A selection of the most beautiful quotes about spring. Statuses about spring beautiful short

The most spring statements of people who felt this phenomenon with all their hearts.
The importance of the spring season in the life of every living being can hardly be overestimated. We all feel it, but not everyone can say it.

2. "Spring is the time of year when it's great to start something new." Haruki Murakami Haruki Murakami
3. "Spring is the time of plans and assumptions." Lev Tolstoy
4. “Everything is new in spring! Yes, and the springs themselves are always so new - not one is like the other, each has something of its own, which gives it a special, unique charm. Lucy Montgomery

6. "The charm of spring is known only in winter, and sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs." Heinrich Heine
7. “Each year, something in you dies as the leaves fall from the trees and their bare branches sway defenselessly in the wind in the cold winter light. But you know that spring will definitely come, just as you are sure that the frozen river will be free of ice again. But when the cold rains poured without ceasing and killed the spring, it seemed as if a young life had been ruined for no reason. Ernest Hemingway
8. “You certainly know what it is? It's spring fever. That's what it's called. And if you have already picked it up, you want to - you don’t even know what exactly - but you want it so much that your heart just aches.” Mark Twain
9. “Spring is a time of follies, only by surrendering to which is it possible to fully enjoy happiness. Even the most fleeting…” Elchin Safarli

11. "Tulips and daffodils - the orange-golden storm of spring." Erich Maria Remarque
12. “It happens that something doesn’t stick, it doesn’t work out well, and at the same time you feel something good. Remember the good and understand: it's spring. Mikhail Prishvin
13. “You can’t say to spring: “Come on immediately and last as long as you need.” One can only say: "Come, fall over me with the grace of hope and stay with me as long as possible." Paulo Coelho
14. "Spring is the only revolution in this world." Fedor Tyutchev
15. “I sleep - she is alone above me. The one that people call spring, I call loneliness. Anna Akhmatova
16. "Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring." Henry David Thoreau
17. “The charm of spring is known only in winter, and sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs.” Heinrich Heine
18. "Spring is the dissolver of winter." Ludovic Jerzy Kern
19. "In the spring, when the earth thaws, people also seem to become softer." Maksim Gorky

How much has been said about spring! Spring is a time of awakening of nature, and a festive state of mind, and an attempt to start something new. Our publication contains material dedicated to this exciting time of the year. We have collected materials about spring, where there will be quotes, aphorisms and just beautiful words, we hope that reading will give you great pleasure. So many warm, sweet, gentle and wise words about spring have been said today. This once again proves that you and I, people, so need sunlight, and the greenery of our gardens, and the singing of birds, and a fresh wind caressing our faces. So, our time has come to say a few beautiful words about spring.

Awakening of nature

Maxim Gorky said wonderful words about spring: “In spring, the earth will thaw, and people will also seem to become softer.” Imagine that the first days of March are already on the calendar, we began to look out the window more often, peering into natural changes. Sometimes sometimes, quite a bit, March teases us with the first warm spring sun, but nothing more. After all, he is so slow! And it is precisely on this occasion that funny, funny and funny quotes come across on the Web, for example, a couple of them: “It seems that spring is confused with February!” Or, here: “Well, everything is clear with March, now we are waiting for April!” And sometimes, stepping over a mountain of March city snow, such words about spring are recalled with sarcasm: “Eat snow, help spring!” Our impatience can be so easily explained, because we are very tired of the chilly weather, of the cold, of the gray sky, and we are very, very looking forward to spring! But, as you know, sooner or later, spring comes into its own. The snow will melt, migratory birds will fly in, green leaves will appear on the trees, the first snowdrops and delicate tulips will decorate the gray city. Spring! As the famous German writer Erich Maria Remarque said: "Tulips and daffodils are the orange-golden storm of spring."

Spring - new life

Spring is the time to start something new, to fulfill some dream. It is in spring that you really want to walk the streets, laugh, enjoy life, fall in love with your dear soul mate again, put on a bright scarf and breathe deeply! A good mood, and most importantly, an excellent sense of humor is revealed with renewed vigor in spring. So, let's smile, because they say: "If your palms itch in the spring, it means that a line of love is being formed." Or this quote about spring: “We are preparing dresses, bags, shoes! Short skirts! Beware, men! Happy spring, girls! Especially in spring, we see how beautiful our world is, how we want to sing, dance from the surging beauty, how we want to live! And you feel like never before a part of a vast universe, share this joy with the whole world, smile at random passers-by, and as Henry David Thoreau wrote: “You can judge your health by how you rejoice in the morning and spring.”

Poets about spring

It's time to wake up, it's time to love, it's time to start new things! Poets of all times have said so many wonderful words about this wonderful time of the year that will resonate in the heart and soul of every living person today. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the famous Russian poet, said such beautiful words about spring that I want to repeat them again and again, to tell about them to those who still do not know, have not read, have not heard. So: “Spring is calling us to the village. It's time for warmth, flowers, work. It's time for inspirational festivities. And seductive nights. To the fields, friends! Hurry, hurry…” So sweet, direct, truthful and eloquent!

“Spring is a piece of immortality! A real revival! ”: G. D. Thoreau once said so. It is quite difficult to disagree with the words of a talented writer. Since it is at this time of the year that such enemies as the melancholy, anxiety and loneliness go into oblivion, no one and nothing can resist the joyful awakening of life. And if you are a little sad and dreary, or maybe troubles and misfortunes have broken you, then spring is exactly the time when it is time to restore your strength, heal spiritual wounds, and smile at a new day.

About spring from films

I recall a wonderful film shot by the Soviet director Sergei Fyodorovich Bondarchuk based on the novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". A scene shot in a field, where one of the leading characters of the novel, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, reads his monologue against the background of an old oak tree. The feelings and thoughts of the young prince, described by the author of the book, are focused on a huge old oak, which, despite the riot of colors of spring, was left without a green robe. His whole appearance said that spring, and happiness, and love are only a deception, but he remained deaf to the charms of spring.

Bolkonsky compares himself with this huge tree. He is also deprived of the taste of life, he does not believe in awakening. Life, he says, is already over. But, returning back, the prince could not believe his eyes. The oak tree was covered in leaves! And an unreasonable feeling of joy filled the young man's soul. “The old oak shone, slightly swaying in the rays of the evening sun. There were no clumsy fingers, no old grief and distrust, no sores - there was nothing. The desire to live returned, just as spring turned an old snag into a magnificent giant, so there was a revolution in the thoughts and feelings of Andrei Bolkonsky.

Our contemporaries

What wonderful poems about spring the poets of past centuries gave us, they are lyrical and tender, like Sergey Yesenin’s “The bird cherry blossomed in spring,” and Vladimir Mayakovsky’s poems are rather laconic: “Some uncles write in the newspapers that a woodpecker began to tap lovingly.” Yes, you smiled, but this is your own point of view, although it is unusual, but it fully corresponds to the period of time when Mayakovsky lived and worked. Our contemporaries can also surprise us, inspire us, they can make us smile: “I love spring whims, spring has not yet been given a visa.” Charming Larisa Miller dedicated such lines to spring.

Poems about the spring of the modern poet Sergei Prilutsky show us the whirlpool of life around us, they are like a cheerful carousel of words: “Breath is felt by every cell of living organisms, especially the branches of trees, bushes and grass by the road. The warmth of awakening is already on the threshold.

Jokes aside

As we said earlier: spring is the time of awakening, the time of love. Trees are blooming, and all life around comes to life. But not everything is as simple and cute as it might seem at first glance. Spring is red, the color of blood on melted snow, the blood that animals shed in the struggle with each other for the right to live, love, be what nature created them to follow their instincts. Sometimes for some of them this is the last battle. In confirmation of these words, I would like to cite as an example the work "White Fang", written by Jack London, which describes a scene of this kind, where animals, following the call of spring, say goodbye to each other in battle with each other.

May showers

What does spring give us? These are crazy and already warm May downpours, with thunderstorms, with thunder, with huge bursting bulbs in puddles. And you, soaked to the skin, so happy, young, carefree, laughing merrily, run home. “I love a thunderstorm in early May, when the first spring thunder, as if frolicking and playing, rumbles in the blue sky,” wrote the wonderful and talented lyric poet Fyodor Tyutchev. It is spring that is the time “when rain is the sky in fragments of puddles” (V. Borisov), “rain is the time not to wait out the storm, but the time to learn to dance under it” (V. Green).

Wise words and the sweet song of the nightingale

What else does spring have in store for us? What other wise aphorisms, quotes about spring did our ancestors give us? I would like to recall the wise verses of the fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov: “We are the roots of the tree on which you bloom, show off in a good hour! Yes, just remember the difference between us, that with a new spring a new leaf will be born, and if the root dries up, there will be no tree, nor you. Words are like prophecy, they make you think deeply about many things in life.

Raging, young May, the golden month of the year, it is at this time that a gift awaits you - the song of the "King of Spring"! A small brown bird with beautiful big eyes and a magical voice will make you freeze in mute delight. Nightingale, nightingale! Ornithologists or just lovers go to the forest at night to listen to it, since it is at this time of day that the nightingale sings its most beautiful songs.

“The whole evening a nightingale rumbled in the garden, and a bench in a distant alley was waiting, and spring was tormenting ... But you didn’t come,” wrote the poet Nikolai Gumilyov. Yes, you will certainly agree that spring is the time of love! How blossoming apple and cherry trees smell in spring! How dizzy!


In conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to note that the material of this publication is a drop in the ocean, it is a leaf on a tree, a dewdrop in a meadow. After all, it is worth thinking about the theme of spring in nature, the theme of awakening, celebrating life, the beginning of something new and exciting, this is the time of recovery, this is the time to love, read poetry, enjoy the sun, the first greenery, see the birds that have flown home. But this time is not only for emotions and feelings, this is another opportunity to learn something new and beautiful about our world, use every opportunity for this by reading, listening, memorizing wise, long, short, beautiful quotes about spring. Be happy!

Spring has always been a symbol of birth and renewal. During this period, all living things wake up, and everything we are used to acquires a new color.

Warm sunbeams, early morning bird songs, the rustle of young grass and the sound of the river - all this is associated with spring.

Quotes from Russian poets about spring

Russian poets have always felt the energy and vitality of the seasons. As a rule, spring was for them a period of new beginnings and inspiration. This time of the year evoked a storm of emotions and passions in people, which poets splashed onto paper.

"Spring is the only revolution in this world..."

F.I. Tyutchev

"Spring is calling you to the village,
It's time for warmth, flowers, work,
It's time for inspirational festivities
And seductive nights.
To the fields, friends! Hurry, hurry..."

A.S. Pushkin

"Spring is not like joy."

S.A. Yesenin

"Oh, spring without end and without edge - without end and without edge dream!"

A.A. Block

"Let life bring happiness to people - spring is in my soul of love."

A.A. Block

"Like the first ray of spring is bright! What dreams descend in it! How captivating you are, a gift of an inflaming spring!"

A.A. Fet

"Spring and grief are not enough: she washed herself in the snow and became only a blush in defiance of the enemy. Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich

Spring is coming, spring is coming - and the quiet warm days of May, a ruddy light round dance crowds merrily behind her..

F. Tyutchev.

Quotes about the spring of Russian writers

Spring has also become symbolic in the works of Russian writers. For them, it was not so important - sunny or cloudy outside the window, what was happening around and what was expected of them. The atmosphere of spring and new life filled their souls, cheered them up and allowed them to renounce the whole world and be left alone with their thoughts, a piece of paper and a pen.

"In the spring, when the earth thaws, people also seem to become softer."

M. Gorky

"Spring is the time of plans and assumptions."

L.N. Tolstoy

"It happens that something does not stick, it comes out badly, and at the same time you feel something good. Remember the good and understand: it's spring"

M.M. Prishvin

"Meanwhile, spring has come, beautiful, friendly, without expectation and deceptions of spring, one of those rare springs that plants, animals and people rejoice together."

L.N. Tolstoy

Quotes about the spring of foreign writers

Like all people, foreign writers enjoyed the spring days. Someone wrote about life, someone about himself, and someone just dreamed. But each line written was saturated with the scent of spring.

"Spring is a real rebirth, a piece of immortality."

G.D. Toro

"In the depths of your hopes and desires lies a silent knowledge of the beyond; and like seeds sleeping under the snow, your heart dreams of spring."

Jubran Hamil Jubran

"The charm of spring is known only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs."

Heinrich Heine

"Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring."

Henry David Thoreau

"Why, spring is in the yard. In the spring, he always becomes mischievous and longs for a new one."

Erich Maria Remarque

“Only now it suddenly dawned on me that in a week and a half spring will come. And by spring everything is always incredibly fabulous, you can ask any schizophrenic.”

Miguel Grace

"... in spring, everyone becomes handsome if he hurries to meet his dream."

Stephen King

Movie Quotes About Spring

Where, if not in the cinema, you can feel the atmosphere of spring at any time of the year. Blooming tulips, couples in love and the chirping of birds - why not a spring fairy tale?

"This is a May-spoiler, this May-sorcerer blows fresh with his fan!"

From the movie "12 chairs"

And in the spring I don't believe in misfortune
And I'm not afraid of drizzling drops.
And in the spring different animals molt,
Only a sunbeam does not shed."

From the movie "Once More About Love"

Quotes about the spring of contemporaries

Spring is a period of inspiration for every person. Not everyone can write down, remember or articulate their feelings. And to those who succeed, you need to say: "thank you." Thank you for the wonderful lines and good mood.

"Perhaps I have never met such a daring and unpredictable woman as Spring Weather."

Anna Sevostyanova

"Spring. Goosebumps run in the stomach: either love, or diarrhea."

Igor Yagupov

“Spring! Who doesn’t love her! The most seedy, lousy dove in the spring preens, becomes kinder, hopes for something of his own.”

Tatiana Tolstaya

Looking for spring. Special signs: the sun is bright, the weather is warm, the trees are flowering, the grass is green.

Spring - the streets are noticeably dressed and worn out!

The arrival of spring set a task for me - what is better for me: to bloom or to bloom?

March has come, the cats sang ... I sing along with them a little!)))

Spring is a time of tenderness, joy and love. Time for flowers, bright handbags, short skirts. Time for kisses, crazy deeds, romance. A time that makes our hearts beat faster. And all this does not depend on age at all!

Spring! Soon they will flow: streams through the streets ... children have snot ... men drool ...

When spring is in the soul, it doesn’t matter what season is outside the window.

Observational aphorisms about spring

Spring is not invented to catch a spring cold.

Spring is born blonde.

Spring hormones are playing carcasses!..

Spring is such a time of year when it is very good to start something new.

Puppet observational aphorisms about spring

Spring supplies us with the soaring of desires.

Ah, spring, what a romantic time!.. Everyone is happy, smiling, and happy... Flowers in the hands of girlfriends, love reigns all around!

Spring came. The asphalt melted first.

And what if spring does not come because of those who have not thrown out the Christmas tree yet ...

There is a rare type of allergy - to life; the disease is aggravated by loneliness and is aggravated in the spring.

Early in the morning I woke up from sleep ... A fierce spring is raging outside the window! ..

Winter may make spring late, but stop - no.

Spring is such a time of the year when you can feel like a complete idiot and smile stupidly, for no reason. And - for quite legal reasons.

Spring is around the corner, but no one knows for what.

Spring is coming and traffic lights want to turn green, but you have to blush for the quality of the roads.

The Ministry of Health warns: spring is contagious with a virus of love... There is no vaccine, there was not and will not be... And do not hope...

On the eighth of March I want tulips... A lot of tulips... And it is desirable that they lie on the hood of MY car)))

Spring has come - the emaciated moth is feasting in the cabinets.

Frost and sun - a wonderful day !!! The sky is blue, the frost is on... You would be appropriate in January... But, damn it, not in March... not at the end!!!

The best observational aphorisms about spring

Spring is an expanding Universe of happiness to the feeling of fullness of life.

Dinosaurs in the ice age also thought at first that "spring got lost on the road" ...

Thank you, spring, for beautiful legs!

Spring! It became warm. Two types of originals were identified on the street. The former are still wearing down jackets, while the latter are already in T-shirts and shorts.

Spring is when the whole planet is in flowers, a miracle given to us by God in order to feel and see paradise while still alive!

Spring is the solvent of winter.

In March, when cats begin to yell, cats begin to scrape in their souls.

The beam will break through the first, sleepy, the ice will melt by the river. Under the spring sigh, we will hide the hormonal winter under locks.

The smell of spring disturbs the soul ...

Hormones are the first to play the hymn to spring!

Spring, wake up... Winter is impudent!!!

Judge your health by how you enjoy the morning and spring.

It is known that you have to pay for everything ... And therefore, in order to admire the spring, you have to survive the winter!

Do you know why spring is so late? She just brings great happiness to all of us! ..

The soul is pure in spring, like white snow. And the poison of love completely deprives sleep. Spring, spring, spring, spring, spring!

Women in the spring are like snowdrops - even the snow has not all gone, but they have already blossomed!

Super Observant Aphorisms About Spring

Spring is a good enough reason to do significant stupid things for no good reason.

Until winter leaves, spring will not come.

Okay, the government is stealing, but now nature has already stolen the month of spring from us ...

If you once did not notice the arrival of Spring, then you run the risk of becoming simply not interesting to her.

We must always move forward, remembering that after winter, spring always comes.

Soon, soon it will start! The world will wake up from winter! We wake up and shake ourselves, in the midst of the spring turmoil... Let's clap our eyes, stomp our feet... Let's dig through the chests... Well, hold on, guys!

Spring - figure skating in the morning, kayaking in the evening.

It is not the lady spring who is late at all, but the man March, who once again fornicates somewhere.

Let's have your April already ... With March, of course, it did not work out ...)))

And even a stump on a spring day with a birch dreams of sleeping again ...

I know why spring does not come - because not everyone has lost weight yet! ..

Now the main thing is that March does not forget that it is spring ...

Sly look, cherry lipstick. A sly smile and stiletto heels. Let the Almighty forgive my impudent appearance. Spring! And tremble, men!!!

Snow, snowball, white blizzard... The end of March has come, but I still can't believe it!!!

Spring has come, penguins have arrived from the south.

Elegant observational aphorisms about spring

Let flowers bloom in your soul every day, and not just in spring...

Avitaminosis! The body lacks L, U, B, V, I ...

Spring is the perfect time to sow the fields of your imagination with fantasy seeds!

Hope glimmers in the soul with the first spring buds...

Spring came! And I fell for it again!

This spring has been a surprisingly good winter.

Spring helps to endure the winter.

Winter is still different from spring - winter is warmer ...))

Spring is still that lady! For a whole winter you invite her on a date, and, you see, she still has nothing to wear!

Ready for shoes and stockings! Short skirts! Beware guys! Happy spring, girls!!!

Spring is getting closer every day. Perhaps you should go out to meet her?

Some women bloom, others also bloom.

In the spring, even the boot whispers something tender in the ear.

How do you feel about this spring? To understand and to forgive. She's still a woman!

Spring is a miracle!

March. Winter does not go away, spring freezes in a hut... Shelter her for a while... Settle in your soul!!!

Spring. Goosebumps run in my stomach: either falling in love, or diarrhea.

Spring... Warmer... Cockroaches and flies woke up in my head and started a brawl for a "place in the sun"...

In February, it is no coincidence that there are only 28 days ... Apparently, someone really wanted spring)))

Why, one wonders, does spring always happen in nature and never in ourselves? It would be nice to take and, if I may say so, bloom somewhere in April-May.

Emil Azhar "Darling"

Summer is just an unfulfilled promise of spring, a fake instead of those warm blissful nights you dream of in April.

Francis Fitzgerald

Autumn and spring are the most profitable season for funeral goods dealers: more people die than in summer and winter; in autumn - because a person's strength dries up, in spring - because they awaken and devour a weakened organism, like a too thick wick of a skinny candle.

Erich Maria Remarque

Say what you like, but spring is the most beautiful time for love, autumn is the best time to stand at the goal of your desires.

Soren Kierkegaard

I'm afraid of February - the painful transition from a frightening winter to an inspiring spring.

Elchin Safarli

For early spring - there is a sign - Alas, the short summer comes!

William Shakespeare

Just as stars on clear nights adorn the sky, and flowers in spring adorn green meadows, so sparkles of wit adorn pleasant conversations.

Giovanni Boccaccio

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower.

Albert Camus

The end of spring does not mean that summer has begun.

Martha Ketro

The landscape with snow-shrouded trees was replaced by a gentle watercolor of spring.

Arthur Golden

And the winter will be big ... Look, across the river Autumn is dying quietly, Waving its yellow hand. Wet aspens are crying, Grandfather Arbat is crying, Blue Russia is crying, Turning into leaf fall. And, crushing the snowdrifts, The sun will splash in the spring ... And the winter will be big - Only twilight and snow.

Yuri Vizbor

If there were no winter, spring would not seem so beautiful to us; if there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable.

Anna Bradstreet

Mentally change winter to spring and fall in love.

Elchin Safarli

I like spring, but it's too young. I like summer, but it's too arrogant. Therefore, most of all I love autumn, when the leaves turn a little yellow, their shades are brighter, the colors are richer, and everything takes on a touch of sadness and foreboding of death. Her golden wealth speaks not of the inexperience of spring, not of the power of summer, but of the maturity and benevolent wisdom of impending old age. Autumn knows the boundaries of life and is full of contentment. From the awareness of these boundaries, from the richness of experience, a symphony of color arises, its abundance, where green speaks of life and strength, orange - of golden satisfaction, and purple - of humility and death.

Lin Yutang

Autumn is in the human soul. Like spring, summer, any season, any weather. And therefore, to the same rain, someone with joy and a premonition of purification will substitute his hands, and the other will frown heavily, brush his sadness into a random stream and tighten his cloak. The weather is in us, and the rain ... it just comes. Deprived of shades of good and evil, joy and sadness, the rain falls through our souls.