Where to start self-development. How to start self-development "Hunter's Iron Will" Denis Borisov

Self-development and self-improvement is an integral part of the life of any person who does not want to remain in place, but strive to be better, go forward, call for something new, set even greater goals and achieve incredible heights. Development is the basis of life. Nothing more can be achieved if today is the same as yesterday.
I am sure that many of you understand this, and it was the desire to develop and know yourself that led you to this site and to this article.

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Today I will tell you about 10 effective tips that will help you improve, develop, know yourself and your hidden abilities. I will say right away that these tips are not a dry theory that was taken from other sources and skillfully copied, it is experience, first of all, my experience, my knowledge, and what I have tested on myself. A couple of years ago, when the realization came to me that drinking beer and peeling seeds on a bench in the yard leads to a dead end branch, I thought about self-development, about how I could start a new life, become better, reach a qualitatively new level. That's when I found 10 self-improvement tips online. To be honest, only now I understand that I just opened the first link and rewrote everything that was there. After a few years, I can add to these tips, make my own edits, describe personal experience and how they helped me. I am sure that each of you who really wants to be better tomorrow than today should read the article to the end and take note of my personal experience laid out as 10 tips.

1. Sleep less
Scientists have long proven that for a good rest a person needs no more than 6 hours of healthy sleep. While most people sleep for 8-10 hours, they wake up with a feeling of fatigue and heaviness. Why so? What is the problem? The thing is that the main thing is not the amount of sleep, but its quality. You can sleep 12 or 14 hours and still feel unsatisfactory.
Mode is the first thing you should develop in yourself. I used to sleep when I wanted to. I went to bed at 5 am, woke up at 2-15 pm. It happened that he didn’t sleep at all all night, and only fell asleep in the morning. I liked this mode, but over time I came to understand that my performance is falling, I become irritable, I don’t like everything. Then an article caught my eye that the most optimal hours for sleep are from 21-00 to 01-00. It is then that the brain enters some special phase and the whole body rests as much as possible. I have trained myself to go to bed at 21, maximum at 22-00, and wake up at 3-4 in the morning. It rarely happens that I sleep until 5-6 in the morning.
Six hours is optimal. This time is enough for me to sleep and actively spend the whole day. Now imagine that every day you will sleep not 8, but 6 hours. This saves 14 hours a week, and 60 hours a month. In a year, you will save 730 hours, which is equal to a whole month. Just imagine, you will have a whole extra month, which can be used much more usefully than just sleeping.

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2. Make time for yourself every morning.
You should develop the habit of devoting about an hour to yourself each morning. I'm not talking about taking a shower, or other hygiene procedures. No, you have to wake up, think about yourself, about your plans for the day, for the month, for the year, for life in general. Dream up, visualize how you achieve your goals. Personally, I started practicing meditation, and it helped me a lot to structure my thoughts, to overcome the internal dialogue. Turn on calm music, gain strength, realize that you are an endless source of possibilities.
How was it before? The alarm clock rings, you jump up, you are late, you quickly wash your face, get dressed on the go and grab something to eat. The day begins with chaos, so it continues, and so does the whole life. In a hurry, not understanding where and why we are running, why all this is happening.
After you sleep less and devote some time to yourself, you will definitely learn to live calmly, enjoy the moment now. Learn to analyze your actions, thoughts, judgments, desires. This is already a very big step towards the beginning of serious self-improvement.

3. Prioritize
In life, there are always important things that need priority attention, and there is something secondary that you should not worry about in the first place. As a rule, we often interchange these concepts, and completely do not pay due attention to important things. We are always chasing after something big, without understanding what it is for us. And when we get it, we realize that this is absolutely not what we wanted. And again we set false goals for ourselves, we do what does not bring pleasure to achieve these goals. Now I'm talking about a job that you absolutely do not like.
Speaking to the graduates of Stanford University, Steve Jobs said: “Ask yourself every morning if this was the last day of my life, I would do what I plan to do today. And when the answer is negative for several days in a row, then think about the fact that it's time to change something.
Many may object, they say, if I do what I like, then where do I get money from, how do I earn money? And why do you reject the idea that your favorite business can bring good earnings? Look, the biggest money earners are not those who work, but those who simply enjoy a highly paid hobby. Sergey Brin, the founder of Google, once said: “Money has never been important to us. We did what we really liked. It is very pleasant that in the future it has brought us a good fortune.”
One piece of advice - do you want to develop and improve, do you want to be better? Set priorities, do what you love.

4. Stimulate yourself with positive thoughts
Positive thinking and vision of the world is another important aspect of human development. Remember that positive thought has tremendous power, it is creative, it creates us. Remember your state when you met a friend whom you had not seen for a long time, or when you learned about some joyful event, or when you hugged your girlfriend after several months of separation. These are wonderful emotions, bright, pure. Now remember the most negative ones: anger, envy, resentment, desire for revenge, hatred. Even when you read these words, it becomes uncomfortable inside. Therefore, you need to learn to think positively.
Personally, I used the rubber band method, which I learned about a couple of years ago. I put on an ordinary rubber band on my wrist, and every time a negative emotion came into my head, when I wanted to get angry and swear unreasonably, I pulled on the elastic band and clicked it on my wrist. Thus, he did not allow himself to concentrate on the negative, and go deep into the "dark side of me." Over time, you will get used to thinking only positively, and life will change dramatically.

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5. Smile
Whoever you talk to, no matter how you talk (on the phone or in person), always smile. I'm not saying that it should be a fake Hollywood smile, but you should smile sweetly, making it clear to the interlocutor that you are in a good and positive mood. If you smile at a person, he will also smile back.
Sometimes it's so nice when you're on the bus and you see a sad girl standing at the bus stop. And in an instant she looks at you, you smile sweetly at her, she smiles back at you and that's it. You may never see each other again, but the feelings remain wonderful.

6. Always have a notepad handy
You ask why? Everything is very simple. When you are positive, open to the world, want to develop and improve, then incredible ideas will begin to come into your life, into your head. Perhaps you want to start your own business, or improve an existing one. You think about it for several days, and now, while riding the subway, at some crowded station, when everyone is pushing and humming, you indulge in yourself, in your thoughts and experiences. And it is at this moment that a brilliant idea comes. What do we have to do? That's right, write it down. And how to write if there is no notebook and pen in the bag?
You can never predict the course of your brilliant ideas. Therefore, one must always be prepared for the fact that they will come in an unusual place and at the strangest time. Write down everything you think about, everything that comes to mind.
I always have a notebook in the bedroom on the chest of drawers, so that when I wake up I write down my dreams. Very often in a dream there are interesting moments, rereading which I can start thinking, fantasizing, thinking out something. Very useful thing, take note.

7. Planning
Dedicate every Sunday evening not to entertainment shows, or watching a series with beer and chips, but to planning. Analyze everything that you have done during the week, praise yourself, thank God (no matter what you call this force) for help, consider plans and tasks for the next week. You do not need to paint a clear plan, set specific goals. Just decide for yourself what you need to do, when, and most importantly why. And most importantly, if something goes wrong, and your plans for the week are partially not fulfilled, then you should not be upset. If you made every effort, and did not lie on your side for 7 days, then everything is fine, everything happened the way it should happen.

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8. Communicate more

Remember that the quality of your life depends on communication with other people. Try to communicate more, learn from their experience and knowledge. If you have the opportunity to attend a lecture by some famous person, then go there. Always learn new things, always try to discover horizons that have never been seen before.
Communication with other people is necessary, but also pay attention to communication with yourself. If you are confident in yourself and your abilities, set to a positive result, then you will definitely achieve what you have planned.

9. The main goal, not the end result.
The old and wise Rockefeller said: "If your ultimate goal is money, then you will never have it." In other words, you should not focus on money as a result of your work. Have bigger goals. Do what you do based on the benefit to society and specific people. Here I immediately recall an interview with Mark Zuckerberg, who said that their goal was not to earn money, they just wanted to help students communicate, make their communication more accessible and faster. What happened as a result? The largest social network in the world, and Mark at 23 became the youngest billionaire. And even now he says that he did not think and does not think about money. His goal is to improve Facebook, make communication between people even easier and more accessible.
What about money, you ask? If you do what you love, do it not based on the desire to just earn money, then the money will come, for sure, and there will be just enough of them to satisfy all your needs.

10. Laugh every morning
Someone advises to cause artificial laughter and laugh in front of a mirror. Honestly, I didn’t succeed at all, and I looked stupid. But there was another way. I have dozens of tracks that make you smile and are associated with something positive. Every morning I turn them on, dance, laugh and rejoice.
Why laugh, you ask? Quite simply, laughter triggers many beneficial chemical reactions in our body that bring us into a wonderful and joyful state. Laughter also brings the body into a state of balance.

Self-development is the most important aspect in the life of any person, but, unfortunately, not everyone is aware of this. Immersed in the daily routine, many of us do not find the time and desire to comprehend something new, and this often leads to depressing consequences. However, to achieve real success in personal life, profession and other areas, constant development is simply necessary.

The main directions of human self-development

If we take into consideration certain areas of self-development of the individual, then we can distinguish several main ways:
    Mental development- the individual comprehends new knowledge, which gradually forms in him an erudite personality, as well as an interesting interlocutor. Aesthetic self-improvement- in-depth study of art. This may include visits to museums, galleries, exhibitions, theaters and other similar places that have a significant impact on the formation of taste and personal opinion. Physical development- keeping the body in good shape. Physical training has not only medical benefits for the body, but also improves appearance. Moral- a person studies the norms of tact, good tone. Such knowledge must be improved throughout life. Moral guidelines and values ​​form a complete personality. Professional self-development- technical capabilities are subject to rapid growth, introducing new ideas into the life of society. That is why it is important to remain competitive in the labor market.

Spiritual self-development as a way to yourself

It is also very important to remember that spiritual self-development has a special value in human life. Everyone has their own idea of ​​what spirituality is, and if we analyze many of these definitions, we can come to the conclusion that people understand several qualities by spirituality: awareness, unconditional love, faith. A person who experiences spiritual growth inevitably faces change pictures of the surrounding picture of the world. Such a person manages to find inner balance and see the world and himself in it as it is. Psychology of self-development of personality Having decided to start the path to yourself through self-development, you will get rid of many life troubles. It is quite difficult to solve any personal difficulties if there is no idea of ​​​​how to act correctly and where to go. Starting to know the world that surrounds us, we learn about ourselves. Most of us do not live a conscious life, but simply go with the flow. In turn, a person who is used to self-development avoids many problems, because he has knowledge in various areas of life, and, often, this saves him from wrong actions and judgments.

To achieve good results in a particular area, it is difficult to do without a specific plan, and this is especially true in the topic of self-development. When you clearly understand what you want from life, and how this can be achieved, then we can say that a significant part of the task has been completed. Set goals for yourself and go to them - this is the way of development.

What most often hinders personal growth

1. Lack of faith in yourself Often we do not dare to accomplish many things, often for only one reason - we do not believe that in the end a positive result awaits us. Meanwhile, self-confidence is of great importance, and it is she who helps to overcome the most serious difficulties. With this doubt, they act in a completely different way - they ruin our aspirations in the bud and do not allow us to get what we want. 2. Laziness A successful person is not used to putting things off until later. At the same time, lazy people tend to postpone most tasks until tomorrow, and often end up “forgetting” about their plans. If mentally you constantly look for reasons to move work to another day, then this will not bring anything good. Realize that there is no "tomorrow" - you only have today. Your life is a moment in the present. 3. Postponing the implementation of ideas Even if you have grandiose plans, they mean nothing and bring nothing to you until you start implementing them. Moreover, if you have an idea that is not executed, it may even harm you. Putting things off until another day leads to stress, fear and anxiety - subconsciously you remember some kind of incompleteness, and this does not allow you to “breathe freely”.

How to make a self-development plan

First of all, it is important for you to realize what exactly you want to achieve, in which specific areas you need improvement. So where to start? 1. Analysis Analyze various areas of your life, and honestly admit to yourself what exactly does not suit you, what skills you are deprived of. It's important to be objective. Now we will conduct a “revision” in the main aspects. 2. Health, physical data It is possible that you should get rid of any bad habits, get in good physical shape, switch to proper nutrition, devote more time to sports. 3. Spirituality Work is needed on this area if you need to get rid of irritability, anger, anger, envy and other negative emotions. 4. Material realm If you are not completely satisfied with your financial situation, then you need to work in this direction. It is possible that you will need to change the field of activity, attend any courses or trainings. result.

5. Social sphere It is very important to develop the right communication skills that will help you in building a personal life, overcoming conflict situations, in relation to the environment. 6. Personal growth Perhaps you should pay attention to the development of intelligence, attention, memory, abstract thinking. After analyzing all these areas, think about which one needs the most careful study, and first focus on it. When you manage to achieve the desired results, move on to another aspect. Do not try to take on everything at once - this way you risk not achieving what you need. Books are of great importance on the way to new knowledge. You can choose the literature you need both in printed form and in the form of audio books. Sometimes, a good book can be a great substitute for quality training, because you will have the opportunity to return to the material covered again and again and study individual points for as long as you wish. Recently, many books on self-development have appeared, and we decided to cover this topic in detail in our other article -. Surely, you will be able to draw for yourself a lot of interesting and useful information from the proposed information.

List of non-fiction and documentaries for self-development that will change your life

BBC - He and She - Relationship Secrets

The project explores gender differences. Ten people participate in the experiments - five men and five women. The purpose of the experiments is to establish in what key aspects representatives of the opposite sexes differ. The participants in the experiments will have to pass tests that cover various areas of life. In addition, tests are expected on the perception of sounds, coordination of the ability to remember what they see, and much more. Studies are conducted by experienced specialists who can provide a lot of information based on the handwriting of the subjects and many other features. The project will not do without a lie detector ...

BBC - Body Chemistry Hormonal Hell

The film includes various interviews with famous British scientists who go into great detail about the effects of continuous hormone production on a person. According to studies, progress forces a person to break the usual biorhythms. From year to year, we catastrophically do not get enough sleep, we give a lot of time to work, and in general, we significantly break our own regime. What do we end up with? Constant stress, depression, cancer and much more. Perhaps break this vicious circle and change something?

Air Force. human brain

The documentary film tells how the human brain has to solve a number of complex tasks every day, not yielding to the most powerful computers in this. Once in any environment (queuing, public transport, etc.), we involuntarily begin to form a certain opinion about certain people, make guesses and assumptions. The project will tell about how exactly we establish contact with other people, how our inner world is formed and what happens to our brain. You will learn what hidden possibilities your mind has and how you can unlock them.

BBC. Mind of man

Why is it that one person is well aware of the feeling of danger, while the other practically does not pay attention to it? How does experience help us in life? How do children manage to master complex movements? Why do we act the way we do in unsafe situations? The answer to all these questions is hidden in our mind. Our brain is forced to work every second, and often we are not even aware of it. We do not even suspect how extensive our possibilities for a detailed knowledge of the world around us are. The film answers questions about exactly how the human brain works and how we can use this knowledge most effectively.

“Test your brain. Test 1"

Would you like to know how exactly the sound vibrations of the tympanic membrane and the image on the retina form the visual range of the reality around us? How does our consciousness work? By what principle does it select from a large amount of data only those that are most needed at the present time? Our senses have evolved over millions of years, so why are they still so easy to fool? Experienced psychologists, physiologists and neurologists are ready to cover these and many other topics. Find out what secrets your mind hides!

"Peaceful Warrior"

A movie based on real facts. So the plot focuses on Dan Millman, a highly talented and successful college gymnast who dreams of one day competing in the Olympics. The guy's worldview changes dramatically after he meets a mysterious man who calls himself Socrates. It turns out that the stranger has serious abilities, and is able to open up a truly incredible world for Dan. Having survived a serious injury, the gymnast, with the help of Socrates and a certain girl, comes to the understanding that he still has a lot to comprehend.

Food Corporation

A documentary that explores the production of different products. You'll learn about how nearly all the food items you see on store shelves are made, and you'll learn that many of them are unreasonably overpriced. At the same time, many of the products sold pose a serious threat to your health. You will learn about how industrial meat production takes place - how inhumane it looks, although economically. You will also be surprised by the production of vegetables and grains. You will learn a lot of interesting things about organizations that produce food products dangerous to human life.

"The Great Mystery of Water"

Surely, you understand that water is not just a colorless liquid with which we quench our thirst. In this project, you will be told all the secrets of Water - you will find out that it is the carrier of many data! She is able not only to remember, but also to demonstrate her emotions! A well-known scientist in Japan, Emoto Masaru, spent a long period of time thoroughly studying Water, and he managed to make stunning discoveries! Talented scientists from other countries also took part in Masaru's experiments, and, for sure, these studies will be able to surprise you.


Sean Monson's documentary touches on controversial topics of human cruelty to the animal world, as well as the commercial exploitation of wildlife resources. Bullfighting, fur farms, poultry farms, slaughterhouses, whale hunting and much more have long been a rarity. But is there any moral justification in our time for a person who initiates the suffering of other living beings only for the sake of the interests of his own species? Earthlings have long lost contact with the surrounding nature, and this has already begun to bring sad consequences.

“Placebo. Unravel the Mystery"

The project will tell about the most amazing stories that happened in medical practice. The discussion of these incredible cases will be held in Ireland by several experienced scientists. You will learn a lot of interesting things about the phenomenon that doctors call "placebo". This word means self-healing, for which a person needed only faith and the power of thought. A major breakthrough has recently been made in placebo effect research that has shaken the entire medical world. What is the main secret of this amazing effect?

"Forks instead of scalpels"

Colin Campbell has conducted extensive research that will tell you exactly how diet affects the likelihood of diagnosing serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes and others. The study turned out to be truly large-scale - it was carried out for several years, covering one hundred thousand people. As a result of many experiments that took into account a number of variable factors, it was concluded that a person who consumes animal food in large quantities is seriously susceptible to serious illnesses. Why this happens, and what other stunning facts the scientist brings, you will learn from this project.


The picture clearly demonstrates to us how beautiful our planet is, as well as what horrific consequences it had to endure after the destructive impact of mankind. The Earth has long been suffering from deep scars caused by various wars, industrial production, global environmental problems. The viewer will finally find out what the real situation is on our planet. The creators of the project have visited many countries in order to convey the features and beauty of the Earth as much as possible - for sure, you will be surprised how beautiful nature is in some remote corners of the world, and how much harm human activities bring to it.

"Secret 1"

In 2006, the Secret project was demonstrated for the first time. Since then, many years have passed, but the picture is still making its triumphant march across the Earth, covering many countries. Millions of people who watched the film made interesting conclusions for themselves, which radically influenced their destinies. It is difficult to find a person whom this project left indifferent. So, what changes have occurred in the worldview and life of viewers who have taken The Secret seriously? Can a popular documentary really change fate?

"Lord of the World" Nikola Tesla

A film that tells about one of the greatest scientists and inventors in the history of mankind. We are talking about an amazing genius known as Nikola Tesla. A lot of time has passed since his life and death, but to this day there is reason to believe that no one has managed to surpass this scientist in many areas. At the beginning of the twentieth century in Central Siberia, many people witnessed a fantastic spectacle, which was almost impossible to explain. However, there was a person who knew what happened, because he was directly related to what happened ...

"Why do we burn our lives" Denis Borisov

Many of us do not notice how we spend precious years of our lives on drinking, social networks and other things that only devour time, but do not provide any development. The author of the project is ready to tell you how to start the fight against destructive activities that harm our development. How to find the right motivation for this confrontation and is a person able to quickly give up pastime, which was interesting to him for a long period? The advice will undoubtedly be of great benefit to people who find it difficult to resist unhealthy temptations.

"Hunter's Iron Will" Denis Borisov

In his project, Denis Borisov will teach you how to achieve significant results in the "building" of your own body. You will learn about the most important strategies that will help you on your path to success. It has long been known that not all people who decide to go to the gym get the desired results. Why is this happening? Perhaps it's a lack of motivation, or are these people simply overlooking something really important? This video touches absolutely all spheres of human life. Why can some people make significant progress in working on themselves and achieving their goals, while others fail to do so? Denis Borisov is ready to cover this topic in detail.

"About treason and betrayal" Denis Borisov

The word "treason" is fraught with much more negative connotations than it might seem at first glance. Is there a difference between betrayal and betrayal? Why do some people still decide on such actions in relation to their loved ones? Why do some guys and girls start cheating on their lovers? Why are politicians ready to betray their voters? Why is this phenomenon so common in friendships? Where does real change begin? The author of the project will teach you to understand these issues, as well as use the information received to your advantage.

About Our Mind by Dan Dennett

The basis of the documentary project was the philosophy of Dan Dennett, who spent a significant period of his life trying to prove that we are not able to fully understand our consciousness. In addition, according to the philosopher, consciousness often lies to us at all. These theories are widely known in the philosophical literature, but most of Dennett's colleagues do not support his statements. Be that as it may, the hypothesis also has adherents. Despite rather harsh criticism, the philosopher does not deviate from his theory, and is ready to talk about its key aspects to a wide audience.

"How to Be Happy" Dan Gilbert

Dan Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness, strongly disputes the claim that we can't be happy if we don't get what we truly desire. The philosopher is convinced that a person may well find a feeling of real happiness, even when events in his life do not unfold at all the way he wanted. At first glance, it seems that this hypothesis is completely unfounded, but Gilbert is ready to convince you of the veracity of his words, citing very convincing arguments. So, how do you find happiness, against all odds?

Why We Make Bad Decisions by Dan Gilbert

Surely, you have more than once encountered unpleasant situations that were the consequences of your wrong decisions. At such moments, a person understands that if he had acted even a little differently, the result would have been much more positive. Many in such cases say that “such is fate” and do not believe that a negative outcome could have been prevented, but in reality everything is different. We can really improve our lives significantly if we learn not to be led by many factors and make the right decisions. In his project, Dan Gilbert will tell you how this can be achieved.

“Sign language. Body language shapes your personality

A fascinating project in which experienced social psychologist Amy Cuddy shares information with her listeners about the impact body language can have on a person's life. According to the speaker, it is this aspect that largely determines how others perceive us, how we feel ourselves and who we become in the end. Also, Cuddy will show you special poses that you can use while talking with one or another interlocutor. According to the psychologist, there are certain gestures that can help us achieve success. In addition, there are postures that act repulsively on others, and this is also very important to know.

How to Learn Anything in 20 Hours by Josh Kaufman

It is often difficult for us to take on the development of new knowledge. we believe that this may take too long, and because of this, the case will probably be left halfway to implementation. In turn, the author of this project is convinced that one should not be afraid of new horizons, because a person can master many disciplines, hobbies and other things, devoting only 20 hours of his life to this. At first glance, such a statement seems simply incredible, but Josh Kaufman is ready to prove the opposite. Undoubtedly, this extraordinary technique will be useful for many of us!

"Magic Thought" Kate Berry

Keith Berry has no doubt that the human mind can deceive the body, and in his project clearly demonstrates this hypothesis. As soon as you start watching the movie, you will witness incredible and slightly shocking psychological tricks. According to Berry, for her, the magic of thought is a kind of magic, which is based on the amazing methods of reading minds. The author of the project is convinced that using the power of words, non-verbal communication and other techniques, we can achieve stunning results. So, how to learn to manipulate someone else's mind?

"What Goes on in the Heads of Lovers" by Helen Fisher

Professor Helen Fisher, who is the author of several books and numerous scientific articles, gained popularity after conducting a series of painstaking studies on the behavior of people in love. The anthropologist is convinced that humans have a dual reproductive strategy. Fisher will also tell you about three patterns of behavior that are rooted in the human brain. We are talking about such aspects as attraction, romantic love and affection. The professor tells why we choose certain people as partners, and what stages the relationship of lovers goes through.

"10 new facts about orgasm" by Mary Roach

The plot of this documentary project focuses on the research conducted by Mary Roach - the writer took up the study of Nature in the most romantic sense of the word. Roach tried to learn as much as she could about the orgasm by having many conversations with doctors and scientists. The works of the writer are a wonderful chance to discover new facets of your body. After watching the movie, you will learn about such facts as menstruation of babies, orgasm when stimulating the eyebrows, the Lazarus reflex in dead people and other amazing phenomena. Everything you need to know about orgasm, Roach includes in his project.

"The Truth About Health"

From this film, you will learn that our body is constantly changing, and this has certain consequences. Different parts of the body have a clearly defined service life, which can change under the influence of various factors. Also, for sure, you will be interested to know that in your body there is not a single atom left from those that were present at our conception. However, there is something in us that is invariable - this is information. Learn the whole truth about your own health and how to keep it longer.

Interesting and useful sites for self-development

For self-development, you can not only watch documentaries and get acquainted with relevant literature. There are many useful sites that will help you discover new facets of your personality. Let's consider some of them. Coursera- everyone can find here useful courses that can be taken online. The educational platform works with materials from the world's leading universities. Universarium- participants of this large-scale project can get an excellent education, working with the most experienced teachers in Russia and the best domestic universities. Khan Academy- This educational site is completely free. It offers its users more than four thousand small lectures covering various disciplines. Udemy- a resource for those who really want to enrich their own knowledge. The site has been used by more than ten million students located in different parts of the world. The program included more than forty thousand exciting courses. UNIWEB- the site is engaged in online education of students, collaborating with the best universities. The goal of the platform is to spread a quality language among Russian-speaking students. University Without Borders- With the help of this resource, users can share their knowledge. The Russian-speaking audience fully receives valuable and useful information, regardless of the place of study or work, economic and social status, and other aspects. HTML Academy- the platform will be an extensive source of knowledge for users who want to understand all the intricacies of web development. Lumosity- an indispensable site for those who want to develop their mental abilities. With the help of a special application, you have the opportunity to take an individual training course that will be useful for you. eduson- the resource offers quality online training to students who want to succeed in business. Courses are taught by well-known professors and already established businessmen. Wikihow- thousands of users of the worldwide web have worked on this colorful resource, wishing to create the most useful step-by-step guide. An integral part of the wiki community, thanks to which you can find out a lot of relevant information and learn something new. HSE Internet School- for those who are interested in courses related to the socio-economic profile, in history, mathematics and other subjects. Lingualeo- learning English can be not only effective, but also exciting! By visiting this site, which has already become interested in more than 12 million people, you will be convinced of this. Memorado- the creators of this free application call it quite succinctly: "the gym for the brain." In this game you will find a large number of different levels containing puzzles of varying difficulty. Duolingo- a free site that will help you in learning the language and with translations. The platform is designed in such a way that after passing through the material, users themselves help with the translation of articles and various documentation. 4brain- a free resource for those who have long wanted to develop the skills of speed reading, extraordinary thinking, mental counting, and so on. brainexer- a platform that includes a large number of tests and exercises for attention, memorization, etc. You can take the tests even if you don't register on the site. Note that the site was created in English, but there is also a translation into Russian. Memrise- the site uses the most advanced methods of working with memory in order to help visitors to the resource remember any information with the greatest efficiency. All10- with the help of this online simulator you will learn how to blindly type on the keyboard using all ten fingers. The platform will keep your statistics, and will also show the performance rating of other visitors to the resource. Project Gutenberg- in this electronic library you can find many masterpieces of world literature. The site began its existence more than forty years ago. School Yandex- a lot of electronic lectures, the main purpose of which is high-quality training of specialists for the IT industry. Curious- on this platform, students, teachers and just talented people have the opportunity to share their own experiences with others. In addition, everyone can find additional earnings on the site. Sentences- with the help of the resource you will learn to memorize English words faster. also note that the platform includes a system that contributes to great learning efficiency, and also monitors the level of language proficiency. Intuit- a large Russian Internet university, which provides an excellent opportunity to get a higher (or second higher) education. In addition, here you can improve your skills and receive professional training. Lectorium- the platform contains a large number of lectures in Russian that cover a variety of topics. Also here you can find interesting video materials from various scientific conferences.

It is possible to achieve certain results in self-development effortlessly - in the truest sense of this expression! It is enough to have access to the World Wide Web, and this will allow you to perform new interesting tasks at least every day, which will have a beneficial effect on your skills and various areas of life. With the help of such games, you will achieve significant improvements in concentration, memory, and more. To do this, it is enough to drive the phrase “Games for self-development” into the search engine. You can easily download many of them to your smartphone, and devote time to them outside the home - on trips, queues, and so on. You will find a lot of interesting games on some of the sites that we recommended to you in this article.

Ways of self-development

Browse self-development blogs

Self-development blogs are regularly updated with new relevant information, and if you periodically look through them, you will certainly be able to find something valuable for yourself. Pick a few blogs that really interest you and check back periodically for content updates. Of course, it is also worth paying attention to new sites.

Attend trainings and courses for personal growth

Most often, motivation arises when we see examples of other people who managed to achieve the desired results. By attending various trainings and courses, you will learn more about such people and increase your chances of becoming one of them.

Learn new things and work on yourself

It is impossible to achieve any development without doing painstaking work on yourself. Only comprehending something new, we take a step forward on the path to our improvement. Analyze all areas of your life, and identify your “weak spot”. Do not be afraid to admit to yourself that some aspects need to be improved.

Video online: 10 quick methods of self-development

Self-development and self-improvement - where to start? The article with the answer to this question will be short and extremely practical.

Congratulations - if you are asking this question, then you have already decided to change yourself and your life for the better. We've decided, so we've already started! The main thing is not to stop, so as not to lose inspiration. It is important to take action right away so that everything does not end with only reading useful tips and “doing nothing again”.

To prevent this from happening, so that you begin to act, here is the BEST MOTIVATIONAL PHRASE especially for you: “You are not eternal!”

The famous businessman and writer from the United States, Gary Vaynerchuk, at one of the meetings, spoke about his favorite phrase that he repeats every day when he wakes up. It enables him to remember the most important things in life, and not be distracted by trifles.

This phrase consists of only three words: "You are not eternal." This does not mean that they immediately want to scare you. Not at all. It means only one thing - if you want to be a happy person, then for this you have only one life. No one will give you and me another one. So, do not lose heart, lie on the couch and feel sorry for yourself! Start taking action and you will see how everything around you will change.

I want to tell you right away that each of us just a few years to build the life we ​​dreamed of. You can become better, smarter, more positive, learn new languages, start discovering other countries, do something useful for others.

It is this phrase “you are not eternal” that should wake you up in the morning and force you to give all your best.

And know no matter how old you are: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70! It's never too late to start a new interesting, meaningful life!

Self-development and self-improvement - where to start?

You need to start with what review your life because you already have achievements. There is no need to be upset if you set yourself some kind of goal, and having achieved it, you realized that it was a waste of time (for example, you set a goal to graduate from the institute, but it turned out that it was not needed). There is a wonderful Japanese proverb: “If you don’t try, you won’t know!”

Next, you need to write down the actions that you need to perform every day. Do not think that self-development will be difficult. Learning new things is amazingly interesting and exciting. You will notice that interesting people will start to appear around you. You will have new opportunities. As you acquire new knowledge, your life, your surroundings will begin to change for the better.

Action plan

  • Write a list of goals(from the article you will learn the most popular 50 goals of people from different countries, what goals are and how to make a list of them). Only a bright, interesting goal can serve as a real motivation for action, for example, getting up early in the morning TO GO TO A JOB you hate is DIFFICULT, but getting up early in the morning IF YOU ARE WAITING FOR A TAXI TO TAKE YOU TO THE AIRPORT TO TRAVEL TO THAILAND, IS VERY EASY!
  • Start reading books, be sure to every day. Books on self-development, motivation, business and art. It is art books that will become the main source of knowledge and wisdom for self-development and self-improvement. Where to get time? Actually, there is time. Instead of liking pictures on social networks, read for an hour. Plus, you can listen to books on your way to and from work (download audiobooks). Where to get the list?
    • Here .
    • You also need a list of books worth reading for self-development and self-motivation. Here list of books for self-development and personal growth.
  • Be sure to start learning languages. So your opportunities to learn something new will expand, you will start reading books in the original language. It will help a lot in learning - watching movies or cartoons in a foreign language. In this article, I have prepared for you.
  • Be sure to start keeping a personal diary. In it you will write down your ideas, dreams, plans, describe your feelings. You can make or buy a beautiful Diary. For example, I prefer to keep a diary on paper. But you can also do it electronically. Here are the best personal diary mobile apps - Penzu , Diaro .
  • Subscribe to brain training sites that will make you smarter and more intelligent, make you a genius with tests and exercises. Here is a list of such sites 4brain, Wikium and others like it.
  • Determine your purpose, your life's work, start your own business, and not sit out your pants on an unloved job.
    In this video, the Instruction of the famous psychologist, coach Pavel Kochkin, "How to find yourself (7 stages)". By answering all the questions, you will understand where you are stuck and how you can move on.

  • Enroll in one of the online courses at free online learning coursesCoursera. These are courses taught by teachers from the most famous universities in the world. Many of the courses have already been translated into Russian. If you strive for excellence, it is important for you to become a professional in your field — the best photographer, marketer, programmer, etc. Coursera has training in all areas of activity.
  • Follow new trends, ideas for business, advances in science and technology. In order to know a lot, I recommend these sites:
    • BBC  Future- IT news, news of modern technologies.
    • Postnauka.ru- educational site, science and technology news.
    • 99U - a channel about productivity and leadership.
    • YouTube EDU - educational YouTube channel with useful info.
  • Start reading personal finance books. This is an important part of self-development and self-education. Unfortunately, this is not taught in our schools. I wrote in detail about where to get this knowledge.
  • Start reading the Bible, this is the Book of Books from which all writers, philosophers and scientists draw their knowledge and inspiration. You need to know it too. If it is difficult to read on your own, there is free Orthodox courses . Spirituality is a very important aspect in self-development, self-knowledge and self-improvement.


Together with you, we answered the question: where to start in the matter of self-development and self-improvement? We have made a plan of what actions need to be taken for personal growth.

How to succeed? To do all this, I write down the days of the week in my diary, for example, English on Tuesdays and Fridays, an online course in Courser on Mondays and Fridays, books to read (or listen to) every day, and so on. In a word, allocate 1-3 hours a day to study all these areas of knowledge.

I also want to add this. I am a happy person and I enjoy helping others become happier. I am revealing my little secret to you: I noticed that if you want to be surrounded by happy people, you need to become happy yourself. To become happy yourself, you need to do what you love, be inquisitive, learn more and more new thoughts, ideas, worlds, countries, help others, love people and be able to appreciate what you have. To be happy, it is important not to lie, but to act. And in order to act, you do not need to postpone everything until later. Then you won't have time to do everything.

Each of you has only one life, and no one will give you a few more. So, don't sit stuck on your phone or telly, don't feel sorry for yourself and don't get depressed. There are so many interesting things around: interesting books, new knowledge, new countries, new meetings! Get started and then you can succeed.

Anyone can become whatever they want. Watch this inspiring video and get started:

I am sure that you will definitely succeed!