What is the basis of the word examples. Structural elements in Russian

And a formative affix: pines-a, desert-I, eight-oh, our-a, entertaining th, chita-l. In immutable words, the stem is equal to the word: high , dreaming . In some cases, the basis may be intermittent:

  • verb forms containing a postfix -sya/ -ss learning -ie-Xia ;
  • stems of indefinite pronouns containing postfixes -then/ -or/ -someday how -oh-then ;
  • stems of some compound nouns cupboard -a-coupe ;
  • bases of compound numbers sem -and-ten -and.

Depending on the structure, the bases are derivatives and non-derivatives. non-derivative are stems that consist of one morpheme - the root: city , table , yellow th. Derivatives are the stems, which include two or more derivational affixes. It is usually a root combined with one or more suffixes: bread n -th; with one or more prefixes: flight ; with a suffix and a prefix at the same time: no-home-n -th). New words can be formed from both non-derivative and derived stems.

From derivative and non-derivative bases should be distinguished producing bases- bases from which new words are formed. For example, the non-derivative stem of the word forces-a is generating for the word strong th.


  • Ogekyan I. N., Volchek N. M., Vysotskaya E. V. et al. “Big reference book: All Russian language. All Russian Literature ”- Mn .: Publishing House of the Modern Writer, 2003. - 992 p.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Harihara
  • Crimea Island

See what the "Base of the word" is in other dictionaries:

    stem- 3.5 word stem: Part of a word used to form new words with a similar meaning. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    stem- the basis of inflection; the basis of shaping; inflectional stem) The common part of the forms of a word or the entire paradigm of inflection. For example: hare, hare, hare, etc ...

    stem- The part of the word that contains its lexical meaning and which remains if the ending and the formative suffix are taken away. base of the infinitive. The basis of the present. The basis is non-productive. The basis, which does not contain living ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    stem part of a word without an ending. The noun has one stem, the verb has two: the infinitive and the present tense. Forms of the past tense are formed from the first, including participles and participles; from the second - personal forms, it is visible in the forms ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    word stem in morphemic Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    word stem in morphemic- The common part of all word forms of the same word, which remains after cutting off the ending, the postfix me and formative suffixes ... Morphemics. Word Formation: Dictionary Reference

    The foundation- The basis of a polysemantic term: The basis of a word in morphology. The grammatical basis of a sentence in syntax. Warp (a system of fabric threads). The basis of the film is a celluloid tape on which photographic emulsion is poured. Basis ... ... Wikipedia

    Base (disambiguation)- Warp: The warp of the word The warp of the fabric is the longitudinal system of threads in the fabric. Osnova (Kharkiv) historical district of Kharkov. Basis (painting) ... Wikipedia

    stem of the infinitive (past tense)- The basis of the word without the formative suffix of the infinitive. It ends with O.i. to a vowel... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    the basis of the present (future simple) tense- The stem of the word obtained after discarding the endings in the forms of the present tense verb ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal


  • The words. Volume 3. Spiritual struggle, Paisius Svyatogorets. The book "Spiritual Struggle" is the third volume of the "Words" of St. Paisius the Holy Mountaineer - a guide to the sea of ​​spiritual life. People suffer from worries, insomnia, mental illness, and the reason for that is…

And a formative affix: pines-a, desert-I, eight-oh, our-a, entertaining th, chita-l. In immutable words, the stem is equal to the word: high , dreaming . In some cases, the basis may be intermittent:

  • verb forms containing a postfix -sya/ -ss learning -ie-Xia ;
  • stems of indefinite pronouns containing postfixes -then/ -or/ -someday how -oh-then ;
  • stems of some compound nouns cupboard -a-coupe ;
  • bases of compound numbers sem -and-ten -and.

Depending on the structure, the bases are derivatives and non-derivatives. non-derivative are stems that consist of one morpheme - the root: city , table , yellow th. Derivatives are the stems, which include two or more derivational affixes. It is usually a root combined with one or more suffixes: bread n -th; with one or more prefixes: flight ; with a suffix and a prefix at the same time: no-home-n -th). New words can be formed from both non-derivative and derived stems.

From derivative and non-derivative bases should be distinguished producing bases- bases from which new words are formed. For example, the non-derivative stem of the word forces-a is generating for the word strong th.


  • Ogekyan I. N., Volchek N. M., Vysotskaya E. V. et al. “Big reference book: All Russian language. All Russian Literature ”- Mn .: Publishing House of the Modern Writer, 2003. - 992 p.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what the "Base of the word" is in other dictionaries:

    stem- 3.5 word stem: Part of a word used to form new words with a similar meaning. Source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    stem- the basis of inflection; the basis of shaping; inflectional stem) The common part of the forms of a word or the entire paradigm of inflection. For example: hare, hare, hare, etc ...

    The part of a word that contains its lexical meaning and which remains if the ending and the formative suffix are taken away. base of the infinitive. The basis of the present. The basis is non-productive. The basis, which does not contain living ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    Part of a word without an ending. The noun has one stem, the verb has two: the infinitive and the present tense. Forms of the past tense are formed from the first, including participles and participles; from the second - personal forms, it is visible in the forms ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    word stem in morphemic Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    word stem in morphemic- The common part of all word forms of the same word, which remains after cutting off the ending, the postfix me and formative suffixes ... Morphemics. Word Formation: Dictionary Reference

    The basis of a polysemantic term: The basis of a word in morphology. The grammatical basis of a sentence in syntax. Warp (a system of fabric threads). The basis of the film is a celluloid tape on which photographic emulsion is poured. Basis ... ... Wikipedia

    Warp: Word warp Fabric warp is a longitudinal system of threads in a fabric. Osnova (Kharkiv) historical district of Kharkov. Basis (painting) ... Wikipedia

    stem of the infinitive (past tense)- The basis of the word without the formative suffix of the infinitive. It ends with O.i. to a vowel... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    the basis of the present (future simple) tense- The stem of the word obtained after discarding the endings in the forms of the present tense verb ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal


  • The words. Volume 3. Spiritual struggle, Paisius Svyatogorets. The book "Spiritual Struggle" is the third volume of the "Words" of St. Paisius the Holy Mountaineer - a guide to the sea of ​​spiritual life. People suffer from worries, insomnia, mental illness, and the reason for that is…

This is a special element in the structure of the word, distinguished along with morphemes. It is a part of a word without an ending and a formative suffix. The stem can match the entire word if it is invariant. The basis can be discontinuous: in recurrent ch. ( daring beXia ), for words with other postfixes ( which someday), for complex numbers ( heels bten ).

The grammatical sign of the basis - immutability, i.e. when changing the form of the word, the base remains the same. But sometimes there are changes in the basis: truncation ( next ← gave ek uy), increment ( skyeu a ← sky), suppletivism ( smaller ← small, us ← we).

The basis is the semantic core of the word, expresses its lexical meaning. The grammatical meaning is expressed by affixes that are not included in the stem.

Foundation types:

Articulated (it includes 2 or more morphs) / indivisible (consists of one morph)

Derivative / non-derivative

If the basis is a derivative, then it is usually segmented, because includes those affixes that took part in word formation.

If the basis is articulating, then it can be both derivative and non-derivative (with associated roots: hit-and-be).

Degrees of articulation of the base:

1. The highest degree of articulation is observed in words with free roots and regular affixes. The stems of such words are included in the double rows of matching ( house-ik:house Ashny,house winded,house earpiece ...; tableik , gardenik ).

2. A fairly high degree of articulation is observed in words with a connected root and a regular affix. Two comparative series are also possible ( agitation:agit ator,agit ation; conductorirov th, incentiveirov th…).

3. The residual articulation of the stem allows you to reproduce only one row: for words with a free root and a unifix ( glass beads), with a unique root and a regular affix ( ham) ... Not all linguists divide these words.

Word formation (derivation)

Derivation - 1) the process of creating new words in the language; 2) the word-formation system of the language (the system of relations between derivatives and generating words in the language); 3) a branch of linguistics that studies the word-formation system (derivatology). The central concepts of word formation - productivity, motivation .

With t.z. word formation all words are divided into derivatives and non-derivative .

Derivatives are motivated words derived from other words. The derived word is connected with the generating word semantically and structurally. The meaning of a derived word can always be interpreted through the meaning of the generating word. The ability to interpret the meaning of a derivative word through the meaning of the generating one is used in explanatory dictionaries. Word formation deals with the study of derivative words only.

Internal word form (Humboldt) is a sign underlying the name. It is included in the lexical meaning of the word. One can identify motivation and the inner form of the word.

For example: color ( camelina, blueberry), the size ( fat man), function ( refrigerator, dryer), connection with a place ( plantain), material ( down jacket)…

In the process of language development, a word may lose its internal form, as a result of which it loses such qualities as derivativeness and articulation ( ring - small stake, capital - table). In connection with this variability, synchronous and diachronic (historical) word formation is distinguished. The first studies the word-formation system of the language at a given stage of development, the word is studied from the point of view of the relationship in which it is with other currently active words. The second studies the history of the origin of the word, changes in its articulation and word-formation connections. Historical word formation is connected with etymology. For many NSL words, historical, morphemic and word-formation analysis can give different results.

For example: kidnap / kidnap. With t.z. historical approach root - predator- means "physical action" ( upward movement in the second word). From the standpoint of sync. word-form These are not single words: admiration ah, bypredator at(predator enenie).

* Generating word(base) - that from which a new word (derivative) is formed.

There is a basis in our whole world - this applies to both physical things and non-physical things. It turns out that even in an ordinary word there is a stem. What is the base word? We will give you a short answer to this question, especially since in our rhythm of life we ​​often forget the rules of the Russian language. The basis of a word in linguistics means that part of the word that we cannot change on our own. And if we change, then we violate the rules of the Russian language. The stem of a word shows us what the meaning of this word is lexical. Simply put, the stem of a word is its part without an ending and without formative suffixes (if there are such in the word). So, in the word "eighth" the basis of the word will be "eight", in the word "our" - "our", in the word "desert" - "desert". In words that do not change, the whole word will be the basis. Examples of such words: "dreaming", "high" (as an adverb).

How to highlight the stem of a word

In order to correctly highlight the stem of a word, you should take into account not only the sound part of the word, but also the letter part. First determine the end of the word, then - the formative suffixes, if any. The rest of the word, except for these, is the basis. Let's look at an example. In the word "read" we highlight the ending "and", "l" is a formative suffix for verbs in the past tense. We cut off these parts of the word and get the basis - "chita".

The basis of the word is non-derivative and derivative. A non-derivative stem is a stem that is indivisible into other morphemes; it consists of only one root. For example, in the word "forests" the stem "forest" consists of one root, so it is non-derivative. And in the word "run across" the basis "run over" consists of a prefix and a root, that is, it is divided into morphemes, so such a basis will be a derivative. Generating bases are also distinguished - these are the bases from which new words are produced. For example, the non-derivative stem "forest" is generating for the word "wooded".

The foundation- the nuclear part of the word, with which its real, lexical meaning is associated. This is a structural element of the word, which is characterized by stability, stability of the morphemic composition. Wed: strong th - strong- strong her - strong the most.

The stems of inflected words can be the same as root morphemes (trees about, white th) or include in its composition the root and derivational affixes (finds a, orders th, conspiracy about). The bases of immutable words are equal to the whole word: coat, up, from behind .

The basis is an operational unit of word analysis, which makes it possible to distinguish between grammatical forms and lexical units, to identify the generating base for derivatives.

There is a wide and narrow understanding of the term "the basis of the word". A narrow understanding is found in the school practice of teaching the Russian language, where it is customary to consider the part of the word without an ending to be the basis of the word: smart th, fun e, telling uy.

In university practice, the stem of a word is understood as a part of the word without form-forming affixes, i.e., inflections and form-forming suffixes are excluded from the composition of the stem: chita ing, thought I, writing th, speak l etc.

The bases of the word are heterogeneous; they differ:

1) by the nature of structural integrity;

2) by the number of roots included in their composition;

Based on various differentiating features, the following types of bases are distinguished:

1) compact - intermittent;

2) simple - complex;

3) segmented - non-segmented.

Compact the foundations are characterized by structural integrity: sentence th, fiction a, syn uy.

intermittent the foundations are distinguished by a violation of structural unity. These are the foundations “torn apart” by formative affixes: washing be Xia, how oh- or, peg current Xia.

Bases that include one root are called simple; combining multiple roots complex. Wed: forester logging a.

Bases containing one morph, i.e. further indivisible into morphs are called indivisible: dubo, run, suddenly etc. Bases consisting of several morphs are called articulating: purchase a- the stem of the word includes three morphs (prefix on-, root -kup- and suffix -to-), it is capable of dividing into morphemes and therefore is recognized as segmentable.

Any basis can be characterized by the features of all three differentiating levels. For example: base word shipbuilding - shipbuilding compact, complex, articulating; kiss - kissing... - intermittent, simple, segmented; a spoonspoon — compact, simple, indivisible.

Derivative word. Signs of a derived word

word formation, or derivatology(from Lat. derivatum "produced, derivative"), - a section of linguistics that studies the structure and semantics of derivative words, ways of their formation and their combination (grouping).

The main object of consideration in word formation is derived word (deri-vat). Derived words are words whose meaning and sound are determined by the semantics and sound form of other words with the same root; compare: student body student, reread read . A derived word is semantically and formally derived from another related word that motivates it.

This is beautifully reflected, for example, in the following dialogue:

“This [mushroom],” my mother says, “is called a boletus. You see, it grows under a birch. That's why it's called so - boletus. And here is the oil. Look how shiny their hats are.

“Yeah,” the girls say, “as if they were smeared with butter. (L. Panteleev)

The motivating word and the derivative are connected by the relations of word-educational motivation.

This is a relationship between two single-root words, in which the meaning of one of them:

1) or is determined through the value of another: transfer® interpreter ("one who translates"), elephant® baby elephant ("baby elephant");

2) either identical to another in all semantic components, except for part-of-speech meaning, cf.: gentle® gentle, quiet® quiet ;

3) either completely identical to another in semantics with a difference in stylistic coloring: Afghanistan® Afghan, teacher® teacher .

Motivating and motivated words make up word-building pair. A motivated word in this pair is a word that is formally and semantically more complicated than a single-root one: reindeer® venison, tractor® tractor driver, baker® bakery . Word bakery , for example, formally “longer” (by the suffix segment -n-) and semantically more complex words baker :it includes the semantic component "place".

In the event that both words coincide in the number of formal components, a word that is semantically more complex is recognized as motivated; compare: history-i (i) ® history-ico ("specialist in history"), melancholy-i (I)® melancholy-ico .

In order to correctly determine the direction of motivation and highlight the motivating word, it is necessary to use the technique of a detailed interpretation of the derived word: plowman "the one who plows" (motivating word - plow), sugar bowl"container for sugar" (motivating word - sugar), sail"inflate like a sail" (motivating word - sail), inevitable - "one that cannot be avoided" (motivating word - to avoid).

When interpreting derived words, typical definitions, or “word-forming paraphrases” (A.I. Moiseev), are used, which consist of two parts: a generalized (generic), usually represented by a pronominal block ( the one who...; what...), and species, highlighting the distinctive feature: teacher "one who teaches." “A correctly composed peri-phrase allows you to establish the very derivative of the interpreted word, the producing word and the direction of the derivative” 1 . Other types of interpretations are possible that highlight the motivating word: nautical "pertaining to the sea" ticketless - "does not have a ticket", cheerfulness "property according to the meaning of the adjective peppy, go bankrupt "become bankrupt"

So, if in morphemic articulated and inarticulate words are opposed to each other, then in word formation words are distinguished between derivatives and non-derivatives.

The derived word is characterized by a number of features.

1. The derivative has free connected articulation: water® watery, barrel® cooper . Words characterized by insufficient articulation are non-derivative in the modern language: ham, currant .

2. The most important feature of a derivative word is derivational motivation. As already noted, the semantics and form of the derivative are based on another word. As G. O. Vinokur noted, “the meaning of words with a derivative stem is always definable by referring to the meaning of the corresponding primary stem.” The word derivative criterion (G.O. Vinokur’s criterion) recognizes the obligatory existence in the language of a unit motivating this derivative: “... One can talk about a derivative basis only if and only as long as there is a non-derivative basis correlated with it.”

3. The derived word has a binary (two-component) structure. Consider, for example, the word storytelling . In terms of morphemic composition, five morphs are distinguished in it. From the word-formation point of view, in the structure of this word, two components of it are distinguished: the basis of the word from which this derivative is formed (telling-th) , and the means by which it is formed (suffix -none- ). The structure of the derivative is thus always binary. It distinguishes the generating base and the word-building formant, or derivator.

Manufacturing base- this is the basis of the motivating word or the entire motivating word as a whole, cf .: sow® sower, sow® sow; tolerate® patience; please® rejoice .

The producing base can also be represented by the basics of several words: snow-white white th how snow ; snowfall snow o + pad at; ice Goal th and ice about.

Word-building formant(derivator) - the smallest formal and semantic means by which a derivative word differs from a generating one. This is the most important element of the structure of the derived word. A derivational formant is, firstly, a means of expressing a derivational meaning, and secondly, a specific means of forming a derivative on the basis of one or another generating base, cf.: learn® teacher; nose® nose bridge; author® co-author; ear® ear .

We see that in all the examples considered, the formants are affixes and their combinations. However, the range of formants in the language is much wider.

The following are the formants (derivators) in modern Russian:

1) affixes (prefixes, suffixes, postfixes and their combinations - reread; reader; to study; scatter );

2) reduction (truncation) of the generating base (specialist® specialist; record player® magician) ;

3) a stable order of components during addition and a single main stress ( instant; dining car );

4) a change (usually narrowing) of the morphological paradigm (i.e., a system of grammatical forms) of a word associated with the transition from one part of speech to another ( ice cream, scientist, around noun ® adverb ® preposition).

All formants are respectively divided into two large classes: affixed and non-affixed (operational).

Affixal formants include word-building affixes and their combinations, non-affixed ones:

1) reduction (truncation) of the generating base (mage, manager);

2) stable order of components and the possibility of a single stress (the undersigned, dining car) ;

3) reshaping the morphological paradigm (teacher's room, future) . It is also possible to combine formants of different types in one derivative, see, for example, the words video, cartoon (when they are formed, truncation is combined with suffixation).