Verbs in the initial form do not have. Synopsis of the Russian lesson “The initial form of the verb

In order for phrases and sentences in the Russian language to be coherent and understandable, significant words for the most part have different grammatical forms that allow them to be connected with each other. And all such significant words have a “starting point” - the initial form of the word, and each part of speech has its own grammatical indicators. To put a word in this form means to learn a lot about it, for example, how it is spelled or what it means.

What is the initial form and how to put a word in it?

Most often, the word must be put in the initial form in order to make it easier to find it in the dictionary - spelling, explanatory, etymological, etc. forms.

In Russian, there are words that do not have an initial form, for example, the verbs itching and oppressing are not used in the infinitive.

So, in order to find out the initial form of a noun, you need to bring it to the form “singular, nominative case” (except when it is used only in the plural).

For pronouns, the initial form depends on which category they belong to. So, for personal it is the same as for nouns, and for possessive indicators the same as adjectives.

For numerals, the initial form is the nominative case, and for those that change by gender and number, the corresponding forms, that is, the singular, masculine.

initial form of the verb

It is also important to answer the question what is the initial form of the verb, that is, the infinitive. This is an indefinite verb that answers the question what to do or what to do?

It is devoid of mood, gender, number, tense and person, that is, it is, as they say, a verb in its purest form, which has the most complete lexical information and at the same time is minimalistic from a grammatical point of view.

A study was conducted, the purpose of which was the frequency of the use of infinitives in the text compared to the use of verbs in general. And it was found that although verbs were used the least in business speech, it was the indefinite form that prevailed among them. In the scientific style, which is abstract, the infinitive is also often used, but in the artistic style it is not so popular.

What have we learned?

Those words in Russian that can take different grammatical forms, that is, changeable, also have an initial form. It is needed in order to get general information about the word and look it up in the dictionary. Each part of speech has its own initial form, which depends on what changing grammatical features it has. A special case is the verb. Its initial form is the infinitive, that is, the most impersonal verbal form, devoid of grammatical features. Moreover, it is among the verbs that most often there are words without an initial form.

This form does not allow you to determine:

  1. Number;
  2. Time.

It only names the action or the state of the subject of the action. The initial form of the verb answers the questions:

  • What to do? (Print, eat, watch, love, dream);
  • What to do? (Print, eat, see, love, dream).

How to determine the initial form of the verb? It has the following permanent features:

  1. Transitivity:
    1. Transitions indicate the type of action directed at a specific object. Example: "You need to read the text five times." There is an addition "text" that answers the question "what?".
    2. Intransitives denote an action that is closed in itself and is not directed to any other object. Example: "The cat loves to sleep." It is impossible to find an addition to the word "sleep" that answers the questions "what?" or "who?"
  2. View:
    1. Imperfect - an action that is still taking place regardless of time, and not having completeness (read, act, walk).
    2. Perfect - an action that already has a result (read, burn).
  3. Returnability:
    1. Reflexive - verbs that have the postfix "-sya" at the end (to catch one's breath, to engage). They represent actions:
      1. with a return meaning, directed at the subject of the action (shave, dress, wash);
      2. with mutual meaning, performed by several subjects and aimed at each of them (hugging, quarreling, greeting, kissing, hugging);
      3. spontaneous nature (the door can open);
      4. permanent nature (Dog can bite);
      5. in the interests of the subject (to go to bed);
      6. inside the subject, his moral or physical state (laugh, rush, be disappointed, have fun, be upset).
      7. passive character (The house must be built by November).
    2. Irreversible - verbs without the postfix "sya" (draw, solve).
  4. Conjugation:
    1. 1 conjugation is determined by the endings "et", "ot", "at", "yat", "ut" (stand, fly, bark).
    2. 2 conjugation is determined only by the ending "it" (glue, whiten).
    3. There are three ways to put a verb in its initial form using:
  1. suffix "t" - if the stem of the verb ends in a vowel (fly, run, look, sit; exceptions - gnaw, put);
  1. suffix "ti" - if the stem of the verb ends in a consonant letter (carry, carry, acquire).
  2. “ch” - when alternating in the root of the verb with the letters “g”, “k”, “x” (guard - guard, shore - protect, bake - oven).

In a sentence, the initial form of the verb can be:

  • The subject is at the beginning of a sentence. (Choosing the right road is difficult.)
  • Compound predicate - along with an auxiliary verb (I'm starting to worry.)
  • Predicate - in impersonal sentences (It began to get dark early.)
  • Inconsistent definition - if there is a noun nearby with an abstract meaning. (Mom would understand my desire to buy this book.)
  • Complement - when the action of the subject is directed to the action of another person. (Pets teach children to treat living things responsibly.)
  • Circumstance - if after the verb, which denotes movement, you can put "to" (Vanya got up early in the morning to watch the dawn).

Let's talk about the initial form of the verb (it is also often called the indefinite, or infinitive). It is necessary to know about it because in the huge construction of human knowledge, the initial form of the verb is one of the main, bearing elements.

What is a verb

For those who graduated from school a long time ago and managed to forget a lot, it is worth recalling: a verb is a part of speech that describes an action. Read, go, do, write, draw, dream - all these words are verbs that differ only in their features.

About the verb

In Russian grammar, verbs have 7 features: tense, aspect, person, mood, gender, number, voice; often conjugation is also considered as a feature. Not in every case it is legitimate to speak about a separate sign or about all at once. In particular, it is characterized by the absence of a person, and the present tense, like the future, makes the conversation about the gender of the verb pointless.

It is pointless to study these signs, their differences from each other, as well as the possibility of conjugation, without establishing the main thing: what is the initial form of the verb. A synonym for this definition is the concept of an indefinite form and the term "infinitive".

The infinitive expresses the verb in the dictionary. This form is not accidentally called the initial one - it really is the start for further study of these parts of speech. Questions of the initial form of the verb - "What to do?" and "What to do?". Examples of the infinitive: lie down and forgive, cut and run, leave and return, call in and consider. Well, now we can talk about verbs in more detail, having examined in more detail their distinctive features.

About face and time

Dealing with (there are 3) is simple by determining who exactly reports the described action. The face reflects the attitude of the speaker to the ongoing process. The first singular number is the actions of the speaker himself: I do, I go. The same in the plural - the actions of the group that the speaker represents: we do, we walk. Second-person verbs characterize the actions of the interlocutor of the speaker or the group that he represents: you do, you go, you do, you go. The third person, regardless of the number, is the actions of outsiders who are not participating in the dialogue: doing, walking, doing, walking. The corresponding noun or pronoun will help you understand which person to attribute the verb to.

The tenses of the verb characterize the attitude to the moment when the described action is performed. There are 3 forms of the verb representing present, past and future tense. Examples go, do. For the past and future tenses, there are similar options: they went, they did, they will go, they will do.

Important to remember! The initial form of the verb is impersonal. Ideas about person, number, time are also inapplicable to the infinitive.

The gender of the verb and its mood

Verb changes occur not only in numbers, persons or tenses, but also in gender, like nouns. There are three genders: feminine, masculine, neuter - the pronoun or noun used together with it can also help determine whether a verb belongs to them. The sign of the gender of the verb appears exclusively in the past tense and is determined by the end: walked, walked, did. The concept of genus is not applicable.

An important characteristic of a verb is its mood, which can be indicative, imperative or conditional. Using describe actions that have either ever happened, or are happening at the moment, or will happen in the future. Examples of the indicative walked, walks, will walk, did, do, will do. The conditional mood tells about the actions desired or those that are possible under certain conditions. When forming a conditional mood, the initial form of the verb without an ending, the suffix "l", as well as the particle "by" are taken as the basis. Examples of the conditional mood: would go, would do. Verbs represent a command, an order, an invitation to action. Examples: do it, go get it! Often, the particle “-ka” is added to such verbs, which somewhat softens this order: do it, go!

About verb types

In its own way, it can be classified as perfect and imperfect. Imperfect characterize the action without any indication of its end, and in the form of an infinitive, the question "What to do?" Examples: walk, draw. In perfect form, these same examples will look different: go, draw, because here the verbs describe the completed action. The question that can be put to their infinitive is "What to do?".

Most verbs have both types: draw-draw, burn-burn, eat-eat. However, there are verbs without a paired form. These, in particular, include "belonging" - here only an imperfect form is possible. Or "find yourself" - this word, on the contrary, can only exist in its perfect form. There are also two-species verbs (such as "execute") - they combine the meanings of both types. Often in the case of two-species, the ending of verbs in the initial form looks like “-irovat” (“emigrate”).

Transitivity and Voice of the Verb

Properties such as transitivity and voice of the verb indicate its relationship with other objects. The notion of transitivity indicates the presence of an action object. Examples of transitive verbs: eat (soup), read (magazine) - here soup and magazine are the objects of action. The intransitiveness of the verb implies the absence of an application object. Examples of an intransitive verb are to work, to live (there is no specific object to which this action is applied). A special case of intransitive verbs are reflexive; here the performer of the action is at the same time the one to whom it is directed. In these cases, the initial form of the verb ends in "-sya": bathe, laugh, worry.

The voice of the verb considers the relationship between the subjects and objects of the action. The active voice characterizes the active construction. For example: the cat ate the fish. The cat (subject) performed an active action on the object (fish), the voice of the verb “ate” is valid. The same thought, formulated differently: the fish was eaten by the cat. This construction, unlike the previous one, is passive, and therefore the voice of the verb in it is passive.

And again about the infinitive

Knowing the characteristic features of verbs, it is worth talking about the infinitive in more detail. How to determine the initial form of the verb? It's very easy to ask a question. If in relation to the action being performed, you can ask: "What to do?" or “What to do?” means that the form of the verb describing this action is indefinite. Of all the signs considered, only the form is inherent in the infinitive, as well as such properties as transitivity and recurrence.

The formation of the infinitive occurs by adding a formative suffix to the root of the word. A characteristic suffix in the initial form of the verb is "-ti", "-t", "-ch". Examples of the infinitive: climb, carry, bake.

About verb conjugations

The conjugation of a verb is its change depending on persons and numbers: I write, he writes, we write, etc. Each verb can be attributed to the first or second conjugation; it is necessary to know about this affiliation in order to achieve the correct spelling for any particular case. Errors in the conjugation process are especially common in the case of unstressed verb endings.

To correctly determine conjugations, you need to know what the initial form of the verb is. The first conjugation represents all the mentioned parts of speech with the ending “-ovat” - to train, to inform. A number of verbs ending in “-et”, “-at”, “-yat”, as well as “lay” and “shave” (ending “-it”) belong to the same conjugation. The second conjugation is represented by all verbs with the ending "-it", with the exception of those already mentioned. This also includes individual verbs with the endings “-at” and “-yat”, if they are stressed (lie down, stand). Another part of the verbs belongs to the second conjugation (look, hate, etc.), which cannot be adjusted to any standards - they just need to be remembered. Knowing the rules of conjugation of verbs is the key to correct spelling, and simply a requirement for literacy. By the way, the infinitive itself is not conjugated and does not change depending on persons and numbers.

Verbs in a sentence

The roles of these parts of speech in a sentence can be different. Most often, the verb acts as an ordinary (simple) predicate: "Tolya bought bread." There are often cases of a complex verbal predicate: "Vanya decided to run to the store." The predicate in the present case is the whole construction (decided to run away), and the second verb in it is represented by the infinitive. Sometimes the verb can act as an inconsistent definition: "I didn't like the idea of ​​going there" (going there is an inconsistent definition).

The Russian language is unique in its own way in that it allows for more complex, truly fantastic constructions. “We decided to send, go find, buy a drink” - a sentence of 6 verbs, 5 of which represent an infinitive with a complete meaning and compliance with the rules of grammar. Foreigners are crying!


Most linguists are unanimous in their opinion that the first word spoken by ancient man was a verb. It is unlikely that our distant ancestor in those harsh times needed adjectives in the lexicon to describe the beauty of the night sky, and most of the nouns could well have been replaced by a pointing gesture in their direction. But the command “Run!” given to a fellow tribesman could well save his life, the word “I want” and the corresponding movement towards the mammoth carcass also left no doubt about what was said. In case of urgent need, only one verb could well replace all other parts of speech.

By the way, modern approaches to the study of foreign languages ​​also involve the primary study of verbs as the main means of expressing human needs. Naturally, native speakers also need a good knowledge of these parts of speech, their features and properties. And the infinitive plays a special role in the study of verbs.

Antonina Sendazhi
Synopsis of the Russian lesson "The initial form of the verb"

Topic lesson: initial form of the verb

Teacher primary national classes: Sendazhi Antonina Petrovna

Goals lesson: introduce students to the features, form ability to ask questions verbs in the initial form, determine verb as a part of speech according to its meaning and grammatical features, to determine infinitive verbs and use them in your speech.

Tasks: 1. Stimulate the active cognitive activity of students.

2. Develop the ability to independently draw conclusions based on observations and comparisons. Cultivate kindness, responsibility, love for Russian language.

Formation of UUD.

Personal UUD: show interest in new educational material, develop the ability for self-esteem.

Cognitive UUD: analyze, highlight the main thing, build reasoning about the topic, generalize.

Communicative UUD: formulate own opinion and position in statements, take into account different opinions.

Regulatory UUD: accept and save the learning task, plan your actions, adequately perceive the teacher's assessment, evaluate your actions and the actions of your comrades.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

The call is pouring

He calls us to lesson.

Let's all be careful

Diligent and diligent!

1. For lesson I have prepared proverbs, read them. Choose the proverb you want to make your motto lesson and write it down in your notebook slide 1

2. Definition of the topic, setting the task and goal lesson. Guys, find in the motto lesson, words that answer question: what to do? (learn, know).What part of speech do these words belong to? (to verb) What part of speech are we talking about? lesson? Of course, it is VERB. Let's remember what we already know about verb.

II.Knowledge actualization.

1. Frontal survey.

What verb?

Does the verb by numbers?

What are the three tenses verb?

What is the name of verb in Tuvan?

What times have Tuvan verbs?

How do they change verbs in Tuvan?

2. Find in proverbs Verbs, put a question to them, determine the time and date. (What did you do? TAKEN - pr., sing., m., What will you do? YOU ARE BORED - wd., sg., 2 person)

Is it possible to determine the time and date verbs LEARN and KNOW? (Not).

Who guessed that we would explore on lesson? (Verbs that answer the questions WHAT TO DO? WHAT TO DO? Correctly the textbook will help us to formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Turn to page 52, read the topic and goals lesson.

III. New topic.

1. Work on the table.

Read Verbs in pairs and ask them questions. Tell me how the couples are different verbs in the first and second columns (B verbs the second column has prefixes. They are designate finished action). write off, denoting prefixes. Underline in verbs -t, -ch, - ty.

Draw your conclusions from this table. (In case of difficulty, students can refer to the conclusion in the textbook on page 54)

Conclusion. verbs to learn, write - write, carry - bring, bake - bake - this indefinite verbs. The verb in the indefinite form answers questions: what to do? what to do? Verbs in the indefinite form end in -Т, -TI, - CH. AT verbs of the indefinite form -Т, -CH are written with a soft sign.

IV. Fixing a new topic.

Read the actions and follow the movements. slide 3

1. Exercise 4, page 55. (Orally). Task for the exercise. Read. Bet to verb questions. Say what words are used verbs in indefinite form.

What to do? What to do?

you can (it is forbidden) tell tell

I should (must) decide decide

Students' output. With the words it is necessary, it is necessary, it is possible, it is impossible, it must, it is ready, I am glad, I can, I want to use indefinite verbs that answer the questions WHAT TO DO? and WHAT TO DO?

2. Drawing up dialogues according to samples. slide 5

3. Work in a group. Independent work. slide 6

V. Summary lesson. Correlation of the set tasks with the achieved result.

What goals did we set for ourselves? Did we manage to solve them?

What question does it answer indefinite verb?

Name the endings indefinite verbs.

If you were interested, it's easy to lesson, all sorted out, pick up the red token.

If sometimes there were difficulties, doubts, did not quite like the work, raise the blue token.

If you didn’t understand the topic, it wasn’t very interesting, pick up the green token.

Evaluation by the teacher.

Thanks guys for lesson. You worked actively, were attentive, helped each other.

Homework. Exercise 9, page 57

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For the correct spelling of verbs in Russian, it is important to be able to determine their initial form.

A verb is a part of speech that denotes an action or indicates a state.

The initial (indefinite) form is a special grammatical form of the verb, the infinitive, and it stands out from the rest of the parts of speech. The infinitive answers the verb questions what to do? what to do?.

The name of this part of speech (infinitive) originates from the Latin language and is translated as "indefinite". This word (infinitivus), or rather its derivative "infinitive" indicates a special verb form. The situation is similar to nouns and their initial form of the nominative case, which is always given in explanatory dictionaries.

If you ask these questions (what to do? what to do?) to any form of action, you can get the initial form, which will be considered indefinite or null.

Ordinary verbs can be conjugated by person and number, tense, and mood. The bottom line is that neither time, nor number, nor any other grammatical category of the taken verb can be determined by the infinitive (for example, he cuts(n.v., singular), what to do? - chop(?, ?.). The always indefinite form ends in –th, -ti or – whose.

Definition of the initial form of the verb

Any verb that indicates the completion of an action or a state can have an indefinite form, for example:

  • floated (what have you been doing?) - swim (what to do?) ;
  • you go (what are you doing?) - go (what to do?) ;
  • I'll hit (what will I do?) - hit (what to do?) ;
  • Greetings (what do i do?) - greet (that do?).

It is not difficult to determine the initial form of the verb, it is enough just to ask one of the indicated questions to the word. Also, the ending indicates uncertainty ( -th, -ti). For example:

  • I will come - come ti ;
  • Sew - sew be ;
  • run - run be ;
  • reads - read be ;
  • Gives - yes be ;
  • Writes - writing be .

It is worth noting that some of the verbs do not have a (zero) ending at all (they end in – whose), for example:

  • We take care - take whose (root, no ending);
  • attracts - attracts whose
  • lay down - lay down whose (prefix, root, no ending);
  • Bake - ne whose (root, null ending).

You also need to pay special attention to some zero verbs, in which the letter “Y” is written at the root of the word. For example:

  • Walked around - about th ti;
  • Let's go for th ti;
  • Passed - transfer th ti;
  • Let's go - you th ti.

It is noteworthy that the infinitive can answer two questions. Such a variety speaks of different lexical types of the word, which are called perfect and imperfect forms. The view indicates the compliance of the action with the limit (occurs at the beginning or at the end). For example, the imperfect form of action is not limited by any framework. This is a permanent action that is periodically repeated (for example, e eat, beat, sleep, guess - what to do?). The perfect form indicates an action that has been completed, but has saved the result at the time of the conversation (for example, swim, oversleep, go - what to do?).

What is the purpose of the infinitive in verbs?

One of the reasons for using the infinitive is that in some words the endings are not stressed. This happens when people have doubts about the spelling of the letters "e" and "i" in word forms:

  • Build or build;
  • Glues or glues;
  • We are healthy or healthy.

For the correct spelling of such words, you will need to determine the conjugation of these verbs using the infinitive form. Everything is quite simple.

Another point is that in the past tense, verbs often receive unstressed suffixes. For example:

  • Glue - glued;
  • Sow - sowed;
  • Hate - hated.
  • Depend - dependent.

Based on the indefinite form, other word forms of verbs are created, for example:

Leleya-t - lele-yal, lele-yu, lele-jav(only the ending changes, the stem remains exactly the same as in the infinitive).

That is why it is so important to accurately determine the initial form and highlight the unstressed suffix in it. Without this knowledge, it will not be possible to correctly write verbs in the past tense, past participles, gerunds.

Morphological characteristics of the infinitive form of verbs in Russian

Indefinite verbs are needed to indicate the action or state of what is being said. At the same time, they do not have any changeable characteristics that are inherent in other parts of speech and forms. Infinitives received only unshakable morphological definitions:

  • Recurrence.
  • Conjugation and transitivity.

Consider the proposal: They started lighting up the fires little by little. Let's highlight the morphological characteristics using the example of the initial form "ignite".

Spark off- answers the question what to do?

  • It is a verb indicating an action;
  • Infinitive form;
  • Imperfect species;
  • Irrevocable;
  • Intransitive;
  • First conjugation.

Syntactic purpose- part of the compound verbal predicate "began to light".

Consider another suggestion: She dreamed of being freed from captivity.

break free- answers the question what to do?

  • Verb, indicates some action;
  • Infinitive form;
  • Perfect view;
  • Intransitive;
  • returnable;
  • First conjugation.

Syntax assignment - inconsistent definition.

It is important to remember that the initial form of the verb answers the questions “what to do? what to do?" and can be any member in the sentence.