Is higher education necessary nowadays? Why higher education is needed

Most of today's applicants enter higher education institutions, but only a few know what they want in life and how they plan to earn a living. Why higher education is needed and what benefits it provides will be discussed in this article.

Why does a person need higher education?

And although many modern young people find themselves in the profession of turners, carpenters and others, having a diploma from a higher educational institution is of great importance today. It often happens that employers are interested only in the very presence of this diploma, and not in the specific profession of the applicant. The seal and signature in the corresponding document act as a guarantee that a person is educated, diversified, and most importantly, has basic knowledge, which in the future will be superimposed by others received by him already in the process of working in any organization, albeit not by specialty.

Those who are interested in why higher education is needed should answer that it is, after all, simply prestigious. However, one can become a high-class specialist only if one has a good knowledge of the subject and the theory of one's professional activity. People with several diplomas know very well why they need to have a higher education and not just have, but receive good dividends thanks to their knowledge in several areas or in one, but more expanded and deep. Such specialists will never sit idle; as a rule, several competing companies want to get them at once. Therefore, it is better to know clearly why you need to get a higher education and enroll only in the university that is of interest.

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Synonyms for the word important

significant (significant, serious, significant)
valuable (useful, invaluable, precious)
big (large, tall, great)
significant (fateful, historical, epochal)
responsible (key, main, main)
good (excellent, not bad, good)
influential (authoritative, prominent, high-ranking)
critical (vital, critical, critical)
solid (impressive, representative, respectable)
ambitious (pompous, proud, arrogant)

See all synonyms for important

Synonyms for the word stage

stage (phase, phase, cascade)
period (moment, point, point)
path (step, action, stage)

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In our world, something is constantly changing, and we, in turn, must constantly adapt to these changes. And not surprisingly, modern man, in addition to self-confidence, also needs to have a number of skills in this world that will help him achieve his goals and success.

The first thing everyone needs is a high school diploma. Without it, there is no where. However, in our time, to achieve success and a prestigious career, such a certificate will not be enough. In addition to it, we will need at least a diploma of secondary specialized education, and ideally a diploma of higher education. Some people even get second higher education in Moscow education, which significantly increases the chances of success and a good job.

Also, for the goals set, a person will need such skills as knowledge of foreign languages, the ability to work on a computer, etc.

Almost everyone will wonder why a person needs all these skills and knowledge.

The answer is simple: for excellent competitiveness in the labor market. Our reality is such that employers put forward more and more new requirements for workers of a particular position. In addition, by obtaining a variety of skills and learning, a person improves his qualifications, improves his internal qualities, improves himself, expands his worldview, becomes more competent and competent, both in general and in a specific area.

Thus, any education gives a person the opportunity to find a good place in society, helps to assert themselves, gives an incentive to reveal their potentials and self-development. Our life is arranged in such a way that in order to obtain a prestigious position, a secure life and other things, we need to constantly improve and develop ourselves.

Higher distance learning is a modern way of getting higher education.

Higher distance learning is undoubtedly convenient for many factors: you do not need to break away from your family and change your usual lifestyle; it is easier to get a job, because no trips to the session are provided, and the employer does not like to let employees go to study; study when you have a desire and for as long as you have the strength - an individual study schedule provides complete freedom; more profitable in terms of money - no additional costs for textbooks and trips are required: after all, with distance learning, all educational materials are provided to the student either in electronic form or on paper.

If you want to get a higher or second higher education in order to get a higher job assignment, learn a new specialty (if you want to change jobs), it is best to choose a university that uses distance technologies. Then you need to choose the direction of training and only then - the university to which you will apply.

Many Russian universities, both public and private, offer higher education remotely. Each of these systems has its pros and cons. The state has a wider network of institutions, universities and other things.

There is almost a complete guarantee that you will receive your diploma and you will not be fooled. By the way, now it is paid in many universities, and even more so if YOU decide to get a second higher education. In the best case, you will be offered a theoretical course, which in fact is quite different from practice. The fashion for brilliant diplomas with ornate titles and many seals is already departing, which indicates the transition from quantity to quality. Therefore, private education is more recommended. Non-state universities, in order to survive in the face of fierce competition, are constantly improving the educational process, developing educational and methodological complexes of practical orientation. But private education is also different: there are one-day courses, the main goal of which is to collect as much money as possible and say goodbye to you safely, without endowing you with a baggage of knowledge and skills. There are also seminars, of course, paid, in which you will gain knowledge, but they will not differ much from those that can be obtained by studying any special literature on the Internet. But the trouble is that at the same time you will receive a sample of Western tailoring, which is practically unsuitable in our Russian reality. We have other laws, customs and rules in Russia. Therefore, higher schools created by Russian business practitioners look in a much more favorable light. Today such schools exist. And they are convenient in that most of them offer to receive education remotely. At the same time, you do not need to visit the university during training: it is possible (but not all institutions require it) you will be offered to come to submit documents to the selection committee, leave for sessions and certification.

Why is higher education needed?

There are universities in which the current control of knowledge, intermediate and final certification are carried out evenly during the academic year. These are universities that use distance technologies in full. There is no need to travel to these schools.

Distance higher education is not a form of education, it is a technology that is a set of tools that are used both in full-time and part-time education. Most often, distance technologies are used in part-time education. In this case, a student who has received higher education remotely will be indicated in the column of the diploma "form of education": "correspondence".

Admission to distance learning institutions is carried out continuously throughout the year, without taking into account the start and end of the standard academic year. Such a flexible policy is used, basically, by all distance learning universities. But there are still universities that enroll students at certain periods - for example, before the start of each academic semester. Accordingly, it is also possible to transfer to the next course at such universities only within these terms. This can be inconvenient for distance students. Therefore, when choosing a university, these points must be taken into account.

When choosing a university for receiving higher, second higher education remotely, you should pay special attention to whether the specialty you need is indicated in the annex to the license. It must be understood that a license for the right to conduct educational activities gives the right to carry out this activity in each specific area of ​​training. It happens that there is a license, but the specialty that interests you is not indicated in the application. In this case, you must refuse to study at this university, because. he has no right to teach students in this specialty. The same applies to state accreditation. Carefully check the documents and their attachments for the presence of your specialty in these applications. Good luck.

So, the average salary of a very average young specialist compared to 2015 in 2016 increased ... by as much as 300 rubles. This is if a university graduate has found a job. The recently published monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Science gives figures: only 75% of those who graduated from universities and institutes find something to do. The monitoring, however, does not say whether the specialty obtained in a higher educational institution corresponds to the one for which a young person is paid a salary. I can assume: a job as a salesman in a greengrocer's shop or as a dry-cleaner's clerk is also an option for graduates of economics and law faculties.

The only question is - was it necessary to sit for four years in the classroom, then to lay cabbage and dill on the shelves? Why is higher education necessary at all? (By the way, graduates of economics and law schools on average do not even reach 27,700 - their salaries are 27 thousand and 26 thousand rubles, respectively.)

Who's done

Actually, monitoring gave quite expected results. Graduates of Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University and National Research Universities find work in their specialty and earn good money - this status was recently received by leading Russian universities (see table). Among the required specialists are aviation and space-rocket engineers, doctors, pharmacists, experts in nuclear energy, thermal power engineering, chemical technologies, geologists, miners and oilmen (see table).

But such specialists are being trained by fifty universities. The question is - who are the remaining almost nine hundred preparing?

University or not university

Ahhh, your children graduated from universities, but you want to shove ours into vocational schools! - this is the usual first reaction to a conversation about where to go and why.

And to the next question: “Are you sure that it is the university that will make your child’s future life happy and successful?” There is a long thoughtful silence.

School, university, work - this is a long-familiar scheme. And few parents, and even more so grandparents, are ready to agree that it is outdated. Meanwhile, most universities do not teach as much as grow children. The first two years at least. Only somewhere around the age of 19 do the guys wake up understanding: “Oh, where did I go? Why do I need it?!"

The main player in the career guidance market is the university, - Vladimir Ogloblin, partner of the career guidance portal Project Pro, expert of the Education Committee of Business Russia, told KP Radio. That is, only at the university, and even then students do not immediately understand what profession they are getting. And they think.

As a result, they come out as conditional “specialists” and are not able to build a career. And what employer needs a sluggish specialist who does an unloved thing out of hand?

Could it have been done differently? Can! University is only one of the possible trajectories. And not always the best. A weak university is almost always a guarantee of failure in life after graduation. Little knowledge, few prospects to finish my studies. At the same time, today there are many options to build a successful career.

The main question is not where to study, but what set of skills, abilities, knowledge you want to get in order to become successful and in demand in the labor market, Ogloblin explains. - You choose an educational institution according to what competencies it gives you, how your price will change after that in the market. It's like in a computer game. Took one level, pumped, gained strength and go to the next. For this, there are colleges, courses, online training, short programs, educational seminars. In college, in two or three years you can get the profession of a programmer, system administrator, specialist in tourism or hotel management, designer, locksmith, optician. A merchandiser (trade manager in the old way) in Moscow can count on a maximum of 35-40 thousand rubles. And a turner of the 5th category, versed in modern machine tools and technologies, will earn from 50 thousand, or even all 100. If you want to develop further, pump the next level.

Choosing a university in this sense is a long, complicated and risky business, - continues Ogloblin - In Soviet times, it was possible to get a diploma in five years and then monetize it for almost a lifetime. Today we need to constantly develop. Remember pagers were popular in the last decade? They were produced in hundreds of thousands, the companies worked. Within five years, the industry turned around and disappeared. And soon such an industry as road transport will disappear. Rather, it will fundamentally change. There will be no need for so many drivers, dispatchers - cars with an autopilot will drive on the roads.

- And if, nevertheless, parents insist - should I go to a university?

My advice: choose the most difficult for yourself. If you are already wasting 4-5 years of your life, try to squeeze the maximum out of them, while the brain is active, while there is no burden in the form of a family, a mortgage. I think management, economics, law, any humanitarian specialty that you can get by reading books, listening to online courses, is not something worth spending time on at a university.


According to the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, in the near future, every tenth university graduate may be left without a job after completing their studies. Supply exceeds demand in the labor market by 18%.

In order to get an education, and not “grow up” at a university, losing years, you need to understand at school what a child wants to become. Is it possible to decide on a party? Vladimir Ogloblin says: you can.

A child, quite naturally, cannot have a complete understanding of a particular profession, Vladimir explains. - Therefore, we use such a word as "hypothesis". In what place would the child be interested, comfortable, where could he earn money? We talk with parents. - The child says: I want to be a marketer. Fine. What is needed to test this hypothesis of his? You can take a test to see how your abilities correlate with this profession. You can go to a marketing company, look at these people, see if you want to live among them all your life. There are universities you can go to. There are leaders of professional opinion, accomplished marketers, whose biography you can study and think about how close this path in life is to you. There are internships and internships - I don’t think that any company will refuse if a student comes with his parents and asks to see how the employees work here.

How objective are the tests?

The test allows the child to navigate at least the first two or three hypotheses of who he wants to become. The tests are different. There is a Center for Humanitarian Technologies at Moscow State University with a base based on the research of the Soviet school. Moreover, the test can be taken remotely from any region. He helps to find his university. We also have our own test - it focuses more on choosing a profession, rather than a university. The sooner you find what your child is interested in, the greater the chance that he will become successful.

I would like to comment on the situation as a teacher (on the other side of the barricades, so to speak). I communicate quite a lot with my students and many tell me why they entered and why. Often forced by parents, grandparents. Often a person does not know what to do after school, why not go to a university? Often girls believe that education is such a kind of dowry, it’s more interesting to talk with an educated wife. Many go, because "now there is nowhere without a tower." And only a small part comes to receive education with adequate expectations and with an understanding of the process.

In my opinion, in order to answer the question whether it is worth it or not, it is necessary to consider several trends and facts.

1. In general, all people do not need higher education. There are a huge number of jobs and specialties where a person needs a specialized secondary education or just a secondary (graduated school). For example, to work as a waiter, receptionist, secretary, courier, barista, it is enough to finish school and undergo training at the place of work. If you are satisfied with this kind (by the way, they often pay for it higher than for the work of specialists with higher education), then higher education will simply be a waste of 4-6 years of time (for which you will earn money at work and maybe get a couple of raises ). Many students want to get practical work skills and algorithms (do it once, do it twice, here's the result for you), they want a specific craft, on the income from which you can live. This is a good request, but it is essentially a request for specialized secondary education. And this is not necessarily about electricians, plumbers and car mechanics. There are also hairdressers, manicurists, system administrators, jewelers and many, many others. These are good, necessary and paid professions. You can make a career in them and see the result of your work. Again, if that's how you like it, then higher education will again be a waste of time and lost profits.

2. Unfortunately, people's attitudes towards higher and secondary specialized education are not the same. Higher education in our country is still perceived with respect and honor. And they often talk about secondary special with disdain (for example, “fu, some kind of poultry farmer”, “this is for stupid ones”, “why couldn’t you even enter a poor university”?). I think this is completely wrong. This phenomenon has its roots in Soviet times, when specialists with higher education worked in more comfortable conditions, received much higher salaries and moved up the career ladder. About 20% of people had higher education, and getting a diploma was a powerful bid for social success. The memory of those times is still alive in the minds of our parents, grandparents. The situation, however, has completely changed since the mid-1980s (30 years have passed, but the stereotypes have remained). The demand for specialists with higher education is not as great as the supply (thousands of university graduates are not in demand). And, on the contrary, the professions of a make-up artist, administrator or call-center operator are much more in demand, they are paid more and higher education is essentially not needed there. Why waste 4-6 years?

3. Higher education now performs the functions that used to be performed by secondary education. Previously, the school did not hesitate to leave children who did not master the school curriculum well enough for the second year. Rating "one" was in use and the deuce had to be earned. No higher demands were made, just the requirements were met more consistently and clearly. By the end of school, a person had not only a basic set of knowledge, but also a number of social skills sufficient to start adulthood. Now a high school graduate is rarely ready for something. A certificate is given to everyone, repeaters are pulled up to grade 11 (even if they don’t really know the program of the 7th grade). But in the end, these people need to be sent somewhere so that they are still "ripe", gain communication skills, understand how, what and where. And now they are sent for another 4 years to the university, to learn the mind of the mind. This is not about a full-fledged higher education, it's about socialization and entry into culture. + Of course, now there is objectively more information and the social structure is more complicated, people grow up later than before (a global trend).

4. The quality of higher education leaves much to be desired (this applies to both ordinary and top universities). There are many reasons. This is the mass exodus of teachers in the 90s. And lack of funding, insufficiently high salaries. And excessive bureaucracy, endless checks. And as I wrote above, the level of preparation of applicants is not always sufficient (and often it’s not about knowledge, but about the ability to plan one’s time, communicate politely with teachers, independently complete tasks without super-detailed instructions, the ability to motivate oneself, etc. ).

5. Ultimately, for many, higher education is a way to get some kind of magic crust. Its magic lies in the fact that parents and relatives will leave him behind. The magic is that the employer will not show off (and the employer requires a higher education both where it is necessary and where it is not necessary).

So is it worth it or not?

If you just want to earn money in peace, the content of the work activity itself is not so important for you, your relatives put pressure on you, and you want to "be no worse than everyone else", then it's NOT worth it. You will lose several years of your life, not seeing the point in your actions. You won't get the professional experience and money you could get if you went straight to work.

If it is important for you to engage in a specific job or field of activity that requires in-depth training. If you want to engage in teaching and/or scientific activities. If you want to get deep knowledge not only about how to do a specific job, but to understand how society and the world work. If you are set on self-development in the intellectual sphere. Then IT WORTH.

It is well known that today every even slightly capable school graduate strives for a higher educational institution. The truth is different: parents, by all means, want to give higher education to their child, even if on a paid basis.

I wonder what sense they all see in this?
We conducted a survey on one of the busy streets of a city with a million inhabitants.


The results are impressive: 37% believe that without a higher education one cannot get a normal job;
24% - think that while studying at a university you can "hang" from the army;
22% want to become qualified specialists;
17% name other reasons.
It turns out that today's youth have a rather abstract understanding of what higher education is. So let's figure it out.
The opinion that after graduation from the university a ready-made specialist is obtained is not entirely true. The fact is that in almost any higher educational institution they teach ... to gain knowledge. And behind this is very, very much: the ability to correctly pose the question, quickly find a source of knowledge, optimally organize your time, systematize, filter the unnecessary and, in general, as they say, “see the root”.
No one argues, the main task of the university is the training of a future specialist. And the foundations of the profession will undoubtedly be laid. But yesterday's student is still far from being a high-class professional in his field. This is where the very ability to learn comes in handy, but already in combat conditions - at work.
It is also important that the ability to self-control and responsibility is not formed anywhere like in a university. But just these qualities are so necessary for executives and are simply necessary in business. A university is not a school or a technical school, where almost every day teachers arrange a knowledge survey. Attendance at lectures at the institute is practically not controlled. In other words, when to study and when to walk, the student decides for himself. I skipped more than I should have, I could not understand the material - I did not pass the test. Did not pass the test - will not be allowed to the session. Isn’t it a useful life experience for someone who is new to the proverb “time for business is an hour for fun”?
Just as you cannot erase words from a song, so study is impossible without social life. Participation in various social movements, volunteering, meeting interesting and successful people, the need to be able to communicate with various contingents - and all this is also part of getting a higher education.
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the joint work of students on various projects, whether it be laboratory or term paper. The ability to work in a team is a skill acquired by many after only a few years of work. A specialist with a higher education already has it, having barely crossed the threshold of the university.
Higher education is not only the acquisition of knowledge necessary in the profession, but also an indispensable experience in life, the first step in a career, an impetus to the further development and improvement of a HIGH-CLASS SPECIALIST.

Second degree

Why get a second higher education, why is it easier to study a second time, what should be taken into account when going to a university for the second time, and is it even worth it?

Even 30-40 years ago, the presence of crusts with the proud inscription "Diploma" was considered evidence of a person's exceptional education. Today you will not surprise anyone with higher education. The “graduated from school -” scheme has become almost the norm for everyone.


Why do many decide to sit down again at the student bench? The most common reasons to go back to college are:
- Dissatisfaction with the previously chosen profession (indeed, at the age of 17-18, few people consciously find "the work of a lifetime");
– Desire to improve qualifications in their field in order to get a higher salary or profit in business;
– The desire to expand the circle of knowledge within the framework of a personal need for self-improvement;
– The desire to “remember youth”, to feel again the “spirit of students”


It often happens that the material obtained during the second higher education is assimilated much better, and is applied with great success, than the knowledge acquired for the first time. Why? Firstly, the second specialty was chosen already with a real assessment of one's own abilities. Secondly, there is no longer a desire to "walk". Thirdly, after the skills acquired at the first university, it is much easier to get a second higher education. Simply put, a student already knows how to learn: quickly take notes, highlight the main thing, optimally allocate his time, etc.


And yet, before deciding on such a crucial step as a second higher education, you need to think again:
– Is the desire to study again justified? (If you just want to hang the next "crusts" in a frame on the wall, isn't it easier to buy them in the "transition"?)
– Whether the decision on the second highest was made by YOU and whether it is consistent with YOUR personal needs. (Overly interested relatives who say phrases like “It would be nice if you became a doctor / lawyer / politician!” It’s better to send the most to study)
– Are you ready to pay for your second higher education? It is necessary to find out in advance the cost of education and assess your ability to pay for the coming years. After all, it would be a pity to quit your studies in the middle. Have you firmly decided to become a student again? Then it remains only to choose a university and - go ahead! Dare, no fluff, no feather!

How to enter the university?

Getting a higher education every year is becoming more and more difficult. The fee for contract training is growing and, as a result, the unofficial price of admission to state-funded places is increasing. There is an opinion among the broad masses of parents that “just like that” you can’t get into a university. Either get ready to deposit a certain amount every six months to the account of an educational institution, or look for good friends ... and again collect money. And if there are no financial opportunities, forget about your child's higher education.

In fact, the situation is not quite like this. And the future of your children depends not only on the size of your wallet, but primarily on themselves. The main thing is the understanding by the future applicant of his desires, a clear setting of life goals and the choice of priorities, as well as self-organization. After all, not all universities can recruit full audiences of "average" and "losers". In such a situation, our society will simply completely degrade, and university professors will go crazy. After all, someone has to study, represent an educational institution at various olympiads and competitions, write candidate and doctoral dissertations, raise its rating in the end. So in any university, places are reserved for "mere mortals" - gifted young people and girls who clearly know why they came to this educational institution.

Therefore, the first commandment on the way to higher education is - as they say - study, study and study again!

But already a year or two before admission, you should decide on the choice of a future specialty. Moreover, the future applicant himself, and not his parents, should do this! He then comprehend the basics of the chosen specialty, and it is necessary that this be done with pleasure, and not from under someone else's stick.
When the choice is made, the priority areas in education become clear: either to lean on mathematics with economics, or to read a history textbook once again, or to go to English courses. But here we must clearly understand that just an average level of knowledge is not enough. The question arises - how to objectively assess your real level of knowledge in comparison with other applicants? Here all sorts of competitions and olympiads come to the rescue. And it’s not even so important, probably, the place that the student took there. Let him just try to complete the Olympiad tasks and understand for himself whether he is capable of it.

The next step on the way to your goal is the right choice of university

Here it is necessary to adhere to the rule of the golden mean. You should not choose an unknown university, institute or academy and faculty with a competition of 0.5 people per place just to guarantee admission. Stop at the “average” university and the faculty where you WANT to study. Try your hand. In the end, you can play it safe and pass exams in a couple of universities in the same direction. It would be very useful to participate in university Olympiads, in some institutions, by the way, they practice enrollment based on the results of these Olympiads.

It is very painful to look at parents who are pulling the education of their son or daughter with the last of their strength. Contract training in the most unprestigious university is often beyond the reach of the average family. The most offensive in this case, if all this ultimately results in simply getting a "crust", and not higher education in the full sense of the word. Therefore, the time devoted to schooling, the development of the correct idea of ​​life and money among schoolchildren is the key to their well-organized future.

So is higher education necessary? Most of those who have received a higher education and then came to the conclusion that they do not need it start anti-propaganda of education. And often they do not even realize that they themselves have become the cause of the unsatisfactory experience. How is this possible? I want to tell in this article.

Skeptics of higher education, please read to the end and answer the questions. And if, after answering the questions, you still believe that higher education is “evil”, then I am very seriously ready to delve into this issue and consider your arguments.

So why did the topic come up. Recently, I hear and see more and more often, especially on the Internet, a lot of anti-advertising of higher education. And since I myself am in the system, I know it from the inside, it seems to me that I can talk about it, scold and praise it. And in general I have the right to raise this issue.

Do I need a higher education: oh, these examples

For example, I have seen statements like this:

  • First you work for a record book, then nowhere
  • Mom's bedtime stories: finish school, finish university, get a good job and everything will be fine

The network is full of information and articles about how many eminent, famous people, more often businessmen, innovators reached heights. At the same time, at one time they left the university or school and did not receive a higher education. Like, why is it needed, why spend years on an incomprehensible pastime, if later it is not needed.

It is hard and often painful for me to look at these statements. After all, they are turning to young people, schoolchildren who have yet to make a choice pay attention to these statements. And the sad thing is that such powerful, memorable, often provocative phrases and thoughts can lead a young, unformed personality on the wrong path, confuse. Why?

1. Think for yourself. In percentage terms, how many stories of such successful people who, having left universities, have achieved success? Hundredths of a percent. And did someone consider those who graduated from high school and became successful?

No one talks about the education of these people. It's not interesting, it's not provocative! And how many of them? Such figures are often cited (and by the way, it is still unknown where this is taken from) that about 30-40% of successful and wealthy people do not have a higher education. Yes, good number! But the remaining 60-70% with the highest, and not vice versa. The statistics are in favor of education.

Many do not even think that successful projects were formed precisely thanks to education.

Here is just a small list.

  • Google is the result of the scientific development of its founders students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Their developments were financed by the Science Foundation, young developers were supported by scientific supervisors. And imagine that they did not go there to study.
  • But our domestic Internet giant is not far behind. Volozh Arkady Yurievich - co-founder and CEO of the company
  • Warren Buffett. The largest in the world and one of the most famous investors. Buffett studied under Benjamin Graham at Columbia University, New York. According to Buffett, it was Graham who laid the foundation for smart investing in him through fundamental analysis, and describes him as the person who had the greatest influence on his life after his father.
  • Kostin Andrei Leonidovich. President-Chairman of the Board of VTB, a bank in the TOP-3 of Russian banks. At one time he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University.
  • Aven Petr Olegovich. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Banking Group " Alfa Bank". He graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, and later defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences.
  • Dmitry Grishin. Russian venture investor, head of the board of directors of Group. Graduated from the Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman with honors in the specialty "Computer-aided design systems".

Well, if you want to be the head of a bank, a millionaire, create a new Google or Yandex, study. Doesn't sound very interesting, does it? Not like anti-propaganda. (I will just keep silent about doctors and scientists, they are ALL educated, and there are ... thousands of them).

And what are the chances that this particular student who decided not to study will achieve such success? And what are the chances that with education it will reach? Unknown. Yes Yes. In either case, there are no guarantees. I am not saying that education will make you successful. There are no guarantees either way.

Education will only help those who really need it. Is higher education necessary and how to determine it? Let's talk below.

Is higher education necessary? Popular objections

I got a diploma, but no one hires me, I have to go looking for places. Blame higher education.

For some reason, we believe that having received the crusts, we will immediately get settled, joyful employers will tear us right off the bat. But is there a guarantee for this? No, we have not been living in the Soviet Union for a long time. There is no guarantee that you will be accepted with pleasure. What are the chances of getting a job without education? Even less.

I want to say that education and getting a job are two different processes. Yes, one partly depends on the other, but it is important to understand that getting an education does not mean getting a job. Both with education and without it, in order to find a good place, you need to work hard, make an effort.

Does it bother you? Get rid of the myth in your head that a degree equals a safe place. With the collapse of the USSR, this ceased to be so. You can treat it however you like. This is a fact and needs to be understood. Throw out this myth about getting a job.

With or without a degree, you need to make an effort. Cutlets separately, flies separately. Getting a job is a separate project. Your personal. Education will only give the right to hope for some positions and a knowledge base for a number of specialties. And that's it.

Now think about whether higher education itself is to blame for the fact that this Soviet myth is sitting in your head? The question is rhetorical.

I got a diploma, I'm looking for a job, but I can't get a job. There is no work. Everything is crowded in my industry. No one takes on a specialty. Blame higher education.

Immediately the question is: when you entered, did you study the market? Have you analyzed where you can work, how much the profession is in demand? Not? Why?

Why, before submitting the documents, did you not ask what are the chances of getting a job in this specialty, what is the turnover in the profession, what are the chances for development? Not interested? Why?

I can say that at the age of 16, when I was preparing to enter the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, I learned everything that was available in the specialty I was interested in. Where can I work, what are the chances, are there any vacancies. I was pleased that there was a specialist for the desired specialty. set from employers who are willing to pay special. scholarship and wait for graduates. It's good, really. I prepared and dreamed of working in a large cool, prosperous company.

But I never got there. No, everything would be all right with the exams, I deliberately did not submit documents there. There, I could have problems with the device, since women are taken with caution in these types of enterprises due to health risks. I decided that this option does not suit me. I realized in advance that difficulties could await me later, and my health is dear to me.

I prepared for one, entered another, the Faculty of Chemistry. Where there was a wide potential to work in safe food, cosmetic and environmental areas. I already thought about it at the age of 16. And you?

When we want to open a business (for good), we carefully analyze the niche, demand, and identify the needs of potential buyers. After all, without doing this, you can fly into the pipe. When we meet people, we consciously or not evaluate them, how good a person is, what his values ​​are. We do not really want to communicate with alcoholics, parasites, whiners, beggars, we step back and do not let such people into our lives.

And why do we thoughtlessly get an education that no one needs and still hope that we, as highly qualified specialists, will be torn off with our hands? Go learn to be teachers, doctors - there is a huge demand. Do not want? Want to be a lawyer? Is there freebies and money? So do not be surprised that there are a lot of lawyers and the chances of a device are minimal.

Now think about whether higher education itself is to blame for the fact that you did not think about work in advance? Another rhetorical question.

I know people with education, they are kind of stupid and stupid. Education spoils them

In fact, no matter what the external cultural influence may be, a person becomes smart, erudite, competent HIMSELF. Yes, the environment can make its own adjustments, a young person can get into bad company. But those who want to develop, develop. And those who only like to drink beer and play tanks will not become great scientists and inventors, no matter what elite university they study at.

Any person can start himself, or he can constantly develop, improve personal qualities. Only this is the work of the person himself; someone else should not and cannot do it for him. Do you still think that it should be university professors?

While studying, I realized that I wanted to do something else. Opened his own business, took up design / decided to take up psychology / carve furniture / travel, etc. Higher education is to blame for the fact that it interfered with doing what you love.

There is one amazing, beautiful principle in coaching: “each person makes the BEST choice at the moment.” Then at the age of 16-17-18, you simply could not know that in 2-3 years you would be fixing bikes and it would be a real pleasure for you, it would become a matter of life.

Then you did not have the experience, the knowledge that you have now. Then you made this choice because you didn't know what you might like in the future. Then you have just begun to understand what you want in life. The tower was an acceptable option at that time. You didn’t wander around the yards, drinking beer with “friends”, but began to learn at least something, perhaps you found real friends among classmates, met your future wife / husband, participated in student events.

Many of us have a myth in our heads that once we make a choice of a profession, we will stay in it forever. Friends, this is MYTH, MYTH, MYTH. You can (and should) change the nature of your activity. There is nothing terrible if, after a year or two or three after admission, you realize that this is not for you, if you have found a job that you like more. So that's great!

Some of my classmates/classmates finished their education and realized that this specialty was not for them. Even in the course of basic studies, some entered the second higher education, someone completed retraining courses. They learned, settled down and are happy with themselves in a new field. This is good, and this is their way of life.

Is education to blame for the fact that you yourself did not know what you wanted at the age of 16-17-18? Yes, that rhetorical question again!

Or maybe you did because your parents insisted, in company with a friend, because it's fashionable? And then you say that education is useless. I’m so very careful, don’t take it as impudence, I want to ask if it’s your fault that you chose education, succumbing to external influence?

So is education to blame for what you did not of your own free will? (Yes, what are these rhetorical questions, tired already!)

Analyze if you need a higher education

So, if you have a negative attitude towards education, answer the questions:

  • Is the specialty where you entered, is it desirable, is it your favorite thing? Was it the same at the time of admission?
  • Did you analyze in advance the possibilities of getting a job? Have you looked at the demand for specialists in this specialty?
  • Have you been making efforts to find a job? How well did you look for a place?
  • Do you really enjoy doing what you have learned?

If you answered YES to all questions, if you did everything that depends on you, and at the same time you think that higher education is not necessary, then your position is very interesting to me, I will be happy to discuss this topic with you in the comments.

Most of all, it is sad to see that universities are blamed mainly by those who went to study there against their will, did nothing to learn about their future work, did not make attempts to use their knowledge. And then they blame education for their failures. Agree, this is the position of a child, a teenager, but not an adult.

Dealt with the myths. Now my opinion is whether it is necessary, this is education.

I believe that education is necessary. BUT. Not everyone.

Who does NOT need a higher education? Those who do what they love and at the same time do not need a diploma for your business. Someone makes crafts, someone writes fairy tales, someone repairs bikes, someone sells their crafts, someone brings up children, someone builds a business. Why do you need an education that is not yours? For nothing. You personally don't need it. Just like you don’t need a sheepskin coat and felt boots if you live in the tropics and you have 30-degree heat all year round. The coat itself and felt boots are a good thing, but you personally do not need them.

If your favorite activity requires a diploma (for example, if you are a doctor and you really like it), then yes, education is needed. Necessarily.

We so often blame everyone and everything (education, state, president, country, parents, society) for our failures. We often think of such a pathetic word as "responsibility" when it comes to others. But, alas, we so rarely remember this responsibility when it comes to our own education. After all, we ourselves went to this education, so why do we blame someone or something for the failure of this attempt?

It is we who make the choice to submit to external pressure or go our own way. We are changing, growing up, gaining experience. We almost always have a real choice, and absolutely always have a choice of our reaction. It's called being proactive if you've read S. Kovey or Viktor Frankl.

Who doesn't need an education? Those who have chosen a profession in a rapidly changing field. Web programming, most specialties in marketing and web professions (targetologists, advertisers, SEO and SMM specialists), businesses of all levels. In these areas, everything is changing faster than curricula are being modified. Yes, the education system with its standards is less agile. It is by definition, inherently unable to keep up with these super-velocity areas.

And if you asked the above questions about the future device, you will immediately understand that education in such specialties will soon become obsolete. I urge you to always think ahead, this is the main thing.

Education as a resource

I think you understand that education itself is neutral here. The system has its gaps, gaps, but there are also positive aspects. As an everywhere. This is exactly the same external resource as everything else. We can use it or not. We can choose it, that is, education, change it, not finish it or finish it, use it or not use it.

Education is a resource. Like time, money, building materials, houses, cars, the ability to drive this car, skill, computer and smartphone, bank loans. There are frankly terrible resources, rotten and dilapidated. There are wonderful. We choose for ourselves which resources to use and which not. You do not take loans from every second bank simply because:

  • liked the advertisement
  • parents insisted
  • credit is trendy
  • in company with a friend
  • and what, everyone has loans and I have the same ...

and then sit and cry, because you are up to your neck in debt and blame the banks for giving out such and such loans. So it is with education. If you consider it as a resource, choose according to your needs, look for a good university with the right program, examples of successful graduates, reviews (and not go where they teach in some way and not what you need), then education will become one of best investment in your future.

I am finishing this long story, but I'm afraid I'm already tired.


Let's summarize to collect thoughts in a pile. A few key takeaways:

  1. Higher education is neither evil nor good. This is a resource that must be used wisely.
  2. There are people who do not need education for life. And then you don't have to get it.
  3. There are people who need education. Welcome to the walls of the university.
  4. And most importantly: you need to learn what you love, what you like, what makes your eyes burn. This applies not only to higher education, but to any education.

What do you think about this?