Taganrog College of Marine Instrumentation graduates. College of Marine Instrumentation of Taganrog: specialties and forms of education

Taganrog College of Marine Instrumentation (TKMP)
Former names Taganrog Ship Mechanical College, Taganrog Marine Instrumentation College
Year of foundation 1946
Director V. V. Poliev
students about 600
teachers 48 (of which 20 are teachers of the first qualification category and 19 - the highest)
Location Taganrog
The address Taganrog, st. Petrovskaya, 71; per. Mechnikovsky, 5
Website tkmp.rf

GBPOU RO "Taganrog College of Marine Instrumentation" (TKMP) - State budgetary professional educational institution for the training of specialists in the fields of computer systems, complexes, computer networks, programming, radio equipment, commerce and trading activities. The college is located in the very center of Taganrog, next to the building of the City Administration and the theatre. A. P. Chekhov.

College names


The Taganrog College of Marine Instrumentation currently trains students in the following specialties:

  • 11.02.01 (210413) - "Radio apparatus engineering". Qualification - radio engineer.
  • 09.02.01 (230113) - "Computer systems and complexes". Qualification - Computer Systems Technician
  • 09.02.02 (230111) - "Computer networks". Qualification - computer network technician
  • 02/38/04 (100701) - "Commerce" (by industry). Qualification - sales manager
  • 09.02.03 - "Programming in computer systems". Qualification - technician-programmer
  • 09.02.04 - "Information systems". Qualification - Information Systems Technician
  • 02/09/05 - "Applied Informatics" (by industry). Qualification - technician-programmer

The college was founded on September 20, 1946 and was called the Taganrog Ship Mechanical College. November 29, 1991 transformed into

The college is located in the very center of Taganrog, next to the building of the city administration and the theater. A.P. Chekhov. About 600 students study there. Teaching staff: 44 full-time teachers, 26 of them are of the first qualification category and 15 are of the highest category, teachers with academic degrees, professors of the Academy of Natural Sciences.

Training at the Taganrog College of Marine Instrumentation takes place in the following specialties

  • Radio engineering
  • Computer systems and complexes
  • Computer networks
  • Commerce (by industry)
  • Programming in computer systems
  • Information Systems
  • Applied Informatics in Economics
  • Insurance business
  • Household and communal services
Admission to 1 course is conducted on the basis of 9 classes. For the 2nd year - on the basis of 11 classes (understaffing).

Specialty "Radio Appliance Engineering" 210413

Graduate Qualification- Radio engineer.
Form of study- full-time.

Terms of study:

  • installers of radio-electronic equipment and devices;
  • fitter-assembler of radio-electronic equipment and devices;
  • controller of radio-electronic equipment and devices;
  • adjuster of radio-electronic equipment and devices.

Specialty "Computer systems and complexes" 230113

Graduate Qualification- Technician for computer systems and complexes.
Form of study- full-time and part-time.

Terms of study:

  • on the basis of 9 classes - 3 years 10 months (free of charge);
  • on the basis of 11 classes - 2 years 10 months (free of charge);
  • at the correspondence department (on the basis of 11 classes) - 3 years 10 months (for a fee);
  • on an external course (on the basis of 11 classes) - the term is not limited (for a fee).
Education at the correspondence department with semester payment of tuition fees.

During the training, you can master one or more professions:

  • operator of electronic computers;
  • computer network adjuster;
  • hardware and software adjuster.

Specialty "Computer networks" 230111

Graduate Qualification- computer network technician
Form of study- full-time.

Terms of study:

  • on the basis of 9 classes - 3 years 10 months (free of charge);
  • on the basis of 11 classes - 2 years 10 months (free of charge);
  • on an external course (on the basis of 11 classes) - the term is not limited (for a fee).

During the training, students receive a working profession:

  • technological equipment adjuster.

Specialty "Commerce" (by industry) 100701

Graduate Qualification- Sales Manager.
Form of study- full-time and part-time.

Terms of study:

  • on the basis of 9 classes - 3 years 10 months (free of charge);
  • on the basis of 11 classes - 2 years 10 months (for a fee);
  • at the correspondence department (on the basis of 11 classes) - 3 years 10 months (free of charge);
  • on an external course (on the basis of 11 classes) - the term is not limited (for a fee).

During the training, you can master one or more professions:

  • commercial agent;
  • shop cashier;
  • controller-cashier;
  • seller of non-food products;
  • food seller.
Admission based on 9 classes. For the second year (understaffing) and for distance learning - on the basis of 11 classes.

Specialty "Programming in computer systems"

Specialty "Information systems"

Specialty "Applied Informatics in Economics"

Specialty "Insurance business"

Specialty "Service of household and communal services"

A deferment from the army is granted to young men who entered college on the basis of 9 classes. The state scholarship is paid to students who have successfully passed the entrance examinations. After graduating from college, there is an opportunity to enter universities on preferential terms.

TCMP provides professional training and retraining in the following specialties

  • Operator of electronic computers
  • Electronic equipment installer
  • Controller of radio electronic equipment
  • Seller of non-food products
  • Assembly fitter of radio-electronic equipment and devices
  • Controller of radio electronic equipment and devices
  • Emergency repair worker
  • Worker for complex maintenance and repair of buildings

To conduct classes, the college has the necessary classrooms, laboratories, workshops, a sports hall, a library with a reading room for 30 people, a large book depository (about 70 textbooks for each student). The college also has its own brass band and every freshman who knows how to play (who wants to learn) the wind or percussion instruments can sign up for classes (classes are held on Tuesdays and Fridays from 14.30 to 16.00).

Official site: http://tkmp.rf.

The educational institution was organized in 1946 by order of the Minister of the Shipbuilding Industry of the USSR No. 397 dated September 20, 1946 in pursuance of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 11413-R dated May 21, 1946.

The Taganrog College of Marine Instrumentation was renamed the Taganrog College of Marine Instrumentation in accordance with the order of the Minister of the Shipbuilding Industry No. 408 dated November 29, 1991 (order for the college No. 204 o / d dated December 29, 1991).

Since January 1, 2005, the college has been under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region.

The state educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Rostov region "Taganrog College of Marine Instrumentation" (GOU SPO RO "TKMP") was renamed into the state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Rostov Region "Taganrog College of Marine Instrumentation" (GBOU SPO RO "TKMP") on the basis of the Decree administration of the Rostov region dated April 11, 2011 No. 181 and the Charter of the college, approved on August 29, 2011 (Order for the college No. 83 o / d dated September 23, 2011). on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Rostov Region dated April 30, 2016 No. 357-k, the state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Rostov region "Taganrog College of Marine Instrumentation" (GBOU SPO RO "TKMP") was renamed into a state budgetary vocational educational institution Rostov region "Taganrog College of Marine Instrumentation" (GBPOU RO "TKMP").

The base enterprises are Taganrog Plant Priboy JSC, Aquazond JSC, NKB Digital Signal Processing of the Southern Federal University, JSC TANTK im. Beriev”, CJSC “Lemax-T”, etc.

On August 31, 2015, the college passed the licensing procedure and received a license Series 61 L01 No. 0003302, registration No. 5646, the term of validity is indefinite.

Implemented professional training programs (according to the educational standards of the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education):

  • 11.02.01 "Radio apparatus building",
  • 09.02.01 "Computer systems and complexes
  • 09.02.02 "Computer networks",
  • 09.02.01 "Computer systems and complexes",
  • 09.02.03 "Programming in computer systems",
  • 09.02.04 "Information systems (by industry)",
  • 02/09/05 "Applied Informatics (by industry)",
  • 38.02.04 "Commerce (by industry)".

On May 19, 2015, the college passed the state accreditation procedure, the validity of the state accreditation certificate is until May 19, 2021.

Training of competitive specialists demanded by the state, the modern business community, taking into account the needs of the individual.

At the present stage of the economic development of Russia, enterprises have appeared that exist in various fields and stages of development: scientific, industrial, only suitable for the industrial stage, new types of business. The desire to find a job, to keep it, to achieve the respect and authority of colleagues, to move up the career ladder develop patriotic sentiments in relation to the chosen specialty among graduates of the Taganrog College of Marine Instrumentation.

It also becomes natural that the production technologies of each stage determine some personality traits of workers. Initiative and creativity - these qualities are needed in scientific and industrial production, for which specialists are trained by GBPOU RO "TKMP", and in particular, specialists in the technical and technological process and specialists for trade and marketing activities, who are also able to organize quite competitive types of business in the region. Fundamental practical training has become a tradition, allowing graduates to quickly adapt to modern production conditions.

Benefits for students

Admission to the college is public (no entrance exams).

One hundred percent of college graduates, in addition to their main specialty, receive certificates and certificates of assignment of categories in one or more working professions:

  • "Radio installer of radio-electronic equipment and devices";
  • "Controller of radio-electronic equipment and devices";
  • "Operator of electronic computers and computing machines";
  • "Cashier of the trading floor";
  • "Seller of non-food products."

Professional development services are provided in the following areas:

  • "Programming";
  • "Administration of computer networks";
  • "User INTERNET";
  • "1Сenterprise: Trade Management 8.3";
  • "1C Enterprise: Accounting 8.3";
  • Web design and computer graphics.

Students, along with deep professional training, have the opportunity to spend their free time on interests:

  • work out in a modern gym;
  • attend sections on volleyball, basketball, tennis, football, gymnastics, karate, hand-to-hand combat and other sports;
  • participate in amateur performances, in performances of the naval brass band, in KVN tournaments.

Cooperation with employers

98% of graduates in the total number of students are provided with employment agreements. Long-term employment contracts for college graduates have been concluded with enterprises:

  • JSC "Taganrog plant" Priboy ",
  • OOO Office World KM,
  • LLC "Time Machines"
  • MAU "Info-Radio",
  • LLC "Rosco"
  • Sunrise-T LLC,
  • Scientific Design Bureau for Digital Signal Processing of the South Federal University,
  • CJSC "Lemax-T";