Psychological methods of persuasion. Persuasion methods are effective tools for a leader

20 ways to convince people - the ability to convince as the basis of success in business life

Not the stronger one who has great knowledge, but the one who is able to convince is a well-known axiom. Knowing how to choose words, you own the world. The art of persuasion is a whole science, but all its secrets have long been revealed by psychologists in easy-to-understand, simple rules that any successful business person knows by heart. How to convince people - advice from experts ...

  • Control over the situation is impossible without a sober assessment of the situation. Evaluate the situation itself, the reaction of people, the possibility of the influence of strangers on the opinion of your interlocutor. Remember that the result of the dialogue should be beneficial for both parties.
  • Mentally put yourself in the place of the interlocutor. Without trying to "get into the shoes" of the opponent and without empathizing with him, it is impossible to influence a person. Feeling and understanding the opponent (with his desires, motives and dreams), you will find more opportunities for persuasion.
  • The first and natural reaction of almost any person to pressure from outside is resistance.. The stronger the “pressure” of persuasion, the stronger the person resists. You can eliminate the "barrier" from the opponent by positioning him towards you. For example, to play a joke on yourself, on the imperfection of your product, thereby "lulling" the vigilance of a person - there is no point in looking for flaws if you have listed them. Another of the tricks is a sharp change in tone. From official to simple, friendly, universal.
  • Use “creative” phrases and words in communication - no denial or negativity. Incorrect: “if you buy our shampoo, your hair will stop falling out” or “if you don’t buy our shampoo, you won’t be able to appreciate its fantastic effectiveness.” Correct option: “Restore strength and health to your hair. New shampoo with a fantastic effect! Instead of the questionable word "if", use the convincing "when". Not “if we do…”, but “when we do…”.

  • Do not impose your opinion on the opponent - give him the opportunity to think independently, but "highlight" the right path. Wrong option: "Without cooperation with us, you lose a lot of advantages." Correct option: "Cooperation with us is a mutually beneficial alliance." Wrong option: "Buy our shampoo and see how effective it is!". Correct option: "The effectiveness of the shampoo has been proven by thousands of positive responses, multiple studies, the Ministry of Health, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, etc."
  • Look for arguments to convince your opponent in advance, having thought through all the possible branches of the dialogue. Put forward arguments in a calm and confident tone without emotional overtones, slowly and in detail.
  • When convincing an opponent of something, you must be sure of your point of view. Any of your doubts about the “truth” you put forward is instantly “caught” by a person, and trust in you is lost.

  • Learn sign language. This will help you avoid mistakes and better understand your opponent.
  • Never give in to provocations. In persuading your opponent, you must be a "robot" who cannot be pissed off. “Balance, honesty and reliability” are three “pillars” of trust even in a stranger.
  • Always use facts - the best weapon of persuasion. Not “grandmother told” and “read on the Internet”, but “there are official statistics ...”, “I know from personal experience that ...”, etc. Witnesses, dates and figures, videos and photographs, opinions of famous people are the most effective as facts .

  • Learn the art of persuasion from your children. The child knows that by offering his parents a choice, he, at least, will not lose anything and even gain: not “Mom, well, buy!”, But “Mom, buy me a radio-controlled robot, or at least a designer”. By offering a choice (and by preparing the conditions for the choice in advance so that the person makes the right choice), you allow the opponent to think that he is the master of the situation. Proven fact: it is rare for a person to say “no” when offered a choice (even if it is an illusion of choice).

  • Convince your opponent of his uniqueness. Not by vulgar open flattery, but by the appearance of a "recognized fact." For example, "Your company is known to us as a responsible company with a positive reputation and one of the leaders in this field of production." Or "We have heard about you as a man of duty and honor." Or "We would like to work only with you, you are known as a person whose words never diverge from deeds."
  • Focus on the "secondary benefit". For example, "Cooperation with us means not only low prices for you, but also great prospects." Or “Our new teapot is not just a technological super-novelty, but your delicious tea and a pleasant evening with your family.” Or "Our wedding will be so magnificent that even kings will envy." We focus, first of all, on the needs and characteristics of the audience or opponent. Based on them, we put accents.

  • Do not allow neglect and arrogance towards the interlocutor. He should feel on the same level with you, even if in ordinary life you drive around such people for a kilometer in your expensive car.
  • Always start a conversation with moments that can unite you with your opponent, not divide. Immediately tuned to the right “wave”, the interlocutor ceases to be an opponent and turns into an ally. And even in the event of disagreements, it will be difficult for him to answer you “no”.
  • Follow the principle of demonstrating shared benefit. Every mom knows that the perfect way to talk a child into going to the store with her is to tell them that they sell candy at the checkout. with toys, or “suddenly remember” that his favorite cars were promised big discounts this month. The same method, only in a more complex execution, underlies business negotiations and contracts between ordinary people. Mutual benefit is the key to success.

  • Position the person towards you. Not only in personal relationships, but also in the business environment, people are guided by likes / dislikes. If the interlocutor is unpleasant to you, or even completely disgusting (outwardly, in communication, etc.), then you will have no business with him. Therefore, one of the principles of persuasion is personal charm. It is given to someone from birth, and someone has to learn this art. Learn to highlight your strengths and hide your weaknesses.

AT art of persuasion idea 1:

Video about the art of persuasion 2:

Today there will be a topic from the field of psychology, which, nevertheless, is most directly related to the topic of achieving success and even the topic of making money: art of persuasion, psychological methods of persuading people.

To succeed in many areas of his life, a person must be able to convince other people of anything. For example, when applying for a job, he needs to convince the employer to choose him among many other candidates; when moving up the career ladder, he needs to be promoted.

When working both for someone else and for yourself, you constantly have to convince customers and partners to purchase goods and services, to cooperate with your company. In business, you have to convince others of your idea so that people believe you, follow you, follow you, and so on.

The art of persuasion will definitely be necessary for the head of an enterprise, a middle manager, a businessman, but not only. Absolutely any person will not be superfluous to know and put into practice the methods and techniques of persuading people - this will greatly help him in life.

I want to focus on an important point right away: Persuading people and deceiving people are not the same thing., as many people think for some reason. To convince is not to deceive! This means being able to be convincing, being able to win over a person so that he believes you, but at the same time, I emphasize, you must tell the truth!

So how do you convince people? There are a great many different psychological techniques and methods of persuasion. Today, I want to look at just one of them, outlined by psychology professor Robert Cialdini in The Psychology of Persuasion: 50 Proven Ways to Be Persuasive. In this work, the author reveals dozens of effective methods of persuading people, but at the same time highlights 6, which, in his opinion, are key:

- reciprocity;

- subsequence;

- sympathy;

1. Reciprocity. The human psychology of most people is such that it "obliges" them to reciprocate any pleasant actions in relation to them. For example, if someone congratulates you on your birthday, even if it gives you some small change, you will already subconsciously consider that now you must also congratulate him and give him something.

The art of persuasion involves using the method of reciprocity to your advantage. Provide the client with some pleasant service for free first, and he will feel obliged to you, he will want to reciprocate.

This method of persuasion is actively used, for example, in companies selling cosmetics: first, the client is given free samples, and then he subconsciously wants to make a purchase.

2. Uniqueness. The second effective method of persuading people is to show them the uniqueness and exclusivity of something. Psychologically, each person wants to be unique (first of all, this applies to the representatives of the fair half), and this can be used using the art of persuasion.

Everything that in one way or another testifies to the uniqueness and exclusivity will always attract people more than the traditional and familiar.

This method of persuasion can be used in a variety of interpretations. Let's take a restaurant for example. Visitors are always attracted by exclusive dishes from the chef. And if there are none, you can make a unique interior - and this will also attract visitors. And even unique service staff uniforms, unique furniture, unique crockery, unique musicians, etc. - all this will psychologically attract customers.

3. Authority. A very important method of persuading people. When you have some problem, some question that you cannot solve on your own - who do you turn to? That's right, to the one whose opinion is authoritative for you, to the one you consider an expert in this field. And it is not at all necessary that this person is really an expert in the full sense of the word, but it is important that he is an expert compared to you.

This technique is always actively used in the art of persuasion. To convince a person to do something, it is necessary to appear before him as an expert in this field, that is, to know and be able to do more than himself. In addition, one can emphasize one's “expertise” with some external accessories - this also always acts as a psychological method of persuasion.

For example, a doctor in a white coat will seem much more of an authority than a doctor in a simple shirt and jeans. And if he also hangs a phonendoscope around his neck? Definitely an expert! Well, is it the same?

This method of persuading people is used everywhere in business. For example, all kinds of diplomas, certificates, awards are hung on the walls of the office - all this increases the authority of the company. In construction stores, salespeople are often dressed in overalls - this immediately makes them experts in construction in the eyes of buyers. Etc.

Techniques and methods of psychological influence on people are the main part of practical psychology. Thanks to this, every day science discovers, studies, tests, generalizes and offers to use the psychological methods of influencing people on each other in their lives. It can be a family, industrial, labor and public sphere. All people, when they communicate with each other, influence each other, on purpose or not, and use certain mechanisms in practice.

What are the techniques and methods of influencing a person?

Among the main ones, we highlight the following:

  • infection;
  • suggestion;
  • belief;
  • compulsion;
  • imitation;
  • promotion.

The most ancient of them is the mechanism of infection. It is a transfer of emotional and mental mood from one to another (laughter, panic). The effect of infection to a large extent depends on the intensity of the emotional state of the affected person.

Suggestion: a characteristic of the method

Suggestion underlies the appeal to the emotional-unconscious sphere of a person. It has a verbal character, which means it is carried out with the help of words.

That information, which is intended for suggestion, should be very short, but having the maximum meaning and richness. And also use the moment of expression so that a person instantly believes in what they are told. In addition, the influencing person should not be in an emotional trance, but must be of sound mind, feel confident, since the authority of the source of information is the basis of suggestion. If the influencer (inspirer) does not have authority for the perceiver (suggested), then the session will not end successfully.

It is important to remember that the effectiveness of suggestion may depend on the intonation of the person's voice. It should show the confidence, authority and importance of the words.

Methods of persuasion: the influence of external factors on a person

Every day we are confronted with persuasion. For example, food manufacturers want us to buy their butter and cheese, and film studios want us to attend the premiere of their films in theaters.

Since the methods of persuasion are the main component of our life, we often cannot always notice how we were influenced by them and the influence of external factors. This science has been studied since ancient times, its ultimate goal was to make the other person calmly assimilate a certain argument and accept a new judgment of the elements of his worldview system.

What are the main methods of persuasion and how effective are they?

Here are some highly effective persuasion techniques. In addition to them, they are also used: rewards, punishments, positive or negative experiences, an appeal to the moral qualities of a person.

Persuasion methods include:

  1. Instruction. When the person being convinced is positively disposed towards the person who convinces (if he has authority), he instructs the listeners, convinces them to behave in a specific way he needs. In the form of instruction, the director gives direct recommendations to his subordinates: "Do it in the following way, and we will achieve such and such results."
  2. Commands and orders. These methods are used very often if there is authority in front of the audience. The main thing is that orders are carried out. But for success, the convinced should not criticize the tasks set. For example, at the request of parents or grandmother to collect toys, the baby will react differently if the mother is strict with him, and the grandmother is gentle.
  3. Advice. When there is trust, closeness, understanding between people. Of course, you need to give advice correctly, and do it in such a way as not to offend a loved one.
  4. Hint. This type of influence is indirect, since the information is not communicated directly, but in the form of a half-joke or comparison. For the most part, the hint is not aimed at the person’s thinking, but is addressed to his emotional state. It is best used when the person is in a playful, upbeat mood.
  5. indirect approval. This technique can be used when a person as a whole is acting correctly. The main goal is not to let you turn off the right path. But why is the approval indirect? If a person is told everything directly and openly, it will look like flattery and can scare away. It is absolutely inappropriate to look a person straight in the eye and say: “You are great! That way you will get what you want." It would be better to use a persuasive phrase. For example: "This approach usually produces excellent results."
  6. placebo. This effect has long been known to medicine. As a rule, the doctor gives the patient ordinary ascorbic acid instead of a serious medicine and says that this is a new generation drug, and it will help from all troubles. The patient believes in a good outcome of the treatment and is thus healed. You can also use this technique to convince the interlocutor that everything will work out for him. For example, give a child a talisman and say that as long as he keeps it, he will be able to achieve everything he dreams of. Sure, if you put in the effort. And you will see, the child will certainly succeed.

All these techniques are known to everyone, there is nothing amazing in them, the main thing is to use them correctly, and then success is guaranteed. There are psychological methods of persuasion, the main purpose of which is to influence the human mind and accept your point of view.

Psychological tricks

The method of persuasion, examples of which are presented in the article, is widely used by psychologists. Let's take a look at their basics:

  1. Fundamental. Direct speech to the interlocutor, who is openly introduced to the necessary information, which serves as the basis for proving the truth.
  2. Contradictions. Identification of inconsistencies in the arguments of the persuaded and a thorough check of personal arguments for consistency in order to prevent a counterattack.
  3. Extracting conclusions. Arguments are not revealed immediately, but gradually. Seeking agreement at every step.
  4. Pieces. The arguments of the persuaded are divided into strong, medium, weak. The former are mostly not concerned, the main goal is the latter.
  5. Accent. Emphasizing certain points in the arguments given by the interlocutor (“you yourself are talking”).
  6. Ignoring. It is used if the fact cited by the interlocutor cannot be refuted.
  7. Bilateral argument. For persuasiveness, they first talk about the advantages, and then about the disadvantages of the proposed method for solving this issue.
  8. boomerang method. The interlocutor is returned his own arguments, but directed in the other direction. Arguments "for" turn into arguments "against".

About coercion

Methods of persuasion and coercion require their correct use on the interlocutor. These two methods absolutely cannot be separated from each other, there is a dialectical connection between them, a single objectivity of character, and their use is determined by the level of development of relations in society.

The technique of coercion is a method of influence that has two factors: moral - psychological and physical. It is essentially similar to persuasion. Indeed, in both, the main task of the presenter is for the interlocutor to begin to think like him. As when using the method of persuasion, in coercion, a person first substantiates his immediate point of view, resorting to various evidence. Therefore, they are considered to be the main ways of psychological influence on your interlocutor.

The act of persuasion is almost one of the most difficult and requires certain rules. The main place in this process is the argumentation of the position and the desire to make it so that other people accept it. Methods of coercion and persuasion are designed to force the interlocutor to do what you need.

About promotion

It becomes definitely clear what the methods of persuasion are aimed at. Reward methods - are they a psychological impact on a person? The technique of this method is aimed at stimulating and consolidating the positive behavior of the student. But it is important to remember that encouragement should not turn into praise, as this will slow down the desire for activity. This is especially necessary for children of preschool, school and adolescence.

Psychologist O. Zaporozhets, having studied this method, came to the conclusion that encouragement and praise from teachers and relatives has a good effect on the activities of children. This influence includes two stages. On the first one, praise will act as a direct positive reinforcement of activity. At the second stage, direct reinforcement will acquire an internal, subconscious motivation for further actions. To apply this method, it is necessary to take into account objectivity and fairness. Also, do not forget about the age and individual characteristics of the pupil. The practice of rewarding a person with material means in the family often leads to big problems.

Incentive Requirements

You should pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is necessary to encourage the actions of the child, which are an example for others.
  2. With this method, age and personal characteristics must be taken into account.
  3. Encouragement is effective only from authoritative persons or micro-society.
  4. You can not apply the method in relation to the same children.

In this principle, the main thing is that children or employees feel a sense of pride and satisfaction for good results in work or study.

The relationship between persuasion and suggestion

Methods of suggestion and persuasion - what is the relationship between them? Sometimes it seems that in both cases there is an imposition of other people's thoughts or feelings on a person. Is there a difference between the two methods and what is it?

Persuasion is an element of a person's worldview that encourages them to act in a particular way (for example, not agreeing to intimacy on a first date because good girls behave like that). To influence a person in this case means to transfer the worldview to another person (to convince a friend that there is no sex on a date, because it is so right). Suggestion does not affect the person's belief system. Let's consider this in more detail.

Subtleties of the method of suggestion

Suggestion is another process, it is primarily an aggressive psychological impact. Bypassing the consciousness and critical thinking of a person, he is confidently imposed with an attitude that must be accepted. This process goes through the subconscious. Suggested blindly absorbs information. This can happen with the help of hypnosis, pressure or emotional-volitional manifestation. Many believe that it is possible to inspire a person with something even mentally.

How to convince a person of something? It would be cunning to say that we have never tried to win someone over to our side and convince others. This happens every day in relationships: mother-child, husband-wife, boss-team and other communicative communities.

The psychology of influence and success are closely related. Achieving goals often involves the need to involve other people in the process. But the goals are ours. The psychology of influence and persuasion are practically equivalent concepts. How to convince a person and achieve success will be discussed in this article.

So, 10 basic methods and psychological ways of persuasion

10 methods - sequence of application

  1. Motivate your opponent. In the process of persuasion, it is important to start with the motivation of the person. Do you want him to do what you need? Prove that the person you ask for will receive the direct benefit first. “You are wonderfully beautiful in this stylish hat,” the daughter’s mother says, and she, who was ready to go out into the 20-degree frost without a headdress 5 minutes ago, happily puts on a new thing.
  2. Be friendly, be polite. And smile. Aggressive pressure gives in response only unwillingness to obey. A smile is a sign of a kind person, such a person cannot act out of bad motives. Satisfied people have a much greater gift of persuasion than gloomy and not friendly people.
  3. Inspiration! Describe how great and wonderful the goal you are asking for help is. Be convinced of the value of your idea. If your opponent becomes infected with your dreams, he will assume that he made the decision on his own.
  4. Do not confuse the psychology of persuasion with manipulation. You can not hurt the pride of a person, his hidden negative attitudes. Smart people immediately feel when they are being manipulated, and you will not wait for the result. Moreover, the interlocutor can permanently end the relationship with you, no one wants to be a guinea pig.
  5. Build the evidence base for your request. Belief is strong when you yourself believe in what you say. Before starting a conversation, pick up iron arguments and facts. “We have only half of the presentation ready. If we do not go to work on Saturday, then on Monday we will not be able to win a new tender.”
  6. The skill of persuasion requires a certain amount of flattery. There is no need to openly lie about the presence of non-existent advantages, but it is necessary to exaggerate the existing ones in this case. “Only you can do it in such a short time. I have no one else to rely on!"
  7. Skip the awkward moments. Counterarguments can be extremely persuasive and hard to challenge. If you fall into such a trap, take the dialogue to the other side. “We are not talking about this now, we will return to the topic later.”
  8. Cunning. It is not necessary to directly tell a person about his wrong, directly point out gross errors and reservations. If you notice obvious mistakes and inconsistencies during the conversation, politely express your point of view and disagreement on controversial issues. The interlocutor will be grateful for your tact and the chances of his persuasion will increase significantly.
  9. Show your competence in the subject matter. It is easiest to convince you that you are right when you know the essence of the subject well. Boast about your successes and achievements, tell us how you managed to achieve them.
  10. Start a dialogue with questions that the interlocutor can only answer in the affirmative. A relaxed opponent, not expecting a catch, will say “yes” to the main topic, for which everything was started.

The listed methods of influence will allow you to form an inner conviction in a person to act in the way you need.

From the heart, not from the mind - 10 psychological tricks

We have considered how to direct a person's thoughts in the right direction. But when applying persuasion techniques, it is much more important to hook on a person’s emotions. We offer psychological techniques that will allow you to tune your opponent to the right wave.

  1. There is no sweeter sound for a person than the sound of his own name - so said the great expert on methods of influencing the psyche, Dale Carnegie. If you call Ivan Petrovich Ivan Vasilyevich during the conversation, then you can forget about the positive course of the conversation. People do not forgive such mistakes, showing their insignificance in the eyes of the opponent. Refer to the interlocutor by name more often, and you will find in his face a grateful listener.
  2. Listen with interest. It is you who are trying to convince the interlocutor of doing something significant for you, so listen to him with reverence. Confirm interest non-verbally - nod, sigh, exclaim to the point. Ask clarifying questions. Show that the person is important and interesting.
  3. Remember the key phrases and expressions of the opponent and use them in further conversation. This will allow you to establish a close connection between you, to indicate a commonality of views and interests. A person will think that you and him are from the same social community, or maybe they grew up somewhere in the same yard. Such things are not conducive to refusing a request.
  4. Notice any movement of the interlocutor. Learn non-verbal cues that show a person's mood. If you see that your opponent leaned forward to your phrase, opening his palms, continue to reinforce the meaning of the topic - he is interested. The case when the counterpart began to pull his nose or tap the pen on the table should be a stop signal! He's not interested, he's annoyed. Either change the subject for a while, or present it from a different angle!
  5. “My light, mirror, tell me ...” The method of mirroring has long been used in the psychology of influence. It consists in unobtrusive repetition of gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor. Return a smile with a smile, frown when the person expresses concern. This will make it clear that you are of the same blood, react in the same way to situations, and this will help bring you closer to your cherished goal.
  6. "Ask and you will receive; knock and it will be opened to you." Bible truths are relevant at all times. Feel free to ask for help, seem weak. Often, the fear of being intrusive or being rejected prevents us from solving many issues. A person will be pleased that he can help, this will increase his self-esteem. There is another opinion: “Never ask for anything, especially from those who are stronger than you,” but do you remember who said that?
  7. Raise the bar. In psychology, there is one simple but effective technique. Ask to do something knowing that the person will not be able to do it: any stupidity, absurdity. After a while, voice a true request - the interlocutor will be happy to get down to business, experiencing a sense of embarrassment for not being helped the first time.
  8. I influence the subconscious by the method of associations. Cause positive emotions associated with memories: feelings, smells. “You remember how those fudge buns smelled in the school cafeteria. Why don't we try to sell the same ones. The similarity between objects as a method of psychology has long established itself.
  9. Keep an eye on your opponent's physical condition. In a state of fatigue, it is easier for him to succumb to persuasion, and for you to apply the skill of persuasion. When you notice that a person is losing energy, proceed to the main thing, he will not spend the rest on disputes with you.
  10. "Achilles' heel". Preliminary study the character of the interlocutor. It is easier to appeal to a person with a developed sense of duty by thinking about responsibility. If the counterpart is proud, convince him that by fulfilling your request, he will become known in certain circles.

Offer a drink. If you want to convince a person of something, offer them a hot drink during a conversation, such as tea, coffee, or cocoa. If you offer a warm drink, the person subconsciously perceives you as a warm, pleasant and hospitable person. A cold drink can have the opposite effect. Generally, people feel cold and crave warm food and drink when they feel isolated from society. Satisfy their need and they will become more receptive to your words.

  • Ask questions that suggest a positive “Yes” answer. Start the conversation by asking questions that suggest a positive answer, such as "The weather is nice today, isn't it?", "You want to buy a car at a bargain price, don't you?"

    • When you get someone to say yes, it will be easier for you to get the person to say yes, I will buy it.
    • It's best to ask vague questions, but make sure your wife knows why you're complimenting the other girl.
  • Break the touch barrier. Whether you're closing a deal or asking someone out on a date, touch that person casually. A light touch can increase your chances of promoting a product or service - the interlocutor's desire to get closer is activated on a subconscious level.

    • Don't pressure people! Try asking the person for a favor a few weeks later.
    • During the conversation, try to be as pleasant as possible. If the person is attracted to you, you will be more likely to get what you want.
    • There are several ways to look more powerful. You can choose to wear the black suit that is popular with the judges, the police, and the clergy, or you can keep a neutral face. But being dominant doesn't always mean being persuasive. If you are a seller, you need to find a common language with the buyer rather than scare him. If you are a controller, you rather need to keep people in a fist, dominating and dominating them.
    • Know when to stop. There are people who are very stubborn, and there are those who simply shun others.
    • If you agree to pay later, sign the contract and have a trusted third party present.
    • Use the same methods as the sales assistant to take revenge on him and scare him away. For example, when buying a car, have a conversation. Ask questions you know the answers to: "Car sales are down, aren't they?" "Guys, I think you should write off your 2012 car by now!" Thus, the seller will go out of his way to sell the product. Remind employees that their wages have gone down by accident.
    • Share your opinion about the situation the person is in. Let's say someone discovers that he can see the future. Tell him how scared you were to find something like this in yourself. Perhaps at first the person will not share with you a story about his gift - wait a few days. Then tell him about a famous psychic. Perhaps now the person will open up. You need to act in stages - often this is how people open up.
    • Don't talk too much. Your task is to understand potential customers, not to get into their wallet. Demonstrate the ability to listen and understand so that people can see that you are ready to serve them for their good. Too many words - a waste of time, both yours and potential customers.
    • Make them think, "This is what I need!" This will make it easier to convince people.


    • Don't speak too fast. You must be confident, but if you hurry with the tricks, this can lead to a negative result.
    • If you ask too much, your request may be denied. You didn't ask for anything and think your chances are slim? Treat this person well and when he is in a good mood, ask for what you wanted. If a person is in a bad mood, they are likely to get even more angry.
    • Do not persuade a person to do something if the request does not contribute to his well-being.
    • Do not act rashly and do not use inappropriate words in your appeals.
    • Once a person finds out that you manipulated them, they will feel extremely uncomfortable in your company. Just think how much you hate pushing goods and services or a passive-aggressive family member.
    • Be careful when using persuasion techniques on friends. Sometimes you need to make a decision in your favor and convince others of its correctness. On the other hand, if you do this too often, people may think that you are controlling or manipulating them. This may lead to undesirable consequences.