How much does an extension cost at school. Extension in primary school: legal framework, program

And many parents can't afford it.

Just before the start of the new school year, parents in various schools began to be stunned: from now on there will be no free extension! Who can not pick up the kids immediately after class, if you please pay. How? It depends on how long the child will stay on the extension. If it’s up to four hours, then 2-3 thousand per month (prices vary in different schools), and if it’s all the way, until the end of a normal working day, then 4-5-6 ... The upper limit is unknown.

Needless to say, for the vast majority of parents, this news was a shock. Everyone understands that children are given away for after-school not because of a good life, but in cases where the mother needs to work, but there are no free grandmothers or money for a nanny.

This year, a resident of the People's Militia Street has a daughter going to the first grade of Lyceum No. 138. At the meeting, parents were warned that for the entire parallel of first-graders there would be only one extended day group, in which no more than 30 children would be taken. Parents are required to provide certificates from work with an exact work schedule, which must confirm that no one can really pick up a child from school during the day.

“It seems that everything is being done so that mothers cannot work,” says Yulia. - Previously, the system was built in such a way that after the main classes, various additional sections and circles immediately began. And even first-graders were at school until 5-6 pm. Now the extended day groups are being liquidated, and classes in circles and sections began to begin at about 4 o'clock. That is, someone must come to school during the day, pick up the child, and then bring him back to the circle. At school, we were openly told that we need to look for any opportunities not to send the child to afterschool, since there will be enough places only for those who are in special need ...

And Alla, a resident of the North-Eastern District, along with other parents of her class, were simply confronted with a fact: from now on, the extension is only for money.

- At a meeting before the start of the school year, we were told that we had to pay 6.5 thousand a month for an after-school program - including the cost of lunch. I have two children of "extended" age - and I will have to lay out 13 thousand monthly. This is an unbearable amount for me!

Where did this much-needed and vital service go? Pavel Kuzmin, the head of the Education Department of the North-Eastern Administrative Okrug, who was contacted by one of the affected families for clarification, shifted all responsibility to the school:

- This decision is made by the organization itself, the Governing Council, which decides whether it will be at the expense of the budget or whether some paid services will be introduced. There is no single position at the district or city level, each school decides for itself what the amount of the fee for the extension will be and whether it will be. All questions about the validity and correctness of the amount are for the Governing Council. We don't even collect that information. There is no and cannot be a single price tag in Moscow, the school itself calculates it. The price depends on what services and what quality are provided on the extension. You must understand what you are paying for.

However, as "MK" found out, Comrade Kuzmin kept back. The decision is made, of course, at the school level, but the new Federal Law on Education provides it with such an opportunity. Article 66, paragraph 8 of this law states:

“For the supervision and care of children in extended day groups, the founder of an educational organization has the right to establish a fee charged from the parents of underage students. The founder has the right to reduce the amount of the specified fee or not to collect it from certain categories of parents in cases and in the manner determined by him ... "

That is, the right to reduce - but the right not to reduce. And most importantly - the right to set this fee!

At the same time, last year, when the new Law on Education was already in force, most schools remained free of charge - parents gave only 50-100 rubles a day for lunch. Why, in the new academic year, according to the same law, does it become paid everywhere?

— The public school provides free educational services and is funded by government subsidies. Supervision and care at the end of training sessions is not an educational service, you see, ”Nadezhda Perfilova, chairman of the inter-district council for the development of education in the Northern District of the capital and director of school No. 2098, explained to MK. - Last year, in many Moscow schools, the amount of payment for an extended day group was 900 rubles per year (not counting lunches), while the subsidizing coefficients were even more than this amount, so schools often made the after-school program free of charge - we have been using this resource all year lived ... Today, these coefficients and subsidies are no more: the state assignment is given only for educational services - accordingly, everything else will be financed by parents, and from this year, after-school groups will be paid.

Back in May of this year, I gathered all the parents who need after-school groups for their children, and we agreed that our chief accountant will draw up an estimate for tariffing, which we will agree with the governing council. Everyone needs different services - for different times, etc. Someone wants their child to stay in a small group - 5, not 25 people, etc. Parents took it well.

- What amounts are we talking about?

- About quite affordable - at the level of 20-30 rubles per hour. This will amount to about 2000 rubles per month for those who pick up the child at four o'clock, up to about 4000 rubles for those who pick up at seven or eight in the evening.

- And what about the so-called hour of self-study - is this when a child in an extended day group does homework under the supervision of a teacher?

We were told that it would be - one hour a day for such classes for elementary school would be free, subsidized from the budget. But this does not mean that if classes end, say, at 13.00, then until 14.00 you can have a free extension - the fact is that this free hour is not provided at any time (for example, immediately after the end of classes), but according to the schedule of the extended group day. And if this hour for preparing tasks is scheduled, say, from 15.00 to 16.00, then for those who attend an extended day group in this interval, it will not be included in the payment estimate ...

“The social consequences of this decision are difficult to predict,” Andrey Babushkin, a member of the HRC under the President of the Russian Federation, a deputy of the Otradnoye municipal district, told MK. - Not only socially unprotected, but also irresponsible families will be squeezed out of the extension, who may have money, but they would prefer that the child hang out on the streets. In the early 90s, there was already an attempt to make a paid extension, and today's drug addicts are the result of this decision. Babushkin intends to send a letter to the head of the Moscow Department of Education, Iosif Kalina, asking him to “turn around” the situation. According to the human rights activist, the city has enough financial resources not to introduce an extension fee.

4.1. Benefits for payment for the service of supervision and care in the GPA are established on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education”, the Law of the City of Moscow of November 23, 2005 No. 60 (as amended on May 19, 2010 No. ) “On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow”.

4.2. The parental fee in the GPA is not charged from the following categories:

· disabled children;

children whose both parents are invalids of the 1st or 2nd group;

· orphans and children left without parental care.

4.3. To confirm these benefits, parents (legal representatives) submit the following documents:

a copy of the certificate of disability, having a child with a disability;

a copy of the child's birth certificate;

a copy of the certificate of disability of parents (legal representatives) who are disabled of 1 or 2 groups;

a copy of the decision of the local government on the appointment of guardianship

4.4. Parental fee benefits in the GPA at the School in the amount of 50% are established for the following categories:

· large families;

poor families.

4.5. To confirm these benefits, parents (legal representatives) submit the following documents:

a statement from parents (legal representatives) on the provision of benefits;

a copy of the certificate of the mother of many children;

· a certificate from the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow, confirming the status of the family as poor.

4.6. If an incomplete package of documents is provided, there are corrections or incomplete information in the documents, the applicant is notified of the need to eliminate these shortcomings within a period of no more than 5 working days from the date of application.

4.7. Benefits are granted to parents (legal representatives) of disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care, regardless of the place of residence.

4.8. The benefit for partial exemption from the parental fee for the service of care and care in the GPA from large and low-income families applies only to citizens of the Russian Federation who are registered in Moscow.

4.9. Decisions on granting benefits are formalized by orders of the Director of the School.

4.10. The benefit to parents (legal representatives) is provided annually on the basis of a written application from parents (legal representatives) for the provision of benefits, indicating the reasons and the list of attached documents. An application for a benefit with the attached documents is submitted to the Director of the School by parents (legal representatives) annually from September 1 to September 15 or when the child enters the School, if circumstances arise that give the right to the benefit. Benefits for the parental fee in the GPA at the School are established from the moment of submission of documents confirming the benefit.

4.11. If a family has the right to apply for several benefits, one benefit at the choice of the parents (legal representatives) is subject to application.

4.12. Parents (legal representatives) have the right to refuse to apply the established benefits.

4.13. In the event of circumstances due to which parents (legal representatives) lose the right to receive benefits, they are obliged to notify the Director of the School in writing about such circumstances within a month.

4.14. Parents (legal representatives) in accordance with the established procedure are responsible for the accuracy of the information they provide to receive benefits. The school has the right to check the grounds cited by the parent (legal guardian) for the benefit.

4.15. The exemption for payment for the service at the School is terminated for the following reasons:

Disposal of a child

in the event that according to the results of the next examination in the bodies of medical and social expertise, the fact of disability is not confirmed;

Loss of the status of a large family;

· Adoption by legal representatives of orphans or children left without parental care under their care (if benefits are granted on this basis).

4.16. The provision of benefits for the care and care service in the GPA is suspended if the parents (legal representatives) fail to submit documents confirming the right to the benefit within the established time limits. The benefit suspended on this basis is renewed on the basis of the submitted documents from the date of its suspension.

4.17. Privileges for payment for the service of supervision and care in the GPA can also be provided to other categories of parents (legal representatives) based on the decision of the School's governing board, based on the results of consideration of a reasoned application of parents (legal representatives).

Only large families can save on food costs, the option of free lunches is also possible for other categories of schoolchildren, but the Governing Council of the school is authorized to deal with this issue. If the institution can afford to provide meals to individual students, the principal signs the directive to that effect.

In 2019, there were no significant changes in relation to the extension - there is nothing to please parents, they are still required to pay a fee for additional education and childcare. This is discussed in the Law on Education. According to this bill, each school has the right to independently determine the withholding amount for the presence of a student in an educational institution when the lessons are already over.

Paid after-school at school

That is, the establishment and collection of fees for the extension (to introduce or not a fee for the supervision and care of children in extended day groups) is exclusively within the competence of the founder(ministry, department, committee or department of education) and not the school administration. It is illegal for the principal to make such a decision on his own.

In educational organizations of the city of Moscow, the functions of the founder are performed by the Department of Education. In other subjects of the Russian Federation, where most of the educational organizations are municipal, the founder of the school is the municipality.

Paid after-school at school

Schoolchildren occupy themselves, organize, even manage to come up with games within their own class. Someone was more fortunate - they put sofas at school where you can relax after a school day, someone less - they just spread a rug where children play with old toys brought from home, and even, oh, hateful, read. Some conscientious teachers are ready to do homework with first-graders and for free, but how long will they last? Teachers need to eat too.

In addition to the fact that the parent enters into an agreement for the child to stay in the extended day group, all information about the paid extension of the school must be published on the official website of the educational institution. It is in this way that the school ensures the availability and openness of the document on establishing the amount of the parental fee for the GPA (clause 4.1, clause 2, article 29 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

Is the lesson over? Pay

After classes, from about 12.30, 400 students now stay there for an after-school program. In each group - from 20 to 25 people, mostly from the same class or from the parallel. You can visit the extension five days a week for six hours or three hours. You can leave the child for an hour or two, in which case the payment scheme changes - at the rate of 29 rubles per hour. Lunch starts at 13.00-14.00, and children attending a full-day group (6 hours) are also entitled to an afternoon snack at 16.00-17.00. However, schoolchildren not only eat, walk and play, but also do their homework and do, for example, modeling, drawing, needlework, reading and music. For such classes of interest, students in grades 1-2 are given no more than 50 minutes a day, and the rest - no more than 1.5 hours.

According to the Moscow Department of Education, the average monthly price tag for aftercare in Moscow is now at around 2,354 rubles. According to the chairman of the education commission in the Moscow City Duma, Anton Molev, the price is quite justified if all the necessary services are included, including the development of children's creative abilities, and the interests of all parents are taken into account. “It would be unfair if only those who are able to pay for all this could afford paid extensions,” the deputy said in an interview with RG. “Therefore, it is necessary to provide benefits for families in difficult financial situations.” The amount of the fee depends on the range of services, the possibilities of the school and the wishes of the parents. The order of amounts is completely different - from 300 rubles to 4 thousand. In this case, the school may include its own expenses for utilities, for example, for electricity and heating, for the purchase of stationery, as well as for additional payments to teachers. According to Lyudmila Myasnikova, the parents have not yet complained about the amount of the fee, but they receive a lot of questions. Concerned dads and moms are interested in whether paid extensions are legal and what parameters make up their cost. Tensions peaked last year, when schools were first allowed to choose between free and paid after-school classes.

  1. The child may be tired of being in school for a long time and an active program. Fatigue usually leads to irritation and reluctance to go to school in the morning.
  2. The lack of personal space can also negatively affect the psychological state of the student.
  3. Food in the school canteen, despite all the usefulness, is rarely tasty.
  4. In bad weather, children spend most of their time at their desks, and this negatively affects not only their psychological state, but also their health. Most students sit incorrectly at their desks, which increases the risk of spinal curvature.
  1. Parents can not worry about the safety of the child, as he is under the supervision of a teacher.
  2. The child will eat a full hot lunch and will not sit hungry. Although often you have to pay extra for lunch.
  3. The child will be able to learn lessons at school.
  4. The student will be able to attend circles at school, if they are available.
  5. The child communicates with his peers, learns to find a common language with other people, adapts to social society.
  6. The student must go outside (except for bad weather). Usually two walks are organized.

Extension at school in 2019-2019

In the afterschool, children are not just under the supervision of a teacher. Each age group has its own schedule - children relax, have lunch, do their homework, play and walk. In many ways, this mode is similar to the kindergarten mode - and this is a huge plus for the extension: first-graders do not experience stress, feeling in their familiar environment. In addition, the extension has quite a few pluses.

Extension as a part of school life appeared quite a long time ago. Over the years of its existence, the rules for staying in a group, the length of the extended day, the menu, the regime and many other points have been reformed, but the general format of the extension has remained unchanged. What's new in afterschool at school in the 2019-2019 academic year - in our article.

Paid or free extension

b) if the specified educational activity is a separate state (municipal) service for additional education and the service will be included in the state (municipal) task, financing will also be carried out at the expense of the relevant budget;

The point is probably that although the standard that schools receive for each student allows you to make the extension free, on the other hand, the school can also allocate this money for bonuses to teachers, the purchase of new curtains in the assembly hall or pay for the rental of the pool .

Paid free extension

Clause 8 of Article 66 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" reads: “For the supervision and care of children in extended day groups, the founder of an educational organization has the right to establish a fee charged from parents ... and its amount. The founder has the right to reduce the amount of the specified fee or not to collect it from certain categories of parents (legal representatives) of minors studying in cases and in the manner determined by him.

According to State Duma Committee on Education, 1 million 700 thousand Russian students go to aftercare. More three years ago the extension was free. But in 2013 federal law came into force "On education in the Russian Federation", Whereby aftercare as a childcare service excluded from free school services. The law allows schools themselves to set the price for the child's stay for parents at school after school. Writes about it today "Russian newspaper".

School benefits for large families

I knew that my child should have preferential meals at school. But, as it turned out, she knew far from everything. There was such a situation. In the first grade, Alexandra attended an after-school group, in the common people after-school. And when they started asking me for money for school food, I was extremely outraged. I already wanted to raise a storm, like: “You have no right!”. It turns out they have.

The fact is that kids from large families are really entitled to free meals at school. That is breakfast and lunch. But the free afternoon snacks that children are fed on after-school, no one promised anyone. So they had to pay for it. Now Sasha does not go to aftercare. And that's why we don't pay a dime for food.

Extension paid

We have a golden teacher, a person who works by vocation, insanely happy for the 3rd year that we got to her, because our class is extreme and she is retiring. She works with children for free, spends her time, advises someone that you need to pull it up. Here is a teacher, there would be more of them! The most important thing is that the children feel her attitude towards them and everyone is drawn to her like sprouts, and she rushes with them like a chick with chickens, she will find and support everyone with a kind word, she will give advice. God forbid, more such teachers to everyone!

People know! In school 95, head. production works Pospelova I.A., who, together with her husband Pospelov S.I. and with his own sister Efimova L. forged documents for an apartment and a garage, thus. (fraudulent) appropriated everything for themselves. Ordered! They opened a criminal case. Cool head in 95 school.

09 Aug 2018 1761

Time flies at lightning speed. Just yesterday we were thinking what kind of stroller to buy for a child, and today he is a future first-grader. There is very little time left before school, and parents begin to think about how to properly organize the educational process of their child, how to help him or her in this complex science of mastering knowledge. Choosing a school is not an easy task. But this is more or less clear. But where to attach the child if the parents work, and grandparents cannot help in this matter? An after-school program in elementary school will come to the rescue. Is the organization of children's time after school obligatory or not? Parents should answer this question individually.

Lessons in elementary school end quite early, and such problems as picking up a child, taking him home and helping with homework become sometimes an insoluble task for parents. In solving this issue comes to the aid of an after-school at school. Of course, here each parent decides for himself what is best for his child. It is very important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. In addition, children often attend additional classes, sections and circles.

The provision on the extension in elementary school says that children from the first to the fourth grade can stay in the educational institution after school. And it is very convenient for parents. The afterschool program in elementary school includes homework, a mandatory walk in the fresh air, games and recreation. Many schools provide hot meals for children.

Should there be an afterschool in the primary school of each educational institution? Let's try to figure it out.

What good does the prolongation give and how can it help?

There are many pluses. The main advantage is that the child is supervised until the parents come home from work. He is taken care of by teachers who will control and help in case of anything. An important factor is the socialization of a young member of society who attends an after-school program in elementary school. In a peer group, the child gains communication experience that will be useful to him in adulthood.

An extension in elementary school can also provide children with hobby groups and sections. This is important for the harmonious development of the individual. A child psychologist also works in schools. If a child has problems, a psychologist will always help to sort out relationships with peers and adults.

What are the benefits of afterschool in elementary school?

The downside can be catering for younger students. If the school cannot provide a full and varied children, this is fraught with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and then the extension in elementary school becomes a big minus, not a plus. The Law on Day Care Groups also provides for the organization of recreation areas for younger students. Children at the age of six are not yet able to fully carry out the school load and need a short day's rest. To do this, the school must allocate a room equipped with baby beds so that the child can take a short nap.

An important factor is the number of children in the extended day group, as well as the extension program in primary school. If a teacher has more than 20-30 children in a class, then it is impossible to talk about a full-fledged individual approach. This factor should be considered by parents. It is important to be based on the individual characteristics of the child. What should be the afterschool in elementary school? How to conduct classes? A small number of people in groups is the way to success.

In large tasks are performed superficially. It is not necessary to expect help from the teacher for each specific child. Often the noise in the classroom interferes with the child's rest or concentration. If, nevertheless, the decision on the extension is made, it is better for parents to check homework at home and help, in which case, the child deal with incomprehensible questions.

The need for a new concept of education

This situation in after-school groups gives grounds for thinking that the concept needs to be reformed. The regulation on the extension at the school regulates the educational process, as well as the norms for paying for food and staying the child in the extended day group. It is understandable that the parents are unhappy. The program, which came into force on September 1, 2011, defined new norms and standards for sanitary and epidemic requirements. This rule obliges schools to have sleeping rooms in extended day groups. The bedroom should be separate for boys and girls. All new schools that are in the design and construction phase will also be based on these requirements.

Older schools that don't have enough space to create separate dormitories are facing a problem. Also, educational institutions are forced to reduce the duration of the extension so that children can already rest at home. This is especially true for first graders. Also one of the requirements of the new regulation is the equipment of hygiene rooms with the necessary number of toilet bowls, bidets and urinals.

Need for funding

Why is there no extension in the elementary school of many institutions? School principals faced an almost insoluble problem, and, accordingly, parents. Not every educational institution can organize an after-school program in elementary school. The law says that the school must strictly monitor the nutrition of children in extended day groups. It is necessary to provide children with good nutrition, consisting of lunch and afternoon tea. In many schools, funding does not allow meeting this requirement from the budget. Therefore, they resort to the help of parents in this matter. They have to pay for their children's meals out of their own pockets.

Thus, parents and schools are faced with serious problems. Most likely, the schools will shift the decision of these issues on the shoulders of moms and dads. If parents can finance a visit to an after-school program, it should be. Otherwise, moms and dads will have to look for an alternative to after-school groups.

Extension alternative

Some schools are offering parents a new form of extension. The duration is proposed to stretch up to 16-18 hours. In this case, the children stay at school longer, and the entire load is redistributed, the lessons are interspersed with longer pauses, in addition to studying, the children can do something interesting within the walls of the school. But not all parents liked this option. It is believed that children of primary school age in the afternoon are already tired and cannot concentrate on classes. In addition, the educational process of the day turns out to be lengthy. Most likely, it is easier for the child to unlearn, finish the lessons and enjoy the rest to the fullest.

Of course, this form of education also has the right to life, as children quickly get involved and adapt to the new regime. It is necessary to think about how difficult it will be for a child to move on to secondary school after primary. Will the child be able to quickly adapt to a different form of learning process? All this should be at the discretion of the parents.

Private schools with afterschool groups

Many private schools organize small groups. Children can change into home clothes, play, relax. That is, the situation in such groups is very similar to the home environment. Children without unnecessary stress can start doing homework under the supervision of experienced teachers. Also well organized food. Of course, the cost of staying in such groups is almost always high, and not every parent can afford such a pleasure.

Thus, today the problem of finding children after school falls entirely on the shoulders of parents. The state provides very little support in this matter.

Nanny and Moms Union

Some parents resort to finding nannies or governesses. Of course, it is very comfortable and a good way out. A personal nanny will work out and feed you. But the child is often deprived of much-needed social contacts at this age. And what can I say, not everyone can afford babysitting services.

Small associations of parents can be a good alternative to a nanny. That is, today one mother picks up children from school and looks after school, tomorrow another. This option is suitable if the children live close to each other and there are parents who can devote one day a week to such work.

So should there be an extension at school or not?

The opinion of many parents is this: there should be an extension. All working parents should be eligible for aftercare. Paid or free is another question. But children must be supervised, provided with food and education.

If there is a payment, then it should be lifting for parents. Or the payment can be divided between the local budget and the parents. Perhaps parents could, for example, pay for meals and clubs, and the rest would be taken over by local budgets.

Overseas experience

Let's see how things are with extended day groups, for example, in Germany. Daycare groups are very popular there. But only the child whose parents work can get into them. It is not easy to find a place in such a group. But if you work, you can be sure that the child will not be left without a place.

Extensions in Germany are private and public. But all of them are paid for working parents. The cost of the extension is differentiated and depends on the salary of the parents. That is, the less you earn, the less you will pay. In extended day groups, children can stay until 16 and up to 18 hours. Groups usually have large rooms and playgrounds.

Children do not have bedrooms, but there are so-called quiet rooms in which a child, if tired, can rest and even sleep. The food for children at school is also well organized. As a rule, the afterschool is located in a separate building from the school. The teacher from the afterschool picks up the children after the end of the lessons and takes them to another room where the extended day groups are located.

The child goes to school, and parents have to think about who will pick him up after school. Well, if there is a grandmother, a nanny or a non-working mother. And if the parents are busy from morning to evening, and there is no one to help? Will the kids have to go home alone? In addition, now there are many interesting circles and sections in schools, including free ones, but not all of them start immediately after school. It seems that it makes no sense for a child to go home for half an hour, but there is nothing to do at school either. It is in these cases that parents usually remember the "extension".

Modern "extension"

What is a modern extended day group? In general, it is similar to the one that was in our childhood, but there are still some differences and nuances.

First difference. "Extension" became paid

The first and rather tangible innovation is that in many schools the “extension” is now paid. Yes, yes, now you have to pay for "supervision". Of course, there are still schools where they did not take such a step, but they are few. It cannot be said that the cost is very high, but it is quite comparable to the kindergarten fee. But there children can stay for twelve hours, and meals are included in the price.

At school, if your child goes to an after-school group, lunch will have to be paid separately. For example, in Moscow now the cost of one meal is 137 rubles 65 kopecks. It seems to be a small amount, but, taking into account the renewal fee, more than five thousand rubles come out per month.

The approach to beneficiaries is different everywhere. In some educational institutions for children of these categories, the “extension” is generally free, in others, beneficiaries pay part of the cost (usually 50%), in others, there are no benefits at all. Whether to provide benefits to the poor, families with disabled children, large families and other categories, the school itself decides. As a rule, this issue is submitted to the governing board annually. That is, even if you have found an educational institution in which the extension is free, then everything can change in a year.

Keep in mind that if the child was sick and this is confirmed by a certificate from the doctor, the payment is recalculated. Holidays are also taken into account.

The second difference. Schedule

As a rule, modern extended day groups work until 18:00. However, there are schools where they close later (at 18.30 or even 19.00) or earlier (at 17.00). Of course, working parents are interested in having the opportunity to pick up the child as late as possible, but, alas, little depends on their position. Although, of course, if there are a lot of people who want to change the work schedule of extended day groups, then you can try to ask the school administration. There is a chance that you will be met.

In many schools, after-school groups work even during holidays. In this case, their activities are more like an urban children's camp. Children are accepted at 8.30 - 9.00, and you can pick them up at any time, up to 17.00 - 19.00. During the day, children walk, study, play. And working parents do not have to worry about the fact that the child sits alone in an empty apartment all day.

The third difference. What do children do in the "extension"

Educators of extended day groups are now something like pre-revolutionary cool ladies. If they are “attached” to first-graders, they often help the class teacher during excursions and other extracurricular activities, participate in the preparation of holidays, etc. If the children are older, then the duties of the educator include accompanying the children for lunch and from lunch, walking with them and looking after them within the walls of the school. But it all depends on the school, of course.

Now many educational institutions provide their students with the opportunity to choose a variety of circles and sections within the walls of the school. Does your child attend? In this case, the GPA teacher will remind him of the start of classes, or even take him to them and meet him (but this is only if there is someone to replace him during his absence from the class).

But educators are no longer required to do homework with children. "Look" - and nothing more.

However, fortunately for us parents, most of the educators still sincerely love children and take care of them, and therefore they try to organize the tasks for the children and even help, explain, check what has been done and correct mistakes. If you are lucky with the caregiver, then when you pick up your child after the extended day group, you can count on a more or less normally completed written part of the homework. Oral tasks, if they are performed, then only according to the residual principle.

The guys who have done all the lessons and went to all the selected circles most often entertain themselves. There are usually checkers, chess or simple board games in the classrooms, or art supplies. This is the uncomplicated leisure of those who go to the extended day group. Well, and gadgets, of course, unless the parents of your child's classmates are unanimous in their reasonable desire not to give their children phones and tablets to school at all.

"Cons" extensions

Of course, an extended day group is not the best pastime for a child. After all, a school is not a kindergarten. Few places have a quiet hour and special game rooms. Children are forced to spend most of their time at their desks or manage to play between them. Yes, and school corridors and recreation are not well suited for children's outdoor games. So the children are busy on the floor right in their school uniforms.

It is also bad that there are no drying cabinets in schools. The guys, returning from a walk and having plenty of piled up in the snow, stuff wet hats and scarves into their sleeves, mittens into their pockets, and boots into change bags.

You can see bright children's towns near many schools. However, practice shows that children are most often not allowed to attend them. This is due to the high risk of injury. And it's hard to disagree here. Imagine fifty - sixty (after all, guys from several classes are walking on the playground) children simultaneously running up stairs and bridges and sliding down slides. It's a miracle if no one falls and gets hurt. Therefore, school administrations and educators do not allow the use of children's towns for games.

There is no afternoon snack for children attending an extended day group. But lunch for elementary school students is rarely later than one in the afternoon. That is, for about five or even more hours, children are left without food, unless the parents take care of it.

Most often, extended day groups are provided only for elementary school students. The rest of the students, if they have a need to wait at school for the time between the end of lessons and the beginning of classes in the section, for example, are forced to either get bored in the corridors or go to the class teacher. The last option is the best, of course. My high school students, who lived far from school, often spent time after school in our common room: they did their homework, prepared for classes with tutors or preparatory courses, socialized, and even ate. But not all class teachers are ready for this. In this case, parents have to look for some other options. Indeed, unfortunately, although now schools are doing more and more to ensure that children within their walls are as interesting and comfortable as possible, the issue of the possibility of rest between lessons and classes has not yet been resolved.

How to make the stay of children in an extended day group as comfortable as possible

Fortunately, parents can make life a little easier for their children and make the long school day more enjoyable:

  • Let the kids take their food. Indeed, despite the quite edible and rather hearty lunches, the guys return from a walk hungry. Therefore, a small thermos with tea or cocoa, drinking yogurt and a bun or other food that is not too perishable will come in very handy.
  • Spare socks or tights will also be useful to replace those that get wet during a walk.
  • It is good to give the child a change of clothes with you. Of course, this is quite troublesome, but then the children will be able to change the form to something less formal and more comfortable. Although, alas, many guys simply forget or are too lazy to change clothes.
  • Your favorite toy will come in handy too. Children in elementary school are still small and enjoy playing. However, do not allow noisy or expensive toys.
  • If the school does not have the capacity to purchase indoor and outdoor games, this may be something parents should consider. Several sets of checkers, lotto, chess, snow shovels, snow diggers, jump ropes, hoops and a box of chalk (depending on the time of year, of course) will not cause significant damage to the budget, but they will delight children for a long time.

Photo - photobank Lori