Why is water called water? Why scientists call tap water "dead"

"The state of water" - Pivtorak. Aivazovsky Ninth Wave. A.S. Yesenin. Water in the works of Russian poets and artists. Who is driving you: is it fate's decision? Who is the author of the painting "The Ninth Wave"? Water. V. Polenov. Autumn drops, how many feelings of sadness you bring to the soul of sadness. S.I. Ozhegov Dictionary of the Russian language. A. Savrasov. Gaseous state of aggregation of water.

"Save water" - Why is water polluted in rivers and lakes? How should people conserve water? An elephant needs 90 liters of water per day. It takes 30 buckets of water to grow 1 kg of potatoes. Icebergs. When heated water. Ice of Antarctica. There are many rivers, lakes, 54 seas, 4 oceans on our planet. What kind of water do people need? People need clean fresh water.

“Water and its properties” - And in a joint search, they learned that urine turns into a gel. Project modules. I've always wondered what kind of counters are on the pipes? There is a lot of water in living organisms - in every plant, in every animal. Shavayeva Khadija, a 4th grade student with her aunt. It lives in the seas and rivers, but often flies across the sky. Without what, we will say directly, Man to die?

"Water resources" - 1. Ground water 2. Surface water. The main troubles with water are organoleptic indicators. Groundwater pollution. The water cycle. Loss of 10-20% of water is life threatening. In a number of regions, groundwater was an important source of fresh water. This is a necessary condition for the existence of a living organism.

"Lesson Properties of water" - The state of water in nature. Annotation. Problem questions. How does a person use the properties of water. Basic properties of water. Importance of water for human life. Three states of water. Participants: 4th grade students. Subject: natural science. Water is the main wealth in the world. Methodical tasks.

"Water Grade 3" - Freezing water. Water is the source of life on earth. Guess what substance we are talking about: The transformation of ice into water. The world. steam condensation. Water condition. Turning water into ice. Turning water into steam. Melting ice. Turning steam into water. Grade 3 EMC "Harmony". Evaporation of water. Water transformations.

In an effort to protect themselves from various infections contained in "raw" water, many people drink bottled water. However, is this substitution really worthwhile? According to research scientists, not really.

In 2015, the analytical center of Moscow State University conducted large-scale laboratory research, during which 20 samples of well-known brands of bottled water and 28 more modest brands were studied. 4 of the last 28 samples were found to be undrinkable. In them, experts found increased alkalinity and a huge amount of bacteria. One sample of the indicated 4 was rejected due to poverty, but already useful microflora. Such a result, according to the center's specialists, is explained by thorough cleaning, due to which both the harmfulness of water and its benefits have been reduced to zero.

Water of well-known brands upset the researchers even more: 6 out of 20 samples were immediately rejected for microbiological indicators. The number of bacteria forming colonies in the samples was exceeded by 1.5-2 times.

Everyone knows that most often water is sold in plastic containers, for the production of which, as American scientists have found out, the harmful chemical bisphenol-A is used. This substance adversely affects reproductive function, the activity of the thyroid gland and the central nervous system. Bisphenol-A is actively released from plastic into water at above zero temperatures. In 95% of the participants in the experiment, bisphenol-A was detected in the urine after drinking bottled water. The same conclusions were reached by German scientists who published the results of their work in the publication PLoS ONE.

Water is the key to life. The human body consists of about 70 percent water. And this is already a confirmation of what was said above. But do you know why water is called water, as well as the origin of other names that are characteristic of this transparent, vital liquid.

Origin of the name "water"

Despite the fact that water is the key to life on our planet, etymologists still do not agree on the origin of this word and the name itself. It can only be argued that water can have its roots in the Proto-Slavic language, where there was such a word as "vodā".

As for the very origin of such a name, some sources believe that since ancient times, any liquid used as a drink began to be called water. This name has been preserved for H2O to this day.

Why is wastewater called wastewater

Of course, most people have heard of such a term as wastewater. It is clearly not recommended to use such a liquid as a drink, because this term means contaminated water, which can be saturated with all kinds of waste. The liquid got its name from the word "Drains".

Why is water called fresh

As you know, water is sea and fresh. And if we talk about sea, salt water, then its name is quite obvious and logical, because salt water is characteristic of the seas (and some large lakes).

As for fresh water, it was so named because of the almost complete lack of taste.

Of course, when we are thirsty, a sip of fresh cool water seems to us much tastier than any delicacy, but in reality it is insipid, and got its name due to such taste qualities, barely perceptible to humans.

Why artesian water is called artesian

Many of us have noticed a mark on mineral water that it is extracted from artesian sources. And this name also has a rational explanation. This name was given to the water in honor of the French province of Artois, where since the 12th century they began to use water extracted between waterproof underground layers.

Today, this is what they call water extracted from sources located below the groundwater level, at a depth of 100 to 1000 meters. Usually, it is this water that is used by manufacturers for sale in plastic containers with a volume of 0.3-0.5 liters and more.