Technology for developing an individual educational program. Regulatory and methodological requirements for the development and implementation of professional training programs and additional professional programs Vavilova

The definition in the general characteristics of the strengths of the student (pupil), his needs, current achievements serve as the basis for the development of an individual development program.

Identification of directions in the development of an individual development program

All children are capable of learning, but not all learn the same things at the same pace or in the same way. To determine the main direction in the development of an individual development program, the student (pupil) support team should analyze his general characteristics, study the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation, develop the proposed long-term goals and short-term tasks, and determine what types of support he needs.

If a student (pupil) needs specific types of support to achieve a long-term goal in accordance with the standard curriculum, then this circumstance is documented with the definition of types of support, as well as data on their effectiveness. Such records are essential for planning and communication. In addition to adaptations, it is important to record the student's current achievements in order to link the student's needs, strategies, and the materials used to provide support. It is also necessary to constantly review adaptations so that they continue to be effective and useful for the child.

If a student (pupil) needs only adaptation, then there is no need to formulate short-term tasks for him. In this case, he is trained in accordance with the adaptation provided for by the standard curriculum of a general education school. Some students may be in a mainstream school curriculum but have needs in other areas in addition to certain long-term goals, such as improving behavior and motor skills. For them, it is necessary to develop short-term tasks only in target areas.

Priority learning needs by area

Based on the student's characteristics, the support team determines the student's strengths, weaknesses, priority learning needs (or general aspects that need attention). As a rule, these aspects can be grouped into areas. The more needs a student (pupil) has, the greater the number of areas for developing his individual development program.

The following areas are distinguished:

Communicative (verbal and non-verbal);

Cognitive (academic);

Labor activity;

Spending free time;

Social skills and attitudes;


Independent life;


Emotional-volitional and behavior.

Description of the current level of development and success of the child by area

The current level of development and success of the child is an accurate description of the achievements of the student (pupil) in each area. This information can be obtained from the child's general profile and used as a basis for developing a long-term goal, as well as a baseline indicator for measuring progress.

Development of long-term goals by areas

Long term goals- this is a short statement that says what the student (pupil) should know and be able to do at the end of the school year. It is important for the support team to limit themselves to the actual number of long-term goals for each area.

Each long-term goal should:

1. be aimed at meeting the leading learning need, which is indicated in the general characteristics of the student;

2. get out of his current achievements;

3. take into account the degree of progress of the student (pupil) from the previous period;

4. be challenging enough to motivate the student;

5. be achievable;

6. focus on what the student (pupil) should learn;

7. determine what the student (pupil) will do (and not what actions will stop doing).

A fundamental part of the technology of individual planning is finding the appropriate wording to write down long-term goals. The performance of long-term goals must meet the criteria SMART.

Individual professional development program

as an attribute of pedagogical skill

From the point of view of public interests, professional development of a person

It can be considered as one of the points of the code of professional ethics:

a person who does not work on himself cannot be recognized as a professional.

A competent teacher today is a professional, a teacher-mentor who helps to realize the personal potential of each student in education, moves from the interests of the student, helping him achieve his own goals based on choice. His task is to teach to understand and independently solve problem situations.

This need is due to the needs of modern society in sociable, creative, independently thinking individuals who strive for success and who are able to independently build an individual trajectory of their development.

Today we will talk about how to be and remain a professional in the new conditions. It is not enough to become a professional once, in order to remain one, constant professional development of the individual is necessary. It is absurd to think that a teacher can teachthe student to build the trajectory of his development, if he himself does not know how to do it. So, individual professional development program (IPPR) teacher, as a means of organizing continuouseducation, there is a rod and a vector of his own educational trajectory.

The objectives of the introduction of IPPR:

Creating conditions for the teacher to realize the possibilities of continuous self-education through the organization of an open educational space;

Independent design of an educational route withtaking into account their competencies, their professional needs, deficits and the opportunity to choose the most suitable terms for themselves (they can vary from one year to five years independing on the desired result: certification or implementationsubroutines) and forms of its implementation.

Such a program can serve as a tool for monitoring professional achievements,because it allows you to implement the following functions:

Evaluative and stimulating (real assessment of one's capabilities, the basis for accruing the stimulating part of the salary);

Developing in relation to the educational situation (structureprogram is a kind of benchmark of possible typesteacher activity).

Thus, in the program the teacher stands for:

Goals and objectives of their professional and personal development, which correlate withprofessional standards, mission andstrategic plan for the development of an educational institution, student success, individual professional needs and deficits;

Professional competencies (knowledge, skills, experience) that need to be acquired;

Means for solving the set tasks.

With the improvement of skills and the development of competence, the teacher faces a number of tasks of personal development. At the same time, the levels of personal, moral and intellectual development significantly determine the success of professional and pedagogical activity. The relationship of personal and professional development is a necessary condition for the education and self-education of a teacher. Therefore, when drawing up a development program, it is necessary to take into account these interrelations.

The mechanism of development and self-development is self-knowledge and self-analysis of activity, and their instrument is reflexive abilities. With the help of reflexive abilities, which include a number of basic intellectual skills, one can manage one's own professional activity in conditions of uncertainty. Taken together, these "key skills" constitute a kind of reflective technology, with the help of which the professional experience of the teacher is improved.

The practical significance of an individual program is that it allows you to systematize the activities of a teacher, identify the dynamics of professional growth indicators, determine stimulating factors, satisfaction with educational services and, as a result, successfully pass certification.

Algorithm for compiling an individual program

1. Diagnosis, assessment and self-assessment of one's professionalism,skills (personal qualities; the ability to set goals, taskspedagogical activity, allocate deficits and surpluses).At this stage, there isself-determination of the teacher. Therefore, do not ignore the opportunity to “learn about yourself” from the proposed methods and surveys that can help you more deeply.understand the motivation of the teacher, his ability to develop programspedagogical activity, the ability to organize educational activities; reflective and communication skills.“Outside view” allows you to make your self-esteem more adequate..

2. Programming professional development. Drawing up an individual program,which includes a number of subprograms, where there is an invariant andvariable content. When designing an individual program, the teacher takes into account the development program, a single methodologicaltopic and annual tasks of the educational institution.This will allow you to better understandwhat competencies or groups of skills, perhaps a single skillwill develop. The content of the invariant items should include the federal component of advanced training (according to the recommendations of the Russianacademy for advanced training and retraining of employeeseducation, taking into account the standards of additional professionaleducation), as they are directly related to qualificationrequirements for teachers when assigning them the next category.

Variable content consists of subprograms thataimed at solving specific problems of professional activity.

Variable part is aimed at meeting educational needs andelimination of teacher's deficits identified as a result of diagnostics.

3 . To implement an individual program
an open educational space is being created where professional interaction, reflection, correction of one's own activities and reprogramming.

It is necessary to clearly present the resources of open educationalspace and see its levels - inside the college, municipal, republican, all-Russian.

4.Reflexive analysis of the implementation of individual programs, presentation of results are also products (developed materials) and what the teacher learned.

It is better to carry out reflexive analysis once every six months and make timely correction of actions. The subject of reflection is the activity of the teacher in the implementation of the program.

We offer the following sections for drawing up a professional development program for a teacher:

1) Introspection (I-concept)

My values;

My pedagogical credo;

My professional/personal achievements;

My strengths/weaknesses;

Sphere of professional/life interests;

What do I like/dislike about myself?

My hobbies

2) Goals and objectives

Perspective life goals;

Immediate goals and objectives (self-knowledge, educational / professional tasks, personal).

3) Plans (perspective, strategy)

Estimated direction and level of professional development;

Estimated sources of development, educational organizations;

4) Action program (tactics)


Additional vocational education;

personal development;

Forms of education and development;

Who and what can help.

It is advisable to include in the individual program of professional development of a teacher: the study of psychological and pedagogical literature; development of software and methodological support of the educational process; development of pedagogical technologies; building your own methodological system (selection of content, methods, forms, teaching aids); development of criteria and indicators of the result of education, development of diagnostic tools, including CBS; participation in the implementation of the educational institution development program; in the system of methodological work of the college; planned training in advanced training courses and professional internships; participation in the work of creative, experimental groups; carrying out individual research, experimental work; generalization of own experience of pedagogical activity (articles, recommendations, reports, pedagogical workshop, master class, etc.).

NMO College offers the following forms of scientific and methodological support for teachers that can help build and implementan individual program of professional development for each teacher of our college. This is:

-permanent seminars on topical issues of education;

-the work of problematic seminars organized on the basis of the study educational needs of teachers and their professional needs;

Individual thematic consultations (in person and through the Interactive Method Office);

The work of temporary creative groups on topical development issuespedagogical theory and practice, allowing teachers,focused on self-education, determine the problem of interest and take part in its resolution (Laboratory);

- organization of course preparation (full-time, part-time, remote);

Individual internships for assimilation of currentpedagogical experience of the best teachers of the city, region, other regions and abroad, etc.

You can learn more about the methodology for designing an IPPR for a teacher, as well as the current forms of work of the CME of our college, at: In_Out on Xeon / Method / IPPR.

We invite everyone to decide for himself in which direction he needs to develop, in what ways to receive information, how to master it. The professional development of a modern teacher should not be a duty or a formality, but a way of thinking.

, leader of the Republican

experimental site

It is useful to know The concept of "professional standard" is interpreted as a characteristic of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out professional activities.
The Teacher's Professional Standard defines two generalized labor functions:

  1. Pedagogical activity in the design and implementation of the educational process.
  2. Pedagogical activity in designing and.

Each of the generalized labor functions is divided into functions that reflect the qualifications of teachers in teaching, educating, and developing students; development and implementation of educational programs by levels of education.

The positions of the Professional Standard intersect with the provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law No. 273-FZ), which introduces the requirement that additional professional programs comply with professional standards and qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books (Section 9, Article 76).

A number of positions of the Teacher's Professional Standard are directly related to the federal state educational standard (hereinafter - FSES) of primary general education, containing requirements for staffing conditions for the implementation of the main educational program (hereinafter - BEP) of primary general education, including a description of the nature of the qualifications of employees of an educational organization (hereinafter - OO) .

Professional standard and individual educational program of the teacher

The following basic terms and their definitions are used in the Professional Standard (picture):

type of professional activity - a set of generalized labor functions that have a similar nature, results and working conditions; generalized labor function - a set of interconnected labor functions that has developed as a result of the division of labor in a particular production process; labor function - a system of labor actions within the framework of a generalized labor function.

The main goal of the type of professional activity is to ensure a safe educational process aimed at achieving the universal ideal of a harmoniously developed personality.

The structure of the teacher's professional standard

The expediency of the individual educational program of the teacher

Since the situation is developing in such a way that both in the short and long term the content of continuous professional education of a teacher will be built around the implementation of the Occupational Standard, the current and planned for implementation content of advanced training of teachers needs to be adjusted precisely in the logic of the positions approved by it.

An individual educational program of a teacher (hereinafter referred to as IEP) can become a very effective means and factor of adaptation to the introduction of the Occupational Standard, as it allows solving the following tasks of the Program:

  • approbation of advanced training programs for teachers in accordance with the Teacher's Professional Standard, including those aimed at mastering modern educational technologies and methods;
  • development and implementation of new personalized models of advanced training for teachers;
  • introduction of a package of standard documents for a general education organization working under the conditions of a professional teacher standard (documents for the implementation of personnel policy, personnel management, organization of training and, development of job descriptions, billing of work, assignment of tariff categories to employees, establishment of wage systems taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management) 3 .

The choice of IEP as a means of organizing continuous professional education is also expedient for a number of other reasons:

  • An individual educational program of a teacher is a document that fixes the content of continuous professional education in the period set by the developer (as a rule, the inter-certification period).
  • Through an individual educational program, the right to choose an individual route for advanced training is realized. The teacher develops an individual educational program independently, taking into account the proposals of external methodological services and the nature of the internal corporate culture of personnel development.
  • An individual educational program is developed in accordance with the local regulatory act of the PA: specialized (Regulations on the individual educational program of the teacher) or comprehensive (Regulations on the methodological service of the PA).
  • Through the IEP, professional growth is promoted according to his interests, needs and opportunities; an individual approach to planning the content and volume of increasing the level of professional competencies of a teacher is beneficial from the point of view of delegating responsibility to the teacher for the results of his work;
  • The IEP can act as the basis and addition to the teacher's portfolio during the period of preparation for attestation and (or) professional competitions;
  • The IEP will reflect the degree of readiness of various NGOs (depending on the qualitative composition of teachers (by level of education, qualification categories, length of service, age, etc.) to work in the context of the introduction of the Professional Standard.

Working teachers already have, as a rule, the appropriate education and certain experience, they own a set of necessary pedagogical technologies, methods, etc. And, since the requirements set by the Professional Standard for labor actions, the necessary skills and necessary knowledge, are not a perfect innovation for them, their “layering” on the existing experience of teachers will be individual. Therefore, the content of professional development should also be individual.

Individual educational program: structure

The structure of the teacher's IEP (Appendix 1) is based on the principle of optimizing the time spent on its implementation and takes into account the key areas of continuous professional education of a teacher in the context of education standardization.

There are two options for the structure of the teacher's IEP.

First option- focused on the environmental resources of advanced training available to the teacher: the level of development of external methodological services; intraorganizational methodical and managerial culture. In this case, it is advisable to include the following structural blocks in the teacher's IEP:

  • goals and objectives of continuous professional education (self-education);
  • stages of implementation of goals and objectives; forms, methods and content of activities to solve the tasks;
  • connection of the IEP of the teacher with the educational achievements of the students;
  • applications.

This option is reasonable in cases where methodological services external to the teacher are not mobile enough and are not ready to update their activities in accordance with the changing legal, program and methodological field of activity.

Second option- Directly focused on the requirements of the Profstandart. In this case, the structure of the IEP will be a table, the horizontal of which details labor functions and labor actions in accordance with the requirements of the Occupational Standard, and the vertical reflects the list of areas for improving the qualifications of a teacher in relation to each of the designated labor functions. At the intersection, the activities planned by the teacher in the indicated directions are recorded (Table 1).

Table 1 Variant of the structural block of the IEP with a focus on the professional standard of the teacher 4

Presented in tab. one elements of the labor function "training" are of a general nature and in the process of designing the structure of the IEP and its content should be subject to specification.

Individual educational program of a primary school teacher: specification

It is obvious that the organization of continuing professional education at the local level will require specification of the structure and content of the IEP in accordance with the level of the implemented general education BEP. Let us consider the possibility of specifying the IEP of elementary school teachers using the example of the labor function "developing activity".

The main resource of the specification will be the coordination of the elements of the labor function with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education for the content of the BEP of primary general education and the conditions for its implementation (Table 2).

Only individual elements of the labor function, determined by the Professional standard, were used. Depending on the results of the preliminary survey, the choice of content areas of the IEP of an elementary school teacher can be adjusted.

It is important to take into account the principle of specification of the content of the IEP already at the stage of preliminary questioning, where verbal variants of the positions of the Teacher's Professional Standard, their grouping in questions of questionnaires, are acceptable.

Individual educational program: development factors

The content of the IEP, therefore, will depend not so much on the ambitions and diligence of the teacher in the planned volume of advanced training, but on the quality of the methodological support of the system of continuing professional education at its various levels (institutional, district, regional). It is possible to add any event to the IEP only if this event is planned by external methodological services and brought to the attention of teachers. An independent search for activities that promote professional development is not excluded, however, in the vast majority of cases, as experience shows, employees rely on an offer from outside.

When deciding to use the IEP as a form and means of advanced training in the framework of continuing professional education, the head of the PA and or the deputy head of the PA must be sure that the institutional and regional methodological environment is functioning properly, and the teacher will not experience difficulties in choosing activities to improve qualifications .

It is advisable in this connection to carry out planning of professional development activities external to the teacher in the same version in which the teacher will be offered for the development and implementation of the structure of the IEP. That is, the methodologists of the education authorities and the deputy heads of the PA should adhere to proactive tactics and form a package of advanced training measures in the logic of subsequent monitoring of the state of the system of continuing professional education in the PA, city, district, etc.

Individual educational program: taking into account the needs of teachers

In order to study the needs of teachers in the direction and content of advanced training measures, it is advisable for persons organizing the relevant activities to conduct a preliminary survey of teachers. For the convenience of processing the results of the survey, you can use ready-made Internet forms, embedding the necessary content in them (Appendix 2). The survey is conducted anonymously; the number of respondents should be sufficient for summarizing and analyzing the results. The development of the questionnaire will not require special time costs if you go by correlating its content with the structure of the IEP, developed according to the variant of compliance with the Teacher's Professional Standard. It is enough, as we have already shown above, to detail the labor functions laid down in the Professional Standard of the teacher and clothe them in the necessary speech constructions corresponding to the level of the OOP.

A business game is a form of organization of vocational training and creativity, based on the participants in the game living in a specially simulated situation, close to the realities of professional activity. The business game allows you to go beyond the usual framework of methodological support for self-education of teachers, giving them the opportunity to independently, taking into account the opinions of colleagues, design the potential volume of IEP.

It is important to inform teachers about the forthcoming survey by carrying out the necessary preparatory, including instructive and explanatory, work with them. It is necessary to motivate them for an informal attitude to the survey. To do this, you can use the method of planned reflection. In this situation, teachers are informed that at the end of the survey, a collective discussion of its results will take place in the format of a round table. You can also offer to write an essay on the topic “Development space in the context of the introduction of the Professional Standard”. If desired, and at the proper level of organization, you can arrange a competition of such essays with subsequent placement of fragments of works on the official website of the NGO and (or) the education authority.

Individual educational program of the teacher: organizational and methodological support

As the results of the survey are processed, the nature of the needs of teachers is analyzed and correlated with the strategic issues of developing the personnel reserve of the PA. The results obtained may be sufficient to immediately proceed to the formation of a package of proposals for methodological (including scientific and methodological) activities for use by teachers in planning the IEP. In this case, officials assume full responsibility for the direction and content of the events.

Another approach is also possible, when responsibility for the direction and content of activities within the framework of the IEP is partially delegated to the teachers themselves. This can be done by including teachers in organizational and business games developed for the content of improving their qualifications. A business game can be a platform for solving various problems.

It can be done within:

  • scientific and practical conference or forum;
  • poster exhibitions;
  • pedagogical council; corporate holiday;
  • meetings on strategic planning or development of a program for the development of the PA.

We can recommend such business games as "Documents and Documentation", "Delegation of Responsibility", "First Aid in the Lesson", "Public Defense of an Innovative Project". Conducting them on the material of the requirements of the Teacher's Professional Standard, officials providing continuous professional education achieve a thoughtful and conscious attitude of teachers to the prospects and goals of advanced training in the format of self-education, actively include teachers in designing the content of professional self-development. Subsequently, during the implementation of the IEP of the teacher at the intersection of the cells of the table (Table 1 template), teachers can note the fact of participation in the planned activities, making footnotes indicating its format and topics.

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 2014 No. 1643, amendments were made to the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 06.10.2009 No. 373 "On the Approval and Enactment of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education". Clarifications have been made to the frequency of advanced training of elementary school teachers. It is indicated that “the continuity of professional development of employees of an organization engaged in educational activities in the main educational programs of primary general education should be ensured by the development by employees of an organization engaged in educational activities, additional professional training programs for teachers in the field of pedagogical activity at least once every three years.

With the proper volume and quality of preparatory work for planning the IEP, it will not be difficult for the teacher to systematize the amount of skills and special knowledge he has mastered in the period of preparation for certification and (or) professional competitions. In addition, this work will be able to contribute to the optimization of the internal system for assessing the quality of education in terms of assessing the personnel conditions for the implementation of the BEP of primary general education.

The proposed approaches are convenient in that they allow the heads of public organizations, their deputies, who are in charge of primary school issues, to respond mobilely to the difficulties that arise today in connection with the introduction of the Teacher's Professional Standard. The sooner these requirements become the subject of organizational and methodological assistance to teachers, the more painless the period of their adaptation to the process of harmonizing the requirements of the Professional Standard with the remuneration system (in particular, the transition to an effective contract 5 ), determining the duties of a teacher, etc.

Individual educational program of the teacher: connection with the conditions for the implementation of the BEP IEO

The practice of using the teacher's IEP is expedient from the point of view of the "road map" for the development of the conditions for the implementation of the BEP of primary general education. In the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, in the block of requirements for personnel conditions, it is said about the need for complex interaction of educational organizations, "continuous methodological support" of teachers 6.

Intercourse training of teachers, organized in the IEP format, has a number of obvious advantages:

  • The IEP is developed at the intersection of the individual needs and capabilities of the teacher and the content of the activities of methodological services external to the teacher (school and district / city / district methodological associations, methodological centers under the educational authorities, etc.);
  • preparation for planning the IEP contributes to the self-determination of the teacher in problem areas of professional activity in the implementation of the BEP of primary general education;
  • The IEP, developed on the basis of the requirements of the Teacher's Professional Standard, allows to reduce the adaptation period of the teacher's functioning in accordance with these requirements;
  • the content of the IEP is the basis for self-analysis of the teacher's work and can serve as material for concluding an effective contract.

Individual educational program of the teacher: translation of experience

As the IEP is implemented, conditions are created for the translation of the experience mastered by the teacher into the professional educational environment. Traditional approaches in this direction continue to take place:

  • speeches of teachers at various levels of methodological associations; participation in seminars, conferences and forums;
  • preparation of publications for professional publications and collections of conference materials;
  • participation in open weeks (decades, etc.) in the format of master classes and open lessons;
  • development of author's methodical products, control and measuring materials.

The head of the public organization and the supervising deputy head take measures to systematize this kind of activity, its accounting within the framework of an effective contract.

In order to integrate the individual experience of teachers into the innovative environment for their development, it is recommended to use the following forms:

  • personal websites of teachers;
  • Internet forums and correspondence scientific and practical conferences;
  • flash seminars;
  • screening teachers' councils, etc.

This is useful to know

A flash seminar is a technology of professional interaction that allows you to quickly and comfortably receive a large amount of relevant information on a specific type of professional activity and reflect on existing professional difficulties. Initially, flash methods ( flash- flash, lightning) were used to intensify psychotherapy.
Screening teachers' council - a pedagogical council, the main purpose of which is to identify (from screening- selection, sorting) of problem areas according to the problem and the development of ways to solve it.

The unconditional duty of the heads of educational organizations and their deputies is to develop requirements for the format and content of the broadcast experience, to conceptualize this experience as a means of developing personnel conditions for the implementation of the primary general education educational program. Both management and teachers should clearly understand what kind of contribution to the methodological support of the educational process of elementary school is made by measures to translate pedagogical experience.

Appendix 1
The basic structure of the individual educational program of the teacher 7:

Download in.docx

Block IOP Structural elements
Information about the teacher Full name, work experience in the position held.
Education and qualifications.
Dates of the last certification.
Qualification category
IEP output The period for which the IOP is being developed.
Scientific supervisor (if any).
Factors and prerequisites for the development of the IEP Professional difficulties, for the solution of which
sent to the IOP.
Conditions for continuing professional education,
contributing to the development of the IEP.
The nature of the request for the maintenance of the IEP by the employer
The main directions of the IEP and the planned results of its implementation The main directions of the IEP, formulated as tasks of professional development.
Planned results, formulated as competencies,
the development of which is envisaged during the implementation of the IEP
System of events within the framework of the IEP It is drawn up by analogy with Table. eighteen .
The planned results of the IEP are entered in the horizontal table
(see previous point)
Translation of mastered pedagogical experience Planned dates, forms and methods of broadcasting
pedagogical experience
Expected effects Effects of individual professional growth.
Effects for the micro-society (the NGO team).
Effects for the information and educational environment of the OO
(including new conditions for the implementation of the OOP of the initial
general education)

Appendix 2
Questionnaire for identifying problem areas of the teacher's readiness for the introduction of the Teacher's Professional Standard 9

Dear colleague! Your participation in the survey is very important. The content of the questionnaire reflects the most pressing problems that require the inclusion in the content of additional professional programs for advanced training and professional retraining of teaching staff, action plans for the methodological support of the professional development of teachers in connection with the entry into force of the Professional Standard of a Teacher (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 544n of October 18, 2013 "On approval of the professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)".

We ask you to rate your mastery of the competencies included in the content of the questionnaire, using one of the answer options: “yes” or “no”.

1 Subprogram 1. Implementation of the professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)" of the Comprehensive Program for Improving the Professional Level of Teachers of General Educational Organizations, approved. Government of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2014 No. 3241p-P8.

2 Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n “On approval of the professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)””.

3 Subprogram 1. Implementation of the professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)" of the Comprehensive Program for the Professional Development of Teachers of General Educational Organizations, approved. Government of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2014 No. 3241p-P8.

4 The table shows only one labor function in accordance with the Teacher's Professional Standard. Similarly, the content of the IEP is designed for all other labor functions.

5 Commentary on an effective contract, see: electronic system "Education". Demo version.

6 Paragraph 24 sect. IV GEF primary general education, approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 373 of 06.10.2009 “On Approval and Enactment of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education” (subject to changes introduced by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 2357 of 09.22.2011 and No. 1643 of 29.12.2014 ).

7 On the title page of the IEP there is a marker of agreement with the external methodological service of the NGO, which oversees the development of personnel conditions at the municipal or district level, and an approval marker by the deputy head of the NGO.

8 In order to minimize the cost of issuing an IEP, it is permissible to compile a general numbered list of activities and enter only numbers in the cells of the table. Numbers can be repeated, since a teacher can master several professional competencies at the same event. In addition, the presence of a common list of events is convenient from the point of view of using information about certain events during the certification period or participation in professional competitions.

9 The questionnaire was developed and tested as part of the research work: “Substantiation of the principles for selecting, structuring and organizing the content of additional professional education in the logic of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education and the Professional Standard “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher) "", conducted by SAEI VPO MIOO.

The principle of humanization involves the implementation of a student-centered approach aimed at the overall development of the personality of a student with disabilities, his socialization, maximum integration into modern life;

The principle of an individual approach implies the need to determine the individual goal of education and training, the selection of content, the choice of forms and methods of education for each child with disabilities, taking into account his professional and educational needs, opportunities and conditions of education.

The principle of consistency ensures the unity of education, diagnosis, correction and development of the Student, i.e. a systematic approach to the analysis of the features of his development and correction of violations, as well as a comprehensive multi-level approach to solving the problems of the child;

The principle of an integrated approach involves the integration of learning and correction by including in the working curriculum a correctional component focused on primary defects presented in the structure of the student's developmental disorders. The content and choice of methods of corrective work depends on the number and types of primary violations present in the structure of the complex. So, for a child with hearing and vision impairment, it is necessary to analyze the corresponding programs of correctional work and select topics and sections focused on the correction of each component of a complex impairment.

The principle of continuity guarantees the student with disabilities the continuity of pedagogical assistance until the problem is completely solved or an approach to its solution is determined.

The principle of complex interaction of all participants in the educational process during the implementation of the IEP for a student with disabilities involves the constant cooperation of teachers, a tutor, a psychologist, the administration of the educational institution, medical workers and other specialists for the most successful realization of the goal of teaching the student according to an individual educational program.

The principle of priority of independent forms of educational activity of the Student implies maximum activity and independence of the Student in the course of education;

The principle of organizing tutor assistance to a student with disabilities means the creation of a system of comprehensive tutor support for a student in order to meet his/her educational and professional needs.

Natalia N. is studying in the specialized social and humanitarian 10a class. However, her curriculum was adjusted and supplemented at the expense of distance education in accordance with the recommendations of doctors: due to additional education, she was given the opportunity to study with a speech therapist to correct speech activity and exercise therapy. And since Natasha wants to connect her future profession with a foreign language, she is given the opportunity to expand her practical skills in German through the elective course “We speak German”.

Curricula are a means of fixing the content of education at the level of academic subjects provided for by an individual curriculum (programs for academic subjects, programs of elective courses, programs of additional education). The programs determine the goals of studying the subject, the main didactic units, types of cognitive tasks, possible levels of mastering the educational material, criteria and methods for assessing educational results. The objectives of the study of the subject are in direct accordance with the Requirements for the development of the curriculum and the educational and professional needs of the Student. The content of the curriculum provides an opportunity for Natalia N. to study the subjects: history, law, social studies, Russian language and literature at the profile level, since her future profession may involve final certification in this profile.

Individual curriculum

Individual Curriculum (IEP) - a set of subjects (courses) selected for mastering by the Student from the curriculum of a general education institution, compiled on the basis of the federal Basic Curriculum. An individual curriculum provides an opportunity to achieve the Requirements of the standard while maintaining the variability of education.

Natalia's IEP allows her to master the profile of a social and humanitarian orientation and, due to additional education, more fully take into account the interests, inclinations and abilities for philology, which will be useful in the future to satisfy prof. needs.


pupils of grade 10a MOU "Secondary School" for 20-20 academic year

Academic subjects Grade 10
Basic subjects
FEDERAL COMPONENT (invariant part) Foreign language
Informatics and ICT
Art (MHK)
life safety fundamentals
Physical Culture
Profile subjects
VARIANT PART Russian language
social science
DU COMPONENT Preparing for the Unified State Examination Mathematics
Fundamentals of graphic information
Elective course "We speak German"


educational requests

Natalia I.

Educational inquiries

Basic level of mastering disciplines Profile level of mastering disciplines Elective courses (subject classes, remedial classes) Additional education programs
1.German Language 3 hours 1. Russian language 3 hours 1. We speak German 1. Physiotherapy
2.Mathematics 2. Literature 2. Psychology of Personality
3. Economy 3. Story
4.Informatics and ICT 4. Social science
5.Physics 5. Right
6. Chemistry
7. Biology
9.Physical culture
10. OBZH

Individual plan for extracurricular activities

Main performers: social and correctional department, teachers, tutor.

Target group:



Implementation stages:

Stage I (April - September). The stage of collecting and analyzing information (information and analytical activities). The result of this stage is an assessment of the contingent of students to take into account the developmental characteristics of children, determine the specifics and their special educational needs; assessment of the educational environment in order to meet the requirements of the software and methodological support, material, technical and human resources of the institution.

Stage II (October-May) Stage of planning, organization, coordination (organizational and executive activities). The result of the work is a specially organized educational process, which has a correctional and developmental orientation and the process of special support for children with disabilities under specially created (variable) conditions for training, education, development, socialization of the category of children in question.

Stage III (May-June) Stage of diagnostics of the correctional and developmental educational environment (control and diagnostic activities). The result is a statement of the compliance of the created conditions and the selected correctional, developmental and educational programs with the special educational needs of the child.

Stage IV (August-September) Stage of regulation and adjustment (regulatory and corrective activity). The result is the introduction of the necessary changes in the educational process and the process of accompanying children with disabilities, the adjustment of conditions and forms of education, methods and techniques of work.

Nikitina S.V., teacher of foreign languages ​​of the first category

To date, the theory of individual educational programs, educational routes, individual curricula has received a fairly serious impetus for development and systematization. Practical experience is built mainly on individual routes for passing the educational material.

Individual educational programs are created for students with special educational needs, namely for students:

  • with health-related learning problems,
  • purposefully engaged in a certain type of activity (artistic creativity, science, sports, etc.) or
  • wishing to gain additional knowledge on their own.


  1. Creation of an IEP model for children with learning difficulties due to physical ill health.
  2. Creation of an IEP model for pedagogically neglected children.
  3. Creation of an IEP model for children who want to master additional material on their own.
  4. Creation of an IEP model for preparing gifted students for olympiads and competitions.

At the level of profile education and pre-profile training at school, the last two models are most important.

An individual educational program is a program of educational activities of a student, compiled on the basis of his interests and educational request, and fixing educational goals and results.

Appointment of an individual educational program

  • To promote self-determination of the student in a particular subject area;
  • Help the student to draft their educational path in the chosen field; show the prospects for the development of this subject area;
  • Present the problematic nature of the subject area, various approaches and points of view, followed by their discussion;
  • Create conditions for the organization of educational and research activities, taking into account individual interests;
  • Expand the educational space of the growing profile or pre-profile class;
  • Help the student to master the techniques of self-organization necessary to realize their educational level.

^ The principle of constructing the IOP- the priority of individuality, self-worth of the student as an active carrier of subjective experience in the educational process.

In the conditions of a professional educational organization, the educational program should:

  • provide the opportunity for students to achieve the level of education that is necessary for the implementation of the social order; comply with educational standards; promote the integration of educational and extracurricular activities of students;
  • stimulate the use of more effective educational technologies;
  • contribute to the development of the student.

1. The student and the teacher jointly determine the content of the activity, choose ways to assimilate specific educational material and build an algorithm for the student's independent work.

2 They determine the forms of support by the teacher of the independent activity of the student (consultations, supervision of project activities, assistance in the selection of educational literature, etc.).

3. The student and the teacher plan and jointly monitor the success of solving educational problems, analyze the expected and actual trajectory of the student in the educational space (reflection). The level of progress can be assessed in points by passing test and creative tasks, preparing a project, creating a thematic educational Portfolio, case studies, completing tests, participating in competitions and olympiads, etc.

4. In the process of the student's movement along the educational program, his subjective experience is enriched and transformed, thus, development takes place.

The IOP performs the following functions:

^ Functions of an individual educational (training) program


Fixes the student's workload, fixes the order of studying the material and reporting on it


Contains information about the independent educational activities of the student in mastering educational material or preparing for a competition, olympiad, for entering a university


Determines the values, goals and results of the student's activities


Determines the types of independent activities of the student, forms of interaction between the teacher and the student

Self-determination function

Helps to test one's abilities in activities related to professional choice, to establish one's choice or change it

^ Stages of work:

Predictive: n stopping the problem and tasks on the way to solving it (learning a new topic, what knowledge and skills you need to get to); drawing up a plan for solving the problem (methods for acquiring knowledge and skills, searching for and mastering material, etc.).

Organizational and coordinating: help and cooperation of the teacher in planning the educational space; coordination of educational and research activities of a student by a subject teacher.

Reflection over the methods and results of the student's activity. The educational program, as a rule, contains sections:

  • the goals and values ​​of the educational program (why it was drawn up, what goals it is aimed at);
  • targeting of the educational program (for whom it is intended);
  • a mini-curriculum containing the invariant and variable parts of the content of education in each case (how many hours are allotted for studying the content both in theory and in practice), as well as an explanatory note to it;
  • educational and thematic planning and content of educational material, description of organizational and pedagogical conditions, pedagogical technologies used to implement the educational program;
  • a system of forms of certification, control and accounting of students' achievements;
  • description of the expected educational results of mastering the educational program.

Transferring this approach to a specific student, we can offer the following option:

    1. the purpose of the educational program (determined by the student);
    2. the purpose of the educational program (determined by the student);
    3. characteristics of the curriculum (compiled by the teacher or the option of joint design of the curriculum is possible);
    4. description of organizational and pedagogical conditions, pedagogical technologies used to implement the educational program (compiled by the teacher);
    5. a system of forms and terms for certification, monitoring and recording achievements, reporting forms for the types of activities of the student (composed by a teacher and a student);
    6. description of the forms of educational practices, proposed projects, topics of research activities (composed by a teacher and a student);
    7. description of the expected educational results of mastering the educational program (determined by the student or the teacher and the student);

The priority forms of interaction between the teacher and the student are individual forms of support and support for students:

  • tutoring,
  • counseling
  • and moderation.

The use of modern technologies in the implementation of an individual educational program

When implementing the IEP, new forms of organization of educational activities are required. Partially search, problematic and research teaching methods are used. The main forms of organizing training sessions, in addition to the traditional combined lesson, are a lecture, a seminar, a practical lesson, a business and educational game, and training. To control knowledge, control and practical work, mathematical dictations, interviews, defense of projects, testing are used.

The use of information technology and the development of electronic educational materials by teachers (the creation of PP presentations, the development of electronic didactic materials, the use of e-mail for interactive communication with students, the publication of lecture notes and practical tasks on personal websites of teachers) have also become an integral part of education.

At the same time, there remains the problem of preparing educational and methodological materials that allow organizing full-fledged training, taking into account the individualization of the educational needs of students, the students' independent choice of ways to master the program and relying on interactive forms of communication between the teacher and the student.

The main technology used in the implementation of the IEP, which allows using the "pluses" of the existing system and taking into account the possibilities of open learning, is the technology of modular learning.

Modular learning technology

The core of modular learning is a learning module that includes:

  • completed block of information;
  • the target program of actions of the student;
  • recommendations (advice) of the teacher for its successful implementation.

Modular technology provides individualization of training:

  • according to the content of training,
  • according to the rate of assimilation,
  • level of independence
  • according to the methods and methods of teaching,
  • methods of control and self-control.

Fundamental differences modular learning from other learning systems are as follows:

  • the content of training is presented in complete independent complexes, the assimilation of which is carried out in accordance with the goal. The goal contains not only an indication of the volume of the studied content, but also the level of its assimilation. In addition, the student receives written advice from the teacher on how to act rationally;
  • the form of communication between the teacher and students is changing. It implements the process of individual communication between the teacher and the student;
  • the student works maximum time independently, learns goal-setting, self-planning, self-organization and self-control;
  • there is no problem of individual counseling, dosed assistance to students.

The main task of the teacher is to develop a modular program, the modules themselves, and in the learning process, he motivates, organizes, coordinates, advises, controls, i.e., using the potential of modular learning, he exercises reflexive learning management.

Case - method

Case method is a method of analyzing educational materials provided by the teacher to students, based on their theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

The student must solve the problem and get the reaction of others (other students and the teacher) to their actions. The role of the teacher is to direct the work and the teacher, in case of difficulties for students, can summarize, explain, recall theoretical aspects or make references to the relevant educational literature.

Cases (sets of materials for solving a learning problem) can be from several lines to several pages in volume, depending on the age and preparedness of students.

  • Cases are:
  • educators, whose main task is teaching;
  • training,
  • systematizing,
  • research cases focused on the implementation of research activities.

Project method

Under project method we understand the technology of organizing educational situations in which the student poses and solves his own problems, and the technology of accompanying the student's independent activity.

The main time allocated for project activities is necessary for the independent work of the student with various resources (information, technical, etc.), therefore, work on the project cannot be organized within the framework of the lesson. In this case, work on an individual or group project is based on the IEP.

^ Stages of work on the project can be represented as the following diagram:


  • Definition of the thematic field and the theme of the project.
  • Search and analysis of the problem.
  • Setting the goal of the project.


  • Analysis of available information.
  • Search for information.
  • Collection and study of information.
  • Finding the best way to achieve the project goal (analysis of alternative solutions), building an activity algorithm.
  • Drawing up a project implementation plan: step-by-step work planning.
  • Resource analysis.


  • Execution of planned technological operations.
  • Current quality control.
  • Making (if necessary) changes to the design and technology.


  • Preparation of presentation materials.
  • Project presentation.
  • Studying the possibilities of using the results of the project (exhibition, sale, inclusion in the bank of projects, publication).


  • Analysis of the results of the project.
  • Evaluation of the quality of project implementation.

With us, it is presented in the form of progress records by discipline, module (individual, per group), which are then entered into the student's PORTFOLIO.