Children's stories for young children. Funny funny stories for kids

A funny story about a harmful liar schoolgirl Ninochka. A story for younger schoolchildren and middle school age.

Harmful Ninka Kukushkina. Author: Irina Pivovarova

Once Katya and Manechka went out into the yard, and there Ninka Kukushkina was sitting on a bench in a brand new brown school dress, a brand new black apron and a very white collar (Ninka was a first grader, she boasted that she was studying for fives, and she herself was a loser) and Kostya Palkin in a green cowboy shirt, sandals on bare feet and a blue cap with a large visor.

Ninka enthusiastically lied to Kostya that she had met a real hare in the forest in the summer, and this hare was so delighted to Ninka that he immediately climbed into her arms and did not want to get off. Then Ninka brought him home, and the hare lived with them for a whole month, drinking milk from a saucer and guarding the house.

Kostya listened to Ninka with half an ear. Stories about hares didn't bother him. Yesterday he received a letter from his parents saying that perhaps in a year they would take him to Africa, where they now lived and built a milk canning plant, and Kostya sat and thought about what he would take with him.

"Don't forget the fishing rod," thought Kostya. Yes, more guns. Winchester. Or a double shot."

Just then Katya and Manechka came up.

- What's this! - said Katya, after listening to the end of the "hare" story. - This is nothing! Think rabbit! Hares are rubbish! A real goat has been living on our balcony for a whole year now. My name is Aglaya Sidorovna.

"Aha," said Manechka. "Aglaya Sidorovna." She came to visit us from Kozodoevsk. We have been eating goat's milk for a long time.

"Exactly," said Katya. "Such a kind goat!" She brought us so much! Ten packets of nuts in chocolate, twenty cans of condensed goat milk, thirty packs of Yubileinoye cookies, and she herself does not eat anything but cranberry jelly, soup with beans and vanilla crackers!

“I’ll buy a double-barreled shotgun,” Kostya said respectfully.

- To make the milk smell good.

- They lie! They don't have any goats! Ninka got angry. "Don't listen, Kostya!" You know them!

- Still as it is! She sleeps in the basket at night in the fresh air. And sunbathing during the day.

- Liars! Liars! If a goat lived on your balcony, it would bleat all over the yard!

- Who bleated? What for? - asked Kostya, having managed to plunge into thoughts, to take or not to take aunt's loto to Africa.

- She bleats. Soon you will hear for yourself ... And now let's play hide and seek?

"Let's go," Kostya said.

And Kostya began to drive, and Manya, Katya and Ninka ran to hide. Suddenly, a loud goat bleating was heard in the yard. It was Manechka who ran home and bleated from the balcony:

- Be-ee... Me-ee...

Ninka crawled out of the hole behind the bushes in surprise.

— Kostya! Listen!

"Well, yes, it's bleating," said Kostya. "I told you...

And Manya backed for the last time and ran to help out.

Now Ninka drove.

This time, Katya and Manechka ran home together and began to bleat from the balcony. And then they went down and, as if nothing had happened, ran to help out.

“Listen, you really have a goat! - said Kostya. - What did you hide before?

She's not real, she's not real! shouted Ninka.

- Here's another, groovy! Yes, she reads books with us, counts to ten, and even knows how to talk like a human being. Here we go and ask her, and you stand here, listen.

Katya and Manya ran home, sat down behind the balcony bars and bleated in one voice:

— Ma-a-ma! Ma-a-ma!

- Well, how? - Katya leaned out. - Do you like it?

"Just think about it," said Nina. “Mom” any fool can say. Let me read a poem.

“I’ll ask you now,” Manya said, squatted down and shouted to the whole yard:

Our Tanya is crying loudly:

Dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry:

The ball will not sink in the river.

The old women on the benches shook their heads in bewilderment, and Sima the janitor, who at that time was diligently sweeping the yard, became alert and raised her head.

“Well, is it great, really?” Katya said.

- Awesome! Ninka made a sly face. “But I can’t hear anything. Ask your goat to read poetry louder.

Here Manechka yells like a good obscenity. And since Manya had the right voice, and when Manya tried, she could roar so that the walls shook, it is not surprising that after the rhyme about the whining Tanechka, people's heads began to protrude out of all the windows indignantly, and Matvey Semenycheva Alpha, who at this time ran in the yard, barked deafeningly.

And the janitor Sima ... There is no need to talk about her! Her relationship with the Skovorodkin children was not the best. They Sime was fed up with their antics to death.

Therefore, having heard inhuman cries from the balcony of the eighteenth apartment, Sima rushed straight into the entrance with her broom and began to beat with her fists on the door of the eighteenth apartment.

And the most mischievous Ninka, pleased that she managed to teach Pan so well, after looking at the angry Sim, sweetly said as if nothing had happened:

Well done your goat! Great poetry reading! And now I'm going to read something to her.

And, dancing and sticking out her tongue, but not forgetting to adjust the blue nylon bow on her head, the cunning, mischievous Ninka squealed very disgustingly.

Interesting short instructive stories by Valentina Oseeva for children of senior preschool and primary school age.


Katya had two green pencils. But Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:

Give me a green pencil. And Katya says:

I'll ask my mom.

Both girls come to school the next day. Lena asks:

Did mom let you?

And Katya sighed and said:

Mom allowed me, but I didn’t ask my brother.

Well, ask your brother again, - says Lena. Katya comes the next day.

Well, did your brother let you? - asks Lena.

My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you'll break your pencil.

I'm careful, - says Lena.

Look, - says Katya, - don't fix it, don't press hard, don't take it in your mouth. Don't draw too much.

I, - says Lena, - only need to draw leaves on the trees and green grass.

This is a lot, - says Katya, and she frowns her eyebrows. And she made a disgusted face. Lena looked at her and walked away. I didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised, ran after her:

Well, what are you? Take it!

No, Lena replies. In class, the teacher asks:

Why do you, Lenochka, have blue leaves on the trees?

No green pencil.

Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend? Lena is silent. And Katya blushed like a cancer and said:

I gave it to her, but she won't take it. The teacher looked at both:

You have to give so that you can take.


The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws. Directly in front of her, nestled against the fence, sat a small disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wide and mewed plaintively. Two boys stood nearby and waited to see what would happen.

A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran out onto the porch. She drove the dog away and angrily called out to the boys:

Shame on you!

What's embarrassing? We didn't do anything! the boys were surprised.

This is bad! the woman replied angrily.


Once my mother said to my father:

And dad immediately spoke in a whisper.

No! What is impossible is impossible!


Mom brought Tanya a new book.

Mom said:

When Tanya was little, her grandmother read to her; now Tanya is already big, she herself will read this book to her grandmother.

Sit down, grandma! Tanya said. - I'll read you a story.

Tanya read, grandmother listened, and mother praised both:

That's how smart you are!


The mother had three sons - three pioneers. Years have passed. The war broke out. Mother accompanied three sons to the war - three fighters. One son beat the enemy in the sky. Another son beat the enemy on the ground. The third son beat the enemy in the sea. Three heroes returned to their mother: a pilot, a tanker and a sailor!


Every evening, dad took a notebook, a pencil and sat down with Tanya and grandmother.

Well, what are your accomplishments? he asked.

Dad explained to Tanya that achievements are all the good and useful things that a person has done in a day. Dad carefully wrote down the achievements of tannins in a notebook.

One day he asked, as usual, holding a pencil at the ready:

Well, what are your accomplishments?

Tanya was washing the dishes and broke the cup, - said the grandmother.

Hmm... - said the father.

Dad! Tanya pleaded. - The cup was bad, it fell by itself! Do not write about it in our achievements! Write simply: Tanya washed the dishes!

Well! Dad laughed. - Let's punish this cup so that the next time, when washing dishes, the other one was more careful!


There were a lot of toys in the kindergarten. Clockwork steam locomotives ran along the rails, airplanes hummed in the room, elegant dolls lay in carriages. The kids all played together and everyone had fun. Only one boy did not play. He gathered around him a whole bunch of toys and guarded them from the guys.

My! My! he shouted, covering the toys with his hands.

The children did not argue - there were enough toys for everyone.

How well we play! How fun we are! - the guys boasted to the teacher.

But I am bored! the boy shouted from his corner.

Why? - the teacher was surprised. - You have so many toys!

But the boy could not explain why he was bored.

Yes, because he is not a player, but a watchman, - the children explained for him.


Mom poured cookies onto the plate. Grandmother jingled her cups merrily. Everyone sat down at the table. Vova pushed the plate towards him.

Delhi one at a time,” Misha said sternly.

The boys dumped all the cookies on the table and divided them into two piles.

Smooth? - asked Vova.

Misha measured the piles with his eyes:

Exactly ... Grandma, pour us some tea!

Grandmother served them both tea. The table was quiet. The piles of biscuits were shrinking fast.

Crumbly! Sweet! Misha said.

Yes! Vova responded with his mouth full.

Mother and grandmother were silent. When all the cookies were eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted his stomach and got out from behind the table. Misha finished the last piece and looked at his mother - she was stirring the tea she had not started with a spoon. He looked at his grandmother - she was chewing a crust of black bread ...


Tolya often ran from the yard and complained that the guys offended him.

Do not complain, - mother once said, - you yourself should treat your comrades better, then your comrades will not offend you!

Tolya stepped out onto the stairs. On the playground, one of his offenders, the neighbor boy Sasha, was looking for something.

My mother gave me a coin for bread, and I lost it,” he explained gloomily. - Don't come here, or you'll trample!

Tolya remembered what his mother had said to him in the morning, and hesitantly suggested:

Let's eat together!

The boys began to search together. Sasha was lucky: under the stairs in the very corner a silver coin flashed.

Here she is! Sasha rejoiced. - Frightened us and found! Thank you. Come out to the yard. The guys are not touched! Now I'm just running for bread!

He slid down the railing. From the dark flight of stairs came a merry voice:



Uncle sat down on the suitcase and opened his notebook.

Well, what to bring? - he asked.

The boys smiled and moved closer.

me a doll!

And my car!

And I have a crane!

And to me ... And to me ... - The guys vying with each other ordered, my uncle wrote down.

Only Vitya silently sat on the sidelines and did not know what to ask ... At home, his whole corner is littered with toys ... There are wagons with a steam locomotive, and cars, and cranes ... Everything, everything that the guys asked for, Vitya has had it for a long time ... He even has nothing to wish for ... But uncle will bring every boy and every girl a new toy, and only for him, Vitya, he will not bring anything ...

Why are you silent, Vityuk? - asked the uncle.

Vitya sighed bitterly.

I... have everything... - he explained through tears.


The little girl's mother got sick. The doctor came and sees - with one hand mother holds her head, and cleans up toys with the other. And the girl sits on her chair and commands:

Bring me cubes!

Mom picked up the cubes from the floor, put them in a box, and handed them to her daughter.

And the doll? Where is my doll? the girl screams again.

The doctor looked at it and said:

Until the daughter learns to clean up her toys herself, the mother will not recover!


I offended a friend. I pushed a passerby. I hit the dog. I was rude to my sister. Everyone left me. I was left alone and wept bitterly.

Who punished him? the neighbor asked.

He punished himself, - answered my mother.


The big black dog's name was Beetle. Two boys, Kolya and Vanya, picked up Zhuk on the street. He had a broken leg. Kolya and Vanya looked after him together, and when Zhuk recovered, each of the boys wanted to become his sole owner. But who was the owner of the Beetle, they could not decide, so their dispute always ended in a quarrel.

One day they were walking through the woods. The beetle ran ahead. The boys argued heatedly.

My dog, - said Kolya, - I was the first to see the Beetle and picked it up!

No, mine, - Vanya was angry, - I bandaged her paw and dragged tasty pieces for her!

You can read "Deniska's Stories" at any age and several times and it will still be funny and interesting! Since the book by V. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories" was first published, readers have fallen in love with these funny, humorous stories so much that this book is being reprinted and reprinted. And probably, there is no such student who would not know Deniska Korablev, who became his boyfriend for children of different generations - he looks so much like classmates who get into funny, sometimes ridiculous situations ...

2) Zak A., Kuznetsov I. "Summer is gone. Save the drowning man. Humorous film stories"(7-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

The collection includes two humorous film stories by Avenir Zak and Isai Kuznetsov, famous Soviet playwrights and screenwriters.
The heroes of the first story at first do not expect anything good from the upcoming holidays. What could be more boring than going all summer to three apparently strict aunts? That's right - nothing! So summer is gone. But in reality it's quite the opposite...
What if the photo in the local newspaper shows all your friends, but not yourself? It's so embarrassing! Andrei Vasilkov really wants to prove that he is also capable of feats ...
Stories about the merry summer adventures of unlucky and mischievous boys formed the basis of the scripts for two feature films of the same name, one of which, Summer Is Gone, was directed by Rolan Bykov. The book was illustrated by the outstanding master of book graphics Heinrich Valk.

3) Averchenko A. "Humorous stories for children"(8-13 years old)

Labyrinth Arkady Averchenko Stories for children Online store Labyrinth.

The heroes of these funny stories are boys and girls, as well as their parents, educators and teachers, who were once children themselves, but not all of them remember this. The author doesn't just entertain the reader; he subtly teaches adult lessons to children and reminds adults that their childhood should never be forgotten.

4) Oster G. "Bad advice", "Problem book", "Petka microbe"(6-12 years old)

Famous Bad Advice
Labyrinth Bad advice Online store Labyrinth.
MY-SHOP (AST publishing house)
MY-SHOP (Deluxe edition)

Petka microbe
Labyrinth Petka microbe

Not all microbes are harmful. Petka - just useful. Without people like him, we will not see either sour cream or kefir. There are so many microbes in one drop of water that it is impossible to count. To see these crumbs, you need a microscope. But maybe they are also looking at us - from the other side of the magnifying glass? Writer G. Oster wrote a whole book about the life of microbes - Petka and his family.

problem book
Labyrinth Taskbook

The word "Problem" on the cover of the book is not so attractive. For many, it is boring and even scary. But "Grigor Oster's Task Book" is a completely different matter! Every schoolchild and every parent knows that these are not just tasks, but terribly funny stories about forty grandmothers, baby Kuzya, circus artist Khudyushchenko, worms, flies, Vasilisa the Wise and Koshchei the Immortal, pirates, as well as Mryak, Bryak, Khryamzik ​​and Slyunik. Well, to make it completely funny, right to the point of dropping, in these stories you need to count something. To multiply someone by something or, conversely, divide. Add something to something, or maybe take someone away from someone. And get the main result: to prove that mathematics is not a boring science!

5) Vangeli S. "Adventures of Gugutse", "Chubo from the village of Turturik"(6-12 years old)


These are absolutely wonderful atmospheric stories with a very peculiar humor and a pronounced national Moldavian flavor! Children are delighted with fascinating stories about the cheerful and courageous Gugutse and the naughty Chubo.

6) Zoshchenko M. "Stories for children"(6-12 years old)

Zoshchenko's labyrinth for children Labyrinth online store.
MY-SHOP Stories for children
MY-SHOP Stories for children
MY-SHOP Lyolya and Minka. stories

Zoshchenko knew how to find the funny in life and notice the comic even in the most serious situations. And he also knew how to write in such a way that every child could easily understand him. That is why Zoshchenko's "Stories for Children" are recognized as classics of children's literature. In his humorous stories for children, the writer teaches the younger generation to be brave, kind, honest and smart. These are indispensable stories for the development and education of children. They cheerfully, naturally and unobtrusively lay the main life values ​​in the children. After all, if you look back at your own childhood, it is not difficult to see what influence the stories about Lela and Minka, the cowardly Vasya, the smart bird and other characters of stories for children written by M.M. once had on us. Zoshchenko.

7) Rakitina E. "Intercom thief"(6-10 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


Elena Rakitina writes touching, instructive, and most importantly - extremely funny stories! Their heroes, the inseparable Mishka and Yegorka, are third-graders who are never bored. The adventures of the boys at home and at school, their dreams and travels will not let young readers get bored!
Open this book as soon as possible, meet guys who know how to make friends, and they will be happy to take into the company of everyone who loves fun reading!
The stories about Mishka and Egor were awarded the medal of the International Children's Literary Prize. V. Krapivina (2010), Diploma of the Literary Competition. V. Golyavkina (2014), diplomas of the All-Russian literary and artistic magazine for schoolchildren "Koster" (2008 and 2012).

8) L. Kaminsky "Lessons in laughter"(7-12 years old)
Labyrinth "Lessons of laughter" (click on the picture!)

MY-SHOP Laughter lessons
MY-SHOP The history of the Russian state in excerpts from school essays
OZONE Lessons in laughter
OZONE The history of the Russian state in excerpts from school essays

What are the most interesting lessons at school? For some guys - mathematics, for others - geography, for others - literature. But there is nothing more exciting than laughter lessons, especially if they are taught by the funniest teacher in the world - the writer Leonid Kaminsky. From mischievous and curious childish stories, he collected a real collection of school humor.

9) Collection "The funniest stories"(7-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The collection collected exceptionally funny stories from various authors, including V. Dragunsky, L. Panteleev, V. Oseeva, M. Korshunov, V. Golyavkin, L. Kaminsky, I. Pivovarova, S. Makhotin, M. Druzhinina.

10) N. Teffi Humorous Stories(8-14 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

MY-SHOP Fascinating word creation
MY-SHOP Kishmish and others

Nadezhda Taffy (1872-1952) did not write specifically for children. This "queen of Russian humor" had an exclusively adult audience. But those stories of the writer, which are written about children, are unusually lively, cheerful and witty. And the children in these stories are simply charming - spontaneous, unlucky, naive and incredibly sweet, however, like all children at all times. Acquaintance with the work of N. Teffi will bring a lot of joy to both young readers and their parents. Read with the whole family!

11) V. Golyavkin "Carousel in the head"(7-10 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


If everyone knows Nosov and Dragunsky, then Golyavkin is for some reason much less known (and completely undeservedly). Acquaintance turns out to be very pleasant - light ironic stories describing simple everyday situations that are close and understandable to children. In addition, the book contains the story "My Good Dad", written in the same accessible language, but much more emotionally saturated - small stories filled with love and light sadness for the father who died in the war.

12) M. Druzhinina "My cheerful day off"(6-10 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The book of the famous children's writer Marina Druzhinina includes funny stories and poems about modern boys and girls. What just does not happen to these inventors and mischievous people at school and at home! The book "My Merry Weekend" was awarded a diploma of the International Literary Prize SV Mikhalkov "Clouds".

13) V. Alenikov "The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin"(8-12 years old)

Labyrinth Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin Online store Labyrinth.

Everyone who was once small knows Vasya Petrov and Petya Vasechkin in much the same way as their classmates. At the end of the 80s, there was not a single teenager who would not make friends with them thanks to the films of Vladimir Alenikov.
These old teenagers grew up and became parents, while Petrov and Vasechkin remained the same and still love ordinary and incredible adventures, they are in love with Masha and are ready to do anything for her. Even learn to swim, speak French and serenades.

14) I. Pivovarova "What is my head thinking about"(7-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The book of the famous children's writer Irina Pivovarova includes funny stories and stories about the funny adventures of the third grader Lucy Sinitsyna and her friends. The unusual, full of humor stories that happen to this inventor and prankster will be read with pleasure not only by children, but also by their parents.

15) V. Medvedev "Barankin, be a man"(8-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The story "Barankin, be a man!" - the most famous book by the writer V. Medvedev - tells about the hilarious adventures of school friends Yura Barankin and Kostya Malinin. In search of a carefree life, in which they don’t give deuces and don’t give lessons at all, the friends decided to turn ... into sparrows. And they have turned! And then - into butterflies, then - into ants ... But they did not have an easy life among birds and insects. Quite the opposite happened. After all the transformations, returning to normal life, Barankin and Malinin realized what a happiness it is to live among people and be a person!

16) About Henry "Chief of the Redskins"(8-14 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The story of hapless kidnappers who stole a child to ransom him. As a result, tired of the boy's tricks, they were forced to pay his father to save them from the little robber.

17) A. Lindgren "Emil from Lenneberg", "Pippi-Longstocking"(6-12 years old)

Labyrinth Emil from Lennebergi Online store Labyrinth.

A cheerful story about Emil from Lenneberga, written by the wonderful Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren and brilliantly retold into Russian by Lilianna Lungina, fell in love with adults and children all over the planet. This swirling little boy is a terrible mischief-maker, he will not live a day without playing pranks. Well, who would think of chasing a cat to check if it jumps well?! Or put on a tureen? Or set fire to the feather on the pastor's hat? Or catch your own father in a rat trap, and feed the piglet with drunken cherries?

Labyrinth Pippi Longstocking Online store Labyrinth.

How can a little girl carry a horse in her arms?! Imagine what can!
And this girl's name is Pippi Longstocking. It was invented by the wonderful Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren.
There is no one in the world stronger than Pippi, she is able to put even the most famous strongman on her shoulder blades. But not only Pippi is famous for this. She is also the funniest, most unpredictable, most mischievous and kindest girl in the world, with whom you definitely want to make friends!

18) E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat"(5-10 years)

Labyrinth Uncle Fedor, dog and cat Online store Labyrinth.

Something happens all the time with the inhabitants of the village of Prostokvashino - not a day without adventures. Either Matroskin and Sharik will quarrel, and Uncle Fyodor reconciles them, then Pechkin is at war with Khvatayka, then Murka the cow is acting weird.

19) P.Maar Series about Subastic(8-12 years old)

Labyrinth Subastic Online store Labyrinth.
MY-SHOP Subastic, Uncle Alvin and Kangaroo
MY-SHOP Subastic in danger
MY-SHOP And on Saturday Subastic is back

An amazing, funny and kind book by Paul Maar will show what it is like for parents with a naughty child. Even if this child is a magical creature named Subastic, walking around only in a diving suit and destroying everything that comes to hand, be it a glass, a piece of wood or nails.

20) A. Usachev "Smart dog Sonya. Stories"(5-9 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

This is the story of two funny and witty friends and their parents, whom they are very similar to. Vasya and Petya are tireless explorers, so they can't even live one day without adventure: either they reveal the insidious plan of the criminals, or they arrange a painter's competition in the apartment, or they look for a treasure.

22) Nikolai Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"(8-12 years old)

Labyrinth "Vitya Maleev at school and at home Labyrinth online store.
MY-SHOP Vitya Maleev from EKSMO
MY-SHOP Vitya Maleev in the Retro-classic series
MY-SHOP Vitya Maleev from Makhaon

This is a story about school friends - Vita Maleev and Kostya Shishkin: about their mistakes, sorrows and insults, joys and victories. Friends are upset because of poor progress and missed lessons at school, they are happy, having overcome their own disorganization and laziness, having earned the approval of adults and classmates, and, in the end, they understand that without knowledge you will not achieve anything in life.

23) L. Davydychev "The life of Ivan Semyonov, a second-grader and a repeater, full of hardships and dangers, is difficult"(8-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


An incredibly funny story about Ivan Semyonov, the most unfortunate boy in the whole wide world. Well, think for yourself, why should he be happy? Learning for him is torture. Isn't training better? True, a dislocation of his arm and a nearly split head did not allow him to continue the work he had begun. Then he decided to retire. I even wrote a statement. Again, bad luck - a day later the application was returned and the boy was advised to first learn how to write correctly, finish school, and then work. The commander of the scouts is a worthy occupation, Ivan decided then. But here, too, disappointment awaited him.
What to do with this loafer and loafer? And that's what the school came up with: Ivan must be taken in tow. For this purpose, a girl from the fourth grade, Adelaide, was assigned to him. Since then, Ivan's quiet life has ended ...

24) A. Nekrasov "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel"(8-12 years old)

Labyrinth Adventures of Captain Vrungel Online store Labyrinth.
MY-SHOP Adventures of Captain Vrungel from Makhaon
MY-SHOP Adventures of Captain Vrungel from Planet
MY-SHOP Adventures of Captain Vrungel from Eksmo

Andrey Nekrasov's cheerful story about Captain Vrungel has long been one of the most beloved and sought after. After all, only such a brave captain is able to cope with a shark with a lemon, neutralize a boa constrictor with a fire extinguisher, make a running machine out of ordinary squirrels in a wheel. The fantastic adventures of Captain Vrungel, his senior assistant Lom and sailor Fuchs, who set off on a round-the-world trip on a two-seater sailing yacht "Trouble", have been pleasing more than one generation of dreamers, dreamers, all those who have a passion for adventure.

25) Y. Sotnik "How they saved me"(8-12 years old)
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)


The book includes well-known stories written by Yuri Sotnik in different years: "Archimedes" by Vovka Grushin, "How I was independent", "Dudkin sharp", "The gunner's granddaughter", "How they saved me", etc. These stories are sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but always very instructive. Do you know how mischievous and inventive your parents were once? Almost the same as you. If you don’t believe it, read for yourself what stories happened to them. This collection of a cheerful and kind writer is for everyone who loves to laugh.

Fairy tales are poetic stories of extraordinary events and adventures involving fictional characters. In modern Russian, the concept of the word "fairy tale" has acquired its meaning since the 17th century. Until that moment, the word "fable" was supposedly used in this meaning.

One of the main features of a fairy tale is that it is always based on a fictional story, with a happy ending, where good triumphs over evil. The stories contain a certain hint, which enables the child to learn to recognize good and evil, to comprehend life on illustrative examples.

Children's fairy tales read online

Reading fairy tales is one of the main and important stages on the way of your child to life. A variety of stories make it clear that the world around us is quite contradictory and unpredictable. Listening to stories about the adventures of the main characters, children learn to appreciate love, honesty, friendship and kindness.

Reading fairy tales is useful not only for children. Having matured, we forget that in the end, good always triumphs over evil, that all adversity is unimportant, and the beautiful princess is waiting for her prince on a white horse. To give a little good mood and plunge into the fairy-tale world is quite simple!

Konstantin Ushinsky "Children in the Grove"

Two children, brother and sister, went to school. They had to pass by a beautiful, shady grove. It was hot and dusty on the road, but cool and cheerful in the grove.

— Do you know what? brother said to sister. “We still have time to go to school. The school is now stuffy and boring, but in the grove it should be a lot of fun. Listen to the birds screaming there, and how many squirrels, how many squirrels jump on the branches! Shall we go there, sister?

The sister liked the brother's proposal. The children threw the alphabet into the grass, joined hands and disappeared between the green bushes, under the curly birch trees. It was definitely fun and noisy in the grove. The birds fluttered incessantly, singing and shouting; squirrels jumped on the branches; insects scurried about in the grass.

First of all, the children saw the golden bug.

“Play with us,” the children said to the bug.

“I would love to,” replied the beetle, “but I don’t have time: I have to get myself dinner.”

“Play with us,” the children said to the yellow, furry bee.

- I have no time to play with you, - the bee answered, - I need to collect honey.

- Will you play with us? the children asked the ant.

But the ant had no time to listen to them: he dragged a straw three times his size and hurried to build his cunning dwelling.

The children turned to the squirrel, suggesting that she also play with them, but the squirrel waved its fluffy tail and replied that it should stock up on nuts for the winter. The dove said, "I'm building a nest for my little babies."

A gray bunny ran to the stream to wash its muzzle. The white strawberry flower also had no time to take care of children: it took advantage of the beautiful weather and hurried to prepare its juicy, tasty berry on time.

The children got bored that everyone was busy with their own business and no one wanted to play with them. They ran to the stream. Murmuring on the stones, the stream ran through the grove.

- You certainly have nothing to do, - the children told him, - Play with us.

- How! I have nothing to do? the stream murmured angrily. Oh, you lazy kids! Look at me: I work day and night and do not know a moment of peace. Am I not singing people and animals? Who, besides me, washes clothes, turns mill wheels, carries boats and puts out fires? Oh, I have so much work that my head is spinning, - added the stream and began to murmur over the stones.

The children became even more bored, and they thought that it would be better for them to go to school first, and then, on their way from school, go into the grove. But at that very moment the boy noticed a tiny, beautiful robin on a green branch. She seemed to be sitting very calmly, whistling a merry song out of nothing to do.

- Hey, you merry sing-along! the boy shouted to the robin. “You seem to have absolutely nothing to do: play with us.”

- How? the offended robin whistled. - I have nothing to do? Haven't I been catching midges all day to feed my little ones! I am so tired that I cannot raise my wings, and now I lull my dear children with a song. What did you do today, little sloths? They didn’t go to school, they didn’t learn anything, they run around the grove, and even interfere with other people’s work. Better go where you were sent, and remember that it is only pleasant for him to rest and play, who has worked and done everything that he had to do.

The children were ashamed; they went to school, and although they came late, they studied diligently.

Georgy Skrebitsky "Everyone in his own way"

In the summer in the forest, in a clearing, a hare was born to a long-eared hare. He was not born helpless, naked, like some kind of mice or squirrels, not at all. He was born in gray fluffy fur, with open eyes, so smart, independent, he could immediately run and even hide from enemies in thick grass.

“You’ve done well with me,” the hare told him in her hare language. “Lie here quietly under a bush, don’t run anywhere, and if you start running, jumping, there will be traces of your paws on the ground.” A fox or a wolf will stumble upon them, they will immediately find you on the trail and eat you. Well, be smart, relax, gain more strength, but I need to run, stretch my paws.

And the hare, having made a big jump, galloped off into the forest. Since then, the hare was fed not only by her own mother, but also by other hares, those that accidentally ran into this clearing. After all, the hares have got it so from time immemorial: a hare stumbles upon a baby, she doesn’t care whether she’s her own or someone else’s, she will definitely feed her with milk.

Soon the hare was completely strong, grew up, began to eat juicy grass and run through the forest, getting to know its inhabitants - birds and animals.

The days were fine, there was plenty of food around, and in the thick grass, in the bushes it was easy to hide from enemies.

The hare lived for himself, did not grieve. So, without caring about anything, he lived obliquely a warm summer.

But now autumn has come. It got cold. The trees withered. The wind tore off the withered leaves from the branches and circled over the forest. Then the leaves fell to the ground. They lay there restlessly: all the time fussing, whispering among themselves. And from this the forest was filled with an alarming rustle.

The hare could hardly sleep. Every minute he was alert, listening to suspicious sounds. It seemed to him that it was not the leaves rustling in the wind, but something terrible creeping up on him from behind the bushes.

The hare often jumped up during the day, ran from place to place, looking for safer shelters. Searched and did not find.

But, running through the forest, he saw a lot of new, interesting things that he had never seen before in the summer. He noticed that all his forest acquaintances - animals and birds - were fussing about something, doing something.

Once he met a squirrel, but she did not jump, as usual, from branch to branch, but descended to the ground, picked a boletus mushroom, then grabbed it tightly in her teeth and jumped up a tree with him. There, the squirrel stuck the mushroom into the fork between the knots. The hare saw that several mushrooms were already hanging on the same tree.

“Why are you tearing them up and hanging them on knots?” - he asked.

- What do you mean why? the squirrel replied. Winter will come soon, everything will be covered with snow, then it will be difficult to get food. So now I'm in a hurry to prepare more stocks. I dry mushrooms on boughs, I collect nuts and acorns in hollows. Don't you stock up on food for the winter?

“No,” answered the hare, “I don’t know how to do it.” The bunny mom didn't teach me.

“Your deeds are bad,” the squirrel shook her head. - Then insulate your nest at least better, plug all the cracks with moss.

“Yes, I don’t even have a nest,” the hare was embarrassed. - I sleep under a bush, where necessary.

"Well, that's no good!" - the household squirrel spread its paws. “I don’t know how you will survive the winter without food supplies, without a warm nest.

And she again set to her chores, and the bunny sadly jumped on.

It was already evening, the hare reached a deaf ravine. There he stopped and listened attentively. Down the ravine with a slight noise every now and then small lumps of earth rolled down.

The hare got up on its hind legs to get a better look at what was going on there in front. Yes, this is a badger fussing near the hole. The hare ran up to him and greeted him.

“Hello, oblique,” ​​replied the badger. - Are you jumping? So sit down, sit down. Wow, I'm tired, even my paws hurt! Look how much earth was dug out of the hole.

"Why are you ditching her?" the bunny asked.

- By winter, I clean the hole so that it is more spacious. I’ll clean it out, then I’ll drag the moss, the fallen leaves there, I’ll make a bed. Then I'm not afraid of winter. Lie down, lie down.

“And the squirrel advised me to build a nest for the winter,” said the hare.

“Don’t listen to her,” the badger waved his paw. She learned how to build nests in trees from birds. Empty job. Animals need to live in a hole. This is the way I live. Help me dig better escape routes out of the hole. We will arrange everything as it is necessary, we will climb into the hole, we will spend the winter together.

“No, I don’t know how to dig a hole,” answered the hare. “Yes, and I won’t be able to sit underground in a hole, I’ll suffocate there.” It is better to rest under a bush.

- Here the frost will soon show you how to rest under a bush! the badger replied angrily. “Well, if you don’t want to help me, then run wherever you want. Don't bother me making a home.

Not far from the water, someone big, clumsy was fumbling near the aspen. “The beaver, he is the very one,” the hare saw, and in two jumps he found himself near him.

"Hey buddy, what are you doing here?" the bunny asked.

“Yes, I’m working, nibbling aspen,” the beaver answered slowly. - I’ll throw it on the ground, then I’ll start biting the branches, pulling them into the river, I’ll warm my hut for the winter. You see, on the island is my house - it is built entirely of boughs, and the cracks are smeared with silt, inside I am warm, comfortable.

- How do you get into your house? the bunny asked. - The entrance is nowhere to be seen.

- The entrance to my hut is arranged below, under water. I will swim to the island, dive to the very bottom, and there I will find the entrance to my house. There is no better animal house than my hut. Let's insulate it together for the winter, together we will winter.

- No, - answered the hare, - I don’t know how to dive and swim under water, I’ll drown right away, I’d rather spend the winter under a bush.

“You shouldn’t want to spend the winter with me,” the beaver answered and began to gnaw on the aspen.

Suddenly something rustles in the bushes! Oblique already wanted to take to his heels, but then an old acquaintance, a hedgehog, looked out of the fallen leaves.

- Hello, buddy! he shouted. - Are you so sad, ears hanging out?

“My friends upset me,” answered the hare. - They say that you need to build a warm nest or a hut for the winter, but I don’t know how.

- Build a hut? the hedgehog laughed. - That's nonsense! You better do what I do: every night I eat more heartily, store more fat, and when there is enough reserve, then it will start to make me sleepy. Then I will climb into the fallen leaves, into the moss, curl up in a ball and fall asleep for the whole winter. And when you sleep, then neither frost nor wind are afraid of you.

“No,” answered the hare, “I won’t be able to sleep through the whole winter.” My sleep is sensitive, disturbing, I wake up every minute from every rustle.

“Well, then do as you like,” answered the hedgehog. - Farewell, it's time for me to look for a place for my winter sleep.

And the animal again disappeared into the bushes.

The hare trudged further through the forest. Wandered, wandered. The night has already passed, the morning has come. He got out into the clearing. She looks - many, many thrushes have gathered on her. All the trees are stuck around and jumping on the ground, shouting, cracking, arguing about something.

- What are you arguing about? the hare asked the thrush, which was sitting closer to him.

- Yes, we are discussing when we fly from here to warm countries for the winter.

"Won't you stay in our forest for the winter?"

- What are you, what are you! the thrush was surprised. - In winter, snow will fall, cover all the earth and branches of trees. Where can you find food then? We fly with us to the south, where it is warm in winter and there is plenty of food.

“Don’t you see, I don’t even have wings,” the hare replied sadly. I'm an animal, not a bird. Animals cannot fly.

“That’s not true,” said the thrush. - Bats are also animals, but they fly no worse than us birds. They have already flown south to warm countries.

The hare did not answer the thrush, he only waved his paw and ran away.

“How will I winter? he thought anxiously. All the animals and birds prepare for winter in their own way. And I have neither a warm nest, nor food supplies, and I will not be able to fly south. I'll probably have to die of hunger and cold."

Another month has passed. Bushes and trees shed their last leaves. It's time for rain and cold. The forest became gloomy, dull. Most of the birds flew to warm countries. The animals hid in holes, in nests, in lairs. The hare was sad in the empty forest, and besides, trouble happened to him: the hare suddenly noticed that the skin on it began to turn white. Summer, gray wool was replaced by a new one - fluffy, warm, but completely white. First, the hind legs turned white, then the sides, then the back, and finally the head. Only the tips of the ears are black.

“How can I hide from enemies now? the hare thought with horror. “In a white coat, both the fox and the hawk will immediately notice me.” And the hare hid in the very wilderness, under the bushes, in the marshy thickets. However, even there, a white fur coat could easily betray him to the keen eye of a predator.

But one day, when the hare was lying, climbing under a bush, he saw that everything around him somehow suddenly darkened. The sky was covered with clouds; however, it did not rain from them, but something white and cold fell down.

The first snowflakes swirled in the air, began to settle on the ground, on the faded grass, on the bare branches of bushes and trees. With every second, the snow fell thicker and thicker. It was already impossible to see the nearest trees. Everything drowned in a continuous white stream.

The snow stopped only in the evening. The sky cleared, the stars came out, bright and radiant, like blue frosty needles. They lit up the fields and forests, dressed up, covered with a white veil of winter.

Night had already fallen, and the hare was still lying under a bush. He was afraid to get out of his ambush and go for a night walk on this unusually white land.

Finally, hunger nevertheless forced him to leave the shelter and look for food.

Finding it was not so difficult - the snow only slightly covered the ground and did not even hide the smallest bushes.

But a completely different misfortune happened: as soon as the hare jumped out from under the bushes and ran across the clearing, he saw with horror that a string of his tracks followed him everywhere.

“Following such tracks, any enemy can easily find me,” thought the scythe.

Therefore, when in the morning he again went on a daytime rest, the hare, even more carefully than before, confused his tracks.

Only after doing this, he hid under a bush and dozed off.

But winter brought with it more than just grief. When dawn broke, the hare saw with joy that his white fur coat was completely invisible on the white snow. The bunny seemed to be dressed in an invisibility fur coat. In addition, it was much warmer than his summer gray skin, perfectly saved from frost and wind.

“Winter is not so terrible,” the hare decided and calmly dozed off for the whole day until evening.

But only the beginning of winter turned out to be so pleasant, and then things went from bad to worse. There was a lot of snow. It was almost impossible to tear it open to get to the surviving greenery. The hare ran in vain through the high snowdrifts in search of food. It was not often that he managed to chew on some twig sticking out from under the snow.

Once, running in search of food, the hare saw the forest giants of elks. They calmly stood in the aspen and gnawed with appetite the bark and shoots of young aspens.

“Let me try,” thought the hare. “But the trouble is: elk have high legs, long necks, it’s easy for them to reach young shoots, but how can I get it?”

But then a high snowdrift caught his eye. The hare jumped on it, stood on its hind legs, easily reached out to the young, thin branches and began to gnaw them. Then he gnawed the bark of the aspen. All this seemed very tasty to him, and he ate his fill.

“So the snow hasn’t done much trouble,” the scythe decided. “He hid the grass, but he let it get to the branches of the bushes and trees.”

Everything would be fine, only the frost and the wind began to pester the hare. Even a warm coat did not save him.

There was nowhere to hide from the cold in the bare winter forest.

"Wow, how cold!" - said the oblique, running through the forest clearing to warm up a little.

The day had already come, it was high time to go on vacation, but the hare still could not find a place for himself to hide from the icy wind.

Birch trees grew on the very edge of the clearing. Suddenly, the hare saw that large forest birds, black grouse, were calmly sitting on them and feeding. They flew here to feast on the catkins that hung at the ends of thin branches.

- Well, you've eaten - it's time to rest, - the old black grouse said to his brothers. “Let’s hide in the minks from the angry wind.”

“What kind of minks can grouse have?” - the bunny was surprised.

But then he saw that the old black grouse, having fallen off the branch, fell in a lump right into the snow, as if diving into the water. Other black grouse did the same, and soon the whole flock disappeared under the snow.

"Is it really warm in there?" - the hare was surprised and decided to immediately try to dig a snow hole for himself. And what? In the mink under the snow it turned out to be much warmer than on the surface. The wind did not blow, and the frost pestered much less.

Since then, the hare has become quite accustomed to how he spends the winter. A white fur coat in a white forest hid him from the eyes of the enemy, snowdrifts helped him get to the succulent shoots, and a deep mink in the snow saved him from the cold. The hare felt in the winter among the snow-covered bushes no worse than in the summer in the green flowering thickets. He did not even notice how the winter had passed.

And now the sun warmed up again, melted the snow, the grass turned green again, the leaves on the bushes and trees blossomed. Birds returned from the southern countries.

A bustling squirrel crawled out of its nest where it hid in the winter from the cold. A badger, a beaver and a prickly hedgehog got out of their shelters. Each of them told about how he spent the long winter. Everyone believed that he spent it better than others. And all together they were surprised, looking at the hare. How, poor fellow, did he spend the winter without a warm nest, without a hole, without food supplies? And the bunny listened to his friends and only laughed. After all, he lived quite well in the winter in his snow-white invisible fur coat.

Even now, in the spring, he also wore an invisibility coat, only different, the color of the earth - not white, but gray.

Alexander Kuprin "Elephant"

The little girl is unwell. Every day Dr. Mikhail Petrovich, whom she has known for a long time, visits her. And sometimes he brings with him two more doctors, strangers. They turn the girl over on her back and on her stomach, listen to something with her ear to her body, pull her eyelids down and look. At the same time, they somehow importantly snore, their faces are strict, and they speak among themselves in an incomprehensible language.

Then they move from the nursery to the living room, where their mother is waiting for them. The most important doctor - tall, gray-haired, with golden glasses - tells her about something seriously and for a long time. The door is not closed, and the girl from her bed can see and hear everything. She does not understand much, but she knows that it is about her. Mom looks at the doctor with big, tired, tear-stained eyes. Saying goodbye, the head doctor says loudly:

Most importantly, don't let her get bored. Fulfill all her whims.

“Ah, doctor, but she wants nothing!”

“Well, I don’t know… remember what she liked before, before her illness. Toys... some treats...

— No, no, doctor, she doesn't want anything...

- Well, try to entertain her somehow ... Well, at least with something ... I give you my word of honor that if you manage to make her laugh, cheer up, then this will be the best medicine. Understand, then, that your daughter is sick with indifference to life, and nothing else ... Goodbye, madam!

“Dear Nadia, my dear girl,” says my mother, “do you want something?”

“No, Mom, I don’t want anything.

- If you want, I will put all your dolls on your bed. We will supply an armchair, a sofa, a table and a tea set. The dolls will drink tea and talk about the weather and the health of their children.

- Thank you, mom ... I don’t feel like ... I’m bored ...

“Well, okay, my girl, don’t need dolls. Or maybe call Katya or Zhenechka to you? You love them so much.

- Don't, Mom. The truth is, you don't have to. I don't want anything, I don't want anything. I am so bored!

Do you want me to bring you some chocolate?

But the girl does not answer and looks at the ceiling with motionless, sad eyes. She has no pain and no fever. But she is getting thinner and weaker every day. Whatever they do to her, she doesn't care, and she doesn't need anything. So she lies for whole days and whole nights, quiet, sad. Sometimes she will doze off for half an hour, but even in her dream she sees something gray, long, boring, like an autumn rain.

When the door to the living room is opened from the nursery, and further into the study from the living room, the girl sees her father. Dad walks quickly from corner to corner and smokes, smokes. Sometimes he comes into the nursery, sits on the edge of the bed and softly strokes Nadia's legs. Then suddenly he gets up and goes to the window.

He whistles something, looking out into the street, but his shoulders are shaking. Then he hurriedly puts the handkerchief to one eye, to the other, and, as if angry, goes to his office. Then he again runs from corner to corner and everything ... smokes, smokes, smokes ... And the office becomes all blue from tobacco smoke.

But one morning the girl wakes up a little more cheerful than usual. She saw something in a dream, but she cannot remember what it was, and looks long and attentively into her mother's eyes.

- Do you need something? Mom asks.

But the girl suddenly remembers her dream and says in a whisper, as if in secret:

- Mom ... can I have ... an elephant? Just not the one shown in the picture ... Can I?

- Of course, my girl, of course, you can.

She goes to the office and tells her dad that the girl wants an elephant. Dad immediately puts on his coat and hat and leaves somewhere. Half an hour later he returns with an expensive, beautiful toy. This is a big gray elephant who himself shakes his head and wags his tail; the elephant has a red saddle, and on the saddle is a golden tent, and three little men are sitting in it. But the girl looks at the toy as indifferently as she does at the ceiling and walls, and says languidly:

- Not. It's not like that at all. I wanted a real, live elephant, but this one is dead.

“Just look, Nadya,” says dad. “We’ll wind him up now, and he’ll be just, just like a living thing.

The elephant is turned on with a key, and, shaking his head and waving his tail, he begins to step over his feet and slowly walks along the table. The girl is not at all interested and even bored, but in order not to upset her father, she whispers meekly:

“I thank you very, very much, dear papa. I think no one has such an interesting toy... Only... remember... after all, you promised to take me to the menagerie to see a real elephant... and you never took me...

“But listen, my dear girl, understand that this is impossible. The elephant is very big, it's up to the ceiling, it won't fit in our rooms... And besides, where can I get it?

- Dad, I don’t need such a big one ... Bring me at least a small one, only alive. Well, at least here, like this ... At least a baby elephant ...

“Dear girl, I’m glad to do everything for you, but I can’t do this. After all, it's the same as if you suddenly told me: dad, get me the sun from the sky.

The girl smiles sadly.

“What a fool you are, dad. Don't I know that the sun can't be reached because it burns. And the moon is also impossible. No, I would like an elephant... a real one.

And she quietly closes her eyes and whispers:

— I'm tired... Excuse me, dad...

Dad grabs his hair and runs into the office. There he flickers from corner to corner for a while. Then he resolutely throws a half-smoked cigarette on the floor (for which he always gets it from his mother) and shouts to the maid:

- Olga! Coat and hat!

The wife comes into the front.

Where are you, Sasha? she asks.

He breathes heavily as he buttons up his coat.

“I myself, Mashenka, don’t know where... Only it seems that by tonight I will actually bring here, to us, a real elephant.”

His wife looks at him worriedly.

"Darling, are you well?" Do you have a headache? Maybe you didn't sleep well today?

“I didn’t sleep at all,” he replies.

angrily. I see you want to ask if I'm crazy? Not yet. Goodbye! Everything will be visible in the evening.

And he disappears, slamming the front door loudly.

Two hours later, he sits in the menagerie, in the first row, and watches how the learned animals, at the order of the owner, make different things. Clever dogs jump, somersault, dance, sing to music, put words from large cardboard letters. Monkeys - some in red skirts, others in blue pants - walk on a tightrope and ride a big poodle. Huge red lions gallop through burning hoops. A clumsy seal fires a pistol. Finally, the elephants are brought out. There are three of them: one large, two very small, dwarfs, but still much larger than a horse. It is strange to watch how these huge animals, seemingly so clumsy and heavy, perform the most difficult tricks that even a very dexterous person cannot do. The largest elephant is especially distinguished. He first stands on his hind legs, sits down, stands on his head, feet up, walks on wooden bottles, walks on a rolling barrel, turns the pages of a large cardboard book with his trunk, and finally sits down at the table and, tied with a napkin, dines, just like a well-bred boy .

The show ends. The spectators disperse. Nadia's father approaches the fat German, the owner of the menagerie. The owner stands behind a wooden partition and holds a large black cigar in his mouth.

“Excuse me, please,” Nadya’s father says. - Can you let your elephant go to my house for a while?

The German opens his eyes wide in surprise and then his mouth, causing the cigar to fall to the ground. Groaning, he bends down, picks up the cigar, puts it back in his mouth, and only then says:

— Let go? Elephant? Home? I do not understand.

It can be seen from the German’s eyes that he also wants to ask if Nadya’s father has a headache... But the father hastily explains what’s the matter: his only daughter, Nadya, is sick with some strange disease, which even the doctors don’t understand how follows. She has been lying in bed for a month, losing weight, getting weaker every day, not interested in anything, bored and slowly fading away. Doctors tell her to entertain, but she doesn't like anything, they tell her to fulfill all her desires, but she has no desires. Today she wanted to see a live elephant. Is it really impossible to do this? And he adds in a trembling voice, taking the German by the button of his coat:

- Well, here ... Of course, I hope that my girl will recover. But... God save... what if her illness ends badly... what if the girl dies?

The German frowns and scratches his left eyebrow with his little finger in thought. Finally he asks:

— Hm... And how old is your girl?

“Um… My Lisa is also six. Um... But, you know, it will cost you dearly. You will have to bring the elephant at night and only take it back the next night. During the day you can't. The public will gather, and there will be one scandal ... Thus, it turns out that I lose the whole day, and you must return the loss to me.

“Oh, of course, of course… don’t worry about it…”

- Then: will the police allow one elephant to enter one house?

- I'll arrange it. Allow.

- Another question: will the owner of your house allow one elephant to enter his house?

- Let me. I am the owner of this house.

— Aha! This is even better. And then another question: which floor do you live on?

— In the second.

— Hm... It's not so good anymore... Do you have a wide staircase in your house, a high ceiling, a large room, wide doors and a very strong floor. Because my Tommy is three arshins and four inches high and five and a half arshins long. In addition, it weighs one hundred and twelve pounds.

Nadia's father thinks for a minute.

— Do you know what? he says. “Let’s go to my place now and look at everything on the spot. If necessary, I will order to expand the passage in the walls.

- Very well! - agrees the owner of the menagerie.

At night, the elephant is taken to visit a sick girl. In a white blanket, he strides importantly along the very middle of the street, shaking his head and twisting and then developing his trunk. Around him, despite the late hour, a large crowd. But the elephant does not pay attention to her: every day he sees hundreds of people in the menagerie. Only once did he get a little angry.

Some street boy ran up to his very feet and began to grimace for the amusement of onlookers. Then the elephant calmly took off his hat with his trunk and threw it over the neighboring fence, studded with nails.

The policeman walks among the crowd and persuades her:

“Gentlemen, please leave. And what do you find so unusual here? I'm surprised! It's like they've never seen a live elephant on the street.

They approach the house. On the stairs, as well as along the whole path of the elephant, up to the dining room, all the doors were thrown wide open, for which it was necessary to beat off the door locks with a hammer. The same was done once when a large miraculous icon was brought into the house. But in front of the stairs, the elephant stops in anxiety and becomes stubborn.

“We must give him some kind of treat ...” says the German. - Some sweet bun or something ... But ... Tommy! .. Wow ... Tommy! ..

Nadine's father runs to a nearby bakery and buys a big round pistachio cake. The elephant feels like swallowing it whole, along with the cardboard box, but the German only gives him a quarter. The cake is to Tommy's taste, and he holds out his trunk for a second slice. However, the German turns out to be more cunning. Holding a delicacy in his hand, he climbs up from step to step, and the elephant with an outstretched trunk, with splayed ears, involuntarily follows him. On the court, Tommy gets the second piece.

Thus, he is brought to the dining room, from where all the furniture has been taken out in advance, and the floor is thickly covered with straw ... The elephant is tied by the leg to a ring screwed into the floor. Put before him fresh carrots, cabbage and turnips. The German is located nearby, on the couch. The lights go out and everyone goes to bed.

The next day, the girl wakes up a little before light and first of all asks:

- What about an elephant? He came?

“I came,” my mother answers, “but only he ordered Nadia to wash herself first, and then eat a soft-boiled egg and drink hot milk.

- Is he kind?

- He is kind. Eat, girl. Now we will go to him.

- Is he funny?

— A little. Put on a warm jacket.

The egg was eaten, the milk was drunk. They put Nadya in the same stroller in which she rode when she was still so small that she could not walk at all, and they are taken to the dining room.

The elephant turns out to be much larger than Nadia thought when she looked at it in the picture. He is only a little shorter than the door, and occupies half the dining room in length. The skin on it is rough, in heavy folds. The legs are thick as pillars.

A long tail with something like a broom at the end. Head in big cones. The ears are large, like mugs, and hang down. The eyes are quite tiny, but smart and kind. Fangs are cut off. The trunk is like a long snake and ends in two nostrils, and between them is a movable, flexible finger. If an elephant extended its trunk to its full length, it would probably reach the window with it. The girl is not scared at all. She is only a little struck by the enormous size of the animal. But the nanny, sixteen-year-old Polya, begins to squeal with fear.

The owner of the elephant, a German, comes up to the carriage and says:

— Good morning, young lady. Please don't be afraid. Tommy is very kind and loves children.

The girl holds out her little pale hand to the German.

- Hello. How are you? she answers. “I'm not at all afraid. And what is his name?

“Hi, Tommy,” the girl says, bowing her head. Because the elephant is so big, she does not dare to speak to him in you. - How did you sleep that night?

She holds out her hand to him. The elephant carefully takes and shakes her thin fingers with his movable strong finger and does it much more gently than Dr. Mikhail Petrovich. At the same time, the elephant shakes its head, and its small eyes are completely narrowed, as if laughing.

Does he understand everything? the German girl asks.

“Oh, absolutely everything, young lady!

But he doesn't speak?

Yes, but he doesn't speak. You know, I also have one daughter, just as small as you. Her name is Liza. Tommy is a big, very big buddy with her.

“Have you had your tea yet, Tommy?” the elephant girl asks.

The elephant again stretches out its trunk and blows a warm strong blow into the very face of the girl.

breathing, causing the light hair on the girl's head to fly in all directions.

Nadia laughs and claps her hands. The German laughs hard. He himself is as big, fat and good-natured as an elephant, and it seems to Nadia that they both look alike. Maybe they are related?

— No, he didn't drink tea, young lady. But he enjoys drinking sugar water. He also loves buns.

They bring a tray of rolls. The girl feeds the elephant. He deftly grabs the roll with his finger and, bending his trunk into a ring, hides it somewhere down under his head, where his funny, triangular, furry lower lip moves. You can hear the bun rustling against dry skin. Tommy does the same with the other roll, and the third, and the fourth, and the fifth, and nods his head in gratitude, and his small eyes narrow even more with pleasure. And the girl laughs happily.

When all the rolls are eaten, Nadia introduces the elephant to her dolls:

“Look, Tommy, this fancy doll is Sonya. She is a very kind child, but a little capricious and does not want to eat soup. And this is Natasha, Sonya's daughter. She is already starting to learn and knows almost all the letters. And here is Matryoshka. This is my very first doll. See, she doesn't have a nose, and her head is glued on, and there's no more hair. But still, you can’t kick the old woman out of the house. Really, Tommy? She used to be Sonya's mother, and now she serves as our cook. Well, let's play, Tommy: you will be a dad, and I will be a mom, and these will be our children.

Tommy agrees. He laughs, takes Matryoshka by the neck and drags it into his mouth. But this is just a joke. Having lightly chewed the doll, he again puts it on the girl's knees, though a little wet and rumpled.

Then Nadia shows him a large book with pictures and explains:

- This is a horse, this is a canary, this is a gun ... Here is a cage with a bird, here is a bucket, a mirror, a stove, a shovel, a crow ... And this, look, this is an elephant! Doesn't it really look like it? Are elephants really that small, Tommy?

Tommy finds that there are never such little elephants in the world. In general, he does not like this picture. He grabs the edge of the page with his finger and turns it over.

The hour of dinner comes, but the girl cannot be torn away from the elephant. The German comes to the rescue

“Let me arrange it all. They will have lunch together.

He orders the elephant to sit down. The elephant obediently sits down, which causes the floor in the whole apartment to shake, the dishes in the closet rattle, and plaster falls from the ceiling of the lower tenants. A girl sits in front of him. A table is placed between them. The tablecloth is tied around the elephant's neck, and the new friends begin to dine. The girl is eating chicken soup and a cutlet, and the elephant is eating various vegetables and a salad. The girl is given a tiny glass of sherry, and the elephant is given warm water with a glass of rum, and he gladly pulls this drink out of the bowl with his trunk. Then they get a sweet - a girl a cup of cocoa, and an elephant half a cake, this time hazelnut. The German at this time is sitting with dad in the living room and with the same pleasure as the elephant, he drinks beer, only in larger quantities.

After dinner, some of my father's acquaintances come, they are warned about the elephant in the hall so that they are not afraid. At first they do not believe, and then, seeing Tommy, they press close to the door.

Don't be afraid, he's kind! The girl reassures them. But the acquaintances hurriedly leave for the living room and, without spending even five minutes, leave.

Evening comes. Late. It's time for the girl to sleep. However, it cannot be pulled away from the elephant. She falls asleep next to him, and she is already sleepy taken to the nursery. She doesn't even hear her being undressed.

That night, Nadia sees in a dream that she has married Tommy and they have many children, small, cheerful elephants. The elephant, which was taken to the menagerie at night, also sees in a dream a sweet, affectionate girl. In addition, he dreams of large cakes, walnut and pistachio, the size of a gate ...

In the morning the girl wakes up cheerful, fresh, and, as in the old days, when she was still healthy, she shouts to the whole house, loudly and impatiently:

- Mo-loch-ka!

Hearing this cry, mother joyfully crosses herself in her bedroom.

But the girl immediately remembers yesterday and asks:

- And the elephant?

They explain to her that the elephant has gone home on business, that he has children who cannot be left alone, that he asked to bow to Nadia and that he is waiting for her to visit him when she is healthy.

The girl smiles slyly and says:

"Tell Tommy I'm all right now!"

Mikhail Prishvin "Children and ducklings"

A little wild duck, the whistling teal, finally decided to transfer her ducklings from the forest, bypassing the village, into the lake to freedom. In the spring, this lake overflowed far, and a solid place for a nest could be found only three miles away, on a hummock, in a marshy forest. And when the water subsided, I had to travel all three miles to the lake.

In places open to the eyes of a man, a fox and a hawk, the mother walked behind, so as not to let the ducklings out of sight even for a minute. And near the forge, when crossing the road, she, of course, let them go forward. Here the guys saw them and threw their hats. All the time while they were catching ducklings, the mother ran after them with her beak open and flew in different directions for several steps in the greatest excitement. The guys were just about to throw their hats on their mother and catch her like ducklings, but then I approached.

- What will you do with the ducklings? I asked the guys sternly.

They got scared and answered:

- Let's go.

- Here's something "let go"! I said angrily. Why did you have to catch them? Where is mother now?

- He's sitting there! - the guys answered in unison. And they pointed me to a close mound of a fallow field, where the duck really sat with its mouth open from excitement.

“Quickly,” I ordered the guys, “go and return all the ducklings to her!”

They even seemed to rejoice at my order and ran with the ducklings up the hill. The mother flew off a little and, when the guys left, she rushed to save her sons and daughters. In her own way, she said something quickly to them and ran to the oat field. Ducklings ran after her - five pieces. And so through the oat field, bypassing the village, the family continued their journey to the lake.

Joyfully, I took off my hat and, waving it, shouted:

— Good luck, ducklings!

The guys laughed at me.

“What are you laughing at, fools? I said to the guys. Do you think it's so easy for ducklings to get into the lake? Just wait, wait for the university exam. Take off all your hats, shout "goodbye!".

And the same hats, dusty on the road while catching ducklings, rose into the air; All the children shouted at once:

- Goodbye, ducklings!

Mikhail Prishvin "Fox bread"

Once I walked in the forest all day and returned home in the evening with rich booty. I took off my heavy bag from my shoulders and began to spread my goods on the table.

- What kind of bird is this? Zinochka asked.

"Terenty," I replied.

And he told her about the black grouse, how he lives in the forest, how he mumbles in the spring, how he pecks at birch buds, picks berries in the swamps in autumn, and warms himself from the wind under the snow in winter. He also told her about the hazel grouse, showed her that he was grey, with a tuft, and whistled into a pipe in a hazel grouse and let her whistle. I also poured a lot of porcini mushrooms, both red and black, on the table. I also had a bloody stoneberry in my pocket, and blueberries, and red lingonberries. I also brought with me a fragrant lump of pine resin, gave the girl a sniff and said that trees are treated with this resin.

Who is treating them there? Zinochka asked.

“They are curing themselves,” I replied. - Sometimes a hunter comes, he wants to rest, he will stick an ax into a tree and hang a bag on an ax, and he will lie down under a tree. Sleep, rest. He takes out an ax from a tree, puts on a bag, leaves. And from the wound from the ax made of wood, this fragrant tar will run and this wound will be tightened.

Also, on purpose for Zinochka, I brought various wonderful herbs by leaf, by root, by flower: cuckoo's tears, valerian, Peter's cross, hare cabbage. And just under the hare cabbage I had a piece of black bread: it always happens to me that when I don’t take bread to the forest, I’m hungry, but I take it, I forget to eat it and bring it back. And Zinochka, when she saw black bread under my hare cabbage, was stunned:

“Where did the bread come from in the forest?”

- What's so amazing about that? After all, there is cabbage there ...

- Hare...

- And the bread is lisichkin. Taste.

Carefully tasted and began to eat.

- Good fox bread.

And ate all my black bread clean. And so it went with us. Zinochka, such a copula, often doesn’t even take white bread, but when I bring fox bread from the forest, she always eats it all and praises:

- Chanterelle's bread is much better than ours!

Yuri Koval "Grandfather, woman and Alyosha"

The grandfather and the woman argued about who their grandson looked like.

Baba says:

Alyosha looks like me. The same smart and economic.

Alyosha says:

- That's right, that's right, I'm all in a woman.

Grandfather says:

- And, in my opinion, Alyosha looks like me. He has the same eyes - beautiful, black. And he will probably grow the same big beard when Alyosha grows up himself.

Alyosha wanted to grow the same beard, and he says:

“That’s right, that’s right, I look more like my grandfather.”

Baba says:

- What a big beard will grow, it is still unknown. But Alyosha is much more like me. He, like me, loves tea with honey, gingerbread, jam and cheesecakes. But the samovar has just ripened. Now let's see who Alyosha looks more like.

Alyosha thought a little and said:

“Perhaps, I still look a lot like a woman.

Grandfather scratched his head and said:

- Tea with honey is not a complete resemblance. But Alyosha, just like me, loves to harness a horse, and then ride a sled into the forest. Now let's lay down the sled and go to the forest. There, they say, moose showed up, they nibble hay from our haystack. We must look.

Alyosha thought and thought and said:

- You know, grandfather, I get so strange in life. I look like a woman for half a day, and like you for half a day. Now I’ll have some tea and I’ll immediately look like you.

And while Alyosha drank tea, he closed his eyes in the same way and puffed out like a grandmother, and even when they raced on a sled into the forest, just like grandfather, he shouted: “But, oh, dear! Let's! Let's!" - and snapped the whip.

Yuri Koval "Stozhok"

By the bend of the Yalma River, in an old bath house, lived, by the way, Uncle Zui.

He lived not alone, but with his granddaughter Nyurka, and he had everything he needed - both chickens and a cow.

“Just don’t have a pig,” Uncle Zui said. “And what good is a pig for a good man?”

Back in the summer, Uncle Zui mowed the grass in the forest and swept a stack of hay, but not just swept it away - cunningly: he put the stack not on the ground, as everyone does, but right on the sled, so that it would be more convenient to take the hay out of the forest in winter.

And when winter came, Uncle Zui forgot about that hay.

“Grandfather,” says Nyurka, “why don’t you bring hay from the forest?” Oh, did you forget?

What kind of hay? - Uncle Zui was surprised, and then slapped his forehead and ran to the chairman to ask for a horse.

The chairman gave the horse a good, strong one. On it, Uncle Zui soon reached the place. He looks - his stack is covered with snow.

He began to scatter the snow around the sleigh with his foot, then looked back - there was no horse: she was gone, damned!

He ran after him - he caught up, but the horse does not go to the haystack, it rests.

“Why would she,” Uncle Zui thinks, “resists something?”

Finally, Uncle Zui harnessed her to the sleigh.

- But-oh-oh! ..

Uncle Zui smacks his lips, screams, but the horse does not move - the runners are firmly frozen to the ground. I had to tap on them with a hatchet - the sleigh started off, and a stack was on them. So it goes, as it stood in the forest.

Uncle Zui walks from the side, smacking his lips at the horse.

By dinner time we reached the house, Uncle Zui began to unharness.

- What did you bring, Zuyushko?! Pantelevna shouts to him.

- Hay, Pantelevna. Why else?

- And what do you have in your cart?

Uncle Zui looked and as he stood, he sat down in the snow. Some kind of terrible, crooked and furry muzzle stuck out from the cart - a bear!

"R-ru-u-u! .."

The bear stirred on the cart, tilted the haystack to one side and fell out into the snow. He shook his head, grabbed the snow in his teeth and ran into the forest.

- Stop! shouted Uncle Zui. - Hold him, Pantelevna!

The bear barked and disappeared into the trees.

The people began to gather.

The hunters have come, and I, of course, with them. We crowd, look at bear tracks.

Hunter Pasha says:

- Look what a lair he came up with - Zuev Stozhok.

And Pantelevna screams, frightened:

- How did he not bite you, Zuyushko? ..

- Yes, - said Uncle Zui, - now the hay will smell like bear meat. Even a cow will probably not take him in his mouth.