Ancient Arctida. Lost myth: ancient Hyperborea turned out to be a legend

instead of a preface:

From an interview with Igor Kondratov, candidate of technical sciences, to journalist Matvey Tkachev, dated March 1, 2011.

– So when does our history – the history of the Rus – begin?

– Our history of the Slavic-Aryans begins 604,381 years ago with the history of the Northern country of Daaria - Gift of the Gods, another name - Severia, Hyperborea, Arctida. According to the concept of Academician Levashov, based on a number of scientific evidence, artifacts and chronicles, there were four white peoples: Da'Aryans, X'Aryans, Rassen and Svyatorus. Their origin does not fit into the theory of evolution; these peoples had a universal level of development and arose on an island in the Arctic Ocean (it was not such then, there was a mild temperate climate). There were no earthlings there - Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons, whose evolution on Midgard-Earth (as our ancestors called it) followed Darwin. The Map of Daaria was first discovered in 1595 by Gerhard Mercator on the wall of one of the pyramids in Giza (see map). To this day, remains of the majestic buildings of Daariya are found on the islands in the Arctic Ocean. By the way, the ancient Slavs and Aryans possessed fundamental knowledge about the material and immaterial worlds, this knowledge was called the Vedas - Slavic-Aryan sacred traditions. After the death of Daariya, the survivors moved to Belovodye. Our story continued there.

– Where was this Belovodye?

– Belovodye (Pyatirechye) is a land washed by the rivers Iriy (Irtysh), Ob, Yenisei, Angara and Lena. Later, the Clans of the Great Race settled along the Ishim and Tobol rivers. Thus, Pyatirechye turned into Semirechye... And the place where the descendants of the white race settled was called Asia (present-day Asia) - the country of the gods living on earth. 106,788 (as of 2010 AD) years ago, at the confluence of the Iriy (Irtysh) and Om rivers, the new city of Asgard Iriysky was founded, which stood for 106,308 years and was destroyed by the Dzungar hordes in 1530 AD. e. Now the city of Omsk stands there.

– What was the name of this Slavic-Aryan territory then?

– Part of the ancient Slavic-Aryan Empire, which lay west of the Ripean (Ural) mountains, was called Russenia. The lands east of the Urals to the Pacific Ocean and further from Lukomorye to Central India bore the name of the Land of the Holy Race. RACE is an abbreviation of the phrase “Clans of the Aesir of the Aesir Country.” This civilization quickly evolved and survived the catastrophe, as described in the Vedas. This period in the history of the Slavs is not taught or disclosed anywhere, although it dates back more than six hundred thousand years.

Hyperborea, or Daaria.


...if modern civilization is at most 10-12 thousand years old (and we don’t even know its history well), then the history of the Clans of the Race that once inhabited the legendary Hyperborea began about 500 million years ago. In general, about 1900 million years have passed since the first appearance of the Clans of the Race on Earth.

No, I didn’t make a mistake, but I put two concepts in place:

1. History of Races (First)" on Earth and

2. The history of the last mass settlement of Daariya, or Hyperborea, by Races, otherwise the Clans of the Great Race, which dates back about 450 thousand years.

Below I offer a brief overview of the history of the Northern ancestral home of humanity - Hyperborea, aka Arctida, Daaria, Severia ... the country of Races - Race, Rus'. What, you didn't expect this? But this is exactly what the Vedas of the First speak about - KNOWLEDGE of the Races, the First.

The mysterious country of Hyperborea

Ancient written sources from Greece, India, Persia and other countries contain a description of the peoples who inhabited the territory of circumpolar Russia more than 2.5 thousand years ago. Among the ancient states there was also the mysterious country of the Hyperboreans, practically unknown and unexplored today.

The encyclopedia says that the Hyperboreans are a people living on the other side of the northern wind Boreas, which blows from the caves of the northern mountains. They are a fabulous people who lived in some paradise country, eternally young, not knowing illness, enjoying the uninterrupted “light of the heart.” They did not know wars or even quarrels, never fell under the vengeance of Nemesis and were dedicated to the god Apollo. Each of them could live up to 1000 years.

The question of who the Hyperboreans were has worried people at all times, but this question largely remains unresolved today. What do ancient sources say?

Literally, the ethnonym “Hyperboreans” means “those who live beyond the Boreas (North Wind)”, or simply “those who live in the North”. They were reported by many ancient authors.

Herodotus (IV century BC) reports that the Hyperboreans lived beyond the Riphean Mountains (Ural), beyond the Scythians, to the north of them.

The Greek geographer Theopontus (IV century BC) gives information about the Hyperboreans, about whom the demigod Silenus informs the Phrygian king Misad during their conversation: “Europe, Asia and Africa were islands surrounded on all sides by the ocean. Outside this world there is also an island with many inhabitants. The large army of this island (the Atlantean Empire) tried to invade our lands by crossing the ocean. They reached the land of the Hyperboreans, whom everyone considered the happiest people of this part of the land (the polar part of modern Russia). But when the conquerors saw how the Hyperboreans (who had taken refuge in caves) lived, they considered them so unhappy that they abandoned all their aggressive intentions and returned home, concluding a friendly treaty.

One of the most authoritative scientists of the Ancient World, Pliny the Elder, wrote about the Hyperboreans as a real ancient people who lived near the Arctic Circle and were genetically related to the Hellenes through the cult of Apollo the Hyperborean. This is what is said verbatim in Natural History (IV, 26): “Behind these [Rhipaean] mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, a happy people (if you can believe it), which are called Hyperboreans, reach very advanced years and are glorified by wonderful legends. They believe that there are loops of the world and the extreme limits of the circulation of the luminaries. The sun shines there for six months, and this is only one day when the sun does not hide (as the ignorant would think) from the spring equinox to the autumn one, the luminaries there rise only once a year at the summer solstice, and set only at the winter solstice. This country is entirely sunny, has a favorable climate and is devoid of any harmful wind. The homes for these residents are groves and forests; the cult of the Gods is carried out by individuals and the whole society; Discord and all sorts of diseases are unknown there. Death comes there only from satiety with life. There is no doubt about the existence of this people.”

Even from this small passage from Natural History it is not difficult to get a clear idea of ​​Hyperborea. First, and this is the most important thing, it was located where the Sun may not set for several months. In other words, we can only talk about the circumpolar regions, those that in Russian folklore were called the Sunflower Kingdom. Another important circumstance: the climate in the North of Eurasia in those days was completely different. This is confirmed by the latest comprehensive studies conducted recently in the north of Scotland under an international program: they showed that 4 thousand years ago the climate at this latitude was comparable to the Mediterranean, and a large number of heat-loving animals lived here. However, even earlier, Russian oceanographers and paleontologists established that in the 30-15th millennium BC. The Arctic climate was quite mild, and the Arctic Ocean was warm, despite the presence of glaciers on the continent. American and Canadian scientists came to approximately the same conclusions and chronological framework. In their opinion, during the Wisconsin glaciation, in the center of the Arctic Ocean there was a zone of temperate climate, favorable for flora and fauna that could not exist in the circumpolar and polar territories of North America.

The favorable climate off the coast of the Milk Sea (in the land of bliss) is explained by the fact that in those distant times the North Geographic Pole, along with an ice shell, was located off the coast of Canada and Alaska (see figure). At that time, the peaks of the Mendeleev, Lomonosov and Gakkel ridges rose like a triple barrier in the Northern Ocean on the path of cold and ice to the Novaya Zemlya-Taimyr region. And the warm Gulf Stream reached and went around Novaya Zemlya and reached Taimyr. Because of this, the climate was much milder than today. Along the Gakkel Ridge, along a series of islands, there was a route from Taimyr to northeastern Greenland. The recent existence of large islands of the Arctic lands in the northern ocean is evidenced by Mercator’s maps, compiled by him in the middle of the 16th century. AD based on more ancient sources (see Fig. 1).

Map of G. Mercator - the most famous cartographer of all times, based on some ancient knowledge, where Hyperborea is depicted as a huge Arctic continent with a high mountain (Meru?) in the middle.

1 Map of Gerhard Mercator,
published by his son Rudolf in 1535.
In the center of the map is the legendary Arctida (Hyperborea).

1 Map of Gerhard Mercator, published by his son Rudolf in 1535.

In the center of the map is the legendary Arctida (Hyperborea).

One of the confirmations of the indisputable fact of a favorable climatic situation is the annual migration of migratory birds to the North - a genetically programmed memory of the warm Ancestral Home. Indirect evidence in favor of the existence of an ancient highly developed civilization in the northern latitudes can be provided by powerful stone structures and other megalithic monuments located everywhere here (the famous cromlech of Stonehenge in England, the alley of menhirs in French Brittany, the stone labyrinths of Solovki and the Kola Peninsula).

On the other hand, ancient authors and, in particular, Strabo in his famous “Geography” write about the marginal northern territory, the polar tip of the Earth, called Thule (Tula). Thule occupies exactly the place where, according to calculations, Hyperborea or Arctida should be (more precisely, Thule is one of the extremities of Arctida). According to Strabo, these lands are located six days' sail north of Britain, and the sea there is gelatinous, resembling the body of one of the varieties of jellyfish - the “lung of the sea.” If there are no reliable texts, and material monuments are either not recognized or are hidden under Arctic ice, the reconstruction of language can help: as a keeper of the thoughts and knowledge of disappeared generations, it is no less reliable a monument in comparison with stone megaliths - dolmens, menhirs and cromlechs. You just need to learn to read the hidden meaning in them.

Despite the meager information of historians, the ancient world had extensive ideas and important details about the life and morals of the Hyperboreans. And all because the roots of long-standing and close ties with them go back to the ancient community of Proto-Indo-European civilization, naturally connected with both the Arctic Circle and the “end of the earth” - the northern coastline of Eurasia and ancient continental and island culture. It was here, as Aeschylus writes: “at the edge of the earth”, “in the deserted desert of the wild Scythians” - by order of Zeus, the rebellious Prometheus was chained to a rock: contrary to the prohibition of the Gods, he gave people fire, discovered the secret of the movement of stars and luminaries, taught the art of addition letters, agriculture and sailing. But the region where Prometheus languished, tormented by the dragon-like kite, until Hercules freed him (who received the epithet Hyperborean for this) was not always so deserted and homeless. Everything looked different when, a little earlier, the famous hero of antiquity, Perseus, came here, to the edge of the Ecumene, to the Hyperboreans to fight the Gorgon Medusa and receive magical winged sandals here, for which he was also nicknamed the Hyperborean.

In the folklore of a number of peoples, there is a description of wonderful clear-voiced maidens who could fly like swans. The Greeks identified them with the wise Gorgons. It was in Hyperborea that Perseus accomplished his “feat” by cutting off the head of Medusa the Gorgon.

The Greek Aristeas (7th century BC) also visited Hyperborea and wrote the poem “Arimaspeia”. By origin he was considered a Hyperborean. In the poem he described this country in detail. Aristeas had clairvoyance and could himself, while lying in bed, fly in the astral body. At the same time, he (through the astral body) surveyed large territories from above, flying over countries, seas, rivers, forests, reaching the borders of the country of the Hyperboreans. After the return of his astral body (soul), Aristaeus stood up and wrote down what he saw.

Similar abilities, as Greek sources report, were also possessed by individual priests of Abaris, who arrived from Hyperborea to Greece. Abaris, on a one and a half meter metal “arrow of Apollo of the Hyperborean” given to him, with a special device in its plumage, crossed rivers, seas and impassable places, traveling as if by air (see Fig. 2). During the journey, he performed purifications, drove out pestilence and pestilence, made reliable predictions about earthquakes, calmed stormy winds and pacified river and sea disturbances.

Fig.2 Apollo's Arrow

Apparently, it is not without reason that many ancient authors, including major ancient historians, persistently talk about the flying abilities of the Hyperboreans, that is, about their mastery of flight techniques. This is, however, how Lucian described them, not without irony. Could it be that the ancient inhabitants of the Arctic mastered aeronautics? Why not? After all, numerous images of probable flying machines - such as hot air balloons - have been preserved among the rock paintings of Lake Onega. The Hellenic Sun God Apollo, born in Hyperborea and receiving one of his main epithets from his place of birth, constantly visited his distant homeland and the ancestral home of almost all Mediterranean peoples. Several images of Apollo flying towards the Hyperboreans have survived. At the same time, the artists persistently reproduced a winged platform, completely atypical for ancient pictorial symbolism, which, presumably, goes back to some real prototype.

Apollo (like his sister Artemis) - the children of Zeus from his first wife, the Titanide Leto, are clearly associated with Hyperborea. According to the testimony of ancient authors and the conviction of the ancient Greeks and Romans, Apollo not only periodically returned to Hyperborea in a chariot drawn by swans, but the northern Hyperboreans themselves constantly came to Hellas with gifts in honor of Apollo. There is also a subject connection between Apollo and Hyperborea. Apollo is the God of the Sun, and Hyperborea is that northern country where the Sun does not set for several months in the summer. Geographically, such a country can only be located beyond the Arctic Circle. The cosmic-stellar essence of Apollo is due to its origin.

Apollo's sister, the Goddess Artemis, is also inextricably linked with Hyperborea. Apollodorus (1, 1U, 5) paints her as the intercessor of the Hyperboreans. The Hyperborean affiliation of Artemis is also mentioned in the most ancient ode of Pindar, dedicated to Hercules of Hyperborean. According to Pindar, Hercules reached Hyperborea to accomplish another feat - to get the golden-horned Cyrene Hind:

“He reached the lands behind the icy Boreas.

There is the daughter of Latona, the runner of horses,

I met him who came to take

From the gorges and winding bowels of Arcadia

By the decree of Eurystheus, by the fate of his father

Golden-horned doe..."

The Titanide's mother Leto gave birth to her sun-bearing son on the island of Asteria, which means "star". Leto's sister was also called Asteria (Star). There is a version. that the cult of Apollo was reintroduced to the Mediterranean already in Roman times. The cult of the pan-Indo-European Sun God was brought here by the proto-Slavic tribes of the Wends, who founded and gave names to the modern cities of Venice and Vienna.

The classic Sun God of the Ancient World, Apollo, also came from the Far North, who regularly returned to his historical homeland and bore the nickname Hyperborean (other Gods and heroes had similar epithets). It was the Hyperborean priests, the servants of Apollo, who founded the first temple in honor of the Sun God in Delphi, maintaining constant contacts with the northern metropolis.

Pausanias claimed that the famous Delphic sanctuary of Apollo was built by Hyperborean priests, among whom was the singer Olenus.

So gloriously they built a sanctuary for God here

“Also Deer: he was the first prophet of the prophetic Phoebus,

The first, songs that were composed from ancient tunes.

Pausanias." Description of Hellas. X. V,8.

It is known that, having matured, Apollo flew every summer in the chariot of Zeus to Hyperborea, to the banks of the shady Istra (the modern Ob River, but with the source of the Irtysh) to the homeland of his ancestors - the god of the Hyperboreans, the titan Coy and his wife Phoebe, who were the parents of his mother Leto. The Scythian king Prometheus flew on the same chariot to his Northern Urals (the area of ​​​​the source of the Lobva and Bolshaya Kosva rivers).

Apollo was considered a prophet, oracle, healer, god, founder and builder of cities. Having built, with the help of the Hyperborean priests, cities and temples in Delphi, Asia Minor, Italy, Claros, Didyma, Colophon, Cumae, Gaul, and the Peloponnese, in his life he was closely connected with Hyperborea. There he himself, his son Asclepius and other children received knowledge from the sage Chiron and the Hyperborean priests.

The Greeks reported that high morality, art, religious-esoteric beliefs and various crafts necessary to meet the needs of the country flourished in Hyperborea. Agriculture, livestock breeding, weaving, construction, mining, leather, and woodworking industries were developed. The Hyperboreans had land, river and sea transport, lively trade with neighboring peoples, as well as with India, Persia, China, and Europe.

It is known that the Hellenes moved to Greece from across the Caspian Sea about 4 thousand years ago. Previously, they lived near the Khatanga and Olenok rivers, next to the Hyperboreans, Arimaspians, and Scythians. This is why these peoples have so much in common in historical accounts.

Of the children of Apollo, the most famous is Asclepius, who became famous in the field of medicine. He wrote and left behind general knowledge on medicine in multi-volume books, mentioned in various sources, but which have not survived to this day. It is possible that similar knowledge in the field of healing existed on all ancient continents, and was later lost. But these days they have begun a second march across the continents from the countries of the East.

Hyperborea was visited by Greek merchants, scientists, and travelers, who left information about this polar country, where there are snows, polar days and nights, and the population escapes from the cold in underground dwellings, in which there were temples and other structures.

The ancient Greek writer Elion described an amazing cult ritual of the Hyperborean country, where Apollo has priests - the sons of Boreas and Chiron, six cubits tall. Whenever the established sacred rites are performed at the prescribed time, flocks of swans fly from the Ripaean mountains. Majestic birds fly around the temple, as if cleaning it with their flight. The spectacle is mesmerizing in its beauty. After this, when a harmonious choir of priests, accompanied by citharists, begins to praise God, the swans echo the experienced singers, repeating the sacred singing smoothly and accurately.

The swan is a symbol of Hyperborea. The sea deity Phorcys, the son of Gaia-Earth and the prototype of the Russian Sea King, married the Titanide Keto. Their six daughters, born in the Hyperborean region, were initially revered as beautiful Swan Maidens (only much later, for ideological reasons, they were turned into ugly monsters - the Grai and the Gorgons). The discrediting of the gorgons followed the same pattern and, apparently, for the same reasons as the attribution of opposite signs and negative meanings during the collapse of the common Indo-Iranian pantheon into separate religious systems (this happened after the migration of the Aryans from the North to the South), when the “devis " and "ahuras" (light divine beings) become "devas" and "asuras" - evil demons and bloodthirsty werewolves. This is a worldwide tradition, inherent in all times, peoples, and religions without exception.

During the reign of the god Cronus, who ruled during the Golden Age, large national sports games began to be held in Hyperborea, long before the advent of the Greek Olympic Games. These games were held in several places: at the sources of the Pur and Tolka rivers, east of the mouth of the Yenisei (the remains of large stone structures were preserved there) and others. It was the Hyperboreans who recommended that the Greeks reward the winners of the Olympic Games with an olive branch instead of an apple branch and gave them the sacred olive tree.

The king of the Scythians during the lives of Koy and Zeus was Prometheus. The country of the Scythians was located in the Northern Urals. Prometheus's residence was at the source of the Lobva and Bolshaya Kosva rivers. Legends say that Prometheus gave people writing and counting, but in reality, he most likely carried out another reform of the writing system that existed before him.

There is no doubt that the Hyperboreans had their own writing, since without it Chiron and Asclepius would not have been able to write books on medicine. By the way, the ancient writing of the northern peoples (Yamal - Taimyr) was preserved until the beginning of the 20th century.

The Hyperboreans possessed the technology for developing underground deposits of useful metals. They could build tunnels under rivers, lakes and even the bottom of the sea. The Hyperboreans built unique underground structures. During cold periods, they found shelter in underground cities, where it was warm and protected from cosmic and other influences.

Aristeas, describing his journey through Hyperborea, reports many marvelous stone sculptures.

Contrary to popular belief, the pyramid culture is not of southern, but of northern origin. In cult-ritual and architectural-aesthetic form they reproduce the most ancient symbol of the Arctic Ancestral Home - Polar Mount Meru. According to archaic mythological ideas, it is located at the North Pole and is the axis of the world - the center of the Universe.

There is a mountain in the world, steep Meru,

It is impossible to find any comparison or measure for it.

In supernatural beauty, in inaccessible space,

She sparkles in golden decoration<…>

The top is dressed with pearls.

Its top is hidden by clouds.

On this peak, in the pearl chamber,

One day the heavenly gods sat down...

Mahabharata. Book 1. (Translation by S. Lipkin)

Nowadays, boulders of stone, mysterious in shape and size, towering over the area, are called remnants. Many of them have a large energy field that creates inexplicable energy effects. Other described structures of the Hyperboreans, incl. sphinxes and pyramids are now hidden in the thickness of the hills and hills, awaiting the hour of their discovery, just as the ancient pyramids were discovered in Mexico.

The Indians, after the gradual migration of their ancestors from North to South, preserved the memory of the Polar Mountain Meru in almost all sacred books and majestic epic poems (later, ancient cosmological views entered the Buddhist canon and into images on sacred mandalas). However, even earlier, the World Mountain was worshiped by the ancestors of modern peoples, who were part of an undivided ethnolinguistic community. This Ecumenical Mountain became the prototype of numerous pyramids of the Old and New Worlds. By the way, in the ancient Egyptian language the pyramid was called mr, which is completely consonant with the name of the sacred Mount Meru (taking into account that there are no vowels in Egyptian hieroglyphics). The Greek chronicles describe Hyperborea in the period from the 10th to the 4th centuries. BC, but Indian and Persian sources cover a more ancient period. Important historical information about the Hyperboreans is available in ancient legends: Indian - Mahabharata, Rigveda, Purana, Persian - Avesta, etc.

Indian legends mention a country of mysterious people who lived in the polar region “under the North Star.” The reference point for determining the location of this country is Mount Meru.

Mount Meru existed even at the creation of the World, and its roots go far into the depths of the Earth. Other mountains grow from them. There are numerous river sources and waterfalls on Meru. North of the slope of Meru to the very coast of the Sea of ​​Milk there was a land of bliss. (Mount Meru with Mandara peak is the current Putorano plateau with the main peak 1701 m high, located beyond the Yenisei, east of Norilsk. - Author's note.)

Meru once had the abodes of Hindu gods: Brahma, Vishnu. The paradise of the great god Indra with his majestic palaces and fabulous city was located on its main peak - Mandara and inside it. Gods, asuras, kinnars, gandharvas, snakes, various divine beings, celestial nymphs, excellent healers - the Ashvins lived here.

The great hero and sage, the eldest of the Kauravas, Bhishma, talks about a land of bliss, where there are vast pastures with many animals. There is abundant vegetation that produces abundant fruits, countless flocks of birds, as well as sacred swans that fly to the temples and take part in ritual holidays and choral singing.

The legends say that in the north of the Sea of ​​Milk there is a large island called Shvetadvipa (Bright, White Island). It is located 32 thousand yojanas north of Meru. There live “fragrant white men, removed from all evil, indifferent to honor and dishonor, marvelous in appearance, filled with all evil, their bones strong as diamonds.” They lovingly serve God, who spreads out the Universe. His father, the god Kron, was exiled to this White Island by Zeus, where his tomb is still located. The land of bliss was located from the Urals to Taimyr. It was neither cold nor hot in these lands. People lived here for up to 1000 years, marked with all good signs, shining like a moon, they penetrated into the Knowledge of the thousand-rayed eternal God. Ancient authors (Aristaeus, Herodotus, Pliny, etc.) call this people Hyperboreans. Its inhabitants did not know wars and strife, need and sorrow. They ate the fruits of plants, knew mineral food, but could maintain vitality without taking food at all.

The Mahabharata tells of the tragic battle of the related families of the rulers of the Pandavas and Kauravas on the field of Kurikshetra (XVIII-XV centuries BC). In this battle the following were used: flying objects (chariots, etc.), laser, plasmoid, atomic weapons, robots. The manufacturing technology and other characteristics of this technology are unknown to modern civilization. Many peoples of Asia were drawn into this battle, including modern Central Asia and Western Siberia, all the way to the Arctic Ocean and even Africa.

The best of the Pandavas, the commander Arjuna (Yarjuna), sent his troops to the north. Having crossed the Himalayas, he conquered one after another the northern kingdoms with all their fabulous and fantastic tribes. But when he approached the country of the happy northern people, “guards with huge bodies,” endowed with great valor and strength, came out to him. They told Arjuna to go back because he would not see anything with his own eyes. There should be no fighting here in this country. Anyone who enters this land without an invitation will perish. Despite the huge army available, Arjuna heeded what was said and, like the Atlantean troops, turned back.

But the god Indra, in the war with the asuras, nevertheless destroyed the palaces and cities on Mount Meru, leaving only underground dwellings built in the thickness of the mountain.

The results of recent research have made it possible to establish that more than 12 thousand years ago the Hyperboreans lived on Novaya Zemlya and the adjacent islands. Novaya Zemlya was then a peninsula. After the death of Atlantis, climate change began and the Hyberborea began to gradually move eastward (Pechora, Yamal, Ob, Taimyr rivers). Later, due to a stronger climate change, about 3500 years ago and the onset of cooling, the Hyperboreans in separate groups began to leave in different ways to warmer regions of the Earth.

Other peoples (for the same reason) also left their inhabited lands and cities, the graves of their ancestors. Nobody talked about the integrity of state borders. The integrity of the country was seen, first of all, in the unity and integrity of the people, and not the territory.

One of the large groups of Hyperboreans headed south through Altai, northwestern China, and India. At the beginning of the new era they reached the Ganges River. The descendants of this group still live in the northeast of Burma (southern Tibet), called the Shan people. Their total number is about 2.5 million people. Language of the Sino-Tibetan group. Of course, along the way, part of this group settled among other peoples. These include modern Khakassians.

The second group, which went east along the Lower Tunguska River towards Vilyuy, scattered among other peoples and left no visible traces.

Around the 13th century. BC. The gradual resettlement of the Hyperboreans to Europe and Asia Minor began. Near Lake Ladoga, in the central mountain range of France (the sources of the Dordogne and Allier rivers), temples to the goddess Lada were erected. Legends say that at the source of the Dordogne and Allier rivers there is the true tomb of Apollo, and the descendants of the Hyperboreans also live. At the same time, in Greece they show the burial place of Apollo in Delphi (possibly symbolic). A tributary of the Seine River is the Ob River (consonant with the Siberian Ob).

The legends of the peoples of northern Siberia indicate that the Hyperboreans settled from the mouth of the Irtysh to the mouth of the Kama, and then populated most of Eurasia. There is evidence that the most important religious buildings are located on the rivers Kama, Ob, Yenisei, Taimyr, northern Yamal, at the sources of the Pur and Tolka rivers. Unfortunately, the entrances to these underground structures are blocked, but these underground palaces are similar to those that are well known in Egypt, Afghanistan, India, and China.

The legendary Hyperboreans were a real people. Their descendants mainly live in Russia, Asia, and Europe. They included several nationalities of a related linguistic group. These also included the distant ancestors of the Khanty and Shans.

Material traces of the Hyperboreans are also found on the surface of the earth in the form of stone remains of sculptures (remnants), destroyed religious and sports buildings. Somewhere near Lake Taimyr there is a library of Hyperboreans, including a description of the history of Atlantis, the works of Asclepius, Chiron. But these places are still inaccessible and extremely poorly explored (the Putorano Plateau is generally a complete “blank spot”). It is very likely that plants that were used by Chiron and Asclepius for treatment and even, as with the heroes of the Ramayana, for the resurrection of people still grow here.

We are the sons of great Rus', which was created from the north.

Veles's book

Our throat will let go of silence, Our weakness will melt like a shadow,

And the reward for the nights of despair will be the Eternal Polar Day...

V.S. Vysotsky

Ancient written sources have brought down to our times information about an amazing country - Daariya, which was located at the North Pole and was the ancestral home of the ancient Slavic-Aryans.

Zoroastrian-Mazdean legends say that “many, many millennia ago, near the North Sea, where the Arctic belt is now located, there was a different climate, similar to the climate of southern European countries - Greece, Italy and Lebanon.” The Avesta, an Iranian monument of Zoroastrianism, tells of the "beginning of the world" where the sun, Khvar, never sets, where "... the day is that which is the year," and mentions Mount High Khara, which stretches "throughout the whole earth from West to East" (now this ridge is located at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean).

This wonderful country was located, as stated by the Indian scientist Balgangadhar Tilak (1856-1920) in his book “The Arctic Homeland in the Vedas” (1903) and the Russian biologist E. Elachich (“The Far North as the Cradle of Humankind.” St. Petersburg, 1910), in Arctic, and it was the ancestral home of the Slavic-Aryans.

Another collection of ancient legends, the Indian epic “Mahabharata,” speaks of the high Mount Meru, which was located on the northern edge of the world: “Here, a year is a day, divided in half into day and night. Above the mountain hangs motionless Dhruva (the North Star), around which the stars move: the Seven Rishas (Ursa Major), Arundhati (Cassiopeia) and others.” In India, as you know, these constellations are not visible; they can only be observed in northern latitudes.

Many peoples of the world adopted the legend of a flying serpent-dragon stealing the sun from the ancient Slavic-Aryans. The ancient Vedas tell how “the evil Vritra, or Vala, who stole the sun and hid it in underground strongholds, assigned terrible snakes to guard this sun.” And when the sun goes below the horizon and does not rise again - it was Vala who stole it and hid it - then the long polar night begins. It is at this time that a huge sparkling, constantly writhing serpent appears in the sky above the North Pole - the northern lights. This unusual phenomenon can be observed, as is generally known, only in the northern, that is, Slavic-Aryan lands. The famous Norwegian explorer of the Far North, Nansen (1861-1930), describes it as follows: “... the radiance twisted like a fiery serpent across the entire sky, with its tail ending only 10 degrees above the horizon in the north. From here the radiance turned to the east, scattering itself in several wide stripes, suddenly changing direction and bent into an arc. And again a turn: the radiance turned to the west where it exactly curled up into a ball, from which it was again scattered in several branches throughout the sky.”

We find information about “brilliant water-waters born of a rainbow” - the northern lights, about a fertile climate, about the absence of cold and hot winds, about forests and fields rich in fruits and herds of antelopes on these beautiful lands. This country occupied the White Island - Shvetadvipa, which was located in the northern part of the Sea of ​​Milk (the waters of the Arctic, as is known, have a characteristic milky white color). The island was visible from Mount Meru: “fragrant... white men lived there, removed from all evil..., indifferent to honor and dishonor, marvelous in appearance, full of vitality; ...They lovingly served God, who spread out the Universe... These people were distinguished by the greatest justice and lived much longer than all other mortals - a whole thousand years. They ate only fruits, but could maintain vitality without eating any food at all.”

The book of Manu, the Progenitor of people, says that the country of origin of humanity, Narabgu, bore the original name Aryavarta, or the Land of Good.

In the Avesta, God warns the Aryan leader Imma (Manu) about the death of this paradise: “Imma, noble son of Vivanghata! Disastrous winters will descend on the earth, they will bring snow 14 fingers deep even on the highest mountain peaks. And all three kinds of animals will perish: both those that live in the high mountains and those that live in the deep valleys. Therefore, make Vara with four corners and a large length on each side. And gather everyone there: sheep, cows, birds, dogs, and red flaming fire.”

Imma do just that. He built a large Vara, gathered people, animals and plant seeds there.

A similar description of the death of the original fertile ancestral home of the Slavic-Aryans is found in the Vedas. They say that the leader of the people, Manu, received a warning from God, who took the form of a huge Fish: “The waters will surge, flood the whole earth, destroy all living things, and from this I want to save you.” Heeding the warning, Manu builds a ship and collects all living things in it. The flood comes, the ship rises and floats. The fish draws him to the peak of a mountain protruding from under the water, near which the ship stops; here Manu waits for the waters to recede and the flood to end.

Yu.P. Mirolyubov (1892-1970) conveys “The Tale of Grandmother Varvara”: “When the Land of Oiraz perished in fire and water, snow and ice, Tsar Svarog with the 12 Tsars Svarozhich saved everyone who listened. The disobedient ones all died. The Oirazy sailed into a storm on the sea and sailed, as Tsar Svarog showed with his Trident, all at noon and at noon. They took with them only a few cows, horses and sheep, and poultry - chickens, geese, ducks. They sailed for a day or two until they found the mountains and the Green Land. And when they set sail, already in the morning I saw fog and clouds in the place where the Oiraz Land was. Birds flew above that fog and clouds. The Oyraz sailed to solid ground, and Tsar Svarog turned back, wanting to save whoever he could. However, when they sailed to the place where the Oiraz Land used to be, they found nothing. Only corpses, boards, and various trunks were still floating in the water. Oirazy cried and turned back.

Tsar Svarog appointed Tsar Ventyr over our Ancestors, and he himself with 12 younger kings sailed even further at noon to look for the Egyptian Land. He returned soon, but did not find Egypt. Tsar Svarog began to organize the Earth, resettle people, raise cows. Forbade me to eat meat for 3 years. Said again at noon to look for Egypt. That time I found it and taught people for 30 years how to sow wheat, how to plow, how to forge chablis. Meanwhile, the Rus settled down on Novaya Zemlya. Thirty Kings - Family members were above them. The elder Tsar Ventyr was in charge over them." Mirolyubov also noted that “The Land of Araz was in the north, and it was surrounded on all sides by the sea. This is what both Kobzar Oleksa and Prabka Varvara said. The mountains surrounding the Araz Land still remained in the form of islands: Novaya Zemlya, Franz Joseph Land... The Arazians had measures: they measured the Earth by the evening and morning shadows.”

Unfavorable conditions associated with a sharp deterioration in climate, rising ocean levels (“The Flood”) and tectonic movements accompanied by volcanic activity forced the Slavic-Aryans to leave the Arctic and move to more southern places. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas (“Vedas of Perun”) say that our ancestors “emerged from the sacred country of Daaria and moved along the Stone Belt (Ural Mountains) between the Eastern and Western seas to Russenia.”

The Mahabharata also tells about the migration of the Slavic-Aryans from Arctida to Kashmir (Kasmir) into the thick of the Light Mountains (“porridge”, common slav. - density; “kasa”, Sanskrit - light; “peace”, Sanskrit - mountain). : “The ancestor Brahma brought the Indians from the light of Mount Meru and, leading them through the waters of the Caspian Sea, left them in Kashmir to bear their burden, while he hid the Brahmans (clerics) in the sacred monastery of the ancient Rishis (teachers of mankind), located in the Himalayan mountains.” The very name of the Himalayas, translated from Sanskrit as “winter rookery”, comes from the ancient Russian words “winter lagi” - winter lies. The country occupying these mountains is called Nepal, that is, not scorched, not hot, in contrast to the arc of the Slavic-Aryan country, which also bears the Russian name Palestan, that is, scorched, hot camp. Hence the modern name - Palestine.

The northern country is also mentioned in the myths of Ancient Greece. Outlining the legend, Plutarch (1st century AD) writes that once upon a time, in time immemorial, the peace of the “golden age” was disturbed by the struggle for power between Zeus and his father Cronus, who was supported by the Titans. After the victory of Zeus, the titans, led by Cronus, went somewhere to the north and settled beyond the Kronian Sea on a large flowering island, where “the softness of the air was amazing.” Peace, culture, and art reigned in this country. The priests were engaged in natural science, studying books and writing, and philosophy. One of Plutarch’s heroes, who visited this country, received “as much knowledge in astronomy as a person who has studied geometry can achieve.”

Other myths of the ancient Greeks also tell about the distant northern country located “beyond Scythia”. The Scythians, in turn, talked about the northern lands, where “there lies a country that gives birth to abundant fruits, and in its groves live enlightened and happy people.” However, Herodotus (5th century BC) wrote that the poets Homer (c. 2nd millennium BC) and Hesiod (VIII-VII centuries BC) were the first to tell the world about the “happy northern people - Hyperboreans,” who lived behind the Riphean (Ural) mountains in the domains of the god of the north wind Boreas, that is, in the Far (hyper) north (Boreas). “They improve in justice, not eating meat, but eating the fruits of trees”” (Hellanicus); “They live on the edge of the earth under the protection of Apollo, not knowing war” (Greek poet Ferenik). And here are lines from Pindar’s ode about the happy life of this people, making glorious sacrifices to the Almighty: “There are endless holidays, hymns are heard that delight the heart of Apollo, and he laughs... The cult of the muses is not alien to the Hyperboreans, choirs of young girls gather from everywhere for... sweet sounds flutes, and, crowned with a golden laurel, they indulge in the joy of the holidays. This bright tribe knows neither illness nor the weakness of age. They live far from hard work and battles...”

In the poem "Arimaspeia" Aristius (7th century BC) described an attempt to reach the country of the Hyperboreans. Following this poetic work, Herodotus clarifies that “above the Issedons live one-eyed men - Arimaspes. Above them live the vultures guarding the gold, and above these live the Hyperboreans, reaching the sea.”

Pliny the Elder (1st century AD) also reported about Hyperboreans settling in the forests and groves of the north and feeding on tree fruits. At the same time, he argued that this is where the “rotation point of the world” is located and the sun sets only once a year.

The ancient Greek heroes Hercules and Perseus visited the land of the Hyperboreans. The latter, as you know, killed the Gorgon Medusa, who turned people into frozen statues, that is, into ice. The titanide Leto was also from the country of the Hyperboreans, who gave birth to Apollo and Artemis on the island of Delos. By the way, Apollo, before his accession to Delphi, which was also founded by the Hyperboreans, lived for a long time in this northern country and subsequently visited it several times.

The reliability of these legends is confirmed by the fact: Herodotus describes the graves of two Hyperboreans, Arga and Otis, who came here with the Titanide Leto, which he saw on the island of Delos. In the 20s of our century, French archaeologists actually discovered various remains of tombs of “Hyperborean maidens” on Delos.

The ancient Greek author Diodorus (1st century BC) also speaks about the closeness of the Greeks and Hyperboreans, who emphasizes that the Hyperboreans “have their own language but are very close to the Hellenes, and especially to the Athenians and Delians, maintaining this arrangement since ancient times "

The Scandinavian sagas also mention the “land of the blessed” located in the Arctic Ocean, which in the Finnish epic is called the Northern House - “Saraias”, Royal Light (“Sara” - king, “yas” - clear light).

On the famous map of Gerardus Mercator (1512-1594), compiled by him in the 16th century on the basis of ancient knowledge, the land around the “Archtic Pole” is clearly depicted - a large continent, divided by four wide rivers-straits into four parts-islands.

The continent is separated from Eurasia and America by the “Sea of ​​Ice”. Near the North Pole itself there is a high single mountain - “Black Rock”. The mountain range encircling almost the entire continent is drawn in detail. The rivers are depicted with branched deltas and channel bends, and a description of their flow regime is given. About one of them, the notes say that it “has five branches and, due to the narrowness and speed of the current, never freezes.” About another it is reported that “here the river divides into three branches and remains under ice for three months every year.”

The north of Europe is surprisingly clearly depicted for that time: Scandinavia, the Kola Peninsula, the islands of Novaya Zemlya and Spitsbergen; Greenland, Iceland and even the disappeared Friesland are clearly shown.

Scientists have no doubt that this map could not have been compiled by G. Mercator, but is a tracing paper from an older source, and the source map is from an even earlier source. There is also no doubt that such a map could only be compiled using remote sensing aerospace materials, based on spherical trigonometry. The English scientist C. Hengutz in his book “The Path of the Pole” (1987) writes: “... there is evidence that ancient maps were collected and studied in the great Library of Alexandria, from where copies of these maps were moved to other centers of enlightenment...” and further: “... The earth was mapped in detail by the 4th century BC. an unknown civilization that has reached a high technical level."

The chronicle of Arctic exploration speaks of a continent that once existed at the North Pole. So, in the XVII-XVIII centuries. Andreev Land was discovered at the mouth of the Kolyma; later, north of Spitsbergen - Gillis Land; in the Chukchi Sea - Peasant Island, found by the schooner of the same name. In 1811, north of the Novosibirsk archipelago, Yakov Sannikov noticed a large island, in 1886 E.V. Toll (1858-1902) described it, a story about four flat mountains with low foothills, clearly visible in clear sunny weather.

Nowadays, many polar pilots, in particular, the famous navigator V.I. Exactly, they described several islands in the Arctic Ocean, seen from the air, which, unfortunately, have not yet been found by seafaring researchers. Two unknown islands, located 150 km from the North Pole, were photographed by Soviet pilots several years ago, but ice hummocks and constant fog prevent them from approaching them by sea. How time is reflected in the nature of northern latitudes can be seen in the following examples: in 1823, the explorer of the Siberian North, Lieutenant Peter Anzhu (1796-1869), landed on Semenovsky Island in the Laptev Sea; Having measured the island, he wrote in his report that its length was 15 km. Less than a century later, in 1912, according to the testimony of sailors from the Voygan ship, this value became equal to only 5 km. In 1936, Soviet hydrographers noted the length of the island as 2 km, and in 1955 Semenovsky Island was not found at all: only a sandbank remained under water.

In the same way, by our time, another island has disappeared into the depths of the sea - Vasilevsky, the coastal cliff of which was photographed in 1915 by the Russian researcher L.S. Staronadomsky. Nothing remains in the sea of ​​the islands of Mercury, Figurina and Diomede, which were mapped in the 18th century.

This subsidence of the earth's crust in the North Pole region continues in our time. The length of the coastline of the islands of the Novosibirsk archipelago is decreasing: for example, Bolshoi Lyakhovsky Island is going under water, where the speed of the sea advance reaches 20-30 meters per year. Following the assessment of oceanologist N.N. Zubov (1885-1960), made on the basis of his observations, it can be said without exaggeration that in another 10-20 years this island will no longer exist - just as Vasilievsky Island, Sannikov Land, Gilles Land, Avdreev Land and other islands of the Siberian coast did not exist before. Arctic Ocean.

The common fate of these islands suggests that these are the remnants of the once large continent of Arctida, destroyed as a result of a general catastrophe that occurred, as the calendars of the Egyptians, Assyrians and Mayans indicate, in 11542 BC.

The underwater Lomonosov Ridge, discovered by the famous Soviet polar explorer Ya.Ya. Gakkel (1901-1965), stretches across the entire Arctic - from the shelf of the New Siberian Islands to the Ellesmere Islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Its length is 1,700 kilometers, the peaks of the ridge rise 3, and sometimes 4 kilometers. From Wrangel Island to Ellesmere Island and Axel-Heiberg, under the waters of the Arctic Ocean, the Mendeleev Ridge stretches, discovered by Soviet polar explorers drifting at the SP-4 station in 1954. In length and height it is not inferior to the Lomonosov Ridge, and in the width of its base, reaching up to 900 kilometers, it even surpasses it.

On the tops of the Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges, wide terraces were discovered, most likely formed by waves, although now these peaks are submerged to a depth of about a kilometer. Flat-topped mountains formed from atolls are found here - guyots and sunken volcanic islands. The dredges lifted jackdaws, rubble, boulders, gravel, and sand from the ridges. According to many signs, these continental sediments were formed here, in the central Arctic.

Map of underwater ridges of the Arctic region

Back in 1935, Professor A.I. Tolmachev publishes a book dedicated to comparing the plants of central Taimyr with the plants of Arctic America and Chukotka. This study revealed “the impossibility of connecting the Taimyr flora with the Canadian flora through the Chukchi flora,” and that it had great similarities with the flora of Arctic America. This is another confirmation of the existence of a large continent in the Arctic Ocean, providing a connection between the floras of Taimyr and Canada. The existence of Arctida is also indicated by data obtained by hydrobiologists, ornithologists, and specialists in marine mammals and mollusks.

According to Ya.Ya. Gakkel, this “Arctic bridge” existed 100 thousand years ago, and Professor A.I. Tolmachev believed that the exchange of plants between the north of the European continent and Arctic America took place until the end of the last glaciation. Marine geologists N.A. Belov and V.N. Lapin believe that certain parts of the Lomonosov and Mendeleev ridges were above water 16-18 thousand years ago. Academician A.F. Treshnikov (1914-1991) believes that parts of the Lomonosov Ridge could have reached the surface 8-18 thousand years ago. According to scientists - hydrobiologist Professor E.F. Guryanova and K.N. Nesis “...the barrier in the area of ​​the East Siberian Sea, the New Siberian Islands and Wrangel Island, that is, in the area of ​​the Lomonosov Ridge, existed for quite a long time and disappeared quite recently, at least in post-Littorian times,” which began only 2500 years ago.

The fact that grass grew on the lands of Arctida and that many animals lived, from giant mammoths to the smallest rodents, is evidenced by research by scientists from various fields. Mammoth tusks, bones of bulls and other large herbivores have been and will be found by bulldozer operators, radio operators, weather experts - in short, everyone who has worked or will work on the New Siberian Islands, Wrangel Island and Severnaya Zemlya.

The boundaries of finds of Paleolithic monuments are moving further and further to the north every year. Where it would seem that modern man cannot survive fully armed with science and technology, traces of our ancestors are found.

Distribution of glaciers in the northern hemisphere during the last glaciation. The North Pole and all lands of Siberia are free from continental ice

Findings by scientists from Yakutia and Magadan showed that man lived in the Far North of our country 5, 10, and 20 thousand years ago. Traces of human presence in Alaska, according to American scientists, date back even more anciently: 30, 40 and even 50 thousand years.

You can find a lot of evidence confirming the existence of a mild climate on the Arctic. This miracle of the protected land is explained not only by the fact that previously the Gulf Stream, whose water flow is 20 times higher than the total water flow of all rivers on the globe, carried its warm waters with a temperature of 20-28 degrees not to the island of Spitsbergen and Novaya Zemlya, as now, but to the North Pole, but also by the geomagnetic distribution of heat on the planet.

The geological record of the Earth suggests that for hundreds of thousands of years the north of Europe, North America, part of Asia and even Africa was occupied by continental ice - a powerful ice shell hundreds of meters thick. This ice sheet, similar to the modern ice of Antarctica and Greenland, has repeatedly changed its position on the planet in the past. At the same time, the climate of these regions also changed significantly - the lands of the Crimea and the North Caucasus in the past corresponded to the tundra, and in the modern tundra there was lush forest vegetation. Such changes were not associated with general warming throughout the Earth due to the accumulation of heat on the planet, that is, with the greenhouse effect in its modern sense. Significant climate changes occurred as a result of heat redistribution within the framework of the general and relatively constant heat balance of the planet. This is evidenced by numerous conclusions from scientific studies of the Earth’s paleomagnetism and its paleoclimate.

Scientists from many countries of the world, in particular, K. Birkenmaier from Poland, A. Nairn from Great Britain, studied the magnetization of ancient rocks, its magnitude and direction, which arose and left a mark in the rocks during their formation. These indicators indicate the geographical position of the magnetic poles, which, in turn, determine the climatic regions on the planet at different times. At the same time, the “drift” of the continents was taken into account, and magnetic-stratigraphic scales were compiled for the last millions of years of the Earth’s existence.

It turned out that the geomagnetic poles not only significantly changed their location on the planet, but also the magnetic field strength and even its polarity changed, that is, the North and South Pole changed places.

One of these inversions, which occurred about 65 million years ago, coincided with the death of dinosaurs and many other animal species. The last time it happened was about 800 thousand years ago.

Research using the “fossil compass” method also revealed that, following the movement of geomagnetic poles, the position of continental ice also changed. According to paleomagnetic data, there was a time when the magnetic pole was in the Sahara. In turn, paleoclimatic studies have confirmed the existence of sedimentary rocks of glacial origin in southern Algeria. Then the pole moved to the region of South Africa, to the modern equator, where traces of powerful glaciation were discovered: it was something similar to the modern ice dome of Antarctica. It was at this time that the lands of the modern tundras of the European North were distinguished by lush forest vegetation, and the level of the World Ocean just a few hundred thousand years ago was 150-200 m lower than today. At the same time, the Gulf Stream carried its life-giving waters to the Arctic, and the vast spaces of the current shelves were low-lying coastal plains. England was uniting with Europe, the English Channel and the North Sea did not exist. Asia and North America were connected by a land bridge in the region of Chukotka and Alaska. In northeastern Siberia, the land extended far to the North, and the current islands of Indonesia were connected to Southeast Asia. General warming in northern Europe and America began about 20 thousand years ago. At first it happened slowly, and the boundary of continental ice slowly retreated to the north. A sharp climate change occurred about 12 thousand years ago.

Over the next 4-5 thousand years, the ice in northern Europe and North America disappeared completely. Subarctic forests have again shifted by about 300 km. north of their current polar border, and in the 7th-5th millennium BC. temperatures in the north did not drop below 0 degrees Celsius even in January. Melting ice has led to a significant rise in sea levels. It was during this relatively recent time that the oceans and continents of the Earth acquired the shapes familiar to us.

The general conclusion of research using the “fossil compass” method suggests that previously the Earth’s rotation axis (geographic poles) did not coincide significantly with its geomagnetic axis (geomagnetic poles). At the same time, the precession of the rotation axis had little effect on the position of the planet relative to the Sun when orbiting around it, and therefore on the angles of incidence of solar rays on the Earth’s surface and on the amount of total solar radiation. At the same time, the magnetic poles and associated glaciers were much closer to the modern equator, and climatic thermal zones were located concentrically around them.

This means that general changes in the climate of the earth’s continents depend not only on the angles of incidence of the sun’s rays on them, but also to no less extent on changes in the position of the geomagnetic poles. It is these two reasons that determine the amount of heat received by the Earth.

A clear confirmation of the possibility of a significant discrepancy between the geographic and magnetic poles during the development of planets and the distribution of temperatures on them depending on the geomagnetic situation, and not just on the angles of incidence of solar rays on the surface of the planets, is information about the 8th and 9th planets of the solar system - Uranus and Neptune, obtained using the American Voyager 2 spacecraft. Information about Uranus was transmitted by the device in 1986, and about Neptune - in 1989.

It turned out that Uranus has a strong magnetic field, almost the same as that of the Earth, but the deviation of its magnetic axis from the geographic one is almost 60 degrees, while that of the Earth is now about 11 degrees.

The direction of Uranus’ rotation axis also turned out to be unusual: it revolves around the Sun “lying on its side.” It is also interesting that on Uranus it is coldest at the equator, although it is its daytime surface that is illuminated more than others by the rays of the Sun and therefore should be the warmest. However, of the geographic poles of Uranus, the one that is located on the unlit side of the planet, where the night has been going on for decades, is warmer.

A similar geomagnetic situation occurs on Neptune. All this is reminiscent of the climatic thermal situation on Earth in the distant past, when its geomagnetic pole and the associated ice dome were at the equator.

The research of our weather scientists also contains other evidence concerning the state of northern nature in the 10th-7th millennium BC, confirming the retreat of the glacier from here long before this time.

The message of Dr. Jones Hammer, who stated in 1993 at a press conference in Amsterdam that during his trip to the North Pole he discovered a polar city, is also very interesting: “There are houses, palaces, and places of worship there. The Eskimos could not have built such a city - this was the work of a highly developed civilization,” says Hammer.

In his opinion, 90 percent of buildings are hidden by eternal snow and ice. However, the tops of the houses are visible. Already the first surveys showed that the buildings are more than one thousand years old.

“Of course, it’s not easy to conduct archaeological excavations in the Arctic,” says Hammer. “Therefore, we know little about the unusual ice city and the civilization that built it. The architecture of the buildings, which we were able to partially see, is reminiscent of ancient Greek.

These houses and palaces are real art. We are sure of this. It remains a mystery why it was necessary to build the city in such harsh conditions for people’s lives. And also how did you manage to build it?

We cannot explain this..."

All the above-mentioned evidence confirms that on this Earth (planet) the ancestral home of the Slavic-Aryans (Race) is Arctida (Daaria), located at the north pole.

...And Niy and the Elements will destroy that land,

and she will hide in the depths of the Great Waters,

just like she hid in ancient times

in the depths of the northern waters is the Sacred Daaria.

1. The Vedas are the sacred books of the Slavic-Aryans, the most ancient written monuments. See part two, chap. 3.

2. G.M. Bongard-Levine, E.A. Grantovsky “From Scythia to India.” M., 1983.

3. The Book of Manu (laws of Manu) is an ancient Indian collection of instructions left to people by the progenitor of mankind, Manu. See book. 2, words. 22.

4. Vara - ship, ark; from “varat” - to swim.

5. U A.S. Pushkin is “...thirty Knights Beautiful... And with them their sea uncle.” "Ruslan and Ludmila". M., 1985.

6. Y.P. Mirolyubov “The Tale of Grandmother Varvara”, vol. 9.

7. Slavic-Aryan Vedas, book 1. Omsk, 2001.

8. Indische alte Geschichte. Th. Kruse, with reference to Mahabh. W. 10503 C. Lassen's Ind. Alterthumskunde.

9. G.A. Razumov, M.F. Khalin "Sinking Cities". M., 1991.

10. G.M. Bongard-Levine, E.A. Grantovsky. Decree. op.

11. “Our plans for winter” (edited by B. John, translated from English by L.R. Serebryanny). M, 1982.

12. “Paleomagnetic record of the Earth,” p. 119-129. M., 1984.

13. Inversion (lat.) - turning over, rearranging. Geomagnetic field inversion is a change in the direction (polarity) of the Earth's magnetic field to the opposite.

14. The “fossil compass” method - determining the geomagnetic pole of the Earth. It is based on the fact that mineral crystals are formed in accordance with the geomagnetic field of the Earth. Knowing when the mineral was formed, one can determine where the geomagnetic pole was at that time.

15. E.P. Borisenkov, V.M. Pasetsky "Thousand-year chronicle of extraordinary natural phenomena." M., 1988.

16. Precession (lat.) - a slow displacement of the Earth’s rotation axis in space.

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Russian scientists have proven that fragments of the modern Arctic shelf formed a single continental space at least twice in the history of the Earth. For the first time, about a billion years ago, the ancient continent of Arctida was part of the supercontinent Rodinia. The second time - 250 million years ago - Arctida was part of Pangea. The study was carried out using the paleomagnetic method, which allows us to reconstruct the paleogeography and kinematics of movements of individual blocks of the continental lithosphere.

Look into the past

Scientists from the Institute of Oil and Gas Geology and Geophysics named after. A.A. Trofimuk SB RAS studied rock samples from the Arctic archipelagos, including Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, and the New Siberian Islands, which made it possible not only to look into the past millions of years ago, but also to substantiate the block structure of the modern continental shelf of Russia and determine its borders.

For the average person, the concept of “continent” corresponds to the concept of “land,” explains Dmitry Metelkin, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Geodynamics and Paleomagnetism of the Institute of Geology and Geography SB RAS. - But among geologists, the concept of “continent” also includes its submerged edge - the shelf. The main thing in geology is what exactly the lithosphere (the upper solid shell of the Earth) of a given specific area of ​​the earth's surface consists of. We distinguish between continental and oceanic type lithosphere - they are different in composition, structure and characterize different areas of continents and the ocean floor. The continental lithosphere is predominantly granitic and contains many silicates or glasses, while the oceanic crust primarily includes basalt.

The paleomagnetic method allows us to determine the location of lithospheric blocks and their movement in space millions of years ago. Thus, the analysis of numerous samples from the islands of the Arctic archipelagos made it possible to study the “biography” of ancient Arctida, a continent that supposedly existed in the distant geological past.

Twice Arctida

It became clear that the continent really existed, and was assembled twice. The lithospheric blocks that form the continental shelf today were put together a billion years ago, when the Earth was inhabited primarily by microorganisms that left virtually no trace of their lives. Arctida was then part of a supercontinent called Rodinia. About 750 million years ago, the continent completely broke up into separate fragments, separated by oceanic space.

Arctida was formed for the second time about 250 million years ago - then the first dinosaurs appeared on Earth. Arctida became part of a new supercontinent - Pangea. At the time of the collapse of Pangea and a little later, during the formation of the Arctic Ocean, fragments of the second Arctida were again redistributed, forming the modern shelf.

There were at least five large lithospheric blocks as part of Arctida, says Dmitry Metelkin. - Now they are all part of the Arctic continental shelf. Our paleomagnetic method allows us to reconstruct the kinematics of their mutual movements in the past - the scale is very significant, since we are studying intervals of hundreds of millions of years. For example, our Eurasian continent also consists of two very large ancient lithospheric blocks: East European and Siberian. So, about 500 million years ago, the Siberian block was located in the equatorial region. The speed of movement of the continents is negligible - only a few centimeters per year, but over hundreds of millions of years they cover really large distances.

The myth of Hyperborea

If we consider the ancient Greek myth about Hyperborea - the legendary northern country and habitat of the Hyperboreans, about whom the ancient Roman scientist Pliny the Elder wrote, then it remains a myth.

The hypothesis that Hyperborea was located on the ancient Arctic does not stand up to criticism, says Nikolai Matushkin, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Geodynamics and Paleomagnetism of the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of the SB RAS. - We are talking about a geological body that existed hundreds of millions of years ago - it is clear that there could be no civilization then. Our research also disproves the well-known map of 1595 by the Flemish cartographer and geographer Gerardus Mercator.

For their research, scientists from INGG SB RAS use methods of magnetotectonics (a specific branch of paleomagnetology) - a science that studies the movements of lithospheric blocks based on information about the direction of the natural remanent magnetization of the rocks with which they are composed. The collection of samples, the number of which now numbers in the thousands, has been ongoing for about 20 years.

In their works, colleagues prove that some areas of the Arctic Ocean floor, which are adjacent to the Eurasian shelf and extend almost to the North Pole, are of continental origin. They work in unexplored and extremely inaccessible areas with a harsh climate - this is breakthrough research,” explains Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Dynamic Geology, Faculty of Geology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Roman Veselovsky. - The result of this work may be the recognition that a number of geological structures of the bottom of the northern seas belong to the shelf of our country. It is clear that whether this will be so or not will be decided by politicians, but scientists can provide arguments in favor of this.

It is possible that it is the interest of politicians that is pushing scientists around the world to study the continental margin of the Arctic Ocean.

from Encyclopedia of miracles, mysteries and secrets

ARCTIA (Hyperborea) - a hypothetical ancient continent or large island,

existed in the north of the Earth, near the North Pole and inhabited

once powerful civilization. The name is derived precisely from

location, Hyperborea is what is located in the far north,

"behind the north wind Boreas", in the Arctic. Still a fact of existence

Arctida-Hyperborea had no confirmation, except for ancient Greek legends and

depictions of this landmass in old engravings, such as on a map

Gerard MERCATOR, published by his son Rudolf in 1595. On this map

in the center is the legendary continent of Arctida, around is the coast

Northern Ocean with easily recognizable modern islands and rivers.

By the way, this map itself raised many questions among researchers. For example,

on it in the area near the mouth of the Ob on this map there is the inscription “Golden

Baba". Is this really the same legendary miraculous statue, a symbol

knowledge and power, which has been sought throughout Siberia for centuries?

Its exact reference to the area is also given here - go and find it!

According to the descriptions of the same ancient Greek chroniclers, in Arctida there was supposedly

favorable climate, there flowed from the central sea (lake) and flowed into

ocean 4 large rivers, making Arctida look “round” on the map

shield with a cross." Hyperboreans, inhabitants of the ideal Arctida

were especially loved by the god Apollo (his priests and

servants). According to some ancient schedule, Apollo appeared on these

earth every time exactly 19 years. In general, the Hyperboreans were gods

are no less close, and maybe more so, than the “God-loved” Ethiopians, Phaeacians and

lotophages. By the way, many Greek gods, the same Apollo, are also good

famous Hercules, Perseus and other less famous heroes had the same epithet


Maybe that’s why life in a happy Arctida, along with

reverent prayers were accompanied by songs, dances, feasts and general

endless fun. In Arctida, even death occurred only from fatigue and

satiety with life, more precisely from suicide - having experienced all types

pleasure and tired of life, the old Hyperboreans usually threw themselves into the sea.

The wise Hyperboreans possessed a huge amount of knowledge, the most advanced in

This moment. It was the people who came from these places, the Apollonian sages Abaris and

Aristaeus (considered both servants and a hypostasis of Apollo), taught the Greeks

composed poems and hymns, for the first time discovered the basic wisdom, music,

philosophy. Under their leadership, the famous Delphic Temple was built...

These teachers, as the chronicles reported, also owned the symbols of the god Apollo, in

among which were called an arrow, a raven, a laurel with miraculous powers.

The following legend has been preserved about Arctida: once upon a time its inhabitants presented the first

crops grown in these places to Apollo himself on Delos. But girls

those sent with gifts were forcibly left on Delos, and some even

raped. After this, faced with the savagery of other peoples,

cultural Hyperboreans no longer went far for the purpose of sacrifice

from their land, and deposited gifts on the border with a neighboring country, and then to

Apollo's gifts were transferred to other peoples for a fee.

The historian of the ancient world Pliny the Elder referred to the description of an unknown country

very seriously. From his notes it is almost unambiguously clear

location of a little-known country. Getting to Arctida, according to Pliny,

it was difficult (for people, but not for the Hyperboreans, who could fly), but

not so impossible, it was only necessary to jump over some northern

Hyperborean Mountains: "Behind these mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, happy

the people... who are called Hyperboreans, reach very advanced years

and glorified by wonderful legends... The sun shines there for six months, and

this is only one day when the Sun does not hide... from the spring

equinox to the autumn equinox, the luminaries there rise only once a year at

summer solstice, and they set only at the winter solstice... This country is located

all in the Sun, with a favorable climate and devoid of any harmful wind.

The homes for these residents are groves and forests; The cult of the Gods copes

individuals and the whole society; discord and all sorts of things are unknown there

diseases. Death comes there only from satiety with life... It is impossible

doubt the existence of this people..."

There is another indirect evidence of the former existence

highly developed polar civilization. Seven years before the first circumnavigation of the world

Magellan, the Turks Piri Reis compiled a map of the world, which indicated

not only America and the Strait of Magellan, but also Antarctica, which the Russians

sailors were to discover only 300 years later... The coastline and

some details of the relief are presented on it with such precision as

can only be achieved through aerial photography, or even shooting from space. Most

The southern continent of the planet on the Piri Reis map is devoid of ice cover! On him

there are rivers and mountains. The distances between continents have been slightly changed, which

confirms the fact of their drift. A short entry in the diaries of Piri Reis

suggests that he compiled his map based on materials from the era

Alexander the Great. How did they know about Antarctica in the 4th century BC?

By the way, in the 1970s, the Soviet Antarctic expedition found that

the ice shell covering the continent is at least 20 thousand years old, then

it turns out that the age of the real primary source of information is

at least 200 centuries. And if so, then it turns out that when the map was drawn up,

perhaps there was an advanced civilization on Earth that was so

ancient times managed to achieve such colossal successes in

cartography? The best contender for the best cartographers of the time could be

be Hyperboreans, fortunately they also lived at the pole, only not at the south, but at

northern, which, let us recall, were both free from ice and cold at that time.

The ability to fly that the Hyperboreans had made it possible to fly from

pole to pole. Perhaps this explains the mystery of why the original

the map was drawn up as if the observer were in orbit


But soon, as we already know, the polar cartographers died or disappeared, and

the polar regions are covered with ice... Where do their further traces lead?

Believed to have died as a result of climate change

the highly developed civilization of Hyperborea left behind descendants in the person of

Aryans, and they, in turn, Slavs and Russians...

The search for Hyperborea is akin to the search for the lost Atlantis, with the only difference being

that part of the land still remains from the sunken Hyperborea - this is the north

present Russia. However, unclear interpretations (this is already its own private

opinion) allow us to say that Atlantis and Hyperborea could have existed at all

the same continent... Whether this is true or not is to some extent a clue

future expeditions must approach the great mystery. On the North of Russia

Numerous geological parties have repeatedly encountered traces of

activities of the ancients, however, none of them purposefully put their

the goal is to search for the Hyperboreans.

In 1922, in the area of ​​Seydozero and Lovozero in the Murmansk region, a

expedition led by Barchenko and Kondiaina, which dealt with

ethnographic, psychophysical and simply geographical research.

By chance or not by chance, the search engines stumbled upon a strange manhole leading

underground. The scientists were unable to get inside - a strange, unaccountable presence was in the way.

fear, almost tangible horror, literally bursting out from the black throat.

One of the local residents said that “the feeling was as if you were

skinned alive!" A collective photograph has been preserved [published in

"NG-science" October 1997], on which next to the mystical hole

13 members of the expedition were photographed. After returning to Moscow

the materials of the expedition were studied very carefully, including

Lubyanka. It’s hard to believe, but A. Barchenko’s expedition is still at the stage

preparation was supported personally by Felix DZERDZHINSKY. And this is at the very

hungry years for Soviet Russia, immediately after the end of the civil war!

Which indirectly suggests that not all the goals of the expedition are known to us

authentically. To figure out what exactly Barchenko went to Seydozero for now

complicated, the leader was repressed and shot, the materials he obtained

In the 1990s, Doctor of Philosophy Valery Nikitich DEMIN turned

attention to the very scanty memories of the finds that have reached us

Barchenko, and when he studied local legends in detail and compared them

with the Greek ones, I came to the conclusion - we need to look here!

The places are truly amazing; local residents of Seydozero still have

inspires awe or at least respect. Just a century or two

ago its southern shore was the most honorable place for burial in stone

a grave for shamans and other respected members of the Sami people. For them

the name of Seydozer and the afterlife paradise were simply one and the same. Here

even fishing was allowed only one day a year... In Soviet times

the area north of the lake was considered a strategic raw material base; there were

Large reserves of rare earth metals have been discovered. Now Seydozero and

Lovozero is famous for the frequent occurrence of various anomalous phenomena, and even...

extremely rampant in the local taiga of a small tribe of snow

of people...

In 1997-1999, in the same place, under the leadership of V. Demin, they were again

a search has been undertaken, only this time the remains of an ancient civilization

Arctida. And the news was not long in coming. While during the expeditions

"Hyperborea-97" and "Hyperborea-98" were found: several destroyed

ancient buildings, including a stone “observatory” on Mount Ninchurt,

stone "road", "stairs", "Etruscan anchor", well under the mountain

Kuamdespahk; some artificial ancient products were selected (for example

repairman from Revda Alexander FEDOTOV found a strange

metal "matryoshka"); several images of the “trident” have been studied,

"lotus", as well as the giant (70 m) known to all local old-timers

rock cross-shaped image of a man "old man Koivu" (according to

to legends - defeated and embedded in a rock south of Karnasurta, defeated

"alien" Swedish god)...

As it turned out, “old man Koivu” was formed by blackened stones, along which

Water has been oozing from the rock for centuries. Not everything is the same with other finds.

Just. Professional geologists and archaeologists are skeptical about

the above findings, considering all of them to be nothing more than a play of nature,

Sami structures up to several centuries old and remains of activity

Soviet geologists in the 1920-30s.

However, when studying the arguments for and against, one cannot fail to take into account the fact that

it is always easier to criticize than to obtain evidence. In the history of science there was

There are many cases when researchers who were criticized to smithereens in the end

finally got their way. A classic example is the “non-professional” Heinrich

SCHLIEMANN, who discovered Troy where it “should not be.” To

To repeat such success, you need to at least be passionate. All opponents

Professor Demin just calls him “over-enthusiastic.” So it's possible

to say that there is some hope for the success of the search.

It is necessary to search, because we are talking not just about traces of one of the ancient

peoples, but about a very highly developed civilization, perhaps, as he believes

V. Demin, the ancestral home of the Aryan, Slavic people, the place “where they came from

peoples." Could this happen in principle in our inhospitably cold

mosquito North? Do not rush to answer, once the climate of the current

the Russian North was much more favorable. As Lomonosov wrote, "in

in the northern regions in ancient times there were great heatwaves, where elephants were born and

it was possible to reproduce... "Perhaps a sharp cold snap occurred in

as a result of some cataclysm or as a result of a slight displacement

earth's axis (according to the calculations of ancient Babylonian astronomers and

Egyptian priests, this happened 399 thousand years ago). However, the option with

turning the axis does not work - after all, according to the ancient Greek chronicles,

a highly developed civilization lived in Hyperborea for only a few thousand years

back and precisely AT THE NORTH POLE or near it (this is clearly visible from

descriptions, and these descriptions can be trusted, because it is impossible to invent and

describe “out of your head” the polar day as it is seen at the pole and

nowhere else).

Where this could be is unclear; at first glance, it is not near the North Pole

even islands. But... there is a powerful underwater ridge named after

discoverer by the Lomonosov Ridge, next to the Mendeleev Ridge. They

really went to the bottom of the ocean relatively recently - according to geological

concepts. If so, then the possible inhabitants of this hypothetical "Arctida", although

some of them would have had time to move to the present continent in

area of ​​the Canadian Arctic archipelago or on the Kola, Taimyr

peninsulas, and most likely in Russia east of the Lena delta (exactly there,

where the ancients advised to look for the famous "Golden Woman")!

If Arctida-Hyperborea is not a myth, then what then maintained the warm climate on

large circumpolar territory? Powerful geothermal heat? Small

the country may well be warmed by the warmth of gushing geysers (as

Iceland), but this will not save you from the onset of winter. Yes, and in the messages of the ancients

The Greeks make no mention of thick plumes of steam (it was impossible not to notice them). A

so a very good hypothesis: volcanoes and geysers heated Hyperborea, and

then one fine day they ruined her... Hypothesis two: to be

Maybe the reason for the warmth is the warm Gulf Stream current? But now its warmth

not enough to heat a large area (as any resident will tell you

Murmansk region, where the “warm” Gulf Stream ends its flow).

Maybe the current was more powerful before? It may well be. IN

otherwise we will be forced to assume that the heat in Hyperborea

It was generally of artificial origin! If, according to the same Greek

historians, there, in this heavenly place of God, problems were solved

longevity, rational land use, free flight in the atmosphere and

many others, then why don’t the Hyperboreans “at the same time” solve the problem

climate control!?

* * * Directions to the search site for Arctida on Seydozero: 1) by train or by car

passing routes to Olenegorsk, Murmansk region (from Moscow 1.5 days by train);

by passing or by bus to Revda; then on foot or by bus

about 10 km to the mine; walk about 15 km along the path through the pass strictly at

south to Seydozero; walk about 10 km along the path along the lake shore to

the only surviving hut on the shore of Seydozero... 2) From Revda to

by bus to the village of Lovozero; go to the southern outskirts of the village; go on foot

along the power line leading south (but not the one leading to

west-southwest!), along a path and clearing (sometimes swamps) along the shore

Lovozero is about 30 km to Motka (hut on the shore of Lovozero) and the road leading to

west; along it about 2 km to the hut on Seydozero... 3) From Lovozero, hire from

local residents a motor boat that will take you 1 hour to Motka and

roads to Seydozero; follow it to reach the hut.

ARCTida (Hyperborea)

ARCTIA (Hyperborea) is a hypothetical ancient continent or large island that existed in the north of the Earth, near the North Pole and was inhabited by a once powerful civilization. The name is derived precisely from the location, Hyperborea is what is located in the far north, “behind the north wind Boreas,” in the Arctic. Until now, the fact of the existence of Arctida-Hyperborea had no confirmation, except for ancient Greek legends and the image of this landmass in old engravings, for example, on the map of Gerardus MERCATOR, published by his son Rudolf in 1595. This map depicts the legendary continent of Arctida in the center, surrounded by the coast of the Northern Ocean with easily recognizable modern islands and rivers.

By the way, this map itself raised many questions among researchers. For example, on this map, in the area near the mouth of the Ob, the inscription “Golden Woman” is placed. Is this really the same legendary miraculous statue, a symbol of knowledge and power that has been sought throughout Siberia for centuries?

Its exact reference to the area is also given here - go and find it!

According to the descriptions of the same ancient Greek chroniclers, Arctida supposedly had a favorable climate, where 4 large rivers flowed out of the central sea (lake) and flowed into the ocean, thanks to which on the map Arctida looks like a “round shield with a cross.” The Hyperboreans, the inhabitants of Arctida, which was ideal in its structure, were especially loved by the god Apollo (his priests and servants existed in Arctida). According to some ancient schedule, Apollo appeared in these lands every time exactly 19 years. In general, the Hyperboreans were no less, and perhaps more, close to the gods than the “God-loved” Ethiopians, Phaeacians and Lotophagi. By the way, many Greek gods, the same Apollo, the also well-known Hercules, Perseus and other less famous heroes had one epithet - Hyperborean...

Perhaps this is also why life in happy Arctida, along with reverent prayers, was accompanied by songs, dances, feasts and general never-ending fun. In Arctida, even death occurred only from fatigue and satiety with life, more precisely from suicide - having experienced all types of pleasure and tired of life, the old Hyperboreans usually threw themselves into the sea.

The wise Hyperboreans possessed a huge amount of knowledge, the most advanced at that time. It was the people from these places, the Apollonian sages Abaris and Aristaeus (considered both servants and a hypostasis of Apollo), who taught the Greeks to compose poems and hymns, and for the first time discovered the basic wisdom, music, and philosophy. Under their leadership, the famous Delphic Temple was built... These teachers, as the chronicles reported, also owned the symbols of the god Apollo, including the arrow, raven, and laurel with miraculous powers.

The following legend has been preserved about Arctida: once its inhabitants presented the first harvest grown in these places to Apollo himself on Delos. But the girls sent with gifts were forcibly left on Delos, and some were even raped. After this, faced with the savagery of other peoples, the cultured Hyperboreans no longer went far from their land for the purpose of sacrifice, but deposited gifts on the border with a neighboring country, and then before Apollo the gifts were carried by other peoples for a fee.

The historian of the Ancient World Pliny the Elder took the description of an unknown country very seriously. From his records the location of the little-known country is almost unambiguously traced. Getting to Arctida, according to Pliny, was difficult (for people, but not for the Hyperboreans, who could fly), but not so impossible, you just had to jump over some northern Hyperborean mountains: “Behind these mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, happy people... who are called Hyperboreans, reach very advanced years and are glorified by wonderful legends... The Sun shines there for six months, and this is only one day when the Sun does not hide... from the spring equinox to the autumn, the luminaries only rise there once a year at the summer solstice, and they set only at the winter solstice... This country is located entirely in the Sun, with a fertile climate and is devoid of any harmful wind. The homes for these inhabitants are groves, forests; the cult of the Gods is carried out by individuals and the entire society; there strife and all kinds of diseases are unknown. Death comes there only from satiety with life... One cannot doubt the existence of this people..."

There is another indirect evidence of the former existence of a highly developed polar civilization. Seven years before Magellan's first circumnavigation of the world, the Turk Piri Reis compiled a map of the world, which showed not only America and the Strait of Magellan, but also Antarctica, which Russian navigators were to discover only 300 years later... The coastline and some details of the relief are presented on it with such precision that can only be achieved with aerial photography, or even shooting from space.

The southernmost continent of the planet on the Piri Reis map is devoid of ice cover! It has rivers and mountains. The distances between the continents have been slightly changed, which confirms the fact of their drift. A short entry in the diaries of Piri Reis suggests that he compiled his map based on materials from the era of Alexander the Great. How did they know about Antarctica in the 4th century BC?

By the way, in the 1970s, a Soviet Antarctic expedition established that the ice shell covering the continent is at least 20 thousand years old, which means that the age of the real primary source of information is at least 200 centuries. And if so, then it turns out that when the map was compiled, perhaps there was a developed civilization on Earth that, in such ancient times, was able to achieve such colossal successes in cartography?

The best contender for the best cartographers of that time could be the Hyperboreans, fortunately they also lived at the pole, only not at the south, but at the north, which, let us recall, were both free from ice and cold at that time. The ability to fly that the Hyperboreans had made it possible to fly from pole to pole. Perhaps this explains the mystery of why the original map was drawn up as if the observer were in Earth orbit...

But soon, as we already know, the polar cartographers died or disappeared, and the polar regions were covered with ice... Where do their further traces lead?

It is believed that the highly developed civilization of Hyperborea, which perished as a result of a climate cataclysm, left behind descendants in the form of the Aryans, and they, in turn, the Slavs and Russians...

The search for Hyperborea is akin to the search for the lost Atlantis, with the only difference that a part of the land still remains from the sunken Hyperborea - this is the north of present-day Russia. However, unclear interpretations (this is our own private opinion) allow us to say that Atlantis and Hyperborea could actually be one and the same continent... Whether this is true or not, to some extent future expeditions should approach the solution to the great mystery.

In the north of Russia, numerous geological parties have repeatedly encountered traces of the activity of the ancients, however, none of them purposefully set their sights on
the goal is to search for the Hyperboreans.

In 1922, in the area of ​​Seydozero and Lovozero in the Murmansk region, an expedition led by Barchenko and Kondiaina took place, which was engaged in ethnographic, psychophysical and simply geographical research.

By chance or not, the search engines came across a strange manhole going underground. The scientists were unable to penetrate inside - a strange, unaccountable fear, an almost tangible horror, literally bursting out from the black throat, was in the way.

One local resident said that “it felt like you were being skinned alive!” A collective photograph has been preserved [published in NG-nauka, October 1997], in which 13 members of the expedition were photographed next to the mystical hole. After returning to Moscow, the materials of the expedition were very carefully studied, including at Lubyanka. It’s hard to believe, but A. Barchenko’s expedition is still at the stage
preparation was supported personally by Felix DZERDZHINSKY. And this was during the most hungry years for Soviet Russia, immediately after the end of the civil war! Which indirectly suggests that not all the goals of the expedition are known to us reliably. It is now difficult to figure out exactly what Barchenko went to Seydozero for; the leader was repressed and shot, and the materials he obtained were never published.

In the 1990s, Doctor of Philosophy Valery Nikitich DEMIN drew attention to the very scant memories that have reached us about Barchenko’s finds, and when he studied local legends in detail and compared them with Greek ones, he came to the conclusion that we must look here!

The places are truly amazing; Seydozero still evokes awe or at least respect among local residents. Just a century or two ago, its southern shore was the most honorable place for burial in a stone grave for shamans and other respected members of the Sami people. For them, the name Seydozer and the afterlife paradise were simply one and the same. Here, even fishing was allowed only one day a year... In Soviet times, the area north of the lake was considered a strategic raw material base; large reserves of rare earth metals were discovered here. Now Seydozero and Lovozero are famous for the frequent occurrence of various anomalous phenomena, and even... a small tribe of snow people who have become extremely rampant in the local taiga...

In 1997-1999, in the same place, under the leadership of V. Demin, searches were again undertaken, only this time for the remains of the ancient civilization of Arctida. And the news was not long in coming. So far, during the expeditions "Hyperborea-97" and "Hyperborea-98" the following were found: several destroyed ancient buildings, including a stone "observatory" on Mount Ninchurt, a stone "road", "staircase", "Etruscan anchor", a well under Mount Kuamdespahk; some artificial ancient products were selected (for example, a repairman from Revda, Alexander FEDOTOV, found a strange
metal "matryoshka"); Several images of the “trident”, “lotus” were studied, as well as the giant (70 m) rock cross-shaped image of a man known to all local old-timers, “old man Koivu” (according to legends, the defeated “alien” Swedish god was defeated and embedded in the rock south of Karnasurta).. .

As it turned out, “old man Koivu” is formed by blackened stones, along which water has been oozing from the rock for centuries. With other finds, things are not so simple either. Professional geologists and archaeologists are skeptical about the above finds, considering all of them to be nothing more than a play of nature, constructions of the Sami up to several centuries ago, and remnants of the activities of Soviet geologists in the 1920-30s.

However, when studying the arguments for and against, one cannot ignore the fact that it is always easier to criticize than to obtain evidence. There have been many cases in the history of science when researchers who were criticized to smithereens eventually got their way. A classic example is the “non-professional” Heinrich SCHLIEMANN, who discovered Troy where it “should not be.” To repeat such success, you need to at least be passionate. All of Professor Demin’s opponents call him “over-enthusiastic.” So, we can say that there is some hope for the success of the search.

It is necessary to search, since we are talking not just about the traces of one of the ancient peoples, but about a very highly developed civilization, perhaps, as V. Demin believes, the ancestral homeland of the Aryan, Slavic people, the place “where the peoples came from.” Could this actually happen in our inhospitably cold, mosquito-ridden North? Don’t rush to answer; once upon a time the climate of the current Russian North was much more favorable. As Lomonosov wrote, “in the northern regions in ancient times there were great heatwaves, where elephants could be born and reproduce... it was possible.”

Perhaps the sharp cooling occurred as a result of some kind of cataclysm or as a result of a slight displacement of the earth's axis (according to the calculations of ancient Babylonian astronomers and Egyptian priests, this happened 399 thousand years ago). However, the option of turning the axis does not work - after all, according to the ancient Greek chronicles, a highly developed civilization lived in Hyperborea for only a few thousand years
back and precisely AT THE NORTH POLE or near it (this is clearly evident from the descriptions, and these descriptions can be trusted, because it is impossible to invent and describe “from your head” the polar day in the way it is visible at the pole and nowhere else).

Where this could be is unclear; at first glance, there are not even islands near the North Pole. But... there is a powerful underwater ridge, named after the discoverer, the Lomonosov Ridge, and nearby is the Mendeleev Ridge. They really went to the bottom of the ocean relatively recently - according to geological concepts. If so, then the possible inhabitants of this hypothetical "Arctida", at least some of them, would have had time to move to the current continent in the area of ​​the Canadian Arctic Archipelago or on the Kola, Taimyr Peninsulas, and most likely in Russia east of the Lena Delta (exactly where
where the ancients advised to look for the famous "Golden Woman")!

If Arctida-Hyperborea is not a myth, then what then maintained the warm climate in the large circumpolar territory? Powerful geothermal heat? A small country may well be warmed by the warmth of gushing geysers (like Iceland), but this will not save it from the onset of winter. And in the messages of the ancient Greeks there is no mention of thick plumes of steam (it was impossible not to notice them). And this is a completely good hypothesis: volcanoes and geysers warmed Hyperborea, and then one fine day they destroyed it...

Hypothesis two: perhaps the cause of the warmth is the warm Gulf Stream current? But now its heat is not enough to heat a large area (as any resident of the Murmansk region, where the “warm” Gulf Stream ends its course, will tell you).

Maybe the current was more powerful before? It may well be. Otherwise, we will be forced to assume that the heat in Hyperborea was generally of artificial origin! If, according to the same Greek historians, there, in this heavenly place of God, the problems of longevity, rational land use, free flight in the atmosphere and many others were solved, then why shouldn’t the Hyperboreans “at the same time” solve the problem of climate control!?

* * * Directions to the search site for Arctida on Seydozero:
1) by train or by train to Olenegorsk, Murmansk region (from Moscow 1.5 days by train); by passing or by bus to Revda; then walk or take a shift bus to the mine about 10 km; walk about 15 km along the path through the pass strictly south to Seydozero; walk about 10 km along the path along the lake shore to the only surviving hut on the shore of Seydozero...

2) From Revda by bus to the village of Lovozero; go to the southern outskirts of the village; walk along the power line leading to the south (but not the one that leads to the west-southwest!), along a path and clearing (sometimes swamps) along the shore of Lovozero about 30 km to Motka (a hut on the shore of Lovozero) and the road leading to the west; along it about 2 km to the hut on Seydozero...

3) From Lovozero, rent a motor boat from local residents, which will take you 1 hour to Motka and the road to Seydozero; follow it to reach the hut.