Military observer Pavel Felgenhauer. Where to go to study? What to choose

The profession of a journalist is quite difficult, but at the same time interesting and unpredictable. Communication with people, reviewing significant events, trips to hitherto unknown places and many other features of this intermittent work attract inexperienced young people, intriguing and exciting the imagination. Military observers who make predictions about the outcome of certain events are a complex and responsible business. Not every person wants, and simply not everyone is able, to engage in this kind of activity. Molecular biology, genetic engineering and other scientific research that is understandable only to the elite and knowledgeable in the matter - this is generally from the realm of science fiction. Is it possible to combine these three things at once, if hobbies and hobbies in life are history? The answer is obvious: it is possible, and not just to combine, but to be among those who are good at it. Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich is the person who proved by deed that it is possible to be diversified in absolutely opposite areas, benefiting society.

Felgenhauer's parents

Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich, whose biography is quite interesting, talks about his parents with great pleasure. His father is an American, who at the age of 17 (1937) was brought to Russia by his parents. Then everything changed for the young man in an instant: place of residence, citizenship, name and surname, but excellent knowledge of the English language remained unchanged. This made the choice of his future profession obvious. He became a translator and, in fact, devoted his whole life to this work. Although the mother was Russian, the Felgenhauer family (Pavel Evgenievich mentioned this more than once in interviews) was anti-Soviet. In this case, it means that there were American books and textbooks in the house, foreign radio was listened to, which was banned at that time by the government.

Childhood and memories of him

Pavel Evgenievich recalls the time of his childhood with great pleasure. In his interviews, he claims that he did not experience any special problems with Soviet bans on "foreigners": foreign radio stations were not jammed by the government, hoping that the population did not know English, and thanks to his father, he not only knew a foreign dialect, but also spoke it fluently . Felgenhauer's parents were friends with immigrants from the United States of America and other foreign citizens: this is a huge number of families with their children. Pavel Evgenievich himself jokingly calls them a "secret society".

Where to go to study? What to choose

Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich was born on December 6, 1951 in the capital of Russia, the most beautiful city of Moscow. He always studied excellently, he was interested in many things, he was a rather versatile boy. After graduating from secondary school, the question arose of where to go to study further. The young man himself was seriously interested in history and even thought about going to history. After consulting with adults, he changed his mind, because studying at the history department obliged him to be in the party, which Felgenhauer categorically did not want, and the competition for the place was very big. Then the young guy decided to connect his life with science and easily entered the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University (MGU). After graduating in 1975, he worked in his specialty for a long time, doing genetic research.

Hard times

During the collapse of the Soviet Union, when there was devastation and chaos in our country, Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich changed his place of work. His choice was journalism: during the so-called perestroika, science was not in demand, a great need fell on the competent presentation of information and high-quality articles printed in newspapers. From 1993 to 1995, Pavel Evgenievich worked in Nezavisimaya Gazeta, and then until 1999 in the information publication Segodnya as a military observer. By the way, once, when Felgenhauer was asked why he chose the military path, he replied that it was his hobby from childhood - to be interested in military operations, monitor situations and make predictions about the upcoming decisions of certain political figures. For example, he predicted heavy human losses in the five-day military operations of Georgia directed towards Ossetia on August 8, 2008, and also warned of casualties in the Donbass.

Personal life

Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich, whose personal life has developed a very long time, has been happily married for many years. His wife is a candidate of philosophical sciences Elena Felgenhauer, who was born and raised in the city of Tashkent. By the time the relationship of the spouses was just beginning to develop, Elena had already managed to be married and give birth to a daughter, Tatyana, from her first husband. However, when she legalized relations with Felgenhauer, the girl was adopted by him and recorded by his last name. At the moment, Tatyana Felgenhauer is an adult woman who followed in the footsteps of her adoptive father. She became a journalist and now works as a deputy editor-in-chief at the Ekho Moskvy radio station. By the way, Pavel Evgenievich himself prepares some issues for the air.

Interesting facts about the journalist, biologist and military observer

Felgenhauer Pavel Evgenievich, whose photo can be seen in informational publications and on the personal page of the social network Facebook, where he has been blogging for a long time, managed to acquire some interesting achievements throughout his career:

  1. Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin personally presented him with an award for his participation in the suppression of the August coup that took place in Moscow in 1991. It was the medal "Defender of Free Russia".
  2. In 1987 he became a candidate of sciences, having defended his dissertation.

The Ministry of Defense is trying to disguise the crossbow

On the night of September 18, F-16 fighter-bombers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) bombed targets north of the Syrian coastal city of Latakia, where, according to Israeli sources, there were Iranian weapons depots with products allegedly intended for the radical Lebanese Shiite movement. Hezbollah. The main Russian Khmeimim air base is also located on the Mediterranean coast near Latakia, but south of the city. of the S-200V missile system (SAM) Russian electronic reconnaissance aircraft Il-20 of the Russian Aerospace Forces, which landed in Khmeimim after reconnaissance of militant positions in the neighboring province of Idlib. The wreckage of the Il-20 was found 27 km from the coast. All 15 people on board - the flight crew and the calculation of the electronic complex - were killed. The IDF Air Force had no losses.

The air defense of the SAA, once one of the most powerful in the Middle East, built with the help of the USSR, gradually fell into disrepair after 1991 and was finally destroyed during the Syrian civil war that began in 2011. Equipment was captured or damaged, and specialists deserted or simply fled. After the start of the Russian operation in Syria in 2015, a targeted program was launched to revive the CAA, including the Air Force and Air Defense.

Russian specialists restored the equipment, taught and retrained the locals, from the Russian Federation, free deliveries of components, spare parts and equipment from the presence in domestic arsenals came from the Russian Federation along the so-called "Syrian Express". In Syria, the ground and air echelons of the Aerospace Forces and the SAA operate jointly and are practically integrated under the rule of the Russian military. Therefore, in Moscow, it was almost immediately found out that the Il-20 was shot down precisely by the "friendly fire" of the Syrian allies, and not by the Americans, the French, the IDF or someone more.

The situation was extremely unpleasant: the Russian military adviser at the Syrian command post for some reason approved the launch of a long-range S-200 air defense missile near our Khmeimim base, which has an official range of 250 km, and a real one of more than 300 km. The command post (CP) of the formation in Khmeimim was also obliged to control the surrounding airspace. The CP knew about the planned flight of the Il-20 and should have banned the launch of the S-200. But it seems that the Russian military has completely lost control over the airspace and control of the air defense system in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe main base of the VKS Khmeimim, and as a result, in fact, they themselves shot down their own Il-20. It was necessary to somehow explain such a catastrophe to President Vladimir Putin, and

since it was the IDF raid that launched the “chain of circumstances” that led to the Il-20 tragedy, the leadership of the military department decided to blame everything on the Jews. Everything is better than being responsible for your own sloppiness.

It is very similar to August 2000, when our admirals stubbornly blamed the tragedy of the Kursk submarine on the Americans.

The representative of the Ministry of Defense, General Igor Konashenkov, announced that the IDF pilots “came to targets at low altitude from the Mediterranean Sea” and, “hiding behind the Il-20, exposed it to the fire of Syrian air defense systems.” The Il-20, they say, is much larger than the F-16 and is better visible on the radar, so he was shot down by a missile of the S-200 complex. The Ministry of Defense announced that it “considered Israel’s provocative actions as hostile.” Sergei Shoigu announced that “the blame for the downed Russian plane and the death of the crew lies entirely on the Israeli side,” and that Russia "reserves the right to take retaliatory steps." At the same time, the diagram presented by Konashenkov indicated that the F-16s used Boeing's GBU-39 precision-guided armor-piercing bombs.

And then the fake story began to fall apart: it was completely useless to drop the GBU-39 “from a low altitude”, but it should be from 10 km or something like that. fly 110 km, and then hit the target with an accuracy of a couple of meters.

This is exactly how it seemed to be: the F-16s flew out on a mission in radio silence with their radars turned off, and the coordinates of the targets were already scored in the GBU-39. They dropped bombs at high altitude, a hundred kilometers from the Syrian coast, in international airspace, far from the air defense systems, and turned around. When the first GBU-39 flew up to the targets, and the Syrian air defense woke up, the IDF aircraft were already in Israel, the IDF command claims. they didn’t “cover up.” True, the radars in the Khmeimim area seemed to see something over the sea, which was mistaken for Israeli F-16s. Perhaps these were GBU-39 wing bombs that really “came to targets at low altitude” and at high speed .Then they disappeared from the screens, and only the IL-20 remained, and, in fact, they fired at it accurately.

On February 10 of this year, an S-200 air defense missile caught up and shot down an IDF F-16 over Israeli positions in the Golan, which was bombed in the Damascus region, but the commander delayed a little turning home. Assad and his Iranian masters pay very well for such a victory, it cannot be ruled out , as advisers. The Syrian air defense now launches the S-200 a little - it seems like luck. Moreover, this air defense system has one feature - you can launch missiles "blindly", even if the homing head (GOS) did not take the target - along the highway The 5V28 rocket that took off catches the reflected signal of the ground-based target illumination radar, but there is no encoded state affiliation radar interrogator - there is no “friend or foe” device on board the rocket. exercises, the S-200 rocket, instead of a training target, captured a civilian Tu-154M flying from Tel Aviv, and, having flown 290 km, shot it down over the Black Sea. 78 people died. 5V28 flies in homing mode, and the operator can stop it renovate, only by turning off the backlight radar, if you figure it out in time.

Based on long-term strategic considerations, the Kremlin did not support the cries heard in the Duma and the Federation Council about the need to immediately respond to Israel with a break in relations and a direct bombing strike. Putin, showing solidarity with his generals, at the same time recognized the Il-20 tragedy as the result of an unintentional coincidence. Putin spoke out with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accepted condolences and seemed to agree to receive an Israeli military delegation to find out the true causes of the Il-20 crash. It is hoped that the data of the Israeli side will be taken into account, there will be a real investigation and an objective report on the Il-20 tragedy, which was hastily concocted in the Ministry of Defense. At sea, not far from Khmeimim, on September 17, there was the French frigate Auvergne, which, according to our Ministry of Defense, also “launched missiles” during the whole mess with the F-16, GBU-39 and Il-20 .What "rockets", exactly where, how many and for what purpose did the French launch, come up with in Minobo the rons haven’t had time yet. So it’s said - “let them go” - and that’s the point. It seems that such an utter mess has developed inside that not only control of the airspace around Khmeimim has been completely lost, but everything else, perhaps, is slipping out of control, including nuclear missile weapons. By the way, the French themselves deny that Auvergne is anything to or "launched" on September 17th.

The French ambassador to Washington, Gerard Haro, was so impressed by the latest Russian-Syrian news that he tweeted: “The Russian ‘fake news’ machine has gone crazy with its own lies.” The statement, although rude, is unfortunately true.

On Sunday, November 25, combat boats of the border service of the FSB of the Russian Federation, with the support of the Black Sea Fleet, attacked and captured a pair of boats of the Ukrainian Navy - "Nikopol" and "Berdyansk" - which, accompanied by a tugboat, tried to pass into the Sea of ​​Azov, heading to Mariupol. According to the 2003 agreement, which Moscow continues to consider valid, the Sea of ​​Azov and the Kerch Strait are considered joint Ukrainian-Russian inland waters. Moscow claims it has the right to keep foreign warships out, while the Ukrainian Navy believes it has the right to pass.

Our authorities and state propaganda had to work hard, coming up with suitable explanations for why Ukrainian boats were first not allowed into the Sea of ​​Azov for a long time, and then, when they were eventually forced to turn back home, to Odessa (for small boats of the Gyurza-M type, the duration of an autonomous sailing only 5 days), the Russian military (border guards), in the absence of any external threat, opened fire and wounded three Ukrainian sailors (according to information from Ukrainian sources, 6 were wounded). Ukrainian boats and a tug with crews (either 23 or 24 people according to various sources) were taken prisoner and taken to Kerch.

Small armored artillery boat "Berdyansk" of the Ukrainian Navy, detained and moored in the port of Kerch. Photo: RIA Novosti

River boats "Gyurza-M" have a crew of 5 people, bulletproof armor and two combat modules from the land-based BM-3 "Shturm" at the stern and at the bow, each with a 30-mm automatic cannon, automatic grenade launcher, machine gun and anti-tank missile system " Barrier-VK "Ukrainian production. In fact, this is a floating twin infantry fighting vehicle capable of close combat with an equivalent enemy on the water or firing at a target on the shore. And in my opinion

these two boats themselves did not pose a real threat to the Crimean bridge or Russian total dominance in the sky and on the water in the Azov-Black Sea region.

The Russian side claims that the application for passage under the Crimean bridge was not filed "in the prescribed manner", but this is not a reason to shoot at living people. During the long hours that the confrontation lasted on November 25, it was probably possible to find a way to secure either passage to the Sea of ​​Azov, or allow them to return to Odessa.

But in recent years, the aggression of the perpetrators has become rabid: diplomats are rude, career intelligence officers arrange sabotage in European cities, pilots and sailors intercept foreign ships and aircraft with the risk of collisions.

Offensive intervention is taking place at all levels and in all environments. Now it's time for the shooting. And behind the Ukrainian boats, the bosses, of course, see the main enemy - the US and the EU - which the Foreign Ministry has already warned about "serious consequences of provoking a conflict with the Russian Federation in the waters of the Azov and Black Seas."

What is the reason for choosing such routes of the Ukrainian Navy? The Ukrainians are building a naval base in Berdyansk, and boats built in Nikolaev are deployed to protect it.

Launching a new armored boat "Gyurza M" in Kyiv, 2015. Photo: Nazar Furyk / Zuma / TASS

Moscow is seriously afraid that if the base can be equipped in Berdyansk, NATO ships may come on a friendly visit,

capable of operating in the shallow Azov littoral, armed with powerful long-range missiles, protected by modern missile defense and air defense systems. Then, for example, it will be difficult or impossible to transfer corvettes with Caliber missiles from the Caspian Sea to the Black and Mediterranean, and back through Azov and the Volga-Don Canal, which our Navy constantly practices. By the way, many warships of the Black Sea Fleet cannot be used in the Sea of ​​Azov because of the shallow water.

The Caucasus, Crimea, the Black Sea, the Bosphorus, bases in Syria and the grouping in the Mediterranean Sea are now linked into one most important southwestern strategic direction, which should, first of all, ensure reliable defense of Sochi on the distant approaches - the second, and often the main center of control of the country and the armed forces. And then a potential adversary decided to drive a wedge into the foundation of this entire strategy by deploying a base in Berdyansk.

Neighborhood of Berdyansk. Photo: Wikimapia

In Ukraine, in response, martial law was introduced in a number of regions for 30 days, and President Petro Poroshenko referred not only to the Kerch incident, but, above all, to intelligence about the likelihood of an offensive by Russian (pro-Russian) forces on the southern flank of the Donetsk front in order to occupy Mariupol and Berdyansk.

Since the summer of 2015, there have been many discussions at NATO headquarters and in the Pentagon about the possibility of such a campaign in order to break through the so-called “land corridor to Crimea.” It seems that with the launch of the Crimean bridge, this “corridor” became irrelevant, but now it has become unclear whether the naval base in Berdyansk scared Moscow so much, or serious problems arose with the Crimean bridge, which are still kept secret, or both straightaway.

It cannot be ruled out that a winter campaign to finally oust Ukraine from the Azov coast may begin in the near future.

The purpose of the operation may be limited to the coast to Berdyansk. Or to Melitopol, Genichesk and Chongar, if the land "corridor to the Crimea" is really needed. In any case, unless, of course, God forbid, such a decision is made, regular Russian forces will have to be brought into battle en masse, especially if, as in 2014-2015, they begin to portray that they are, they say, Donetsk militias they themselves are advancing, and therefore there will be no active air support.

Entrance to Mariupol. Photo: RIA Novosti

By the way, the front-line Mariupol can be relatively easily bypassed and cut off, but then the city may have to be stormed, like Aleppo, with great destruction. However, there are commanders with Syrian experience in the troops, and fighters-specialists in storming cities using heavy weapons can be discharged.

Of course, the West will protest and impose additional sanctions, but this will rather upset the liberal-economic bloc of the current regime (the so-called “peace party”), whose next failure will only be an additional bonus for their opponents from the so-called “war party”. Western leaders will not impose all one murderous total embargo on the export of Russian gas and oil, especially in winter, as it was never introduced in Soviet times and for the same reasons - no one in the West needs a price shock and an economic downturn before the elections.

The Ukrainians will have to fight back alone or hope that the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine made a mistake, or that Moscow will change its mind and there will be no winter war. Or, in extreme cases, hope that Western mediators, after the troops complete the main tasks (as in 2015 after Debaltsevo), will help sign another truce, like the three Minsk agreements.

Name: Tatiana Felgenhauer (Tatiana Shadrina)

Age: 34 years

Activity: journalist, radio host, editor

Family status: divorced

Tatyana Felgenhauer: biography

After the accident that occurred on May 25, 2015 at an electrical substation in Moscow, journalist Tatyana Felgenhauer, who covered the events, began to be recognized on the street. And after participating in protests over election fraud in 2011-2013, Tatyana became a celebrity altogether. However, popularity also has negative sides - on October 23, 2017, the girl was.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana Vladimirovna Shadrina (known as Tatyana Felgenhauer) was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on January 6, 1985. The girl's biography is concise and does not reveal the secrets of her origin: nothing is known about the girl's mother and father, she only mentioned in an interview that she has an older brother. The girl was raised by her stepfather, a military observer, journalist and biologist Pavel Evgenievich Felgenhauer. In the footsteps of her stepfather, the girl came to journalism.

Shadrina received her general education at Moscow school No. 875. A certain influence on Tatyana's later life, career and worldview was exerted by a journalist (editor-in-chief and one of the owners of the Ekho Moskvy radio station), who taught history at school No. 875 from 1978 to 1998. After graduating from school, Shadrina entered the Moscow Pedagogical Institute with a degree in sociology of politics.


Tatyana Felgenhauer's career in journalism began almost from school. At the age of 16, the girl's stepfather, Pavel Evgenievich, brought his daughter to the Ekho Moskvy radio station, where Alexei Venediktov (Tatiana's former history teacher) was already working at that time, to work as an apprentice in the editing department in the summer. The girl quickly got used to the new environment, and in 2005 she already went on the air as a correspondent in the program of Marina Alexandrovna Koroleva, covering the events of the accident at the Moscow electrical substation. It was this report that brought Tatyana popularity.

Later, Shadrina became the radio host of the Morning U-turn program on Echo of Moscow, which she co-hosted with the Ukrainian actor, director, journalist Matvey Yuryevich Ganapolsky and television and radio host Alexander Plushev. Another program on the air of the same radio station, the main host of which was Tatyana Felgenhauer, is called "Special Opinion". As part of this project, the presenter invites politicians, political scientists, journalists to visit, who discuss political or social problems with the radio listeners who call in in real time.

Since 2009, a politician, journalist and businessman Konstantin Vadimovich Remchukov has become a regular participant in the radio program "Special Opinion". Another regular guest of the Ekho Moskvy radio station was a political and public figure, whom Shadrina almost always interviewed. "Morning U-turn" and "Special Opinion" according to TNS Global are the highest rated radio programs in the Russian Federation.

In 2010, Tatyana Felgenhauer was nominated for a journalism award for her work achievement. In continuation of the political line of journalism, Tatyana in 2011 joined the protests that took place in the center of Moscow against the distortion of election results. Felgenhauer promptly broadcast reports from the scene on the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

Personal life

Tatyana, like most public people, prefers not to talk about her personal life. It is known that in 2011 (according to other sources in April 2012), the girl married Evgeny Selemenev. The husband of the famous journalist was the solid leader of the fans of FC Spartak. The wedding celebration passed quietly in one of the pubs in Moscow. Tatyana instead of the traditional puffy dress chose an eccentric outfit of the 20s of the twentieth century.

Already six months later, Tatyana Vladimirovna divorced, without having time to have children. The officially announced reason for the divorce was the recognition that the marriage was concluded under pressure from society. Whether Felgenhauer's heart is free today is unknown.

Tatyana Shadrina is so passionate about her work that even on the page of the girl in "Twitter" entries are devoted to political news. And here is a photo from "Instagram" slightly lifts the veil and talks about the life of a journalist outside of work. Vacation in September 2017 Tatyana spent in Lithuania.

Tatyana Felgenhauer now

On October 23, 2017, Tatyana Felgenhauer, deputy editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy, was attacked in the radio station building. A man burst into the office, located on Novy Arbat, avoided a collision with a security guard by spraying him in the face with a pepper spray (according to other sources, with tear gas). As a result, the cornea of ​​the eye was damaged at the security officer of the radio station. Then the man freely went up to the 14th floor, where Shadrina was at that moment, and stabbed her in the neck with a knife.

Tatyana Felgenhauer on the radio "Echo of Moscow"

After the attack, the security of the radio station detained the man and handed him over to the arriving police. The guard disarming the attacker was also stabbed, which turned out to be not serious. Arriving at the scene of the crime, ambulance officers delivered the injured journalist to the Sklifosofsky Research Institute. Doctors assessed Shadrina's condition as serious, so the girl was put into a medically induced coma. On October 25, the Sklifosofsky Research Institute reported that the condition of the journalist had improved and was assessed as moderate.

According to media reports, the attacker's name is Boris Grits, he was born in Georgia and lives in Israel. Boris has a higher education, taught physics at universities in Israel and the United States, and has recently complained about his difficult financial situation. Judging by Grits' posts on his personal blog, the man had been interested in Tatyana Felgenhauer since 2016 - then he complained that the girl had access to Boris's personal data, in 2017 the man had already published records with threats against the journalist.

The motive for the attempted murder, according to the attacker, was "telepathic violence" against Boris by the journalist. In the near future, the investigation plans to conduct a psychological and psychiatric examination in order to establish the sanity of the attacker. However, in court, Grits gave the impression of a man who is accountable for his actions. Boris claims that he did not intend to kill Tatyana, admits his guilt in part. The Kremlin commented on the situation and stressed that the attack should be interpreted solely as an act of a sick person, without political overtones.

Confirms the official version of the state of health of Boris Grits and his distant relative Alexei Geiler. The men met on October 18, in a conversation, Boris complained to Alexei about Felgenhauer's telepathically carried out sexual violence, was interested in the girl's home address and said that he was writing messages to her in

(1951-12-06 ) (67 years old) Children:

After the collapse of the USSR, he went into journalism. He worked as a full-time military observer for Nezavisimaya Gazeta (1991-1993) and the Segodnya newspaper (1993-1999). He was a member of the editorial board of the latest edition. Since 1999, not being a full-time employee of any media, he has been acting as an independent military observer and analyst. The author's materials of the journalist are published on the pages of The Moscow Times and Novaya Gazeta newspapers, and his expert opinions can be found in a number of Russian and foreign media.

By Decree No. 174 of February 2, 1993, Boris Yeltsin was awarded the medal "Defender of Free Russia" for participating in the suppression of the August 1991 putsch.

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An excerpt characterizing Felgenhauer, Pavel Evgenievich

At the same time, at ten o'clock in the morning on September 2, Napoleon stood between his troops on Poklonnaya Hill and looked at the spectacle that opened before him. From August 26 to September 2, from the battle of Borodino to the entry of the enemy into Moscow, all the days of this anxious, this memorable week, there was that extraordinary autumn weather, always surprising people, when the low sun warms hotter than in spring, when everything glitters in the rare, clean air so that it hurts the eyes when the chest grows stronger and fresher, inhaling the odorous autumn air, when the nights are even warm and when in these dark warm nights from the sky incessantly, frightening and delighting, golden stars are pouring.
On September 2, at ten o'clock in the morning, the weather was like this. The sparkle of the morning was magical. Moscow from Poklonnaya Gora spread out spaciously with its river, its gardens and churches, and it seemed to live its own life, trembling like stars, its domes in the rays of the sun.
At the sight of a strange city with unprecedented forms of extraordinary architecture, Napoleon experienced that somewhat envious and restless curiosity that people experience when they see the forms of an alien life that does not know about them. Obviously, this city lived with all the forces of its life. By those indefinable signs by which, at a long distance, a living body is unmistakably recognized from a dead one. Napoleon from Poklonnaya Gora saw the trembling of life in the city and felt, as it were, the breath of this large and beautiful body.
- Cette ville asiatique aux innombrables eglises, Moscou la sainte. La voila donc enfin, cette fameuse ville! Il etait temps, [This Asiatic city with countless churches, Moscow, their holy Moscow! Here it is, finally, this famous city! It's time!] - said Napoleon and, getting off his horse, ordered the plan of this Moscou to be laid out in front of him and called the translator Lelorgne d "Ideville. "Une ville occupee par l" ennemi ressemble a une fille qui a perdu son honneur, [City occupied by the enemy , is like a girl who has lost her innocence.] - he thought (as he said this to Tuchkov in Smolensk). And from this point of view, he looked at the oriental beauty lying in front of him, which he had never seen before. It was strange to him that, at last, his long-standing, which seemed to him impossible, wish had come true. In the clear morning light, he looked first at the city, then at the plan, checking the details of this city, and the certainty of possession thrilled and terrified him.
“But how could it be otherwise? he thought. - Here it is, this capital, at my feet, waiting for its fate. Where is Alexander now and what does he think? Strange, beautiful, majestic city! And strange and majestic this minute! In what light do I present myself to them! he thought of his troops. “Here it is, the reward for all these unbelievers,” he thought, looking around at those close to him and at the troops approaching and lining up. - One word of mine, one movement of my hand, and this ancient capital of des Czars perished. Mais ma clemence est toujours prompte a descendre sur les vaincus. [kings. But my mercy is always ready to descend to the vanquished.] I must be magnanimous and truly great. But no, it's not true that I'm in Moscow, it suddenly occurred to him. “However, here she lies at my feet, playing and trembling with golden domes and crosses in the rays of the sun. But I will spare her. On the ancient monuments of barbarism and despotism, I will write great words of justice and mercy... Alexander will understand this most painfully, I know him. (It seemed to Napoleon that the main significance of what was happening was his personal struggle with Alexander.) From the heights of the Kremlin - yes, this is the Kremlin, yes - I will give them the laws of justice, I will show them the meaning of true civilization, I will force generations boyars lovingly commemorate the name of their conqueror. I will tell the deputation that I did not and do not want war; that I waged war only against the false policy of their court, that I love and respect Alexander, and that I will accept peace conditions in Moscow worthy of me and my peoples. I do not want to take advantage of the happiness of war to humiliate the respected sovereign. Boyars - I will tell them: I do not want war, but I want peace and prosperity for all my subjects. However, I know that their presence will inspire me, and I will tell them, as I always say: clear, solemn and great. But is it really true that I'm in Moscow? Yes, here she is!