Quotes about fire and love. Quotes about fire and water: amazing images

Greetings, the title of this article is a quote about fire and love. The first phrase will be: A woman requires little from love - just to feel like the heroine of a novel. Minion McLaughlin

Marriage is what is left as a memory of love. Helen Rowland

Only love paints a person, starting from the first love for a woman, ending with love for the world and a person - everything else disfigures a person, leads him to death, that is, to power over another person. Mikhail Prishvin

He who wants to acquire love must reject every malicious and unpeaceful thought, not to mention deeds and words, must forgive everyone just and unjust insults.

Respect yourself and love yourself, only after that you can truly love and respect another.

If you're going to love someone, learn to forgive first. A. Vampilov

All passions in general make us make mistakes, but the funniest of them makes us make love. F. La Rochefoucauld.

One look can kill love, one look can resurrect it. W. Shakespeare.

Love destroys death and turns it into an empty ghost; it also turns life from nonsense into something meaningful and makes happiness out of misfortune. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Love is the only passion that cannot bear the past or the future. Honore de Balzac.

Love is a crisis, a decisive moment in life, awaited with trepidation by the heart. .

In the dictionary of love there is no word too. Luciano De Crescenzo

Love is like a cough, no matter how much you endure it, you can’t hide it!

When you fall in love, don't cry. You cry when you're out of love.

It is better to love and lose love than never love at all. Alfred Tennyson

To love and wait - she said goodbye to him forever.

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it. F. La Rochefoucauld.

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. G. Leibniz.

I love and I am loved. Alas, they are not the same person.

Today, love often begins at first sight and ends at the second. Przekrui

And suddenly the cliff was gone. No one to play with, no one to love, no one to mourn for. The cliff sank in the wave. Now it was only a stone fragment at the bottom of the sea. The wave was disappointed, it seemed to her that she had been deceived, and soon she found herself a new cliff.

He who has experienced great love neglects friendship; but he who has squandered himself in friendship still knows nothing of love. J. La Bruyère.

Like a fire that flares up easily in reeds, straw, or hare hair, but quickly dies out if it does not find other food for itself, love ignites brightly with blooming youth and bodily attractiveness, but will soon die out if it is not nourished by spiritual virtues and good disposition of young spouses. . Plutarch

In love, there is enough room for other feelings. Yuzef Bulatovich

Think and love! One does not exist without the other!

Prudence and love are not made for each other: as love grows, prudence decreases.

Not to be loved is just a failure, not to love is a misfortune. A. Camus.

Nothing is difficult for a lover. M. Cicero.

It only takes a minute to notice someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone, and a lifetime to forget.

Unrequited love is not love, but torture!

Love each other, but don't hurt each other.

We love to love our favorite memories, but really, the best is yet to come!

Jealousy is treason by suspicion of treason. V. Krotov

I loved her, she loved another, I forgot her and met another ...

Love is acquired through work on oneself, through violence against oneself and through prayer.

Don't be a toy in love games.

Be the only one loved in love and no supporting roles!

Love is a violent attraction to that which runs away from us. .

Amor Dei intellectu?lis - cognitive love for God.

Vanity chooses, true love does not choose. I. Bunin

In a Western, you can kiss your horse, but not your girlfriend. Gary Cooper

Dreams do come true, I fell in love with you so much!

To love those who make mistakes and are mistaken is a special property of a person. Such love is born when you understand that all people are your brothers; that they are mired in ignorance and are deceived against their will. Marcus Aurelius

The element fascinates with its indomitable power, and quotes about fire carry a particle of this power. Fire plays a lot in our life, quotes will give you the opportunity to realize its role.

Fear is like fire. If you skillfully handle fire, you can warm yourself and cook food, and in the darkness you can light the way. But if you once lose control over him, he will burn you, and maybe even kill you.
Tokyo Ghoul: Reborn

All magic begins with fire.
Alexander Melentievich Volkov

Pyromania is one of the deepest instincts of the human race: nothing fascinates like fire.
Amelie Nothombe

Fire kills. But sometimes what grows out of the ashes is better than the old.
The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride

The wind blows out the candle, but blows out the fire.
François de La Rochefoucauld

Not all fire is light. For light is truth, but fire can be treacherous. You think it illuminates, but it incinerates.
Victor Hugo

Sometimes our fire goes out, but another person rekindles it. Each of us is deeply indebted to those who did not let this fire go out.
Albert Schweitzer

Burning was a pleasure. Some special pleasure to see how the fire devours things, how they blacken and change.
Ray Bradbury

If you give a fool a torch, he will burn down the house; if a torch is given to a scientist, it will set the whole world on fire.
Richard Dubel

I close my eyes, but it doesn't help. In the darkness the fire burns even brighter.
Susan Collins

He himself was like fire - and warm, and burn.
Elizabeth Dvoretskaya

Whoever is closer to the fire is the first to burn.
Chinese proverbs and sayings

Watch the woman and the fire night and day.
Spanish proverbs and sayings

It is terrible to watch when the palace is on fire, but when the shack is on fire, the heart shrinks even more painfully. A poor man's hut on fire - what could be worse!
Victor Hugo

A fire does not go out because another is kindled from it.
Lucian of Samosata

Anyone who plays with fire will get burned sooner or later.
Mario Vargas Llosa

Fire does not destroy, it tempers.
Oscar Wilde

Why is fire full of such inexplicable charm for us? What attracts both old and small to him? Fire is perpetual motion. Something that man has always sought to find, but never found. Or almost forever. If not prevented, it would burn without fading away throughout our lives. And yet what is fire? Secret. Mystery! Scientists babble about friction and molecules, but they don't really know anything. The main charm of fire is that it destroys responsibility and consequences. If the problem has become too burdensome - in the oven it.
Ray Bradbury

If quotes about fire have kindled a fire in your soul, that's great!

There is a lack of finance
Iron deficiency - in the blood,
There are few chances in life
But worse is the lack of love.
To those who got married by "aerial flight"
I want to say: your marriage is not bad.
"Flying" is like an airplane,
in which the engine is stalled.

Those who married out of habit,
I want to reveal one secret:
Your marriage is big like a match,
In which, however, there is no sulfur.
And life is cozy and gloomy
Will not kindle a fire in the blood.
Trust me that even humor
Doesn't cure the lack of love.

Those who married by calculation,
Perhaps more fortunate
And not settling scores with each other
They live "friends" in spite,
Similar to embedded banknotes:
Life is a long term deposit.
They are in love for a long time bankrupt -
They don't feel scarce.

Those who are married to a naked body
And only cherishes the body,
As long as there are no problems in bed,
They don't experience a shortage.
But it’s worth the body to “loosen up”
And lose the "presentation" -
Want to get married.
There will be "body deficiency".

And so that the family can develop,
We need to create marriages
Not with the one you want to go to bed with
And with those with whom you want to get up.

Walk in boots on the washed floor, draw on the wallpaper, skip school, argue with me, grow up very suddenly - I will only love you more.

Bruise your sharp knees, talk about minecraft, lose your shift, grab two hundred deuces for a hundred compositions - my love will be beyond any doubt.

Fall in love. Fall out of love. Fight with your friends. Feel free to tell them that I am your mother. Be eccentric, stupid, naive, careless - I will love you, little one, forever.

Get taller than me and shave for the first time. Live better than us at least ten times. Become an adult, become smart, become kind and strong - you will always be my little son.

I will see in you in years a boy, with a blush, in sandals, in short pants. You will be a serious, imposing uncle - but childhood will remain a spark in your eyes. I will keep it as the fire was kept in the cave by secluded cracks. I will be for you, son, the guardian of childhood, he will not fade away, but only resurrect in any weather, at any minute.

As long as I'm with you, I'll keep it.

Someday you will understand that there are people who never betray, but for this you have to go through a lot of betrayals.
Someday you will realize that external brilliance is nothing compared to internal beauty. Because everything outside is before the first rain. What's inside is always on fire. Even if it has died down to barely visible embers. But, it is enough to fold your lips with a tube and gently blow - the fire will gradually flare up and warm you.
Someday you will understand that many formulas and aphorisms that you picked up in the world around you are empty, albeit beautiful, sets of words - nothing more. Only those truths that you yourself have reached are important.
Someday you will understand that kindness, tenderness, affection and care are a manifestation of inner strength, not weakness.

How many Sunny People!
Not those who laugh senselessly,
when they are pinched and tickled,
and those who look like children
who without self-interest, gross flattery,
as if together with the bright sun,
we generously brighten up the days.
People like lights - among the problems and hassle,
when involuntarily pulls to the stack,
light up the dark day
and the evil shadow disappears.
We have fun and easy with them,
and the stars shine brighter in the sky,
we forget about sadness.
Haven't you met them?
Then wake up from sleep and you will understand
there are so many Sunny People among friends!
They, like eternal Spring, give us light and renewal,
confidence and rebirth.
I believe no one will judge
when I say with all my heart without flattery and beautiful lies:
Thank you Sun People!

It's good to wake up early in the fall. When it is still damp and foggy, and the first lights melt in the milky twilight. And coffee tune in for a peppy day. Fill it with small steps, tastes, smells, wrap yourself in it, admire it. Again, remembering how pleasant it is: wrapping up, warming up, and breathlessly breathing in the evening dankness - rushing into the warmth, waiting for someone in it or knowing that someone is waiting for you there.

Folk wisdom says: water does not argue with fire, fire does not argue with water either. And rightly so, what are they arguing about? They have one essence. They are life and death. They are a test and a reward. And yet these are two opposing elements. Why? Quotes about fire and water will help to understand.


Amazing element - water. Wherever you look, she is everywhere. We drink it, we breathe it in, it flows within us, it cleanses us. And so it is with all living things on planet Earth. Mikhail Prishvin called her "mother water", for she is the same sinner as all people. How she angered God is unknown. One thing is clear - it falls to the ground for a good deed, to revive, give life to all things. Finishes work - receives forgiveness, evaporates, rises up, closer to God, in order to walk beside Him like clouds-clouds. And Karl-Johann Wahlgren called it the silver blood of the earth.

But is she always kind, gentle and serene? The Belgian writer compared her to a woman in whom two opposites live simultaneously: silence and noise, hatred and joy, tenderness and destructiveness, deceit and patience, music and cacophony, but above all, invulnerability. Her thoughts can be continued with the words of Victor Hugo. He wrote that water is malleable, obedient because it cannot be compressed. Under pressure, she slips away. If you start squeezing it from one side, it rushes to the other and turns into a wave. The wave is the embodiment of freedom, which either energizes or destroys everything in its path.

Fire Quotes

Fire is no less mystical force. The French writer Joseph Henri Roni Sr. compared him to an animal, although, on the other hand, he does not look like any of them. He runs faster than an antelope, but he has no legs. He flies in the sky, but he has no wings. He growls menacingly, roars, growls, but he is without a mouth. He is without arms, yet he takes possession of the whole world. He is loved, admired, and at the same time hated and feared. Quotes about fire will reveal many more secrets.

Yes, to him, as well as to water, the attitude is ambiguous. Probably because he himself is contradictory. He gives life, light, warmth. And he burns it down. Fire quotes illustrate this perfectly. For example, an American writer writes: “Fire is insidious - it crawls, licks, looks over its shoulder and laughs. He's handsome as hell. Like a sunset that devours everything in its path. Paolo Coelho looks even deeper and sees that, undoubtedly, the fire devours the flesh, and thereby cleanses the soul from filth, so that it easily, freely soars to God.

Wu about fire clearly demonstrate the attitude of a person to this seemingly subordinate element. For the protagonist of his novel Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag, the destroying fire is a tool that burns books and thereby cleanses the earth of heresy. But he himself is changing, and changes are coming in his attitude to fire. At first, he seems strange to him, but now he did not burn anything - he gave warmth. He did not even imagine that fire can not only take away, but also bestow. Even his smell has changed, it has become completely different ...

Two elements

So do fire and water argue? Rather, they do not understand each other, and therefore avoid each other. After all, if they meet inadvertently, they may not be able to cope with their own strength, and then troubles cannot be avoided. Russian science fiction writer Dmitry Yemets compares fire to love and water to testing. So, if you pour a bucket of water into a weak fire, then the latter will definitely go out quickly. And if, on the contrary, it becomes strong, bright, flaming, then a zilch will come out, and nothing more, and the water will turn into steam.