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"Improving the competitiveness of a higher educational institution"

educational service competitiveness higher

Shamonov P.A.

postgraduate student of the Department of Marketing of the Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov

In the article by Shamonov P.A. “Improving the Competitiveness of a Higher Educational Institution” substantiates the need to find new ways to increase the competitiveness of universities, especially state ones.

At present, the non-state sector of higher education has more opportunities than the state sector, because it is endowed with financial independence, which allows it to direct significant funds for the development of the material and technical base of education, as well as for the positioning and promotion of the educational services provided. Based on this, it is necessary to identify new ways to increase the competitiveness of higher education institutions, taking into account that the level of competition is constantly growing under the influence of various factors.

It is worth agreeing with the author that for a university, competitiveness lies in the ability to train highly qualified specialists, develop competitive innovations in the field of education, and conduct an effective reproductive policy in all areas of its activity.

Since the main sold product in the activities of the university is an educational service, which is an educational process in the conditions of market relations, it is worth highlighting a number of features. First, by consuming educational services, a person accumulates certain experience and knowledge, developing his personal and, consequently, professional capabilities. Secondly, in addition to the desire and ability to acquire knowledge, the consumer must have an initial level of education, a certain set of skills and abilities necessary to receive an educational service. Thirdly, obtaining vocational education is a long-term process during which the consumer acquires the necessary amount of knowledge and skills for his professional activities. Fourth, educational institutions must actively follow the changes, otherwise they will be uncompetitive. First of all, this is due to scientific and technological progress. It may happen that the knowledge acquired by students in the course of training may become irrelevant not after, but before their assimilation. Consequently, the university needs to stay ahead of changes in the external environment (especially at the time of the beginning of the change), the development of education must be dynamic and, if possible, accelerate the development of the university. In this regard, the task is to create a unique competitive advantage that other universities do not have.

The quality of education is currently the main competitive advantage of an educational institution along with the price. But this parameter is unstable, it is very difficult to achieve its stability. Therefore, it is important to develop and implement new methods of teaching and educational activities that allow you to stand out from other competitors. Accordingly, in order to create a unique competitive advantage, it is important to take into account the interests of all participants in the educational process, especially employers. An analysis of the expectations of potential employers should be carried out, i.e. determine what exactly they expect to receive from young professionals.

In the article, the author says that it is necessary to devote as much time as possible to practical and seminar classes, therefore, it is planned to create such an interaction system as partnership marketing (IGO). It is based on the work of the university and potential employers to create value that will provide a joint competitive advantage. In the course of the work, it is planned that enterprises will receive practical solutions to their problems based on the activities of students who, together with teachers, will find optimal management solutions for a realistically simulated practical situation in the educational process. Accordingly, at the stages of its development, an enterprise can turn to the services of a university either to obtain information on issues that are relevant to it, or to search for the right specialists, because a university is a place for replenishing human resources, which is also important for an employer.

It should be noted that for students, the introduction of this approach will also be a big plus, because. in practice, they implement their knowledge, develop certain skills, participate in managerial decision-making. All this happens thanks to the simulation of production situations, participation in business games. The project is based on motivation, interest, rivalry between students, self-realization, focus on the final result. I believe that this stage of the learning process is necessary, because. it allows you to identify not only the personal qualities of the student, but also provides an opportunity to form the necessary professional skills and abilities for further work.

The project also involves the use of training and information databases that have an impact on the training of in-demand specialists. Databases imply the accumulation and systematization of information obtained in the process of solving practical problems of the enterprise by students on the basis of existing theoretical knowledge. This again allows you to create another competitive advantage and interest potential employers in obtaining information useful for their activities.

I believe that increasing the competitiveness of the university is currently a priority. It is the university that effectively uses the marketing of educational services that will be able to use its capabilities to improve competitive advantages in the educational services market to a greater extent, as well as maintain its leading position. Educational activities will be successful if the university focuses directly on a potential consumer: a student whose goal is to receive a quality education and realize himself in society, and an employer who wants to hire a qualified specialist who has professional knowledge for his further development.

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Over the past decades, increased competition has been observed virtually all over the world. Not so long ago, it was absent in many countries and industries, even where there was rivalry, it was not so fierce. One of the economic prerequisites for a democratic society is the decentralization of economic decision-making. Free competition - a synonym for freedom of choice, freedom of entrepreneurship, freedom to enter the market - is an integral part of the constitutionally enshrined economic freedoms of man and citizen.
At the present stage of market reforms in Russia, the shortage of educational institutions has been largely overcome. The first place for parents today is no longer the existence of a school institution, but its characteristics, the most important of which are the quality of education, the conditions in which the learning process takes place, and the equipment of schools. This defines the strategy of behavior of domestic schools in a completely new way, because in the situation of liberalization of foreign economic activity, they have to withstand significant competition.
The market for any product or service has its own characteristics, which, however, do not change the essence of competition itself. As a phenomenon, it is not new, but the diversity of its manifestations requires constant study, including an assessment of the dynamics or intensity. Today, no serious educational institution can do without competition. Despite the various methods and forms of competition, each school is trying to develop its own competitive strategy to achieve market success.
In order to choose a successful development strategy and increase the competitiveness of school No. 426, it was necessary, of course, first of all to analyze the competitiveness of the school, and then develop organizational and technical measures aimed at improving it.
Our school was founded in 1974, it is located on the territory of the municipal district of Orekhovo-Borisovo Severnoye in the so-called residential area of ​​Moscow, therefore it is remote from cultural institutions, sports, healthcare, educational centers and industrial enterprises. The microdistrict of the school consists of municipal and cooperative houses, hostels of the plant named after. Likhachev. All this largely determines the tasks in the activities of the school.
Today, our school, having become a large educational complex, which, in addition to school No. 426, united school No. 938, CRR - kindergarten No. 896, kindergarten No. 1011, is located in four buildings. All buildings of the complex are within walking distance from each other and are not separated by a roadway. School No. 996 and kindergarten No. 905 are generally located nearby and are oriented towards the same contingent. In addition, the district has a gymnasium, a school with in-depth study of the English language, and an education center. As a result, quite intense competition arises, which forces our complex to study demand, form a social order and follow the changes in this order.
Regular surveys of parents and members of the public of the school microdistrict recorded the emerging change in the social order, which cannot be satisfied with the achieved state of the school, despite significant progress in its educational and upbringing work. As a result, the requirements for the level of academic success of the school are growing, the problem of educational work aimed at the formation of tolerant consciousness and cross-cultural competencies is aggravated. Therefore, the main task of the school-complex for the coming years will be to solve problems in order to build a working model of the educational system that contributes to the education of a competent, competitive, successful personality.
The school today strives to take into account the needs and inclinations of students, the interests of parents. To best meet the needs of these categories of consumers of educational services, we prioritize the creation of comfortable conditions for the upbringing and education of children, the optimization of the activities of teaching staff. The material and technical base of the school is constantly updated and generally meets modern requirements: the school classrooms are equipped with computer equipment (laptop, projector, screen, MFP, SMART-boards), united in a single local network, laptops are installed in the offices of administrative and managerial and support staff with MFPs that are part of the school local network, as part of the implementation of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, four mobile computer labs operate in primary school, primary school classrooms are equipped with height furniture, there are student desks in grade 1 classrooms, subject classrooms are equipped with modern educational furniture that meets sanitary standards, educational, laboratory and demonstration equipment.
The school is provided with highly qualified teaching staff and is fully staffed with narrow specialists, that is, the staff meets modern requirements for the organization of the educational process. The teaching staff of the school (the average age of teachers is 40 years) is characterized by creative activity and professional competence. The teachers of the school are the authors of methodological developments, participants, diploma winners and winners of the All-Russian open competition "Pedagogical Innovations", the festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson", winners of the district competition on the use of information technologies in the educational process. Among the teachers of the school there are prize-winners and winners of the district competition "Teacher of the Year", "First Steps - Pedagogical Debut", participants and winners of the competition for the grant of the Mayor of Moscow and winners of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation (grant of the President of Russia within the framework of PNPO), two teachers of the school have the title of "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation", 13 - "Honorary Worker of General Education", 3 - "Teacher of the Year of Russia".
The tendency to preserve the contingent of students can be traced precisely because the school employs professional teaching staff and specialists (social pedagogue, psychologists, speech therapist) who strive to create a comfortable social and pedagogical environment for students, which preserve rich school traditions that it has created and is developing its own award culture for students and school employees, as well as souvenir symbols. In addition, the teaching staff professes the principle of an adaptive school “for everyone” and actively forms the psychology of success among all participants in the educational process.
The results of the final certification for several years show that the quality of knowledge of school students is stable, that there is a correspondence between the level and quality of graduates' training to the requirements of state educational standards. Over the past years, the percentage of students awarded with gold and silver medals has been stable at the school, the annual admission to universities of our graduates is 90-94%, we pay considerable attention to working with gifted children - every year our students win prizes in municipal, district and city Olympiads , competitions, scientific and practical conferences.
The school has good conditions for organizing extracurricular activities of students and additional education. Most students are interested in various circles (44% of the total) and sports sections (30% of the total number of students), many attend music and art schools, theater and choreographic studios, and sports clubs outside of school. The museum of cosmonautics is actively working at the school, and we organize excursions to the museum not only for school students, but also for veterans of the Second World War, students of district and city schools, in February 2013 a military glory museum was opened in our school. School students are active participants in such district, district and city events, festivals, competitions as "Young Talents of Muscovy", "Moscow Literary Festival", the district festival "Synergy Project", the action "Freedom from Smoking", various drawing competitions. Participation in such events allows the children to show the results of creative work, gives them the opportunity to compare their successes and achievements with the successes of their peers, opens up opportunities for raising a successful personality.
Our school is ready to accept all the children of the Orekhovo-Borisovo Severnoye microdistrict and the surrounding area, but the problem is that the educational institution is losing potential students from year to year. Many parents send their children to other schools in the district, in connection with this, an increase in the rating of the school should be a natural result of the work on the implementation of the overall development strategy, it should become competitive.
Like any organization, the school does not exist in isolation, but in a specific social environment. It is a complex integral system that actively interacts with the external environment, in connection with this, certain problems arise for the effective development of an institution in the conditions of modern education.
The school must be competitive, and competitiveness is a complex phenomenon, so it can be assessed from different positions. In principle, four subjects can be distinguished, each of which, independently of the others and on the basis of only its inherent evaluation criteria, evaluates the competitiveness of something: consumers; manufacturers; investors; state. Each of them has its own interests: the consumer is interested in getting the maximum utility (benefit) by purchasing a set of goods and services; the manufacturer is interested in spending a minimum of effort to get the maximum possible result (profit); the investor is interested in the fact that the project in which he invests his money will bring him a return sufficiently high so that this project can be considered promising and expedient; Finally, the state is interested in ensuring the efficient use of resources available on its territory (labor, land, capital, knowledge, entrepreneurial abilities) while observing certain social standards.
Considering all this, we need to develop a strategy for working with the population as a consumer of educational services from the point of view of a market economy. In this aspect, the factor of rapid reorientation becomes critical, when the rapid identification of new customer segments and the formation of stable flows from them becomes a defining element of the strategy. It should be noted that the policy of the educational institution, aimed at creating a situation of success for all participants in the educational process, will be one of the effective strategic directions, since one of the most important needs of a modern person is his self-realization.

The desire to take a leading position in the market of educational services, to create a favorable public opinion brings to the fore the problems of forming a positive image of the educational institution, this objectively occupies one of the leading places in the system of priorities of the development strategy. In this regard, the image of the educational institution acquires the status of one of the main resources that predetermine its economic and socio-cultural perspective.
Today there are three main tasks of the image policy: achieving a high level of competence and effective work with potential consumers of educational services, maintaining the image of a successful educational institution that makes the participants of the educational process believe in us, establishing an emotional connection with the consumer and society.
Taking into account the current state and main activities of the institution, existing problems, strategies, solutions, we can formulate a development concept. At the same time, the key idea will be the individualization of educational trajectories to ensure the maximum success of different groups of students (residents of the microdistrict) in the conditions of the school - a multifunctional educational complex, and the mission is the varied education of residents of the microdistrict, taking into account their individual needs in the process of successful activity. What is needed for this? I think that this is the attraction of 90% of the contingent of potential pupils and students, the expansion of the complex by joining other educational institutions and preschool educational institutions, increasing the efficiency and quality of educational services and entering the rating of the best institutions in Moscow.
The main reserve, the base on which the value orientations of the individual are formed, is, of course, the collective. The individual originality of the labor collective is characterized by a pronounced direction of its life activity, a combination of individual and collective interests, and an emotional climate. The study of the value orientations of both the team as a whole and the individual member of the team is necessary to conduct a full analysis and develop the right strategy for the effective development of the educational institution. Therefore, as part of the work on the project, we conducted a study of collective value orientations. As a result, it was concluded that as a result, school No. 426 will be able to choose the optimal competitive strategy and take an advantageous position in the industry (in the market) to attract students to their school, as well as take the right position to protect themselves from competitors.
As part of the choice of development strategy, we first of all found out the strengths and weaknesses of our complex, its opportunities and threats that may interfere with the realization of these opportunities, after which we identified three strategic areas for our work:
- implementation of a set of measures to increase the contingent of students and pupils;
- expansion of the "Partners in Education" program;
- implementation of the strategy for promoting the complex in the service market.

Implementation of a set of measures to increase the number of students and pupils
When developing measures for a competitive strategy for the development of an institution as a multifunctional educational complex, the implementation of a set of measures to increase the contingent of students and pupils becomes one of the priorities. This task can be successfully solved under the condition of purposeful work of the teaching staff to improve the efficiency of the educational process and the quality of the services provided, while observing the continuity of all educational levels in the conditions of the school complex. The high qualification of teachers and the stable results of students based on the results of external examination, the efficiency of the team and mobility in solving the tasks set, openness to innovation, the positive experience of the work of creative groups of teachers on topical issues, the comfortable educational environment created in the institution ensure the development of the image of the school as a multifunctional educational complex that provides quality harmonious education of residents of the microdistrict.
The following measures are intended to contribute to the solution of this problem:
- opening groups for children from one to two years old;
- holding an open day using interactive forms of work;
- the work of the school of future first graders for children who do not attend preschool educational institutions;
- development of elective courses for the development of intellectual abilities of students with low starting opportunities;
- organization of specialized education groups in accordance with the changing needs of society;
- implementation of the program of cooperation with universities and colleges;
- development of individual educational trajectories at the request of students and their parents (including within the framework of inclusive education);
- creation of a distance learning system, development of software and methodological support for its implementation;
- expanding the range of additional educational services, including with the involvement of extrabudgetary funds.
By implementing a set of these measures to increase the contingent of students and pupils (in other words, increasing the attractiveness of the institution for potential consumers), we will be able to:
minimize the risk of strong students leaving for other schools;
increase the interest of parents and students in the proposed educational services of a high level of content;
partially reduce competition from other educational institutions in intellectual contests;
compensate for the remoteness from the infrastructure in the field of sports and culture.
Almost all of these measures are promising, as they are in the "high utility - low effort" sector.

Expansion of the "Partners in Education" program
School-community partnership - a line of activity related to the implementation of cooperation between the school and residents and community organizations to jointly solve social and educational problems, increase the social significance of the school and its relevance as a civil institution, and attract non-budgetary funds to the school.
The program will help us make real:
establishing partnerships with families, parents, the public;
provision of a wide range of educational services;
consideration of the educational space of the microdistrict as a system for managing the development of the individual;
the ability to solve many serious social problems and tasks based on the network interaction of the school in the mode of a socio-cultural center and the integration of the capabilities (personnel, material, technical, methodological) of all institutions of the microdistrict.
The purpose of the program is to form a favorable attitude towards educational institutions and support the demand for high-quality educational services for students, parents and residents of the microdistrict. To achieve it, you need:
- creation of an association of active parents, involving parents in school life with a well-thought-out incentive system (letters of thanks, excursions to museums, concerts, festive meetings);
- provision on the basis of the school of services for psychological and socio-pedagogical counseling of residents of the microdistrict;
- teaching Russian as a foreign language to migrants and their children;
- attraction of residents of the microdistrict to trial USE as observers or participants;
- opening a computer club on the basis of the school to teach computer literacy to interested residents of the microdistrict.
In doing so, we can expect results such as:
raising the cultural level of society, the participation of parents in the upbringing of children;
participation of schoolchildren, youth, parents and the public in solving educational and social problems through the implementation of projects, programs, charity events;
development of volunteer initiatives of children and youth;
increasing public interest in the problems of the school and the local community;
attraction of additional resources (including financial ones) through partnership with various social structures;
enrichment of school traditions;
increase in the contingent of potential pupils and students.
The Partners in Education program has a high utility that can be achieved with little effort.
Implementation of the strategy for promoting the complex in the service market
The most relevant direction in the course of implementing the strategy of a competitive educational institution is consumer orientation. It should be borne in mind that the presence of an educational institution in the education market and its design as a brand is of great importance for attracting customers. Thus, the main task of promoting an educational service to the market is to bring information about an educational institution to a potential buyer. Here we need to carry out such relevant events as:
- branding - the creation and positioning of a unique positive face of the OU, the formation of a positive reputation through the effective use of the media. Here, high utility is likely, since the image of the school and its perception by society are being formed, but a large amount of resources must be attracted to create a positive reputation - personnel, material, financial.
- Information support of real and potential consumers of services (including the effective operation of the site) is also highly useful, since the involvement of modern technologies ensures an increase in the number of users of Internet services, including the OS website, here you can invite a qualified specialist who will deal with this important matter.
- Expansion of public relations is work for the brand of the school, the emergence of new areas of work, holding joint events that solve specific problems, here you can use a group of specialists, while the time and financial costs are comparable to the importance of the event.
- The publication of teaching aids and materials is very useful if they are created taking into account the characteristics of a particular society, individualized, but it will require a lot of time and financial resources.
By implementing all this, we can reduce the risk of students leaving for other schools, minimize the impact of unfair methods of competition from other preschools and educational institutions in the microdistrict, and increase the interest of parents and students in the educational services offered.
In our opinion, the motto of the school should be: "Let everyone here find himself and be successful." At the same time, each student will reveal his potential abilities, each teacher will realize his creative potential, each parent will be in demand.
Competitiveness is the totality of the school's capabilities. Competition forces schools, under the threat of being squeezed out of the market, to constantly deal with the quality system of education, upbringing and, in general, the competitiveness of an educational institution. In connection with the receipt of free public education based on the principle of per capita funding (money follows the student and does not depend on the number of employees of the educational institution), the school must be competitive. To do this, the educational institution must draw up an action plan aimed at achieving the goals.
In order for a general education institution to become competitive, the director needs to put in a lot of effort. Only if the director becomes a leader who is able to organize the process of improving the school institution, attract school employees to it, lead them to jointly implement management decisions to achieve the goals, the school will be successful. It is no coincidence that in recent years the words “management” and “marketing” have entered the education system, we are on the threshold of understanding the school as a social system subject to the laws of the functioning of a market economy.
The school is an educational institution, which, in the event of isolation from society, from its needs and orders, undergoes more intensive degeneration. The school prepares people of the future generation and therefore is obliged to prepare them for the construction of a new social organization of life, which would help each person to find himself in a complex system of social relations.
Marketing is a living link between school and society. Based on the concept of economic marketing, the school must produce what is in demand, that is, fulfill the social and economic order of society. In the analytical and planned activities of the school, there cannot be a study of the external environment, the need for education, planning and stimulating the demand for education and its satisfaction. The school's attempts to adequately participate in the market, attracting attention and cultivating its image, of course, should be regarded positively.
The developed strategy for the development of school No. 426 as a multifunctional educational complex is designed to increase our competitiveness and realize the key idea and mission of the school.

Natalia PETROVA, director of school No. 426

Martyusheva Elena

article on a research project



E.L. Ivanova, E.A. Martyusheva

Teacher of Economics and Social Studies MBOU Secondary School No. 7, student of grade 10 MBOU Secondary School No. 7

Russia, Kamensk-Uralsky


In modern socio-economic conditions, only competitive educational institutions are viable.

In recent years, a lot has been said and written about how to present the uniqueness of an educational institution, the features of its life. The problem of the external representation of the school has always existed, but in modern conditions it manifests itself more clearly.

Firstly, this is due to the processes of formation and development of various types and types of schools with different areas of activity.

Secondly, due to the reduction in the number of students. In such a demographic situation, the problem of enrolling students will become quite acute, and it will affect not only primary schools, but also senior specialized classes of general education schools - state and non-state.

Thirdly, ongoing research shows that the purpose, content, results of innovative processes, individual pedagogical innovations are not always clear to parents, and their expectations, formed on the basis of a general idea of ​​the educational institution among potential consumers of educational services, do not always correlate with the fact what they and their children actually get.

Thus, the need to form the image of an educational institution is determined by:

Difficult demographic situation in the system of general secondary education;

Differentiation and variability of the system of general secondary education;

The complexity of choosing directions and prospects for self-determination of schoolchildren;

Numerous requests for social practice;

The need for educational and managerial practice in the formation of ideas about the school;

The presence of experience in the work of educational institutions in this field.

The purpose of the study: on the basis of the study, to develop recommendations for the further formation and strengthening of the image of the school.

Research objectives:

Conduct a study to identify the image of MBOU “Secondary School No. 7;

Subject of study: the mechanism of formation and ways of building a positive image of an educational institution.

The method of Muzalevskaya A.N. was used as a research tool. and Filimonova N.A., adapted to the educational institution.

Timeline of the study: December 2012 - January 2013.

The sample consisted of 147 people:

Research hypothesis: the formation of a positive image of an educational institution is a necessary condition for maintaining competitiveness and increasing the number of students.

Practical significance: the information presented may be of interest, first of all, directly to the heads of educational institutions, as well as teachers who are interested in forming their own positive image, both in the eyes of the professional environment and in the opinion of their students.

The object of the study was the image of the educational institution "Secondary School No. 7".

The study showed that the analyzed educational institution has positive aspects in its activities:

75% of parents feel the need for additional education for their children.

The ranking of needs in additional education showed that the most significant are:

Obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities to work on a computer (22.2% of the total number of answers);

Obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of "Psychology of communication" (16.6% of the total number of answers);

Obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of "School of social success" (16.6% of the total number of answers);

Obtaining financial and economic knowledge, skills (16.6% of the total number of answers);

In-depth study of the English language (11.1% of the total number of answers).

75% of parents of students agree to pay for additional educational services.

For 62.5%, the motive for choosing this OS was the close location to the house, for 37.5%, the good reviews of acquaintances served as the motive for choosing.

52% of teachers consider their work as an opportunity to realize themselves, as economic security - 32%, evaluate their work as an atmosphere of creativity - 12%.

As a perspective of professional activity, teachers consider: salary increase, participation in certification in order to obtain a category, promotion, improvement of professional level, to see the success of their students.

According to the degree of importance for the teachers themselves, the qualities necessary for the teacher were distributed as follows:

Professionalism (25 people think so - 1st place in the rating);

Initiative, creativity, resourcefulness and organizational skills (2nd and 3rd place in the ranking).

According to students, the knowledge and skills they receive at school are important for their future profession (79.3%); believe that school really prepares for independent living (57.3%); constantly learn a lot of new things (69.5%).

52% of teachers receive support from colleagues, 24% of teachers - from their students.

A general assessment of the image of the educational institution made it possible to identify weaknesses in the activities of the educational institution.

The results of the study showed that the weaknesses of the educational institution, according to students, are:

Not all teachers take into account the psychological characteristics of each child in the educational process (-0.3 points);

The design style of the school leaves much to be desired (-0.8 points);

The weaknesses of the educational institution, according to teachers, are:

Insufficient attention of the head of the school to the development of the educational institution (-0.4 points);

Insufficiently thought out style of school design (-1 point);

Low cultural level of school students (-0.2 points).

The weaknesses of the educational institution, according to parents, are:

Lack of a uniform uniform for students (-0.2 points).

In this regard, measures aimed at strengthening the image of the educational institution are proposed.

The proposed directions are considered within the framework of the internal environment and the external environment of the educational institution.

To increase the competitiveness of educational institutions, it is necessary to implement the following measures aimed at strengthening the image of an educational institution:

  1. To improve the external environment of an educational institution:

Development of cooperation with social and pedagogical partners of the school;

Using the Internet to obtain operational "feedback" when solving various issues of the activities of the educational institution;

Increasing the activity of participation of social partners in joint activities.

Ensuring openness and accessibility of quality education.

  1. To improve the internal environment of an educational institution:

Improving the material and technical support of the educational process:

Correction of the program of spiritual and moral education;

Creation of comfortable conditions for students;

Creation of conditions for the realization of the creative potential of students.

Improving the quality and level of teaching, adequate to the requirements of the new educational standard, as well as the educational needs of students and their parents;

Effective interaction between the teaching staff and the administration of the educational institution.

As a result of the implementation of the proposed directions, the following results are expected:

  1. Successful development by students of the program of federal educational standards.

2. Increasing the level of education of students, their socialization, their successful development of federal educational standards of the new generation.

3. Development of a network of additional educational services.

4. Expansion of the composition of competitions, olympiads, reviews in which school students take part.

5. Targeted support and support for talented youth.

6. Creation of a system for recording individual educational achievements in the format of student portfolios.

7. Optimization of the program of work with personnel.

8. Development of the infrastructure of an educational institution.

9. Strengthening the health of schoolchildren, increasing the level of psychological comfort, improving the material and technical conditions for organizing the educational process.

Thus, the hypothesis that the formation of a positive image of an educational institution is a necessary condition for maintaining competition, as a result of the work done, was fully confirmed.

The implementation of the proposed measures will affect the strengthening and formation of a positive image of the educational institution, will increase the satisfaction with educational services for all participants in the educational process, and in general increase the competitiveness of the educational institution.


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Research project Topic: Increasing the competitiveness of an educational institution through the formation and strengthening of the image (on the example of MBOU "Secondary School No. 7") Implemented by: Martyusheva E.A. Head: teacher of social science and economics Ivanova Elena Leonidovna

Relevance of the topic In modern socio-economic conditions, only competitive educational institutions are viable.

Purpose: on the basis of the study, to develop recommendations for the further formation and strengthening of the image of the school. Research objectives: - to consider the theoretical foundations of the formation of the image of an educational institution; - conduct a study to identify the image of MBOU "Secondary School No. 7"; - develop recommendations for further formation and strengthening of the image of the educational institution. Subject of study: the mechanism of formation and ways of building a positive image of an educational institution.

The method of Muzalevskaya A.N. was used as a research tool. and Filimonova N.A. "Marketing Research in Institutions of Additional Education for Children (Practical Toolkit)", adapted for an educational institution. The study was conducted over two months (December 2012 and January 2013). The study involved 147 people: - school students - a sample of 82 people; - parents of school students - a sample of 40 people. - school teachers - 25 people. Research hypothesis: the formation of a positive image of an educational institution is a necessary condition for maintaining competitiveness and increasing the number of students. Practical significance: the information presented may be of interest, first of all, directly to the heads of educational institutions, as well as teachers who are interested in forming their own positive image, both in the eyes of the professional environment and in the opinion of their students.

Positive aspects of the activities of an educational institution Fig. 1 Results of parents' answers about the need for additional education for children, % Pic. 2. Ranking of directions in obtaining additional education for respondents, %

Positive aspects of the activities of an educational institution Fig.3. Results of parents' answers about paying for additional education services, % Pic. 4. The results of parents' answers about the motives for choosing an educational institution, %

Positive aspects of the activities of an educational institution Fig. Fig. 5. The results of a survey of teachers to the question "Which of the statements is more consistent with your idea of ​​your work?", % Pic. 6. Prospects for professional activity, pers.

Positive aspects of the activities of an educational institution Fig. 7. Qualities necessary for a teacher, pers. 1st place in the ranking

Positive aspects of the activities of an educational institution Fig. 8. The results of students' answers about the degree of agreement with the statements, the average score

Positive aspects of the activities of an educational institution Fig. 9. Who provides teachers with support, %

General assessment of the image of an educational institution

Expected results 1. Introduction into the educational process of a new content of education, teaching methods and technologies, methods for assessing educational results that ensure the successful development of the program of federal educational standards by students. 2. Implementation of network interaction programs with institutions of the system of additional education, cultural institutions aimed at improving the level of education of students, their socialization, and their successful mastering of federal educational standards of the new generation. 3. Development of a network of additional educational services (on a budgetary and self-supporting basis). 4. Expansion of the composition of competitions, olympiads, reviews in which school students take part. 5. Targeted support and support for talented youth. 6. Creation of a system for recording individual educational achievements in the format of student portfolios. 7. Optimization of the program of work with personnel, bringing it into line with the new requirements for the qualifications of managerial and teaching staff. 8. Development of the infrastructure of the educational institution, increasing the level of informatization of the educational process. 9. Strengthening the health of schoolchildren, increasing the level of psychological comfort, improving the material and technical conditions for organizing the educational process. 10. Formation of the readiness of the teaching staff of the educational institution for various forms of state-public assessment of the activities of the educational institution.

Conclusion The hypothesis that the formation of a positive image of an educational institution is a necessary condition for maintaining competition, as a result of the work done, has been fully confirmed.