Funny Jokes Stories Quotes Aphorisms Rhymes Pictures cool Games. People don't want to be rich - people want to live the life they live

1. He who cannot have 2/3 of the day for himself should be called a slave. (c) Friedrich Nietzsche

2. It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do. (c) Steve Jobs

3. Anyone who wants to see the results of his work immediately should become a shoemaker. (c) Albert Einstein

4. Always choose the most difficult path - on it you will not meet competitors. (c) Charles de Gaulle

5. A good decision made too late is a mistake. (c) Lee Iacocca

6. If you think learning is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs. (c) Robert Kiyosaki

7. If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

8. Money won't make you happier. I have 50 million now and I'm just as happy as when I had 48 million. (c) Arnold Schwarzenegger

9. People don't want to be rich, people want to be richer than others. (c) John Stuart Mill

10. Don't say you're working. Show what you've earned. (c) Thomas Robert Dewar

11. Whoever works all day has no time to earn money. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

12. Recipe for success: study while others sleep; work while others hang around; get ready while others play; and dream while others only wish. (c) William A. Ward

13. It has long been known that 20% of people do 80% of the work. Recently it turned out that 80% of people believe that they are part of the 20%. author unknown

14. Persuading people to buy what they don't need with money they don't have, in order to impress those who don't care about it - today this fraud has become truly virtuoso. (c) Victor Papanek

15. Whatever your goal, you can achieve it if you just want to work hard. (c) Oprah Winfrey

16. I would rather earn income from 1% of the efforts of a hundred people than from 100% of my own efforts. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

17. Markets are unstable. Invest in yourself. (c) Mikhail Barshchevsky

18. No matter what you think - you can or not - you are still right. (c) Henry Ford

19. You'll have everything if you don't worry about who gets the awards for your merit (c) Benjamin Franklin

20. I would rather hire a person with enthusiasm than a person who knows everything. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

1. He who cannot have 2/3 of the day for himself should be called a slave. (c) Friedrich Nietzsche

2. It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do. (c) Steve Jobs

3. Anyone who wants to see the results of his work immediately should become a shoemaker. (c) Albert Einstein

4. Always choose the most difficult path - on it you will not meet competitors. (c) Charles de Gaulle

5. A good decision made too late is a mistake. (c) Lee Iacocca

6. If you think learning is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs. (c) Robert Kiyosaki

7. If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

8. Money won't make you happier. I have 50 million now and I'm just as happy as when I had 48 million. (c) Arnold Schwarzenegger

9. People don't want to be rich, people want to be richer than others. (c) John Stuart Mill

10. Don't say you're working. Show what you've earned. (c) Thomas Robert Dewar

11. Whoever works all day has no time to earn money. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

12. Recipe for success: study while others sleep; work while others hang around; get ready while others play; and dream while others only wish. (c) William A. Ward

13. It has long been known that 20% of people do 80% of the work. Recently it turned out that 80% of people believe that they are part of the 20%. author unknown

14. Persuading people to buy what they don't need with money they don't have, in order to impress those who don't care about it - today this fraud has become truly virtuoso. (c) Victor Papanek

15. Whatever your goal, you can achieve it if you just want to work hard. (c) Oprah Winfrey

16. I would rather earn income from 1% of the efforts of a hundred people than from 100% of my own efforts. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

17. Markets are unstable. Invest in yourself. (c) Mikhail Barshchevsky

18. No matter what you think - you can or not - you are still right. (c) Henry Ford

19. You'll have everything if you don't worry about who gets the awards for your merit (c) Benjamin Franklin

20. I would rather hire a person with enthusiasm than a person who knows everything. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

1. He who cannot have 2/3 of the day for himself should be called a slave. (c) Friedrich Nietzsche

2. It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do. (c) Steve Jobs

3. Anyone who wants to see the results of his work immediately should become a shoemaker. (c) Albert Einstein

4. Always choose the most difficult path - on it you will not meet competitors. (c) Charles de Gaulle

5. A good decision made too late is a mistake. (c) Lee Iacocca

6. If you think learning is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs. (c) Robert Kiyosaki

7. If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

8. Money won't make you happier. I have 50 million now and I'm just as happy as when I had 48 million. (c) Arnold Schwarzenegger

9. People don't want to be rich, people want to be richer than others. (c) John Stuart Mill

10. Don't say you're working. Show what you've earned. (c) Thomas Robert Dewar

11. Whoever works all day has no time to earn money. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

12. Recipe for success: study while others sleep; work while others hang around; get ready while others play; and dream while others only wish. (c) William A. Ward

13. It has long been known that 20% of people do 80% of the work. Recently it turned out that 80% of people believe that they are part of the 20%. author unknown

14. Persuading people to buy what they don't need with money they don't have, in order to impress those who don't care about it - today this fraud has become truly virtuoso. (c) Victor Papanek

15. Whatever your goal, you can achieve it if you just want to work hard. (c) Oprah Winfrey

16. I would rather earn income from 1% of the efforts of a hundred people than from 100% of my own efforts. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

17. Markets are unstable. Invest in yourself. (c) Mikhail Barshchevsky

18. No matter what you think - you can or not - you are still right. (c) Henry Ford

19. You'll have everything if you don't worry about who gets the awards for your merit (c) Benjamin Franklin

20. I would rather hire a person with enthusiasm than a person who knows everything. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

1. He who cannot have 2/3 of the day for himself should be called a slave. (c) Friedrich Nietzsche

2. It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do. (c) Steve Jobs

3. Anyone who wants to see the results of his work immediately should become a shoemaker. (c) Albert Einstein

4. Always choose the most difficult path - on it you will not meet competitors. (c) Charles de Gaulle

5. A good decision made too late is a mistake. (c) Lee Iacocca

6. If you think learning is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs. (c) Robert Kiyosaki

7. If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

8. Money won't make you happier. I have 50 million now and I'm just as happy as when I had 48 million. (c) Arnold Schwarzenegger

9. People don't want to be rich, people want to be richer than others. (c) John Stuart Mill

10. Don't say you're working. Show what you've earned. (c) Thomas Robert Dewar

11. Whoever works all day has no time to earn money. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

12. Recipe for success: study while others sleep; work while others hang around; get ready while others play; and dream while others only wish. (c) William A. Ward

13. It has long been known that 20% of people do 80% of the work. Recently it turned out that 80% of people believe that they are part of the 20%. author unknown

14. Persuading people to buy what they don't need with money they don't have, in order to impress those who don't care about it - today this fraud has become truly virtuoso. (c) Victor Papanek

15. Whatever your goal, you can achieve it if you just want to work hard. (c) Oprah Winfrey

16. I would rather earn income from 1% of the efforts of a hundred people than from 100% of my own efforts. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

17. Markets are unstable. Invest in yourself. (c) Mikhail Barshchevsky

18. No matter what you think - you can or not - you are still right. (c) Henry Ford

19. You'll have everything if you don't worry about who gets the awards for your merit (c) Benjamin Franklin

20. I would rather hire a person with enthusiasm than a person who knows everything. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

It is sad that people are poor because they have not yet decided to be rich. They are overweight and in poor physical shape because they have not yet decided to be healthy and athletic. People waste their time inefficiently because they have not yet decided to spend their time productively in whatever they do.

Brian Tracy

1. He who cannot have 2/3 of the day for himself should be called a slave. (c) Friedrich Nietzsche

2. It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do. (c) Steve Jobs

3. Anyone who wants to see the results of his work immediately should become a shoemaker. (c) Albert Einstein

4. Always choose the most difficult path - on it you will not meet competitors. (c) Charles de Gaulle

5. A good decision made too late is a mistake. (c) Lee Iacocca

6. If you think learning is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs. (c) Robert Kiyosaki

7. If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

8. Money won't make you happier. I have 50 million now and I'm just as happy as when I had 48 million. (c) Arnold Schwarzenegger

9. People don't want to be rich, people want to be richer than others. (c) John Stuart Mill

10. Don't say you're working. Show what you've earned. (c) Thomas Robert Dewar

11. Whoever works all day has no time to earn money. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

12. Recipe for success: study while others sleep; work while others hang around; get ready while others play; and dream while others only wish. (c) William A. Ward

13. It has long been known that 20% of people do 80% of the work. Recently it turned out that 80% of people believe that they are part of the 20%. author unknown

14. Persuading people to buy what they don't need with money they don't have, in order to impress those who don't care about it - today this fraud has become truly virtuoso. (c) Victor Papanek

15. Whatever your goal, you can achieve it if you just want to work hard. (c) Oprah Winfrey

16. I would rather earn income from 1% of the efforts of a hundred people than from 100% of my own efforts. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

17. Markets are unstable. Invest in yourself. (c) Mikhail Barshchevsky

18. No matter what you think - you can or not - you are still right. (c) Henry Ford

19. You'll have everything if you don't worry about who gets the awards for your merit (c) Benjamin Franklin

20. I would rather hire a person with enthusiasm than a person who knows everything. (c) John Davison Rockefeller

People don't want to be rich, people want to be richer than others. People don't want scarce goods just because of some super stat, they want to have them because they're hard to get! What do we see all the time? We judge the quality of an item by its degree of availability. The more inaccessible, the more it seems to us that it is valuable. The more people desire the same object, the more valuable the object becomes in our eyes. This is how a person works, let him understand that he will not get something, as he will want it a hundred times more. Agree, it's funny, isn't it? And now let's look at how this can be used for our selfish business purposes. Just yesterday at our "PRO-SALES" training, we analyzed how to use the creation of a shortage in sales and how do we create this feeling in a client? Curious to know what are the scarcity techniques? Absorb. Technique 1. "CHANCE" It's simple, you need to make it clear to the person that he has only one chance to get something. The thought that such an offer no longer exists and never will move one to make a decision, moreover, to make a decision here and now. After all, it is always important to understand that human psychology is arranged in such a way that people much more often regret what they could have done, but did not, than about what they did and failed. Simply put, people are very sorry for missed opportunities and missed chances. Technique 2. "FEAR OF LOSS" Look at the kids in childhood, here is Kolya playing in the sandbox with a shovel, and his dump truck is lying nearby absolutely idle, but as soon as Petya takes it in his hands, Kolya, screaming and squealing, runs to take it away, bursting into yelling to the whole yard about how he suddenly needed him. Or in a relationship - a sudden, inexplicable cooling of one of the couple - leads to increased attention from the other. Another feature of human behavior is buried here, which lies in the fact that the risk of loss has much greater emotions on a person than the possibility of acquiring something. People experience much stronger feelings when they experience and imagine possible failures than when they achieve success. You can make a great play on this by showing the client the whole horrifying picture of his inaction. What irreparable consequences await him if he does not buy right here and now. Technique 3. "WHAT'S WRONG?" One of my favorites. Operates flawlessly. The use is based on several psychological characteristics of a person - the desire to be significant, the desire to prove, the desire to be responsible for one's words, so as not to look like a world door ball. All you need is to hurt the self-esteem, vanity, ambition, arouse intense interest and a series of follow-up actions from the opponent. Often, the struggle in this technique is not even a struggle for the result, but the desire to save face. Remember, you must have seen such individuals from the series "Boy, do you even know who I am? !" The main motto of such actions is: "I always get what I want", "no one can forbid me! For example, prohibitions in adolescence necessarily lead to the desire to break them, and the introduction of dry law in the country leads to smuggling and underground production. An example : - You know, it's certainly very expensive, what to do is up to you! Technique 4. "INTRIGA" There is nothing worse and more painful than a fascinating story that ends at the most interesting place. the very moment when you are ready to burst from tension. Here lies another feature of a person - the need for completeness of the structure. Moreover, the more important the missing component, the stronger the impact. And the greatest curiosity in people is information that is directly related to themselves. Can be used as follows: Ask necessary questions and do not answer them, or give later or when talking about something, interrupt the story, referring to something. A couple of examples: - What do you think, in how many hours can you, specifically, learn to sell to the level of a pro? - One of our clients had the same problem as you. He solved it in a week without spending a single ruble. Of course I'll tell you, but first I have to ask his permission. - You have no idea what you will see in two weeks. Prepare a sedative, money and open your site while sitting. Technique 5 "LIMIT ON TIME AND QUANTITY" Yes, it is very banal, but everything is also effective when used wisely. Look at what Swiss watch manufacturers are doing, for example: "This watch is limited to only 500 pieces. The case of this watch is made from elements of the Titanic, raised from the bottom." Agree that you immediately feel belonging to the elite and the desire to possess. Just please use it wisely, because counters of reverse time or reduction in the number of units on shitty landings with Chinese rubbish, of course, are directly related to this technique, but only have little effect on anyone. Think. Do it.

Puzikova Ekaterina

The theme of poverty and wealth can be considered the most significant, in my opinion, of all social problems. The problem of wealth and poverty has been worrying millions of people since ancient times. The problem of wealth and poverty does not lose its relevance today. People are developing, looking for ways to get more money, not just to be rich, but to be richer than others, to prove to people that he is better than them. And I think that this is perhaps the worst quality in a person. This is the thought I caught in the statement of John Stuart Mill.



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People don't want to be rich; people want to be richer than others.

John Stuart Mill

The theme of poverty and wealth can be considered the most significant, in my opinion, of all social problems. The problem of wealth and poverty has been worrying millions of people since ancient times. The problem of wealth and poverty does not lose its relevance today.People are developing, looking for ways to get more money, not just to be rich, but to be richer than others, to prove to people that he is better than them. And I think that this is perhaps the worst quality in a person. This is the thought I caught in the statement of John Stuart Mill.

Russia's transition to a market economy was accompanied by a rapid stratification of society into rich and poor. Whether a person is rich or poor depends on the amount of money and the necessary goods and access to them. The poor have low levels of income and expenditure, as a result of which they cannot maintain the desired standard of living. And a rich person has an abundance of tangible and intangible assets, such as money, means of production, real estate or personal property. Nobody voluntarily wants to be poor, everyone wants to be rich.

The concepts of wealth and poverty are relative. So, for example, a person who is not financially secure, that is, one who belongs to the poor, can be rich in spirit. The definition of poverty and wealth can be approached from different positions and points of view. Inequality- uneven distribution of scarce resources of society: money, power, education and prestige among different segments of the population. The topic of money in modern society is one of the most sought after, the most discussed. To the question: Let's turn to ordinary American billionaires. Let's turn to Donald Trump. Let's open his book "The Art of Making Deals". What does Trump say in his introduction? "... I have much more money now than I, with all my desire, can spend ...". Here is the key! A person should have as much money as he, with all his desires, simply cannot spend! The standard of living of people is one of the most important social categories. The standard of living is understood as the provision of the population with the necessary material goods and services. In a broad sense, the concept of "standard of living of the population" also includes the conditions of life, work and employment, life and leisure, its health, education, natural habitat, etc.

Most people, starting from school, learn easily, pass exams easily, look at life easily, criticize others easily, and talk about everything easily too. It turns out that it is easy and live. Most of us solve our problems, situations on the principle of "I want - I don't want." For example, you need to go somewhere, you need to do something. How do most of us act? Namely, “I wanted - I went, I didn’t want - I didn’t go”, “I wanted - I did it, I didn’t want - I didn’t”. We are not very friendly with the “must” principle. Laziness is another matter. It is easier and more pleasant to make friends with laziness. Laziness allows you to postpone all things for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, for later. Laziness allows you to do something somehow. The result is “on the face”: there I didn’t make it a little, I was completely late there, they didn’t wait for you there and they hired the one who was not late for a prestigious job. Most of them live like this: they dream about the good, about the high, but they live as it turns out. Who are these "majority"? Of course, the "poor". And how to become rich? All successful people, absolutely everyone affirms: the secret of success is in the thinking of a person, in intellect, in knowledge, and only the smallest share of success belongs to chance. Poor knowledge - poor life. Empty in the head - empty in the pocket. The quality of thoughts shapes the quality of life. Here are the main laws of success!

Ecology of life. To find the answer to the main question: "What do YOU ​​want", you need to discard everything that you really do not want.

November Insights


2. You can spend your whole life with people you don't like buying things you don't need.

3. Being who you want is better than buying everything you want.

4. Making money for something is always better than just making money.

5. Most people live in the delusion that "a little more money and life will be much better."

6. People are ALWAYS disappointed when they retire - doing nothing is more tiring than the most boring job(life loses its meaning due to social "uselessness").

7. Working less does not mean being lazy, the focus should be on productivity, not on working hours (80/20).

8. 4 life strategies from beginning to end (reducing costs, maximizing income, maximizing utility, minimizing effort - mastery).

9. Criticism is the strongest motivator for change (only for those who know how to accept it as a cold, detached Adult).

10. Understanding your fears does not mean overcoming them, but only means that you understand them.

11. There are no fatal things in life - fear is always stronger than the situation itself.

12. To overcome fear, it is not enough just to imagine the worst-case scenario, because there is no logic in fear, it is not the Adult who is afraid, but your Child, but your Inner Parent (the so-called Pig parent) “nightmares” him.

13. Fear is irrational (not logical).

14. The most important question: what do YOU ​​really want? And to find the answer to it, you need to discard everything that you really don’t want.

15. The goal must be variable, otherwise it will constantly move away(we are afraid to reach the goal).

16. Implementing a habit after 21 days of practice - does not work on intuits, only works on organized logics - (STJ)

17. The more time you have for a task, the longer you will do it.

18. Human life, like the universe is cyclical, tracking it (the cycle) you can manage yourself (the universe), or live in sync.

19. Not a single system to combat anything (drugs, alcoholism, etc.) will reach its ultimate goal, because the achievement of the ultimate goal will lead to its automatic disbandment.

20. Often what scares us the most is exactly what we should do first, however, it is quite difficult to do this due to "invisible limitations". published If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

Sociologist Max Weber, exploring the origins of the development of capitalism in Europe, connected it with Protestantism. In Russia at the end of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century, the Protestants were not a significant force, but the locomotive of progress rushed at full speed. Russian Old Believers acted as stokers and machinists.

In opposition to the state

In his 2017 book Antiskrepa, Doctor of Economic Sciences Nikita Krichevsky described the history and phenomenon of the Old Believers not from a spiritual and religious point of view, but from a socioeconomic one. Perhaps, since the time of Melnikov-Pechersky, hardly anyone in Russia has studied the life, mentality and business turnover of the Old Believers in such detail. So, in the article we will rely on the data of this work, unless otherwise specified.

The state and the church persecuted the Old Believers for centuries, which forged in them not only an unbending character in the face of adversity, but also the ability to make the most efficient use of the available poor resources and inventively approach issues of survival. To survive and keep the faith, people had to work hard, while limiting themselves in everything.

The basis of the social structure of the Old Believers was the community, which not only made decisions about this or that person, but also gave the deserving all possible help. Many Old Believers, who became prominent industrialists and merchants, received start-up capital from the community without resorting to loans from the state or commercial banks. The Old Believers worked with those whom they knew well. Belonging to one community did not allow the “worker-owner” relationship to reach a critical point, which seriously reduced costs and risks. In addition, the Old Believer did not find himself alone with the external aggressive environment, but had an invisible, but real support from the community.

At the beginning of the 20th century, 64% of all Russian capital was concentrated in the hands of representatives of the Old Believers. During the period when the Russian Empire took the first place in the world in terms of economic development, more than 2/3 of all domestic millionaire entrepreneurs were Old Believers.

The role of women among the Old Believers was quite different. Often the wife and mother of the family became an equal partner, and in the event of the death of her husband, she inherited the business, without dividing it between the children, which contributed to the growth of capitalization and the continuation of the successful history of the enterprise, in the broad sense of the word.

The Old Believers mastered the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, relying on the communal structure. The history of the development of the Old Believers in the places of new development is the history of adaptation, preservation and development in the new socio-economic, environmental, demographic conditions of folk culture in its local version, writes Doctor of Historical Sciences Yulia Argudyaeva.

Aborted takeoff

The flourishing of the economic power of the Old Believers was facilitated by the abolition in 1905 of official persecution for faith. The Old Believers very quickly felt the need for social transformation. In 1910-11, all-Russian political congresses of Old Believers were held in Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod newspapers wrote at that time, where the agenda for the near future was being developed.

Almost all the Volga merchants and a significant part of the industrialists were Old Believers, which influenced business customs - it was in this environment that it was customary to take a word and not conclude written contracts. The baker Bugrov did not keep any records, keeping in mind all the nuances of his difficult business. In many ways, it was an echo of the previous persecution, when at any moment it might be necessary to take off and run, and there would simply be no time to collect papers and nothing to transport. And mutual trust was born because of the density of the fabric of being - do something unsightly and the community will reject you, despite all the millions. Who will protect you, and who will need you?

In addition, often rich Old Believers acted as a kind of person or, if you like, a screen for capital - they were owned by the community, and the “millionaire” was not the owner, but a nominal holder. A kind of internal offshore.

There were also thinkers among the Old Believers. So, Vasily Kokorev in 1887 in his book "Economic Failures" substantiated the need for the development of domestic industry and investment in the creation of their own industries, condemning the fascination with external loans and the purely financial side of things. Our contemporary Lev Lurie in the book "St. Petersburg" showed the huge contribution of the visiting peasantry to the development of the prosperity of the then capital of the empire at the beginning of the 20th century. And in the city, the Old Believers continued to rely on the community, on fellow countrymen and relatives, but quickly adapted to a different rhythm and way of life. In Central Russia, about half of the wool and wool weaving enterprises belonged to the Old Believers.

As the well-known economist and historian Alexander Gershenkron put it: “The supporters of religious immobility, fanatical enemies of church reforms, irrational adherents of the letter and ritual turned out to be energetic modernizers with purely rational economic goals.”

Danila Raskov, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory at St. Petersburg State University, notes that the Old Believer project of modernizing the Russian economy could not be fully realized. And this issue still awaits in-depth research.