Penza State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians. Educational activities Penza Institute of Advanced Studies


The Penza Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians was organized by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 000 dated January 1, 2001. To date, there are only seven such institutions in Russia. Over the past 33 years, intensive care has worthily established itself as a major center for postgraduate training of doctors not only in the Volga region, but also in Russia. The institute trained 92,660 healthcare specialists, conducted 2,958 training cycles, trained 847 doctors in clinical residency, 1,292 doctors in internship, and certified 25,443 healthcare specialists.

Since 1987, the Penza Institute for Advanced Medical Studies was one of the first in Russia to begin retraining primary care doctors under the general practice (family medicine) program. Since 1997, the institute, also among the first, began to use elements of distance education based on information educational technologies.

With the opening of the institute in Penza, rich in its medical traditions, professors and associate professors, doctors of medical sciences and candidates appeared, which made it possible to qualitatively raise the level of specialized medical care in the region.

Over the years, 48 ​​doctors of medical sciences worked at the institute, currently - 27; 36 of them defended their doctoral dissertations as teachers at our institute, 11 doctors of science began their scientific careers by studying in clinical residency and graduate school at the departments of our institute.

The scientific activity of our researchers is represented by 196 prepared and defended dissertations (of which 36 are doctoral dissertations). 124 copyright certificates and patents for inventions, 485 improvement proposals were received. 57 monographs, 72 collections of scientific papers, 526 textbooks and methodological recommendations, 10 textbooks and manuals, 4685 publications (including articles in central domestic peer-reviewed journals - 776 and foreign publications - 22) have been published. 166 scientific and practical conferences were held. 2228 reports were made at conventions, congresses, and conferences. The results of scientific developments have been repeatedly and successfully demonstrated at All-Union, All-Russian (268) and International (38) exhibitions. Every year, a number of our scientists participate in international scientific forums abroad.

The institute's teaching staff consists of 141 people, among them 27 doctors of science (13 professors) and 75 candidates of medical sciences (34 associate professors). Teachers with an academic degree make up 72.3%.

The institute has 23 departments and 2 courses, two faculties (therapeutic and surgical), a central research laboratory, two computer classes and three classes for practicing practical skills on simulators, a library, and a dormitory for 630 places.

The institute employs: 2 “Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation”; 55 “Excellent Health Workers”, 9 “Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation”, awarded the “Order of the Badge of Honor” - 4, “Order of the Red Banner of Labor” - 2.

Educational activities are carried out according to 133 professional educational programs: residency - 34, internship - 20, professional retraining - 30, advanced training - 44, postgraduate studies - 5 specialties. The Institute conducts more than 400 thematic cycles and professional retraining cycles of different names, lasting from 72 to 864 hours, using modern educational technologies.

The institute's scientific library contains over 84,300 copies of books. During the period from 2006 to 2008, the library was replenished with modern educational literature (4806 copies); electronic information and educational systems (28 copies); electronic textbooks (76 copies). Taking into account the accumulated experience, the scientific library of the institute is preparing for the transition to remote access to its information resources via the Internet.

Clinical departments are located on the basis of 14 leading medical institutions in Penza; the institute’s employees annually provide highly qualified care to more than 31,000 patients; Every year, from 50 to 95 new and modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention are introduced into healthcare practice.

The first head of the Department of Ophthalmology, founded on November 22, 1977, became a professor and remained in this position until 1991. The department received a clinical base, the eye department of Penza City Hospital No. 3, which then had only 60 beds. As a result of the department’s activities, the number of beds increased to 160, and an ophthalmological day hospital with 40 beds was opened there. Employees of the department annually perform about 1000 operations of the highest category of complexity, which is 30-40% of all operations performed in the hospital. Geography of patients undergoing treatment: Ulyanovsk, Tambov, Saratov, Astrakhan, Lipetsk regions, Mordovia. Until 2010, the department was headed by a professor - Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, excellent student in healthcare, member of the board of the All-Russian Society of Ophthalmologists. Currently the department is headed by an associate professor.

In 1992, the central research laboratory (CNRL) of the institute gave impetus to the opening of a course in allergology and immunology, which was transformed into a department in 1997. Since the organization of the department, its head and founder has been Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor - one of the students of the Kazan School of Allergists, a member of the European Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists (EAACI), and a participant in a number of high-status International symposia. Direction of scientific research of the department: “Mechanisms of development of infectious and inflammatory diseases and development of optimal methods of specific and nonspecific immunotherapy” and Central Scientific Research Laboratory: “Assessment of immune defense mechanisms in patients with purulent-inflammatory diseases and justification of approaches to immunocorrective therapy”, “Assessment of the importance of regulatory peptides , enzymes of their metabolism in the pathogenesis of cerebrovascular insufficiency and in allergopathology", "Differential diagnosis of chronic urticaria and the effectiveness of the drug "Gabriglobin" in the autoimmune form of urticaria." One doctoral and 11 candidate dissertations were defended at the department on this issue.

In 1995, a course on pediatric infectious diseases was opened, which in January 2001 was reorganized into the Department of Infectious Diseases under the leadership of a professor who started at the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology. A doctor of the highest category, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, in addition to heading the department, she worked as the institute’s vice-rector for scientific (since 2001) and educational work (since 2003). Clinical bases of the department: State Healthcare Institution "Penza Regional Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care", regional infectious diseases hospital (190 beds, 5 departments) and the regional children's clinical hospital named after (120 infectious diseases beds).

In 1992, the institute organized a medical informatics laboratory, headed by Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, Doctor of Medical Sciences. , Assistant Rector for Information Technology. In 2008, the laboratory was transformed into a department of medical informatics under the leadership of the Department. Currently, the department is the coordinator of the institute’s work on the use of information technology, teaching medical informatics in the training of clinical residents, interns, graduate students and general practitioners.

Computer classes

Leading scientists of the institute

At the Penza Institute for Advanced Medical Studies, a strong teaching staff, with the help of the institute’s solid infrastructure, carefully nurtures and polishes medical personnel so that they most fully reveal their true potential in the field of improving people’s health. The only thing nobler than this task is the treatment of the suffering itself.

KislovAlexander Ivanovich

Rector of the Penza State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

August 5" href="/text/category/5_avgusta/" rel="bookmark">August 5, 1946 in the Samara region. He graduated from the Samara State Medical Institute in 1970. Then he worked in practical healthcare: he began his career as a resident physician of the Central Children's Orthopedic and Surgical Hospital of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR. In 1976, in Moscow, he defended his thesis on the topic: “Treatment of a shortened leg with a weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing foot.” Since 1978, he worked as an assistant, associate professor of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics at the Penza Institute for Advanced Medical Studies. In 1994 year in Samara, defended his doctoral dissertation on the use of a new controlled distractor in the complex treatment of scoliosis. Became a professor in 2001, and in 2003, for his professional approach to work, received the honorary title “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.” Currently working at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics PIUV., Head of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Military Extreme Medicine, Medical Institute of Penza State University.

Since 2004, Rector of the Penza Institute for Advanced Medical Studies of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Elected corresponding member of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation in 1995.

Area of ​​scientific interests: compression-distraction osteosynthesis in traumatology and orthopedics, complex surgical treatment of severe forms of scoliosis (development of implantable devices), hip replacement, restorative treatment of children with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Under his leadership, two doctoral dissertations and one candidate's dissertation were defended, he published 128 scientific works, including 27 copyright certificates and patents for inventions of the Russian Federation, one monograph, three methodological manuals and five methodological recommendations. Participated in the All-Russian conference “The practice of health care reform at the regional and municipal levels: experience, results, problems” in Penza in 2006, and was also a member of the working group of the regional government, where, together with other specialists, he prepared documents. In took part in the editorial board for the preparation of materials from the State Council on Health Care with the participation of the President of Russia.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Institute. Deputy Chairman of the Penza Regional Association of Traumatologists and Orthopedists. Deputy editor of the journal “News of Universities. Volga region".

Educational activities are carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated October 8, 2015 No. 707n “On approval of qualification requirements for medical and pharmaceutical workers with higher education in the field of training “Health and Medical Sciences””, order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 3, 2012 No. 66n “On approval of the Procedure and terms for improving professional knowledge and skills by medical workers and pharmaceutical workers through training in additional professional educational programs in educational and scientific organizations”, license of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science series 90L01 No. 00009599, registration No. 2527 dated 01/31/2017.

The institute consists of two faculties - therapeutic and surgical, uniting 23 departments, a course of mobilization training in health care and disaster medicine, as well as a center for practical training of doctors, a central research laboratory, a department of medical informatics, a library, and a dormitory. The departments of the institute are located in the administrative and laboratory building of the institute and 14 large healthcare institutions in Penza.

Educational activities are carried out according to educational programs of higher education - training of highly qualified personnel (postgraduate studies, residency) and additional professional education (professional retraining, advanced training, internship), including:
— full-time and part-time postgraduate studies (in 5 specialties of scientists)
— in residency (in 38 specialties)
— professional retraining (in 42 specialties)
— advanced training (in 48 specialties)

Residency and postgraduate studies are carried out on a budgetary basis with the payment of a stipend within the limit allocated by the Russian Ministry of Health and on a contractual basis. Training of citizens in graduate school and residency is carried out from September 1.

Training in advanced training and professional retraining programs is carried out both on a budgetary basis through vouchers distributed through territorial and city health authorities, health care institutions of the Ministry of Health of Russia, upon applications through the CME portal, and on a contractual basis with legal entities or individuals.

Training of foreign citizens is carried out on a contractual basis.

Mastering professional retraining and advanced training programs for specialists ends with a final certification. Students who have completed the entire curriculum and passed the final certification receive a diploma of professional retraining of the established form or a certificate of advanced training. Persons who successfully pass the certification exam receive a specialist certificate.

During their studies, students, graduate students, and residents are provided with a place in a dormitory. Payment for accommodation is made in cash in the administrative and laboratory building of the institute.

The Institute, within the framework of the license for educational activities, conducts additional cycles of advanced training, professional retraining and internship, incl. on-site visits at the request of territorial health authorities and medical organizations, as well as on individual requests, both on a budgetary and contractual basis. Applications for training cycles are sent to the director.

The institute trained 92,660 healthcare specialists, conducted 2,958 training cycles, trained 847 doctors in clinical residency, 1,292 doctors in internship, certified 25,443 healthcare specialists. Since 1987, the Penza Institute for Advanced Medical Studies was one of the first in Russia to begin retraining primary care doctors in the general practice (family medicine) program. Since 1997, the institute, also among the first, began to use elements of distance education based on information educational technologies. With the opening of the institute in Penza, rich in its medical traditions, professors and associate professors, doctors of medical sciences and candidates appeared, which made it possible to qualitatively raise the level of specialized medical care in the region. Over the years, 48 ​​doctors of medical sciences worked at PIUV (now there are 27); 36 of them defended their doctoral dissertations as teachers at the institute, 11 doctors of science began their scientific careers by studying in clinical residency and postgraduate studies at one hundred departments. The teaching staff consists of 141 people, among them 27 doctors of science (13 professors) and 75 candidates of medical sciences Sciences (34 associate professors). Teachers with an academic degree make up 72.3% of the staff. Among the employees are two Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation and nine Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, 55 excellent healthcare workers. Four people were awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, two people were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. The scientific activity of the researchers is represented by 196 prepared and defended dissertations (of which 36 are doctoral). 124 copyright certificates and patents for inventions were received. 485 improvement proposals. 57 monographs, 72 collections of scientific papers, 526 textbooks and methodological recommendations, 10 textbooks and manuals, 4685 publications (including articles in central domestic peer-reviewed journals - 776 and foreign publications - 22) have been published. 166 scientific and practical conferences were held. 2228 reports were made at conventions, congresses, and conferences. The results of scientific developments have been repeatedly and successfully demonstrated at all-Union, all-Russian (268) and international (38) exhibitions. Every year, many scientists participate in international scientific forums abroad. The institute has two faculties (therapeutic and surgical) with 23 departments and two courses, a central research laboratory, two computer classes and three classes for practicing practical skills on simulators, a library, dormitory for 630 places. Educational activities are carried out according to 133 professional educational programs: residency - 34, internship - 20, professional retraining - 30, advanced training - 44, postgraduate studies - in five specialties. The Institute conducts more than 400 thematic cycles and professional retraining cycles of various names, lasting from 72 to 864 hours using modern educational technologies. Clinical departments are located on the basis of 14 leading medical institutions in Penza: the Institute’s staff annually provides highly qualified care to more than 31,000 patients; Every year, from 50 to 95 new and modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention are introduced into healthcare practice. The institute's scientific library contains over 84,300 copies of books. During the period 2006 to 2008, the library was replenished with modern educational literature (4806 copies); electronic information and educational systems (28 copies); electronic textbooks (76 copies). The library is preparing to switch to remote access to its information resources via the Internet. The first head of the Department of Ophthalmology, founded on November 22, 1977, was Professor N.I. Panfilov remained in this position until 1991.

Nowadays it is headed by Associate Professor S.L. Kuznetsov. The department received a clinical base - the eye department of Penza City Hospital No. 3, which then had only 60 beds. As a result of the department’s activities, the number of beds increased to 160, and an ophthalmological day hospital with 40 beds was opened there. Employees of the department annually perform about 1000 operations of the highest category of complexity, which is 30-40% of all operations performed in the hospital. The geography of patients undergoing treatment is Ulyanovsk, Tambov, Saratov, Astrakhan, Lipetsk regions, Mordovia, as well as foreign countries - Afghanistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Yemen, Algeria, Bulgaria, Poland.
Obstetrics classes in the simulator class The Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics was also organized among the first departments of the institute, on November 22, 1977. Since its organization, the department has now been headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor R.P. Savchenko. The department was the first at the institute to introduce an on-site form of training for students. Over 25 years, 32 on-site cycles have been conducted in 28 cities of Russia. The topic of scientific activity is “Clinical and laboratory manifestations and morphofunctional assessment of environmentally caused pathology in residents of the city of Penza and the Penza region.” Three patents for inventions were received, four doctoral and 16 master's theses were defended, more than 100 laboratory methods were introduced into healthcare practice, centralized laboratories were organized: cytological, immunological, AIDS diagnostic laboratory, equipped with modern equipment and being centers of innovative diagnostics in the region. Organized by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (opened on December 1, 1977) and the first head was Professor Ya.Yu. Malkov. Since 1992, the department has been headed by Associate Professor L.V. Fateeva, doctor of the highest category, excellent student in healthcare. The main scientific direction of the department is purulent-inflammatory diseases in pregnant women, women in labor and postpartum. The department is the initiator of the in vitro fertilization service. Employees of the department in the region created a 24-hour advisory service for pregnant women, which made it possible to reduce infant and maternal mortality. The Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology was created on March 26, 1978 under the leadership of professor, doctor of the highest category V. I. Strukov, an excellent student in healthcare, and now the head of the department. He was awarded the Al-Farabi medal, the medal "For Services to the Fatherland" II degree and the gold medal of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements. The research topic of the department is “Comprehensive rehabilitation of children and adolescents with lesions of the skeletal system in the environmental conditions of the Penza region”; one doctoral and 10 candidate dissertations were defended on it. The department has many years of experience in international cooperation - with pediatricians from Sweden, Estonia, Poland, and India. In 1990, the Sweden-Tallinn-Penza bridge was created, and modern technologies were exchanged on the topic “Mother and Child Health.” Through UNICEF, the department conducts training seminars under the program of the World Organization of Doctors. For the first time in the history of the institute, foreign professor A.N. Levin was awarded the title “Honorary Professor of the Penza Institute for Advanced Medical Studies.” A regional osteoporosis center has been created on the basis of the department. On May 25, 1978, Professor V.G. organized the start of the work of the Department of Anesthesiology-Resuscitation and Emergency Medical Care (and is still headed by it). Vasilkov, doctor of the highest category, honorary member of the board of the Russian Federation of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists, problem commissions of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Scientific issues - “Optimization of anesthesia and intensive care in patients with purulent-septic diseases”, 16 dissertations were defended on it (4 of them doctoral). The department is the initiator of the introduction of elements of distance education and information technology into the diagnostic and treatment process; Since 1997, 11 experimental cycles have been conducted using distance learning technologies in the training of anesthesiologists and resuscitators in Saransk, Buzuluk, Dmitrovgrad and Togliatti. A teaching methodology has been developed that involves conducting part of the cycle via the Internet, and a methodology for delivering some lectures using teleconferencing is being developed. Since 1989, the department’s base clinic has had an automated resuscitator’s workstation, designed and implemented by the department’s teachers. It is with their own efforts that the institute has created training classes for teaching practical skills in performing cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation, medical manipulations (puncture and catheterization of blood vessels, tracheal intubation, pinching puncture, etc.), and conducting normal and pathological childbirth. Classes are equipped with computerized simulators that allow assessing both the basic level of practical skills of each student and his dynamics in the learning process. All interns, clinical residents, and general practitioners are trained there in a 32-hour program. At the same time, the percentage of errors decreases from 87 to 2. The creator and first head of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, opened on July 17, 1978, was Professor V.M. Tsodyks, representative of the Novokuznetsk School of Traumatology - Orthopedics. Since 2003, the department has been headed by Professor V.A. Moiseenko. The main direction of scientific research of the department is “Optimization of surgical treatment of diseases and injuries of the spine and large joints”; four doctoral and three candidate dissertations have been defended. Innovative technologies have been introduced into clinical practice: surgical methods for treating injuries of the cervical spine, surgical methods for treating scoliosis, and hip replacement. The Department of Therapy, Cardiology and Functional Diagnostics dates back to July 1978. Its organizer and permanent leader is Honored Scientist and Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, excellent student of healthcare, Professor I.P. Tatarchenko. The department has trained six doctors of science and 26 candidates, and published 20 monographs. Since 1999, professional retraining of doctors in cardiology, functional diagnostics and therapy has been carried out. As a result of the activities of the department, a school of therapists and cardiologists, respected in Russia and abroad, was created in Penza. The Department of Surgery and Endoscopy was opened in 1978. The first head of the department is Professor E.V. Kuleshov, now Professor A.S. Ivachev. The department has solid experience in conducting scientific research, five doctoral and 16 candidate dissertations were defended here, three monographs were published. At the same time, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology was founded, its first head was Associate Professor G.N. Grigoriev, since 2010 the department has been headed by Associate Professor N.K. Repair. About a hundred implementations have been made in healthcare practice, confirmed by patents: surgical techniques, therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, instruments, five candidate's dissertations have been defended. The department has achieved significant success in plastic surgery of the nose and ear. The method of draining the nasal sinuses without punctures, developed at the department, has been widely introduced into clinical practice. On January 3, 1979, the Department of Neurology began operating. The first and permanent head is Professor I.I. Kukhtevich, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, excellent student in healthcare, member of the board of the All-Russian Society of Neurologists. Classes on cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation in the training class. The Department of Psychiatry was organized in April 1979, the head is Professor Yu.A. Antropov. Now he combines leadership with scientific and social activities: he is a member of the problem commission on medical and biological problems of addiction, the interdepartmental scientific council on addiction of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. By the decision of the board of the American Biographical Institute in 1997, he was awarded the title “Person of the Year”, he was awarded the medals “For Valiant Labor during the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945”, “Veteran of Labor”, and the badge “Excellence in Health Care”. The scientific direction of the department is “Clinical and psychopathological manifestations of age-related pathomorphosis of schizoid, unstable and hypochondriacal psychopathy.” Six candidate and one doctoral dissertations have been defended, scientific and practical conferences are held, and one monograph has been published. In 1979, the “Civil Defense Medical Service Course” was opened. The head of the course was P.K. Shevchenko - retired colonel, candidate of military sciences, associate professor. In 1995, the course was reorganized into the “Course of mobilization training in health care and disaster medicine.” Nowadays it is headed by V.K. Usov, and the course is engaged in training the management staff of medical institutions in Penza and the Penza region and jointly (with the 2nd Directorate of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Penza Region) in the development of methodological documents on disaster medicine. The Department of Therapeutic Dentistry has also been operating since 1979. The organizer of the department is Professor R.Ya. Pecker, now it is headed by Associate Professor L.D. Romanovskaya. The main scientific direction is “Densitometric features in a number of somatic diseases and their connection with the condition of the oral cavity.” Five candidate's theses were defended and one monograph was published. Employees of the department are regular participants in many international forums in Israel, the USA and other countries. Department of Psychotherapy - Narcology, Psychotherapy and Sexology under the direction of Professor V.A. Derechi was founded in 1982 as the first department of narcology in the Russian Federation. In 1991, the department was renamed the Department of Psychotherapy and Narcology. It is headed by Associate Professor V.M. Nikolaev, member of the board of the Scientific Society of Psychiatrists of the Russian Federation. The scientific direction of the department is “Clinic and therapy of borderline mental disorders and drug addiction diseases.” Two doctoral and two candidate dissertations were defended. The department actively promotes a healthy lifestyle, supervises the regional television section. The Department of Therapy, General Medical Practice, Endocrinology and Gastroenterology with a course in Nephrology, or the Department of Therapy - 2, was opened in 1985 under the leadership of V.P. Sergeeva. Since 1987, the department has been headed by professor, member of the board of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiologists L.F. Bartosh. The direction of scientific research “New approaches to the assessment of hemodynamics and the correction of its disorders in pregnant women”, 15 candidate’s and two doctoral dissertations were defended in it. A school for young scientists was organized at the department. Since 1987, the team was one of the first in Russia to begin retraining primary care doctors under the general practice program (family doctor). The nephrology course was created at the Department of Therapy - 2. Until 2010, it was headed by its founder, Professor P.S. Malkov, laureate of the State Prize of the Azerbaijan SSR in the field of science and technology for the introduction of hemodialysis and kidney transplantation into clinical practice, author of more than 100 scientific papers. With the participation of the course staff in Penza, work began for the first time, first on acute hemodialysis, then on chronic. Currently the course is headed by Associate Professor O.N. Sisina. The pulmonology course was organized on December 24, 1991, the course was headed by Associate Professor V.P. Sergeeva, doctor of the highest category, excellent student of healthcare, chief pulmonologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Penza Region, member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS). Since 2009, the course has been transformed into the Department of Pulmonology and Phthisiology. The department operates a Center for Distance Education on Antibacterial Therapy. Through the efforts of the department, a school of pulmonologists has been created in Penza, which enjoys well-deserved authority among colleagues in Russia. The course of outpatient pediatrics was created in 1991, and in 2005 it was transformed into a department. Head of the department - Associate Professor S.L. Tuzov, clinical base - children's clinic No. 7. In 1992, the Central Research Laboratory (CNRL) of the institute gave impetus to the opening of a course in allergology and immunology, which in 1997 was transformed into a department. Since the organization of the department, its founder and leader is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor B.A. Molotilov is one of the students of the Kazan School of Allergists, a member of the European Association of Allergists and Clinical Immunologists (EAACI), and a participant in a number of high-profile international symposia. Directions of scientific research of the department and the Central Research Laboratory: “Mechanisms of development of infectious and inflammatory diseases and development of optimal methods of specific and nonspecific immunotherapy”; “Assessment of immune mechanisms of protection in patients with purulent-inflammatory diseases and substantiation of approaches to immunocorrective therapy”; “Assessment of the significance of regulatory peptides and enzymes of their metabolism in the pathogenesis of cerebrovascular insufficiency and allergy pathology”; "Differential diagnosis of chronic urticaria and the effectiveness of the drug gabriglobin in the autoimmune form of urticaria." One doctoral and 11 master's theses were defended at the department. In 1992, the institute organized a medical informatics laboratory, headed by professor of the department of anesthesiology - resuscitation and emergency medical care A.I. Safronov.The laboratory coordinates the work of the institute on the use of information technology, teaches medical informatics in the training of clinical residents, interns, graduate students and general practitioners. In 1995, a course of childhood infectious diseases was opened, in January 2001 it was reorganized into the Department of Infectious Diseases under the leadership of Professor I. P. Baranova, who started at the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology. I.P. Baranova is a doctor of the highest category, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, in addition to heading the department, she worked as the vice-rector of the institute for scientific (since 2001) and educational work (since 2003). She is the chairman of the regional expert commission on the diagnosis and treatment of acute flaccid paralysis and polio in children, curator of the regional medical center for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of viral hepatitis. Nine dissertations have been prepared and defended at the department (one of them is a doctoral dissertation). Clinical bases of the department: Penza Regional Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care and Regional Children's Clinical Hospital named after N.F. Filatova. The department of reflexology, physiotherapy and balneology was established in 1997 on the basis of city hospital No. 1. The department was organized and became its head, Associate Professor B.C. Zhivotoschuk. Together with the team of the Penza State Pedagogical University named after V.G. Belinsky, on the basis of the interuniversity Center for Health-Saving Technologies, the department has been training and retraining specialists for the field of correctional pedagogy for seven years. Over the 14 years of the department’s existence, a well-known school of reflexologists has been created in Penza. In 1999, at the second department of therapy, an ultrasound diagnostics course was created by associate professor A.A. Rogachev (who directed it until 2004). In 2007, the course was transformed into the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics, headed by Associate Professor L.V. Melnikova. Clinical bases of the department: Regional Clinical Hospital named after N.N. Burdenko, Regional Children's Clinical Hospital named after N.F. Filatova, Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery (practical classes on echocardiography). The department is actively involved in the implementation of information technologies in clinical medicine and in the pedagogical process. The Department of Oncology and Thoracoabdominal Surgery was organized in 2005 on the basis of the oncology course of the Department of Surgery. The department was headed by Professor I.V. Sergeev, who continued the best traditions of the Penza surgical school. One doctoral and five candidate dissertations were defended at the department. Professor I.V. Sergeev is the vice-rector for scientific work of the institute. Since 2004, the institute’s website has been available, where people from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, Israel, and the USA turn for consultations. A regional Internet center for distance education of doctors on antimicrobial therapy in the clinic of internal diseases is successfully functioning , based on case technology. The Institute is one of the developers of the priority national project “Health”. As part of the implementation of this project, he took part in two open competitions in 2006 and won the right to conduct educational activities for the training of primary care specialists (local therapists, local pediatricians, general practitioners) for four constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Penza, Ulyanovsk, Tambov regions, Krasnodar region).At the Penza Institute for Advanced Medical Studies, a strong teaching staff, with the help of the institute’s solid infrastructure, carefully nurtures and polishes medical personnel so that they most fully reveal their true potential in the field of improving people’s health. The only thing nobler than this task is the treatment of the suffering itself.