How to serve well in the army. Advice to a recruit, or the difficulties of army life

Many of those who are just about to experience all the hardships and hardships of military service have no idea what awaits them. In anticipation, they simulate situations that they might get into on the first day of service, winding themselves up and experiencing unnecessary excitement. To discard all negative thoughts and understand how to behave in the army in the first days of service, you just need to read this article.

The right mindset for service

An important psychological factor for a recruit is the right attitude to the service. If there is one thing that needs to be done in the army on the first day, it is to discard all negative thoughts. It is worth considering that there is no escape from the service, and there is nothing left but to simply take it for granted. You need to understand that this stage of life is often a turning point, making a real man out of a simple boy. Therefore, immediately set yourself up to overcome the maximum number of difficulties that may arise. As the saying goes, "Hope for the best and prepare for the worst." With the right attitude, even the most difficult situation will seem like a mere trifle.

How to communicate with others

On the first day of service, newly arrived recruits are assigned to platoons and companies, thus forming new teams. Each person has his own character and is accustomed to the amenities that surrounded him before in civilian life. In this regard, conflicts between soldiers often arise in newly created teams. Someone creates conflict situations wanting to assert themselves, while someone is simply infuriated by the new situation. Remember, you should not make enemies for yourself in the early days, since in such a team you have to go through the entire period of service and endure many difficulties.

You can talk about all the problems in the army with an officer

Don't be greedy!

For almost all conscripts, parents collect large bags of food so that they have enough at least for the first time, before the body gets used to army food. Arriving at the unit, there is no need to save or hide food.

  1. Firstly, all perishable food that you brought with you will be removed on the first day, this is done to prevent intestinal diseases that recruits can pick up due to spoiled food.
  2. Secondly, those who hide and eat everything alone do not enjoy the respect of the team and will remember this act until the end of their service.

Don't be provoked

Upon arrival at the service and after the loss of all the charms of civilian life, the positive mood of most soldiers disappears somewhere, and some even fall into depression. Because of this, someone can provoke you into conflicts and clashes, however, you should not be led to them. There is also a certain period of "grinding", when the soldiers get used to each other, studying the characteristics of the character. Whatever mood you are in, you should not be led to provocations, since it is better to keep your ego than to receive a disciplinary sanction for a fight or other hazing, leaving a stigma in your personal file for the entire period of service.

What you don't want to think about

The sooner you ask yourself such a question, the better, since negative thoughts have a very negative effect on the general condition of the recruit. Understand that now you are starting a new life for at least a year, and everything that happened before is left in civilian life.

The most common problem among newly arrived soldiers is homesickness. There is no getting away from this, you will have to forget about home comforts for a while, it is worth understanding on the very first day and try not to think about it anymore.

The second most negative thought is longing for your girlfriend (if you were in a relationship), who promised to wait faithfully. Do not worry. From such a long breakup, you can get a lot of useful things, since any relationship must be tested by time. If a girl really deserves you and truly loves you, then she will definitely wait. Otherwise, such relations were doomed to failure even without an army.

In a word, do not spoil your mood with bad thoughts.

How to stay in a new team

As a recruit will prove himself in the team from the very beginning, so he will be treated throughout the entire period of service. There is no need to withdraw into yourself and avoid dialogue with your comrades, since this kind of behavior often alarms other military personnel. AT first day in the army to behave defiantly not worth it either. For every stubborn fighter, there is an even more stubborn one. Therefore, it is best to be yourself and behave naturally. And by the way, even if a young soldier decides to hide some of his qualities, then over time they will open. This is a feature of the army - here a person can be seen through and through, since no one is able to play a role for 365 days.

The appearance of a soldier

From the first days, officers and senior comrades will let you know that a neat appearance of a soldier is an integral part of military discipline. A soldier must always be clean-shaven, neatly trimmed, and shoes must shine. The uniform of a soldier must be ironed and washed, as soldiers who smell unpleasant are not respected among their comrades. Keep in mind that the habit of monitoring your appearance will come in handy for you in civilian life as well.

Norms of behavior in conflict situations

If you still could not avoid a conflict situation, then behave with dignity, not succumbing to unnecessary emotions. Remember that using your fists is the last resort, and almost any conflict can be resolved with words. As a rule, most conflicts in the initial stages of service can literally take place from scratch, so it’s better to think about a further relationship with a person than to burn all the bridges by insulting him greatly.

Hazing in the army

Every year, the manifestations of the so-called hazing becomes less and less, this is due to the service life and general trends. For example, now you can call the military prosecutor's office from a mobile phone and the punishment will instantly overtake the so-called "grandfather". Of course, in some units there are military personnel who practice these negative traditions (we can judge this from the news that immediately fills the Internet and the information space), but there are few such individuals and they are often sent to places from which hazing came to the army. Now more practiced respect for more experienced military personnel. From childhood, we were taught that elders must be respected, in this case everything is the same. The main thing is to understand the difference in the concepts of "respect" and "sycophancy" and clearly separate them. If you were wrong about something, it’s better to admit it and do it right later, because otherwise the old-timers can remember you for a long time, constantly putting “sticks in the wheels”.

Solve problems as they come

Every day, a soldier may have problems that in no case should be kept in himself. If you can't handle something, share it with your co-worker, officer, or even a psychologist. Remember, any problem is solvable, so do not put it off until later. Understand everything in a timely manner, and there will be no problems in the future.

Letting her son go to the army, every mother or girl will be very worried. There is no need to convey extra negative emotions to the recruit, which he already has enough. Support him as much as you can, and remember that by releasing a boy into the army, in a year you will meet a real man. Be sure to ask for the phone number of the commander of the unit (not part), so that you can call him in case of emergency. Also, you can take the phone number personally during the oath.

IMPORTANT! If you have the commander's number, then you don't need to call him every week or, even worse, daily! You have this number for any emergency or if your son does not get in touch for a month.

The father must definitely choose the right parting words to give his son confidence.

Based on all this, we can conclude that you should not be afraid of military service. Everyone who has gone through this speaks very positively about these times. Be yourself and luck will smile on you.

A few weeks after the call, each soldier takes the oath. You can read more about this event in the articles on our website.

IT IS DEFINITELY that the army is somewhere deep below in the list of life values ​​of today's teenagers, leaving the top places for girls, "swill", discos and other "bells and whistles". But suppose that it was not possible to mow down, and you still have kirzachi, outfits, physio, combatant and other joys of soldier service. What to do?
AT MY "farewell benefit" I do not advise future soldiers to "bite to disgrace" - drink exactly as much as you have enough to stay on your feet. Of course, you will not succeed in getting enough sleep on your last night at home. True, it would be very good to take a nap for an hour or two, because you will surely have tiring journeys, transfers and expectations.
When you go to work, don't dress up. Put your Lewis sweaters, diesels and other outfits in the closet, mentally say goodbye to them before you return and choose something simpler for yourself. Because your belongings, despite the assurances of officers and ensigns, will not find their way home. You should not take a solid electric razor with you or a full set of toiletries and writing supplies, limit yourself to a simple machine with a pack of blades, a bar of soap, a tube of paste with a brush, a comb, a pen with a notebook and a couple of envelopes (parents and friends in their letters to you will send envelopes). This is already in the process of your service, having matured and matured, you can ask your parents to send you at least a telefax with a photocopier.
There must also be a spoon and a few needles and threads - this is a shortage in many parts. Shoe brushes and wax (the cream is still too greasy for you!) are found in parts in abundance.
Arriving at the unit, try to find more friends. Look for a countryman from a soldier of an older conscription - this will be some kind of protection and patronage for you. Do not immediately boast of your achievements and talents. If they find out that you were a good sprinter or guitarist in civilian life, then you will be forced to beat the records of Ven Johnson and Carl Lewis or recklessly please the ears of "grandfathers" all night long. So it's simply unprofitable for you to "climb on the rampage." Write a letter to family and friends immediately. In general, letters from home are a huge psychological support and a breath of fresh air. This young soldier lives on. Write more often, but do not report anything bad to your relatives - both for them and for you, this will not be the best option.
If you really become unbearable, you should not rush to extremes or run and "knock" the officers. This will be the most, perhaps, the biggest mistake in your life, and you will only aggravate your service and make your further stay in the unit impossible.
Usually in the army they will never touch a person who has dignity, who has not tarnished his honor (no matter how trite it may sound). Some of the so-called "chmoshniki" do not stand up and arbitrarily leave a part of them - they did not differ in dignity even in civilian life, could not stand up for themselves and always hid behind other people's backs.

First service time

The MOST important thing in the first time of service is to figure out what's what. And to understand the sooner the better, that is, to feel the atmosphere of soldier's life, its spirit. And then there will be less swearing and offensive words like “brake”, “handbrake”, etc. in your address. you will be elected as a "messenger" for cigarettes, vodka or something from food to the store, which is located behind the fence of the part, then you can safely count the first prize point into your asset - this is at least a small but important victory for you: they trust you and noticed that, although a little, but you are distinguished by intelligence and quick wits from the rest. And in no case should you think that this important function was entrusted to you, because you have become a "duty ass" or a sycophant. No, this is a misconception. In the end, all "spirits" usually go through this, but not everyone copes with it. It remains only to "do not fly" on this task.
You should not "die" when they decided to check you - they forced you to do push-ups from the floor, etc. - endure the blow (to be honest, in most cases they do not differ in strength) or calmly do push-ups, as much as they require from you. If you can't, do push-ups as much as you can.
It's not bad to study the character of the "grandfathers" - sometimes be rude to the weak-willed or "get rid" of the task assigned to them (you also need to gradually gain courage and arrogance). Control yourself in everything, check whether everything is in place - because of some torn off button you will have trouble.
If you notice something is wrong with a friend, tell him about it. Sitting in the Lenin Room studying the statutes, do not suffer and do not think about what is left in civilian life - try to thoroughly study all these books, and you will have fewer problems with tedious questions at briefings and divorces. And the learned charter is your legal protection.
Special conversation - soldering. In the army they eat and want to eat everything - from a skinny ders to an excessively well-fed demobilization. You should not show that you are hungry, like the inhabitants of besieged Leningrad, you should not tearfully beg for supplements and say that a breeze is walking in your stomach. The so-called "shortage" in the army is very disliked. You will still have to learn the art of fast food intake.
I would like to say more about the officers. As you know, there are no completely identical people - just as there are no completely identical officers and ensigns. Although they all have one thing in common. No wonder one general said: "Why are you making such a smart face? You are an officer!" Try to learn their names, titles, positions, and character as soon as possible. Knowing the character of an officer, you can easily manipulate his feelings, play on them. For example, knowing the lousy character of the noisy and always dying foreman, you will ask not him, but the "green" platoon commander to take you to the post office to call home. And the last. I do not advise arguing with officers and ensigns, because, as you know, they are always right.

How to negotiate with "Grandfathers"

1. A victim is selected among the grandfathers, and the candidate for treatment must be the most frostbitten. These are hard to break, but forever.
2. Arrange in advance with the orderly, who stands on the nightstand at 3-4 in the morning, to wake you up. You get up, get dressed, pick up a couple of trusted comrades. You send an orderly quietly (according to all the rules :)) to wake up the victim to tell him that the land from the neighboring part came to him on an urgent matter, whores from the city, etc. (according to circumstances) and that they are waiting for him in the smoking room, behind the cubicle on the street (optional).
3. There, a dense beating of the torso is arranged for the victim, it is possible with legs.
4. The most important stage: _moment_of_truth_. Here it is necessary to approach this process creatively. The main thing is to break the will of the scumbag. There are plenty of methods. But be sure to break. He will not knock. For this, his grandfathers will choke.
5. Send him to bed. Don't sleep on your own. Control the sleeping area.

In the morning there will be one less bastard, it will become silk. When grandfathers can and will pizdet, but politely. And he will forget about the opening of his hands. There is one more thing - never remind him of that St. Bartholomew's night. At every opportunity, he will say to grandfathers like: "to hell with these young people ... demobilization soon ... suddenly a disbat?" The main thing is to sow confusion in the ranks of bastards.
And with skulls it is necessary to fight a call for a call, having previously scolded the most zealous at every opportunity. Old-timers usually do not interfere in such disassemblies - they are just for fun, and grandfather's show-off does not allow them to descend from Olympus to the mortal spirit-skull earth. :)
Our call was transferred ahead of time into skulls, and the skulls were transferred back into spirits. Their grandfathering was not very grandfatherly.
In the original forward (ARMY.TXT) it was mentioned about the "education" of weak conscripts with their own call ... This should not be done in any case. In this case, you become like a six, a mongrel barking at the order of the owner. We must stick together and support the weak guys. They are _yet_ weak and weak-willed.
You will not have a more faithful and reliable comrade if you are the first to extend a helping hand to him. We must find the right word and be friendly indulgent. Such weaklings in the appropriate scenario

Every young man who is preparing to pay his debt to the Motherland is tormented by the question of how to behave in the army so that there are no unnecessary problems. And they can be understood, because everyone heard stories about cruel hazing and harsh officers. Therefore, the conscript simply needs to know in advance how to behave in the army during the first days, especially since the first impression is always the most important. The first thing the conscript should know is that in 2008 a reform was carried out and the term of service was changed from 2 years to 1 year, so hazing, as such, simply cannot be. Therefore, the so-called "grandfathers" can not be afraid. But, as always in a closed society, in the army a young man may encounter people who want to dominate everyone, who are able to use brute physical force for this purpose. How to be in this case? Silently endure beatings? Not! Previously (until 2008), soldiers really had to do this. Some tried to fight back. At present, the guys have several ways to defend themselves.

In most military units, recruits immediately upon arrival receive leaflets with the contacts of the commander of the military unit, his assistant and the prosecutor's office. You can also easily find telephone numbers of the regional committee of soldiers' mothers, the FSB department, a psychologist and others on the information stands. You should immediately enter these numbers in your cell phone directory or notepad and send them to your parents. By the way, soldiers are allowed to use phones. Each section has different rules. Somewhere the phone is always with the soldier, somewhere they are issued for the weekend. In any case, you should not think that the army is like a prison, that there will be no connection with relatives, and so on. The main thing is not to abuse it and behave in the army with a phone like a first grader. It's easy to survive in the army. You just need to show the offender in time that no one is going to tolerate his antics. That if he continues to cling, offend, insult, threaten and so on, then an application will be filed with the prosecutor's office. And they won't pat him on the head.

Someone might think that after that everyone will call him a snitch and stop communicating with him. This is not true. In order not to feel like in a prison in the army, you do not need to behave like in a prison. The main thing is to correctly present everything to the offender. Don't say things like, "I'll complain." It is necessary to tell him something like: “I don’t have the slightest desire to argue with you and waste time on you, therefore, if you don’t calm down, I will write a statement to the prosecutor’s office, you will be punished, and I will calmly continue to serve and wait for demobilization ." Such a phrase will easily help to pacify the aggressor and discourage his desire to humiliate, insult, and so on. But again, you don’t need to shout about it at every step, it’s better to do it when you are alone with the offender. And you need to speak in a calm tone. In no case should the voice break, breathing should not go astray, it should be even. Then the aggressor will see that his failed "victim" really does not feel fear, does not panic and is serious and decides that this person really should not be messed with.

Another important point that everyone needs to know. The rules of conduct in the army do not allow you to carry bread or other products from the canteen in your pockets. Unlike past years, now the army is fed very well, so you don’t need to behave like a beggar at the station. Otherwise, you can get an outfit or some other punishment. By the way, when a package arrives from home or relatives arrive with gifts, in no case should you be greedy and try to eat everything tasty alone. Be sure to share with your colleagues. After all, everyone wants something tasty, and only a few have the opportunity to get this most delicious thing. Moreover, everyone was taught from childhood that greed is bad. You can’t be greedy, especially when you are in a confined space with people who replace a family for a long time. Otherwise, you can remain alone until the end of the service. The conscript needs to understand that, going into the army, he begins adulthood. He goes there to become a man, and not to ruffle his mother's nerves with constant calls and tearful requests to do something and take him home, because here it turned out to be not as interesting as he thought at first. On the contrary, during communication with parents, you need to talk about your successes. Then they will have something to be proud of their son.

Service in the army of conscripts involves the fulfillment of certain military duties every day: military training, improvement of specialized skills, sports training, study and observance of the charter, duty, strict observance of army discipline, and so on. In addition to this list, there are other responsibilities. A complete list of what conscripts do in the army depends on what rank the soldier is in and what skills he has at the time of being drafted into the army.

Military service principles

The law of the Russian Federation clearly spells out all the principles by which military service should be carried out:

  • The principle of legality (military service by conscript soldiers must be carried out in accordance with all laws in force in our country);
  • Subordination to superiors;
  • Prohibition on the creation of any parties and movements;
  • Availability of military service (all citizens of Russia of military age have equal rights to serve in the army, regardless of their abilities, profession, nationality, discrimination does not exist here);
  • Fulfillment of their duties and responsibility, as well as punishment for their inappropriate performance;
  • Military service is obligatory for all Russian male citizens of military age who have no legal grounds not to serve.

How is the military service

After arriving at the military unit, each soldier undergoes initial military training, which usually lasts no longer than two months. After that, each recruit must take an oath of allegiance to the country - standing in front of the flag, take an oath to abide by the Constitution and laws of the country, as well as military regulations, and follow the orders of their commanders.

After taking the oath, military personnel acquire certain rights and obligations, and from that moment on they acquire the right to be appointed to any positions, as well as to take part in hostilities, to be on duty, to be assigned to military equipment and weapons. Violation of the oath entails military liability, up to and including arrest. A soldier cannot, at his own discretion, change his position, place of military service and its duration, or his duties. The soldier is obliged to obey the orders of his commanders.

The list of duties of each conscript soldier is influenced by his rank and position. A soldier receives a rank and position based on the level of his training and the conscientiousness of his service.

Everyone who serves in the army is required to wear a military uniform with appropriate insignia that reflect the type of troops, rank, belonging to specific troops, type of troops, and so on.

For the duration of his service in the army, a soldier receives the right to carry weapons. Each conscript is assigned a personal weapon, which he must keep in proper condition.

Duties of a military soldier

A list of what conscripts do in the army

  • Physical training;
  • Drill;
  • fire training;
  • The study of the material part of the weapon;
  • Service training (performance of duties depending on the position held and troops);
  • Duty, watch, patrol.

Enlisted soldiers have the following ranks

  • private;
  • corporal;
  • Lance Sergeant;
  • sergeant;
  • staff Sergeant;
  • foreman.

The ranks of privates and sailors are automatically received by conscripts as soon as they are enlisted in the unit. The ranks of senior sailor and corporal are assigned to those recruits who are excellent students in their studies, have high levels of training and set an example of discipline. The ranks of sergeant and foreman are awarded to a soldier if he passes the exams for such a rank in the educational unit perfectly.

To date, the term of service in the army is 12 months, after which the serviceman is dismissed from service in the reserve. That is, he can be called up again in case of war. Dismissed to the reserve may be called up to the unit for military retraining.

You can get even more information about military service if you read our article -.

On the wires, try not to drink a lot, but it is better to give up alcohol altogether.

When leaving for work, do not dress pretentiously. Choose some casual clothes. The wealthy are not well liked in the army, and this can greatly affect relations with other conscripts.

First time

Arriving at the unit, try to find friends as soon as possible. It is even better to find a fellow countryman who could help and protect you in unpleasant cases. Do not boast of your achievements, especially if you are a good athlete or know how to play. "Grandfathers" can test you.

The sooner you figure out how the orders are arranged in your unit, the better. Then much less curses and threats will fly to your address. If you were chosen from all the newcomers to go to the store, then this is a huge plus, since the “grandfathers” began to trust and singled out you as smart.

Do not think that you have been assigned the role of an errand boy, this is an erroneous opinion. The main thing is not to let the "grandfathers" down, then the service will be much easier.

Constantly check your appearance. You can seriously get for a torn off button, for example. If you see that a friend has something wrong with his appearance, be sure to tell him. Generally, help others and be the first to lend a helping hand. In no case do not break down on other guys from your call.

Try to learn all the statutes as quickly as possible. This will save you unnecessary problems and give you some legal protection.

If in the army it became unbearable for you, you should not lose heart or, even more so, “snitch” on others. This can be the biggest mistake: the attitude of the entire environment will become extremely negative towards you, and further service will be impossible. In this case, it is better to immediately ask to be transferred to another part, but this may not save the situation. At another duty station, you will still be asked why you transferred.

The army does not touch people who know how to defend their honor and dignity. If people cannot stand up for themselves in civilian life, then they have a bad time in the army. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance for the service, set yourself up for courage, courage and learn self-defense. Of course, in recent years, hazing has become weaker, but it still exists.

In the canteen, eat quickly and don't beg for more. They don't like them very much, because no one eats enough in the army.