Continue your studies abroad. Ranking universities abroad for teaching Russian and foreign students: list, ratings, tuition fees

After leaving school, many graduates think: "Why not go to study abroad?". And most of them stop as soon as they see the cost of education, which can vary from 10 to 30 thousand euros, which is far from affordable for everyone. However, if you carefully analyze the available information, you can see the free opportunities to study abroad, which will be discussed in this article.

Decide on the country

To get free education abroad, you first need to decide on the country. This definition is necessary due to the fact that the standard period of study in Russia and the potential country of study may not coincide, or an intermediate education is assumed between secondary and higher education. So, in Singapore, for those wishing to enter the university, there is preliminary training by passing special Foundation courses for 1-2 years at a secondary school or polytechnic educational institution in the chosen direction or specialty. In the USA, it is desirable to take Community College courses before entering the university in order to prepare for studies at a higher educational institution, here the academic performance of applicants improves, which practically guarantees admission to the chosen educational institution.

Education abroad after grade 11 is provided free of charge in countries such as Canada, New Zealand, the Czech Republic, Finland, Australia and many others. It is also possible to take academic courses here, although this is not required.

Opportunities for admission to a foreign university

The possibility of entering a particular university is largely determined by the mood of the applicant himself. If he set himself the goal of entering a foreign university long before graduating from high school and purposefully walked towards this, the chances of admission are much higher compared to those who decided only in the 11th grade that they would continue their studies abroad. Great chances are those who speak a foreign language at a high level, have a TOEFL, IELTS or other certificate of passing a language exam, good academic performance, an appropriate letter of recommendation, who have decided on the state of study, and those who have the appropriate financial capabilities. If any of the above is not there, but there is a strong desire to enter a foreign university, you need to work hard. In the absence of funding sources, it is provided abroad free of charge.

States where you can get education for free or with partial payment

Absolutely free education is proclaimed in Germany, Norway, Finland. Where abroad for masters? Here the choice of countries is more representative. This includes Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, as well as Spain and Italy. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that there are strict selections for free places, as in our country. In most cases, there are special programs for degree seekers that can fully reimburse tuition and living expenses.

In Denmark, Holland, Great Britain, it is quite difficult to get free education for a foreign student. There are colleges in the USA where you can receive funding for successful applicants under the above conditions. With good language proficiency with appropriate proof of passing language exams, a high average score and the presence of recommendations, you can try to enter Harvard, Cornell, Stanford and some other universities that guarantee students with a total family income of less than $ 60,000 per year (the so-called needy students) financial assistance . In the UK, with excellent test results and the same diploma, you can receive partial compensation in the form of a scholarship at Cambridge and

In addition to taking into account study indicators, when entering universities, sports and creative achievements, participation in volunteer programs are also taken into account. must be in a different field from professional.

Finding information about studying abroad

Free education abroad is expected under special educational programs, which can be found on the websites of the relevant funds, organizations that administer educational programs, on the websites and portals of the relevant universities where the applicant intends to enter (here you can also find information about grants), on the official website of the Ministry of Education , it is possible that within your school or university, this kind of information is posted on bulletin boards. Most foreign universities on their official websites have a Scholarships section or another similar one (financial student services, etc.), which contains information about the possibility of reimbursement of tuition fees.

How to get to study abroad for free? First of all, it is necessary to consider the relevant educational programs.

The most famous free study abroad programs with scholarships are Erasmus Mundus, Irex, DAAD, Fulbright, Chevening. In them, participation in the competition is provided once a year. Details of some of the programs are listed below.

Fulbright program

This program provides grants for students from Russia, applicants for academic degrees, scientists and teachers. Grants can be one-year for conducting scientific work and searching for information within the walls of universities and archives, or two-year - with the provision of an opportunity to study in a master's program with an MA degree. Payment for the road, insurance (partially) and the payment of a monthly stipend - at the expense of the US State Department. The decision on the place of study of the applicant is made without his participation, although he can express his wishes. Training is provided in a variety of specialties.

BGF, France

Under this program, you can get free language training abroad (in France), get a master's degree, as well as a Ph.D. The French government pays for visa processing, insurance, training and consultations from the embassy. Persons who have chosen this program are provided with places in hostels, and a monthly allowance is paid. Training is conducted in all specialties with a preference for scientific, technical and engineering. There are some restrictions on this program. So, the age of students should be up to 35 years old, excellent command of French (as an option - English) language, previously a person applying for participation in the program should not have received scholarships from the French government, with the exception of language internships, there must be a document on higher education .


This is the German Academic Exchange Service. Scholarships are paid here for introductory courses (grant not paid), short language courses (grant not paid), internships for masters and Ph.D. For the last two purposes, the grant is provided and covers all major items of expenditure, including travel. Here they carry out training in the natural sciences, technical, creative and humanitarian areas.

Erasmus Mundus

This is a European student exchange program for bachelors, masters, graduate students, teachers. It assumes semester-long training in new countries. The admission limit for master's programs is 2 people from one country. The scholarship covers part or all of accommodation, air travel, insurance and tuition fees. Training is provided in any specialty. However, to participate in the program, you need a bachelor's degree, good results of previous studies, a certificate of passing a language exam with a sufficient level.


This is not a program, but a non-profit organization that implements a number of student exchange programs: Educational Program for Russian Economists. E. Gaidara, Global UGRAD, Teaching Excellence Program (TEA), Individual Research Program for American Scholars (IARO), E. Muskie Fellowship. These programs are fully funded. After graduation, the graduate must return to his country. Under the Global UGRAD program, a student must complete at least one semester at their university in their home country before graduation. This program provides free education abroad for Russians. Depending on the program, a graduate degree or study is required Applicant must be over 18 years of age and be able to communicate fluently in English.

The Endeavor Awards

This is an Australian government program. Here it is supposed to encourage students and researchers from any country in the world for good achievements in studies and scientific activities. If the applicant has not begun to receive a national higher education, then he can apply for admission to the bachelor's degree. The program is practice oriented. Its duration is 4-28 months. A scholarship is provided to cover all expenses.


This program is designed for individuals with a strong academic background. The scholarship is paid by the UK government at the expense of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and partner organizations. Within the framework of the program, masters are trained in one year. Upon completion of training, a person must return to their home country for at least 2 years. Applicant must hold a degree at least equivalent to a UK upper-second class (2:1) honors degree, a minimum of two years of experience, which may include voluntary work and internships, be fluent in English, apply for three different courses of study and receive confirmation in at least one of them. Under this program, education abroad for Belarusians is free of charge.

Global Education Program (Russia)

The Russian Federation has its own program, according to which every bachelor can receive free education abroad. For Russians, it is necessary to choose a foreign university from the list provided, establish contact with representatives of this university, complete tests and send documents. Further, upon passing the selection, an invitation to the program will be sent. The Global Education Commission will review the candidates and select the best ones. The rating of universities participating in this program is extremely high. The vast majority of them are in the Top 100 of the Academic Ranking of World Universities. After receiving education, you must return to Russia and work in your specialty for at least three years. Where is the free study abroad for this program? The range of countries is wide: USA, Brazil, South Africa, Japan, China, Australia, South Korea, Taiwan. Training of specialists is carried out at Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and other universities. The graduate receives a guarantee of employment in Russia for three years, which, together with the education received, will serve as a good impetus for a professional career. However, under this program in 2017, the recruitment of participants is terminated.

Mandatory language for study abroad

Abroad, free education in English may not be provided for all undergraduate programs, however, for most master's, postgraduate, and scientific training programs, English can be used for students and students of foreign universities. Free study abroad in English is provided for undergraduate and graduate programs in seven countries.

From preparing and presenting documents to interviews

The main documents required to apply for a grant are listed above. You need to carefully read the order of decomposition of documents on the websites of the relevant programs, since the interview may not be conducted, and the selection is carried out only on the basis of the submitted documents. Among other things, you need to write a motivation letter, which should differ from the standard one and be of interest to the organizers.

The last stage is an interview or interview, which is mainly carried out by large organizers of the distribution of grants. Here you need to open yourself from an advantageous position.


Thus, any persistent candidate can potentially get free education abroad. But it must be taken into account that it is very difficult to get a scholarship or win a grant for the entire period of study. The competition for these types of incentives is from 40 to 60 people per seat. Admission with a Russian certificate is not provided everywhere; it is almost impossible to transfer from a domestic university to a foreign one without losing years. The basis is the correct preparation and submission of documents, it is also important to present yourself correctly during the interview.

Preparation for admission to a university abroad takes from one year up to a year and a half. This is the optimal time for you to slowly prepare for international exams, decide on universities and specialization, collect a package of documents and send it on time.

How to choose a country?

Marangoni Institute in Milan
University Library Koenigsworther Platz in Hannover, Germany
University of Hertfordshire one of the buildings

Carefully study the educational system, legislation and scholarship opportunities in the country of your interest. Often a country that is attractive in terms of tourism can turn out to be a real hell for a foreign student who will not be able to work while studying, stay in the country for some time after graduation, and receive financial support.

If you are a recent student, then the road to universities in Germany, Great Britain, Italy, France and a number of other countries is closed to you for at least a year, because school education in these countries lasts longer than in Russia. A love of pizza and beautiful architecture will not help you much in applying for undergraduate scholarship programs without knowing Italian. However, you have every chance to swim in the Adriatic Sea while studying in the master's program, which, like most other programs of this level in Italy, is in English. But for admission to Greece for a bachelor's degree, a good certificate of graduation is enough. Students are accepted “on a budget” to state universities of the country even without knowing the language. You can learn it at the annual preparatory courses.

How to choose a university?

The most objective rankings are considered QS World University Rankings and Shanghai Ranking, and The Guardian recently released its own ranking of British universities - 2015.

However, in your choice, relying only on ratings is not always justified, because many universities, for objective reasons, cannot get there. Often, ratings bypass small and very young universities, and in fact in such universities there can be excellent education in a number of programs, the opportunity to study in small groups and an individual approach to each student.

The ranking of a university does not equal the "coolness" of a particular course, which is taught there. So, for example, you shouldn't go to Harvard for a degree in philosophy. According to the ranking of specialties QS, Harvard takes only 6th place, but 1st place - at New York University.

Do not forget to familiarize yourself with the content of the disciplines that are taught in this specialty; with the number of academic hours in classrooms, laboratories and libraries; with academic interests of the teaching staff. All this can be found in the program description on the university website.

For applicants to master's and graduate programs, the most important criterion will be the presence in a particular university of a guru, that is, a potential supervisor, and a research institute in the specialty that you want to study.

How to choose a specialty?

The easiest way to choose a specialty is for a recent graduate of the school, because most schools do not have specializations, and the easier it is to enter almost any specialty. Moreover, at US universities, you can choose "main" and "additional" specialties, which can be in completely different areas. If you are a physicist, but you can’t imagine your life without music, in the USA you can combine these two things by listening to and passing exams in both disciplines in the prescribed volume.

If you are a graduate of bachelor's, specialist's or master's programs, then it is highly undesirable to change the profile obtained earlier. Let's say you've been dreaming of becoming an oceanologist all your life, but you unlearned to be a philologist. You can only apply to become an oceanologist if the admission requirements do not clearly state that the previous education must be biological or near-biological, and this is unlikely. If there is such a clause in the program requirements, then it will be almost impossible to enter, even if you have five years of experience rescuing fur seals.

Dreaming of studying abroad? Many foreign universities are very interested in our students, and thanks to the Internet, this process has become easier. You do not need to spend money on a trip to the university of interest to apply or find out the conditions. This entire process is available remotely.

In my previous post, I wrote, and now I will tell you how the admission takes place and what is needed for this.

The general scheme is quite simple and understandable. You choose a program on the university website, send all the necessary documents by mail by the appointed time and wait for the results. In fact, for this you need to try, highlighting for yourself 7 main points that are needed for this.

1. Patience and time

Preparation can be much longer than you imagined. Therefore, start acting at least 6 months before the deadline for submission of documents. Otherwise, you may simply not be in time.

2. Good grades

In most foreign universities, the minimum passing score is 4, or even 4.5. This means that there should not be triples in your diploma or certificate. The higher the average score and the grades themselves, the more chances you have to enroll.

In addition, the practice of letters of recommendation from a previous place of study is common abroad. Often these are 2 or 3 letters from teachers, which must be sent by e-mail on their behalf. Even if you graduated from university a few years ago, you will have to look there again to get recommendations.

4. Exams

Even if you are fluent in English, this does not exempt you from passing a separate exam - TOEFL or IELTS. Exams are very specific, so you need to prepare for them separately (about 2 months). Each university sets its own requirement for the level of points. If you end up with at least 1 point less, all your efforts will be in vain. The results of these exams must be sent to the university directly from the TOEFL or IELTS center.

5. Documents

A package of documents is the main criterion on the basis of which you are enrolled or not. And here it is important not only the availability of all the necessary "papers", but also their processing. Some universities require not only professional translation of diplomas by a certified translator, but also their notarization or apostille. Such services are provided by special translation agencies. Some universities require that translations of diplomas be sent in a university envelope with a seal. Another reason to look at the previous place of study.

6. Scholarship or guarantor

Universities often provide scholarships for international students, but if you apply without a scholarship, you will be required to prove that you have the money. This can be not only a document from the bank with the required number on the account, but also the presence of a guarantor - a citizen of the country in which you are going to study.

7. Once again patience

Having finished all the preparation, you can breathe easy to be patient again. Until the documents reach the recipient, until they are accepted and processed, it may take about a month. And a few more months (or even six months) until the results come. As a result, the whole process can take about a year. But the result is worth it. Do you agree?

Share your opinion, experience of studying abroad or ask your questions in the comments.

Foreign universities are attractive because they are prestigious. A graduate of such an educational institution will certainly be competitive in the Russian labor market. Some of the students dream of working in one of the Western companies, and with a diploma from a good European university, this is also realistic.

It is believed that you can enter one of the universities in Europe only if you have an oligarch dad or talent. In fact, our compatriots were able to enter foreign universities without such advantages. You just need to correctly approach the choice of university.

Problems and first steps

You can’t just take it and suddenly enter a foreign university. Even in order to become a student of a Russian educational institution, preparation is needed. First of all, you should take into account the peculiarities of the foreign education system. In many universities, there is nothing to do with 11 classes, an extra preparatory course is needed. The easiest way out is to study for a year at a domestic university, and then apply to the university of your dreams. There are also special courses that prepare school graduates for admission to a foreign university.

Another problem is the language barrier. Entering a university in any country, you need not just to know the language. Universities require a standardized certificate stating that the applicant knows the language at a high level. Not everywhere you can get by with standard English.

The third problem will be material support. Even if the applicant received a grant for education, he will have to live abroad for something. And this means that you need to be quite independent. You can start the path to independence - writing term papers or control papers is well paid.

So, given the problems described above, you need to take a number of steps:

Choose a country for study, university and department;
- learn more about the requirements for applicants;
- get acquainted with the teaching staff;
- learn about the current research work carried out by the department;
- enroll in language courses;
- prepare financially.

All these steps are very important. For example, after getting acquainted with the teaching staff and current research work, you can think about getting into a university on a grant. A grant can be issued if the applicant is interested in problems that are already being dealt with at the department.

By attending language courses, the prospective student is preparing to pass a specialized language proficiency test. You just need to remember that a standard hour a day is unlikely to be enough. You will have to devote time to the language at home, studying on your own. Otherwise, it is impossible to immerse yourself deeply in a foreign language and learn it like a native one. These are the very first steps that an applicant must take. Without them, one cannot enter a serious university.

The problem of choosing a country and a university

Ideally, an educational institution is selected as follows:

You decide in which country you want to get an education;
- you choose the university and department;
- then you just need to prepare and submit documents.

However, this method is not available to all students for one simple reason - for sure, training will be paid. Although sometimes a graduate manages to enroll in a dream university on a grant, here it’s how lucky. More often, applicants look for a university like this:

Choose universities that offer grants or high scholarships;
- carefully prepared;
- Submit documents.

In order not to lose the opportunity to realize a dream, it is better to first check all the decent universities in the country where you want to spend a few years. If there are absolutely no opportunities for admission, then in this case it is worth looking for universities in other countries.

Grant admission

It is easier to enter a university on a grant for a master's degree or for a doctorate degree. The requirements for such applicants are different. The applicant must have scientific papers or research in the relevant field.

You can search for grants on websites, information is provided by:

the universities themselves;
- platforms for work with foreign students;
- government websites;
- Russian resources of large companies.

Sometimes Russian firms are ready to pay for the training of specialists abroad. As a rule, these are large organizations. However, you should not rely on such luck. It is better to take a closer look at the proposals of the universities themselves and the foreign government. The authorities may be interested in attracting students from other countries.

Applying to a university on credit

You can go to university on credit. In fact, this is quite real, banks are willing to cooperate with such students. However, in order to receive funds for training, you do not have to immediately run to bank offices.

To begin with, a future student will have to go through the same path as an applicant who enters on a grant or has money. That is, it is necessary:

Pass a language test;
- prepare for admission;
- submit documents;
- receive a certificate that the commission has been successfully completed;
- conclude an agreement on paid training.

Already with the contract in hand and a package of documents, the student can go to the bank. Such applications are considered carefully, and a positive response from the bank is almost guaranteed here. Desirable borrowers for banks are students who enter business faculties. For example, MBA students will almost certainly get paid.

Unexpected requirements of universities

From foreign universities, you can expect the requirement to confirm their knowledge, for example, with the help of additional testing. In some cases, you will also have to take an additional course after graduation. However, sometimes the conditions for admission can be puzzling. For example, it is known for sure that universities in the UK and Japan need to confirm the financial solvency of students.

If you decide to become a student at a Japanese or English institution, you will almost certainly have to provide a bank statement. It must have a certain minimum amount, which will be considered an "airbag".

When a student enters a university in Turkey or the Czech Republic (as well as universities in some other countries), he may be offered to learn the language during the year in specialized courses. This is the best solution, because in these courses the applicant will get used not only to the language base, but also to special terms. They will come in handy when passing the commission.

Language exams

In many universities for admission it is required to present a document on knowledge of the language. As a rule, this is a certificate with a certain validity period. Individual certificates are perpetual, they are always valid. Language tests are almost always paid, some types of testing are only a couple of times a year. The most popular exams are conducted over the Internet, which makes life easier for applicants.

You need to be well prepared for the test. The test covers all aspects of language proficiency, including writing and speaking skills. For an example, you can ask,. Almost all types of language exams are similar to the most popular test.

There are several common tests that students take before entering:

- "TestDaF" (DSH).

TOEFL, IELTS and GMAT are English language tests. The first two tests are almost similar, TOEFL can be considered the American analogue of IELTS. Before you prepare for admission to a university, it is better to clarify which certificate would be preferable. Certificates are valid for 2 years after passing the exam. Some universities require that no more than one and a half years have elapsed after passing at the time of admission. The GMAT is taken by applicants applying to business schools like the MBA. The results of this test are valid for 5 years.

The DELE certificate is perpetual and is accepted by all universities in Spain. The TestDaF is a German language proficiency test. The DALF certificate will be required for applicants entering educational institutions in France (for example, the Sorbonne), and the results of the CELI test are needed when entering Italian universities.

There are also other specialized tests. For example, all universities in Japan accept certificates of "Nihongo noryoku shiken". The Japanese language test takes place only twice a year. The certificate is valid for only 2 years, then you need to re-test.

Final Steps

Sending documents to the university

If you have chosen a country and a university, have the results of a language test in your hands and are ready to storm the university of your dreams, then all that remains is to prepare and send a package of documents. In no guide you can find an accurate and complete list of documents for admission to a foreign university, because each educational institution has its own requirements. However, some papers are required in most cases. So, you will definitely need:

- a copy of the document on education, certified by a notary and translated into a foreign language;
- language certificate;
- autobiography in a foreign language;
- several letters of recommendation in a foreign language;
- documents on the financial position;
- A completed application form.

As a document of education, you can use a certificate, diploma or certificate from the university. Students who have not yet completed their studies have the opportunity to take an extract from the statement. As for the transcript, this paper can cause some problems. After all, not every school gives it. If the educational institution does not provide a transcript, then you will have to prepare it yourself.

Not all universities require financial documents from applicants. It has already been said earlier that an account statement will definitely be needed when applying to universities in England and Japan.

When preparing documents, it is very important not to forget about the deadlines for submitting applications. Indeed, in Europe, many universities complete the admission of students by the end of July. If you delay, you may be late. Although being late in this case will give the applicant an extra year to prepare, so you should not despair.

When to get a visa?

Applicants often make mistakes when obtaining a visa. Some begin to apply for a visa before sending documents to the university. In fact, there is a clear algorithm of actions that must be followed. A visa can be obtained without any problems only after the applicant has been enrolled in the university, and the funds have been credited to the bank account of the educational institution.

Only after that follows:

Fill out the application form on the website of the embassy;
- collect a package of documents for visiting the visa center.

The package of documents must include:

Payment confirmation document;
- enrollment document;
- a receipt stating that you have paid the visa fee;
- financial document.

An account statement is suitable as a financial document. Data from the sponsor's account is also considered. You will receive your student visa in about two weeks. Formally, the period for consideration of such applications is 15 days.

It is not worth rushing to get a visa, you need to wait until the funds come to the account of the university, but it is also not recommended to hesitate. After all, you can get a place in a student hostel only after obtaining a visa. If you delay visiting the visa center, you can be left without a place to stay.

Where to live abroad?

Abroad, you can live in a hostel for students, on campus, in an apartment or in a family. There may not be a place on campus, and living in a hostel does not suit students for some reason. Renting an apartment is sometimes expensive, especially since there are not always free living quarters. For example, in London it is difficult to rent an apartment.

A great option for a student is homestay accommodation. It may seem that homestay and renting are one and the same, but in fact there are serious differences. It is cheaper to live in a family, and this is only one of the advantages. Usually families accept several students at once for accommodation.

When you are in a family, you get a unique opportunity to observe the life of foreigners and their habits. This experience is simply priceless.

What else needs to be considered?

There are little things that applicants do not pay attention to when entering. Then these shortcomings cause a lot of problems. For example, students dreaming of Paris need to be aware of the bureaucratic red tape that one has to go through when living in this city. France offers free education to foreign students, but it also requires compliance with a number of formalities.

When traveling to a foreign country, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its norms and customs, otherwise there is a risk of getting into an uncomfortable position. This applies to both Western and Eastern countries. It would be unwise to go to a foreign country without knowing its culture.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the language tests. In many prestigious educational institutions there is a minimum passing score. The higher your score on the language test, the better. After all, Harvard or Oxford will not be accepted with the same results with which you can get into any average university. Therefore, preparation for language testing should be given special attention. By the way, before passing the exam, it is recommended to look at the requirements for the minimum passing score for such an exam.

Is a prestigious university always the best choice?

Western psychologists have recently been researching the problems faced by students at prestigious world-famous universities like Yale or Oxford. Some of them concluded that a prestigious university is not always the best solution for a student. Such universities have several disadvantages. By enrolling in such an educational institution, you:

You find yourself in a highly competitive environment;
- you can not count on help;
- will experience psychological pressure;
- you will have to meet high standards, including academic performance.

Most of the students are not the first in the group. There is always someone smarter, more capable, more talented. Of course, if you are a genius, then you have a direct path to a prestigious university. Then they will look up to you and feel envy. But the average student will always catch up with someone ahead. Psychological dissatisfaction and competition lead to the fact that many students leave the university in the second or third year. Someone can not stand it after the first course. In any of the prestigious universities, an intensive training program.

Psychologists have called this phenomenon “the effect of a small fish in a large pond” - in other words, you can always be “eaten”. By entering an average university that is not popular and does not flicker on the front pages of specialized publications, on the contrary, you become a “big fish in a small pond” and get benefits.

In such a university there is less competition, and students are more often ready to help a friend. Here you can stand out and even become the first. After graduating from such a university, you will still get advantages in the labor market. Some of the little-known universities occupy a solid place in international rankings. It is up to you to decide which educational institution to choose, but the results of the study should always be remembered.

Conditional offer and unconditional offer

If you are enrolled in a university, then you will receive an unconditional offer - this is a letter of unconditional enrollment. There is also a so-called conditional offer - conditional crediting. Such letters are sent to applicants who can be enrolled, but subject to certain requirements.

It is not uncommon for a conditional acceptance letter to be received by young people whose language test certificate has expired. Sometimes applicants are required to pass some kind of exam. In any case, conditional credit is not such a bad sign.

Universities that are available for admission

There are universities where you can study almost free of charge or for a nominal fee. Sometimes it is even cheaper for a student to enter one of the foreign universities than to study in their hometown. These are not some supernumerary educational institutions, but decent institutions like the Sorbonne and the Charles University in Prague.

Charles University: the oldest university in Central Europe

This university is called the most prestigious higher education institution in the Czech Republic. And this is true, because the Charles University is known all over the world. It was founded in the 14th century, and today this university has as many as 17 faculties. Charles University is compared with Bologna, Sorbonne and Oxford. One of the advantages of the university is that you can study here completely free of charge with one amendment: the student must be trained in the Czech language.

There are English-language programs at the Charles University, but they are paid. Therefore, before entering, you need to think carefully. The Czech language is difficult, but it is still possible to master it. Moreover, the Charles University offers specialized annual language courses. In such courses, the applicant receives all the necessary knowledge in order to successfully pass the exams.

At Charles University, upon admission, you will have to pass from 2 to 4 exams in Czech. The minimum level of language proficiency is B2. This is the so-called "high average". The Institute for Language and Vocational Training at Charles University provides the necessary knowledge, level B2 is achievable in a year. Preparatory courses take into account the future specialization of the student.

Theoretically, you can prepare for the exams on your own, mastering the language at home, but you won’t be able to get special knowledge. The applicant simply will not be able to take into account all the subtleties of the upcoming testing.

Sorbonne: the pride of France

There is a university in France whose name is known all over the world. More precisely, this is not even a university, but a system of universities. We are talking about the Sorbonne - an educational institution that is on a par with Oxford and Bologna. This is a prestigious university, which is available to Russian students. France has free public education, so the doors of the Sorbonne are potentially open to everyone.

It is only important that the applicant be ready to go through the notorious French bureaucracy. As for the language exam, some Sorbonne programs are conducted in English. It accepts TOEFL and IELTS certificates. To study in French, you need to get a DALF certificate.

Many Russians study at the Sorbonne. They say that it is easier to enter here for a master's program under the "double diploma" system. This is true, but future bachelors also have every chance to settle within the walls of this educational institution. There is a lot of information about the documents that are needed when entering this university, even on Russian websites. Some students managed to publish articles about the successful experience of entering the university. So, if desired, the applicant will find everything necessary for preparation.

Universities in Germany

There are dozens of higher educational institutions in Germany where foreign students can study. Moreover, the state allocates quotas specifically for free education, but only if two conditions are met:

The applicant must have an excellent knowledge of German;
- the level of knowledge of the applicant must correspond to the level of knowledge given by the German gymnasium.

Of course, the latter can be a problem for a Russian graduate who has just left the walls of the school. After all, according to German standards, he will not be enough for 1 year. However, you can learn the language, as well as get all the missing knowledge, at the Studiencolleg courses. This is a one-year preparatory program for international students. Courses in Germany are paid, but this investment will definitely pay off. Indeed, in the future it will be possible to study completely free of charge, the main thing is to find funds for living in the country. The most expensive city to live in is Frankfurt am Main.

University of Helsinki and other universities in Finland

In Finland, you can get a free education or get a diploma for a nominal fee. This university regularly offers students grants for education. Probably the only drawback of the university is that almost all undergraduate programs are conducted here in Finnish. The language can be mastered in additional courses.

But the University of Helsinki is very attractive for masters with knowledge of English. Approximately 40 programs are available to future masters if they intend to enter here. The most important thing is that it is really possible to get a grant here. at this university, too.

In Finland, private universities offer expensive education, but public universities are relatively affordable. In some cases, a student will have to pay no more than $150 per semester. Living in the country will cost about $ 1,000 a month, if you do not show off too much.

The University of Turku is another university in Finland where you can get higher education for free. Moreover, the programs here are conducted mainly in English, so the applicant does not need to learn any other language.

There are several reasons to enter a Finnish university:

Many universities here recognize the Russian certificate;
- students can count on scholarships;
- Students are allowed to work.

Advantages of universities in Austria

In Austria, most universities are paid, but the fees in some educational institutions are moderate. Studying here is cheaper than in Zurich or London. However, the main advantage of Austrian universities is not at all in this. Teaching in universities is conducted mainly in German, so it is enough to pass the standard DSH test.

Upon admission, they do not look at the passing score. Universities do not offer entrance exams either. If the student has any shortcomings, then he can then retake the exams at a convenient time. If you want to enroll without too much stress, then Austrian universities are the perfect option.

In Austria, they purposefully decided not to arrange entrance exams. Indeed, after a semester, many students begin to understand that they have chosen the wrong specialty. If students had to constantly take exams, they would hardly change departments. And the system adopted today facilitates the transition of a student from one faculty to another.

Universities of Poland, Lithuania and Estonia

Free education in Poland is available only to applicants who have a "Polish card". If you still plan to enter one of the local universities, then in this case:

Choose a private educational institution;
- Learn Polish.

Programs are mainly conducted in Polish, the requirement for applicants upon admission is a level of knowledge not lower than B1. Some universities require level B2. Private universities in Poland are more accessible, here education is about 2-3 times cheaper than in public educational institutions.

In Lithuania, ISM University is worthy of attention. This is one of the most famous business schools, so you should not expect that studies will be free. For a semester, you will have to pay about 1700-2000 euros.

In Estonia, an applicant may be interested in the University of Tartu, which is known for being a member of the Coimbra group. This university cooperates with fifty other higher educational institutions from 19 countries. The annual cost of studying at the University of Tartu can exceed 3,000 euros. But the student will receive a "crust" of one of the most prestigious educational institutions.

Universities of the CIS countries are not so accessible, it is much easier for an applicant to enter any university in Germany or Austria. In countries such as Poland and Lithuania, it is sometimes difficult to obtain a visa - there are too many requirements for entry. Moreover, the cost of living in these states can be the same as in large German cities.

Online education at a foreign university

At some universities, you can get an education without leaving your home. Online learning is not uncommon these days. In fact, a Russian student can easily graduate from a Russian university remotely, as well as from one of the most prestigious universities in Europe or America. The difference will be only in the complexity of preparation for admission.

Benefits of online education

There are several reasons to choose distance learning:

Such education will cost less;
- the student will not need to break away from work;
You can study anywhere and anytime.

If you enter the most ordinary faculty, then you will have to live in the country where you study, or make regular trips to take exams. With distance education, this is excluded, therefore, you save time and money. A student does not have to think about where to live, where to get funds for living abroad and how to deal with bureaucratic troubles.

Online learning is ideal for busy people. If a person works and has a family, then a trip abroad can only be a dream. But this is not a reason to refuse quality education. European universities even offer refresher courses. In America, some of the universities provide free education programs.

Prestigious universities also participate in the distance learning program. After the student passes the final exams, he will receive a full diploma. Online education is an opportunity to get the necessary knowledge and "crust" without unnecessary stress.

How is the study

Usually distance education groups have 15 students, although sometimes their number can be higher. Students listen to lectures, get homework, and even take exams. The student is provided with a library for classes, lists of references and much more.

Exams at the end of the semester can be held either online or in a real classroom. In the latter case, you will have to make a trip to the university, and this is not always convenient. Online you can get a bachelor's or master's degree, so you can also study in an MBA, which only attracts managers. Distance education is very beneficial for mothers, because it is a complete punishment.

Applying to a university online

Requirements for admission to a foreign university online depend only on a particular university. Each educational institution has its own characteristics. Usually everything goes according to the following scheme:

The applicant passes preliminary testing;
- the university sends documents to fill out if the person has passed the exams;
- the applicant fills out the documents and sends them back.

After the documents arrive at the university, the applicant is enrolled. From that moment on, he is considered a full-fledged student of the university, he is immediately given access to electronic resources and databases of the university.

You can study online at universities in many countries, including American, Canadian and European universities. Educational institutions offer both long-term programs and short-term courses for one or two semesters. Passing such courses will quickly increase your competitiveness in the labor market, which is very important for a busy person. In any summary, the mention of a foreign university looks solid.

  1. accept financial assistance from a third party, i.e. study for free.
  2. pay all necessary expenses.

Four options for getting a free education abroad with:

research fellowships,

1. Grants

A grant is a one-time financial assistance to a student who is going to study abroad. They may be awarded in connection with the financial situation of the applicant, as well as for the implementation of any scientific or professional project.
One of the most striking examples of grants is the Fulbright Program, fully funded by the US Department of State - an excellent opportunity to study abroad.

2. Scholarships

The scholarship is a good opportunity to get free education abroad for Russians. To participate in the competition for a scholarship, a candidate needs to prepare a sufficiently large number of documents, as well as write a motivation letter, justifying why he is worthy of receiving this money.

The scholarship can be obtained in the following four cases:

  1. For achievements in the academic, sports, creative or public spheres.
  2. According to the demographic: there are programs aimed at women or citizens of certain countries of the world.
    Some states in Europe and North America specifically create scholarships for students from Eastern Europe in order to develop relations between countries. There are special scholarships for Russian-speaking citizens, thanks to which you can study for free in English.
  3. By specialty: exclusively in areas where there is an acute shortage of specialists. Unfortunately, these are, as a rule, areas in which the inhabitants of those countries do not want to work. For example, in the social sphere. This includes working with the elderly or caring for the sick.
  4. Through partner programs of educational institutions: there are partnerships between domestic and foreign universities and paid exchange of students. As a rule, the selection in such cases is quite strict, but training is provided free of charge.

3. Research fellowships (Fellowship)

These study abroad scholarships are available only to masters and bachelors. An important condition: the implementation of research work.

4. Assistant (Teaching, Research, Administrative Assistance)

Under this program, usually available only to graduate students, the student undertakes to earn extra money as a teaching assistant or administrator of one of the departments of the university. This will allow him to receive a discount for studying abroad or to finance his studies on his own, receiving a salary.

When applying for a grant or scholarship to study abroad for free, you must prove that you are the one who deserves it. To do this, you will need to attach to everything that can play in your favor:

Letters of recommendation from teachers and employers
Diplomas and awards
Information about doing volunteer work
Certificate of participation in the public life of the school, university or city

Preparation for admission should begin one and a half years before admission itself.

First of all, you need to pass international language exams. Then, the course of action will depend on the specific country and program. In some cases, you must first receive a scholarship, and then send a candidate to a university, in others, you must first enter, and then apply for a scholarship.

If you weren't able to get financial help, there's no reason to be upset. Luckily, education in public universities in Europe is practically free, except for the cost of the rights to use the library. In addition, a student visa gives the right to work part-time, which will financially provide for living.

To enter European countries, of course, it is necessary to know English very well and it is highly desirable to know the language of the country. Also, you need to have an excellent “track record”, or dossier, as many universities will choose you based on it.

As an example, let's consider entering French universities without a scholarship.

To enter France for free, the first step is to familiarize yourself with the state site Campus France, which organizes the admission of foreign students to French universities.
Firstly, admission to many universities of the country is made through this site.
Secondly, even if you entered on your own, when applying for a student visa, you must pass an interview with an employee of this organization.

As a rule, when entering European universities, you do not need to take exams in your specialty, but you must confirm the level of knowledge of the language in which the training will take place, as well as provide all the evidence that you are worthy of a place in this university.

Foreign language

If you plan to study for free in English, you will need to pass an international exam IELS at least 7 points. Your high score will open doors to the best universities.
If, nevertheless, the training will be held in the language of the country, then it is necessary to pass the international exam of this country. For example, for German universities - TestDaf, for French - DALF, in Spanish - DELE.

Package of documents

Foreign universities that provide free education abroad for Russians, as a rule, require a fairly extensive package of documents from applicants. For example, one of the requirements is . As a rule, you should also provide several essay justifying why you want to study this particular subject, in this country and at this university. In addition, you must provide grades for all previous years of study, including at school, and, two or three recommendations from teachers and employers.

It turns out that free education abroad for Russians is not a myth, but a reality!

In this regard, a natural question arises: how not to make a mistake and make the right choice?

Having made a decision to get education abroad for free, first of all, applicants are faced with the issue of choosing a country.

To do this, you need to answer yourself:

How much will a diploma from this country be valued in your field?
Is it possible to find a job after studying in this country?
Is there free education in English for foreigners in this country?
Are there scholarships and grants for Russian speakers in this country?


Possible difficulties that you may have to face when studying abroad.

Firstly, teaching in English or another foreign language suggests that the student needs to be more attentive and work much harder on homework. In addition, the country may develop its own methods of testing knowledge, which are very different from Russian ones. Paying for an exam and not knowing the material at the same time - you need to forget about it!

Secondly, at first it may be difficult to adapt. Even if you have always dreamed of studying in Paris, Vienna or Madrid, at first it will be difficult to get used to the fact that you can not eat in a restaurant at any time, like in your homeland, or go shopping on Sunday.
Living abroad, you will miss your family and friends, even if they come to visit from time to time.

But all this is not a reason to retreat, because any hard work and adaptation are worth the emotions, adventures, experience, new friends and acquaintances, and most importantly, the knowledge that you can get while studying abroad.

Studying abroad will open doors for you that may have been closed before.

If you still have doubts - go for it, do not hesitate! Studying abroad is a unique experience that will warm the soul for many years to come.