How to make a portfolio for a first grader. Page Templates

In our time, kids sometimes get acquainted with the Italian word "portfolio" even in kindergarten. Well, at school, almost every child is faced with the need to create a kind of diary of achievements.

It should be noted that the proposal to introduce the mandatory production of a portfolio for a student is not without reason. Firstly, such work brings together the child and parents, who together create something designed to represent the personality of the student. Secondly, to develop, you need to come up with design, wording, create a beautiful composition of text and images. Thirdly, a positive perception of oneself is formed, because various diplomas, certificates and other evidence of children's achievements are added to the album.

How to make a portfolio for a student in 1 hour

The easiest and fastest option is to use templates to create a student portfolio. These are ready-made pages into which you can paste or embed with the help of the necessary photos and text fragments. You can choose from a huge variety of themes and designs that will be close to the child - a favorite cartoon character, for example. Older students will appreciate the design in or club theme. It will take about an hour to work, a color printer and photographs in electronic or printed form.

How to make a portfolio for a student from scratch

Before for the student, it is necessary to discuss with him the type of the future album, its general theme and specific details. It is also important to sketch out a rough plan. Below is a convenient algorithm that can be used when creating a portfolio of a younger student. It will be displayed as a list of sheets that should be contained in the folder, and how exactly to organize them is a matter of your preferences and capabilities. Given the fact that new pages will need to be added to the portfolio, it is best to choose a file folder on rings with a thick cardboard cover.

  1. Its central part will be occupied by a photo of the student, and around the perimeter you can place images of his favorite cartoon characters, toys or other hobbies cut out from magazines or postcards. It also indicates the data of the child (name, date of birth) and the educational institution in which he receives education.
  2. Pocket with postcards and congratulations received on the Day of Knowledge.
  3. My name. A section can include more than one sheet. The student deciphers the meaning, tells about the history of his name. It tells about the one who made the decision to call it that way, what this person was guided by.
  4. A family. You can abundantly illustrate the section with photographs. A story about each of the relatives and about the family in general, some family traditions and other interesting things. A great option is a family tree that allows the child to learn more about their ancestors.
  5. "This is me". Self-portrait.
  6. My hand is in 1 (2,3,4…) class. It is proposed to circle the palm along the contour or smear it with paint and leave an imprint on the sheet (which is much more fun).
  7. My daily routine. Description with illustrations.
  8. Hobbies.
  9. Friends.
  10. My city. A local history excursion into the history of the native city, photographs of sights and views, everything that the child wants to tell about his small homeland.
  11. How do I go to school. Route map from home to school with obligatory marks in the most dangerous fragments of the path, and also - the home address of your student.
  12. My school.
  13. Favorite teachers. Photos, names and patronymics, as well as characteristics of teachers with whom the student regularly interacts.
  14. My class. A general snapshot of the class with a list of children. Friends deserve special mention.
  15. Schedule of lessons. The sheet is replaced every year or a new one is attached.
  16. What will I be when I grow up. Description of the future profession and justification for its choice.

This is followed by the subsections “My Achievements” (certificates and diplomas for participation and victories in various competitions and competitions, letters of thanks) and “Piggy Bank of Creativity” (a collection of creative works during training: drawings, poems, compositions, photographs of handicrafts).

Knowing how to make a portfolio for a student, you will feel confident completing this task, you will be able to show more imagination, and your work will become something that the child will now proudly demonstrate at school and flip through at home with pleasure.

Parents of schoolchildren, having learned that their child received a task at school to compile their portfolio, very often fall into a stupor. And this is not surprising. After all, portfolio design has appeared relatively recently, almost all schools have made it mandatory only since 2011.

It is necessary to start compiling a portfolio already from the first grade, of course, the child himself at this age simply cannot cope with such a task, so the main work goes to the parents. But even they cannot always imagine how to properly draw up this document.

What does a student's portfolio look like?

Various documents, photographs, works that reflect everything that a person knows and can do - all this together is a portfolio. The child's portfolio includes all the information about him, about his grades and performance at school.

If a student takes part in any sports competitions, is engaged in circles, is active in extracurricular activities, has interesting hobbies, this is also recorded in the documents.

The portfolio is created so that the student gradually begins to comprehend and realize his achievements, successes, awards, as a result of this, the child has an incentive to develop his abilities and abilities.

And if for some reason he moves to another school, the documents will tell new teachers and classmates about him. And when entering the institute, the portfolio of talented schoolchildren can play a significant role.

A student's portfolio can be of three types:

  1. Portfolio of documents. It includes diplomas, awards, certificates and other materials that document the achievements of the child.
  2. Portfolio of works. It contains various creative and educational works, research projects, etc.
  3. Review portfolio. It consists of characteristics given by teachers, parents, classmates, about the student's attitude to different types of activities (educational, sports, etc.).

Of course, it is best if the portfolio is comprehensive, and it includes all types of documents.

How to make a student portfolio?

If approached with a creative approach and imagination, designing a portfolio will not be difficult, the main thing is that both the child and the parents equally take part in this interesting business.

Any portfolio is drawn up according to the scheme: title page, various sections, applications. All sheets can be made by yourself on a computer in graphic or text programs and printed, or you can purchase sheets and ready-made forms in a store.

The title page must contain a photograph of the child, his name and surname, age, as well as class and school numbers.

The section "My portrait" ("My world") is filled in as follows. It indicates the biography of the child, information about his parents, friends. You can also write here the child's hobbies, a short story about his hometown and school, etc. It is best to do this in the form of small notes (essays) and back up with photographs.

The section "My studies" indicates the grades and progress of the student. Also here you can put information about your favorite subjects and teachers, add examples of your performance (essays, tests, etc.).

The “My Achievements” section will tell you about all kinds of certificates, medals, awards, diplomas. You can attach real documents, or you can make copies of them. Also in this section you can write short stories about participation in events (sports, intellectual, competitions, olympiads) indicating the date of the event and the award received. The photo will enliven the material.

All the child's hobbies, be it poetry, drawings, crafts, etc., can be placed in the "My Creativity" section. In the "My impressions" section, you can describe the emotions from trips to nature, excursions, theaters, etc.

It is also worth creating a "Reviews and wishes" section. In it, teachers and classmates will be able to write their opinion about the student and wishes. Don't forget about the content with page numbers for each section.

The child's portfolio will be constantly updated with new pages, so do not forget to leave space for them.

How to make a portfolio for junior and senior students?

The purpose of creating a portfolio for schoolchildren is to identify the main abilities and collect information about the achievements of the child.
Creative work, in this regard, should be carried out jointly with parents. Not every parent, when starting to create a resume for their child, knows how to arrange it beautifully and correctly. Consider this issue on the examples given in the proposed article.

The best portfolios for junior schoolchildren for girls: an example, a sample, a photo

Portfolio is made out in free form.

But it is advisable to follow the basic rules:

  • We start with the design of the title page. We give the schoolgirl the opportunity to choose her favorite photo for the most important part of the document. Together with the child, we beautifully enter: last name, first name, patronymic, and all the necessary additional contact information.
First sheet of portfolio
  • Let's move on to the "My World" section. This topic includes extensive material about the personal life of a little student.

Name- its meaning and origin. Whose initiative was it to name the child like that?
List famous people with this name.

A family- Tell us a little about the composition of the family: brother, sister, mother, father.

A short story about the family

Friends- photo, name, how long they have known each other, their favorite activities.

Place of residence- name, main attractions (river, bridge, museum). A very important element in this place will be a drawn diagram of the road to the school. Indicate dangerous intersections of the route, traffic lights.

I live here

Favorite activities- all the girl's hobbies: music school, sports club, reading books, etc.

My home leisure

School- a story about teachers, place of study. Describe the location, number of storeys of the building, trees, flowers, school town. Tell us briefly about the class teacher: age, name, work experience, what subject he teaches.

All about school and teachers

School items- favorite lessons. Why do some people like it and others not so much?

The story of the best lessons
  • The next stage of registration is my school success. Specifically, focus on the most successful tests and completed assignments.

Best results during study
  • Next, we make a paragraph about extracurricular activities. Describe everything the child does in his spare time: participation in school plays, concerts , sports competitions between classes, various olympiads.

School life outside the curriculum
  • Now let's focus on creative successes and achievements. Any crafts, drawings, everything that can be placed on the sheet - we attach. Too big options - take a picture and apply. Will be appropriate in this section: certificates, awards, letters of thanks.

What can I do?
  • Reviews and wishes. In elementary grades, this item may contain feedback from teachers or parents.

Recommendations from parents and teachers
  • final stage- content. This is a summary sheet with the name of each section. It may change over time.

We summarize at the end in one list all the items of the portfolio

Choose any theme to decorate your achievements diary.

Luntik on the portfolio of a little schoolgirl

Favorite heroes


Mickey and Minnie Mouse

The best portfolios for junior schoolchildren for boys: an example, a sample, a photo

With boys of the primary school age category, we prepare a creative model of a folder with documents in the same way.

Only change:

  1. Portfolio theme. Girls have some favorite characters against the background of the document, boys have others
  2. The individual characteristics of the boy. The interests of the sexes, at this age, in babies, as well as in any other, are very different. It is important to take this into account when designing a portfolio for boys. Mom should not do all the work for the child, based only on her emotions in the perception of the world.

The meaning of the boy's name

Favourite hobby

I love to play sports

A sample of filling out a folder of documents for a junior student

beautiful portfolio

Sample for filling out a folder of personal documents

The best portfolios for high school students for girls: example, sample, photo

Passing from class to class, the personal file acquires vast dimensions. You can create a new portfolio for a young lady. But it is better to add additional sheets with new information and photos to the existing one.

  • The rules of school etiquette, it does not hurt to approve a growing baby

  • New information about the preferred fashion direction will be very interesting: romantic, casual, vamp, sports, marine, ethnic. After all, at this age, girls love to dress up so much.
  • Or maybe idols appeared: singers, actors and actresses. Reflect it in "My World".
  • By this time, girls can acquire skills: modeling, sewing, cooking. Make a photo report of your progress with a description.
  • An existing store of travel experiences can be added to an additional travel section. Tell us here: about your favorite places to visit, about the customs of this region, about nature, animals.

All about travel
  • The life of a teenager is filled with many new discoveries. Parents and teachers, preparing a portfolio with a growing child, it will be easier to understand and direct its main features in the right direction.
  • In reviews and suggestions, in this case, the opinions of friends and girlfriends are added. They can leave advice on what positive aspects and achievements they like about the portfolio owner, and where she should pull herself up.

For example: “You are great at roller skating. But now, English should be tightened?

The overall design may depend on the taste of the owner:

  • Still cartoon characters in the corners
  • Photos of adult idols
  • modest flower decoration

flower decoration

The best portfolios for high school students for boys: example, sample, photo

  • All the same general design principles remain in the personal file of a teenage boy.
  • Expanding horizons, changing interests. Along with this, the general view of the portfolio is also changing.
  • A teenager talks about his new favorite films with superheroes in his diary.
  • Opens knowledge in such sciences as physics, chemistry.
  • Studying the historical moments of your country, with little-known facts, can make the content of the portfolio very interesting.
  • Add information about new hobbies.

We reflect all interesting news in our business diary
  • Don't forget to take pictures of the certificates and awards that have appeared.

  • Paste a photo of your class, with a description of the merits of each of the students and teachers. This will serve as a good basis for establishing good relations, in case of tense ones, with some of them.

General photo of senior students
  • Use templates, fill pages with the most interesting and significant events of your life.

Approximate contents of a senior student's portfolio

Not many kids enjoy filling out a portfolio. A few tips to read before embarking on this creative work:

  1. Notice any small accomplishments. Add them to your portfolio. Enjoy them with pride!
  2. Fantasize, draw, add interesting photos - after all, your life path cannot be like someone else. Reflect it in your portfolio.
  3. Fill in the section pages carefully and with great care.
  4. A personal matter is not a competition for great awards and diplomas. Participation itself is the most important aspect, although being the first is great.
  5. Start with information about yourself and your family. Tell us briefly what you like, what you are fond of.

Video: Student Portfolio

Today I want to show you a sample of filling out a student's portfolio. I will describe what photos and texts to place on the pages. In this article, I will use .

The portfolio template consists of 42 pages. Of course, you can fill in all the pages that are included in the portfolio, but this is a lot. We create universal templates from various pages. We strive to meet all the requirements of schools and kindergartens. Also, do not forget that the pages must be printed, and the price of each A4 sheet varies from 30 to 50 rubles.


On the title page it is necessary to write: The name of the educational institution in full. (For example: " Municipal budgetaryeducational institution"Secondary school No. 35"); Surname Name Patronymic of the child; date of birth; city, the beginning of maintaining a portfolio and its end. The photo of the child can be placed in a frame, or it can be completely cut out from the background and the photo of the child can be placed in full growth (depending on the template).


  • My portrait

On the page "My portrait" or "Meet me, it's me!", we place the most beautiful photo that reflects the character of the child. We write an interesting story about the child, his autobiography, character, hobbies, habits.

  • My name

On the “My Name” page, we write the meaning of the child’s name (can be downloaded on the Internet) or the story - Why did they call their baby that. Photo of your child.

On the My Family page, write a story about your family, traditions, travels, hobbies, whatever you love to do together. Or just describe each member of your family, grandparents, siblings. Post a family photo here as well.

  • My parents

On this page we talk about mom and dad. What they do, are interested in and who they work with. We talk about common activities with children.
For example: “My mom and I do yoga”, “we go to football with dad”, “Mom taught me how to cook”, etc.
It will also be interesting to write a short story about your family, about family traditions and customs.
This includes photos of parents with a child, and general photos of the whole family.

  • My city; My village

Page "My city", "My village", "My little homeland". You can call it in different ways, depending on where you live.

What do we write on this page? Of course, all the most interesting things about your city, village, region. Historical facts, interesting stories that happened in your city, everything that your favorite city or village is famous for. If you do not know how to write, then feel free to find a lot of information on the Internet!
It is possible that you yourself will learn a lot about your city!
And of course, on this page you need to put photos of all or only the most beautiful places in your city.

This page should make your kid proud of his city!

  • My friends

My friends page. One of the most interesting portfolio pages. Put pictures of cheerful playing children on this page. if there are a lot of friends, then you can simply limit yourself to writing the name and surname of the children. Well, if there is a place on the page, then be sure to write interesting stories of the acquaintance of children or some kind of joint adventure. Children quickly forget such events, and after reading this story in a couple of years, the kid seems to live it again.

  • My hobbies

On the "My Hobbies" page, write a short story about what your child is interested in. Here you can also write about classes in the sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions of additional education. And pictures, the more the better.

How to fill in the rest of the pages, read the next article.

Knowledge Day - the first of September - is an exciting holiday for both students and their parents. It is especially exciting for those who cross the threshold of the school for the first time, and even more so for the parents of primary school students, because the child finds himself in an unknown, new environment for him, where many new requirements and changes await him: the daily routine, interaction with the team, evaluation of his actions - all this is ahead, but do not let the difficulties frighten children and parents.

First grader portfolio

Most people know what a portfolio is, but not everyone is aware that a portfolio is used today and for primary school students, which indicates data about the child, his abilities, interests and hobbies, the student's family. In the future, all this data will help to reveal the child's abilities in one area or another, and outline an approximate vector of development in one area or another.

Being ready to learn is very important for everyone. But unfortunately, not everyone succeeds at once. Of course, there are many methods by which teachers try to raise the child's interest in learning. Such methods include learning in the form of a game, followed by a transition to a full-fledged curriculum, and various options for assessing the work of a primary school student. At this stage, the active participation of the family in the life of the student, the interaction of parents with the teacher, and the implementation of the teacher's recommendations are very important. One of these recommendations can be attributed to the compilation of a portfolio of a first grader.

The portfolio of a primary school student was conceived primarily to identify his interests, abilities, and as a result, all these data form the basis for a successful choosing a narrower profile teaching in the upper grades. This, in turn, will help to avoid difficulties in learning, because everyone knows the situation with “humanities and techies”, when some fall asleep in literature and history lessons, while others try in vain to comprehend the exact sciences. In addition, filling and all kinds of decoration of the portfolio has positive psychological effect for the child.

Filling out this document, the child clearly sees all his successes, so to speak, fixes them. This is of great importance for the formation of the child's self-esteem, he sees what he is strong in, and what can be improved, and what needs to be “pulled up”. All this develops discipline, and the desire to multiply their successes. This will help to avoid unpleasant situations with the participation of the child and teachers in the future.

There are no specific limits that must be strictly adhered to when compiling a portfolio. All you have to do is teach your child analyze your victories, and moments that still require work. He must fill out a portfolio, and see his successes and current tasks that are worth working on, objectively evaluate himself, and not “star”.

Portfolio design. How it's done

Filling out a portfolio is not something difficult, although it requires some perseverance. First of all, you need to fill it out together, this process will be quite exciting for him with your help.

And it should start with the purchase of stationery: let the child choose what he likes, let it be the most beautiful folder with files that is there. You will also need felt-tip pens, pens, ruler, pencils, a variety of stickers and stickers that the child can choose at their own discretion.

Portfolio sections

Portfolio sections can be different, but in general they can be described as follows:

  • Student's personal data
  • List of achievements
  • Participation in school life
  • Wishes and feedback

Student's personal data

This section begins with the full name of the child, his photograph, address of residence. Further, You can enter family information, some story that the child will write. He can also draw a picture, talk about his favorite animal, his hobbies and friends. Additionally, you can draw a picture with the optimal route home, it is important that the child draws it himself, with possible adjustments by the parents. At the same time, you need to explain to him the elementary rules that will protect him on the way to school, or at home:

  • Do not talk to unfamiliar people on the street, and even more so do not get into their car under any pretext
  • do not take anything from strangers, especially nothing edible
  • Do not open the door to anyone when one is at home, and if you do open it (brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, be sure to look through the peephole)

It will be good if the child draws a picture for each of these rules.


With the beginning of training, the first grader noticeably increases the trouble and worries: he must learn to read quickly, sometimes on his own, outside the classroom, acquire the skills of simple calculations, master the multiplication table.

Parents should help the student in filling out, according to the plot of the books read, you can draw pictures, you can also write about the difficulties overcome and illustrate the text. This section reflects the entire dynamics of the child's success, and not only in school. It may also contain information about achievements in sports, or creativity, various awards in the form of certificates, photos from competitions, or competitions can take their place in this section.

The section of achievements can be divided into chapters, for example, in the chapter "Mathematics" and "Russian language" - there may be works on this subject as well as diplomas for participation in various specialized Olympiads.

In the chapter "Literature" - data on the progress of speed reading, brief thoughts on the works read. In a separate chapter, it is worth placing the best works of the child, which are recognized by the teacher in the process of conversation with the student. The chapter "Creativity" will be filled with a variety of poems, drawings, and crafts of the child. In the chapter "My interests" the child will be able to tell about his interests, hobbies and skills both in the form of a story, and in the form of drawings and photographs. "Sports achievements" - they can contain all the certificates, photos of performances and awards, photos of the child's sports team.

An important moment for any of us is the reception in a new team, and interaction with other people. A variety of activities outside the classroom, whether it's going to the cinema, or going to nature, holidays, excursions, and trips, of course, should be encouraged by parents, and all information about these activities, in the form of photographs, drawings, stories about impressions, will fill this section.

This section is for parents and teachers. It is worth leaving positive feedback in it, and not abstract and general phrases, but a detailed laudatory text, for specific success in something. This will help motivate the child to new achievements. Also, it will not be superfluous to sum up the results of the year in this chapter, with comments, wishes and additions of the teacher. The child will be able to look at his victories, and at those moments that should be improved.

Portfolio completion

Below is a sample which you can use to complete your portfolio

"Personal data"

  • My name is……………
  • I was born……………. (Date is indicated)
  • I live in……………….., at the address: ………………

List of achievements

  • My achievements in the Russian language (mathematics, natural history ...)
  • My books
    • Dynamics of speed reading
    • List of completed works
  • My works
    • In this assignment, I learned...
    • Through this assignment, I learned...
  • Creation
    • My drawings
    • My poems
    • My crafts
  • My interests
    • I am an artist (poet, musician, sportsman...)
    • I like…
    • I can…
  • Photos of awards, diplomas and certificates, photos of a sports, creative team
  • Over the past year, I've learned...
  • Over the past year I have learned...
    • Story, drawing, photos

Participation in school life