The best wars in the world in history. Richard the Lionheart

- We kidnapped you to study.
- You can not do it this way! People are reasonable, we fly into space!
- How many wars have you had in the last 1000 years?
- …
- Prepare anal probe

According to historians, in the entire history of mankind, more than 15 thousand wars have taken place, in which up to 3.5 billion people died. We can say that humanity has always been at war throughout its history. Historians have calculated that over the last 5.5 thousand years people have been able to live in the world for only an insignificant 300 years, that is, it turns out that in each century a civilization lived in the world for only a week.

How many people died in the wars of the twentieth century?

It is not possible to accurately determine the number of those who died in wars, records were not kept in all cases, and estimates of the number of deaths are only approximate. It is also difficult to separate the direct victims of the war from the indirect ones. One attempt to estimate this number was made by the Russian historian Vadim Erlikhman in his work “Population Losses in the 20th Century”. Having compiled a list of wars, he tried to find data on the number of victims for each. According to his calculations, the human losses directly related to the wars of the 20th century amount to 126 million people worldwide (including death from disease, starvation and captivity). But this figure cannot be considered firmly established. Below is data from the same work.

Throughout its history, man has tried to destroy his own kind and has come up with more and more sophisticated methods for this. From a stone club, a spear and a bow to an atomic bomb, military gases and bacteriological weapons. All this is aimed at only one thing - to destroy in the most rational way as many of their own kind as possible. Only one thing can be said in the entire history of human civilization, violence, and especially armed violence, has played an important role and has even been a kind of engine of progress. Today, man continues the "glorious traditions": weapons are launched even before peaceful solutions have been exhausted.

They share several main stages in the development of wars and military art: five important stages of wars can be distinguished, although another classification can be applied: pre-nuclear and nuclear wars. The main milestones of the change of generations of wars coincided with qualitative leaps in the development of the economy, which led to the creation of new types of weapons, a change in the forms and methods of armed struggle.

The stages of wars in the pre-nuclear period are associated with the development of human society, its technological and correlates with leaps in the development of mankind itself. The first major leap in the development of military conflicts was the use of new types of bladed weapons instead of the usual sticks and stones that were typical for people of the Stone Age. The bow, arrows, swords and spears enter the stage of history. With similar weapons, maybe only slightly modernized, people have been destroying each other for several thousand years. The wars of the first generation in historical terms already acted as a way to resolve contradictions, but they could also be of a pronounced political nature. Their origin should be attributed to the tribal, tribal and family-patriarchal stages of human development with their inherent exchange of the results of labor within the tribe, clan and the development of commodity relations into commodity-money.

The wars of the first generation took place in the slaveholding and feudal period of the development of society, at a time when the development of production was very weak, but nevertheless, even then, wars were a means of implementing the policy of the ruling classes. The armed struggle in these wars was carried out at the tactical level of units of exclusively manpower - foot soldiers and cavalry equipped with edged weapons. The main goal of such hostilities was the destruction of enemy troops. In such wars, the warrior, his physical fitness, endurance, courage and fighting spirit came to the fore. This era occupies an important place in human history, it is sung in songs and fanned with legends. Time of heroes and myths. It was in this era that Leonidas and his three hundred Spartans fought, Alexander the Great and his Macedonians, Hannibal and Spartacus led their troops into battle. All these events are certainly beautifully described in books and Hollywood films, but it hardly looked beautiful in reality. Especially for those people who were directly involved in them or civilians who became victims of these conflicts. The peasants, whose crops were trampled by the knightly cavalry and who because of this were doomed to starvation, were hardly up to romance. This stage in the development of mankind lasted a very long time - this is probably the longest stage in the history of the development of wars and military art. From the very beginning of human history to the 12th-13th century a new era, and completed his new invention of the human mind - gunpowder. After that, it became possible to recruit larger armies with less trained fighters - to own a musket or an arquebus, many years of training were not required, which went into training a master swordsman or archer.

The forms and methods of waging wars of the second generation were due to a revolution in military affairs associated with the development of material production in feudal society. In the 12th-13th century, firearms came to the forefront of history - various muskets, arquebuses, cannons and squeaks. At first, this weapon was bulky and imperfect. But his appearance immediately led to a real revolution in military affairs - now the fortress walls of feudal castles could no longer be a reliable defense - siege weapons swept them away. For example, it was thanks to huge siege weapons that the Turks were able to take Constantinople in 1453, a city that had successfully repulsed all attacks on its walls for almost a thousand years. The firearms of this era, especially its beginning, were very inefficient, they were smooth-bore, so there is simply no need to talk about shooting accuracy, very large and difficult to manufacture. In addition, it had a very low rate of fire. The bow fired much faster and more accurately. But it took years to train an archer, and a musket could be put into the hands of a former peasant and trained as a musketeer in the shortest possible time. In addition, at this time, the value of heavy armor immediately drops - firearms easily pierced any armor. We can say that the brilliant time of the knights has sunk into oblivion. Typical representatives of this era include D'Artagnan and his three comrades, as well as Ukrainian Cossacks, their weapons and battle tactics are typical for that era and for the second stage of armed conflicts.

The third stage in the development of military affairs is directly related to the capitalist, industrial system, which replaced the feudal system in the countries of the Old World. It was he who contributed to the progress in technology, the emergence of new means of production and new scientific inventions, which the restless humanity immediately put on a war footing. The next stage in armed conflicts is also associated with firearms, or rather, its further improvement and improvement. There are rifling in the bore, thereby significantly increasing the accuracy of fire, increasing the range of guns and their rate of fire. Many iconic inventions were made that remain in demand today - a cartridge with a cartridge case was invented, loading from the breech of a weapon, and others. It is to this period that the inventions of a machine gun, a revolver and many other iconic weapons are attributed. The weapon became multiply charged and one warrior could destroy a large number of enemies at once. Wars began to be fought from trenches and other hiding places and required the creation of armies of many millions. The bloody madness of the First World War became the bloody apotheosis of this stage in the development of wars.

The further development of weapons and the emergence of new types of them - combat aircraft and tanks, as well as the improvement of communications, improved logistics and other innovations led to the transition of hostilities to a new stage - this is how fourth-generation wars arose - a prominent representative of which is World War II. In principle, many features of this war have retained their relevance for the actions of the ground forces to this day. But in addition, the end of World War II was marked by the invention of nuclear weapons. Many experts take a war with the participation of such weapons out of the classification altogether, because in a nuclear war there will simply be no winners and losers. Although other military analysts attribute nuclear weapons to fifth-generation wars. Their signs include the development of nuclear weapons and their means of delivery to the target.

Sixth generation wars are associated with the development of precision weapons and the ability to kill at a distance, the so-called non-contact war. In addition, in many cases, not enemy troops are destroyed, but the entire infrastructure of the state. This is what we saw in Serbia and in Iraq. With the help of aviation and cruise missiles, air defense systems are destroyed, and then life support facilities on the territory of the state are systematically destroyed. The concept of "rear" at this stage of wars and with such tactics is simply absent. Communications, bridges, industrial facilities are being destroyed in the state. The economy is in decline. The strikes are accompanied by powerful information pressure and political provocations. The state with its institutions simply ceases to exist.

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Wars - this is what has always been, how many people live on the planet. Military uniforms at different times and in different countries are not similar to each other. It is interesting to know which warrior is the most handsome.

The most famous scout

After the film "Lawrence of Arabia" was released, the most famous intelligence officer was a man named Thomas Edward Lawrence. His role in the First World War is enormous.

While studying at the University, Thomas traveled a lot. Basically, these were trips to Syria, where he managed to thoroughly study the way of life in this eastern country. Being very hospitable, the Arabs always greeted Lawrence warmly. He ate simple food with them, learned to ride a camel, learned their dialects, and even wore Arabic clothes.

Soon British intelligence drew attention to the young man and invited him to specialize in Arab affairs. Thanks to his activities, sabotage detachments were organized from among the Bedouins, which then operated in Arabia and Palestine. Not without the influence and help of a scout, one of the Turkish ports was taken by the Arabs during the war for independence from Turkey.

The same intelligence officer contributed to the change of padishah in the twenties. As a result, the one that was more convenient for England came to power. As a result, relations with the USSR heated up, and the question of sending troops to Afghanistan was raised.

The oldest paratrooper in Russia

Respectable warriors are paratroopers. In Russia, the most famous and oldest paratrooper was Alexei Sokolov. Unfortunately, in the spring of 2013, when he was one hundred and two years old, he passed away.

This man has lived an interesting life. He participated in the Finnish company, heading the headquarters of a tank brigade battalion in those years, then in the Second World War, he defended Leningrad, after that in the war with Japan. In 1948, with the rank of captain, he became deputy for the technical part of one of the parachute regiments.

Sokolov gave more than seventy years of service. In recent years, he has been engaged in the military-patriotic education of youth, he was an honorary chairman in the Council of Veterans.

The most beautiful warrior in the world

The beauty of a warrior largely depends on the military uniform he wears. Many years have passed since the end of World War II, but the form of the Third Reich still remains the most beautiful among all known forms.

The designers of the black SS uniform were Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck. Hugo Boss founded a company in 1924, which was engaged in sewing uniforms for the Hitler Youth, the SS and the Wehrmacht. The factory was located in Metzingen, where convicts and French prisoners worked.

The form of the Third Reich is beautiful, diverse and interesting in terms of the reasons that led to specific design decisions.

It should be noted that in those years, Hugo Boss, as a trademark, no one knew. The company was originally engaged in sewing raincoats and overalls for workers. Receiving a defense order made it possible to save the precarious situation. Seventy-five thousand private German tailors were engaged in sewing uniforms, one of them was Hugo Boss.

Interestingly, there is also a very funny form. Most often, soldiers of the guard of honor stand in such an absurd form. Ridiculous are the robes in which the Greek Evzones march in Athens at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, because of this, rare tourists can refrain from laughing. They are wearing heavy woolen uniforms, double woolen stockings.

The Corps of the Swiss Guard is hired to guard the Pope. The uniform they wear was developed by Michelangelo and has not changed for four hundred years. Today, this uniform resembles a clown outfit.

The Fiji guard of honor are strong guys wearing tattered skirts. On their feet are slippers.

The strongest and greatest warrior of all time

They talked about great warriors, they talk and will always talk about them. These are called Spartacus, Napoleon and Cortes. Atilla is considered a great and mysterious warrior. It is impossible not to name Richard the Lionheart, who, being the king of England, became the head of the crusade against Jerusalem. Tokugawa Ieyasu is considered the great Japanese samurai commander.

The greatest military leader of all time is Alexander the Great. Conquering the world has been his dream since childhood. Thanks to military victories, the borders of the empire stretched from India to Greece.

The Mongol Khan Genghis Khan is recognized as a great warrior and brilliant commander. The great Tamerlane managed to conquer the territory from the Volga to Samarkand.

A skillful strategist of the Ancient world is Hannibal. Being an enemy of the Roman Republic, he led the Punic Wars. He stood at the head of a huge army and was able to cross with him the Alps and the Pyrenees.

The great warrior and national hero of Russia is deservedly named Alexander Suvorov. There was not a single defeat in his military career. This commander had no equal in the art of war.

The famous commander who devoted his life to defending his homeland was Alexander Nevsky. Next to him you can put the name of another Russian commander - Dmitry Donskoy, who managed to defeat the Mongol horde with his army.

The strongest warriors were not only strong people. Real strongmen - for example, athletes. According to the site, the strongest people in the world are athletes and can even move ships.
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In world history, many civilizations were born and died, but this article discusses the most dangerous and prosperous and their ancient warriors. Not the best side of humanity and history in particular is collected here. In those days, this may have been the norm, but today it seems simply monstrous and unimaginable. You know many civilizations from this rating, some films were made in which everything is shown from the best side, but now you will find out how it really was. So, from worst to worst in human history, the most fierce ancient warriors and civilizations of the world.

10. Sparta

Sparta was very different from other ancient Greek city-states. The word "Spartan" has come down to us to describe self-denial and simplicity. Spartan life was war. The children were more children of the state than their parents. They were born soldiers, statesmen, strong and disciplined.

Despite the noble portrayal of them in the movie "300" Spartans, they were a very cruel people. To represent: every Spartan male was a soldier. The rest of the work was done by slaves; the Spartans were warriors, that's all. All their lives they fought to the point of physical exhaustion and finally retired at 60. Death betrayed the Spartan into oblivion. The only Spartans who have been commemorated with tombstones are those who died in battle while winning. They and only they had to have graves in order to amaze future generations with heroism. The one who lost the shield was executed. By Spartan logic, the warrior must retrieve it or die trying.

9. Maori

The Maori were the original inhabitants of New Zealand. They built up a reputation for being "for themselves" by actually eating all the intruders up until the 18th century. Maori believed that by devouring the flesh of their enemies, they become stronger, absorbing their best qualities.

They practiced cannibalism during the war. In October 1809, a European ship with convicts was attacked by a large group of cannibal warriors - in retaliation for the cruel treatment of the leader's son. The Māori killed most of the 66 people on board. Victims - both dead and alive - they sent in boats back to the shore, to be eaten. The few "lucky" survivors who were able to take cover were horrified to see their comrades being devoured by the Maori all night long.

8. Vikings

The Vikings were North Germanic people of the sea who raided, traded and settled, exploring, in vast areas of Europe and Asia, as well as the North Atlantic islands from the late 8th to the middle of the 11th centuries. Notorious for terror and looting throughout Europe.

They were ferocious ancient warriors who never shied away from a fight. Their physical strength was reinforced by their military skills, as well as the use of various types of weapons such as axes, swords and spears. Perhaps their religion can be called military. The Vikings firmly believed that all people have a purpose in this life, and they fought to the death. This was their goal. Each of them was a soldier and fully proved it on the battlefield, sweeping away everything in its path.

7 Apache Tribe

Known for their fearlessness in combat, the Apaches were like America's ninjas. They were not like the Native Americans themselves. With amazingly cunning skills, they were quite adept at using primitive weapons made of bone and stone. Apaches could sneak up behind you, and you would not even have time to realize that your throat was cut. These were the greatest knife fighters the world has ever seen; they were pretty good with the tomahawk, great at throwing axes. They terrorized the southwestern United States, and even the military had problems with them, scalping their victims. As fighters the Apaches had great success. Today, their descendants train special forces in hand-to-hand combat.

6. Roman Empire

The Roman Empire included almost everything that can now be considered Western Europe. The empire dictated the way of life in the conquered countries. The main countries conquered were England/Wales (then known as Britain), Spain (Hispania), France (Gaul), Greece (Achaia), in the Middle East - Judea and the coastal region of North Africa. Yes, Rome was the greatest empire, but it is impossible to deny the horrors of this empire. criminals, slaves, ancient warriors and others were forced to fight each other to the death in gladiatorial games. Everyone knows the greatest villains of Rome - Nero and Caligula. In AD 64, the first Christians were the object of terrible persecution. Some were torn apart by dogs, others burned alive like human torches. Before becoming an empire, Rome was a republic. The emergence of Rome is allegedly legendary and is associated with a she-wolf who nursed Roma and Remulus. Combined with an excellent military and administrative system, the Roman Empire is one of the longest. Ancient Rome lasted a whopping 2214 years!

5. Mongols

The Mongol Empire existed in the 13th and 14th centuries AD and was the largest landowner in human history. The Mongol Empire emerged from the unification of the Mongol and Turkic tribes under the leadership of Genghis Khan. The Mongols were considered barbarians and savages. Throughout Europe and Asia, they became famous for horseback riding and archery. They were highly disciplined. They used a composite bow, wielded spears and sabers. They were masters of psychological warfare and built the second largest empire (after the British). It all started with the fact that Genghis Khan swore in his youth to take over the whole world. He almost made it. Then he set his sights on China, and the rest is history. During the invasion of India, they built a pyramid in front of the walls of Delhi from human heads. They, like the Celts, had a clause about severed heads. The Mongols loved to collect them and catapult them into the camp of the enemy. They did the same with plague corpses. When the Mongols ran into pregnant women, they did…things that we won't discuss here.

Communism is responsible for millions of deaths. Stalin killed 10-60 million people. The Soviet Union was probably one of the greatest enemies of the US. The ideology of total fear.

3. Celts

The Celts lived on lands from the British Isles to Galatia. The Celts were in contact with the cultures of multiple neighbors, and there is no written mention of them. The Celts enjoyed a reputation as headhunters. Many Celts fought completely naked and were famous for their long swords. They cut off the heads of their dead enemies and fastened them to the necks of their horses. Bloody trophies the Celts gave to servants and sang hymns. The heads of the most prominent enemies they embalmed and preserved to be proud of. Like, instead of a bag of gold, we got an absolute victory and the head of the enemy. They are the third among the most cruel ancient warriors and civilizations of the world.

2. Aztecs

The Aztecs were an ethnic group in Mexico that spoke the Nahuatl language (14th-16th centuries). They had a complex theocracy. The Aztecs made human sacrifices. Cannibalism was also encouraged. They killed 20,000 people a year to "make the gods happy." The hearts of the victims were cut out and solemnly eaten. Someone was drowned, beheaded, burned or thrown from a height. And that's not even the worst. According to the rites of the "rain god", children were killed in different places so that their tears could cause rain. During the sacrifice to the "god of fire", a couple of newlyweds were thrown into the fire. In the rite of the "corn goddess" virgins danced for 24 hours, then they were killed and skinned. Aztec priests then carried this skin with them. And at the coronation, Ahuizotl is said to have killed 80,000 people to please his idols.

1. Nazi Germany

The most violent civilization in history. Nazi Germany (Third Reich) refers to Germany during the era when the country turned into a totalitarian state, being under the rule of Adolf Hitler as the leader of the German National Socialist Workers' Party, until the destruction by the Allied forces in May 1945. Despite its short duration, this civilization greatly influenced the world. Nazi Germany started the worst war in human history - World War II. At least 4 million people were killed during the Holocaust. The Nazi swastika is perhaps the most hated symbol in the world. Nazi Germany owned about 268,829 square miles of land. Hitler was one of the most powerful people in the history of the world, and his empire was by far the most terrible.

In the history of mankind, various wars occupy a huge place.
They redrawn maps, gave birth to empires, destroyed peoples and nations. The earth remembers wars that lasted more than a century. We recall the most protracted military conflicts in the history of mankind.

1. War without shots (335 years old)

The longest and most curious of the wars is the war between the Netherlands and the Scilly archipelago, which is part of Great Britain.

Due to the lack of a peace treaty, it formally went on for 335 years without firing a shot, which makes it one of the longest and most curious wars in history, and even the war with the least losses.

Peace was officially declared in 1986.

2. Punic War (118 years)

By the middle of the III century BC. the Romans almost completely subjugated Italy, swung at the entire Mediterranean and wanted Sicily first. But the mighty Carthage also claimed this rich island.

Their claims unleashed 3 wars that stretched (intermittently) from 264 to 146. BC. and got the name from the Latin name of the Phoenicians-Carthaginians (puns).

The first (264-241) - 23 years old (began just because of Sicily).
The second (218-201) - 17 years (after the capture of the Spanish city of Sagunta by Hannibal).
The last (149-146) - 3 years.
It was then that the famous phrase "Carthage must be destroyed!" was born. Pure warfare took 43 years. The conflict in total - 118 years.

Results: Besieged Carthage fell. Rome won.

3. Hundred Years War (116 years)

Went in 4 stages. With pauses for truces (the longest - 10 years) and the fight against the plague (1348) from 1337 to 1453.

Opponents: England and France.

Reasons: France wanted to oust England from the southwestern lands of Aquitaine and complete the unification of the country. England - to strengthen influence in the province of Guyenne and return those lost under John the Landless - Normandy, Maine, Anjou. Complication: Flanders - formally was under the auspices of the French crown, in fact it was free, but depended on English wool in cloth making.

Reason: the claims of the English king Edward III from the Plantagenet-Anjou dynasty (the maternal grandson of the French king Philip IV the Handsome of the Capetian family) to the Gallic throne. Allies: England - German feudal lords and Flanders. France - Scotland and the Pope. Army: English - mercenary. under the command of the king. The basis is infantry (archers) and knightly units. French - a knightly militia, led by royal vassals.

Turning point: after the execution of Joan of Arc in 1431 and the Battle of Normandy, the national liberation war of the French people began with the tactics of guerrilla raids.

Results: October 19, 1453 the English army capitulated in Bordeaux. Having lost everything on the continent, except for the port of Calais (it remained English for another 100 years). France switched to a regular army, abandoned knightly cavalry, gave preference to infantry, and the first firearms appeared.

4. Greco-Persian War (50 years)

Altogether, war. Stretched with lulls from 499 to 449. BC. They are divided into two (the first - 492-490, the second - 480-479) or three (the first - 492, the second - 490, the third - 480-479 (449). For the Greek policies-states - the battle for independence. For the Achaeminid Empire - captivating.

Trigger: Ionian rebellion. The battle of the Spartans at Thermopylae is legendary. The battle of Salamis was a turning point. The point was put by "Kalliev Mir".

Results: Persia lost the Aegean Sea, the coasts of the Hellespont and the Bosporus. Recognized the freedom of the cities of Asia Minor. The civilization of the ancient Greeks entered the time of the highest prosperity, laying the culture, which, even after millennia, the world was equal to.

4. Punic war. The battles lasted 43 years. They are divided into three stages of wars between Rome and Carthage. They fought for dominance in the Mediterranean. The Romans won the battle.

5. Guatemalan War (age 36)

Civil. It proceeded in outbreaks from 1960 to 1996. A provocative decision by US President Eisenhower in 1954 triggered a coup.

Reason: the fight against the "communist infection".

Opponents: Bloc "Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity" and the military junta.

Victims: almost 6 thousand murders were committed annually, only in the 80s - 669 massacres, more than 200 thousand dead (of which 83% were Maya Indians), over 150 thousand went missing. Outcomes: Signing of the "Treaty for a Lasting and Lasting Peace", which protected the rights of 23 groups of Native Americans.

Outcomes: Signing of the "Treaty for a Lasting and Lasting Peace", which protected the rights of 23 groups of Native Americans.

6. War of the Scarlet and White Roses (33 years old)

Confrontation of the English nobility - supporters of two tribal branches of the Plantagenet dynasty - Lancaster and York. Stretched from 1455 to 1485.
Prerequisites: "bastard feudalism" - the privilege of the English nobility to pay off military service from the lord, in whose hands large funds were concentrated, with which he paid for the army of mercenaries, which became more powerful than the royal one.

The reason: the defeat of England in the Hundred Years War, the impoverishment of the feudal lords, their rejection of the political course of the wife of the feeble-minded king Henry IV, hatred of her favorites.

Opposition: Duke Richard of York - considered the right to power of the Lancasters illegitimate, became regent under an incapacitated monarch, in 1483 - king, was killed at the Battle of Bosworth.

Results: Violated the balance of political forces in Europe. Led to the collapse of the Plantagenets. She placed the Welsh Tudors on the throne, who ruled England for 117 years. Cost the lives of hundreds of English aristocrats.

7. Thirty Years War (30 years)

The first military conflict of a pan-European scale. Lasted from 1618 to 1648. Opponents: two coalitions. The first is the union of the Holy Roman Empire (in fact, Austrian) with Spain and the Catholic principalities of Germany. The second - the German states, where power was in the hands of Protestant princes. They were supported by the armies of reformist Sweden and Denmark and Catholic France.

Reason: The Catholic League was afraid of the spread of the ideas of the Reformation in Europe, the Protestant Evangelical Union was striving for this.

Trigger: Revolt of Czech Protestants against Austrian domination.

Results: The population of Germany has decreased by a third. The French army lost 80 thousand. Austria and Spain - more than 120. After the Treaty of Münster in 1648, a new independent state, the Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands (Holland), was finally fixed on the map of Europe.

8. Peloponnesian War (age 27)

There are two of them. The first is the Lesser Peloponnesian (460-445 BC). The second (431-404 BC) is the largest in the history of Ancient Hellas after the first Persian invasion of the territory of Balkan Greece. (492-490 BC).

Opponents: Peloponnesian Union led by Sparta and the First Marine (Delosian) under the auspices of Athens.

Reasons: The desire for hegemony in the Greek world of Athens and the rejection of their claims by Sparta and Corypha.

Contradictions: Athens was ruled by an oligarchy. Sparta is a military aristocracy. Ethnically, the Athenians were Ionians, the Spartans were Dorians. In the second, 2 periods are distinguished.

The first is "Arkhidamov's War". The Spartans made land invasions into the territory of Attica. Athenians - sea raids on the coast of the Peloponnese. It ended in the 421st signing of the Peace of Nikiev. After 6 years, it was violated by the Athenian side, which was defeated in the battle of Syracuse. The final phase went down in history under the name Dekeley or Ionian. With the support of Persia, Sparta built a fleet and destroyed the Athenian at Aegospotami.

Results: After the conclusion in April 404 BC. Theramenian world of Athens lost the fleet, tore down the Long Walls, lost all the colonies and joined the Spartan alliance.

9. Great Northern War (age 21)

There was a northern war for 21 years. She was between the northern states and Sweden (1700-1721), the opposition of Peter I to Charles XII. Russia fought mostly on its own.

Reason: Possession of the Baltic lands, control over the Baltic.

Results: With the end of the war in Europe, a new empire arose - the Russian Empire, which has access to the Baltic Sea and has a powerful army and navy. The capital of the empire was St. Petersburg, located at the confluence of the Neva River into the Baltic Sea.

Sweden lost the war.

10 Vietnam War (age 18)

The Second Indochinese War between Vietnam and the United States and one of the most destructive of the second half of the 20th century. Lasted from 1957 to 1975. 3 periods: guerrilla South Vietnamese (1957-1964), from 1965 to 1973 - full-scale US military operations, 1973-1975. - after the withdrawal of American troops from the territories of the Viet Cong. Opponents: South and North Vietnam. On the side of the South - the United States and the military bloc SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization). North - China and the USSR.

The reason: when the communists came to power in China, and Ho Chi Minh became the leader of South Vietnam, the White House administration was afraid of the communist "domino effect". After Kennedy's assassination, Congress gave President Lyndon Johnson carte blanche to use military force in the Tonkin Resolution. And already in March 65, two battalions of US Army Navy SEALs left for Vietnam. So the States became part of the Vietnamese Civil War. They applied the “search and destroy” strategy, burned the jungle with napalm - the Vietnamese went underground and responded with a guerrilla war.

Who benefits: American arms corporations. US losses: 58 thousand in combat (64% under the age of 21) and about 150 thousand suicides of American veterans of the explosives.

Vietnamese victims: over 1 million who fought and more than 2 civilians, only in South Vietnam - 83 thousand amputees, 30 thousand blind, 10 thousand deaf, after the operation "Ranch Hand" (chemical destruction of the jungle) - congenital genetic mutations.

Results: The Tribunal of May 10, 1967 qualified the US actions in Vietnam as a crime against humanity (Article 6 of the Nuremberg Statute) and banned the use of CBU-type thermite bombs as weapons of mass destruction.

(C) different places on the internet

The topic of the section is the wars in the history of Russia and their results. The dates of the wars in which our state participated and their main results are presented to your attention. We will talk about both famous wars and those that are practically unknown to a wide range of history buffs.

1605 - 1618 - Russian-Polish war. One of the most difficult wars in our history, since there was a time of troubles in Russia then. The impostor False Dmitry I came to the Russian throne by deceit, but a year later, during the uprising, he was killed. But the turmoil did not end, many robber mines formed on the territory of Russia, which acted independently and to the detriment of Moscow, the Cossacks also acted, over whom at that time there was no control. In 1610 the Poles entered Moscow, in 1611 the Poles stormed Smolensk. In 1612, the Russian people's militia of Minin and Pozharsky defeated the Polish-Lithuanian army and drove them out of Moscow. After that, the Russians were already willing to recapture Smolensk, but this enterprise ended in failure. In 1617, the Poles moved to Moscow, but also failed.
In 1618, a truce was signed between the Russians and the Poles, according to which Russia lost Smolensk.

XVII - XX centuries. - During this interval, they often flared up Russian-Turkish wars. The last of which took place in the framework of the First World War, which will be described below. .

1632 - 1634 - Smolensk war. Russia tried to recapture Smolensk from Poland, but it failed. Smolensk remained with the Poles.

1654 - 1667 - Russian-Polish war. For Russia, this confrontation, on the one hand, was a logical continuation of previous wars with the Poles, but the uprising of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks led by Bogdan Khmelnitsky in 1648 played a very important role here. The Russians supported the fraternal people, who were under the rule of the Polish king. The confrontation went on with varying success, but still the Russians and the Cossacks eventually won a victory over the Poles. The result of the war - Smolensk and all the lands lost in troubled times, Left-Bank Ukraine and Kyiv, went to Russia. The Commonwealth suffered a very serious defeat from Moscow Russia and was very weakened and subsequently could not recover.

1700 - 1721 - North War. The fighting went between Russia and Sweden. Our state won and annexed part of Finland, the Baltic States and gained access to the Baltic Sea.

1722 - 1723 - Russo-Persian War. The victory in the confrontation between Persia and Russia was won by the latter. Thanks to this, our state received in its possession the Caspian lands with the cities of Derbent, Baku, Rasht. Later, the government of the Russian Empire returned this territory to the Persians due to the difficult foreign policy situation in the south of the country.

1757 - 1762 - Seven Years' War. Almost all European states took part in it. For Russia, this war was, by and large, like a war with Prussia, whose emperor was Frederick II. Russian troops achieved great success in this confrontation. They occupied East Prussia, temporarily occupied Berlin and were very close to the complete defeat of the Prussian army, but in 1762 Elizabeth died, and Peter III, whom Frederick II considered his idol, ascended the throne. In 1762, a peace treaty was signed between Russia and Prussia, and all the conquests of Russia were returned to Friedrich.

1796 - Russo-Persian War. The Russians won, captured Derbent, Cuba and Baku. However, after the death of Catherine II, Paul ascended the throne. After that, the war was stopped, and the occupied territories were returned to the Persians.

1804 - 1813 - Russo-Persian War. The result of a long war was the victory of Russia. According to the Gulistan Peace Treaty, Persia recognized the inclusion of Eastern Georgia, Northern Azerbaijan, Imeretia, Guria, Mengrelia and Abkhazia into the Russian Empire.

1805 - 1807 - 3rd and 4th coalitions. During this period of the Napoleonic Wars, 4 major battles took place between Russia and France. 2 of which ended in a draw, and 2 in the defeat of the Russian army. After the defeat of Russia from France near Friedland in 1807, the Treaty of Tilsit was signed between these two powers.

1808 - 1809 - Finnish war. The confrontation between the Russian Empire and Sweden, in which the latter suffered a crushing defeat. The result of the war was the accession of Finland to Russia.

1812 - Patriotic War. Russia fought in this confrontation France. Almost all of Europe fought in the ranks of the latter, as it was captured by the French emperor Napoleon. The war ended with the retreat of the French from Russian possessions.

1813 - 1814 - Foreign campaigns of the Russian army. These campaigns took place as part of the war with France, which ended in 1814 with the capture of Paris by Russian and allied troops. As a result, France lost all the lands in Europe that she had captured. Russia annexed part of Poland along with Warsaw.

1826 - 1828 - Russo-Persian War. Old enemies fought for dominance in the Transcaucasus and the Caspian. Once again, the Russian Empire won this confrontation and eventually included the Erivan and Nakhichevan khanates in its composition under the Turkmenchay peace treaty.

1914 - 1918 - World War I. The Russian Empire fought against Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. Our allies were the French and the British. In 1917, two revolutions took place in Russia. With the coming to power of the Bolsheviks in October 1917, Russia actually withdrew from the war, and in February 1918 did so officially.

1941 - 1945 - The Great Patriotic War. The USSR and Germany fought in this confrontation and it took place within the framework of the Second World War. The Great Patriotic War ended with the victory of the Soviet army and the capture of Berlin. As a result, Germany was split into the GDR and the FRG. Germany lost East Prussia, part of which went to the USSR (Koenigsberg and its environs), and part to Poland. The Soviet state also secured Galicia.

To be continued! The section is filling up.