Pros and cons of city life. Life outside the city: the pros

The 21st century dictates its own terms: people are leaving their places and moving to big cities. This process is inevitable, because a big city is an opportunity for self-realization and decent wages.

But what kind of housing is better to buy? An apartment in the city or is it still your own house outside the city? People who have made the decision to buy their own housing often cannot decide on their choice. And the cost of an apartment and a country house is about the same. And if you are building a house from scratch, then it is even easier.

It is possible to build a turnkey house with a different budget, on the website of the Sivco construction company you can choose frame or block-type houses for any budget.

We analyzed the pros and cons of a city apartment and a country house.

First, let's evaluate the advantages of housing in the city:

  • all infrastructure within walking distance;
  • proximity to schools and kindergartens;
  • the ability to get to work in a short time;
  • there is no need to take care of the condition of the yard, entrance, house as a whole;
  • not too high payment for heating;
  • feeling that there are people around you (neighbors);
  • instant solution of utility problems (masters will arrive quickly enough);
  • the arrival of an ambulance in case of illness will not be delayed for a long time.

Here are perhaps the strongest aspects of living in a city apartment.

There are a lot of negative points too.

In an urban environment, one cannot breathe clean air, hence frequent acute respiratory infections in children and adults, headaches, hypoxia and other diseases.

Living in an apartment is a limitation in space. For some people, it's a lot of pressure.

It is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to park your car in the yard, which creates conflict situations with housemates.

The good sound conductivity of the walls sometimes annoys so much that you want to shout at those who like to play music or build (drill). You can't rest in the noise that comes from the neighbors, and they have a party in full swing. Often it comes to neighborhood wars.

You cannot rebuild your living space without the consent of the BTI. And if you try to move partitions, break walls or combine a bathroom, the likelihood of a fine is very high.

And, finally, you cannot turn on the heating when you need it, and you also run the risk of being left without water if the utilities started repairs.

Well, what about country life? What pitfalls can be encountered after moving into a house, and what advantages do you get?

House outside the city. Cons and pros.

First, the negative points, which are not so many, and if desired, they can be easily dealt with.

The first is the distance from the city. It takes longer to get to city work from a country house, you definitely need a car, and preferably two - for both spouses. After all, in the city there are shops that a woman definitely needs, and beauty salons, and schools, and kindergartens where children need to be taken. And one car is not enough.

A doctor from the city will not get there soon if someone from the family suddenly happens to get sick. The same can be said about pharmacies: good pharmaceutical companies have them in the city.

And the second thing that can strain is the need to take care of your house and the area adjacent to it on your own. But many find more advantages in this, it all depends on the nature of the person and the employment of the person at work.

There are still more positive aspects in the acquisition of suburban real estate.

The main one is being outdoors at any time of the year. Sometimes you don’t want to leave the apartment in winter, and there is no need to do this. But a house is completely different - it has its own yard, and a plot on which, if desired, you can set up a garden and even a garden, and your own garage, and even a bathhouse or sauna.

In a country house, you can arrange everything to your liking, give the whole family the opportunity to participate in housing planning even before construction begins.

In your own house, you can do whatever you want: run, jump, turn on the TV at night, invite guests at any time, and at the same time not be afraid that the neighbors will write a complaint to the district police officer.

A house outside the city can always be completed if the family has suddenly increased. And this does not need to be agreed with anyone. You are your own masters!

Some dream of living in a metropolis, others cannot stand the hustle and bustle of a big city and seek to leave it. But how to make the right decision and understand whether this option is right for you? To do this, consider all the advantages and disadvantages of living in a metropolis.


First, consider all the advantages of living in a metropolis:

  1. Interesting and useful contacts. Indeed, it is much easier to meet interesting people and establish promising connections in a big city than in a small one. The metropolis attracts people, especially ambitious, educated, active and purposeful.
  2. The opportunity to get a good education and a prestigious profession. There are more higher educational institutions in the metropolis, and the training of personnel is at the highest level, and therefore there are so many nonresident students here, each of whom dreams, after graduating from the university, to get a start in life and build a career.
  3. Living in a metropolis disciplines. You have to get up early every day to get to work, take care of yourself to look good, keep yourself in shape to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  4. More opportunities to build a personal life and start a family. Even the most modest girl in a large city is easier to find a soul mate, because many male residents of megacities are not shy. The representatives of the stronger sex also have many more options. This advantage has several explanations. First, there are more public places where dating usually takes place in large and developed regions. Secondly, residents inevitably contact and interact with each other. Thirdly, you can register on a dating site and meet with a virtual interlocutor.
  5. Developed infrastructure. In a large city in every district there are schools and kindergartens, clinics and hospitals, large shops, shopping centers and other institutions that people need for a fulfilling life. Residents of small towns sometimes have to go to large regional centers to receive qualified medical care, solve housing issues, and for other reasons.
  6. Various leisure options. In any metropolis there are cinemas, shopping and entertainment centers, restaurants, bars, fast food chains and cafes, museums, water parks, nightclubs, theaters, zoos and much more. The entertainment industry is developed, and new establishments are constantly opening where you can have fun, interesting and even useful time.
  7. Availability of different categories of goods. Many manufacturers and suppliers focus specifically on large cities, and therefore we can safely say that it is possible to buy almost everything in them, including cutting-edge gadgets, exotic products and unusual things.
  8. Job. In the metropolis, there are much more opportunities to build a career, as there are many enterprises and various institutions that need employees, including young, active and creative ones. There are much fewer vacancies in the villages.
  9. Opportunity to open a business and grow a business. If you are an enterprising and smart person, then you can become an entrepreneur.
  10. Earnings in megacities are an order of magnitude higher than in small settlements, this is a fact. Therefore, the standard of living is better, which opens up opportunities for development, improving the status and financial situation.
  11. The ability to travel. All metropolitan areas have international airports, railway and bus stations. In addition, embassies and travel agencies are located here, so organizing a trip abroad is much easier from here than from the village.


Now let's look at the disadvantages of living in a big city:

  1. Bad ecology. There are many factories, factories and other enterprises in the metropolis, the emissions of which pollute the environment. Some compounds get into the air and are inhaled by people, other substances get into the water and also inevitably rush into the human body. In addition, there are many more cars in large cities, the emissions of which also have a very negative impact on the environment.
  2. Listing all the shortcomings, it is worth including the rhythm of life in their list. In some megacities, it is simply mad, so it will be very difficult for people accustomed to a measured existence to adapt to it. Some, unable to adapt and learn to constantly rush and keep up, eventually change their place of residence.
  3. Big competition. To get a good position, you need to make a lot of effort, because several people are likely to apply for it. It is important to be able to show your best side, highlight your positive qualities and prove your capabilities and strengths. Not everyone is ready for this.
  4. Frequent illnesses. Unfortunately, residents of megacities get sick much more often than those living in small settlements. Firstly, a frantic rhythm undermines the immune system, due to which the body's defenses weaken, and a person cannot resist the attacks of pathogenic microorganisms. Secondly, due to the congestion of people and high population density, all contagious diseases spread at a rapid pace, which often leads to epidemics. Thirdly, it is sometimes simply impossible to limit contacts with patients, because often they are in close proximity to healthy people.
  5. A modern metropolis is a huge number of people, and not everyone likes this feature. If you prefer loneliness, are a modest person, an introvert, or even more so a sociopath who does not know how to exist in society, then you will have a very difficult time.
  6. The next minus is important for car owners. Since many residents of large cities have personal transport and have long been not a luxury, but a means of transportation, this inevitably leads to the formation of congestion and traffic jams. Things are much worse with the traffic situation: in megacities, traffic is busier, and accidents happen more often.
  7. A huge flow of information that not everyone can handle. To keep abreast of the events taking place in the city and keep up with life, you need to use modern gadgets, regularly study the media, be an active Internet user and be able to process data, filtering out everything unnecessary and highlighting the most important.
  8. Small spaces, cramped. Megacities are quickly built up and settled, new people constantly come to them, so at some point you may get the impression of a lack of space, especially if you are used to space and freedom.
  9. People. Since many of them are constantly in a hurry, give 100% and get tired at work, they become withdrawn, irritable and indifferent, and this is sad.

Living in a big city has both advantages and disadvantages, so do not rush to the city if you are in doubt and are not ready for change. But new opportunities and perspectives may open before you.

Sometimes thoughts come from city dwellers - wouldn't it be better to live in a village where there is no fuss, where there is clean air and silence? It is clear that in a large settlement there are a huge number of opportunities, you can study and work, there is a lot of entertainment. At the same time, living outside the city has its advantages. However, before moving, it is better to evaluate all the pros and cons of living in the countryside.

Advantages of living in the countryside

The main advantage of village life is fresh air and ecological cleanliness. There is no smoky sky in the village, and the stars seem bigger and brighter at night. Water does not contain chlorine impurities, transparent and tasty. And this is the key to healthy sleep and excellent well-being.

It is much easier to find friends in the village, more open people live here.

Products from your garden

Considering the pros and cons of living in the countryside, one cannot fail to mention the fresh food that can be grown in your own backyard. It is in such cases that one can be completely sure that vegetables and fruits were not grown and stored using chemicals. And this is the key to a happy longevity.


Unlike a city apartment, in a private house you can have as many animals as you can feed. In addition, we are not only talking about a cat or a dog, you can even get a horse, goat or cow.

Real estate prices

Speaking about the pros and cons of living in the countryside, do not forget that the cost of real estate here is much less than in a big city. Therefore, you can buy a house in which there is enough space for everyone, even if the family is very large.

Peace and quiet

If you want to forget about the bustle of the city, go live in the village, there are few cars here, no one knocks on the wall, no noise comes from the street. Here you will not hear the roar of tram wheels, but only the singing of birds and the sound of the wind.

Life in the village is very measured, sometimes it seems that time here flows much more slowly.

A few more pluses

The benefits of living in the countryside don't end there. As in the city, most villages have Internet and satellite TV. But there are no video cameras on every corner and huge traffic jams. Children grow up strong and healthy.

On your site you can build a bathhouse or a sauna, you can go fishing and in the forest, do a small but your own business.

Negative sides

Naturally, if everything was as rosy in the village as it seems at first glance, then the cities would no longer exist, everyone would move to live “closer to the earth”.

The main disadvantage of living in a village for a city dweller is that it is quite difficult to get used to and settle down here. Not everyone knows how, and does not want to, milk a cow and plant potatoes. In spite of a calm lifestyle, residents do not have a free minute, because they constantly need to do something - water the garden, paint the fence, make preparations for the winter, and so on. A city dweller has much less routine worries than a rural one.

In addition, you will have to do most of the work yourself, for example, repair the roof or dig up the site.

In addition, not all villages also have a central sewage system, and for a city dweller this can be a huge problem, you will have to go to the toilet outside and bring water from a well, although even this problem can be solved in the village. The village also often experiences power outages, and you need to be prepared for this.

Lack of Opportunities

The pros and cons of living in the countryside and the city are very diverse, but the most important thing is that there are practically no opportunities for development in the village. To get a quality education, even if not higher, you have to go to the city. The same will have to be done to get a high-paying job. In the village, you will have to sell products from your site, or go to a store or a local cafe to work. You will not find a prestigious job here.

For big purchases you have to go to the city

In rural areas there are no services for the repair of equipment, beauty salons. To purchase a serious product, to receive a certain service, you have to go to the city. Interesting events, festivals and sports competitions are not held in the villages. Even if you want to go to the theater or cinema, you still have to go to the city.

More cons

Life in the village, the pros and cons, which we analyze, is not suitable for every city dweller. First of all, you need to assess whether you can go to a low-paying job, being a specialist in the city. It is unlikely that in the village there will be an opportunity to work as a rental manager or an accountant. It’s easier if you have your own personal vehicle, and the village is not far from the city, then you can go to work, although this is already an additional cost. In parallel, a new problem may arise - bad roads, as a rule, they are such and are outside cities and highways.

Assessing the pros and cons of living in the village, do not forget about the children. Indeed, they will be healthier in rural areas, but it is unlikely that their abilities will be developed. There are no specialized, sports and music schools, developing circles. Even if you have a car, then think about whether you can take your child to school and to the circle every day.

Life and life in the countryside is very different from urban conditions. A leaky roof will have to be repaired on your own, a private house requires constant care and minor repairs.

Do not forget about the neighbors, they will not knock on the walls, but living in the village alone will not work. In the villages, all residents know everything about each other, they live more openly and are very interested in the private life of their neighbors.


Life in a city and a village are different things, therefore, if a city dweller gets into a village, then he can immediately be calculated, as well as vice versa. But it is impossible to answer the question of where it is better to live, each person decides this question individually for himself.

Most people are children of the metropolis, and in order to understand whether this is good or bad, one should understand what life in a big city is like.

Even at the dawn of the formation of capitalism, many rushed to big cities to earn money. This was especially characteristic of the peasants in winter, since agricultural work was frozen at that time. Some, having tasted such a life, later became city dwellers.

What are the advantages of cities?

Most often, in large cities, people are attracted by several points:

  • the opportunity to find a well-paid job;
  • education (higher and professional secondary);
  • opportunity for professional development and growth;
  • developed infrastructure with theaters and museums, with transport and catering, libraries and stadiums, hospitals and clinics;
  • availability of conditions for own implementation;
  • the opportunity to organize and develop their own business.

As you can see, there are enough advantages. Moreover, they are the kind that villages and small towns never even dreamed of.

But, as you know from life, you have to pay for everything good, and minuses usually follow pluses, just like a black stripe follows a white one. And city life is no exception.

Cons of living in a big city

So what do you have to pay for living in the city? Let's try to list what a city dweller constantly faces:

  • environmental problems, in which all the "charms" of life are concentrated - polluted air, saturated with exhaust gases and industrial emissions into the atmosphere. Factories and gas stations, nuclear power plants and industrial waste, landfills and dirt on the streets;
  • lack of quality products, dry food, on the run and in fast foods;
  • significant psychological stress, causing a feeling of chronic fatigue or prolonged depression. Headache with lack of sleep in rural residents is much less common;
  • the constant lack of free time caused by the high pace of life and the time spent to travel to work;
  • the high cost of living associated with the high cost of housing, food, goods and services;
  • radiomagnetic waves also do not bypass the human body, exerting a harmful effect on it;
  • cities gradually turned into sources of noise and not very pleasant smells;
  • the presence of criminals, beggars and homeless people;
  • high crowding of people contribute to the emergence and rapid spread of all kinds of infections and epidemics.

As you can see, the number of pros and cons of living in a big city is far from equal.

There are many more minuses than pluses, but megacities continue to attract people.

Maybe this is because the pros are more obvious than the cons?

Or do they just try not to think about the cons once again, choosing where to live?

Wanting to decide on a place of residence, apparently, it is still worth carefully weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of large cities. It is possible that it makes sense to settle in smaller and quieter ones?

If you are tied to a large city at work, then it makes sense to decide to equip your life in the suburbs. Or choose to live in a safer and cleaner city in terms of ecology.

The most difficult thing is to understand what is most suitable in your particular case. Maybe it makes sense to drop everything and leave the metropolis, moving to a small one in a timely manner?

Moreover, everything always has its own price, and the cost of living in a big city can accidentally turn out to be too high for a person and you should not forget about it.

It's no secret that life in capital cities and in small provinces often differs. Many people face difficulties when moving from one place to another, and the colors of the picture drawn by the imagination of the city of dreams often fade faster with each new surprise that the huge metropolis has in store for the visitor.

A small city is very different from a huge, bustling metropolis. Such a town will be met by a simple and inconspicuous station and very noticeable people, as the inhabitants tend to compete with each other in tastes, habits and often flaunt their individuality, regardless of whether you want it or not. And to compete in the presence of things visible to the naked eye is becoming a favorite hobby of all citizens. For example, the only expensive foreign car in the city will collect a lot of glances while driving through the streets, and in a year or two the absolutely same car will keep it company.

The word "Competition", being long forgotten in the minds of entrepreneurs, if mentioned too much, will bring a smile to their satisfied faces, since it is very likely that you will have to buy products in the same chain of stores, and to make it more convenient to move between them, you can use the only taxi service. Of course, there are other enterprises, but their life span is negligible.

At the same time, a small city is quiet, immersed in greenery, streets, courtyards in which children calmly walk, a measured life that has not changed for decades, surrounded by nature often untouched by man.

But nevertheless, the number of people who want to move to a big city is increasing every year, someone goes with a desire to study, someone is attracted by job prospects, someone dreams of changing their life for the better, someone just wants global changes. And now the inhabitants of provincial towns and villages leave their native land and set off on a journey for a dream.

Pros of living in a big city

Primarily young people flock to big cities with a desire for higher education. In large cities there is a huge selection of institutes, academies and universities; small, county towns cannot boast of the same. That is why from all over the country people who want to become doctors, lawyers, engineers flock to the big city in order to “catch on” in this metropolis later or become a unique specialist at home.

Large cities are a source of money and fertile ground for business development. Starting your own business is much easier in a big city. A huge number of consumers and potential customers in the future will not miss the opportunity to use the services of a hairdresser or cafe, located close to their home or work. The internet industry is also very much in demand; with minimal costs, you can launch an online store with home delivery of goods by courier service - another convenience of big cities.

After work, it is customary to relax, if earlier you had to play bowling or visit the same club, then in larger cities there will be various museums, theaters, conservatories, philharmonic societies, cinemas, circuses and zoos, not to mention the clubs and restaurants that meet literally at every turn.

Society in a big city is diverse. No matter how strange or unusual your hobbies are, you can always find someone who shares them. It happens that in a small town a teenager, trying to find himself, is looking for a reflection of his soul in others and does not find it. Moving to a big city will solve this problem: groups, circles, collectives, universities and institutes will serve as an excellent help.

Big city, so big stores. In hypermarkets and shopping centers, you can often find the so-called "yellow" price tags - residents of megacities love them very much, since you can buy one product for the price of two or save very well on grocery shopping, which is almost impossible in small towns, because if all residents cities go mostly shopping in two or three stores, then it makes no sense to bring down the price, they will buy the goods anyway. What can we say about sales seasons. Covering the shopping centers of megacities several times a year, when you can buy really high-quality, branded clothes at often "ridiculous" prices.

All this attracts people to large cities, and at the same time, certain unpleasant surprises await the visitor from a small city.

Cons of living in a big city

The first thing to get used to in a big city is to huge flow of people. Like a wide river, they splash out from metro stations and railway stations, dousing the visitor with new, but not always pleasant sensations. Depending on the areas of the metropolis, the number of people may decrease, for example, in residential areas surrounded by greenery and picturesque ponds, you can find some similarity with your small homeland.

One of the main problems of a large city is pedestrian crossings. In big cities, drivers, like other residents, are in a hurry, therefore they save every second on the way and rarely follow simple traffic rules, therefore, when crossing a zebra, you should not be surprised that cars pass in front and behind you and be extremely careful on the roads.

Since the number of people around you will increase significantly, the likelihood of crimes will also increase, some areas of big cities are considered more or less criminogenic, local media make it a rule to publish news with "Top 5 areas for crimes committed"

Returning home in a good mood, you can get into a traffic jam and spend extra time on the bus or in the car. This is an important disadvantage of a big city, which often worries people who are unaccustomed to so many cars more than anything else. This happens almost every day except weekends and holidays.

Ecology in such cities is in a very deplorable state. The presence of a large number of plants greatly injures nature and human health. Rare park areas do not allow to correct the situation, and give the residents of the metropolis only a short rest.

Nevertheless, despite a number of disadvantages, people are happy to come to live in big cities and feel quite comfortable there. Someone is attracted by the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle, someone is building a successful business, and someone is just meeting new friends. And yet whether or not to move to a big city is a personal and conscious choice of each person.