O. Tkachenko

Chapter from the book “CUREMENT WITH CRYSTALS”

Methods of healing with crystals and stones in the New Age

Catherine Raphael

(© Katrina Raphaell, 1987., Translator N.I. Vereshchagin, 1996.)

The Guardian Crystals of the Earth are incredibly large quartz crystals that were only discovered on the planet in 1986.

These wonderful specimens of light are brought to the surface of the earth by conscious miners, and have an average length of from five to seven feet, and weigh from seven to eight and a half thousand pounds.
These massive crystals are found 30-60 feet below the earth's surface and even on the hottest day feel as cold as ice.
I was lucky enough to see a few of these crystals when they arrived in the United States and hope to spend much more time with them. To date, only a few Earth Guardians have been discovered. However, there are rumors that there are many more of them.

Guardians of the Earth are like giant sequoias. Their aura captures your attention, and your mind tries in vain to comprehend their enormous size. They experienced many annual cycles of the earth's rotation and accumulated vast life experience. Guardians of the Earth are powerful statements of life, development, evolution and improvement that cannot be ignored.
Their very presence is sufficient reason for respect, and their purpose is to take us beyond our own limits.


There is a completely extraordinary story about the Guardian Crystals of the Earth; it is a story about hope and inspiration.

A long, long time ago, when our world was still very young, and the whole universe was much younger, the Earth was visited by highly developed beings whose homeland was much closer to the center of the galaxy, and they were nurtured by a source of abundant light emanated from the great central sun. With more light at their disposal and closer to a source of pure energy, they evolved very quickly, and soon traveled to other star systems in search of new knowledge and adventure.
Looking at the virgin Earth, and seeing its blue waters, lush vegetation and fertile soil, they named it “Terra”, which means “the one that gives life.”

By observing the natural physical laws that Terra obeyed, they realized that she was ready for fertilization. These beings, whom we will call “The Ancients,” worked tirelessly with the forces of the elements, preparing the planet for the emergence of intelligent life forms. They took the natural substance of the earth, silicon dioxide, and directed a stream of their light power onto it, creating huge quartz crystals, known to us as “Earth Guardians”. With the help of these crystals, which were their predecessors, these beings, preparing for incarnation on the physical plane, created the electromagnetic force field of the Earth.

When all the elements were in proper order, and the Guardian Crystals of the Earth had brought the planet into alignment with the highest cosmic force, the Ancients took human form and incarnated themselves in the world of the senses. Many of them came to Earth and created the original civilizations of My, Lemuria and Atlantis; they are the ancient ones about whom all myths, legends and religions speak. They stood at the edge of time and were the Teachers who created the evolution of the universe.

At the same time, Neanderthal man, an animal form of life that emerged from the womb of Terra, was developing on the planet. The simultaneous existence on earth of an animal tribe and a race of highly developed beings marked the beginning of a new cosmic cycle for Terra, which, perhaps, could lead to the fulfillment of its highest destiny.

Developed civilizations used the Guardians of the Earth in everyday life and bathed in their radiation. These crystals served to maintain the attunement of consciousness to the higher vibrations of their ancient ancestral home, and everyone who entered the field of their aura was filled with power. They became powerful instruments through which cosmic force could be channeled, serving to obtain food, water, and the making of jewelry and sacred clothing that was subsequently worn.

In certain cases, these crystals were used in the administration of justice: twelve people were supposed to stand around the crystal, holding hands, and if eight of them received the same answer, it was considered true.

As part of the divine plan for the development of beings who arose directly on earth, it was decided that some of the Ancients would enter the cycle of primate evolution in order to, if possible, raise them to a level of consciousness in which they too would become attuned to the force of light that embraces the entire universe .

Those who chose to remain to incarnate again and again on Earth made a great sacrifice as they immersed themselves in the material world, knowing that the day would come when they would take to the skies again, taking their new brothers and sisters with them. When this happened, the veils of memory fell, and the memories of who they were and why they came were hidden so that they would become like the inhabitants of the earth.

As time passed, they became accustomed to the earth and many of them became strongly attached to the pleasures obtained through the five senses and began to use the cosmic power emitted by the crystals to fulfill their own personal desires. They put this power in the service of their own greed and petty aspirations, which inevitably led to the fall of the original civilizations.

Having witnessed the dangerous abuse of power, many at that time decided to leave Terra and continue their work of scattering the seeds of evolution. Those of them who chose to stay gradually began to interbreed with earthlings, and as a result of this genetic mixing, the indigenous inhabitants of the Earth made a huge leap in their evolution.

Thus was the beginning of a new era of humanity. When the races mixed, a new species of creatures appeared and a new evolutionary cycle began, which took eons of time to complete. We have now reached the final point, becoming a more advanced race of beings capable of reclaiming the legacy of the stars from which our distant ancestors came.

During the mass exodus from the planet, the Guardians of the Earth were hidden deep in its depths. They were literally supposed to become “guardians of the Earth”, observe the progress of evolution and record the experience of the fall and rise of the spirit in matter. When, by the will of fate, these giants reappeared on
earth's surface, they were destined to become the main device that should give an impulse to remember the great plan, lift the veils of memory and reunite the consciousness of those who decided to stay with those who went further.

The Guardians of the Earth, when awakened by the bearers of ancient knowledge, will serve to embody the awareness of the Ancients, allowing the new race inhabiting Terra to establish conscious communication with their celestial ancestral home. Once awakened, the Guardians of the Earth will also be able to transmit to the Ancients knowledge about the evolution of life on Earth so that it can be used to develop intelligence on other worlds.

The Guardians of the Earth are in many ways similar to the symbolic monoliths, in that they came in very ancient times, interacted with the animal inhabitants, and then remained silent for millennia. When man was ready and had reached the point in his evolution at which it was possible to go to the stars, the monolith (the Guardians of the Earth) appeared again and directed the attention of people, focused their minds on that area of ​​\u200b\u200bconsciousness that they themselves were unable to reach.

Guardians of the Earth are here. They came as great sages, carrying knowledge not only about the entire history of the Earth, but also about life in the light-filled starry expanses, where their essence comes from. They are a manifestation of enormous strength and intelligence. They contain within themselves the wisdom that allows them to survive time and space and exist on the physical plane, drawing truth and love from this.


When the Earth Guardian is brought to the surface, it is in an inactive state and its surface is covered with a thick layer of milky white frost. Inside the crystal is transparent, like ice. It seems that the dust of time needs to be wiped off it.
When the crystal awakens, it will once again serve as a channel for the highest cosmic vibrations to flow into our planet, allowing us to consciously tune into and merge with these forces.

After awakening these crystals, we can learn the secrets of how to be in a physical body and live in the material world, but not be tied to it. When the Earth Guardians are in a state of maximum activity, their very presence causes increased awareness and expanded thinking. The best place to use these crystals would be in healing centers, community centers, or public gathering places where their energies can affect many people at once.

Their awakening depends on merging with human thought forms. When twenty-one people with the same thoughts stand in a circle around such a crystal, holding hands and achieving the same state of consciousness, the crystal will awaken and a channel of communication with the cosmic regions will be opened.
The people forming a circle around the great Guardian of the Earth unite their vibrations and become like molecules in a crystal, synchronous with cosmic energy.
This willingness to release the personal sense of ego and consciously merge into a whole is precisely the condition necessary to awaken the Earth Guardian and open up to our collective consciousness knowledge, information and energy that would otherwise remain inaccessible.


When Earth Guardians are worked with in group meditations, they help everyone expand their concept of “I” to include all participants in the meditation. With the achievement of unity of mind, heart, synchronicity of spirit, the group’s ability to cause positive changes increases a thousandfold.

Earth Guardians can teach us to shift our narrow focus and realize the many possibilities that can be created by looking beyond our own noses and seeing all things in the larger scheme. When everyone gathered around the crystal vibrates at the same frequency, it will teach us how to become "guardians of the Earth", and the result will be a huge leap in the evolution of the planet.

When people learn to unite in this way, it will only be one step before the unification of all humanity into one being. The impersonality that the Earth Guardians teach us is not indifference, but rather the acceptance of common concern to such an extent that there is liberation from one's own selfish interests in order to devote time, place, energy and focus for unity.

These crystals encourage positive action. They create harmony. They came to reconnect us with the source from which we all came and to teach us to maintain a connection with both earth and sky. The Guardians of the Earth carry within them the memory of how they were brought here and can teach us the art of time travel. They can teach us to maintain physical existence while at the same time leaving our personality to float in the higher dimensions of reality.

We as a race are ready for this. Ready to once again take a big step in evolutionary development and facilitate the attunement of the earthly essence of Terra to the cosmic rays enameled by the great central sun in the very heart of the galaxy.

When this happens, human consciousness will become fully awakened and will be able to perceive realities that are currently beyond our understanding.
The Earth Guardians are part of this awakening and will activate our hidden potentials and stimulate the dormant areas of our brain so that we realize our original purpose. Terra becomes an adult. She is ready to cross the threshold of maturity and become one with the vast expanses of outer space, of which she is a vital part.

We go to the polls and elect “servants of the people” and how often our vote is decisive when a person from our hands and with our consent receives the right to power, honor, money and any actions that are contrary to our interests.

Whether the peoples are ruled by Earthly Rulers, Presidents, Freemasons, Illuminati, Globalists, or WE gave them our consent to the illusory power of power, these “figures” have controlled our bodies and personalities for too many centuries, now they are ready to take our Souls and SPIRIT captive. Do we really agree again......after all, the plan is already ready.......roboticization........take away the soul......bionic man 2045!!!
The Technocratic Age is inferior to the Technotronic Age......or the World of Quantum Light!
What will we choose?.........

And every Chela on the Path must stand up to his full height and say - NO!
An earthling will never become a robot!!! No one will ever make us a zombie with a chip and an identification number, because we are protected and saved by the Great Bodhisattvas of the Pleroma Worlds of higher dimensions, who are born from the Plasma of the Stars and the Consciousness of the Creator of the Creators! They are born of Eternity!!! Large Monadic Souls incarnated on earth in the form of a biological being, sometimes forgetting about their greatness in the space of the Universe, but they always remained Faithful to God and the entire Cosmic White Brotherhood of the Milky Way.

13 thousand years ago, the Himalayan Stronghold - Shambhala made the transition to the Spiritual Planet - World Salvatera. Many millennia ago, the Priests of the Arctic race of the Kharians, in connection with the Ice Age on earth, left their Homeland and hid in the valley behind the high mountains of the Himalayas. 72 Lords are always on the Subtle Planes of Existence and 72 Lords are on earth, but only the best of the best people - initiated into the secret of the Eternal Truth - can go to their city of Gimavat.

In 1879, H. P. Blavatsky created the Theosophical Society, and she said that the Teachings of Theosophy were revealed to her by the Eastern Adepts of Wisdom - El Morya and Kut Hoomi, Upasika collaborated with them all her life. At the age of 21, she went to India for initiation to the Mahatmas and spent 3 years in the Himavat Temple, which she did not always speak directly about, because it was her biggest secret in life.

The first mention of Koot Hoomi is that he is a student at the University of Leipzig, with a very narrow circle of friends. In Europe, they heard about El Morya when he gave lectures at the University of London; he was the creator of the journal of Eastern philosophy - “Theosophist”. The life of the Mahatmas is a mystery, no one knows where and when they were born, who their parents were, when they died...... because they were not born on earth....... they transcendentally came and went beyond the boundaries of the earthly being into a multidimensional shining world. But there were numerous witnesses that the Mahatmas existed in a physical real body. Since 1880, El Morya corresponded with the editor of the English newspaper Sennett, 30 years later these letters fell into the hands of Helena Roerich, she published the book “The Cup of the East - Letters of the Mahatmas”, currently the original letters are stored in the British Museum in London and are shrine of the earth, as a Sign of Divine Wisdom.

Mahatmas appeared in the Theosophical Department of Bombay in subtle astral forms, then many Indian chelas (Cassava Pillai, Damodar Mavalankar) followed to Tibet to find Teachers in physical bodies and there is evidence that Mahatmas appeared to them from the crowd, on trains, in the mountains, at rest stops, they were dressed in white clothes, their black wavy hair fell below their shoulders, piercing eyes looked straight into the heart, with the laying on of hands they blessed Chela and just as suddenly left. Helena Blavatsky repeatedly received letters from them, but not by mail, and the envelopes miraculously ended up right on the table, as if falling from the ceiling. Thanks to these letters and direct contact, The Secret Doctrine was written.

After ascending to the spiritual planet with the capital "Heavenly Shambhala" - El Morya became the Manu of the Sixth Race of Humanity and is the Head of the Temple of Planetary Evolution. After 1926, the Mahatmas no longer appeared on earth, with the exception of several times when they wanted to establish Peace and Humanistic Harmony between the peoples of the earth, but were refused, the UN, the Governments of the countries - categorically rejected attempts at negotiations, passing off the Mahatmas as impostors and not trusting them that only THEY are the true Guardians and Spiritual Rulers of the earth. El-Moria, Kut-Khumi, Hilarion from Cyprus, Saint-Germain, Nicholas Roerich, Daniil Andreev, Upasika, Urusvati, Vernadsky, Nikola Tesla, Einstein - are included in the Electronic Board of the World Salvatera.

The Ascended Teachers are aware of what is happening on earth, that the most difficult and difficult test has begun. The earth does not tolerate violence against it, the earth is rebelling, the planet has entered a cycle of renewal of its body, the Masters and Guardians are trying to come to an agreement with its pure consciousness - to save the Human Race, but it is also not bowed down, and committed other Natural Disasters when civilization deviated from the Paths of Mercy . Now in the technosphere with advanced technologies and progress, ignorance, rudeness and self-will, immense consumerism and immorality flourish in the souls of people. The Lords lament........They were once also people.....but they carried their Light of Creativity, Science, Culture, Ethics, and the Beauty of Truth.

The Ascended Teachers - brilliant poets, scientists, philosophers - whose light pours to us through centuries - all of THEY are indestructible by time, alive, in other forms and physical bodies, but their consciousness is the Eternal Source of acceptance of the Holy Truths.
They always follow only the commandments - “do no harm - neither in word nor in deed” - they follow the Creative Beginning of the Beginnings - Love and Harmony, High Ethics and Justice. The happiness of each and every one is their Cosmic Creed, Meaning, Purpose and Plan!!!

They will definitely come to the planet to save US, those who ask them for HELP and, burning in the flames of Planetary Karma, want to Revive this wonderful blue Planet. SAVE and REVIVE!!!

Hallelujah of Love. Aum.

I give you, dear reader, the opportunity to follow how this book will be written... By the way, there is no title yet. Perhaps it could be called: “In Search of Arctida” or “Secrets of Seydov”.


A person is so attracted by everything connected with magic and sorcery... Since childhood, we have been brought up on fairy tales in which heroes, with the help of various objects, carried out a variety of actions. A magic ball given by Baba Yaga led the hero in the indicated direction. The apple rolled on the saucer and served as a real-time TV. Firebirds, hunchbacked horses, Sivki-Burkas fulfilled the wishes of the heroes.

But we are even more worried about our past; the past history of Russia is so complicated that we involuntarily try to find the roots, peering intently into the depths of centuries.

With the advent of the Internet, researchers from different countries began to generalize their accumulated experience and came to the conclusion that the history of human development is not so clear-cut. There was a time when Magic existed on Earth. This mysterious word is so fascinating... And something strange happened there, far beyond the horizon of time, when magic left people’s lives. Only a few remain its carriers.

Scientists have already proven that thoughts and words have their own length and strength. Recently, dream hackers have appeared, mastering the technique of invading other people's dreams. Yogis spread their knowledge about the possibilities of traveling outside the body, and prove that all people living on earth are united into one single information field. A lot of psychics have proliferated. Everyone is interested in reaching out to the magic...

Man is getting closer and closer to the secrets of the universe. And the closer he wants to get with his mind to the secrets of the Universe and the planet, the more he realizes that he knows very, very little. However, it is already clear that there was a period on the planet when people, or part of the people inhabiting the earth, owned the secrets of the universe, and effectively used the forces of the Earth for a variety of purposes: from healing from illnesses to controlling the weather and the elements. These mysterious people carried knowledge from the North of the planet, a place still covered in riddles and secrets.

Having chosen the profession of an ecologist, living in the Far North, I myself did not notice how I began to touch the many secrets of the Earth and often encountered such a phenomenon as seids.

Now a lot is written about them, but, in my deepest conviction, almost no one has touched the depths of the truth that lies in these ancient stones.

I had an irresistible desire to tell about what I know, understand, felt, what knowledge some Seids revealed to me,

and also, together with my friends - researchers, to trace the emergence and development of Humanity,

knowledge left to us as a legacy by the Ancients,

whom the people called Gods.

I thank P. Globa, I. Blavatskaya, V. Troshin for the information provided, which will be used in this book as confirmation of my thoughts in the searches that I have been conducting for almost 20 years.

I am happy to share my knowledge with you, and I hope that someday we will regain lost connections with those who helped develop our planet and the peoples inhabiting it.

Guardians of the Earth

There is a legend about the Guardians of the Earth.

On the one hand, this name refers to people who live for a very long time: according to some data, more than five hundred years, according to others, of course, not verified, these people live forever.

On the other hand, the Guardians of the Earth are crystals of extraordinary size that were found deep under the Earth.

They were officially recorded by scientists as a discovery on the planet only in 1986. These massive crystals are found 30-60 feet below the earth's surface and even on the hottest day feel as cold as ice.

Guardians of the Earth are like giant sequoias. Their aura captures your attention, and your mind tries in vain to comprehend their enormous size. They experienced many annual cycles of the earth's rotation and accumulated vast life experience.

One of the legends says,

that a very, very long time ago, when our world was still very young, and the whole universe was much younger,

The earth was visited by highly developed beings,

whose homeland was much closer to the center of the Galaxy,

and they were nurtured by a source of abundant light emanated from the great central sun.

With more light at their disposal and closer to a source of pure energy, they evolved very quickly, and soon traveled to other star systems in search of new knowledge and adventure.
Looking at the virgin Earth, and seeing its blue waters, lush vegetation and fertile soil, they named it "Terra", which means "the one that gives life."

By observing the natural physical laws that Terra obeyed, they realized that she was ready for fertilization. These beings, whom we will call “The Ancients,” worked tirelessly with the forces of the elements, preparing the planet for the emergence of intelligent life forms. They took the natural substance of the earth, silicon dioxide, and directed a stream of their light power onto it, creating huge quartz crystals, known to us as "Earth Guardians". With the help of these crystals, which were their predecessors, these beings, preparing for incarnation on the physical plane, created the electromagnetic force field of the Earth.

When all the elements were in proper order, and the crystals - Guardians of the Earth brought the planet into line with the highest cosmic force, the Ancients took human form and embodied in the world of feelings.

Many of them came to Earth and created the original civilizations of My, Lemuria and Atlantis, Arctida.

They are the ancient ones that all the myths, legends and religions talk about. They stood at the edge of time and were the Teachers who created the evolution of the Universe.

At the same time, Neanderthal man, an animal form of life that emerged from the womb of Terra, was developing on the planet. The simultaneous existence on earth of an animal tribe and a race of highly developed beings marked the beginning of a new cosmic cycle for Terra, which, perhaps, could lead to the fulfillment of its highest destiny.

The ancients used the Guardians of the Earth in everyday life and bathed in their radiation. These crystals served to maintain the attunement of consciousness to the higher vibrations of their ancient ancestral home, and everyone who entered the field of their aura was filled with power. Apparently, the Ancients did not need Language and the Word; they communicated perfectly telepathically, using vibrations of the subtle field of the Earth to enrich their experience. - Terra.

Later, the Ancients passed on their experience to the first people, perhaps born from the Ancients and people.

For initiates, crystals became powerful instruments through which cosmic force could be channeled, serving to obtain food, water, and the making of jewelry and sacred clothing that was subsequently worn.

In certain cases, these crystals were used in the administration of justice: twelve people were supposed to stand around the crystal, holding hands, and if eight of them received the same answer, it was considered true.

As part of the divine plan for the development of beings that arose directly on earth, it was decided that some of the Ancients would enter the cycle of evolution of the Earth in order to, if possible, raise the tribes to a level of consciousness in which they too would become attuned to the force of light that embraces the entire universe . During the mass exodus from the planet, the Guardians of the Earth were hidden deep in its depths. They were literally supposed to become “guardians of the Earth”, observe the progress of evolution and record the experience of the fall and rise of the spirit in matter.

Those who chose to remain to incarnate again and again on Earth made a great sacrifice as they immersed themselves in the material world, knowing that the day would come when they would rise into the sky again. The Arctic territory was chosen for its habitat.

As they became human, over time they became accustomed to the earth and many of them fell in love with the pleasures obtained through the five senses and began to use the cosmic power emitted by the crystals to fulfill their own personal desires. They put this power in the service of their own greed and petty aspirations, which inevitably led to the fall of the original civilizations.

Others remembered their purpose and tried to bring knowledge and enlightenment to people, gradually mixing with the tribes that inhabited the Earth. According to some researchers, it was they who became the inhabitants who inhabited the ancient Arctida.

These people skillfully mastered the forces of nature, knew how to treat, heal, and could control weather conditions. They were tall, blue-eyed and surprisingly strong. In some incomprehensible way, the hypotheses of which will be explored below, they communicated with the clergy and peoples of India.

Currently, many scientists coming to the Kola Peninsula are trying to find these temporal and spatial passages.

There is another interesting view on the further development of civilizations on planet Earth. In short, it lies in the fact that as a result of nuclear wars and movements of the Earth’s crust, its climate at certain moments underwent significant changes, and with them not only the appearance, but also the growth of man changed. We will also consider this theory below.

But perhaps the most incredible thing is the existence of mysterious stones in the Arctic North - seids. What secrets do they keep? Could they be connected to bygone civilizations? Or, perhaps, some civilization continues to exist parallel to our world? We will try to explore this topic and talk about a number of discoveries.

In my deepest conviction, Seida Arctida is nothing more than the remains of a huge Observatory, or in other words, the Laboratory of life on Earth and communications with cosmic forces.

Excellent general article by a colleague about various perfumes

I will write my vision and share my knowledge, which does not claim to be the ultimate truth.
Initially, we will keep in mind that all living things are spiritualized. In the living there is a Spirit, as a part of the whole, or a Soul, as an independently developing part.
But Spirits also exist outside of matter, so we will talk about them.
We will consider Spirits outside the material body (human, animal, etc.) or, conditionally, the permanent body. These are the Spirits we meet during viewings, cleanings, and traveling.
The topic of Spirits is very broad and complex. In order to directly communicate with Spirits, it is necessary to gain some understanding of the Universe, as well as the ability to distinguish (see, feel, etc.) the energy of Spirits and other ethereal entities. As an introduction to the topic, I will briefly talk about the most “popular” Spirits encountered.
To begin with, Spirit is a self-defined word:
Good (d). Acquisition; accumulation; multiplication; creation; located above something; beyond what is; superior (superlative form) to something . At the same time, “Good” means fullness and harmony created; developing form .

- Uk (u). Form defining interaction with whom or with something (simplifying form), because any interaction (an attempt to understand and accept another point of view) inevitably leads to simplification. Imagine: there is some kind of structure, and “uk” indicates a figurative interaction: where is this or that involved in this structuring.
— Heer (x). Intersection of defining values (x), interconnecting heavenly and earthly structures (yat) for speech (p) in temporal extension (b).

Thus, the Spirit is an excellent form for the interaction of heavenly and earthly structures.
Most of them do not have flesh, but they can briefly transform and take on some form.

My brief classification of Spirits:

  1. Elemental Spirits(Spirit of the forest, Spirit of the stream, Spirit of the mountain, etc.).

And rain, and fog, and wind, and storms, and underground and spatial fire - everything is inspired by invisible forces.
When you go into nature, you must always remember the presence of the Spirits that inhabit it and existed long before our appearance on earth. It’s good to communicate with them, talk, admire the beauty of the work they do underground and on earth, in water, in the air, etc. At this moment they are happy, they are imbued with friendly feelings towards you, they smile at you, they bring you their gifts: vitality (the energy of their element), joy, poetic inspiration and even clairvoyance.
You can ask the Spirit of the Element to fill you with the energy of his element, pass it through yourself, fill yourself with it and feel it in yourself. They make contact easily and are very happy to communicate and interact. Don't forget to thank them.
The spirits of the elements can tell you epics from the past, what they saw and experienced, tell you about a lot of things...

  1. Earth Spirits or Elementals(Leshy, Mermaids, Kikimoras, Mermen, Dwarves, etc.).

Some of them are also considered as Elemental Spirits. But I brought them to a separate part,
because I consider them different, and the Spirit of the Forest or Mountain for me is a more pronounced representative of the elements of the Earth than the gnomes.
It is believed that the foundations of the concept of elementals were laid by Paracelsus in the 16th century. According to his concept,
Dwarves are earth elementals, sylphs are air elementals, salamanders are fire elementals, and undines are water elementals.
But besides them, the earth, air, and water are also inhabited by trolls, kobolds, fairies, fauns, dynas, goblins, mermaids, kikimoras, etc. Therefore, it seems to me that it is wrong to single out some of them as the only representatives of the elements.
Elementals are in balance through opposites: water extinguishes fire, fire boils water, earth holds back air, air eats away earth. Elementals are often mentioned in grimoires related to alchemy and magic. You can mostly communicate with them in nature, where there are few people and populated areas are far away, but they can also be found near villages. When you go to the forest to pick mushrooms, don’t forget to take Leshy a treat with you, it’s nice for him and useful for you... he won’t “play” with you at lost and can show you the treasured clearings.
There you can also communicate with other representatives of earthly Spirits.
Fairies love honey and powdered sugar, gnomes - of course, money (coins), jewelry and stones, mermaids - combs and jewelry, kikimoras - jewelry and sweets.
They make contact easily, are cunning, love treats and all sorts of gifts, help... but! Very cunning.

  1. Spirits - Guardians of the Earth and places of Power(Guardian of Dragon Mountain, Guardian of Snake Lake, Guardian of Lizard Mountain, etc.).

Their difference from the Spirits of the Elements is that they can transform and take on flesh, they are stronger and, most importantly, representatives of many civilizations can become a Guardian (karma, contract, service, etc.), and after a certain period he can leave , or it can be replaced, which does not happen with Elemental Spirits.
Some of them make contact easily and are happy to communicate, while some are reluctant, communicating either out of necessity or remaining silent altogether. If I understand correctly, they do not like empty talk and communicate only if it is really necessary. When they make contact and receive questions that are relevant, and not out of idle interest, this is a real storehouse of wisdom and knowledge.

  1. Totem Spirits.

These are spirits that have taken on the appearance and properties of a certain animal, mammal, bird, reptile, fish, amphibian, even insect (although more often the animals of the Force are mammals or birds). These animal Spirits act as the collective consciousness of the species they represent, possessing all the Power of their species.
Totemic Spirits are “assigned” both at birth and acquired along the path of life. You can purchase an additional totem Spirit: he will either choose you and inform you in a form accessible to you, or you can call him yourself and make friends with him if you find a common language.
The totemic Spirit given at birth greatly influences a person, his character and habits. This spirit is vulnerable. The shamanic tradition points out that you can even steal it or harm it, or it can leave you on its own. Essentially, this is a Guardian Spirit, carrying within itself the Power of its kind. He endows his ward with the same properties, and the stronger the connection between you, the closer and more accessible the properties of the totem Spirit are to you. It is totem animals that shamans can turn to.

  1. Service perfumes(Brownies, Housekeepers, Helpers, etc.).

Perfume Domovoye, Dvorovye, Banniki, etc. Basically, they are “attached” to a certain place, but they can also move after the owner if he “gets attached” to him with sympathy or karmically. A good owner most often, when moving, calls with him a ministering Spirit with whom he has established a good relationship and mutual understanding. If during the construction of a new bathhouse there was no “familiar” Bannik, he was called from abandoned bathhouses or a new one. Buildings without the service Spirit of the guard were considered not “living”, not spiritualized, defenseless. Our Ancestors tried to have Helper Spirits present everywhere, for example, in a field with rye - Fieldman, Gardener, Barnkeeper. They were cared for and cherished, treated and cajoled in every possible way, because a good Helper protected crops and animals from adversity and disease, increased the harvest, etc.
Sorcerers, Magi, Witches, Sorcerers and Mages, as usual, had many service Spirits-Helpers, the most powerful of them were then inherited along with the Gift and Power and became Ancestral Service Spirits (about them below).
You can also call on a “free” Spirit and ask him to become an assistant in some matter, in exchange for something (energy exchange), but this must be done with knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships. It happens that restless Spirits come and ask to be served in exchange for something, but again, “not knowing the ford...” You need to understand that you need to feed him. The question is, what and how will you feed him...
They make contact at their own discretion. The recognition of “friend or foe” plays a role, like it or not. Gifts and treats are a must!

  1. Egregor perfume(Religious spirits, Santa Claus, etc.).

These Spirits feed exclusively from “their” egregor from a person. Egregor spirits are created (like the egregor of Power) only by the person himself and no one else. These are his fantasies with real human energies invested in them (the energy of life). By origin, they are all images created by man.
They acquire vital force thanks to the accumulated bioenergy of a person in them (through faith or religion) and are therefore relatively independent until their energy runs out.
They are aware to a limited extent, they simply do their job, carry out the program that is laid down in them. While you feed him, he helps you, serves you, he stopped feeding you - if the Spirit is strong (has accumulated a lot of energy), he will try to survive (it is this awareness that he has, and nothing more), and then he will dry up and “die”.

  1. The spirits are not put to rest.

The idle Spirits of the restless are looking for their “place”, “food”, “vengeance”, “peace”, etc.
The reasons for not being put to rest are different, and each Spirit has its own story.
Very often they feed on the energy of their neighbor, therefore they can be mistakenly recognized as demons, aliens (although they are such in character, but in essence they are different), etc.
If a certain Spirit constantly overcomes you, it means that he either needs something from you, he believes that you can help him, or you have a connection with this Spirit and he simply feeds on energy from you. You can find out by talking to him. If he “vampires” you, then you need to work through the connection (remove it with forgiveness and gratitude) and free it, that is, help you go beyond the Rainbow Bridge to Interworld. If the Spirit asks for help, it is up to you to decide whether to help him or not, but if you still decide to help him, then you have the right to ask for something in exchange, provided that nothing binds you. Most often, there is a connection, and this indicates that the Spirit will come until you fulfill what he wants. As a rule, these are the Spirits of loved ones or acquaintances not only from this life, but it happens that “strangers” can also ask for help, and then help by exchange is possible.

  1. Spirits of the Family.

This includes the Guardians of the Family, and the Spirits of the Family Helpers (service), those who are inherited by Mages, Witches and Sorcerers.
If a girl gets married and takes her husband’s surname, she automatically acquires the protection of her husband’s Family. It follows that if children do not bear the father's surname, they are partly deprived of this protection. The surname is, one might say, a seal. If you are divorced and have your husband's last name, then getting married again will be a little more difficult. You shouldn’t take such “little things” (as they once called it to me) lightly. The surname, like the name, has a very strong influence on us.
If you have a service ancestral Spirit, this does not mean that you can control it - they only obey an equal or superior Power. But there are also those who simply protect you, help you by default, that’s their job.
Honoring your Spirits of the Family and its Guardians restores the connection and strengthens your protection.
Communication with them brings wisdom, knowledge, gifts and support. One of the most effective practices for restoring connections with the Family is the small Family Tree.

  1. Guardian Spirits or Guardian Angels.

They are not always generic, they are “assigned” at birth. Their number may change throughout life, and gradual replacement may also occur. There are times when the Guardian is not present at certain stages of life or he observes distantly. But, if you do not feel or “hear” the Guardian, this does not mean that he does not exist, perhaps you have simply not yet found a way to communicate with him.

We will talk in more detail about Spirits, about Guardians, about the Spirits of the Family and its Guardians at the upcoming

First, I suggest watching the official video report on the launch of the Proton-M launch vehicle on May 16, 2014, which never reached the place that scientists forced everyone to call space. There is no need to strain during all nine minutes; just watch the first minute and a half of the flight. You need to watch in full screen mode, frame by frame (by pressing the pause button), and not pay attention to the cheerful reports from the MCC. The most interesting thing happened precisely at 59 seconds of flight. To the right, just below the center of the screen, a dim light point is rapidly approaching the rocket.

So how? Didn't you see it? I suggest:

Fifty-ninth second of flight.

Photos are clickable.

First minute of flight.

Then the object dissolves in a blue halo, and from the third second of the second minute of flight a plume of heavenly beauty appears behind the rocket. This is probably when the emergency situation began to develop, in fact.

No one hid anything or retouched anything, however... The satellite did not get into orbit, and the sad statistics of launches of “peaceful satellites” was replenished with another disaster.

It is appropriate to recall recent history.

Quite a lot of time has passed since the fall of the Chelyabinsk “meteorite,” but there are no more people willing to believe that it was a cosmic body. There is no point in presenting footage from the video recorder, which was studied under a microscope, and where a foreign object is clearly visible, knocking down and falling on the nuclear waste repository. Everyone saw them.

True, there are many convincing revelations in the press about the footage presented; the very fact of the existence of a massive attack directed by the media at the heads of the population, in order to convince everyone that this is an ordinary cosmic boulder, leaves no chance for a normal person to believe in the official version events.

However, only the most desperate optimist can believe that our air defense systems have SUCH capabilities. It is clear to everyone that if this is the work of the hands, or whatever they use, suction cups, paws, or wings, intelligent creatures, then these are hardly people posing as the rulers of the world. This is something that does not fall within the sphere under the control of our civilization.

I don’t know, these are aliens, aliens from the future, shamans from the past, it’s not that important. The main thing is that this mind exists, is not hidden from us, and clearly protects earthlings from troubles.

Now I propose to recall the long list of accidents and disasters that have plagued the world of taikonautics since its very inception. Let's discard what was at the very beginning. There wasn't enough experience. But Proton!!! The most reliable rocket, and once again a fiasco! Explanations like “they hammered the sensor with the wrong type of hammer,” or “They used too much kerosene at the gas station” (probably the gas station operator was pretty), do not cause anything but a smile in me. It would be possible to find a more convincing reason, not everyone around is an idiot.

So what then? The understatement is immediately filled with speculation, this is the law of nature. Naturally, in such circumstances, very different versions appear, from reasonable to absurd. One of the versions says that every failure when launching new equipment into orbit occurs precisely with those cargoes that are officially declared to be communication satellites, or meteorological, or navigation, but in fact were samples of space weapons.

Then what forces constantly prevent the launch of dangerous toys into orbit?

- Guardian angels?
- Aliens?
- Chrononauts?
- The Earth itself, as a living being?
- Indigo children?
- Members of the “Young Cosmonaut” circle at the Railway Workers’ House of Culture?

What other versions are there?