How to find out when the first 1 lunar day. th lunar day

Determine with the help of feng shui forecast for each day which lunar day rules today and read the recommendations.

1 lunar day.

Symbol of the day: lamp.

Key words: birth, thought.

This day differs from others in that it has a different length in different lunar months. It can be very short, only a few minutes, or it can have the usual length for a lunar day.

But whatever the length of the first lunar day, it cannot be missed.

Correct actions on the first lunar day can significantly affect our future life.

The fact is that at this time the scheme of events for the entire upcoming month is being born, and it depends only on us what events we will attract into our lives.

Leaving time for planning and dreaming, we will plant a seed in the ground that will germinate in the next 30 days. Everything conceived on the first lunar day tends to be attracted into our lives with little or no our participation.

This is a day of push, impulse, when something that must grow is born. And the seed from which the harvest will be is precisely our thoughts.

This is the same day that is the fulcrum for the lever by which the globe can be lifted. What you can raise depends on your personal energy, purity of thoughts and strength of desire.

It is very good when on the first day of the month the Moon is under the influence of the sign Aries. During such a period, our ability to attract the necessary situations to life and the speed of the implementation of our desires become simply fantastic.

The most important thing is to try to imagine in great detail everything that you dream about, what is important to you, and also clearly set goals and objectives for the upcoming lunar month.

Give this enough time, as the images and plans created must be clear, clear and real.

It will be very useful to write down what you plan to accomplish or receive in the upcoming lunar month on paper. Get into the habit of a monthly ritual of writing down plans for the upcoming lunar month in your diary.

However, you need to remember. That any unkind thoughts, plotting revenge or wishing someone evil, self-pity or digestion of grievances are very undesirable on the first lunar day and can even be dangerous, and not for the one they are directed at, but for the owner of negative thoughts and emotions .

Do not start any important business on this day and be too active. The day does not give support in business. A large number of contacts can also prevent you from using the favorable trends of the day to build plans.

It is not advisable to overload your body with heavy and rough food, overload the liver and kidneys, engage in heavy physical exercises, since after the new moon the body is weakened and requires a more careful attitude towards itself.

If you get sick on this day, then the disease will not linger for a long time and does not pose a great threat to health and life. But allow yourself to get sick a little, lie down: treat yourself with medicines only as a last resort.

As far as treatment is concerned, fast relief from ailments it is necessary to work out and eliminate the spiritual causes of their occurrence. Pure thoughts, getting rid of resentment, mental clamps, anger and envy will help you get on the path to recovery. About how our diseases are connected with negative emotions and experiences, you can find a lot of information on the Internet or books. We recommend, for example, to read the books of L. Viilm, V. Sinelnikov.

For those who are planning a child, it makes sense to take into account the lunar horoscope for conception.

A child conceived on the first lunar day- a big lucky man. A long and happy life awaits him, he will be kept and protected by Heaven. Most often, people on the first lunar day become priests, preachers, conductors of the Light Forces. However, not every parent will be able to conceive a child on this day. You need to prepare for this both physically and spiritually.

Dreams of the first lunar day usually light and warn of joyful events. If you had a bad dream, let go of the dream and don't worry.

Do not schedule a visit to the hairdresser if the world is ruled by the 1st lunar day: a haircut on the first lunar day shortens life.

Reminder: we make plans, we think about the good!

Reminder for every lunar day. Key phrases that will help you quickly remember the peculiarity of each lunar day.

Lunar horoscope. We choose a favorable time for important meetings, romantic dates, surgical interventions. We plan things in accordance with the passage of the Moon under the signs of the Zodiac.

Moon in Aries. Time for quick things.

Moon in Taurus. Time to make money.

Moon in Gemini. Time to be friends.

Moon in Cancer. Family time.

With the help of observing all the commandments of the fasts. One of the most powerful days in the lunar month is 1 lunar day. This is due to the fact that it represents the time when you should lay down information that will bear fruit in the future. Despite the fact that the duration of this day is small, it concentrates a huge power and potential that can be used for the benefit of a person. The main thing is to use the first lunar day correctly, understand what its advantages are, and how to apply them in life.

Characteristics of 1 lunar day

The characteristic of 1 lunar day is based on the fact that this period of time is the basis of the entire future monthly cycle. It is worth paying attention to the following features of this day:

  • symbol: lampada or lamp;
  • stones: diamond or rock crystal;
  • meditative actions: on a candle;
  • body parts: face and brain;
  • energy: active;
  • guardian angel: Vadal is a messenger of victories and good luck.

The description possessed by 1 lunar day requires their perception as the foundation of the entire subsequent monthly cycle. This time should be devoted to planning for the future.

During the period of 1 lunar day, the emphasis of the next month should be placed. At the same time, the wording "what if ..." should fade into the background. The future should be thought of as if it will happen.

The features and properties of 1 lunar day suggest that no decisive action should be taken at this time. Starting something new is also not advised by experts. It is best to perceive this period as a garden. It is necessary to sow grain in it, but not to care for it - not to water and not to fertilize. Everything should take its course.

Lunar Relations

The first lunar day is a planning time, which is why experts do not recommend marriage during this period. It is best to think carefully about this most important event in a person's life. You should weigh all the pros and cons in order to ultimately make the decision that will be as correct and correct as possible. Only in this case, in the future, it will be possible to find family happiness. The main thing is to understand whether marriage is a whim, behind which there are no true feelings between spouses. The first lunar day is well suited to figure out the possibility of living together. Not always people are suitable for each other, so this aspect of their life should be checked.

Family life is not only romance and happy spending time together. The harsh everyday life after the wedding can turn spouses into two people who have a desire to be alone for a while. Therefore, on the first lunar day, you should plan your future life, thinking about what is common, how you can fill the day and how not to start annoying each other.

There is nothing wrong with planning, as it allows you to avoid many of the quarrels that result in divorce in the future. The more thoughtful details there are in life, the stronger and more reliable the union of two people in love will eventually become.

If the application is already in the registry office, it is worth taking care of on the first lunar day. This applies to the celebration, its venue, invited guests, decorations, festive clothes, etc.

Sex on this day is undesirable. This is due to the fact that the body during this period is engaged in self-correction. Any interference harms and interferes with this process, which ultimately leads to errors in the human biocomputer.

In addition, sex on the first lunar day leads to diseases of the genital area. This, in turn, can lead to rapid aging, with which many Eastern practitioners agree. It is believed that the beginning of the lunar calendar is a time for love, not for making love. During this period, you can share erotic fantasies, fears and doubts. Such dialogues can diversify future life and increase the level of trust in each other. For spouses, such changes play an important role, as they help strengthen their bond. This can eventually affect the unborn child as well.

conception of a child

The process on the first lunar day is considered successful, since the unborn child in this case will be protected by Heaven. This applies primarily to its physiological state, development in the womb and comfort throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

People born on the first lunar day are distinguished by the fact that they have good willpower, which ensures a long and long life. If the boy was promised to appear in this world as in this period of the lunar calendar, he will have the prerequisites to become a priest. At the same time, it should be understood that the path to this profession is difficult, both emotionally and physically. Each person should prepare for it in advance and for a long time -

Work on this lunar day

1 lunar day is not suitable for working. Therefore, all important matters should be postponed at this time for the future. This applies to the signing of contracts, meetings with partners, conclusion of agreements and termination of cooperation.

On 1 lunar day, bosses should prioritize the company and clearly distribute all responsibilities between subordinates. They must understand what goals stand between them. To do this, you can slightly reduce the number of tasks that need to be completed for a day.

Subordinates on the first lunar day can reformat their activities and correctly distribute responsibilities. In addition, this period is well suited to request a salary increase from the boss. Most often, this takes some time, so you should not expect changes right away. But at the same time, in the near future, the salary may be changed upwards.

1 lunar day is not suitable for dismissal from work. This is due to the fact that conflicts should be avoided at this time. It is best to postpone such changes for a more favorable period. To change jobs, you should consider future plans. For this, the beginning of the month is suitable.

Getting a job on the first lunar day is also a bad idea. Experts do not advise doing this due to the lack of energy support from the moon. New work in this period can be thought out in detail in fantasies. Such an approach to the future is considered rational and correct.

Health on a lunar day

The first lunar day in terms of health is a very dangerous time when you should be extremely careful. This is due to the fact that the body in this period is completely unprotected. Therefore, he can get sick or get injured.

The organism is created in such a way that on the first lunar day it adjusts its rhythms to the rhythms of the Cosmos. This ultimately affects not only the physiology, but also the psyche. Because of this, experts advise during this period to be as calm and relaxed as possible.

Today, health on the first lunar day is good to strengthen with a walk in the forest or relaxing near a pond. If you purposefully pursue an active lifestyle, there is a risk of getting urolithiasis or other ailments associated with the human genitourinary system.


1 lunar day for cutting hair is not suitable categorically. This is due to the fact that their circumcision can become a shortening of life. At this time, it is best to pay attention to painting. It is allowed to be carried out if natural, rather than synthetic dyes are used.

Cutting hair on the 1st lunar day prevents alignment with the Cosmos. During this period, there is no strength and desire for something new, since the Moon cannot endow a person with the proper level of energy. Around each person there is uncertainty and a certain apathy. If you wait out the last one, you can stock up on energy for the next monthly cycle.

If the first lunar day is today, hair cutting should be postponed. At the same time, it is not forbidden to take care of them with a variety of masks, essential oils and cosmetics. In addition, a new interesting hairstyle increases self-confidence. It also allows you to relax and unwind, because after changes, relaxation most often occurs.

Hairstyles are characteristic of the first lunar days, as they allow you to save your own energy of a person. This applies not only to all kinds of braids, but also to many other ways to use your own hair.

Characteristics of people born on the 1st lunar day

On 1 lunar day, they receive an additional favorable influence of the moon. Therefore, they are always ready for new heights. Because of this, such people are constantly waiting for their finest hour. Most of them want to accomplish some kind of feat, but in the end, not everyone manages to do it.

If the birthday fell on 1 lunar day, you should expect constant action and control from this person. At the same time, when making a mistake, he will not draw a conclusion from the situation. The accumulation of wisdom is not for him.

People born on the 1st lunar day attract wealth. Material wealth becomes a priority for them. Therefore, they do not have any problems in maintaining their own family.

Dreams on 1 lunar day

Often, on 1 lunar day, those situations that happen to a person throughout the next month are displayed. But at the same time, it is important to correctly understand all the images, since most of them are sketches that make up the brain. These images are by no means final, which is why the repetition of events from dreams in life does not always occur.

Dreams on 1 lunar day, which means many people are interested. There is no consensus on this matter, but at the same time, experts have created a theory according to which any creations of Morpheus are the potency of what can happen. It doesn't always happen this way in real life.

Everything that happens in a dream should be taken as some kind of reference point, and not final events. The correct interpretation and use of information from dreams is the key to a correctly chosen direction in life.

Ritual of the 1st lunar day

The ritual of the lunar day has been used by magicians and priests of various cultures for centuries. Its essence is to create an astral imprint of the desired event. It will merge into it after a certain amount of time, when events contribute to this. At the same time, what happened in life will not always correspond to what was planned, but most often it will have the essence that was originally laid down.

The peculiarity of the ritual is as follows:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to mentally imagine the event that will occur in the future. At the same time, you need to pay attention to all the details of the future. For example, if there is a desire to get a new position, it is worth imagining how the boss calls to his office and reports this news.
  2. You should pay attention to the details. In the case of a promotion, these are the smell of the boss's perfume, the texture of work clothes, the factor of the table in the office, the sensations and feelings of new good news, etc. The more vivid the fantasy, the greater the likelihood that everything will happen.
  3. An equally important nuance worth paying attention to is the perception of the future. Fantasy should not be one that can happen, but one that is already happening. This will instill inner confidence in what is happening.

Such rituals are used today even by those who are not interested in the lunar calendar. This is due to the effectiveness of such future planning. The explanation here is quite simple: after meditation and imagination, a person begins to believe that something will happen to him. This belief eventually turns into real actions and appropriate behavior, which leads to the achievement of the goal.

Most auspicious day.Ideal for new challenges. Suitable for performing any work, participating in monetary transactions. This is a good time for general cleaning, garden maintenance and repairs. Communication with others will bring joy. Travel will go smoothly.

Influence of the Moon March 20, 2019

14 lunar day

The 14th lunar day is suitable for starting new and continuing things that have already been started. This is the best time to take decisive steps. During this period, it is worth taking on large and large-scale projects, important things postponed until the “better time”, opening your own business. It is advisable not to waste such a powerful message of energy on insignificant and petty activities. The day is suitable for searching for investors, replenishing the circle of business contacts, communicating with superiors and changing jobs. This is a favorable period for financial transactions. Great time for travel and any kind of communication. You can do any household chores.

Waxing Moon (Phase 2)

The second phase of the Moon is a favorable period for starting new business, solving complex issues, conducting business negotiations and making deals. It is desirable to implement the plans set before the transition of the Moon into the third phase. This is a good time to meet people, move to a new level of relationships with a loved one, communicate with family. In communication, you need to control your emotions.

Moon in Virgo

Moon in Virgo is not the best time for new beginnings. This is a favorable time to perform current routine tasks that require a significant concentration of attention. Big things are better not to start. It is undesirable to have a serious conversation with superiors and change the type of activity. This is a good period for small, monotonous homework. Optimal time for financial transactions. An unfavorable time for any communication - it can be unpleasant due to the captiousness and pettiness of the environment. Not the right time to travel.


Wednesday is a good time for solving work issues, teamwork, and searching for business partners. This is a suitable period for any communication, dates, receiving guests. Favorable time for travel. On this day, you need to be careful and attentive when conducting financial transactions.

The lunar calendar for today helps to find out what lunar day, the phase of the moon, in which sign of the zodiac the moon is. It indicates the time of sunrise and sunset of the moon, the degree of its illumination.

It contains the general characteristics of the day. The lunar horoscope for today takes into account the influence of the lunar day, the phases of the moon, the position of the moon in relation to the zodiac constellations, the day of the week. He will tell you what things are better to do on this day, whether it is worth planning a serious conversation with the boss, sorting out relationships with people, making large purchases, starting cleaning or repairing the house, going on a trip.

The main symbol of the 1st lunar day- third eye, candle, lamp, lampada, light, lamp.

Stones of the 1st lunar day- diamond, rock crystal, quartz.

Colors of the 1st lunar day- lilac and all shades of this color.

Organ face and brain.

You can also talk about a candle and those devices that give light as a symbol of the day. The candle symbolizes burning before the Lord, the Mother of God and the Saints. This burning personifies prayer before God. A candle transmits a prayer, is a conductor between a person and Divine power. Also, a candle and everything connected with it brings purification.

Main characteristics of 1 lunar day

The main lesson in 1 lunar day should be planning. You can also succumb to nostalgia, remembering a past life. Try to remember even the smallest little things that happened to you once. Perhaps, thanks to these thorough memories, you will be able to avoid unnecessary actions in the future.

It is better not to engage in group work, try to find a cozy corner and be with your thoughts. Your thoughts on 1 lunar day are precisely what can bring you success.

If you have already thought of a lot of things, you can read the book. On 1 lunar day, historical books will go well. In general, when a person is deep in reading a book, he allows his thoughts to rest and gain new knowledge. The book is the best silent friend.

On 1 lunar day, individual work will succeed. To get the best result, you can work in nature. Fresh air always inspires a new thought and idea. And, besides, in the fresh air you can strengthen your health.

Health in 1-lunar day

Today says that you need to save your head, brain and face. Overwork and strong tension are contraindicated. After all, the brain is what is responsible for the activity of the whole organism as a whole. And the face is our calling card, so pay attention to your face.

To preserve your good features and not damage your health, you do not need to drink alcohol today. Be moderate in food too, you don’t need to turn this day into a holiday with a lot of dishes. The food should not be too bitter and not too hot. Good food will be in the form of salads and small appetizers. Overeating on 1 lunar day is also not worth it.

If in 1 lunar day you were struck by some disease, then it can be long. But do not worry, time will pass, and you will be completely healthy.
On this day, there is an exacerbation of the disease of an enclosed space, claustrophobia. The appearance of cancer and atherosclerosis. But always believe in yourself, in a miracle, in what brings you joy and peace, and believe that everything will turn out very well.

On 1 lunar day, it is not recommended to perform operations on the head and brain. It is better to postpone facial procedures for a more favorable day. Pay attention to the energy of this day. In acupuncture and manual therapy there is no relationship with the energy of the day. So it is better to postpone these procedures for a more suitable day, with better energy.

Love and the 1st lunar day

1 lunar day is endowed with such energy that allows you to reveal even the smallest details of your personal life. Enjoy this day with such favorable energy for love and romantic relationships.

If you have just met your chosen one or chosen one, then choose a meeting place in a small cafe with muffled music. Day and evening in the company of the opposite sex will be very interesting and calm. When you are in an atmosphere of peace with muffled romantic music, then the conversation will develop confidentially. This day is aimed at the convergence of the sexes.

If you have been married for a long time, then completely devote the day and evening to your soulmate, who will also do something nice for you. Solitude, comfort and closeness can strengthen your bonds. There is no need to advertise that you are fine. Happiness has the peculiarity of being quiet and long-lasting if it is supported by mutual understanding and respect.

1 lunar day is favorable for the conception of a child. This child will live a bright, eventful life and may be a long-liver. In life, various events can happen to him, but he will endure everything and will not be embittered. Conceived on the 1st lunar day, people have guardianship from the Higher powers. Their spiritual strength is very persistent. These people can be priests, spiritual teachers.

On 1 lunar day, show more attention to people who love you. You also need to show your feelings so that the person knows that you treat him with an open and grateful heart.

Work and creativity on the first lunar day

1 lunar day is very favorable for creativity. You can do embroidery, knitting, any kind of needlework. In addition, activities that require perseverance always benefit the whole organism as a whole.

On this day, creative people will be blessed. The energy of the day and your favorite activity will be in such a category when you can relax and unwind while doing what you love.

It is not necessary to do hard work on 1 lunar day. Also in the house you do not need to wash the floors and do general cleaning, laundry, wash windows. Save those activities for a more active day.

As for work, on 1 lunar day it is not recommended to conclude contracts, start your own business. In financial matters, do not borrow. If you still take a debt, then you will give it to the entire growing moon. Take some time with this. And also it is not necessary to repay debts on this day, if you have any.

For business and work, the day will pass without any activity. And this can work out well in all cases in general. You should not be active, you just need to work the way you always do it.

Those who were born on the 1st lunar day

People born on the 1st lunar day are distinguished by high intellectual abilities. They easily bring to life everything that they think. They can cope with several things at the same time, and they succeed in this, achieving high results.

They can switch very quickly from one case to another and will not lose the main thread of the content of either case. Talent and intelligence can lead them to good positions and high incomes.

Although these people are endowed with talents and intelligence, they are very indecisive by nature. And this quality can interfere with them in many manifestations of their abilities. Indecision makes them think and analyze more. But by doing so, they can achieve their goals. This already suggests that any thought is determined in reality. The universe always helps to achieve what only a person can think of.

But also the embodiment can occur and negative thoughts. And then it will be difficult for those born on this day to find themselves among the negative. But after a while they gather their thoughts and move on with their lives.

Due to their constant reflection, some people believe that those born on this day can predict events. It creates such an impression.

People of the 1st lunar day can live to a ripe old age. But they also need to pay attention to their health. They do not recover well from injuries, both mental and physical.

Signs of the 1st lunar day

The main sign of 1 lunar day is considered to be putting your thoughts in order. The clearer and more positive the thinking in your head, the calmer you will be. Moreover, you need to take care of the purity of thoughts before going to bed, so that there are good dreams and deep sleep.

Magical rites of the 1st lunar day

On 1 lunar day, rituals can be performed that are done only on the new moon. But do not forget that you need to perform rites of protection from spirits before the ceremony. You can make a talisman or amulet. Basically, all the rituals on this day will be associated with self-improvement. The brighter and cleaner the thoughts are, the faster the cherished desires will come true.

Special care on the 1st lunar day

Since the main organ of 1 lunar day is the face and the brain, you need to pay attention to their work. Protect your face from the cold if you go for a walk. Also, make sure that there is no feeling of pressure in the head or other signs of uncomfortable indicators. The brain must be protected. In addition, be careful in your thoughts, do not jump to conclusions if something shocks you.

Dreams and dreams on the 1st lunar day

On 1 lunar day, dreams are dreamed, which are easy. Dreams during this period will be endowed with a favorable and positive energy for the body. If you still had a bad dream, then try not to concentrate on it. If you easily let go of the events of a dream, then in life this event will not have action and realization. If you had a good dream, then you will remember it and be able to interpret it.

Mantras of the 1st lunar day

I am sure that now and then, I will receive support from any person.

I understand and realize that I can handle any problem situation.

I want and will be a brave and strong person.

Now I am ready to be sure that I will always have enough money.

I understand the value of every thing that concerns me.

The first lunar day today is the day of laying the foundation for the entire lunar month. Symbols: candle, lampada, lamp, Hekate's altar. The whole lunar month depends on the direction of thoughts on this day. That is why on the first lunar day you need to think about the future, but not about the distant and abstract, but about the real and the near. Think about what you would like to implement in the current lunar month.
Try to think as close to reality as possible - if you plan for the impossible, it is unlikely to materialize quickly, and the lack of instant results will destroy your motivation. To make the month productive, try to imagine the implementation of your plans and the mood in which you would like to be, having received what you want. This is very important: many people, for example, dream of buying a car. But desire alone is not enough, even if you try to visualize a lot. You need to ask your friends to teach you how to drive, just ride in a car that you like, feel it. Of course, pass on the rights - then you will be much closer to implementation. This applies to any business - do not dream about the impossible, but do not lower the bar - look realistic. However, you should not abuse visualization techniques too much, otherwise, by getting everything you want, you may exhaust your pious karma, which could help you in difficult situations (for example, when you are sick).

Dreams on 1 lunar day

Dreams on 1 lunar day are considered prophetic, but only if you interpret them correctly. Many people after sleep search the Internet for its description, and take everything literally. It's not worth it - in fact, the astral world is a "world of desires." Therefore, it is not at all necessary that what you dream carries a meaning that is obvious to the eye. For example, if you kill someone in a dream, this does not mean at all that something in your life will be connected with the murder, on the contrary, you may have got rid of the “cockroaches” in your head in a dream. Try to focus on the light images of your dream, and if there are none, think about why. In any case, "walk like a tank" and wish for everything you want. The main thing is that it does not harm the environment.

Characteristics of 1 lunar day

The moon is calm today. Do not rush to get down to business, it is much better to think about them. Any haste should be avoided, remain calm and try to avoid conflicts, otherwise they can drag on for the entire lunar month. This day is best spent at home, thinking about the future. Naturally, if you lie on the couch all day, it will not lead to anything good. Think about what you need to implement your plans, about how you feel about their completion.