What every person needs to know. What knowledge should a modern person have in the modern world

Many modern devices are indeed extremely complex, so it would be the height of arrogance to reach into their insides with a hammer and pliers. But this does not apply to all situations. Very often the problem turns out to be so simple, and its solution lies so close to the surface, that only our inner conviction that “I can’t do it” prevents us from seeing and solving it. Many people do not even approximately imagine the device and principles of operation of the things around them and, most importantly, do not even seek to learn them.

The ability to use your memory

Judging by the speed with which note-takers, notebooks, telephone books, calendars and planners multiply, the memory of a person of the future will gradually die out as unnecessary. Already now it is rare to find a friend who knows at least a few significant phone numbers from memory. And we are being replaced by a generation unable to learn a simple poem and remember the dates of the most important historical events. And really, why do they need it when there is Google?

Cooking at home skill

I firmly believe that the harm to humanity from cheap fast food and the presence in our kitchens can be commensurate with the damage from the last few wars. Yes, it is very convenient and fast, but then you don’t have to complain about obesity, diabetes, stomach ulcers and a whole bunch of related diseases. The ability to cook for yourself is not a matter of taste or economy, it is a matter of survival.

The ability to let go of excess

The ability to give up unnecessary purchases, the insane and thoughtless pursuit of new models and brands is not so much a sign of a lack of financial resources, but a sign of mental maturity. Tell all those who change the model of their smartphone and car every time, was it really necessary? And maybe it would be better to spend these funds on more pleasant and useful things? For example, to attend a foreign language course or travel.

The less money we spend on junk, the more we can then spend on the people around us and getting new experiences.

Ability to expand your horizons

"I'm a programmer, I don't need it." "I'm an athlete, this is too much for me." "I'm a musician, I'm only interested in music."

Have you ever heard such statements? Yes, our century is the century of narrow specialists. But you can’t artificially limit the scope of your interests only to what is necessary for professional growth. After all, work is only a part of life, and not the biggest one either. Try to always strive to learn as much as possible new things, even when it seems to you not very useful at the moment. You never know what will come in handy tomorrow.

survival skill

We live in such a calm time that the ability to independently light a fire, navigate the stars and find water may seem like a monstrous anachronism. However, these and other survival skills may well come in handy one day. And it doesn’t have to be somewhere on a camping trip or travel. Non-standard situations happen to people quite often, and sometimes quite unpredictably. You can get lost on a walk, your car can stall on a winter night road, and no one is safe from natural disasters. It is always better to be prepared for emergency situations in advance than to shrug helplessly later.

Ability to handle long tasks

The frantic pace of modern life dictates its own rules to us. We try to react quickly, make decisions quickly and want to see immediate results of our work. However, there are often problems in life that can take months or even years of persistent effort to resolve. The ability to work “in the long run”, to patiently wait for the sprouts of your business to sprout, is far from being inherent in all people today. No, there is nothing wrong with a quick reaction and a focus on results here and now, but sometimes it is patience and perseverance that is the main condition for achieving success in life.

What important qualities and skills would you add to this list? What does a modern person need to know and be able to do in order not to be branded as a slob and clumsy?

The century of development of modern technologies removes a number of routine duties from our shoulders. Smart machines come to the rescue. What must know modern man, so as not to turn into a helpless lazy person? Indeed, in the absence of independent decisions in certain life situations, it makes each of us dependent on modern mechanisms.

20 things a modern person should know

Smart gadgets, computers, microwave ovens, washing machines… imagine that all this has disappeared. Consider, what knowledge and skills a modern person should have:

  1. Making decisions.
  2. Creative thinking.
  3. Analytic mind.
  4. Communication skills.
  5. Fast adaptability.
  6. Self-education.
  7. Memory development.
  8. Healthy lifestyle.
  9. Organization.
  10. Self-development.
  11. Know how to make a fire.
  12. Know the basics of geography.
  13. Use a map and compass.
  14. Provide first aid.
  15. Choose quality food.
  16. Know how to cook food.
  17. Use hammer and axe.
  18. Fix things.
  19. Know how to sew.
  20. To swim.

As you can see, the list consists of two parts.

First part - necessary skills for personal development, the second - elementary life skills. Let's consider each item in more detail.

Skills for the development of a person's personality

The development of the following principles will help to distinguish a successful person from an ordinary individual.

  • Making decisions . From the correctness of the decision that a person chooses in a given life situation, his future depends. An important aspect is that the decision must not only be made, but also implemented.
  • Creative thinking. Such qualities as ingenuity and the ability to find new options for solving old problems will force a person to break their ingrained stereotypes.
  • Analytic mind. The ability to use logic in the comprehensive analysis of certain information. With the development of an analytical mindset, a person is able to find the best solution to a problem.
  • Communication skills . The art of effective communication of a person with other individuals of society. Good communication skills allow you to successfully interact with the world and be understood by others.
  • Fast adaptability. Adaptation of a person to the formed criteria and requirements of a separate group (for example, a school, a work team). Thanks to quick adaptability, a person easily enters a new team and adequately orients himself in a new group.
  • Self-education. Self-education allows you to get relevant knowledge that a person needs for further personal development. Helps to increase intellectual abilities and expand the circle of communication.
  • Memory Development . A good memory allows you to achieve success in any field of activity. This quality is especially relevant in our information time, associated with huge flows of information.
  • Healthy lifestyle. It is impossible to achieve success in life without good health. A healthy lifestyle is not only regular exercise in the morning, but also proper nutrition, regular sleep and maintenance of body hygiene.
  • Organization. This item includes self-discipline, organization of the day and the ability to fulfill everything planned in advance. An organized person can effectively distribute his forces and get excellent results as a result.
  • Self-development. Continuous development is the basis for the success of any person. Improving his skills, a person increases his intellectual potential, personal culture, will and mental capabilities.

Life skills.

Life skills will help you both in everyday life and in unusual situation:

  • Ability to make fire . The light and warmth of a bonfire will help a tourist lost in the forest save his life.
  • Know the basics of geography. People will consider you ignorant if you do not know what is outside your country.
  • Use a map and compass. Once in an unknown area, these items will help you find the right path.
  • Provide first aid. In order to treat an abrasion or apply a tourniquet to the hand, it is not necessary to have a medical degree.
  • Choose quality food. These skills will help not only when choosing mushrooms and berries in the forest, but will also come in handy when visiting a local supermarket.
  • To cook. Not knowing how to cook simple dishes, such as scrambled eggs, sooner or later you will find yourself in a ridiculous situation.
  • Use hammer and axe. You don't have to be a carpenter to hammer a nail into a house. Every man should master these simple tools.
  • Fix things. The cost of repairing items is at least 30% of the value of the item itself. If you can do something yourself, it is not necessary to pay money to the master.
  • Know how to sew. Will allow the family to save on model studios.
  • To swim. The surface of our planet is more than 70% water. Agree - this is a weighty argument in order to learn to swim.

Elementary things.

These things should be known not only by an adult, but also by a primary school student. In life, there are different situations when the company is talking about elementary things, and you do not understand this issue. For example:

  • There are 0.62 miles in one kilometer.
  • There are 8 planets in the solar system (there were 9, but pluto has not been considered a planet since 2006).
  • There are 6 continents on earth.
  • The cheetah is the fastest animal.
  • There are 251 countries in the world.
  • The Sahara is the largest desert.

Fun and interesting facts.

Information can be interesting not only from a scientific point of view, but also contain fun facts:

Here is some of them:

  • When eating celery, a person spends more calories than he receives energy from this product.
  • About half a year, an ordinary city dweller spends under a red traffic light.
  • If no dye was added to Cola, its color would be green.
  • Money is made from cotton, not paper.
  • An adult laughs an average of 15 times a day, a small child - more than 300.

Now you know exactly what modern man needs to know. Of course, this is not the whole list. In order to become an erudite and interesting person for those around you, you need to read more than one hundred books and popular science articles.

Video about the knowledge of modern man

The sciences feed young men,
They give joy to the old,
Decorate in a happy life
Save in case of an accident.

(M. V. Lomonosov)

An educated person is not just a person who has a diploma of completed education. This concept is many-sided and multifaceted, it consists of many criteria that are formed throughout the life of an individual.

History pages

What does an educated person mean? Surely many of us sooner or later asked this question. To answer it, we must turn to history. Namely, to those days when humanity began to make progress in the development of civilization.

Everything was created and done gradually. Nothing appears at once, at the wave of the mighty hand of the Creator. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God." Communication, gestures, signs, sounds were born. It is from these times that the concept of education should be considered. People had a common language, an initial base of knowledge that they passed on to children from generation to generation. Man made efforts to develop writing and speech. Drawing from these sources, the river of time has brought us to the present. There were many meanders in the channel of this river, incredible work was invested and colossal work was done. Yet this river brought us into the life we ​​see it now. Books have preserved and conveyed to us everything that man has created over the centuries. We draw knowledge from these sources and become educated people.

Educated person: concept, criteria, aspects

The interpretation of this term is ambiguous, researchers offer many definitions and variations. Some believe that an educated person is an individual who has graduated from an educational institution and has undergone comprehensive training in a certain field of knowledge. For example, these are doctors, teachers, professors, cooks, builders, archaeologists, managers and other specialists. Others argue that, in addition to state-commercial education, a person must also have social, life experience gained in travel, trips, in communication with people of different ethnic groups, classes and levels. However, such an interpretation is incomplete, since an educated person is a person of certain moral principles who has managed to achieve something in his life thanks to his knowledge, erudition, culture and determination. From all this, we conclude that an educated person is not only the most intelligent person, but also a person with a capital letter. Therefore, most researchers give a more accurate description of this term. They believe that an educated person is an individual who has received the knowledge offered by civilization itself. He has cultural and life experience, historically accumulated in the process of development and formation of culture, industry, industry, etc.

The image of an educated person is made up of many criteria and personality traits:

  • Having an education.
  • Language proficiency.
  • Culture of behavior.
  • Expanded horizons.
  • Erudition.
  • Wide vocabulary.
  • Erudition.
  • Sociability.
  • Thirst for knowledge.
  • Eloquence.
  • Mind flexibility.
  • The ability to analyze.
  • Striving for self-improvement.
  • Purposefulness.
  • Literacy.
  • upbringing.
  • Tolerance.

The role of education in human life

An educated person seeks knowledge for orientation in the world. It is not so important for him to know how many elements are in the periodic table, but he needs to have a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchemistry. In each area of ​​knowledge, such a person is guided easily and naturally, realizing that single accuracy is absolutely impossible in everything. This allows you to see the world from a different angle, navigate in space, makes life bright, rich and interesting. On the other hand, education acts as enlightenment for everyone, endowing with knowledge to be able to distinguish reality from imposed opinion. An educated person is not influenced by sectarians, advertising tricks, as he constantly analyzes what he sees and hears, forming the only correct decision about the reality of what is happening. With the help of education, the individual achieves his goals, improves himself and expresses himself. Thanks to reading, an erudite person listens to his inner world, finds important answers, subtly feels the world, becomes wise, erudite.

The Importance of School Education

The first stage in the formation of each individual as an "educated person" is the primary educational institution, namely the school. There we get the basics of knowledge: we learn to read, write, draw, think in detail. And our future development, as a full-fledged representative of society, largely depends on how much we assimilate this initial information. From birth, parents develop a craving for knowledge in the child, explaining the importance of education in life. Thanks to the school, the abilities of each student are revealed, a love of reading is instilled, and the foundations are laid in society.

The school is the foundation for the formation of every educated person. It solves a number of important tasks.

  1. The primary education of a person, the transfer of social, life, scientific experience in significant areas, historically accumulated by civilization.
  2. Spiritual and moral education and personal development (patriotism, religious beliefs, family values, culture of behavior, understanding of art, etc.).
  3. Preservation and strengthening of health, both physical and mental, without which a person cannot fulfill himself.

Self-education and social, life experience is not enough to become educated, so the role of the school in the life of a modern individual is invaluable, irreplaceable.

The role of books in education

At present, teachers perceive the image of an intellectual as an ideal of an educated person, to which every student, student, and adult should strive. However, this quality is not a priority or mandatory.

How do we imagine an educated person

Each of us has our own on this topic. For some, an educated person is someone who has finished school. For others, these are people who have received a specialty in a particular field. Still others consider all smart people, scientists, researchers, those who read a lot and educate themselves, to be educated. But education is the basis of all definitions. It radically changed life on Earth, gave a chance to fulfill oneself and prove to oneself that everything depends on a person. Education gives a chance to take a step into another world.

At each stage of personality formation, a person perceives the concept of education in different ways. Children and students are sure that this is just the smartest person who knows and reads a lot. Students look at this concept from the point of view of education, believing that after graduating from an educational institution, they will become educated people. The older generation perceives this image more broadly and thoughtfully, realizing that, in addition to learning, such a person must have his own store of knowledge, social experience, be erudite, well-read. As we can see, everyone has their own idea of ​​what an educated person should know.


When a person graduates from school, he experiences extraordinary joy, positive emotions, accepts congratulations and wishes to become a worthy person in the future. Having received a certificate, each graduate embarks on a new life path to self-realization, independence. Now you need to take an important step - choose an educational institution and a future profession. Many choose a difficult path to achieve their cherished dream. Perhaps this is the most important moment in a person's life - to choose a professional activity according to one's soul, interests, one's abilities and talents. The self-realization of the individual in society, his further happy life depends on this. After all, an educated person is, among other things, a person who has achieved success in one area or another.

The importance of education in our time

The concept of "education" includes the words - "to form", "to form", which means the formation of a person as a person. Forms it internally "I". Both in front of himself in the first place, and in front of the society in which he lives, is engaged in his field of activity, works and just spends his free time pleasantly. Undoubtedly, a good education in our time is simply irreplaceable. It is a decent education that opens all the doors for the individual, makes it possible to get into "high society", get a first-class job with decent wages and achieve universal recognition and respect. After all, knowledge is never enough. With every day we live, we learn something new, we get a certain portion of information.

Unfortunately, in our twenty-first century, the age of digital technologies, communications and the Internet, such a thing as "education" is gradually fading into the background. On the one hand, it would seem that it should be the other way around. The Internet, a bottomless source of useful information, where everything is available. There is no need to once again run around libraries, fellow students in search of a missed lecture, etc. However, along with useful information, the Internet contains a huge amount of useless, unnecessary and even harmful information that clogs the human brain, kills the ability to think adequately, and knocks a person down. out of the way. Often, low-quality resources, useless social networks lure humanity much more than information from libraries that is useful for self-development.

What does ignorance lead to?

An uneducated person is under the delusion that he knows everything and has nothing more to learn. While an educated person will be sure until the end of his life that his education is not completed. He will always strive to know what will make his life even better. If a person does not strive for knowledge of the world and self-development, then in the end he comes to everyday life, a routine where work does not bring either pleasure or sufficient income. Of course, ignorance does not mean a complete lack of any knowledge, certificates. A person can have several educations, but be illiterate. And vice versa, there are quite educated, well-read people who do not have a diploma, but have high intelligence, erudition due to independent study of the world around them, sciences, and society.

It is more difficult for uneducated people to fulfill themselves, to achieve what they want, to find something to their liking. Of course, remembering our grandparents, who at one time worked more than studied, we understand that it is possible to go through life without education. However, you will have to overcome a difficult road, work hard physically, spoiling both mental and physical health. Ignorance can be imagined as an isolated cube in which a person lives, not wanting to go beyond its boundaries. A raging life will boil and rush around, with magnificent colors, filled with vivid emotions, understanding, awareness of reality. And whether it is worth going beyond the edge of the cube in order to enjoy the true, fresh air of knowledge - only the person himself has to decide.

Summing up

An educated person is not only one who has finished school, an educational institution well and has a highly paid job in his specialty. This image is unusually multifaceted, includes a culture of behavior, intelligence, good breeding.

The main qualities of an educated person:

  • education;
  • literacy;
  • the ability to communicate and express one's thoughts correctly;
  • politeness;
  • purposefulness;
  • culture;
  • the ability to keep oneself in society;
  • erudition;
  • desire for self-realization and self-improvement;
  • the ability to subtly feel the world;
  • nobility;
  • generosity;
  • excerpt;
  • diligence;
  • sense of humor;
  • determination;
  • wit;
  • observation;
  • ingenuity;
  • decency.

The concept of "an educated person" is interpreted in different ways, but the main thing in all definitions is the presence of education obtained in various ways: with the help of school, university, self-education, books, life experience. Thanks to knowledge, each of us can reach any heights, become a successful, self-fulfilling personality, a full-fledged unit of society, perceiving this world in a special way.

At present, it is difficult to do without education, because any field of activity requires certain skills and abilities. And to live in the world without knowing anything about it, like a primitive man, is absolutely meaningless.


In the article, we examined the main criteria, definitions of an educated person, answered the question of what it means to be a cultured person. Each of us regards and looks at things according to his social status and ability to perceive the world around him. Some do not even realize that it is bad for an intelligent person to say insulting things to the interlocutor. Some learned this truth from an early age. Indeed, the worldview of a person is primarily influenced by the education of people who put certain information into it, were guides to this life.

We also found out that a well-read person is an individual who reads not only special, educational literature, but also works of the classics. Much in this world is interconnected, but it is education that plays the main and decisive role. Therefore, it is worth taking it with all seriousness, desire and understanding. We are the masters of our lives. We are the creators of our own destiny. And how we live this life depends entirely on us. Despite the difficulties, political or military, our ancestors created excellent conditions for our life. And it is in our hands to make these conditions even better for our descendants. We need education in order to arrange our lives according to our own desire and become a happy person.

Raising the level of your education through the Internet is difficult. In order to become an erudite person, one must not forget to visit the library and read the books of an educated person. We bring to your attention popular publications that every educated person must read, this will make you an interesting, well-read, cultural interlocutor.

  1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K. A. Activity and psychology of personality.
  2. Afanasiev VG Society: consistency, knowledge and management.
  3. Brauner J. Psychology of knowledge.

List of required knowledge


Time is a huge value for any person. Unfortunately, we are not taught this at school and higher educational institutions, so we have to rely only on self-development. In the process of which it is possible to learn how to properly distribute it so that it works for you. After all, those people who learned how to manage it became successful. They broke away from the daily routine, set up a workflow and at the same time have time to relax.

In life, it is important to appreciate every moment, because time flows irrevocably, and the inability to manage it is reflected in the form of unfulfilled needs and desires. Tell me, having spent minutes of your life aimlessly watching TV, what do you get? If nothing useful and resourceful, then I recommend reading my article. It describes in detail how to use every minute effectively to reach your goals and reach your potential.


What else should a modern person understand? And how to use money properly. It is thanks to this skill that it is possible to accumulate a fortune, or at least reach the desired financial level. Have you heard the stories that when a poor person won a million in the lottery, for example, then after a year or two he again became a beggar? And all because he does not know how to handle money.

If you read the article, then you know that almost all of them were in great need in childhood. They starved and sometimes slept just on the floor, not having a bed. They managed to achieve tremendous success, taking a leading position in the list of the richest people in the world. Thanks to the fact that they had information about what to do with money, where to invest and how to save what they earned.


To realize your needs, develop and advance in life, it is important to know how to maintain your health. In order not to spend the accumulated capital and free time on treatment, but to use all your possibilities in order to prevent the development of any diseases, to keep the body in good shape, to save and increase the flow of energy.

Unfortunately, it often happens that people notice the value of health only when they encounter some physiological difficulties and limitations. Therefore, a modern person is simply obliged to know how to maintain his health, in addition to a healthy lifestyle, taking various vitamin complexes and playing sports, it is also important to undergo medical examinations on time in order to be aware of the state of your body.


Also for the overall development is a very important, but at the same time very complex and capacious point - the psychology of communication, which is also not taught at school. I have already said in the article “What are human communication skills and why they are vital” that we are social creatures. Without communication, they simply would not be able to survive. Especially in the modern world, when the ability to formulate one's point of view, to be clear, interesting and active is the key to success and advancement.

No matter what sphere of life we ​​pay attention to, there are relationships with other people everywhere, and the functionality of this sphere depends on the quality of their construction.

5. Self-awareness

Self-awareness is also important, because in order to set goals and achieve success, build collegiate or, for example, family relationships, and generally live well, it is important to develop awareness in yourself. Understand why and what exactly I do, what I am and how I react to various situations.

And if a person understands himself, has information about his resources, opportunities and limitations, he will better understand other people and how to deal with them. Recognize their intentions, and, for example, lies.


That's all, dear reader! I spoke about the main stages of development of modern man. They will help improve the quality of life, fill it with pleasure and achievements. Develop, take care of yourself and remember that you should never stop there. The acquisition of knowledge is a continuous process that should accompany us every day, regardless of the level of education and lifestyle.

Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. New articles will help, on the way of your self-development. See you soon.

Life is a funny thing. No one will hand you a textbook for adulthood with a set of rules and a list of all the necessary skills that you will have to master in life.

In some mysterious way, you yourself must understand that you need to earn more than you spend, and it is better not to wear a fluffy mohair sweater to a job interview.

Therefore, we have compiled our own instructions for survival in the modern world and listed the skills that no adult can do without.

1. Accept criticism with gratitude

Most people can't stand being pointed out wrong or being told they could have done better. However, being able to suppress emotions and focus on the information that they are trying to convey to you is a truly unique talent. Criticism can be fair or unfair, but let your mind decide, not your wounded ego.

2. Sincerely ask for forgiveness

All people make mistakes, but not everyone knows the art of sincerely asking for forgiveness.

Apologies are not measured by quantity and cannot be good or bad - they must be sincere. And besides, when you apologize, you must explain exactly how you are going to avoid repeating an unpleasant situation in the future.

Here is a six-step algorithm to help you ask for forgiveness the right way:

  1. Don't put off apologizing.
  2. Apologize only in person.
  3. Explain what happened.
  4. Show that you will make every effort to ensure that what happened does not happen again.
  5. Sorry.
  6. If possible, try to make amends with real deeds.

3. Manage your time well

It is unlikely that such a happy moment will come in your life when you do not have to balance between a bunch of problems at work and in your personal life. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for you to master time management - otherwise you will constantly feel at the limit of your strength.

Perhaps the most important rule of time management is that you should only do one thing at a time. Research shows that the habit of multitasking is highly unproductive because your brain wastes energy in the process of switching from one task to another.

Also, it would be wise of you to limit your hours of work. Decades ago, Henry Ford came to the conclusion that labor productivity begins to decline when employees work more than 40 hours a week. Other studies show that the productivity of those who work about 60 hours a week decreases after only three weeks of such a regimen.

4. Know how to say "no"

Most of us are afraid to say “no” for fear of letting other people down. But if you are already swamped with work and a colleague asks for an hour to help with a project report, then the answer “Yes, of course” is far from the best option.

It may sound like a cliché, but the ability to say “no” at the right time can save you a lot of time and save you from feelings of guilt, confusion, unnecessary obligations and promises, stress, and other troubles of human communication.

5. Put yourself in someone else's shoes

Empathy is at the core of every human interaction. People who are not able to empathize and show interest in others - that is, listen to the interlocutor and put themselves in his place - often suffer from narcissism.

6. Communicate in body language

Your body can tell you everything it needs to know about you before you even open your mouth.

Experts identify special techniques that will help you win the sympathy of others with the help of body language. For example, do not break eye contact with your interlocutor even after he finishes talking. And be careful not to touch your face too much - it will look like you're lying or very nervous.

You can also read other people's body language to understand what they are thinking or feeling. For example, if during a conversation they copy your facial expressions, then most likely they enjoy talking with you. If they smile, but there are no wrinkles around the eyes, then the smile may be fake.

7. Make Friends Wherever You Go

A good way to make a friend in the adult world is to be the first to trust so the other can open up to you. Research shows that such a “first step” evokes sympathy, affection, and helps build close and friendly relationships. Another surprisingly easy way to make friends is to spend more time with the people you want to be friends with. According to the "mere exposure effect", we often like people or things we've encountered before.

8. Repair clothes yourself

You should learn how to sew buttons to the shirt collar and darn holes that can be easily planted on the sleeve by catching on the edge of the table. Knowing how to handle a needle will save you a lot of money.

9. Speak at least one foreign language

Learning a foreign language will open up a completely different way of thinking for you. You will be able to see and appreciate the riches of those corners of our planet that you did not even know about before.

10. Remember that money loves an account.

Make sure your income exceeds expenses.

It would also be wise to set aside part of your income for a rainy day so that in case of unforeseen circumstances you have enough money for several months.

11. Master the Basics of Photoshop

You don't need to hire a professional to retouch the photo you want to put on your site - you can do it yourself with a few simple basic functions of the program.

12. Enjoy being alone

You will not frighten an adult with loneliness - he can spend at least a whole day alone with himself and not go crazy from a lack of communication.

13. Learn to speak in public

Speaking confidently in front of a large audience is a skill worth acquiring. This will help you attract the attention of a wide range of people and leave a lasting impression about yourself.

14. Master the Art of Negotiation

If you're negotiating a salary - which you can and should do - then the best way to get what you want and still leave a good impression of yourself is to ask for a salary in the range of the desired rate and a little higher. For example, if you want to receive 70 thousand rubles, then you should ask for a salary of 70 to 80 thousand rubles.

15. Cook your own simple meals

Master at least five simple dishes. Learn how to cook them without a cookbook and you'll look like a culinary genius wherever you go.

16. Know how to keep up small talk

The ability to strike up an interesting conversation has never stopped anyone - whether it's a frivolous flirtation with a beauty from a bar or expanding business ties at a conference.

One of the main rules of a casual conversation is to show interest in the interlocutor and allow him to tell as much as possible about himself. Another good tactic is to emphasize the dignity of the interlocutor so that after talking with you, he grows in his own eyes.

17. Don't be afraid to ask for help

There is no shame in asking for advice or help, especially at work.

Many studies even claim that you can grow in the eyes of colleagues as an expert if you ask them for advice. And this seems to be true, since people are flattered that you turned to them in the first place.

18. Meet the opposite sex without fear

Perhaps, any normal person is horrified by the need to approach the person they like and just start a conversation.

But there are ways to manage your anxiety and reduce the risk of you making a complete idiot of yourself.

One study suggests that men prefer to take direct action, such as announcing at the door, "You're really cute - can I buy you a cocktail?" Women, on the contrary, are more fond of questions that require a detailed answer, for example: “What do you think about this group?”.

Only a few of the respondents admitted that they prefer the standard "tackles" - so they are best avoided, no matter how witty they may seem to you.

19. Wake up early in the morning

Pull yourself together and develop your own plan of action in order to force yourself to wake up on time in the morning and leave the house.

In fact, the secret to a good morning is how you spend the evening before bed, so try to relax before bed, for example, take a hot shower or meditate.

In the morning, experts, as a rule, advise that after the first alarm call, press the "repeat" and sleep a little more. We advise you to press "repeat", but instead of sleeping, turn on the light and use the time before the second alarm for a short gymnastics.

20. Get a driver's license

If you live in a big city, then you probably enjoy all the benefits of public transport.

But when you leave the city, the ability to drive a car well becomes a vital skill. It can open up a whole world for you.

If you have not yet received the right, stop relying on the fact that your loved ones or relatives will always drop you to the right place. Take this decisive step towards adulthood and pass on the rights.

Endlessly biting yourself over your own failures is a road to nowhere.

Instead, treat them the way you would treat a friend or colleague failing. For example, you can remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes and that it doesn't make you a bad person at all.