Ways to improve the teaching of NVP in the lessons of obzh. New approaches to teaching basic military training

Patriotic education of schoolchildren by all available means is one of the main tasks of the teacher. Physical and aesthetic development, preparation for the defense of the Fatherland is the main thing in the classroom and in extracurricular activities of the teacher-organizer of life safety.



Report at a seminar for OBZh teachers on the topic: “Fundamentals of military training in OBZh lessons at school”

The native land can do everything: to drink from its bright springs, and to feed it with its bread, and to surprise with the beauty of flowering gardens, but it just cannot protect itself, and this should be done by the one who drinks its water, eats its bread and admires it. beauty.

A.V. Suvorov.

The problem of patriotic education of youth and instilling the basics of military training is more relevant than ever. In the context of the loss by our society of the traditional Russian patriotic consciousness, the widespread indifference, cynicism, aggressiveness and the decline in the prestige of military service, a complex of inferiority and inferiority of the nation is being formed. A significant part of young people do not have a positive motivation for conscientious military service. Many of the young men perceive it as an unpleasant inevitability and a thankless duty that should be performed only in order to avoid criminal liability. Involvement in the defense of the Motherland, pride in belonging to the Armed Forces, military honor and dignity - these concepts are losing their significance in the eyes of young people. Therefore, the urgency of solving the most acute problems of educating patriotism is obvious, as the basis for consolidating society and strengthening the state. A taskpatriotic educationthe younger generation is among the priorities today. But it is one thing to declare it publicly and quite another to comprehend it and take concrete steps.

Many school disciplines deal with questions morality . However, the subject of life safety can significantly improve moral education in school. Another question: how to do it and what is needed for this? Indeed, in the real textbooks of the Fundamentals of Life Safety there is practically nothing on the topic of moral education, and in order to educate patriotic citizens who are able to be defenders of their Fatherland, a targeted and effective impact on the student is necessary precisely in the field of secondary education, i.e. at school.

The most important aspects arepsychological preparation and obtaining certain skills of military service: adolescents who have completed the course find it much easier to find a common language with their peers and elders, they are able to make decisions in a difficult situation. This is especially important when they join the army. The young men do not experience panic fear of army life and, upon arrival at the unit, calmly perform their duties.

Any system of teacher's work consists of clearly defined goals and objectives of education and their implementation. This helps to form a creative person who is ready to serve the Fatherland in the military and civilian fields, and, through interaction with various structures, to create an open educational space.

Teaching young people about life safety is meaningless without the formation of moral values ​​and patriotic consciousness. In this way,I see the purpose of teaching life safety at school primarily in the preparation of physically and morally developed young people who could adapt in a rapidly changing world.

We highlight four main areas of our work:

  • patriotic education;
  • military training;
  • physical development;
  • aesthetic development.

These directions cannot but arouse the keen interest of students, since they equip them with vital knowledge, they give a lot in moral and physical terms.

Implementation patriotic directionis carried out through extracurricular activities, where students get acquainted with the history of the state symbols of the country, city, region. Meetings are organized with veterans of wars and labor, employees of law enforcement agencies, they get acquainted with the life of military units.

Military training- this is the study of military affairs (combat and shooting training), military sports competitions, excursions to military units, summer military field practice.In the "Fundamentals of military service and life safety" classes, students get acquainted with the specifics of military labor, prepare to fulfill the duties of a soldier, learn the features of military service, and cultivate the qualities necessary for the defender of the Motherland. They get acquainted and learn the techniques of drill training and the implementation of exercises in applied physical training. The study of the military oath helps to reveal the most important requirements for the moral and combat qualities of a warrior, to show what the highest duty a warrior takes upon himself, taking the oath and joining the ranks of the defenders of the Motherland. Fire training classes provide an opportunity to show the superiority of our small arms over foreign ones.

To our great regret, five-day training camps have not been held in recent years, which, in my opinion, are one of the most effective forms of familiarizing students with the basics of military service. The study of the issues of performing the initial firing exercise, familiarization with the accommodation and life of military personnel, with the organization of daily duty and guard duty, as well as with the armament and military equipment of the unit, is carried out during a five-day training camp at the end of the tenth year of study. Thus, field exercises serve as a test of practical skills and allow students to assess their preparation for the defense of the Motherland.

Physical developmentis aimed at forming a strong belief that human health is the property of the state and is carried out through extra-curricular activities dedicated to physical culture and sports, the organization of sports competitions.

Development of communication skills, the education of a culture of behavior and communication, a culture of leisure, students receive through the organization of evenings of rest, visits to the theater and museums of the city of Volsk.

Due to its specificity military service belongs to the category of the most dangerous professions. It requires a person to be socio-psychologically prepared to act in an extreme situation, characterized by a risk to life and health, a lack of time to make a decision, and great physical and psychological stress.

The current situation in the field of pre-conscription training of youth is characterized by a number of negative factors. The main ones include the following: a decrease in the indicators of the state of health and physical development of the majority of conscripts, a weak system of preparation for military service, insufficient volumes of sports training, and the absence of a unified coordinated programmilitary-patriotic education,insufficient development of military applied and technical sports.

Education on the fighting traditions of the people and the Armed Forces.

1. Measures to perpetuate the memory of the fallen in the struggle for the independence of our Motherland: - Watch of memory on Victory Day; - installation on the wall of the school of memorial plaques to the soldiers who died in Afghanistan.

2. Conducting excursions, lessons of Courage, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic and local wars. Congratulations and performance with concerts in front of war and labor veterans. We have established close cooperation with the public organization “Combat Brotherhood”, which is actively operating in Volsk.

3. Celebration of anniversaries, participation in various city events, holding exhibitions, quizzes, competitions, watching videos.

4. Carrying out competitions of a drill review, a military-patriotic song, shooting sports tournaments, as well as other festive events (concerts) dedicated to great holidays.

Military sports games.

The Applied Fire Sports movement exists for a noble cause. Children are engaged in useful work, involve other schoolchildren in it, learn to help themselves and their neighbor in trouble, get acquainted with the work of rescuers, without whom, there would be no place to wait for help in an emergency.

Next year we plan to revive the military sports game Zarnitsa.Military sports game "Zarnitsa»: - they are strong, brave, dexterous, skillful. Such activities help the formation of children: - moral and physical qualities; - this is an introduction to military service; - the ability to save life, health (one's own and other people's) is acquired; - promotion of a safe lifestyle and a safe type of personality; - finding optimal solutions to overcome emergencies; - systemic communication with adults on an equal footing compensates for the lack of communication between generations; - faith in yourself, in a friend, faith in the biggest, strongest, most beloved, most dear team, which is called Russia.

Communication between school and military teams.

Excursions to the museums of VVUT and the Aeronautical Center. Communication with contract servicemen and cadets, graduates of the 16th school (yesterday's schoolchildren), whom the guys know from the school bench, gives a good result. Often there is a rethinking of their behavior at school.


In conclusion, I would like to say that our work, the work of the entire teaching staff of the school on military-patriotic education, requires further improvement, deepening in all areas, the main result of which, the graduate of the school is a patriot, a reliable future defender of the Motherland! Profession - to defend the Motherland will forever remain socially significant for all generations of Russians, full of high, noble meaning.


, teacher-organizer of primary military training of the highest category of school-gymnasium No. 6 named after Abai Kunanbaev, Stepnogorsk, Akmola region

“The lesson should be permeated with creativity

and at the same time remain a lesson "

The school course of primary military training has been and remains an important component of the educational process. Like any other lesson, the NVP lesson should be modern, bright, rich, memorable for both the student and the teacher. Preparing for the next lesson, thinking through its stages, any teacher thinks in advance the methods and forms of the lesson, the elements of pedagogical technologies that he will apply, what competencies he intends to develop in students during the lesson (cycle of lessons), what will be the method of communication and class management during the lesson (classroom management) and so on. All these concepts are subject to the objectives of the lesson and the tasks of the lesson arising from them. A quality lesson is a well-thought-out lesson designed into a lesson plan. The NVP lesson has its own special characteristics in comparison with other lessons of the school cycle, namely, unlike such subjects as, for example, mathematics, chemistry, it will be useful to the student not so much in his future profession as in everyday life, current and future. The NVP lesson is more of an applied nature. The objectives of the lesson will be based on its applied nature, and this feature of it is the connecting thread of the CWP lesson with all other subjects of the school cycle.

The modern method of teaching NVP should include not only a non-standard, creative lesson, but also extensive extracurricular activities, circle work. What, in my opinion, include new approaches to teaching basic military training:

7) The use of heuristic tasks in the lessons.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the conduct of the creative lesson of the NWP and extracurricular activities. A little about the expediency of introducing ICT in the lessons of initial military training, their importance in the formation of student competencies. The use of ICT in education contributes to the disclosure, preservation and development of individual abilities in schoolchildren, a unique combination of personal qualities inherent in each person; the formation of students' cognitive abilities, the desire for improvement; ensuring the complexity of studying the phenomena of reality, the continuity of the relationship between various subjects - natural science, technology, the humanities and art; constant dynamic renewal of the content, forms and methods of the process of education and upbringing.

The main results of the use of ICT in the educational process:

Growth in the level of independence and initiative of students in the classroom;

Positive attitude of students to the subject of life safety, to the teacher, to each other;

· Designation of the objective orientation of the activities of students on the development of their personality;

The emergence and growth of students' cognitive interest;

· Educational and developmental progress of the personality that arose during the lesson.

From all of the above, one single conclusion can be drawn: the use of information and communication technologies in teaching SWP is not a tribute to fashion, but an urgent need. ICT is one of the essential means of realizing the goals and objectives of the learning process, knowledge of information technology makes a CWP teacher Masters capitalized.

In my lessons, I practice not only theoretical training, the use of practical skills, but also meetings with Afghan soldiers, who in our city provide effective practical assistance in educating the younger generation. I try to ensure that such lessons take place at a high emotional level, which gives the lesson a special efficiency, better return. I use video clips, music, literary passages. And I do this with the aim of enriching the inner world of the student. It's no secret that many students now read little, do not have information about the Second World War, the Afghan war, many historical events, etc. You can see an example of such a lesson on the screen, and I would like to give a small fragment of the lesson "Hour Homelands".

Now a few words about the preparation of the UID detachment. In our school, as in all schools in the city, the Judaic movement is widely developed, which is 30 years old in Stepnogorsk this year. Over the past eight years, our team has taken first place in city, zonal competitions and is the winner of regional UID competitions. For two years in a row, the team won prizes at the republican competitions. The key to such success is the daily training of the team in various areas: drill, medical and sanitary, traffic rules, etc., as well as continuity in the work of the detachment, which consists in participating in the preparation of a new detachment by older team members. For a long time we have been practicing the preparation of a detachment, starting from the first class. Thus, we bring up in the members of the detachment such qualities as friendship, perseverance, the desire for victory, cooperation, patriotism, and leadership qualities. In addition, the team constantly participates in demonstration performances at events of various levels, in parades dedicated to the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, etc. Every year we practice multi-day trips with tents, trips to recreation areas.

All this, of course, requires great preparation, time, mental and physical strength from the teacher. But the results of the work are worth all of the above. As part of the delegation of Kazakhstan, we participated in the International Children's and Youth Gathering "Empire of Friendship: Pechory - Border, Fortress and Soul", where we were able to prove ourselves only from the best side. The program of the rally also included a visit to the state border, and the frontier outpost, and ancient fortresses, etc. Naturally, military sports competitions were also held at that time.

Last year, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, we were able to gather a group of 35 people and visit the hero cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, visit the Eternal Flame, Poklonnaya Hill, the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, etc.

One cannot fail to say that in order to conduct such extensive work, the teacher himself must improve himself, participate in various creative competitions, events, competitions of professional skills, improve his qualifications, including at distance courses, distance pedagogical conferences, which allows you to communicate with a huge number of colleagues, solve many pedagogical problems, etc.

All this together makes it possible to more effectively carry out patriotic work among students of different ages, to instill in them a sense of pride in their school, their city, their Republic, and civic responsibility. And this means that each of them will grow up to be a true patriot of their homeland.

Ways to Improve NVP.

Increasing the effectiveness of the NVP primarily depends on the improvement of its content, on the improvement of military-patriotic education and the psychological preparation of draft youth for military service. Not only those who know and can do it, but at the same time possess a certain minimum of moral and psychological qualities, should enter the army. Further improvement is necessary in connection with the continuous change in weapons and military equipment, methods of performing combat missions with a tendency towards the division of military labor and differentiation along professional lines. An important factor in improving education is the introduction of new didactic tools, techniques and methods. The quality of training of specialists increases when, along with frontal education, training is carried out according to individual plans based on tasks that are determined depending on the level of development and cognitive abilities of students. Efficiency is enhanced by the application of mutual learning methods. In the interests of intensifying the NVP and improving its quality, it is important to creatively use extracurricular forms, excursions, and competitions. Visiting military units with the organization of shown classes in the military unit. In pedagogical skill, three structural elements can be distinguished: the skill of a methodologist and the skill of an educator, pedagogical technique.

Skills and abilities to organize training sessions.

Ability to maintain contact with the audience.

Ability to debrief.

The combination of frontal learning with an individual approach to each student.

An important means of developing young people's interest in studies and activating their thinking is novelty. Especially active interest among young people appears in military equipment, weapons, and their direct use. Therefore, the reduction in the provision of educational institutions with training weapons and armaments reduces the level of knowledge and interest in studying the subject of NVP.

Preparation of students for the patriotic education of younger students.

In our opinion, it is legitimate to include in the concept of "patriotic education of younger schoolchildren" the education of the following feelings, beliefs and moral qualities of students: love for the land of the fathers and the nature of their native land, for their people and their homeland: love for their native language, a noble sense of national pride; love for the culture of their people: literature, art, cultural monuments, the heroic past of the Fatherland: the cause of their state, self-sacrifice in the struggle for the honor and independence of the Motherland; conscientious work for the benefit of society; performance of their duties and high moral patriotic behavior at school, at home, on the street and in public places; a sense of friendship and respect for peers and the older generation.

A great feeling of love for one's Motherland manifests itself when the Fatherland becomes free, when people take its present and future into their own hands. The feeling of patriotism expresses the desire of a person to make the Fatherland strong, prosperous, powerful, it predetermines the readiness to resolutely defend the Motherland from any kind of encroachment.

However, patriotism This is also a deep filial attachment to the native places where a person was born and where the graves of his ancestors are located. Patriotism is not only a moral feeling, but also a deeply conscious understanding of the idea of ​​love for the motherland. This idea is one of the most important principles of Kazakh patriotism.

Kazakh patriotism- this is a deeply conscious love for the Motherland, for one's people, an understanding of the inseparability of one's interests with them, a sense of pride in one's country, its achievements and a constant readiness to give all one's strength, and if necessary, life for its good and its prosperity. Every person should have a sense of the Motherland. This word is associated not only with the vast expanses of the native land, the parental home, native songs and native customs, but also the names of her great sons, like Shokan Valikhanov. Kenesary Kasymov, Abai, Saken Seifulin, many others wonderful sons of the Fatherland. For many centuries, our ancestors, being in harsh conditions, defended their territories. At present, in order to protect the unity and independence of our state, the younger generation must be instilled with the spirit of heroism founded by our ancestors. Songs and legends about batyrs that have come down to us through the centuries play an important role in shaping our generation's love for their people, land. The content of these works of the people is permeated with love for their people, for the land, and for traditions. Love and devotion to the Motherland is not contemplative in nature, but is a powerful driving force for building a new society and protecting it.

What are you, a soldier's life?

This question worries many guys who in the near future will have to fulfill their military duty in the ranks of the Armed Forces. But not all of them and not always find the correct and correct answer.

Indeed, conscripts and pre-conscripts often receive information about the army from incompetent sources and, as a rule, of a negative nature, which in itself affects the mood of future soldiers. This fact suggests that the guys are in the CWP lessons. prepare themselves for military service with responsibility and seriousness. This requires the soldiers to perform unmistakable actions in any extreme situation, to be able to use weapons correctly, in accordance with the Charter of the garrison and guard service, to wield a bayonet and butt, to be strong and enduring. To train conscious, skillful and courageous defenders of their Fatherland.

Teacher-Organizer of the NVP: V.I. Potashin

Speaking at a press conference on the administrative reform of his department, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, at the request of UG, commented on the sensational bill adopted by the State Duma in the first reading. At one time, the NVP in the school curriculum was replaced by the Fundamentals of Life Safety. And the most direct participation in the development and development of this course was taken by specialists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Now, with the “light” hand of the deputies, high school students may again have to assemble and disassemble the Kalashnikov assault rifle in class. How does the ministry feel about this prospect?

Over the past few years, we have created a serious base for teaching life safety. Textbooks for schools and universities have been published. I am absolutely convinced that this subject is necessary and important, - says Sergey Kuzhugetovich. - Everyone should know how to behave in emergency situations in order to save, if not others, then at least their own lives.

I never interfere in the affairs of my colleagues, but if they believe that NVP really needs to be introduced into the school curriculum, then this should be done very carefully and carefully. And this should be the kind of initial military training that is needed now, in modern conditions, and not the one that was 10-15 years ago.

Speaking about the administrative reform, Sergei Shoigu noted that five years ago, due to insufficient funding, the ministry began to enlarge its divisions. The reduction affected both the civil defense troops and the central office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The saved funds were used to purchase equipment and raise salaries for employees, which made it possible to attract high-level specialists to work in the ministry. Today, 371 thousand people work in his state. But this is not all civil defense forces. To these must be added 68 thousand teachers of schools and universities, as well as 7.5 thousand volunteer rescuers from student groups.

Moreover, specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations do not sit idly by in anticipation of natural disasters, but do everything to minimize possible damage. For example, before the 2003 flood, thousands of people worked to strengthen dams, check bridges, and move anthrax graves.

It was not a surprise for the rescuers and the current earthquake in the Altai Republic. However, it surprised them with its scale. According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the strength of the tremors should not have exceeded 4 points on the Richter scale. Based on the theory of probability, Sergei Shoigu believes, what happened in Altai can only happen once every two thousand years.

As it turned out, the schools and hospitals destroyed by the earthquake were built from materials that, in principle, cannot be used in seismically active zones. Now new ones will be built in their place. This process will be taken under control by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Gosstroy, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health.

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