Preparing for school in kindergarten. From the experience of "Preparing children for school

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How to choose a kindergarten in Moscow to prepare for school?

Preparing for school is one of the most important tasks not only for parents, but also for kindergarten teachers. How diligent, stress-resistant and interested in learning your child will be, knowledge will be so successfully absorbed. How to choose a developing center or a kindergarten with preparation for school, what kind of teachers should be in it, and how much will you have to spend on it?

Features of the choice of preparatory courses in kindergartens and centers of Moscow

In modern kindergartens, preparation for school proceeds gradually from the youngest groups. In older groups, more focused classes on the basics of writing and reading are added. Many children, having got to talented teachers, already from the age of 5 read freely and write quite well.

What to consider when choosing a kindergarten with a training program:

  • Learning to write and read is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Educators and teachers in good centers and kindergartens communicate with parents, give advice and hold meetings at which they explain how to interest the child in learning, how to instill a love of reading and avoid unnecessary pressure on the sensitive psyche. Feedback from parents is also very important; in a good center or kindergarten, you can always contact the teacher with similar questions.
  • Professional teachers, focusing on the characteristics of children's behavior, build their classes according to certain principles. In a good kindergarten, a child will not be forced to sit for about two hours on the solution of one problem, because the teacher understands that this is simply inefficient. The best solution is to gradually increase the time of classes, starting with the minimum (15 minutes) and ending with a full-fledged academic hour (45 minutes).
  • Everyone knows that games are the best way to help children absorb information of any kind. Educators conduct special intellectual warm-ups with riddles about the school, read poetry, play role-playing scenes, motivating children to visit a real school in the future. What to put in a portfolio? What lessons would the child like to learn? An experienced teacher not only knows many playful ways of interacting with a child, but will also share them with you. Do not be shy to ask questions, because future studies depend on it.
  • Take a closer look not only at how the teacher interacts with the children, but also what is the general atmosphere in the "small team". A professional should not only be able to create a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere for children, but also prevent the development of conflicts, help children find a way out of them.
  • Many activities require appropriate materials: toddlers may need paints and an album, older children may need textbooks, a pencil case and notebooks. In most kindergartens, parents purchase stationery on their own. It is important to remember that it is not worth saving on training materials, as well as paying too much attention to them. The abundance of multi-colored notebooks and pencils can distract from the actual educational process.
  • It is desirable that not only medical personnel work in the development center of your choice, but also a child psychologist. You can not neglect the advice of this specialist before going to a school institution.

Of course, the choice of a kindergarten also depends on the financial situation of the parents.

The cost of preparing for school in kindergartens and development centers in Moscow

If in the selected kindergarten preparation for school is free, then the only thing you have to spend money on will be stationery. Unfortunately, such services can not be found in every kindergarten; paid classes are organized much more often. The cost of training courses in Moscow varies from 2,000 to 6,000 rubles.

In the family, the child receives comprehensive assistance in preparing for school. For him, his parents are caregivers and teachers simultaneously. However, within the framework of the family and without the help of professional teachers, the full preparation of the child for schooling is impossible. For children who have not attended kindergarten, preparation for school in the family is insufficient and they tend to show a significantly lower level of school readiness.

How is preparation for school carried out in the family

Each family builds the educational process at its own discretion, without coordination with teachers and without additional methodological recommendations. Thus, certain gaps arise in family education, especially when preparing a child for school. Children who attended preschool institutions in most cases turn out to be better prepared not only in terms of education and training, but also in terms of psychological, since such children already have certain skills for joint teamwork with educational material.

In kindergarten, preparing children for school occupies a special place, since kindergartens belong to the system of public education and their task includes, in addition to educating a comprehensively developed personality, preparation of future students. The success of his education in the future depends on the intensity and effectiveness of the work of the kindergarten teacher in the process of preparing the child for school. The educator in the preparatory group has two main tasks: comprehensive education and special training. Comprehensive education includes physical, mental, moral and aesthetic education.

The tasks of the educator in the preparatory process

In the preparation for school, the teacher performs the following tasks:

1. Formation among preschoolers of the idea of ​​schoolwork as an important activity for acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. In accordance with this idea, children develop cognitive activity in the classroom;

2. Development of responsibility, perseverance, independence and diligence. This contributes to the child's desire to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, making sufficient efforts for this;

3. Mastering the skills of collective activity, a positive attitude towards peers, the formation of the ability to actively influence their peers as participants in a common activity. That is, the ability to provide all possible assistance, to make fair assessments of the results of the work of peers, to develop tact in assessing the mistakes made;

4. The acquisition by preschoolers of the skills of organized behavior and learning activities in a team environment. These skills contribute to the formation of independence in preschoolers in choosing the type of activity, game or activity.

The pedagogical activity of a teacher in a kindergarten is educational in nature and consists of two components of obtaining knowledge and skills by preschoolers: the child's extensive communication with peers and adults, and an organized educational process. Accordingly, in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills, there are differences between those that a child can acquire independently in the process of communication and those knowledge and skills that he can acquire only in special training sessions. The tasks of the educator in the classroom include checking the completeness of the children's assimilation of the program material, checking the speed and rationality of their actions, the availability of skills and abilities, as well as monitoring the correct, adequate behavior.

Many modern psychologists have argued that about eighty percent The intelligence of a child is formed before the age of eight. In this regard, the requirements for the organization of education and training of older preschoolers are quite high.

In kindergarten, cognitive tasks are combined with the formation of moral and volitional qualities, and their solution is carried out in close connection. The formation of cognitive interest contributes to the awakening of the child's activity, contributes to the development of curiosity. In turn, the ability to show perseverance and diligence contributes to improving the quality of activity. Thus, preschoolers confidently and effectively learn the educational material.

In the process of raising a child in kindergarten, it is also necessary to develop in the child the need for cognitive activity, curiosity, independent search for solutions and answers to emerging questions. A child who has not developed this need to a sufficient degree will show passivity in the classroom, it will be difficult to force him to complete tasks, acquire knowledge on his own and, accordingly, achieve high results in learning.

Elena Tikhanova
From the experience of "Preparing children for school"

Preparing children for school.

Among the functions that the kindergarten performs in the system of public education, in addition to the comprehensive development of the child, a large place is occupied by preparing children for school. On how well and timely it will be prepared preschooler, success in his further education largely depends.

Preparing children for school in kindergarten includes two main tasks: all-round education (physical, mental, moral, aesthetic) and special preparation for mastering school subjects.

Work educator in the classroom for the formation of readiness for school includes:

The production of children perceptions of classes as an important activity for acquiring knowledge. Based on this idea, the child develops active behavior in the classroom. (careful performance of tasks, attention to the words of the teacher);

Development of perseverance, responsibility, independence, diligence. Their formation appears in the child's desire to acquire knowledge, skills, to make sufficient efforts for this;

upbringing preschooler experience activities in a team and a positive attitude towards peers; mastering ways of actively influencing peers as participants in common activities (the ability to provide assistance, fairly evaluate the results peer work, tactfully point out shortcomings);

Formation children skills of organized behavior, learning activities in a team environment. The presence of these skills has a significant impact on the overall process of the moral formation of the child's personality, makes preschooler more independent in the choice of activities, games, activities of interest.

Education and training children in kindergarten is educational in nature and takes into account two directions for children to acquire knowledge and skills: wide communication of the child with adults and peers, and an organized educational process.

In the process of communicating with adults and peers, the child receives a variety of information, among which there are two groups of knowledge and skills. The first provides knowledge and skills that children can master in everyday communication. The second category includes knowledge and skills to be mastered by children in the classroom. In the classroom, the teacher takes into account how children learn the program material, perform tasks; they check the speed and rationality of their actions, the presence of various skills, and, finally, determines their ability to observe the correct behavior.

The result of the development of the child in preschool childhood are the prerequisites for the child to be able to adapt to the conditions schools start systematic study.

When a child enters school is important so that he has not only developed speech, but also prepared hand possessed hand-eye coordination. Poor development of fine motor skills in children of senior preschool age, in the future can lead to the emergence of a negative attitude towards learning, an anxiety state in school, weak emotional - volitional sphere of the child, because the ability to perform small movements with objects develops precisely in preschool age. To do this, we use tasks of varying degrees of complexity. After conducting a study of our pupils, we found that most children not good enough with a pencil, the lines are mostly crooked, inaccurate and weak, some children there is poor coordination of movements. Therefore, we tried to select the most effective methods and means for development children and preparing them for school.

This work we conduct regularly, we try to make the tasks offered by us bring joy to the child, we do not allow boredom and overwork, we try to arouse children's interest, positive emotions. An important part of our work for the development of fine motor skills are "finger games and exercises". We offer children to depict animals, people and objects with the help of various combinations of fingers.

Children get a lot of positive emotions while working with Miracle - sandbox. With the help of sand, they can draw funny pictures. During these exercises, we develop children reproductive and creative imagination, memory, hand-eye coordination, eye, speech, small hand movements.

In his work we use such a technique as laying out from counting sticks, matches and shoelaces this is a very interesting and effective form work to prepare children for learning to write. When performing such tasks with seniors preschoolers develops fine motor skills of hands, eye, creative imagination, memory.

Also in work we often use cereals and seeds, teach children hold seeds and cereals with your fingers; massage the palms with peas; lay out geometric or floral ornaments, figures of people, animals, numbers according to reference points or patterns or draw them from memory; guess by touch which bag contains seeds, grains, cereals, legumes. Work with cereals develops children logic, imagination, attention, perseverance, subtle finger movements develops tactile sensations children.

We also conduct interesting games with plasticine, which provide opportunities for the overall development of the child. Before sculpting, we read fairy tales, make riddles, and the guys sculpt the characters they like the most.

The guys really like laying out colored laces along the contour, any image. First, with the help of laces, we taught children lay out the contours of various objects and numbers, then more complex compositions. It should be noted that this occupation is laborious, so not everyone children are doing well.

It is well known that Job with scissors exercises the child in a quick change of tension and relaxation of the small muscles of the hand. Such Job helps in the formation of the correct distribution of the muscle load of the arm.

The visual activity of the child in preschool age is one of the natural specific children's activities. Creativity for them is a reflection of the spiritual work. Without parting with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, the child imperceptibly learns to observe, compare, think, fantasize. The more often a child holds a pencil or a brush in his hands, the stronger the ability to hold a pen correctly is fixed, the easier it will be for him to draw his first letters. For a child, the traces left by pencils, felt-tip pens, a ballpoint pen and a brush are familiar and familiar, but the use of fingers and palms, drawing with lids, crumpled paper and cotton swabs is surprising.

We devote a lot of time to independent activities children in a developing environment. In free use children entertaining games: "Mosaic", "Lacing", "Collect the beads" etc., which develop fine motor skills of hands, memory, intelligence, attention.

We are leading work in notebooks in a large cell, in which children learn to see the line, open the desired page, write and circle the cells. We also invite the guys to hatch various figures. Indeed, during writing and shading, not only the muscles of the fingers and hands develop, speech, logical thinking, general culture also develop, and creative abilities are activated.

This academic year, our developmental environment was supplemented by an interactive table, which we use both in the classroom and in free activities. Installed apps include myself:

a large set of interactive games;

counting, addition and subtraction, reading by syllables, reading letters, reading words, developing attention and memory;

drawings - children choose colors and effects, and then paint with their fingers or hands;

The interactive table allows you to develop preschoolers such skills as:

learning to read, write and solve problems;

helps to learn effective communication in society and listen to others;

logical thinking;

fine motor skills;

motor coordination, hand-eye coordination;

psychological readiness for school.

Parents are concerned about the question of how to ensure the full development of the child in preschool age how right prepare him for school. Visual information plays an important role in educating parents. The location for this information is the Parents Corner. At the previous parent meeting, we discussed the issue preparing children for school, drew the attention of parents to the importance and significance of such activities with children.

Conducted by us work on the development and training of the hands of children of senior preschool age for learning school gives good results. Children felt self-confidence, in their abilities, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements improved, attention, a child’s eye, visual memory, accuracy, imagination, imaginative thinking were formed ...

We will not stop at what has been achieved, activities to topic: « Preparing preschoolers for school» we will continue to apply work with children new playing techniques, continue to work closely with the parents of pupils.

The role of parents in preparing for school is huge : adult family members perform the functions of parents, educators, and teachers. However, not all parents, in conditions of isolation from a preschool institution, can ensure the full, comprehensive preparation of their child for schooling, mastering the school curriculum. As a rule, children who did not attend kindergarten show a lower level of readiness for school than children who went to kindergarten, because. parents of "home" children do not always have the opportunity to consult with a specialist and build the educational process at their own discretion, unlike parents whose children attend preschool institutions prepare for school in kindergarten classes.

Among the functions that the kindergarten performs in the system of public education, in addition to the comprehensive development of the child, a large place is occupied by the preparation of children for school. The success in his further education largely depends on how well and timely a preschooler is prepared.

Preparing children for school in kindergarten includes two main tasks: comprehensive education (physical, mental, moral, aesthetic) and special preparation for mastering school subjects.

The work of the educator in the classroom on the formation of readiness for school includes:

Developing in children the idea of ​​classes as an important activity for acquiring knowledge. Based on this idea, the child develops active behavior in the classroom (careful completion of tasks, attention to the words of the teacher);

Development of perseverance, responsibility, independence, diligence. Their formation appears in the child's desire to acquire knowledge, skills, to make sufficient efforts for this;

Raising a preschooler's experience of working in a team and a positive attitude towards peers; mastering the ways of actively influencing peers as participants in common activities (the ability to provide assistance, fairly evaluate the results of peers' work, tactfully note shortcomings);

Formation in children of skills of organized behavior, learning activities in a team environment. The presence of these skills has a significant impact on the overall process of the moral formation of the child's personality, makes the preschooler more independent in the choice of activities, games, activities of interest.

The upbringing and education of children in kindergarten is educational in nature and takes into account two areas for children to acquire knowledge and skills: the child's extensive communication with adults and peers, and an organized educational process.

In the process of communicating with adults and peers, the child receives a variety of information, among which there are two groups of knowledge and skills. The first provides knowledge and skills that children can master in everyday communication. The second category includes knowledge and skills to be mastered by children in the classroom. In the classroom, the teacher takes into account how children learn the program material, perform tasks; they check the speed and rationality of their actions, the presence of various skills, and, finally, determines their ability to observe the correct behavior.

Cognitive tasks are connected with the tasks of the formation of moral and volitional qualities and their solution is carried out in close relationship: cognitive interest encourages the child to be active, diligence, affects the quality of activity, as a result of which preschoolers quite firmly master educational material.

It is also important to instill in the child curiosity, voluntary attention, the need for an independent search for answers to emerging questions. After all, a preschooler who does not have a sufficiently formed interest in knowledge will behave passively in the classroom, it will be difficult for him to direct his efforts and will to complete tasks, acquire knowledge, and achieve positive achievements in learning.

Of great importance in preparing children for school is the education in them of "social qualities", the ability to live and work in a team. Therefore, one of the conditions for the formation of children's positive relationships is the support by the educator of the natural need of children for communication. Communication should be voluntary and friendly. Communication is a necessary element of preparing children for school, and a kindergarten can provide the greatest opportunity for its implementation.

The result of the development of the child in preschool childhood are the prerequisites for the child to be able to adapt to the conditions of the school, to begin systematic learning.. These prerequisites include, first of all, the desire to become a schoolboy, to carry out serious activities, to study. Such a desire appears by the end of preschool age in the vast majority of children. It is connected with the fact that the child begins to realize his position as a preschooler as not corresponding to his increased abilities, ceases to be satisfied with the way that play gives him familiarity with the life of adults. He psychologically outgrows the game, and the position of a schoolboy enters for him as a step towards adulthood, and study as a responsible matter, to which everyone treats with respect. Surveys of children, repeatedly conducted in kindergarten preparatory groups, showed that children, with rare exceptions, tend to go to school and do not want to stay in kindergarten. Children justify this desire in different ways. Most refer to studying as the attractive side of the school. Of course, not only the opportunity to learn attracts children. For preschoolers, external attributes of school life have great attractive power: sitting at a desk, calling, changing, marks, holding a portfolio, a pencil case, etc. This kind of interest in external things is less important than the desire to learn, but it also has a positive meaning, expressing the general desire of the child to change his place in society, his position among other people.

An important aspect of psychological readiness for school is a sufficient level of volitional development of the child. In developed children, this level turns out to be different, but a typical feature that distinguishes six-year-old children is the subordination of motives, which gives the child the opportunity to control his behavior, and which is necessary in order to immediately, having come to grade 1, be included in general activities, accept the system of demands placed by the school on teachers.

As for the arbitrariness of cognitive activity, although it begins to form at senior preschool age, by the time it enters school, it has not yet reached full development: it is difficult for a child to maintain stable voluntary attention for a long time, to memorize significant materials, etc. Education in elementary school takes into account these characteristics of children and is structured in such a way that the requirements for the arbitrariness of their cognitive activity increase gradually, as it improves in the learning process itself.

The readiness of the child for school in the field of mental development includes several interrelated aspects. A child entering grade 1 needs a certain amount of knowledge about the world around him - about objects and their properties, about phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, about people, their work and their aspects of social life, about “what is good and what is bad ”, i.e. on moral standards of conduct. But what is important is not so much the volume of this knowledge as their quality - the degree of correctness, clarity and generalization that has developed in preschool childhood representation.

The figurative thinking of an older preschooler provides quite rich opportunities for mastering generalized classes, and with well-organized learning, children master ideas that reflect the essential patterns of phenomena related to different areas of reality. Such representations are the most important acquisition that will help the child to go to school to learn school knowledge. It is quite enough if, as a result of preschool education, the child gets acquainted with those areas and aspects of phenomena that serve as the subject of study of various sciences, begins to single them out, distinguishing living from non-living, plants from animals, natural from man-made, harmful from useful. Systematic familiarization with each area, the assimilation of systems of scientific concepts is a matter of the future.

A special place in the psychological readiness for school is occupied by the mastery of some special knowledge and skills traditionally related to school proper, literacy, counting, and solving arithmetic problems.

The elementary school has counted on children who have not received any special training, and begins to teach them literacy and mathematics from the very beginning. Therefore, appropriate knowledge and skills cannot be considered as an obligatory component of a child's readiness for schooling. At the same time, a significant part of the children entering the 1st grade can read, and all children master accounts to one degree or another.

Literacy in elements of mathematics at preschool age can affect the success of schooling. Of positive importance is the education in children of general ideas about the sound side of speech and its difference from the content side, about the quantitative relationships of things and their difference from the objective meaning of these things. Will help the child to study at school and assimilate the concept of number and some other initial mathematical concepts.

As for the skills of reading, counting, problem solving, their usefulness depends on what basis they are built on, how well they are formed. Thus, the skill of reading increases the level of readiness of the child for school only if it is built on the basis of the development of phonemic hearing and omniscience of the sound composition of the word, and the reading itself is continuous or syllable-by-syllable. Letter-by-letter reading, which is not uncommon among preschoolers, will make it difficult for the teacher to work, as the child will have to be retrained. It is the same with counting - it will be useful if it is based on an understanding of mathematical relations, the meaning of a number, and useless or even harmful if learned mechanically.

Of decisive importance in the readiness to assimilate the school curriculum are not the values ​​and skills in themselves, but the level of development of the cognitive processes and cognitive activity of the child, the features of the development of his interests. The general positive attitude towards school and learning, to the position of the student, to his rights and obligations is not sufficient to ensure sustainable successful learning, if the child is not attracted by the very content of the knowledge received at school, is not interested in the new things he learns in the classroom if he is not attracted by the process of cognition itself.

Cognitive interests develop gradually, over a long period of time, and cannot arise immediately after entering school, if sufficient attention is not paid to their upbringing at preschool age. The greatest difficulties in primary school are experienced not by those children who have insufficient knowledge and skills by the end of preschool age, but by those who show intellectual passivity, who lack the desire and habit to think, solve problems that are not directly related to any interest of the child. game or life situation.

The formation of sustainable cognitive interests contributes to the condition of systematic preschool education. However, even under these conditions, some children exhibit intellectual passivity, and in order to overcome it, in-depth individual work with the child is required. The level of development of cognitive activity that can be achieved by children by the end of preschool age and which is sufficient for successful education in elementary school includes, in addition to the voluntary control of this activity, as mentioned earlier, and certain qualities of perception and thinking of the child. A child entering school should be able to systematically examine signs, phenomena, highlight their various properties.

Of great importance is the orientation of the child in space and time. Literally from the first days of being at school, the child receives instructions that cannot be fulfilled without taking into account the spatial features of things, knowledge of the direction of space. So, for example, the teacher asks to draw a line “obliquely from the upper left corner to the lower right corner of the cage” or “straight down the right side of the cage”, etc. The idea of ​​time, and the sense of time, the ability to determine how much of it has passed, is an important part of the student's organized work in their class, completing tasks on time.

Education at school, the systematic condition of knowledge, make high demands on the thinking of the child. The child must be able to highlight the essential in the phenomena of the surrounding reality, be able to compare them, highlight similar and different; he must learn to reason, to find the cause of phenomena, to draw conclusions.

Another side of the mental development that determines the readiness of the child for schooling is the development of his speech, the mastery of the ability to describe an object, picture, event in a connected, consistent, understandable way for others, convey the course of his thought, explain this or that phenomenon, rule.

Psychological readiness for school includes the quality of the child's personality, helping him to enter the class team, find his place in it, join in the general activity. These are social motives of behavior, those rules of behavior in relation to other people conditional on the child, and the ability to establish and maintain relationships with peers that are formed in the joint activities of preschoolers.

educator MKDOU

"Kindergarten No. 6 combined type"

Art. Essentukskaya, Predgorny district, Stavropol Territory


Preparing a child for entry into grade 1 is not easy. Some parents and grandparents are ready to teach the future first grader all night long. In recent years, preparatory courses, which are available at many general education schools, gymnasiums and special children's centers, have become in great demand. In general, every child (preschooler) must go through the entire preparatory process, consisting of certain stages, only then the preparation for school will be successful.

What should a child know and be able to do before entering school?

Preparing children for school takes a lot of time, so some parents prefer to send their children to private schools. Such institutions recruit groups of pre-school children to learn everything they need under the guidance of professional educators. At the same time, families should also regularly deal with children, because in any case, an individual approach is important. In order for the child to be able to adapt to school subjects without great difficulties, he must:

  • know the letters
  • be able to read (possibly by syllables) small simple texts;
  • have writing skills;
  • know the seasons, the names of months, days;
  • know your last name, first name, patronymic;
  • have a good memory to memorize 5-7 out of 10 clearly named simple words;
  • find similarities and differences between objects;
  • be able to subtract and add numbers within the first ten;
  • know the basic geometric shapes;
  • know 10-12 primary colors, etc.

Methods of preparing children for school

Before you give your child any pre-school assignments, check out a few popular techniques. With their help, the child during the training can acquire all the necessary skills. Teaching methods are usually aimed at developing fine motor skills, logical thinking, obtaining mathematical knowledge, etc. At the same time, taking into account the individual characteristics of the preschooler, it is necessary to engage in his physical training. Known methods of primary education:

  • Zaitsev;
  • Montessori;
  • Nikitins.

Zaitsev's technique

In order for the preschool preparation of the child at home to be successful, pay attention to Zaitsev's methodology, which includes an approach to teaching reading, writing, English and Russian. It involves the use of visual perception of information. The basic principle is to teach the baby everything necessary without harm to health and taking into account individual characteristics. She is able to activate the channels of perception of information, saving time and saving the baby from cramming. Minus: in individual lessons, the technique is implemented worse than in group ones.

Montessori Method

An individual school preparation program that helps prepare a future first grader can be organized in accordance with the Montessori methodology. In it, much attention is paid to the development of sensations and fine motor skills of the baby. In the learning process, it is not necessary to use any special aids. Parents should create a complete developmental environment for the baby. The downside is the lack of role-playing and outdoor games in the methodology.

Nikitin's technique

To increase the level of knowledge with the help of homework, check out the Nikitin method. Its main principles are development, which must be creative, free. Classes are held, alternating: intellectual, creative, sports. The sports atmosphere plays a fundamental role in the formation of the baby, so all conditions for this should be created in your home. The technique is creative, with an emphasis on physical development, creativity, but there is a minus - not all children have a desire to learn.

Preparatory classes for school

You need to start working with your baby from an early age. Particular attention should be paid to psychological preparation. At first, the tasks are performed in a playful way, but then they become more complex, but interesting. Children receive basic knowledge, as a rule, in kindergartens. You can achieve great results both at home by inviting a private tutor, and by sending the child to special development centers or preparatory courses at schools.

School preparation courses

Having decided to choose preparatory courses for school, take the choice of a suitable institution thoroughly. Such courses are available both at the schools themselves and in educational centers, i.e. non-profit organizations. With the help of complex classes, the team, children can adapt to the school system, lessons. Often in such courses, preschoolers are taught in such a way that they can easily perform the necessary exercises and correctly answer certain questions. It is much more important that the baby is able to think creatively, independently reason and draw conclusions.

preschool tutor

A tutor for a preschooler is a great option to teach a child to read and write, to prepare him for future interviews at school. Moreover, some teachers additionally teach children English. Do not forget that a tutor for preparing a child for school must have a pedagogical education and appropriate qualifications. A big plus of tutoring is an individual approach that will help develop attention, reasoning skills, etc. The child will gain deeper knowledge. Cons: it is difficult to find a decent teacher, high cost.

How much does it cost to prepare a child for school

Preparatory courses will increase your child's readiness for admission, especially if you plan to send him to a gymnasium. This is recommended for those children who do not attend kindergarten. Classes in specialized institutions are aimed at mastering the basics of writing and literacy, teaching reading, developing speech and musical skills, etc. Some centers teach chess, foreign languages, etc. The cost of training in Moscow:

Free training

Kindergarten teachers must lay the foundations for numeracy, writing, and reading. Parents have a more important task - to teach kids to finish what they started, let it be some examples from mathematics, drawing or something else. To ensure that your child is age-appropriate in terms of development, try to communicate more with him, answering all questions. Pay attention to active games, physical development, teach independence and safety rules.

How to prepare your child for school

To develop memory, logical thinking and other skills at home, read or watch cartoons together, discussing what the child has learned. Be more interested in the opinion of the baby, while asking questions. Try to make homework fun for your preschooler. The advantage of preparing at home is to save money, and the necessary materials can always be found on the Internet. The downside can be quality, because not all parents have a pedagogical education. In addition, classes in the family circle do not always discipline the baby.

Where to start preparing

According to psychologists, the period of 3-4 years is considered the most suitable age to start training a future first-grader. Start teaching your child to read and count in a playful manner, for example, while walking, count the number of houses, cars, etc. with him. Do crafts together, paying attention to the artistic development of the future first grader: draw, create applications, sculpt, collect puzzles. Set up a comfortable desk at home. Pay attention to the motivation of your child, otherwise, learning will progress slowly.


You should not prepare your baby for school in the abstract, try to find requirements, tests, tasks and specific examples of questions. For the development of fine motor skills, a child must string pasta or beads, cut something out of paper, draw with paints, create applications, embroider, knit, etc. To teach your baby everything you need, pay attention to the following lesson plan:


To teach your child everything that is needed when entering school, use special visual materials. You can find them in large numbers on thematic web resources. For the development of logical thinking, attention, memory and imagination, there are many educational games that require multi-colored cardboard. For example, for learning to read and write, you need a picture book: select any letter, say it several times and invite your child to circle it with a pencil all over the page. More details can be found in the manuals.

Games to prepare for school preschoolers

Educational games will help future preschoolers to consolidate knowledge of the alphabet, learn how to compose words, write and read. In addition, such activities contribute to the development of attention and concentration. Moreover, a preschool child is often distracted and cannot concentrate on one type of activity for a long time. Games that will help in the development of the baby:

  • Title: Book Detective.
  • Purpose: to develop the speed of thinking, to teach to correlate letters with specific pictures.
  • Material: book with illustrations.
  • Description: give the task to the kid to find a picture in the book for a certain letter. If several children participate in the game, then introduce an element of competition, i.e. The winner is the one who finds the most pictures.

Here's another good option:

  • Title: Illustrator.
  • Purpose: to teach how to handle a book, develop logic, imagination.
  • Material: several books.
  • Description: Read a short story or verse to your child, then invite him to pick up drawings for him from other books. Then ask them to retell a brief plot of what they read, based on the selected pictures.

Developing classes

As a developmental exercise, you can use any labyrinths where some character needs help to get to the exit or get somewhere. There are many games that help improve concentration and increase its volume. Some exercises contribute to the development and arbitrariness of attention. A good version of the developing game:

  • Title: "Flowers in the flower bed"
  • Material: multi-colored cardboard.
  • Description: cut out of cardboard three flowers in blue, orange, red and three flower beds of a rectangular, square, round shape. Let the child distribute the colors in the flower beds based on the story - red flowers did not grow in a square or round flower bed, orange ones did not grow in a rectangular or round one.

Another game that is great for developing a variety of skills in preschoolers:

  • Title: How are they similar and how are they different?
  • Goal: develop logical thinking.
  • Description: offer the children two items each, which they should compare and point out their differences, similarities.

How to mentally prepare your child for school

The personal and social readiness of a preschooler lies in the fact that by the time of admission, he must be fully prepared both for communication and interaction with peers and adults. For psychological preparation to be really successful, give the child the opportunity to independently establish contacts with others on the playground.

The so-called "home children" are often afraid of large crowds, although not all adults feel comfortable in the crowd. At the same time, one should not forget that the future first-grader will have to be in a team, so try to get out to mass events from time to time. Motivate the baby - if he is used to constant praise at home, then evaluate not every step, but the finished result.


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Preparing for school: activities for children