Children's program for children 3 4 years old. Working programm

Proshina Elena Viktorovna


MBDOU "Snegurochka", Noyabrsk, YNAO

Synopsis of directly educational activities

on the development of speech in the first junior group "Visiting the Cockerel"

Educational area: speech development.

Integration of educational areas: speech development, social and communicative development, physical development.

Age: 2-3 years.

Form of directly educational activity: conversation, game situation, outdoor game, articulatory gymnastics.

Form of organization: subgroup of 5 children.

Target: creating conditions for the formation of ideas about the world around us through various types of activities, develop the speech activity of children, exercise them in the ability to correlate actions with words.



To teach the retelling of literary works familiar to children, the compilation of short stories with the help of an adult;

Develop the ability to focus on the signs of the object;

Clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [a], learn to clearly articulate this sound in sound combinations, words, develop speech breathing.


To develop in children speech, mental activity, memory, attention.

To develop the ability of children to take on a game role.


To instill in children the desire to listen carefully to an adult, repeat simple sentences

Contribute to the development of conversational communication during classes, encourage activity, curiosity

Create a positive attitude.

vocabulary work:

Dictionary enrichment: Hen, cockerel, chickens.

Vocabulary activation: Hen, pee.

Equipment: balloons, a wooden screen house, toys - a cockerel, a chicken, chickens, masks of a chicken and chickens.

preliminary work: reading nursery rhymes, talking, looking at illustrations of the cockerel family, holding finger and outdoor games.

Game activity progress:

The children enter the group. The teacher draws the attention of the children to a bunch of balloons with a basket attached to it. There is a cockerel toy in the basket.

Educator. Guys, look, balloons have flown into our room! So beautiful! Bright, colorful. Wow, and they also have a basket tied to them, look guys! Someone must have come to visit us.

He takes out a cockerel from the basket and shows it to the children.

Really! Kids, do you know who it is?

Children. This is a cockerel.

Educator. Yes, it's a rooster. The cockerel, it turns out, flew to us not alone, but with guests.

The kids got up in the morning

They came to their kindergarten.

We are glad to see you, as always.

We have guests here since morning,

Say hello, friends!

Children say hello to the guests, please (children say hello)

Guys, Cockerel wants to say something in my ear. The teacher puts the cockerel to his ear and pretends to listen to him carefully.

Guys, the cockerel invites us to fly with him on balloons to visit him. The cockerel loves his family very much and would like to introduce you to the hen and chickens. Shall we keep him company?

Educator. Well, then rather hold on to the balloons, we will take off soon!

The teacher gives the children in turn to hold the balloons, look at them, touch them.

And now let's blow on our palms so that our balloons fly as high as possible (children blow on their palms).

The teacher shows how to blow on the palms. The children are blowing. Hooray! Our balloons have gone high into the sky! We are flying with you!

Guys, here we are. The cockerel says we need to drop the balloons right here. Kids, look, what is this?

Children. This is a house.

Educator. Right. And who is sitting on the bench by the house?

Children. Grandpa and Grandma

Educator. Correctly. Look, who is sitting on the grass next to them?

Children. Hen with chickens.

Educator. True kids. Where do you think we landed?

Children. Visit the rooster. And the cockerel lives with his family with his grandparents in the village. And who knows the nursery rhyme about the cockerel? Children tell a joke.

Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb,

Olive head, silk beard.

The rooster is pecking at the grain,

He calls the chickens.

Let's call the Hen together with the Cockerel: "Hen, come to us."

What is another name for a chicken?

(Ryabushka, Corydalis, chicken - mother)

Let's all play with chicken (finger gymnastics “The chicken went out for a walk”).

The hen went out for a walk

(walk with two fingers - index and middle - of each hand),

Pinch fresh grass

(pinching movements with all fingers of each hand),

And behind her guys -

yellow chicks

(run with all fingers of both hands).

"Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko

(clap hands)

Don't go far

(threaten with the finger of the dominant hand),

Row with your paws

(rowing movements with each finger of both hands at the same time, thumbs fix palms at the edge of the table),

Looking for grains "

(children collect grains alternately with two fingers of each hand or both hands at the same time: large - index, large - middle, etc.).

I say hello everywhere, at home and on the street

Even hello, I say, I'm a neighbor's chicken.

(fingertips of one hand alternately touch the tips of other fingers).

Chicken: Hello guys!

(the chicken is planted next to the cockerel)

Educator: Look, guys, at the Hen and the Cockerel.

Children examine them, compare, find the difference:

caregiver : Who has a big comb? At the Hen or the Cockerel.

The Cockerel has a large comb, and the Hen has a small one.

The Cockerel has a long tail, but the Hen? (short) Cockerel has spurs on his legs.

How does the cock crow? Ku-ka-re-ku, and the chicken? Ko-ko-ko. The cockerel is dad, the hen is mom.

And who are their children? Chickens.

And who is it squeaking? (go to the basket). Oh how cute little ones. Who is it? (chickens) What kind of chickens? (small, yellowish, fluffy). How do they squeak? Pi-pi-pi.

How does a hen call her chicks? Ko-ko-ko. Now stretch out your palms to me, close your eyes (hands out chickens).

Now open your eyes and tell me who is on your palm? What are they?

What chicken?

Let's play with the chickens:

Mobile game "Chicken - Toratorochka" "

The teacher depicts a "chicken", the children - "chickens". One child (older) - "cat". "Cat" sits on a chair on the sidelines. "Chicken" and "chickens" walk around the site. The teacher says:

A hen came out - a Corydalis, with her yellow chickens,

The chicken cackles: "Ko-ko, do not go far."

Approaching the “cat”, the teacher says:

On a bench by the path, a cat lay down and dozes ...

The cat opens its eyes and catches up with the chickens.

The "cat" opens its eyes, meows and runs after the "chickens", which run away to a certain corner of the site - the "house" - to the mother chicken. The teacher (“chicken”) protects the “chickens”, spreading his arms to the sides, and at the same time says: “Go away, cat, I won’t give you chickens!” When the game is repeated, the role of the “cat” is entrusted to another child.

Educator: Guys, did you like visiting the cockerel?

Educator: Now open your eyes - “one, two, three, four, five, we turn into guys!” You are kids again now.

You and I visited the cockerel and played.

Educator: But it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's raise our balloons!

Children blow on their palms.

Goodbye, cock!

Educator. So we are back with you in kindergarten.

Guys, for the fact that you and the cockerel flew to visit him, played merrily, the chicken handed me a basket of goodies and asked you treat.

Thank you very much!


1. Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilieva M.A. Program "From birth to school". - M.: Mosaic - Sintez, 2014.

2. Vlasenko O.P. Comprehensive classes according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. Early age group (from 2 to 3 years old). - Volgograd: Uchitel, 2016. - 292 p.

3. Gerbova V.V. "Development of speech in kindergarten" the second group of early age, publishing house MOZAYKA - SYNTHESIS, Moscow 2015. - p.90

4. Elena Kosimova "Gymnastics for fingers", OLMA - PRESS, Moscow 2002. - p.44

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Synopsis of GCD with children of the 1st junior group "Pets".

A summary of directly educational activities with children of the 1st junior group, compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, will help educators in shaping children's ideas about pets.
Synopsis of GCD with children of the 1st junior group "Pets".
Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Physical development", "Social and communicative development".
Educational: To teach children to distinguish by appearance and name the most common pets. To form an idea about the animal, its appearance.
Developing: Develop understanding of speech, thinking, memory, attention, observation.
Speech: Contribute to the development of dialogue speech, enrich the vocabulary of children.
Educational: To cultivate love for pets, their importance in human life, curiosity.
Target: The development of cognitive interest in the world around us, the formation of ideas about pets.
Demo material:
Images of domestic animals (cow, horse, pig, sheep, dog, cat). Models or toys of domestic animals (cow, pig, horse, sheep, dog, cat).
Methodical methods: game situation, conversation-dialogue, didactic game "Pets and their cubs", physical education minute, debriefing.
Preliminary work: 1. Examining an illustration from a series of children's books depicting pets and their cubs, examining a poster depicting a house. animals.
2. Reading fairy tales "The wolf and the seven kids", "The winter hut of animals."

Course progress.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, the teacher sits in front of them.
Educator: Guys, today guests came to us, let's say hello.
Educator: Look, another doll "Anna" came to visit us. (The doll greets, sits on a chair)
- Guys, the doll Anya squealed in my ear that she brought you pictures with animals, but she forgot their name and asks you and me to help her remember them.
- Can we help the doll remember the names of animals?
Children: yes!
The teacher takes turns putting pictures with animals on the easel.
The teacher puts a picture of a cow.
Educator: Who is it?
Children: Cow!
Educator: Eating a cow in the meadow
poppies and chamomile,
milk will taste good
to cook porridge for us.
Educator: Guys, how does a cow moo?
Children in chorus: Mouu...
Educator: Well done!

The teacher puts a picture of a sheep.
Children: This is a sheep.
Educator: There is on the wool of a lamb,
Curls and rings.
It's hot in summer in a warm coat,
So soon it will be sheared.
Educator: Guys, what does the sheep say?
Children: Be-e!
Educator: That's right, the sheep says be-e-….

The teacher puts a picture of a horse.
Educator: And who is this?:
Children: Horse.
Educator: tsok, tsok, tsok, tsok
I am a horse - a gray side,
I will knock with a hoof,
If you want I'll ride.

Educator:-Let's all say together how the horse speaks.
Children and the teacher say: yoke-go ...

The teacher puts a picture of a piglet.
Educator: Tell Ana who is this?
Children: piggy!
Educator: round pink barrel
The nose is a snub-nosed heel.
Educator: Can you tell me how a piglet grunts?
Children: oink-oink!
Educator: That's right. Well done!

The teacher puts a picture of a cat and a dog.
Educator: Well, who is this?
Children: Cat and dog.
Educator: cat and dog live very close to man. The dog lives in a kennel and guards the house from strangers, loves bones very much; and people feed the cat with milk, and the cat also catches mice so that they do not spoil the supplies.
Tell me, how does a cat meow and how a dog barks?
Children and the teacher pronounce like a cat and a dog: meow ..., woof-woof ...
Educator: Well done.
Educator: Guys, and all these animals are “pets”, and they are called pets because they live next to a person, next to his house. A person takes care of them, feeds them, and in return they give us a lot of useful things.
Educator: Guys, do you know where pets live?
Children: In the village!
Educator: Correctly. And let's go to the village and take Anna's doll with us too.
The children get up from their chairs. They play the game.

Got on the car
They poured gasoline
(Get up and "take" the wheel.)
car, car
Rides, buzzes,
In the car, in the car
The driver is sitting.
(“We’re driving” in a car and “honking”.)
We've arrived!
On a horse, on a horse
I want to ride.
(Walking high with knees up.)
I will sit, I will sit on a horse,
I'll ride a horse!
(Sit down and get up again.)
Click, click, click, click.
(“Ride” on a horse.)
Riding on a horse
And we arrived.

Educator: Here we have arrived. And here is the village courtyard. Can you tell me who lives on it?
Children: Pets.
Educator: Let's see who is here (the children take turns listing the animals).
Pupa: Thanks guys, you not only helped me remember the names of the animals, but also showed me them, now I definitely won’t forget them! Thank you very much!

Material Description:

Synopsis of GCD in the first junior group on the topic: "Let's play with pyramids" Sensory development

Integration of educational areas: OO Communication, OO Artistic creativity, OO Socialization. OO Knowledge.

Target: enriching the sensory experience of children when comparing objects by size. To consolidate the concept of "many" "one" Improve manual motor skills.

Tasks: Learn to group objects by color. Develop coordination of hand movements, develop visual-auditory perception.

Demo Material: A large pyramid on a conical base of five multi-colored rings. Teddy bear toy.

Handout: Pyramids for each child on a conical base of five multi-colored rings.

Methodological techniques: game situation, conversation, dialogue, physical education session “We stomp our feet”, productive activities of children, summing up

GCD progress:

Surprise moment, there is a knock on the door and Mishutka comes in with a big bag.

Educator: a forest resident Mishutka came to us, he had a birthday and all the forest guests gave him a lot of pyramids, and Mishutka decided to bring them to the kindergarten for children, he left only one for himself. The teacher puts the pyramids on the table and invites Mishutka to play with the pyramids with the children.

Game exercise "Assemble the pyramid"

Educator: Children, look at what beautiful pyramids Mishka brought you. Let's look at it together. How many rings does the pyramid have?

Answers of children (many). The teacher takes off the rings, and the children name their color and size.

Educator: (takes off the first ring) which ring? What colour?

Children: this is a small ring, it is green, and so on until the end. If the children find it difficult, the teacher calls himself.

Educator: Now I will give you all the pyramids, and you first remove the rings, laying them in a row, and then put them on: first - the largest, then - smaller, even smaller, then the smallest.

Children begin the task, the teacher helps in the exercise.

Educator: Well done guys. Everything was put together correctly and even Mishutka was helped, let's clap for our success.

Physical education "We stomp our feet"

The teacher and Mishutka offer to play. Children perform all movements, imitating the teacher.

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

Top top top

We lower our hands


We'll spread our hands

Let's all go in circles.

Game exercise "Spread the rings by color"

Children sit at tables, in front of each child is a folded pyramid.

Educator: and now you need to disassemble the pyramid and mix all the rings.

Children take apart, and the teacher helps to mix the rings.

Educator: Nikita will collect only blue rings, like this (shows a blue ring). And Katyusha will collect only red ones,

Maxim will collect green rings. Similarly, the teacher gives the task to other children. Children select the rings of the desired color and put them on the table next to them.

Educator: pick up who has blue rings?

children raise

Educator: pick up the red rings from whom? Etc.

Educator: What good fellows you all are. All rings are correctly assembled.

The phone rings. The teacher pretends to be talking to a bear.

It's time for our Mishutka to go home, his mother is calling him, let's say goodbye to him. Children say goodbye to Mishutka.

Integration of educational areas Keywords: social and communicative development, speech development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Target: social and communicative development, socialization of children in the conditions of a children's team, development of communication, moral education.


  • to develop in children the ability to establish good friendly relations, communication skills with each other.
  • develop empathy in children.

Age: younger group, children from 3-4 years old

Preliminary work:

  • conversation with children about friendship, relationships to each other.
  • reading fiction.
  • selection of audio recordings for songs about friendship for accompaniment.

Equipment: puppets, equipment for obstacles (cubes, hoops); paper, gouache, audio recording of the song "Smile" (music by Shainsky, lyrics by Plyatsky).

Lesson progress

(Children enter the group, stand in a semicircle, dolls sit on chairs, turning away from each other)

Educator:- Guys, look what happened to our dolls?

Children's answers(they quarreled, turned away, quarreled)


I got into a fight with a friend
We don't play with him anymore.
And we don't talk to each other
We are no longer with him.
Each with his own grudge
Sitting alone all day.
Each with his own grudge
He speaks non-stop.

Educator:- Guys, today we will teach our dolls to be friends. What is friendship?

Children's answers(when they don't quarrel, they play together).

Educator:- Correctly. Friendship is when people want to be together, play together, do not quarrel, share everything. Friendship is the smiles of friends

The game is an imitation of "Mood".

Educator: - Let's smile with you (children smile).

- Now we feel sad, frown (children frown)

- Guys, when we smile, we feel so good, joyful, when we frown, we immediately want to be sad.

And let's show our guests how friendly we are. We are not afraid of any obstacles.

Mobile game "We can't live without each other"

(The teacher puts several obstacles in the way of the children. Children, turning to face each other, touch their palms and thus overcome obstacles; step over the cubes, jump from hoop to hoop)


Here we played with you, our legs are tired.
We'll go to the chairs
And let's get some rest. (children sit on chairs in a semicircle)

- Not only girls and boys are friendly, our fingers are also friendly.

Finger game "Friendly fingers"

Friends in our group fingers in the lock, bend and straighten them)
Girls and boys
We will make friends with you, connect the fingertips of both hands)
little fingers
clap each pair of fingers)
Start counting soon
One, two, three, four, five ( shake brushes)
We're done counting

Educator:- Do you guys know that friendship can be drawn? After all, friendship is a touch of hands. Shall we show it to our dolls?

Children's answers:(show yes)

(Printing the palms of the left and right hands. Collective work on drawing with yellow and green gouache. Children do the work, then wipe their hands with wet wipes.)

(We get up in a semicircle, the teacher pays attention to the dolls)

Educator: - Look, guys, our dolls are smiling at each other, they are happy. Here are our dolls and reconciled.

- So what is friendship?

Children's answers(when we share toys, do not offend each other, play together)

How can you express friendship?

Children's answers(touching, smiling, playing together)

Educator:- Right, well done.

And now let's join hands and make a big friendly round dance. Let's pass on our warm friendly relations to each other, smile at each other.

(Children in a round dance walk in a circle by the hands, put out their legs, make a spring, flashlights.)

(Audio recording of the song "Smile")

Educator:- Let's be friendly, kind, and never quarrel!

Summary of GCD in the younger group on the topic: "Journey to the forest"

Cherdantseva Irina Rashitovna, educator MBDOU No. 180 "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of the development of pupils", the city of Kemerovo.
Material Description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the younger group (3-4 years old) on the topic “Journey to the Forest”. This material will be useful for early childhood educators. This is a summary of cognitive knowledge aimed at educating the world around and caring for nature.
Target: Enrich and consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals, their habitat, external features.
- Learn to distinguish between animals living in the forest (where do they live? What?)
- Learn to write a short description of the toy.
- Develop speech, memory, phonemic hearing, interest in the world around.
- Raise interest and respect for nature. Maintain play interactions with peers.
Preliminary work:
1. consideration of visual and didactic aids depicting wild animals, their dwellings, trees, riddles about animals;
2. reading poems and riddles about the forest and its inhabitants.
3. didactic games "Wild animals", "Animal world";
Demo material: toys: hare, bear; subject picture: squirrel; baskets, mushrooms, cones, nuts; tree layouts: spruce, birch, pine; sun; audio recording: sounds of nature.
Dictionary activation: hollow, pine, lair, snowdrift.
GCD progress:
Educator:- Children, do you want to go to the forest with me today?
(children's answers)
Educator:- And I know the magic words, if we pronounce them, we find ourselves in the forest, and a leaflet will help us in this, it is also magical, repeat after me:
- Fly, fly, my leaf, through the West, to the east, through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle, as you touch the ground, be in my opinion led! We want to be in the forest!
Children repeat together with the teacher 2-3 times, closing their eyes.
Educator:- So we ended up in the forest, the kids here are a lot of bumps, dimples, and in order not to get lost, follow me and carefully watch what I will do, then you too.
Children follow the teacher and repeat all the movements.
Educator:- Children be careful, the tree has fallen, you need to step over it, raise the leg higher.
- Oh, look, there are holes around here, in order to go further you need to jump over.
- Look how big the branch is near the Christmas tree, we can’t get through, we need to lift this branch to the top, bend over and go through.
Educator:- The children, here we are in a clearing in the middle of the forest. Listen, who can jump like that? (bunny)

Music plays like a bunny jumps.
Educator:- And let's jump like bunnies.
Children jump to the tree where the bunny is hidden.
- Look what a beautiful tree, do you know what it's called? (Christmas tree)
- That's right, the Christmas tree, but look someone hid under the Christmas tree? (bunny)
The teacher takes the bunny and examines it with the children.
- What bunny? What ears? And the ponytail? (soft, long, short)
- Guys, what does the bunny like to eat? (carrot, cabbage)
Bunny speaks in the ear of the teacher.
Educator:- Bunny kids, he tells me that he wants to play with you, let's play with the bunny? (Yes)
D / and "Spread the vegetables"
A double-sided easel with carrots on one side and cabbage on the other.
Educator:- Children, what do you see on the easel? (carrot, cabbage)
- That's right, and now you need to spread out the carrots and cabbage from the largest to the smallest.
The children are doing the task.
Educator:- And now the boys see if the girls have laid out the carrots correctly, and the boys' girls will see if they have laid out the cabbage correctly.
Children check whether the task is completed correctly.
Educator:- Guys, the bunny tells you, these are the good fellows who laid everything out correctly.
Educator:- Help yourself bunny. Goodbye!
Children give the bunny carrots and cabbage, say goodbye to the bunny. They approach the birch, behind the birch a bear is hidden covered with a white blanket.
Educator:- Guys, what is the name of this tree? (Birch)
Educator:- Oh guys, look what it is? (children's answers), if they find it difficult to help: a snowdrift.
The teacher lifts the blanket under him lies a bear.
Educator:- Who sleeps here? (bear)
- That's right, kids, where does the bear live in winter? (in the den)
- What kind of bear? What colour? What ears? (big, black, small)
- What does the bear like to eat? (raspberries, honey)
- Children, the bear sleeps all winter, and wakes up in the spring. What season is it now? (Spring)
- And our bear does not want to wake up, let's wake him up? Shall we play his favorite game? (Yes)
Mobile game "At the bear in the forest" carried out 2-3 times
At the bear in the forest,
Mushrooms, I take berries!
The bear caught a cold
Frozen on the stove!
The teacher takes the bear and slowly raises it, rubs the eyes of the bear. At the sight of the children, the bear catches up with them.
Educator:- Well, the kids and the bear woke up. He says thank you for waking up spring has come!
Children say goodbye to the bear.
Educator:- Guys, look at what a beautiful tree, do you know what it's called? (children's answers) if you find it difficult to help, it's pine.
- Look at the pine, what do you see? (children's answers) tell a hollow
- How beautiful it is in the forest, trees are all around, birds are singing, the sun is shining, children, where is the sun with us?
Children find and show the sun, the teacher imperceptibly attaches the squirrel to the hollow.
Educator:- Oh, look, who is sitting here? (squirrel)
- Guys, what kind of squirrel? And what is the tail? And what are the ears? (small, fluffy, tassels on the ears)
- What does she like to eat? (nuts, mushrooms)
- Children, and the squirrel asked her to help, sort out supplies. Can we help? (Yes)
There are cones, nuts, mushrooms in the basket, the children are sorted into baskets (there are 3 baskets nearby: one for cones, the second for mushrooms, the third for nuts).
Educator:- Oh, what good fellows! The squirrel says thank you and gives you a treat.
The teacher takes a basket of nuts, gathers the children near him.
Educator:- Children, where were we today? (in the forest)
- Whom did we meet in the forest? (hare, bear, squirrel)
- Where does the squirrel live? Where does the bunny live? Where does the bear live? (hollow, under the tree, in the den)
What kind of trees grow in our forest? (tree, birch, pine)
- Well done, they said everything correctly, and now it's time for us to go to kindergarten, remember our magic words?
The teacher and children say the magic words and return to the group.