throat, affected areas from strangulation and blows, broken main bones, a pierced head. Sometimes all at once.

So, for example, "the man from Lindow" lost his life because of an ax that ended up in the skull. The "Elling Woman" died because of the letter V, which was found deep in the back of her head. The "teenager from Kayhausen", who was no more than 15 years old, was found bound so tightly that he could not even move.

Until now, many experts argue what exactly it was: execution or sacrifice. After all, each of those found was dealt with cruelly.

3. Statues of Easter Island

It is known that graceful stone creatures are the remains of an ancient civilization. They are markedly different from those seen in other parts of the Pacific.

For the first time, the structures were noticed by the Dutch traveler Jacob Roggeveen, who ended up on the island on Easter day.

In 1955, Thor Heyerdahl, with the help of local residents, was able to put one such statue upright in two weeks. They, using the bars, lifted a block a few meters and placed large stones under it. This was repeated until the sculpture was in the right position. But how exactly the hats of several tons ended up on their heads is not yet known.

4. Popess Joanna

Medieval biographers report that Popess Jonna was born in 882. She loved to study since childhood and as a teenager she went to Athens to obtain the necessary knowledge. Then any education related to religion was not available for the fair half. So she decided to impersonate the young man John the English.

When the girl was in Rome, they drew attention to her thanks to her learning, beauty and piety. After some time, she managed to become a cardinal. And after Pope Leo IV was appointed successor. From the outside, no one knew about the catch. But during the next festive procession, Joanna suddenly gave birth to a child right in front of everyone. She died soon after.

After that, starting from the 1000s and for five centuries, an obligatory ceremony was held, during which the gender of the chosen one to the throne was checked.

This story was believed to be true as early as the 13th century. Already in the 15th century, it was decided to challenge it. In the XVI - historians had little doubt that this was all fiction. It was believed that the legend appeared as a result of someone's joke, when women dominated the court of the Pope - 920-965.

Similar phenomena were noted at the end of the 16th century, when Alexander VI Borgia appointed his mistress as a "medieval accountant". At the same time, her brother, at the age of 25, without having the appropriate dignity, became the cardinal-treasurer and bishop of three dioceses. After that, he took the throne under the name Paul III.

It is also known that during the military campaign of Alexander VI, according to his own appointment, the youngest daughter was on the throne.

5. Tomb of Genghis Khan

Until now, the best minds in the world have not been able to figure out exactly where the grave of the famous Genghis Khan is located. This place attracts many. It has a unique historical value. In addition, according to legend, incredible riches are hidden in the ground along with the deceased. According to some estimates, two billion dollars worth of precious stones, weapons and gold can be found in the grave.

After death, the body of Genghis Khan was returned to his birthplace. Now it is Khentii aimag. It is assumed that the great commander is buried next to the river Onon. Along the way, everyone who met the funeral escort was killed. The slaves who performed the burial were massacred. And then the executioners who staged the execution also died.

There are several legends that explain why the searchers fail to find the grave. According to one of them, adherents of Genghis Khan laid the riverbed directly above the burial. According to another, a thousand horses were driven over the dug-up ground, and then trees were planted on top.

6. Origin of the Basques

The Basques are considered one of the most incredible historical mysteries. At one time they occupied a small part of modern Spain and France. The first thing that is noted is that this people had a unique language that did not intersect with others present in neighboring regions. Also, geneticists managed to establish that these are people who had the highest percentage of the Rh factor in their blood - 25. The difference between this people and others living in the neighborhood stands out noticeably.

Most scientists believe that the Basques can be safely called the indigenous people of Europe. They came from the Cro-Magnons, who appeared in these places 35 thousand years ago. Presumably, this people no longer decided to change their location, since so far no evidence has been found to refute this, until the arrival of the Romans.

7. Time Travelers

Scientists have recently become more and more confident that time travel is possible. And there are many facts to back it up.

For example, this photo shows the opening of the South Fork Bridge in British Columbia in 1941. In the frame you can see a person who clearly stands out from the rest.

He has short hair, tinted glasses, a sweater over a T-shirt, and is holding a modern camera.

Such an image can often be found today. But for the 40s, it seemed strange. Specialists conducted their own investigation, during which they managed to find a person who participated in those events. But, unfortunately, he did not remember the "strange" stranger.

The authenticity of the photo has been proven several times with the help of various analyses.

8 Ancient Swiss Watches

This small item was found in a tomb from the Ming Dynasty. The tomb was opened in 2008 when a documentary was filmed. To the surprise of the operator and archaeologists, a Swiss watch was found inside.

The former head of the Guangxi Museum, who was on the expedition at the time, shared, “We were removing soil from the surface of the lid when a small piece of rock suddenly bounced off and fell to the floor with a metallic sound. The item looked like a ring. But when we cleaned it of dust, we found a miniature dial.”

At the same time, we even managed to see the Swiss inscription inside. The Ming dynasty ruled China until 1644. In those days, they did not even guess that such technologies would someday become a reality. At the same time, experts say that this tomb has been closed for the last 400 years and there has never been anyone in it.

9 Ancient Computer

In Kamchatka, a few hundred kilometers from the village of Tigil, St. Petersburg University of Archeology found inexplicable fossilized remains.

According to the head of the excavation, this discovery surprised scientists, but could completely change history. A special analysis showed that initially these were metal parts that form a mechanism that is not yet clear. The most surprising thing is that the find dates back 400 million years.

10. Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious 15th-century book that no one has yet been able to decipher. It was written between 1404 and 1438 by an unknown author. In addition, the words inside have still not been translated. They are made up of a strange alphabet that no one knows about either.

Book size: 23.5 × 16.2 × 5 cm. It has about 240 pages. The manuscript has been repeatedly studied by many cryptographers, archaeologists and historians. No one could even come close to deciphering even a single word.

After futile attempts, some experts came to the conclusion that the pages contain random characters that are not related to each other. Others adhere to the theory that not only information is printed on paper that tells in detail about that time, but also data about the future.

11. Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper is a serial killer (or killers) who committed several high-profile crimes in London in 1888. All of his victims are girls of easy virtue from the poorest neighborhoods. The maniac cut their throats, after which they opened the abdominal cavity. He took some organs. It is believed that the killer had a good knowledge of anatomy.

Only recently, a collector who purchased a shawl allegedly belonging to one of the victims handed it over to specialists. With the help of careful analyzes, they isolated the DNA of the alleged maniac. It turned out to be the Pole Aaron Kosminsky, who came to England to work as a hairdresser. Despite this, many have criticized this method, as it does not accurately prove the immigrant's involvement in the murders.

12. Crystal skulls

Many experts have been trying to solve the mystery of the origin of crystal skulls for a long time. No one knows yet who could create them and how?

Scientists talk about 13 rock crystal heads. All of them are kept in museums or private collections. Artifacts have been found in Tibet and Central America. The exact time of their production has not yet been established. In addition, there are no known tools that can be used to do this.

13. Ancient aircraft

The Incas, Aztecs and other peoples living on the territory of pre-Columbian America are known not only for amazing pyramids and strange rituals. They also left behind many small statuettes. One of them turned out to be the so-called "ancient aircraft", which, by similar elements, resemble modern aircraft.

Initially, experts believed that these were simply figurines of insects or birds. However, it turned out that they have details that are more similar to modern aircraft: stabilizers, landing gear, and so on. Large aircraft of that time could not be found. What the ancient tribes wanted to show by this is not yet known.

14. Phaistos Disc

The Phaistos Disc is a small clay circular tablet that was found in 1908 in the Minoan Palace in Italy. Her secret still remains unsolved.

The plate bears various unknown symbols. It is believed that this language was created in II c. BC. Some people think that the drawings resemble the hieroglyphs of Crete. However, they cannot find the decryption key. This disc is one of the most famous mysteries of archeology today.

15. Taman Shud case

So far, the best inspectors have failed to solve the Taman Shud case. It has also been called "The Case of the Mystery Man from Somerton".

The case was opened when at half past six in the morning in Australia in the city of Adelaide they found the body of a man. He was on Somerton Beach. Who the deceased was has never been established. Then the experts found out that the death occurred as a result of poisoning with medicines.

In addition, a piece of paper found in a secret trouser pocket caused a resonance. Only two words were written on it - "Taman Shud". These were torn words from a rare book by Omar Khayyam.

The police still managed to find the right copy, which was missing the last page. On the back, several words resembling a cipher were applied in pencil. What exactly was written there, it was not possible to find out.

Until now, this case remains one of the most confusing and mysterious.

There are so many unsolved mysteries and mysteries in the world that it even becomes a little uncomfortable! Someone is constantly trying to comprehend these secrets of the higher worlds, but once again fails. Ciphers, coded messages, mysterious signs on the margins, cryptograms, and so on - all this intrigues not only scientists, but also ordinary people. Each of us at least once in our lives, but think about one of the many mysteries of our universe. Or maybe someone else has yet to figure it out?

Secrets are all around us.

How many films have been made and books written about how to unravel these mysteries, but all these films are just fiction. In fact, neither the world-famous manuscripts nor the complex messages to descendants from their ancestors were ever completely unraveled.

Mystery of Voynich

It was not possible to unravel the unknown language in which the manuscript was written. In 1912, Wilfrid Voynich, a dealer in antique books, purchased a very strange book. All of its 240 pages contained completely new letters and numbers (if they were exactly these signs at all). In the book, in addition to words in an incomprehensible language, there were also diagrams, illustrations that demonstrated incomprehensible events, and also depicted unthinkable plants. Mystery? Also what! It was not possible to establish who the author of the manuscript was. But scientists were able to determine the time period in which the book was created - 1404-1438.

Manuscript "The Secret of Voynich"

Whoever did not try to unravel the handwritten manuscript, and all in vain. But it does not seem that the author of the text simply decided to mock his descendants and drew scribbles in order to mislead everyone. Today there are a large number of theories in which the great scientists of the world are trying to solve the mystery of the book. Some think that this is a manual on alchemy, others are a pharmacopoeia, and still others generally see the intervention of other worlds in the creation of the manuscript and assign the book the status of an extraterrestrial manuscript. But whoever the author of the manuscript was, he definitely did not regret his personal time, effort and money for its creation!

Secrets of the higher worlds! Difficult to understand, encrypted and not fully solved the riddle on the sculpture located near the CIA in the USA - this is the sensational Kryptos! The sculpture was created by the master Sanborn and the four encryptions on its surface have not been completely unraveled (despite such a “neighborhood” with the CIA). The scientists managed to solve the first three riddles, but with the last one (despite the artist’s hints that the answer to it is encrypted in the first cipher), they are still tormented. In 2010, the most persistent researchers were still able to unravel one word in the code - Berlin, but what other words are nearby is still unknown.

Bail Treasure Search

Thomas Bale at the beginning of the 19th century was able to extract the treasure in the process of developing gold deposits in Colorado. It is not known what motivated this man, but he decided to encrypt the location of real wealth from a large number of precious metals and stones. For this he used a set consisting of three ciphers. Of these, only the second was decoded, and the American Declaration of Independence became the key to it. This code indicated the area where the treasure is located, but the exact location of the cache is still unknown. Many seekers of adventure and mysterious treasures still hunt for untold wealth to this day.

How to find the Holy Grail?

In the UK, there is the famous Shepherd's Monument, created in the 18th century in Staffordshire. Many think that this is a message from the ancients to our contemporaries regarding the place where the Holy Grail is kept. The letters of the code have a certain sequence, only no one can decipher it. The author of the cipher is unknown, and this is another mystery of the surrounding world. Scientists suggest that in this way the secret of finding the Grail was encrypted by the Templars. Many celebrities have tried to decode this code, including Charles Dickens and Darwin.

Writing system or Rongorongo

On Easter Island, mysterious signs were found, depicted on artifacts and called Rongorongo. Scientists believe that these may be writing systems invented by different branches of mankind. It has not yet been possible to decipher the secrets of the ancient words, but there is an opinion that the encryption contains some information about the civilization that built the statues on this island.

Message from space

In 1977, as part of a program to search for signals from extraterrestrial intelligence, Jerry Eman recorded an incomprehensible signal, and it really did not come from Earth. Only 72 seconds continued human communication with an extraterrestrial civilization, which was supposedly located in the constellation Sagittarius, which is 120 light years away from our planet. On his transcript, the young man wrote the word "Wow", as an expression of delight about communicating with aliens. Perhaps the younger generation uses this word for a reason, but at the suggestion of other worlds!

Secrets of the Phaistos Disc

This is the most difficult riddle that would be beyond the power of Indiana Jones himself if he actually existed, and not just on the TV screen. The disk was found at the beginning of the last century by an archaeologist from Italy named Luigi Pernier. There are some strange symbols on this disc. One can see their similarity with the hieroglyphs of the ancient Chinese written languages. It is believed that the secrets of the ancient world are contained in this message, because it is at least three thousand years old, it was made in the second millennium BC. The Phaistos disc is the most important of all the mysteries of archeology.

Mysterious underwater world

The secrets of the underwater world are of interest to scientists and ordinary people on all continents. Learning about ancient civilizations that lived before the Flood, unraveling the mysteries of the sunken Atlantis and solving other most complex problems associated with the Hydrocosmos is important for understanding our history. And if earlier they devoted a lot of time to the study of the underwater world, now they have switched more to the study of space. But in the depths there are also many secrets that have not yet been comprehended!

Who are the NZOs?

Incomprehensible noises are recorded using modern acoustic devices (hydrophones). For the first time they were used by the American military services to track the movement of enemy submarines - the USSR. With the help of instruments, it was possible to listen not only to the songs of whales, but also to something more interesting. The secrets of the underwater world were not fully revealed to scientists from this, but they concluded that someone in the ocean was sending purposeful conscious signals. was named NSO - unidentified sound object. And who emits these signals to this day has not been established. Maybe these are the messengers of the ancient world, aliens, sea monsters or someone else?

"Quakers" of the oceans

Great scientists tried to answer the question of who makes interesting sounds “kva-kva” under water. Maybe it's a huge sea frog? Doubtful! It all started with the interest in this phenomenon of sailors who served on submarines. With the help of hydroacoustic devices, they picked up incomprehensible signals and called them Quakers. This name is even mentioned in the official documentation.

The sound came from objects that circled around the boats. This is exactly what was established thanks to direction finding. Incomprehensible creatures that could not be detected, as if they were trying to establish contact with the submarines, because they willingly responded to the signals of the submarine itself. And there was no aggression from the Quakers. The submarine was accompanied by creatures to a specific area and then they left it, saying goodbye to their usual “qua-qua”. What it was is still a mystery. So far, scientists have stopped working on it (or do it unnoticed by large masses of people so as not to sow panic), but the sounds have not disappeared and still inspire fear in sailors.

This anomalous zone does not reveal the secrets of the underwater world one iota, but only confuses researchers even more. Complex calculations, great research - and the mystery has not been solved. Since 1492, this place has been considered at least strange and frightening. The glow of water and sky, flames, a furious compass needle - all this is noted in the notes of the expedition of Columbus himself. In 1840, the place, located near Bermuda, was given the unofficial name of the triangle. In this area, a self-moving vessel was then found, which was completely without a team. What happened to the crew and thousands of other people who disappeared in the area after a strange find, is unknown to modern science.

In this place, not only ships, but also aircraft disappeared and disappear. And to find at least some wreckage and remains has not yet succeeded even once. But scientists studying the seabed in the Bermuda region stumbled upon a huge pyramid, several times larger than the famous pyramid of Cheops. The walls of this structure are absolutely smooth - there is no plaque, no shells or algae on them, and they are made of a material that resembles glass ceramics. The secrets of the underwater world, even with this discovery, have not been fully explored. The ocean is still a mystery to us, which interested ancient scientists and our contemporaries. Many studies of great scientists are classified. But sooner or later, everything secret becomes clear, so let's wait!

Atlantis is out of sight

The world only after millennia learned that there was another continent. And it will take the same amount of time to search for and study it. The secrets of the underwater world are revealed only to the persistent! Among the representatives of the ancient world, Aristotle mentioned Atlantis. But words are words, but evidence of the existence of the continent in the form of the remains of civilization has not yet been found. They say that the Atlanteans did not die all and founded their city in Tibet. And Mount Kailash is nothing but one of the pyramids built by these giants. But where they lived before and what actually happened to their homeland is known only from myths. Whether to believe them or not is up to you!

The secrets of the ancient world, the depths of the sea, one generation to another - this has always aroused and is of interest to people. Great scientists have not yet been able to solve a lot of mysteries. Suddenly it is you who can do it, write in the comments!

Human civilization has existed on Earth for a very long time, and the Earth has existed for millions of years. So it is not surprising that there are secrets left by ancient civilizations that modern man is unable to understand and explain.
Here are 12 mysterious and strange discoveries made in the field of archeology. Science still cannot fully explain them.
1) Baltic Sea Anomaly: A crew of Swedish divers have discovered a large, disk-shaped object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. No one is sure of the origin of this object.

2) Baghdad batteries: These terracotta pots were created in Mesopotamia and are regarded as ancient galvanic cells, created 2000 years before the birth of their inventor Alessandro Volta.

3) Crystal Skulls: These are artifacts from pre-Columbian Mesoamerica (Aztec or Mayan civilization) made from clear or white quartz.

4) Ancient aircraft: These are small models of flying aircraft. However, man first took to the air only in 1780, and then in a hot air balloon. So how did ancient civilizations learn enough about flight to make models and sketches of flying machines?

5) Coexisting dinosaur and human footprints: Although many of the fossils have been proven to be fakes, there are some examples of human and dinosaur fossil footprints in ancient rock formations that remain a mystery. If they are indeed real, then this would violate the theory of evolution.

6) Radioactive remains found in ancient cities: In the ruins of the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, the level of radiation is so high that it is believed that around 1500 BC the population of these cities died from the explosion of an atomic bomb

7) Puma Punku Stonework: In Bolivia, there is a large megalithic complex built from huge blocks of stone connected together like Lego bricks.

8) Voynich Manuscript: This has been proven to be a genuine copy of a manuscript from the Middle Ages, but no one has yet been able to decipher it. This is the most famous case in the history of cryptography.

9) Antikythera Mechanism: This is a mechanism from the Hellenistic period, it is an ancient analogue of the modern computer, which was developed to predict astronomical events and eclipses. The biggest mystery is that nothing like this has been created in two thousand years. What happened to technology?

10) Cocaine and Tobacco Residues on Mummies: Residues from these drugs have been found on Egyptian mummies. How they got the drugs remains a mystery.

11) Pipes in Bai Gong Mountain: These pipes are evidence of plumbing communications in ancient China. Many people believe that these technological advances are traces of an extraterrestrial civilization visiting our planet.

12) Stone Spheres in Costa Rica: Their diameter reaches 2 meters, and their weight is 16 tons. There are many myths surrounding these stones. Some claim they came from Atlantis itself.

The most frustrating thing is that no matter how much scientific research is done, we will never solve these mysteries.

Do you know what secrets disturb the minds of millions of people around the world? Today you will learn about the most famous unsolved mysteries of the world.

No. 10. Rongo-rongo

Rongo-rongo is a system of mysterious records that was discovered on Easter Island in the 19th century. Rongo-rongo is believed to represent a lost writing system or proto-writing.

The first mention of Rongo-rongo was found in a letter from the monk Eugene Ayrault, who arrived on Easter Island on January 2, 1864. Numerous attempts to decipher Rongo-rongo were unsuccessful. Perhaps their decoding would give an answer to the main mystery of the island - the purpose of the giant statues of Easter Island.

Several dozen wooden items with Rongo-rongo inscriptions have been found on Easter Island. Now they are exhibited in museums around the world, some of them are in private collections.

No. 9. Georgia Guidestones

The Georgia Guidestones are a granite monument sometimes referred to as the "American Stonehenge" (which leads to confusion with the Indian structure of the same name).
The height of the monument is more than 6 meters; it consists of six granite slabs with a total weight of about 100 tons. One plate is located in the center, four - around it. The last slab sits on top of these five slabs, aligned according to astronomical events.
Erected in Elbert County, Georgia in 1979. The stones are engraved with inscriptions in 8 languages: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. Each inscription contains one of the 10 "new" commandments of the "Age of Reason".

1. May the earthly population never exceed 500 million, being in constant balance with nature.
2. Regulate fertility wisely, appreciating the value of life preparation and human diversity.
3. Find a new living language that can unite humanity.
4. Show tolerance in matters of feelings, faith, traditions and the like.
5. Let just laws and an impartial judiciary stand up for the defense of peoples and nations.
6. Let each nation decide its internal affairs by itself, bringing to the world court only nationwide problems.
7. Avoid petty lawsuits and useless bureaucrats.
8. Maintain a balance between individual rights and social obligations.
9. Above all, value truth, beauty, love, striving for harmony with infinity.
10. Do not be a cancer for the earth, leave a place for nature too!

Although the monument itself does not contain encrypted messages, its purpose and origin are shrouded in mystery. The monument was erected by a man who is known only under the pseudonym "R.K. Christian".
Among the 10 commandments come across very controversial. For example: "To maintain the human population of 500,000,000 in constant balance with nature." Some conspiracy theorists even believe that the commandments were designed by some secret society to create a new world order.

No. 8. Zodiac Letters

Zodiac is a serial killer active in Northern California and San Francisco (USA) in the late 1960s. The identity of the offender has not yet been established.
Zodiac is an alias used by the killer. He sent scathing and brash letters to local newspapers. In letters, he sent cryptograms in which he allegedly encrypted information about himself. Three of the four cryptograms still remain undeciphered.

The Zodiac committed murders between December 1968 and October 1969. According to the statements of the Zodiac itself, the number of his victims reaches 37, but investigators are sure of only seven cases.
During the investigation, many suspects were named, but there was no conclusive evidence linking any of them to the killings. In the California Department of Justice, the Zodiac case has remained open since 1969 to this day.

No. 7. Signal "Wow!"

Signal "Wow!" (“Wow!” signal) was registered by Dr. Jerry Eyman on August 15, 1977. At the time, the doctor was working on the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University. When Eiman heard the signal, he was so startled that he wrote "Wow!" on the side of the fixed characters. ("Wow!"). This signature gave the signal its name. All characteristics of the received signal corresponded to the parameters of extraterrestrial signals. The radio signal observation time was 72 seconds.

Astronomers from the United States suggest that hydrogen around the nuclei of comets discovered after 2005 and not taken into account as possible signal sources in earlier work could serve as a possible source of the signal.

No. 6. Case of Taman Shud

The Taman Shud case is a criminal case initiated on the fact of the discovery of the body of an unknown man on December 1, 1948 on Somerton Beach in the Australian city of Adelaide. The incident also became known as the Somerton Mystery Man Incident.
The case is considered one of the most mysterious mysteries in Australian history. There are many versions on the identity of the deceased and the causes of his death.
Public interest in this incident remains very significant for a number of reasons: for example, during the investigation, some facts emerged that indicate the possible involvement of special services in the incident. In addition, for more than half a century, the investigation has not been able to either establish the identity of the deceased, or accurately determine the method of his killing. The biggest resonance was caused by a piece of paper discovered during the deceased, torn from a copy of a very rare edition of Omar Khayyam, on which only two words were written - Tamam Shud (“Tamam Shud”).

After a thorough search, the police managed to find one of the copies of the book with Khayyam's poems and with the last page torn out. On the back of the book were several words written in pencil that looked like a cipher.

No. 5. Monument at Shagborough

At Shagborough in Staffordshire, on the grounds of an old manor that once belonged to the Earl of Lichfield, stands a mid-eighteenth-century memorial. The bas-relief depicts a copy of the 2nd version of Poussin's painting "The Arcadian Shepherds" in a mirror image and with the classic inscription "ET IN ARCADIA EGO" in the correct reflection. Below the bas-relief, the letters O U O S V A V V are carved - framed by two more letters D and M. DM can mean Diis Manibus, while the central abbreviation remains incomprehensible. The set of letters is a kind of code, the deciphering of which has been going on for more than 250 years.

Some enthusiasts, among whom were the greatest minds of the world (Charles Dickens and Charles Darwin), suggested that the code could be the key to the information left by the Templars about the location of the Holy Grail.

No. 4. Phaistos Disc

The Phaistos disk is a unique monument of writing, presumably of the Minoan culture of the Middle or Late Bronze Age, found in the city of Phaistos on the island of Crete. Its exact purpose, as well as the place and time of manufacture, are not known for certain.
Many works have been devoted to the study of the Phaistos disc, and the latter have repeatedly made statements about deciphering the inscription on its surface. However, none of the proposed readings has become generally accepted in the scientific community.

The work on the study of the Phaistos Disc is progressing slowly, which is primarily due to the brevity of the message and the isolation of the writing system used in it. According to most experts, in order to successfully decipher the Phaistos disk, it is necessary to find other monuments of the same script. There are a number of hypotheses about the non-linguistic nature of the images of the Phaistos disc.
The Phaistos Disc is currently on display at the Heraklion Archaeological Museum (Crete, Greece). Today, the disc remains one of the most famous puzzles in archeology.

Number 3. Bale cryptograms

Bale's cryptograms are three encrypted texts that supposedly carry information about the location of the treasure: thousands of pounds of gold, silver and precious stones. The treasure was allegedly buried in Virginia near Lynchburg by a party of gold miners led by Thomas Jefferson Bale in 1818.
It is known that for the first time information about the "treasures of Bale" appears in 1865, along with the publication of a pamphlet by an unknown author, the full title of which read as follows: "The Bale Papers or a book containing true facts regarding a treasure buried in 1819 and 1821 near Bufords, Bedford County, Virginia, and not found to date." The publisher was James Beverly Ward, who provided the manuscript to the Library of Congress, where it is kept to this day.

The author preferred to remain anonymous, explaining this by a desire to protect himself from the persistent attention of the press and potential treasure hunters. The pamphlet was produced by Virginian Book in Lynchburg, Virginia, and was priced at 50 cents.
Cryptograms 1 and 2 were deciphered by the author of the pamphlet. Cryptogram #1 described the exact location of the cache, and cryptogram #2 was a listing of its contents.

The third cryptogram, which allegedly contained the addresses and names of potential heirs, has not yet been read. The riddle of cryptograms has not been solved so far, in particular, the question of the real existence of the treasure remains controversial.

No. 2. Cryptos

Kryptos is a sculpture with ciphered inscriptions created by artist Jim Sanborn. The sculpture is installed in front of the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

November 3, 1990 - the date of installation of the sculpture. From that moment on, attempts to decipher the mysterious message do not stop. The contents of three of the four tables have already been revealed, but the remaining last table, containing 96 characters, remains an unsolved world mystery ...

No. 1. Voynich book

The Voynich Manuscript, or the Voynich Manuscript, is an illustrated codex written in the 15th century by an unknown author in an unknown language using an unknown alphabet. The pages of the manuscript contain many colorful drawings of strange schemes, descriptions of events, drawings of plants that do not correspond to any known species.
Greg Hodgins, a University of Arizona chemist and archaeologist, determined that the parchment for the manuscript was made between 1404 and 1438 during the early Renaissance, based on radiocarbon dating of four fragments of the manuscript.
The manuscript has been intensively studied by cryptography enthusiasts and cryptanalysis professionals. Neither the entire manuscript, nor even part of it, could be deciphered. A series of failures turned the manuscript into a well-known subject of cryptology.

In the world today there are many theories about the nature of the origin of the manuscript. Some believe that this is a textbook on pharmacology. Other researchers believe that the drawings of plants point to a textbook on alchemy. The fact that many of the diagrams have astronomical content, combined with unidentifiable drawings of biological life forms, suggests an extraterrestrial origin for the unusual manuscript. None of the assumptions has received unambiguous confirmation and recognition in the scientific community.
The book bears the name of the antiquary Wilfried Voynich, who acquired it in 1912. In 1959, second-hand book dealer Hans Kraus bought the manuscript from heiress Ethel Voynich for US$24,500 and donated it to Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book Library in 1969.
P.S. One of the most famous mysterious incidents that happened on the territory of Russia is the mystery of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in 1908. Several Italian scientists have hypothesized that the Tunguska meteorite crater could be Lake Cheko on the Kimchu River, which is located 8 km northwest of the epicenter of the explosion.

People have been struggling with the mysteries of the past for centuries, but they still remain unsolved. Mysterious artifacts, mysterious personalities and mysteries of history - no matter how annoying, but apparently no one will ever know the explanation for these facts.

Mummies from peat bogs
In the peat bogs and swamps of Denmark, Germany, Holland, England and Ireland, people found well-preserved human mummies. About the first find made in Germany, it is said: "In the summer of 1640, a dead man was dug up in the swamps of Schalholtingen." Only a few of the swamp mummies found are so well preserved that they can be exhibited in museums. All the bodies show signs of violent death: strangulation marks, broken bones, slashed throats, and sometimes all together. On the body of the so-called "man from Lindow" traces of blows were found, his skull was pierced with an axe. The executioners tightened the veins of the unfortunate animal around the neck, after which they cut the throat. Under the long braids of the young Elling woman, a deep inverted V was found on the back of her head. A teenager of 10-14 years old, who was taken from a swamp near Kayhausen in Lower Saxony, was tied up so skillfully that he could not even move.
It is still unclear whether it was an execution or a sacrifice. Why were these people treated so cruelly? Archaeologists believe that the swamps served as a place of ritual actions, because since ancient times they were known as sacred. However, this mystery, apparently, will remain unsolved.

Geoglyphs of Nazca
A geoglyph is a giant pattern on the earth's surface. In Nazca, such figures depict either geometric figures or silhouettes of animals. They seem to be scratched on stony soil and from the height of human growth are only an intricacies of yellow lines. Only by rising into the air, you can see their true outlines. And then a fifty-meter spider appears to the eyes, then a condor with a wingspan of 120 meters, then a lizard 180 meters long.
The age of geoglyphs lends itself only to approximate dating. Archaeological studies have shown that they were created at different times. The latest dates back to the 1st century AD, the most ancient - the 6th century BC.

Easter Island idols
These grandiose stone sculptures, moai, the mysterious remains of a little-known ancient civilization, are different from those found on other Pacific islands. The inhabitants of Easter themselves have long forgotten about their purpose. They were first seen by the Dutch navigator Jacob Roggeven, who landed on this island on Easter Day.
In 1955 Thor Heyerdahl managed to raise one of the statues in 12 days with the help of the inhabitants of the island. Armed with beams, the workers lifted one side of the statue and placed stones from below. Then they lifted the statue a little higher and placed stones again. The operation was repeated until the sculpture stood upright. But Heyerdahl could not explain how the "hats" weighing several tons were put on the statues.

Popess Joanna
According to medieval biographers, Popess Joanna was born in 882. Hungry for knowledge, she went to Athens. In those days, theological education was not available to women, so she pretended to be a young man and took the name John the Englishman. When Joanna arrived in Rome, she was immediately noticed for her learning, piety, and beauty. Having become a cardinal, after the death of Pope Leo IV, she was appointed his successor. From the outside, she seemed absolutely worthy of her dignity, but suddenly, during the festive procession of John, right on the road, she gave birth to a child and soon died.
A kind of confirmation of this story is the fact that from about 1000. and for almost five centuries, the sex of each elect to the papacy was checked.
The veracity of the story of a female pope, repeated since the 13th century, was first challenged in the 15th century. Beginning in the middle of the 16th century, historians no longer doubted the fiction of this story. The legend probably arose in mockery of pornocracy - the period of female domination in the pope's court, from John X to John XII (919-963). A similar phenomenon was also noted under Pope Alexander VI Borgia (1492-1503), who appointed his mistress Giulia Farnese to the post of chief treasurer (accountant-auditor) of the curia, and her younger brother Alessandro Farnese, without a spiritual order, a little later, in 1493 , at the age of 25 he received the post of cardinal treasurer of the curia and at the same time bishop of three dioceses at once; moreover, it was this cardinal who subsequently (through two popes) occupied the papal throne under the name of Paul III (1534-1549). An interesting fact is also known related to the military campaign of Alexander VI during the civil strife with the Sforza family, when his youngest daughter Lucrezia Borgia was in loco parentis, that is, “in the place of the parent” - she occupied the throne of St. Peter in the absence of her father by his own appointment .

Tomb of Genghis Khan
It is still unknown where the grave of Genghis Khan is located. This, one of the greatest mysteries of human civilization, no one has been able to unravel for the past eight hundred years. The burial place attracts not only with its historical value, but also with countless riches buried in the ground along with the deceased. According to the most conservative estimates, taking into account the historical value, the cost of precious stones, gold coins, expensive dishes, skillfully made weapons is estimated at no less than two billion dollars. Kush is quite decent and deserves to devote years and even decades to the search for the grave of Genghis Khan.
After the death of Genghis Khan, his body was returned to Mongolia, apparently to the place of his birth in the territory of modern Khentii aimag; he was buried, as is supposed, somewhere near the river Onon. According to both Marco Polo and Rashid ad-Din, the funeral escort killed anyone they met along the way. The slaves who performed the burial were put to the sword, and then the soldiers who executed them were also killed. The mausoleum of Genghis Khan in Ejen-Khoro is a memorial that is not the place of his burial. According to one of the folklore versions, a river bed was laid over his grave so that this place could not be found. According to other legends, many horses were driven over his grave, trees were planted there.

Origin of the Basques
The Basques are one of the most amazing mysteries of history: their language has nothing to do with other European languages. In addition, genetic studies have established the uniqueness of the people we are considering. Basques are the people who have the highest proportion of negative Rh factor in their blood among all Europeans (25 percent) and one of the highest proportions of type O blood (55 percent). There is a very sharp genetic difference between representatives of this ethnic group and other peoples, especially in Spain.
Most scientists agree that the Basques are the indigenous inhabitants of Europe, directly descended from the Cro-Magnons, who came to European lands from Africa 35 thousand years ago and remained there. The Cro-Magnons probably did not participate in any subsequent migrations of peoples, since archaeologists have not found a single piece of evidence that allows us to talk about a change in the population in this area throughout the entire time, until the appearance of the Romans. This means that all those people who today call themselves Europeans are just children compared to the Basques. Amazing, isn't it?

Time Travelers
Is time travel possible? Science does not give a definite answer. But the world has accumulated a lot of, to put it mildly, strange facts that no one can explain. Here are some of them.

This photograph was taken in 1941 at the opening of the South Fork Bridge in British Columbia, Canada. A man who clearly stands out from the crowd with his extraordinary appearance got into the frame. Short haircut, dark glasses, wide-necked knitted sweater over a T-shirt with some kind of symbolism, a massive camera in his hands. Agree, the appearance is quite familiar to our days, but not for the early 40s! And he really stands out from the rest. This photo was investigated. Found a participant in these events. But he couldn't remember the man at all.

Swiss Watches
This item, found in a Ming Dynasty tomb, has puzzled researchers. The tomb was opened in 2008 in the Guangxi region (China) during the filming of a documentary. To the surprise of archaeologists and journalists. in the burial were found ... a Swiss watch!
“When we were removing the soil, a piece of rock suddenly bounced off the surface of the coffin and hit the floor with a metallic sound,” said Jiang Yan, a former curator of the Guangxi Museum who participated in the excavation. We have picked up the item. It turned out to be a ring. But, having cleared it from the ground, we were shocked - a miniature dial was found on its surface.

Inside the ring was an engraved inscription "Swiss" (Switzerland). The Ming Dynasty ruled China until 1644. The fact that in the 17th century they could create such a miniature mechanism is out of the question. But Chinese experts claim that the tomb has never been opened over the past 400 years.

Ancient computer?
On the remote peninsula of Kamchatka, 200 km from the village of Tigil, St. Petersburg University of Archeology discovered strange fossils.
According to archaeologist Yuri Golubev, the discovery surprised scientists by its nature, it is able to change the course of history. This is not the first time ancient artifacts have been found in this region. But this find is special. Analysis has shown that the mechanism is made of metal parts that seem to combine to form a mechanism that could be something like a clock or a computer. The most amazing thing is that all the pieces have been dated at 400 million years.

Voynich manuscript
The Voynich Manuscript is a mysterious, undeciphered book written in the 15th century (1404–1438) by an unknown author in an unknown language using an unknown alphabet. The thickness of the book is 5 cm, it contains about 240 pages, measuring 16.2 by 23.5 cm. During its existence, the manuscript was intensively studied by many professional cryptographers, including those recognized all over the world, and none of them managed to decipher a single word . There is a theory that this book is just a collection of meaningless random characters that do not make any sense, but there are those who believe that the manuscript is a ciphered message.

Jack the Ripper
Jack the Ripper is the nickname of an unknown serial killer (or killers) active in the Whitechapel area of ​​London in the second half of 1888. His victims were prostitutes from poor neighborhoods, mostly middle-aged, whose throats were slit by the killer before opening the abdominal cavity. The cutting out of some organs from the bodies of the victims was explained by the assumption that the killer had some knowledge of anatomy or surgery. However, all the names, the exact number of victims, as well as the identity of Jack the Ripper are still a mystery.

crystal skulls

crystal skulls
The riddle of fossil crystal skulls (from rock crystal) has long been trying to unravel experts in various fields of science. Where could they come from? Who was able to create them? What were they for and who did they serve?
A total of 13 crystal skulls are known, and according to some sources, even 21. They are kept in museums and private collections. These are very accurate copies of human skulls and mask portraits made of quartz. They were found in Central America and Tibet. All these amazing items were made in ancient times, but the skill of their execution testifies to the highest level of technical knowledge that the ancestors of modern mankind possessed.

ancient aircraft
The Incas and other peoples of America of the pre-Columbian era left behind a lot of very curious mysterious gizmos. Some of them have been called "ancient planes" - these are small gold figures that are very reminiscent of modern aircraft. Initially it was assumed that these were animal or insect figures, but later it turned out that they have strange details that are more like parts of fighter planes: wings, tail stabilizer and even a landing gear. It has been suggested that these models are copies of real aircraft. The version that these figurines are just an artistic representation of bees, flying fish or other earthly creatures with wings is also quite real.

Phaistos Disc
The mystery of the Phaistos Disc, a round-shaped clay tablet found by the Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier in 1908 in the Minoan Palace, also remains unsolved.
The Phaistos disk is made of baked clay and contains mysterious symbols that may represent an unknown language. It is believed that this language was developed sometime in the second millennium BC. Some scholars believe that the hieroglyphs resemble symbols that were once used in ancient Crete. However, this does not provide a clue to their decryption. Today, the disc remains one of the most famous puzzles in archeology.

Case of Taman Shud
"Taman Shud" or "the case of the mysterious man from Somerton" is a still unsolved criminal case on the fact of the discovery of the body of an unknown man on December 1, 1948 at 6:30 am on Somerton Beach in the Australian city of Adelaide.
Despite the fact that the best policemen of the whole world were involved in the identification of the person who died from barbiturate poisoning or sleeping pills, it was not possible to establish who the unknown person was ...
In addition, a piece of paper discovered with the deceased (in a secret pocket of his trousers) caused a great resonance, torn from a very rare copy of the book by Omar Khayyam, on which only two words were written - “Taman Shud”.
After persistent searches, the police managed to find one of the copies of the book with Khayyam's poems and with the last page torn out. On the back of the book were several words written in pencil that looked like a cipher.
All numerous attempts to understand the inscriptions were in vain. Thus, the Taman Shud case remains one of the most intricate and mysterious cases still unsolved by the police.