Human gestures and their meanings. How to understand a person by gestures

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They say words help hide thoughts. But sign language does not know how to keep secrets. The main thing is to learn to "read" (decipher) male gestures. And then you will know the whole truth about him. By the way, if the words of a man do not correspond to him, it is worth believing the latter. That's what psychologists say.

And they say that on average, men use about 10 gestures. Not much! Especially against women's 52! But it's nice. And decryption is much easier. So let's start reading.

1. He is interested in you. If your appearance attracts the attention of a man, then his eyebrow involuntarily rises and falls. It lasts no more than a second, but remains a sure sign that he liked you.

2. He liked you. When he looks at you, his face takes on a friendly expression. At the same time, the lips may involuntarily open slightly, and the nostrils may slightly expand, as if he is excited.

3. Wants to get your attention. Psychologists say that each person tries to attract attention in his own way. It all depends on the nature of the person. Although they immediately note: most men begin to behave noisily, joke, laugh out loud, gesticulate in order to interest the woman they like. And only a few - can be modest and keep silent. In general, he will try to do everything possible so that you notice and understand that he is special.

4. He is interested in you. In your presence, he straightens his tie, jacket, shirt, etc., as well as socks (this happens involuntarily). Be sure - he likes you very much. And psychologists "read" these gestures like this: I want to look good for you.

5. You are very. When talking with you, he touches his hair - pulls it or, conversely, smoothes it. As a rule, men do it involuntarily. And all in order to look better in your eyes.

6. You interested him as a sexual partner.
. When communicating with you, he stands opposite, as if at attention, straight and taut. Sometimes - can lean slightly towards you. And tense your muscles. Especially to show off your body from the best side.

7. He wants you. The man is staring at you. And he does everything to make you notice it. He also tries to take a comfortable position so that you can see all his virtues. For example, sitting opposite, legs wide apart. And at the same time flirting with you.

8. He wants you to appreciate how cool he is.. He stands with his hands on his belt or slightly lower on his hips. According to psychologists, such a pose indicates that a man is confident in himself. And ready for any sexual exploits.

9. Nervous. Maybe, . In your presence, he fiddles with a button, fastens it, then unbuttons it; touches his face while talking to you, may rub his chin or cheek, touch his eyes, etc. This means that he is nervous in your presence because he likes you very much.

10. Wants to get close to you. If a man likes you and wants something more than just being friends, he usually: sits on the edge of his chair to get closer to you; puts a foot on the foot, and the upper leg will be directed towards you; walking next to you, puts his hand on your shoulder / back or hugs your waist.

take into account. When a man has a sexual interest in a woman, he begins to play with round objects that remind him of the roundness of the female body. For example, he squeezes a glass in his hand or rolls it from side to side. And if a man lent you his jacket or jacket, this gesture can be read like this: “you are the woman he is ready to love and protect.” Or he is just a real gentleman who will not let the lady die from the cold ;-)

1. Pay close attention to what is happening around you.

Attention is the foundation of effective non-verbal communication training. Observe the gestures, facial expressions, postures of a person. Only in this way will you be able to consolidate and improve the acquired knowledge. Make observation a fun game.

2. Observation in context is the key to understanding non-verbal psychology.

It must be remembered that there are no signs of deception as such - there is not a single gesture, facial expression or involuntary muscle contraction, which alone and in themselves would mean that a person is lying. Gestures, postures, facial expressions, a voice expressing fear, excitement of an innocent person can also be observed in a liar. It is observation in context that will help distinguish the fear of unfounded accusation from the fear of exposure.

3. Learn to recognize and decipher the universal cues of non-verbal behavior.

Some movements are practically beyond the control of a person. For example, the lowering of the corners of the mouth, this expression is very difficult to portray without experiencing negative emotions.

4. Learn to recognize and decipher the idiosyncratic cues of non-verbal behavior.

We are talking about individual non-verbal behavioral signals inherent in each person. To identify such signals, you need to know the person well enough. For example, if your friend bites his lip or strokes his hand before an interview or exam, this is a sign of excitement that speaks of self-doubt. In the future, in stressful situations, these signs will appear again.

5. When you communicate with other people, try to identify their basic behavior patterns.

The basic model of behavior is body movements, postures, facial expressions characteristic of a person in a state of comfort or everyday life. We will not be able to see deviations if we do not know how it looked in the normal state.

6. Always try to notice multiple emblems in people - signals of behavior that are given simultaneously or sequentially.

In other words, consider emblems (characteristic body movements) in a complex, draw conclusions based on several reliable and expressive body movements.

7. It is important to look for changes in a person's behavior that indicate changes in his thoughts, emotions and intentions. (gestures of uncertainty) and vice versa, if the situation changes and he feels comfortable (gestures of openness) and confident (gestures of confidence), this will also manifest itself outwardly.

If a person is not confident in his words or actions, this will be expressed in sign language.

8. Diligently learn to recognize false or deceptive non-verbal signals.

The skill of recognizing false or deceptive non-verbal signals comes with experience. We can meet people who know and confidently use non-verbal means of communication, use the necessary gestures to convince us of their honesty, but in fact they want to mislead us. Try to notice contradictions in the sign language and behavior of such a person. You must understand to what is in front of you. In my opinion, it is appropriate to recall the Main Law of Gestures by Michael Caro:

Players either play a role or they don't. If they do, then determine what they expect from you and disappoint them.

For example, a person who wants to convince others of his sincerity will use a gesture of open hands, but if at the same time his legs are closed, it is likely that he is lying.

9. Learning to distinguish between signs of comfort and discomfort will help you focus on the behaviors that can play the most important role in deciphering non-verbal messages.

Conventionally, the state of a person can be divided into comfort (satisfaction, happiness, relaxation) and discomfort (displeasure, trouble, stress, anxiety, tension). The ability to distinguish between these two categories will give you the opportunity to understand the true feelings of a person, after which you can draw conclusions about what exactly caused this human condition.

10.When observing others, try to do it discreetly.

Ancient symbolism has been transformed over time. Images that today have a certain sacred meaning could initially have a completely different meaning. We have collected 10 symbols and gestures, the meaning of which has changed significantly over time, and in different cultures they can have different meanings.

1. Star of David

The Star of David is the most common symbol of Judaism. However, unlike symbols such as the menorah or the shofar, this star is not uniquely Jewish. Before becoming a Jewish symbol, a similar star appeared in Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. It is not known if these symbols have a common origin or, more likely, were invented by different people independently due to the underlying nature of the design. It is simply a hexagram-shaped symbol in which equilateral triangles make up a six-pointed star with a hexagon in its middle.

2. Ichthys

Most people know the Ichthys symbol not by name, but visually. The "Jesus fish" is a common Christian symbol. Often found on car bumper stickers. Centuries ago, when Christians were persecuted by the Romans, they often used the ichthys as a secret symbol to identify other Christians. It is assumed that when two strangers first met, one of them drew the first arc of the symbol, and the other, if he was a Christian, drew the second. However, various pagan cults used this symbol long before the advent of Christianity. It had various meanings, but most often symbolized fertility. Now the symbol has somewhat changed its purpose: it is used by Protestants.

3. Cross of St. Peter

Speaking of Christian symbols, one cannot help but recall the cross of the Apostle Peter (inverted cross), which is now the most powerful anti-Christian symbol in the world. However, earlier this cross was one of the main Christian symbols in the world. The history of its origin is as follows: when the apostle Peter was crucified, he decided that he was not worthy to die in the same way as Jesus Christ, and asked to be crucified upside down. Thereafter, the inverted cross became a symbol of humility and can be found in some churches. This does not mean that people worship Satan there. The inverted cross has been used relatively recently as an anti-Christian symbol, after being featured in the horror films The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby.

4. Skull and crossbones

This symbol today has two well-known meanings. First, it means poison. Secondly, he is associated with pirates. The Jolly Roger - the flag of the pirates - is usually depicted with a skull and crossbones on it, although most pirates actually used their personal images. The Spaniards used this symbol much earlier to mark a cemetery. You can still find old churches and missions with skull and bones on them.

5. Barbershop signage

Usually barbershop signs were columns painted with red and white stripes in the form of a spiral. The red stripe symbolized blood, in particular, bloody bandages. For most of history, barbers didn't just cut their hair and shave their beards. Many of them were also surgeons who frequently performed bloodletting on clients. People believed that it was possible to get rid of any disease simply by shedding "bad blood". Barbers used clean bandages or towels to soak up the released blood. After that, they often hung the bandages on poles in front of their establishments to advertise.

6. Gesture OK

For most Americans, the "ok" hand sign means "I'm fine" or "I agree." However, the use of this gesture abroad should be avoided, because in very few other countries it is considered positively. In most other countries, it will mean nothing. In many European countries, this symbol is offensive because it means that a person is a complete "zero". In some countries of the Mediterranean and South America, this sign is a symbol of the anus.

7. Devil Horns

Nowadays, "devil's horns" are a gesture found at any heavy music concert. Ronnie James Dio popularized the use of this gesture, after which it became associated with heavy metal. In fact, this gesture came from the depths of centuries and was not at all associated with Satanism. It was a healing gesture called "Corna".

8. Caduceus

The caduceus, also known as the staff of Hermes, is often used by medical organizations. He is depicted as a staff with wings and two snakes that wrap around this staff. Caduceus is very often confused with the "rod of Asclepius" - a staff without wings and only one snake that wraps around it in a spiral. It is the second symbol that is truly medical, since Asclepius was the ancient Greek god of medicine and healing, while Hermes was the patron of merchants and merchants.

9. Peace symbol

Most people associate this symbol with the rebel culture and hippie movement of the 1960s. Unlike other well-known symbols, the peace symbol does not have an ancient origin. It was created in 1958 by Gerald Holt as a call to start a campaign for nuclear disarmament.

“I was in despair. Deep despair. I drew and tried to imagine a man in despair, with the palms of his hands outstretched and down - approximately in the manner of a Goya peasant before being shot. I formalized the drawing into a line and placed it in a circle", - said Holt himself. According to him, the irregularly shaped cross is a gesture of despair and a sign of death, and the circle is the unborn child.

There have been attempts to link this symbol to Nazi symbols and the satanic broken cross, but any similarities are coincidental and have no basis.

10. Swastika

Many Europeans associate the swastika exclusively with the Nazis. In fact, the swastika (also known as the gammadion cross) is a universal and one of the most ancient symbols in the world. The swastika figured in ancient religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism, and was also used by ancient civilizations - the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Celts. Images of the swastika have even been found on pottery that predates official human history. Some of the old images of the swastika are found in Hinduism: a swastika turned clockwise is a symbol of the god Vishnu, and counterclockwise - symbolizes Kali.

Throughout its history, mankind has created many interesting books. But among them there are at least those who are covered in mystery and mysticism.

Director of the Austrian Higher School of Etiquette, international class specialist in protocol and business etiquette Mary Bush told ELLE what habits will ruin yours.

1. The habit of pointing a finger or a pen at an interlocutor can do a disservice. This gesture is especially common among “women-bosses”, when the working manner of communication is repeated in their personal lives.

2. The habit of speaking any request, accompanying it with an imperative gesture. For example, it is not allowed when a woman asks her spouse/companion to order her dishes from the menu and leads the whole process with her hand outstretched, palm down.

3. The habit of straightening clothes, tights, bra straps all the time. Only “beauties” are allowed to straighten their stockings in the elevator, but on the condition that it is standing nearby.

4. The habit of opening the mouth while eating before bringing the fork or spoon to the mouth. This bad habit is difficult to notice on your own, unless you sit down during a meal in front of a mirror.

7. Loud laughter with head tilt. A cheerful disposition is, of course, good, but a healthy sense of humor should not expose the tonsils.

8. Kick start gesture. When a girl realizes that she is late, and is already finishing her last sentences, rising from her chair. Say goodbye to the person, and then, without fussing, get up and calmly leave.

9. The habit of wrapping the legs around the leg of a chair. If you do not understand what this is about, then very well! You don't have that habit.

10. The habit of "crunching" with the knuckles ... or the neck ... Yes, this also happens.

11. The habit of putting the heel on the heel, raising the toe of the shoes. This gesture is often found at a moment of special thought in girls.

12. The habit of winding hair around a finger, nose, ear, etc. In general, unnecessary and frequent manipulations with hair give out excessive nervousness. Learn to control your hands.

13. Hands are especially difficult to control when they do not have an Iphone or a glass, and you need to stand straight and, God forbid, in front of an audience or on stage. Here the legs and arms begin to behave strangely at all. They cross, twist, twitch, twist, or completely hang motionless.

14. Tapping fingers, lighter, pencil or other object on the table.

15. A fixed or appraising gaze. For many women, this is due to their professional activities. And usually, under such a look, even the strongest representative of the male half “shrinks”.

19. The other extreme is distraction. The inability to focus on the words of the interlocutor, the inability to look into the eyes and the constant flying "in the clouds." Such a person usually wants to be shaken.

20. The habit of approaching or sitting close to a person, violating his comfort zone. Although on a date, this habit can help reduce the distance and increase the time of communication.

Watch people, notice those gestures that do not add elegance. Surprisingly, we usually see in people what we sometimes do ourselves.

Being an interesting, charismatic and alluring woman is a real science. And even despite the fact that today they are present in many ways, the fair sex should not forget about their essence. A barely noticeable gesture, a turn of the head, a well-spoken phrase can melt a man’s heart and make you the most desirable and attractive in his eyes ..

1. Smile

Gloomy melancholy persons are able to hook only certain male representatives with their mystery. Basically, men like women who exude positive, energetic and immediacy. Smile more often and you will notice that the representatives of the opposite sex will begin to show you signs of attention!

2. Touch

Unobtrusive touches can melt the barrier of even the most closed man in himself. Touch his hand, gesticulate, lean slightly towards him and he will feel that you are interested in communicating with him.

3. Compliments

If you liked something in a man, then you should not keep these emotions to yourself. Tell your face what attracts you in a man. He will be pleased to hear a compliment addressed to him. Men from this only become more self-confident and more willing to make contact.

4. Playfulness

Do not be serious and pompous if you want to attract the attention of a man. You'd rather look stupid than show open emotional snobbery. Men are delighted with women who know how to have fun, flirt and enjoy life.

5. Hugs

Greet the man warmly. Hug him and tell him that you were looking forward to meeting him. He will feel your disposition towards him, he will like the feeling that he is glad to see him.

6. Taboo on "former"

In a conversation, you should not talk about both former partners and other male representatives in principle. If you want to win over a man, then you should not remind him that he is not the only one for you.

7. Positive

Women who talk about pleasant things, do not complain and do not burden with problems, will always be more attractive in the eyes of men than young ladies who bear all the burdens of this world. As it became known to JoinInfoMedia journalist Karina Kotovskaya, if you want to attract a man, then you should not be associated with negativity, but only with something beautiful and positive.

8. Fantasy

Those women who attract men like a magnet always remain mysterious, they do not reveal all the secrets about themselves. It is especially useful to be not completely frank when you first communicate with a potential partner. Then he will be interested to know the continuation, he will fantasize about you, he will want to meet again and find out other sides of your nature.

9. Gratitude

It is not worth taking a man, his compliments and signs of attention for granted. All efforts and attempts to please you must be noted and said "thank you". This is at least respectful, as a maximum - it will play into your hands.

10. Chastity

It is not worth starting an intimate relationship before you become a couple with a man. Wait, be unavailable. A man will appreciate this, he will understand that relationships are a serious thing for you. But don't be cold and distant. Let the man understand that you want everything with him, including a love affair, but everything has its time.

By nature, a woman is given the ability to be a muse for a man, to inspire him to actions. But some of the fair sex have forgotten what it means to be a real woman. So why not try to go through all these ten points to make sure they are appropriate? Remember that a woman is created for beauty, so remember if you are not happy in a relationship.