How to prepare for writing descriptive text. Permanent and non-permanent signs: what is the difference

During the classes.

I organizational moment.

All the guys stood up together

And they walked in place.

Stretched on toes

And they smiled at each other.

Guys, I hope that today's Russian lesson will be cheerful, fun and, most importantly, informative. Our tasks: to generalize knowledge about the noun and learn to give its full description as a part of speech.

II . A minute of uninterrupted writing. (one line)

Write down the number, great work. Name and underline spellings.

Work on mistakes.

III. Spelling five minutes.

Read the words.

Snowball, path, friend, clouds, pointer, smile, greenery, sister.

Write the words in 2 columns. (independent work)

Read the words in the first column. On what basis did you combine them into one group? (unud. vowel in the root, check) How to check unud. root vowel?

(Verbally pick up test)

Read the words in the second column. Why were they grouped together? (paired consonant) How to check a paired consonant at the root of a word? (oral) Choose the test words.

What do all these words have in common? Prove that these are names of entities.

IV . Generalization.

1 . Group work. (6 each)

Phraseologisms - stable combinations of words will help work in groups:

Ears on top

Sense of elbow

Stand up

Explain the meaning of these phraseological units.

Make a cluster "Noun"

(one speaker at the board)

2 . What is a noun?

What groups are the grammatical features of a noun divided into? (post. and non-post.)

Name the constants.

What nouns refer to odush.? Inanimate? Own? Narit.?

In English, Kazakh, Armenian, Uzbek. languages ​​have no gender, and in the languages ​​of the peoples of Africa there are 48 genders. How many genera do nouns have? Rus. Yaz.?

What nouns belong to 1,2,3 skl.?

3 . Read the words.






Let them never sound in our class and in our country. Replace them with words that are opposite in meaning. Write it down.

1st century - determine the genus

2 in. - determine the declination

Frontal check.

4 . Name the inconsistent signs.


If noun singular - got up

If plural - clapped your hands

Village, August, squares, notebooks, vitamins, bench, robin, paths, leg.

5 . Work in pairs.

Find questions and prepositions for each case.

V.p. who? what? (no prepositions)
P.p. whom? what? (from, to, from, without, for, about)
etc. to whom? what? (to, by)
R.p. whom? what? (in, on, for, about)
I.p. by whom? what? (for, under, over, between, before)
D.p. about whom? about what? (oh, about, in, in, on, at)

Examination. (chain)

Slide summary.

V. New material.

1. The characteristic of a word as a part of speech, taking into account the peculiarities of its use in speech, is called morphological analysis

Morphological analysis of a noun is carried out according to the following scheme (reading by children)

    I. Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and question.

    II. Initial form. (I.p., singular)

    III. Morphological features:

    APermanent morphological features:

    1 own or common noun;

    2 animate or inanimate;

    3 genus;

    4 declination;

    BVariable morphological features:

    1 number;

    2 case.

    IV .Role in the proposal(what member of the sentence is the noun in this sentence)

2 . Commented letter. (at the blackboard)

A clearing stretched from the edge of the forest to the village.

Perform morphological analyzes of nouns that are not subject.

In rows: (three at the board)

1 p. - from the edge

3 rubles - to the village

VI. Outcome.

Today in class

learned, discovered...

learned, could...

I can praise myself and my classmates for ...

VII . Houses. S. 62 ex. 182

State Institution "Secondary School No. 43 named after G. Musrepov"

Russian language

Morphological analysis of the noun

4th grade

Primary school teacher:

Semykina O.B.

Petropavlovsk, 2011

Quite often, in test papers in the Russian language, it is required to perform a morphological analysis of a noun. To find out what it is and how it is performed, this article will help. In addition, at the end you will find examples of morphological analysis of various forms of words.

What is morphological parsing of a noun?

Morphological analysis of the noun- this is a complete grammatical characteristic of the word form of a noun. Morphological analysis determines the permanent and variable features of a noun, as well as its semantic role in a phrase or sentence.

How to parse a noun as a part of speech?

The analysis of the noun as a part of speech is carried out in the following sequence:

  • 1. Part of speech, to which the word form belongs, and the question.
  • 2. initial form, morphological features:
    • 2.1. Permanent(animate or inanimate, proper or common noun, gender, declension, number (for nouns that are used only in the singular or only in the plural));
    • 2.2. Fickle(number, case).
  • 3. Syntactic role(what role does the noun play in the phrase or sentence).

Examples of morphological parsing of nouns

For an example of the morphological analysis of nouns, consider the analysis of word forms in a sentence:

« Andrew drank coffee from porcelain cups».


TOP 2 articleswho read along with this

  • 1. Andrew - noun (who?).
  • 2. Initial form - Andrey;
    • 2.1. Permanent signs: animated, proper, m.p., 2nd declension;
    • 2.2. Variable signs: I. p., singular.
  • 3. Subject.


  • 1. Coffee is a noun (what?).
  • 2. The initial form is coffee;
    • 2.1. Permanent signs: inanimate, common noun, m.r., indeclinable noun, singular;
    • 2.2. Non-permanent signs: V. p.
  • 3. Addition.

From a cup

  • 1. Cups - a noun (from what?).
  • 2. The initial form is a cup;
    • 2.1. Permanent signs: inanimate, common noun, f. p., 1 declination;
    • 2.2. Non-permanent signs: R. p., singular.
  • 3. Circumstance.

The order of parsing a word as a part of speech

Parsing a noun

  1. Own or common noun, animate or inanimate.
  2. Genus. Declination.
  3. Case. Number.
  4. role in the proposal.

Oral analysis

The hunter saw a squirrel.

1. Belka- noun. Designates an object, answers the question of whom? 2. Initial form - squirrel. 3. Common noun, animated. 4. Feminine, 1st declension. 5. Used in the accusative case, in the singular. 6. In the sentence it is a minor member of the sentence, explains the predicate: saw(whom?) squirrel.

Record Sample

Belka- n., whom?, n. f. - squirrel, nat., breath., f. r., 1st skl., in wines. p., in units h., Tue. member

Parsing an adjective

  1. Part of speech. What does it mean to answer the question.
  2. Initial form (nominative singular masculine).
  3. Genus (singular), case, number.
  4. role in the proposal.

Oral analysis

Fragrant cherry blossomed.

1. Fragrant- adjective. Denotes a sign of an object, answers the question which one? 2. Initial form - fragrant. 3. Agrees with a feminine noun, in the nominative case, in the singular. 4. In the sentence it is a minor member, explains the subject: bird cherry(which?) fragrant.

Record Sample

Fragrant(cherry) - adj., what?, n. f. - fragrant, and. r., in them. p., in units h., Tue. member

Verb parsing

  1. Part of speech. What does it mean to answer the question.
  2. Initial form (indefinite form).
  3. Conjugation.
  4. Time. Person and number - for verbs in the present or future tense. Gender and number - for verbs in the past tense. 5. Role in the proposal.

Oral analysis

Migratory birds are flying.

1. are flying- verb. The word denotes the action of the object, answers the question what are they doing? 2. Initial form - fly. 3. Second conjugation. 4. The verb is used in the present tense, in the 3rd person, in the plural. 5. The sentence is a predicate: Birds(what do they do?) fly.

Record Sample

are flying- ch., what are they doing?, n. f. - to fly, II ref., in present, temp., in the 3rd sheet, in pl. h., saying.

Pronoun parsing

  1. Part of speech. What does it indicate.
  2. Initial form (nominative singular).
  3. Person, number, case.
  4. role in the proposal.

Oral analysis

I draw the sea.

1. I am a pronoun, indicates a person. 2. The initial form is me. 3. 1st person, used in the nominative case, in the singular. 4. In the sentence is the subject.

Record Sample

I- local, n. f. - I, 1st sheet, in units. hours, in them. p., under

Parsing a sentence into parts of speech

Sample written review:

Memo 2

Sound-letter analysis of the word

  1. Say the word.
  2. Determine how many syllables are in the word. Say the stressed syllable.
  3. Say (highlight with your voice) each sound in the word in order and give it a description:
    • if a vowel sound, then what is it - stressed or unstressed;
    • if a consonant sound, then what is it - deaf or voiced, hard or soft, paired or unpaired.
  4. Name the letter for each sound.
  5. Make a conclusion about the number of sounds and letters in the word.

Oral analysis of the word hat

The word hat has two syllables: shlya | pa. The syllable hat is percussive.

I pronounce each sound and name its signs:

[w]- consonant sound, hissing, deaf paired, solid unpaired, denoted by the letter "sha";

[l"]- consonant sound, voiced unpaired, soft paired, denoted by the letter "el";

[a]- a vowel sound, stressed, stands after a soft consonant sound, denoted by the letter "I";

[P]- consonant sound, deaf double, solid double, denoted by the letter "pe";

[a]- a vowel sound, unstressed, is indicated by the letter "a".

In the word hat 5 sounds and 5 letters.

Written analysis of the word "Christmas tree"

In the word Christmas tree 5 sounds, 4 letters. Letter yo at the beginning of a word denotes the fusion of sounds [y "oʹ].

Memo 3

How to prepare for presentation

  1. Read the text. Find out the meaning of words, phrases, sentences you do not understand.
  2. Determine the topic of the text. Observe how the topic is revealed in the text: where does the author begin, what informs about the subject of speech, how does the narrative end (description, reasoning).
  3. Determine the main idea of ​​the text. Watch how she expresses herself.
  4. Determine how many parts are in the text. Plan your text. Find key words and phrases in each part.
  5. Read the text again carefully. Pay attention to the structure and design of sentences, punctuation marks, the use of words and phrases. Find words with studied spellings, think about how to explain their spelling.
  6. Speak the words that are difficult for you in syllables, visually remembering their spelling.
  7. Read the text again carefully. Mentally retell it. Close the book and write a summary.

After recording your presentation, be sure to check your work.

Memo 4

How to Prepare for Narrative Writing

  1. Determine the topic of the text: what you will talk about. Determine the main idea of ​​the future text.
  2. Choose a title for the text: the title can reflect either only the topic, or only the main idea, or the topic and the main idea.
  3. Think about where you will start the story (what you will talk about in the introductory part).
  4. What will you tell about in the main part (how did the action develop, what moment was the most interesting, how did it all end)?
  5. How will you end the story (what will you say in the final part)?
  6. Try to keep in mind the content of the compiled text (make a plan, select key words, phrases).
  7. Write the text on a draft, edit, read the written essay to the audience (friends, relatives).

Memo 5

How to Prepare for Descriptive Writing

  1. Determine the subject and its features that need to be described.
  2. Think about what words you need to use so that the description is accurate and expressive, what comparisons to use.
  3. Determine your attitude to the subject or its features that you will describe.
  4. Think over the content of the introductory, main, final parts of the text.

Memo 6

How to prepare for writing a reasoning text

  1. Determine the topic of the speech. State the main idea of ​​the argument.
  2. Think about what facts you will cite to support the main idea.
  3. Summarize the discussion.

Noun Parsing Plan

I Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and question.
II Initial form. Morphological features:
A Permanent morphological features:
1 own or common noun;
2 animate or inanimate;
3 genus;
4 declination;
5 number (if the word has only one form - singular or plural).
B Variable morphological features:
1 number (if the word changes by numbers);
2 case.
III Role in the proposal(which member of the sentence is the noun in this sentence).

You can download separately the memo "Plan of morphological analysis of nouns" in our VK group in the album "Russian language in tables and diagrams":

Noun parsing patterns

On the mail train from St. Petersburg to Moscow, a young lieutenant Klimov rode in the smoking section(Chekhov).

(AT) train

  1. in what?
  2. N. f. - train.
    A) Permanent signs: common noun, inanimate, masculine, 2nd declension.

(walking) (of) Petersburg

  1. Noun; denotes an object; answers the question Of what?
  2. N. f. - Petersburg.
    A) Permanent signs: proper, inanimate, masculine, 2nd declension, does not change in numbers - it has only the singular form.
    B) Non-permanent signs: used in the form of the genitive case.
  3. In the sentence, it plays the role of an adverb of place.

(walking) (in) Moscow

  1. Noun; denotes an object; answers the question into what?
  2. N. f. - Moscow.
    A) Permanent signs: proper, inanimate, feminine, 1st declension, does not change in numbers - it has only the singular form.
    B) Non-permanent signs: used in the form of the accusative case.
  3. In the sentence, it plays the role of an adverb of place.

(driving) to department

  1. Noun; denotes an object; answers the question in what?
  2. N. f. - department.
    A) Permanent signs: common noun, inanimate, neuter gender, noun in -i: 2nd declension, but in the prepositional case the ending is -i, as in nouns of the 3rd declension.
    B) Non-permanent features: used in the singular, prepositional case.
  3. In the sentence, it plays the role of an adverb of place.

(in department) (for) smokers

  1. Noun; denotes an object; answers the question for whom?
  2. N. f. - smoking.
    A) Permanent signs: common noun, animated, given noun - substantiated participle, therefore it changes by gender ( smoking, smoking) and is declined as a full participle.
    B) Non-permanent signs: used in the form of the plural, genitive; there is no gender, as in full participles in the plural.
  3. In the proposal, it plays the role of an inconsistent definition.

(driving) lieutenant

  1. Noun; denotes an object; answers the question who?
  2. N. f. - lieutenant.
    A) Permanent signs: common noun, animate, masculine, 2nd declension.
  3. In the proposal, it acts as an application.

(driving) Klimov

  1. Noun; denotes an object; answers the question who?
  2. N. f. - Klimov.
    A) Permanent signs: proper, animate, masculine, 2nd declension.
    B) Non-permanent signs: used in the singular, nominative case.
  3. It plays the role of the subject in the sentence.

Exercise for the topic “3.2.3. Morphological analysis of nouns "

  • 3.2.1. The concept of a noun. Morphological features of nouns. Noun ranks
  • 3.2.3. Morphological analysis of nouns

Enter a word without errors:

Enter any word, then click "parse". After that, you will receive an analysis in which the part of speech, case, gender, tense and everything else will be written. Because parsing is performed out of context, then several parsing options may be offered, among which you will need to choose the correct one. Parsing is done automatically by the computer, so sometimes there may be errors. Be careful, online analysis is for help, not for mindless rewriting. Note about the letter Yo: do not replace it with E.

Press Ctrl+D to bookmark the service for future reference.

In order not to experience difficulties in the scheme morphological analysis words or in the order of parsing, you should not automatically memorize the sequence and principle of parsing. It is most effective to focus on highlighting the general features of parts of speech, and then move on to the particular features of this form. At the same time, the general parsing logic should be preserved. Parts of speech will also help you.

The following examples of morphological parsing will allow you to understand the scheme of parsing the words of a sentence in Russian. However, it should be remembered that the presence of a text is a prerequisite for the correct analysis of parts of speech, because morphological analysis is a characteristic of a word (as a part of speech), taking into account the specifics of its use.

Consider examples morphological analysis.

Morphological analysis of a noun

  1. initial form (in the nominative case, singular);
  2. own or common noun;
  3. animate or inanimate;
  4. declination
  5. number;
  6. case;
  7. role in the proposal.

Noun(parsing sample):
Text: Babies love to drink milk.
Milk is a noun, the initial form is milk, common noun, inanimate, neuter, 2nd declension, in the accusative case, singular (does not have a plural), direct object.

Adjective parsing plan

  1. the initial form is the infinitive (nominative case, singular);
  2. category (qualitative, relative or possessive);
  3. short or complete (only about quality);
  4. degree of comparison (only qualitative);
  5. gender (only about the singular);
  6. case;
  7. number;
  8. role in the proposal.

Adjective(parsing sample):
Text: Alyonushka collected a full basket of mushrooms.
Full - adjective, initial form - full; quality: complete; in a positive (zero) degree of comparison, in the neuter gender, accusative case, is an addition.

numeral(parsing order):

  1. initial form (nominative for quantitative, nominative singular, masculine for ordinal);
  2. category by value (quantitative, ordinal);
  3. category by composition (simple, complex, composite);
  4. case;
  5. gender and number (for ordinal and some quantitative);
  6. role in the proposal.

Numeral (parsing sample):
Text: Four days have passed.
Four is a numeral, the initial form is four, quantitative, simple, in the nominative case, has no number and gender, is the subject.

Pronoun(parsing order):

  1. initial form (nominative case, singular, if it changes by number and gender);
  2. rank by value;
  3. gender (if any);
  4. case
  5. number (if any);
  6. role in the proposal.

Pronoun (parsing sample):
Text: Crystal raindrops dripped from it.
Nee is a pronoun, the initial form is she, personal, 3rd person, feminine, genitive, singular, adverb of place.

Morphological analysis of the verb

  1. infinitive (initial form);
  2. returnable or irrevocable;
  3. transitive or intransitive;
  4. conjugation;
  5. mood;
  6. time (for the indicative mood);
  7. person (for the present, future tense and imperative mood);
  8. gender (for the past tense and conditional in the singular);
  9. number;
  10. role in the proposal.

Verb (parsing sample):
Text: They told the truth without fear of condemnation.
They said - a verb, the initial form - to say, irrevocable, intransitive, perfective, 1st conjugation, in the indicative mood, past tense, plural, is a predicate.

Participle(parsing order):

  1. initial form (nominative, singular, masculine);
  2. infinitive;
  3. time;
  4. returnable or irrevocable (for valid);
  5. transitive or intransitive (for valid);
  6. complete or short (for the passive);
  7. gender (for the singular);
  8. case;
  9. number;
  10. role in the proposal.

Participle (parsing sample):
Text: I look at the falling leaves and feel sad.
Falling - participle, initial form - falling, from the verb fall, imperfective, present tense, irrevocable, intransitive, feminine, accusative, singular, agreed definition.

gerund(parsing order):

  1. the verb from which it is formed;
  2. returnable or irrevocable;
  3. transitive or intransitive;
  4. role in the proposal.

The participle (parsing sample):

Text: When you go abroad, you are sad about home.
Leaving - a gerund, from the verb "to leave", an imperfect form, irrevocable, intransitive, a circumstance of the mode of action.

Adverb(parsing order):

  1. category by value (definitive or adverbial);
  2. degree of comparison (if any).

Adverb (parsing sample):
Text: The sun rose higher and the clouds dissipated.
Above - an adverb, adverbial place, is a circumstance of place, a comparative degree.


Something is not clear? There is a good video on the topic for adjectives:

The order of debriefing in your class may differ from what is suggested, so we advise you to check with your teacher for debriefing requirements.

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