Class hour "Let's talk about tolerance." Final word of the teacher

Scientific and public spheres: politics, medicine, philosophy, religion, psychology, ethics, due to their specifics, give different answers to the question of what tolerance is. The concept began to be actively used in society in the late 90s. of the last century, causing disputes and contradictions on the postulates contained in it.

Tolerance - what is it?

A person is inherently unique, but in some ways people are similar, therefore, they are looking for people like themselves, their hobbies, religion. Belonging is important to the individual, since humans are social beings. Different peoples have different mentalities, and what is acceptable in one country may cause public outcry in another. What does tolerance mean in general terms?

In 1995, about 200 countries signed the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance, which states that tolerance is tolerance towards other religions, customs, cultures, diverse in their originality and individuality. Accepting that harmony lies in all this diversity allows people to be respectful to each other, to live in peace.

What does tolerance mean in other areas:

  • in medicine (pharmacology, narcology): addiction of the body to a substance, which requires a large dosage in order to achieve the same effect;
  • in music: respect for different styles and musical directions;
  • in ecology: the ability of biological organisms to develop in the environment, even under unfavorable factors.

Tolerance in psychology

This concept in psychology occupies an important place. Acceptance of people, with their characteristics, without criticism and condemnation, allows you to build a trusting relationship with the client and is an element of psychotherapy. The psychological phenomenon of tolerance incorporates both scientific aspects and principles, as well as everyday ones:

  1. Moral (conditional)- basically, contains delayed aggression. The tolerance of the “outer self” is only at a superficial level: a person agrees with what is happening, but inside, it literally holds back, “boils”.
  2. natural (natural)- is typical for young children and is expressed in their unconditional acceptance of parents without evaluation, unfortunately, it happens to the detriment of oneself if parents are cruel.
  3. Moral (genuine)- based on the full and conscious acceptance of reality. This is a mature and positive tolerance of the "inner self". Spiritual attitude to all manifestations of life and people and constant self-knowledge. All wise parables are based on morality.

The psychologist must develop this tolerance, the main criteria of which are:

  • emotional responsiveness (empathy);
  • the ability to reflect, internal dialogue;
  • the ability to establish constructive, positive relationships with people.

Tolerance - pros and cons

The idea of ​​this concept is based on the goals that are good for society, is it really so? Is peace and prosperity possible on earth without tolerance for other peoples? The concept of tolerance can be interpreted and used by people in different ways, without taking into account generally accepted and prescribed concepts. The medal has two sides.

Benefits of Tolerance:

  • helps to be humane;
  • teaches to overcome fears through effective communication with other dissimilar people;
  • develops a correct understanding of the different with their habits, character, worldview and way of life;
  • promotes personal and social development through the transfer of experience and knowledge, through interaction among both individuals and nations as a whole.

Disadvantages of Tolerance:

  • under the guise of tolerance manipulation of people's minds, covered with good intentions;
  • a thin line between really tolerance and slavish patience, to the detriment of the individual;
  • substitution of true concepts and values ​​with false ones, through social technologies;
  • tolerance is perceived by some as indifference, unwillingness to perceive and fight.

How is tolerance different from tolerance?

Translated from the ancient Latin language, what is tolerance literally: "tolerantia" - means "patience", "endure", "endure". The explanatory dictionary positions the word "tolerance" as a derivative of the French "tolerant" - "tolerant". In Russian, unlike other foreign languages, “tolerance” is a word with a clearly negative connotation, meaning to endure bad things, to endure hardships. However, tolerance and tolerance are different concepts.

Tolerance is a conscious rejection by society of the open manifestation of hatred, enmity. At the same time, a person internally can experience strong negative feelings and protest. It is formed in a short time and can be imposed with the help of the media (for example, to resolve a conflict between different peoples). Tolerance is a social phenomenon that has been formed over a long period of time and assumes that a person does not have hostility, hostility towards other people who are different from him in various ways. In a society full of different cultures and nationalities, this is a necessary phenomenon.

Tolerance and xenophobia

The word “xenophobia”, along with “tolerance”, is often heard in the media and is translated from Greek as “fear of strangers”. The thinking of a xenophobe is distinguished by a clear division into “us” and “them”. The unprecedented flow of migrants is perceived quite painfully and aggressively by the indigenous population: the arrived foreigners behave differently, do not always want to learn a new language, do not seek to learn the culture and customs of the country they migrated to. Tolerance in the modern world, ideally, implies the absence of xenophobia, peaceful coexistence and development of different peoples.

Types of tolerance

The basis of tolerance is the fundamental values ​​of society, without which humanity cannot exist. Scientists of many specialties are engaged in the classification of tolerance. In a constantly changing world, issues related to religion, attitudes towards people with disabilities, interethnic, gender and political relations are relevant and "acute". Considering what tolerance is, each applied area voices its own typology. The main types of tolerance are most fully reflected by M. S. Matskovsky:

  • religious;
  • gender;
  • physiological;
  • educational;
  • sexual orientation;
  • geographical;
  • age;
  • marginal;
  • interclass;
  • international;
  • racial;
  • political.

Religious tolerance

The religion of ethnic groups contains a sacred component that distinguishes it from other confessions. In past centuries, considering their religion to be the only true one, the rulers of different countries undertook military campaigns in order to convert non-believers to their faith. What is religious tolerance today? A person has the right to any religion accepted in his state, even if it does not belong to the dominant religion. Tolerance for another faith is the key to peaceful interaction between people.

Tolerance for the disabled

Compassion and mercy for all living things are important features of a person that are laid down in childhood with the right upbringing by parents. The manifestation of tolerance towards people with disabilities is, in the highest sense, assistance in the adaptation and socialization of a disabled person as a full member of society. Inclusive education, provision of jobs are important components of tolerance.

ethnic tolerance

Belonging to one's people, ethnic group with the assimilation of centuries-old experience, traditions, values ​​- this is ethnic identity. What is tolerance in international relations? This is a respectful attitude to the way of life of other peoples. The problem of tolerance in multiethnic countries is of global importance. The reverse side - intolerance (intolerance) is increasingly a reason for inciting ethnic hatred.

Gender Tolerance

Regardless of gender - people deserve respect and equal rights - this is the answer to the question of what gender tolerance is. Tolerance in society in relation to the sexes is an unstable phenomenon. Today, they are undergoing changes, and this is the reason for the negative reaction in society and the development of phobias. Intolerance to the other sex - sexism, is a discriminating personality factor.

political tolerance

Tolerance in politics is the readiness of the government for a constructive dialogue with other countries. In full, it can be represented in a state with a democratic regime of power and is expressed in the settlement of interethnic conflicts, respect for human rights, respect for other political beliefs that do not contradict the law. Political tolerance is a global process on which peace on earth depends.

Political correctness and tolerance are interpenetrating concepts in modern society. The history of the issue of political correctness arose in the United States, when African Americans demanded that the offensive word "black" be removed from the English language in relation to their race. Political correctness includes a ban on offensive language in relation to another race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. In multi-ethnic countries such as the United States, political correctness is gaining momentum and pervades all areas of society.




Head Chastinsky branch of GBPOU

"Stroganov College"

I.N. Goldobin

Methodical development of a class hour on the topic:

Let's talk about tolerance

Teacher: ________ O.P. Terekhin

(signature) (I.O. Surname)

With. Frequent, 2016

Speciality: Commerce (by industry)

Group: № 21

Well: 1

The date of the: 05.04. 16

Class topic: Let's talk about tolerance


Lesson progress

1 Organizational moment

2 Motivational start. Introduction to classroom topic

3 Disclosure of the theme of the class hour

4 Test "How tolerant are you?"

5 Final stage

6 Reflection: "Tree of Tolerance"



Tolerance is the most important component of education, which provides for familiarization with national spiritual values, universal knowledge, the unity of cultures, which forms the worldview of students.

Recently, more and more often there are talks about a tolerant world, i.e. a world without violence and cruelty, a world in which the most important value is the unique and inviolable human personality. And everyone knows that parents and society itself should educate children in the spirit of tolerance first of all, and constantly. But this is how the situation develops, that teachers, class teachers are most involved in the education of tolerance. To turn a group into a single whole, to share joys and sorrows together, to overcome difficulties together and celebrate victories, it is necessary, first of all, to cultivate a culture of tolerance among students.

Today, one can often hear that evil is stronger than good, that everyone lives on his own, without delving into the problems of others, people have become callous, rude and tougher. Tolerance is something without which our country, and indeed the whole world, risks plunging into chaos. We sometimes hear in passing, at recess, passing along the corridor, where our students speak with disdain about their peers of a different nationality. We pass by, making only a short remark, because we are in a hurry, because there is a curriculum, classes ... But the meaning of the word “tolerance” is that we, adults, do not pass by these seemingly so fearless children words. Indeed, after many years, every word we miss can become an explosion, a shot ... Almost every day TV shows terrible shots ... How much we want to protect children from grief, from fear, from the horrors of war and terrorist attacks ... Tolerance is necessary for all of us in our tough time filled with contradictions. This is our reality

In Russia, the problem of intolerance has become very serious in recent years, and not only of national tolerance. It is also important to say that the main thing is the human personality, human rights, self-respect of a person. It is not enough to educate a student only in a technical school. After all, he is also brought up by the whole environment, the society in which he is: family, friends, adults, the relationship between parents. Sometimes he is faced with the ideal of human rights that we are trying to instill in him at the technical school, and our reality destroys this ideal.

After all, tolerance is not just a quality that we develop in our students, but also a certain style of their life in the future. Thus, raising the topic of tolerance, the class teacher directly touches on different aspects in the upbringing of the student's personality.

This methodological development has been compiled for class teachers and can be used as an introductory lesson in a cycle of class hours aimed at fostering tolerance among students: fostering a sense of respect for each other, for the customs, traditions and culture of different peoples, for developing self-awareness, which helps students to see themselves and others as they really are.

The lesson contributes to the formation of general competencies:

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standardmethods and ways of performing tasks, evaluatetheir efficiency and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standardsituations and take responsibility for them.

OK 6. Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectivelywith colleagues, management, customers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members(subordinates), for the result of the tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of a professionaland personal development, engage in self-education, consciouslyplan for professional development.

OK 9. Navigate in an environment of frequent technology changein professional activities.

The class hour is accompanied by a presentation rich in illustrations and informational material, which is its concise multimedia accompaniment.


Topic: Let's talk about tolerance

Target: increasing the level of students' communicative culture to overcome and prevent social and emotional problems during adaptation in society.


Educational :

    improving the psychological climate in the group,

    contribute to the formation of a worldview based on the dialogue of cultures, awareness of one's place in a multicultural world; formation of a civic position as an active and responsible member of Russian society, with a sense of dignity, consciously accepting traditional national and universal humanistic and democratic values ​​(GK 3, GK 8, GK 9);

    With contribute to the development of an active rejection of any form of discrimination, the education of tolerant consciousness and behavior in a multicultural world, the readiness and ability to engage in dialogue with other people, achieve mutual understanding in it, find common goals and cooperate to achieve them (GC 6, GC 7);

Educational :

    development of social behavior skills, the ability to independently evaluate and make decisions that determine the strategy of behavior, taking into account civic and moral values ​​(GC 2, OK 3, OK 9);

    development of communicative and reflective skills, attention, memory, creative thinking of students (OK 2, OK 3, OK 6, OK 9);

    creation of conditions for the manifestation of the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination (OK 3, OK 8, OK 9);

Educational : introduce the concept of tolerance, identify the main features of tolerance, form a correct idea of ​​tolerant behavior, contribute to the development of principles of tolerant behavior, increase students' activity in public affairs, provide an opportunity to assess the degree of their tolerance.

Direction: moral education

Conduct form: "round table" with role-playing games, problematic issues.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, presentation "Tolerance"

Cabinet decoration : tolerance tree layout, posters with sayings about politeness, patience, friendship:

In every man nature sprouts either as grains or as weeds; let him water the first and destroy the second in good time. (F. Bacon);

A person who hates other people does not love his own. (N. Dobrolyubov);

We can achieve more with our patience than with force. (E. Burke);

Materials and tools : felt-tip pens, glue sticks, paper in the form of leaves (for example, birch), whatman paper, which depicts a tree without leaves, note paper

Note . In the text of the script, the text in bold is highlighted, which is also reflected on the slides of the presentation.

Preliminary preparation:

    selection of materials for creating a presentation, a script for a classroom lesson, creating a presentation and designing an office, creating an application for a classroom hour;

    8 students are involved in the preparation and holding of the event (staging dramatizations “Two Roads…Choose”, Tale of Happiness);


1. Organizational moment

2. Motivational start. Introduction to classroom topic

A conversation about tolerance. The history of the concept


3. Disclosure of the theme of the class hour

    The concept of tolerance

    General concept of tolerance

    Tolerance in different languages

    Tolerance in different religions

    Two ways of personality development: tolerance and intolerance


4. Test "How tolerant are you"

5. Summing up the class hour. Reflection.

Lesson progress

    Organizing time

slide 1

Before starting work, students draw tokens: red, yellow, green, white. Thus, 4 groups are formed.

slide 2

    Motivational start. Introduction to classroom topic

Today our conversation is dedicated totolerance . On November 16, residents of many countries around the world celebrate the International Day for Tolerance. This day is dedicated to the observance of the Declaration of Tolerance adopted in 1995. Its goal is to reduce the recent spread of violence and extremism around the planet.

Not everyone, perhaps, is familiar with this, and, at first glance, it sounds completely incomprehensible. But the meaning that it carries is very important for the existence and development of human society. A modern cultured person is not only an educated person, but a person who has a sense of self-respect and is respected by others.Tolerance is considered a sign of high spiritual and intellectual development of an individual, group, society as a whole.

But before we start, let's say hello.

Group 1 - red tokens - you greet like the Japanese (bow)

Group 2 - yellow tokens - you greet like Europeans (shake hands)

Group 3 - white tokens - you greet like Eskimos (rub their noses)

Group 4 - green tokens - you greet, like the Chinese ask, "Have you eaten rice today?" in response, the person should bow.

In such an unusual form of greeting, we expressed respect for each other, which is an integral part of tolerance.It is extremely important for every person to be able to establish contacts withother people, be able to communicate, i.e. be able to listen and “hear” others, understand thoughts, feelings expressed in words, expressed in gestures, facial expressions; be able to accuratelycommunicate your thoughts to your audience.

How often many misunderstandings, misunderstandings, sometimes tragedies are played out only because people could not understand each other, could not clearly communicateexpress your ideas, opinions, understanding about the subject of conversation (communication).

learning to live among people, being able to communicate is just as important as studying mathematics or physics,climb mountain peaks or explore the depths of the sea. And if you want to livea normal, full life, without the ability to live in harmony with other people,you need to learn how to communicate.

What qualities help people communicate?

Those qualities that help people communicate have one common name. This definition has its own concept of TOLERANCE, which has its own history.

From the history

slide 3

At the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, a certain Talleyrand Perigord, Prince of Benevent, lived in France. He was distinguished by the fact that under all governments (both under Napoleon and under King Louis XVII) he remained invariably the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was a talented person in many areas, but, undoubtedly, most of all - in the ability to take into account the moods of others, treat them with respect, and look for solutions to problems in a way that least infringes on the interests of other people. And at the same time keep their own principles.

How many of you have heard the word "tolerance"? Today we often hear from TV screens, from leading politicians, the word "tolerance", unknown to us until recently.

And what does it mean, you know? (hear opinion)

For the Russian language, the word "tolerance" is relatively new; This term does not have a clear, unambiguous interpretation. How does each of you understand this word?

(listen to answers)

Today, a modern person should not only be educated, but also have a sense of self-respect and be respected by others. People who do not have this quality are unable to make the changes that our lives require.

And what would happen if all people were similar to each other and did not differ in anything? Is it interesting to live in such a world of clones? (listen to answers)

Is it good or bad that we are all different? (listen to answers)

slide 4

People complement each other with their distinctive features.

Tell me please, how do you understand the word WORLD?

So the world is the universe. The world is our Earth. This is our country. Our town. Our college. The world is me. How diverse is the world around us. We are all so different: adults and children, blondes and brunettes, good and evil, plump and thin, bald and with pigtails, smart and not very smart. And we all need to live and understand each other.

The term tolerance is explained as tolerance, desire and ability to establish and maintain communication with people.

    Topic disclosure class hour

Let's define the word tolerance

slide 5

Tolerance is respect, acceptance and a correct understanding of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, forms of self-expression and ways of manifesting human individuality.

Show tolerance It means recognizing that people differ in appearance, position, interests, behavior and values ​​and have the right to live in the world while maintaining their individuality.

Tolerance is a global problem, and the most effective way of shaping the younger generation is education.

Word definitiontolerance in different languages ​​of the globe it sounds differently:

slide 6

    in Spanish it means the ability to recognize ideas or opinions other than one's own;

    in French, an attitude in which it is accepted that others may think or act differently from oneself;

    in English - willingness to be tolerant, condescending;

    in Chinese - allow, accept, be generous towards others;

    in Arabic - forgiveness, condescension, gentleness, mercy, compassion, favor, patience, disposition towards others;

    in Russian - the ability to endure something or someone (to be self-possessed, enduring, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something, someone).

Slide 7


Which of the definitions appeals to you the most? (Answers ).

Why do you think there are different definitions in different countries? (Answers ).

But what unites these definitions? (Answers ).

Different religions describe it in the same language

Slide 8

Slide 9

“None of you will become a believer until he loves his brother as himself”

“A person can express his attitude towards relatives and friends in five ways: generosity, courtesy, goodwill, treating them as if he were himself, and being true to his word.”


In everything you want people to do to you, do the same to them.”

Why is tolerance so relevant today? (Answers ).

(Next, the host and participants summarize everything that has been said, conclude thattolerance - not passive, unnatural subjugation to the opinions, views and actions of others, not submissive patience, but an active moral position and psychological readiness for tolerance in the name of positive interaction between ethnic groups, social groups, in the name of positive interaction with people of a different cultural, national, religious or social environment.).

Every person does different things in life. In some situations, he does the right thing and shows his good qualities, but sometimes it happens the other way around...

Scene “There are two roads in front of you. Choose...”

The young man and his girlfriend were walking around the city. An ill-dressed elderly man was sitting on the curb. A bag lay beside him. He groaned softly, and there were tears in his eyes.

Wait, I'll go to him, - said the girl.

Do not even think about it. It is dirty, you will catch the infection, - the young man answered, squeezing her hand.

Let go. You see, his leg is broken. Look, look, he's got blood on his pants.

What about us? He himself is to blame.

Let go of my hand, you're hurting me. He needs help.

I'm telling you, it's all his own fault. You have to work, but he begs, steals, drinks. Why help him?

I'll still come by. The girl pulled out her hand.

I won't let you. You are my girlfriend and do not dare to communicate with "anyone". Let's get out of here, - he tried to take her away.

You know what, I... How can you? He's in pain, you know? No, you don't understand!

The girl pushed the boy away and approached the man. The boy tried again to hold her back. She shook her hand decisively.

What's wrong with you? she asked the man. - What's wrong with your leg.

I broke it... I'm bleeding. I don't know what to do and where is the hospital in this city. I'm not from here. It's too painful for me.

Now. Let me take a look. Be patient. You need to call an ambulance.

Thank you lady, thank you...

Listen, - the girl turned to the young man who approached them, - do you have a “mobile phone”?

The guy was silent. The girl looked at him inquiringly and suddenly felt the disgust that emanated from his whole posture, look ... She got up and approached the guy.

Get out! Never call me again and don't come! I don't want to know you anymore.

Can you really do this because of some homeless, alcoholic? Silly! You'll regret it.

The girl shrugged and dropped to her knees again. The guy walked away.

You have an open fracture,” she said. - I'm going to call the doctor. Be patient, - she quickly went to the telephone booth.

Young woman! - the man called out to her - Thank you! The girl turned around and smiled. You will definitely find happiness for yourself.

Questions for groups:

· Why did the young man refuse to help?

· What would you do in this case?

· What do you usually do when you see that a person needs help?

· How should we act with people who beg for alms?

Listening to participants' responses

Conclusion . Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner, brighter. If we are attentive to any person with whom we interact, whether it be a random fellow traveler, a vagabond or a friend, this will be an act of kindness. What would you do in this case?

We see that there are two ways of personality development - tolerant and intolerant.

Exercise “Tolerant and intolerant personality”

The intolerant path is characterized by a person's idea of ​​his own exclusivity, a low level of upbringing, a feeling of discomfort of existence in the reality surrounding him, a desire for power, rejection of opposing views, traditions and customs. Intolerant individuals divide the world into two parts: black and white. There are no halftones for them. There are only two kinds of people - bad and good. They emphasize the differences between “us” and “them.” What traits should a tolerant person have, and what personality traits hinder being one?

And now you need to distribute the words in columns II, where in the I - column - the features inherent in a tolerant personality, in II - the features inherent in an intolerant personality:

Slide 10

Patience, sense of humor, misunderstanding, respect for the opinions of others, ignoring, selfishness, goodwill, self-control, intolerance, expression of neglect, irritability, ability to listen to the interlocutor, indifference, cynicism, understanding and acceptance, sensitivity, curiosity, humanism, unmotivated aggressiveness.

Let's look at the table.

slide 11

(discussion of information about the main personality traits)

Tolerance means tolerance for a different way of life, behavior, customs, feelings, opinions, ideas, beliefs.

Tolerance for other people's opinions, religion, behavior, culture, political views, nationality, that is, this manifestation of tolerance, understanding and respect for the personality of another person is independent of any differences.

The tolerant path is the path of a person who knows himself well, feels comfortable in the environment, understands other people and is always ready to help, a person with a benevolent attitude towards other cultures, views, traditions. A tolerant person sees the world in all its diversity.

To be tolerant means to respect others regardless of differences. It means being considerate of others and paying attention to what brings us together.

We are all different, we are all equal!

"Similarities and differences".

Participants in the group are divided into pairs and name 2 similar features and 2 features that distinguish them.

How do the similarities and differences of people affect the life of society?

Does nationality affect people's relationships?

How do older and younger people communicate with each other?

· How does the presence of physical disabilities in a person affect communication with other people?

You did the work in your microgroup. And now, in 30 seconds, you are invited to join groups according to various criteria: gender, hair color, horoscope, height, eye color, etc.


In each person you can find not only excellent, but also similar features. A person is judged by his appearance, profession, faith, how he builds relationships in the family and with others. Having done good, a person himself becomes better, cleaner and brighter. This is a tolerant way of personal development. By this we are talking about Cooperation and acceptance of a person as he is. - open the words on the board.

Airplane game.

4 couples: from each group, a couple of participants - the rest support. Pairs of participants take each other by the hand and make a paper airplane with their free hands.


You tried to agree with each other, distribute who will do what and complete the task together.

The game "Magic Hand" (reception of the search for a tolerant position).

Participants circle their hand on the sheet. It is proposed to write on your fingers your good qualities, and on your palm - what you would like to change in yourself.

Pictures can be hung on the wall.

We will work with you on the palms in the future.

Alienation and hostility in the perception of another culture is a very common phenomenon in our lives. It arises from the fear of the unknown, the expectation of hostility from the other group. Feelings of discomfort from the invasion of "strangers" in the usual life. If you get to know each other better, accept others as they are, be more tolerant, such problems will not arise. It often happens that you are faced with misunderstanding, both from adults and from peers. This is because different people perceive us differently. Life is theater. Everyone has their own life roles - student, son or daughter, grandson, friend, neighbor, classmate, passenger, pedestrian, etc.

The ability to understand and know other people is a feature of tolerant behavior.

    Test "How tolerant are you?"

Slides 12 - 25

Do you listen to other people's opinions? Relativedo you treat him with respect, are you tolerant? Before you testwhich, we hope, at least approximately will help to determine the degree of your tolerance. But one condition: answer quickly, do not thinking.

1. You think you have an interesting idea, but it doesn'tsupported. Get upset?

a) yes; b) no.

2. You meet up with friends and someone offers to start a game. What would you prefer?

a) that only those who play well participate;

b) so that those who do not yet know the rules can play.

3. Do you take the bad news with ease?

a) yes; b) no.

4. Do people in public places annoy you?show up drunk?

a) if they do not overstep the allowed limits, Inot interested at all;

b) I've always hated people who don't know how toto control.

5. Can you find contact with representatives other thanyou, professions, with a different position, customs?

a) it would be difficult for me to do it;

b) I don't pay attention to such things.

6. How do you react to a joke that you become the object of?

a) I don't like the jokes themselves, or the jokers;

b) even if the joke is unpleasant to me, I will try answer in the same manner

7. Do you agree with the opinion that many people are “sitting in the wrong place”, “doing their own thing”?

a) yes; b) no.

8. You bring a friend (girlfriend) to the company, who becameturns into the object of general attention. How do you react to this?

a) frankly speaking, it is unpleasant for me that in this waythe mania is abstracted from me;

b) I'm just happy for him (her).

9. At a party, you meet an elderly man who is a kritiforges the modern young generation, extols the old days. Your reaction:

a) leave early under a plausible pretext;

b) get into an argument.

Record two pointsfor answers: 16, 26, For, 4a, 56, 66, 76, 86, 9a.

Analysis of results

0 to 4 points: you are adamant, sorry, selfish, oryams. It seems that you are trying to impose your opinion on others at all costs. Raise your voice frequently. FROMyour character makes it difficult to maintain normal relationshipswith people who disagree with what you say and do.

6 to 12 points: you are able to firmly defend your beliefs. You can certainly have a dialogue, change your mind,if necessary. Capable sometimes of excessive sharpness,disrespect for the interlocutor. And at that moment you reallyyou can win an argument with a person who has a weaker characterter. But is it worth it to "take it by the throat" when you can defeat more dos toyno?

14 to 18 points: the firmness of your convictions is perfectly combinedlurks with great subtlety, flexibility of your mind. You can accept any idea, you will be sympathetic to enough steamdoxal act at first glance, even if you do not approve of ityou are quite critical of your opinion and are capable of respect and tact in relation to the interlocutor fromto seem from views which, as it turned out, are erroneous.

    The final stage

The final stage

In the end, I would like to say that the study group is a small family. And I want kindness, respect, mutual understanding to always reign in this family, there would be no abuse, no quarrels.

And I really want that at the end of our meeting you will not look like the king from the skit.

A story about happiness.

There was only one king in the world

Rich and powerful.

He was always sad. And sometimes

It was darker than clouds.

He walked, slept, dined,

And he did not know happiness!

But always whine and grieve

The poor thing is tired.

The king cried out: “You can’t live like this!”

And jumped off the throne boldly.

Yes, instantly destroy your inheritance

Not in royalty?

And now the king got into the carriage

And drove for happiness.

The king looks out the window

The carriage rolls briskly.

Wait a minute, who's in the way?

A girl in a tattered dress.

O almighty my king,

Give me at least a penny if you please.

Hey beggar, skip

Hurry my carriage.

Get out of the way immediately

After all, I'm going for happiness! -

The king said and drove off.

And in the blue sky the moon was cold ...

The carriage rushes at random

God knows which way.

Suddenly a soldier stands in the way,

Wounded, torn.

O my king, cried the soldier,

I am very glad to see you!

I humbly ask: arrange

You are at my service

I stood up for you

I really fought like a hero

I won the battle.

Well, soldier, skip

Hurry my carriage.

Get out of the way immediately

After all, I'm going for happiness!

The king said and drove away

And in the blue sky the moon was cold ...

The carriage rushes at full speed,

The horse gallops, that there is a spirit.

Suddenly came out on the road from the mountains

A stooping old woman.

Forgive me my dear king

The old woman is lonely.

My house is over there, you see, behind the mountain,

I went far in the morning.

I carry firewood from the forest -

Hard work.

I look around, barely alive:

Maybe someone will help...

Well, old woman, skip

Hurry my carriage.

Get out of the way immediately

After all, I'm going for happiness!

The king said and drove away

And in the blue sky the moon was cold ...

Here the summer is over. Heat

Is replaced by bad weather.

The king hurries: -

It's time to go

A little more - and hurray!

I'll get my happiness!

And everything would end in disaster

There are no doubts about it.

Yes, an old man with a white beard

Stopped the carriage.

Crossing over, slowly

Solemn and strict

Said, "Lost soul,

King, fear God!

You are looking for happiness for yourself

You are traveling the world.

But, only loving your neighbor,

You will find happiness.

Quickly listen to me:

Turn the horse back

Warm and feed the children

Hire a soldier as a watchman

Do it all, but first

Can you help the old lady?

Bring firewood to your house

Cut and lay…”

There was a full moon here.

And she lit the way.

Hard way, way back.

The path to happiness is not going anywhere.

The king is still in the palace

Helps all people.

Andhappiness on his face

Like a clear day, shining!

    Do such changes always occur in life?

    What does this story teach us?

Conclusion: A person should strive to change himself for the better, to live in peace with himself. The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes

6 Reflection: "Tree of tolerance" (creative task)

Our team is like a small family. And I would like kindness, respect, mutual understanding to always reign in our family, there would be no quarrels or swearing.

Let's grow our own tolerance tree. Let our tree turn green, and leaves will blossom on it. Write on a piece of paper your wishes, advice on what needs to be done so that our group, our technical school, our city, our country become a space of tolerance, that is, so that relations become as tolerant as possible. Now let's glue them to the tree.

Possible options:

Help each other, be friendly, protect the weak.

Do not quarrel, try to understand each other

Do not pay attention to nationality, religion, appearance, habits

· Communicate more, get to know each other

Respect each other, try to become better yourself

Meeting Prayer:

I came into this world

Not to justify your hopes

Not to serve your interests

Not to live up to your expectations.

And you came into this world

Not to live up to my expectations

Not to suit my interests

Not to meet my expectations.

Because I am me and you are you.

But if we met and understood each other, then that's great!

And if not, well, that's sad.

I thank everyone for their active participation. I see that I liked the class hour, and I hope that it left a deep mark on the soul of everyone, helped us all to understand that only respect for each other, mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect for equality will actually save the world. We will not be able to suddenly make either our own behavior or the behavior of other people tolerant, and we should not reproach ourselves for this. However, even the smallest step in this direction is important.

Archimandrite IANNUARY (Ivliev)

Recently, the topic of tolerance has often been raised in society. This topic is very contagious, and the first desire is, as a rule, to sing a laudatory ode to tolerance. But is such kindness appropriate? Is tolerance always good? In essence, tolerance is living in harmony with others. But where does this mode end? Are there limits to tolerance?

It is curious that in medicine the term tolerance is used in two different senses. On the one hand, tolerance refers to the body's resistance to the effects of poisons. And in this sense, tolerance is a very useful property. On the other hand, tolerance refers to the absence or reduction of an immunological response to a foreign body. And in this sense, tolerance often threatens with death. But in both cases, we are talking about a reaction to something alien.

Different dictionaries interpret the word "tolerance" also differently. Psychological dictionary - as harmony with oneself and the world around. Brockhaus and Efron consider tolerance as religious tolerance. In a sociocultural sense, we usually talk about respect for everything "other". But is tolerance so good, and where is its line with indifference? Questions, questions...

And here is how randomly selected people answer the question about tolerance:

Tolerance is a tendency to agree, to find a compromise. Doing this is very difficult. But it has to. We must seek a compromise with parents and children. Well, at work, too, you have to get along with your superiors. So you can't get away from it.

Yes, I'm tolerant of people. I can listen and I think that's enough.

This is getting along with everyone. Otherwise, how to live in a family? It is necessary to get along with everyone - old, small and others.

I respect other people's views. Not all, of course, and not always, there are small disagreements, but that's why we are people. We have to endure.

Now the definition of tolerance given in the Declaration of the Principles of Tolerance (signed on November 16, 1995 in Paris by 185 UNESCO member states, including Russia). Tolerance means “respect, acceptance and a correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifestation of human individuality. It is promoted by knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is freedom in diversity. This is not only a moral duty, but also a political and legal need. Tolerance is a virtue that makes peace possible and promotes the replacement of a culture of war by a culture of peace.” This broad definition is very complex. Bordering on demagogy, it mixes the spheres of morality, law, politics, but in general it can be called a definition of tolerance from the point of view of humanistic morality.

Man is a biological being, and he has much in common with the animal world. But our "smaller brothers" are by no means inclined towards tolerance. Simply put, black crows peck at white crows. A weak chick is deprived of food by its brothers in the nest, pushed out of the nest, etc. In general, a cruel Darwinian “struggle for existence” reigns in nature, i.e. complete intolerance. Other and weak in this world do not survive. And "beauty eternally shining" nature indifferently looks at the mutual devouring of its creatures. Moreover, the very harmony in nature (remember the psychological dictionary) is the result of an uncompromising struggle for a place under the sun. Isn't that what we see in people? Violence, robbery, xenophobia, discrimination of any minority is far from uncommon in our world. Already in innocent infancy, a human being, to the extent of his weak strengths and capabilities, shows exactly the same natural aggressiveness. Then, in the process of socialization, in adolescence, innocence becomes less, but the ferocity with which the “flowers of life”, gathering in flocks, show their aggressiveness, becomes much greater. It is only later that the circumstances of the child's social life, his family, the circle in which he is brought up, either suppress his natural aggressiveness or not.

When you think about tolerance, an episode from Vladimir Solovyov's brilliant "Three Conversations" comes to mind. One of the participants in the discussions on this subject, an old general, reminisces about the war in Transcaucasia. He recalls in detail how a Russian detachment entered an Armenian village and found in it a monstrous picture of brutal violence committed by a detachment of bashi-bazouks who had recently left this village. Showing miracles of strength and endurance, the “glorious Orthodox army” overtakes the retreating detachment of Muslims in the hollow, surrounds it and exterminates everyone, every single one. After that, the remains of Russian soldiers killed in battle were interred with army honors and with prayer. To the question of the advocate of tolerance and non-resistance to evil with violence about what happened to the corpses of the killed bashi-bazouks, the general, surprised by the question, replies that the corpses of “these damn children”, of course, were left to be eaten by crows and jackals. An objection followed: “But they are our brothers in humanity!” “Brothers are brothers. Yes, brothers are different. Cain and Abel were also brothers.”

Yes, it is good and pleasant to talk about tolerance and non-resistance when the matter does not affect you personally or your loved ones. Then it is easy to talk about the need to reach mutual understanding and compromise, about the peculiarities of self-expression of bashi-bazouks and respect for their religious beliefs.

And here is one case from a life closer to us. The press reported on it. One captured soldier was in slavery in Chechnya. It was literally bought by an old Chechen who needed a slave for his household. During one military operation, the prisoner was released, provided with documents, and he was told that now he could return to his place in the Tver region. The prisoner, however, said that it was useless, since they would find him there too. But nevertheless he returned to the family, where he had long been considered dead. After some time, an old man appears in this family, demanding the return of a slave to him. The old man was handed over to the police, charged under the relevant article of the law. But the old man could not, well, in no way understand what he was being accused of. After all, he bought a slave, bought it with his hard-earned and earned money. Why is his property now being taken from him, violating, let us note, one of the ten great commandments?

Just one more example. When the French Revolution broke out, there was a newspaper called "The Friend of the People". Created by Jean Paul Marat. Here is a quote from this newspaper: “We must win, and it’s okay if hundreds die for this goal. We will sacrifice thousands in order to achieve the goal - the victory of the Revolution. Enemies are all around us, and we must learn to recognize these enemies. All around us are those who want to destroy our French Republic.” Is it worth recalling similar, only more brutal speeches of the Leader of the world proletariat, for whose name alone hundreds of thousands of people in our country are still ready to give their (and others') lives? Tolerance offers to respect their crazy ideas, filled with a humane desire for the happiness of all mankind. French humanists did just that: they respected and fought not only for the right to have cannibalistic opinions, but also to embody these ideas in executions and Soviet concentration camps. Like, we must listen, understand and seek a compromise in a peaceful dialogue! We must patiently delve into the slogans of millions: "He who is not with us is against us", "If the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed"! And there are many enemies - millions.

Tolerance cries out: Huguenots and papists - embrace! executioners and victims - kiss each other! “Hug, millions! This kiss to the whole world! ”, - so Schiller immortalized these slogans in his symphony Beethoven.

Of course, tolerance is usually interpreted not simply as tolerance or indifference. It is said that tolerance is also respect, and even love for the diversity of the world, manifested in cultures, religions, anthropological types. Only one limitation is recognized: it is necessary that this diversity does not go beyond the generally recognized norm of humanism. And this presupposes a certain agreement of mankind regarding this norm. That is, tolerance does not imply complete unscrupulousness, but a certain compromise. What is seen as a criterion that gives us the right to change tolerance to intolerance? We are obliged to become intolerant when faced with all sorts of xenophobia: racism, aggressive nationalism and various ethnophobia. Xenophobia same as rejection alien, has biological, evolutionary, historical, ideological, cultural and all sorts of other explanations.

Boring, sir! It is quite clear that the humanistically posed problem of tolerance is nothing but the problem of the survival and stability of human society. And this problem has as many solutions as the social structure is diverse. Strictly speaking, in practice the problem of tolerance is resolved by a specific law, law. Laws depend on many historical factors. In addition to the rules of law in societies, there are also unwritten norms of morality. They are also formed under the influence of various historical conditions. In short, the acceptable limits of tolerance in societies are very flexible and relative. tolerance for alien in some tribe lost in the Amazonian forests and swamps - one. The tolerance of a resident of a multi-tribal and multi-lingual empire is different. The striving for homogeneity, supposedly eliminating the problem of tolerance, enshrined in the rigid laws of a totalitarian society, in reality inevitably leads to the disintegration of this society, and as a result only exacerbates the problem. But too liberal legislation, of course, does not solve the problem, but simply ignores it and leads to the same chaos. The vector of the historical movement of mankind, if it is not an optical illusion, seems to be directed towards some kind of cosmopolitanism. And, it seems, the humanistic calls for tolerance, with their general pathetic mood, anticipate the desired unity of mankind. But it is hard to get rid of the thought that the beautiful-hearted calls for tolerance are very reminiscent of communist utopian dreams of universal brotherhood. Both equate humanity to a purely natural phenomenon, which on purely natural paths can come to "ecological" harmony. Whether through accelerated selection, as in communism, whether through education and upbringing, as in humanistic doctrines. At the same time, both of them ignore the real unpredictability of human freedom, ignore the fact that man is a special being that does not fit into the framework of natural laws. As "old man Derzhavin" wrote, he is a slave and a king, a worm and a god. Therefore, no matter how noticeable the hitherto not too noticeable successes of humanization may become, they will always remain vain, the vanity of this age, a shaky crust over the fire-breathing lava of human freedom and uncertainty.

So what have we come to? To the fact that tolerance in public life almost coincides with the concept of law and order. Tolerance is a necessary element of the very existence of society, a property developed by the very nature of human community. The boundaries of tolerance in society are determined by legislation (domestic and international). Societies with very narrow limits of tolerance approach totalitarian ones. They are inherently self-destructive. Societies with too wide tolerance limits are fraught with anarchy and disintegration. A wise balance between freedom and coercion is necessary for the sustainability of society. There can be a great variety of such equilibrium states. In each specific case, the balance is determined by cultural and historical conditions. All these things are self-evident, and it would not be worth talking about. But… Nevertheless, much is said about tolerance. Why? First, because in any society, even within the limits allowed by law, intolerance manifests itself at the personal and group level in the most diverse forms. Unpunished, but completely obvious racist and anti-Semitic antics, all sorts of aggressiveness in the sphere of ideology, religion, politics, aesthetics, sports ... You can’t list everything. Restrained by the law, malicious moods now and then threaten to develop into unacceptable aggressive actions. And either tougher legislation or education can help here - a long process, moreover, always with an uncertain outcome.

Secondly, increased talk about tolerance is a consequence of the gradually gaining strength of globalization. The boundaries between different societies are becoming more and more transparent. Society itself is becoming increasingly multicultural and multi-ethnic. Such, in any case, as we have said, is the general vector of world development. Of course, in such a uniting world community, the boundaries of tolerance should be wider than in isolated societies. Actually, its definition in the above "Declaration of Principles of Tolerance" by UNESCO is aimed at such a worldwide tolerance. The process is complex and dramatic, to which we are all witnesses today. After all, the expansion of the boundaries of tolerance is associated with the destruction of centuries of moral, ideological and religious foundations and traditions.

But perhaps the most serious, ontological conclusion that we can draw from the analysis, albeit superficial, is that tolerance itself, being a necessary requirement of a written or unwritten law, is inevitably associated with violence against human freedom. “The man is too wide. We need to narrow it down!" And there is no escape from violence: these are the laws of nature and survival. And a Christian would say: such is the state of man and all mankind in sin. And any attempts to get out of this state on their own are absolutely illusory. It was only Baron Munchausen who could pull himself out of the swamp by his hair. In fact, he would need outside help. Let's say a crane. Christianity points to such a “hoisting crane” with its Good News, the Gospel.

This is the time to turn to the famous words of Jesus Christ from the Sermon on the Mount: “Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Nothing similar to Jesus Christ could have come to anyone's head! Love enemies?! Why? This is unnatural. Enemies must be fought, and "if the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed." Of course, this is an extreme case. It is wiser to run away from the enemy and hide, not to run into trouble. It is even wiser to find a compromise and come to mutual tolerance. Then there will be no need to hide. At the same time, of course, you will have to make some kind of violence on yourself: a compromise is always violence on yourself. But after all, Jesus offers us something unnatural as a moral norm.

Unnatural? Is it so? But is the state of man and all mankind in sin, about which we spoke a little higher, natural? Christianity gives an unequivocal answer to this question: No! a person is in a state that is unnatural for him. It is natural for him, created in the image and likeness of God, to return to himself the divine image distorted by sin and to regain the lost likeness of God. This is evidenced by the reference of Jesus Christ to our Heavenly Father, Who loves the evil and the good. Sons must become like the Father. The likeness of the beast must be replaced by the likeness of God. The aggressive struggle for the elusive life must be replaced by Life itself, embracing everything and everything. What people are accustomed to call natural, from a Christian point of view, is contrary to the true nature of man. Every cell of our being moans and screams about it every second. And not only ours. In the words of the apostle Paul, "the whole creation groans and travails together," waiting for release from the senseless and vain vanity of the earthly pursuit of survival. The pledge of god-likeness in a person is his freedom, what fundamentally distinguishes him from everything in this world. Moral feeling and moral choice, from outbursts of unmotivated villainy to equally unmotivated feats of mercy and compassion - this is what distinguishes man from all other creatures. Freedom, unpredictable and not controlled by any laws, is a miracle, something supernatural, a kind of hole in physical nature, a breakthrough from the realm of necessity into the Kingdom of God. Freedom is what stood in the way of the utopians, who, using carrots and sticks, terror and persuasion, dreamed of driving all people into illusory communist happiness. Freedom is what, under any most humane, most benevolent and most successful system of earthly legislation, will always seethe in people, resisting the violence of any law, any coercion.

Thus, Christianity invites people to aspire from the realm of necessity to the realm of divine freedom, to become like God, Who loves the evil and the good. But how? It is senseless to persuade people: love your enemies, respect them, do not wish them harm, do not take revenge. Threats, persuasion and upbringing have not yet fallen in love with anyone. They love because they love, not because they have to. Love either comes by itself or it doesn't. It is a gift, not an obligation, not a merit, and not an object of trade. Yes, God loves all His creation, He shines the sun on everyone. A good role model, only too far away, almost abstract. And it is impossible to imitate love or even tolerance. "Love either comes or..." But here lies the very essence of the Christian gospel. Love has come! No, not our love for God and for each other, but God's love for all of us, love that opened the door for us from the dungeon of our "natural" lack of freedom to the Kingdom of freedom and love.

The mystery of the "event of Christ", the mystery of the Cross - "for the Jews a temptation, for the Hellenes madness", - the mystery of the painful compassion, suffering and death of God for us, for the sake of love for all of us, for all people from Adam to the last man. It's not just sunshine or rain, it's the Kingdom of God itself that broke into the kingdom of the "beast". The Kingdom of God did not just “approach”: after the Cross and the Resurrection it became closer and more accessible than any object of this world, because it penetrated into the people themselves, who entrusted their hearts to the Good News about their real, and not just desired, salvation. However, this is not the place for preaching, which, moreover, is already two millennia old.

Here, after all the arguments about tolerance and humanism, it should only be said that only the Christian doctrine of redemption provides a clear rationale and ontological support for true tolerance. (True, it is necessary to make a reservation here. Tolerance always implies tolerance for what is alien, different. But the fact of the matter is that the Cross removes the problem of the alien. For a Christian, there can be no strangers. Therefore, in Christianity it is not about tolerance, but about love and forgiveness.) In a beautiful-hearted and kind humanism, tolerance does not and cannot have an absolute logical necessity and no solid ontological foundation. Why should I be tolerant? Why should I respect all people? Why on earth, if all I have is this earthly life from which there is no way out. This is about logic. But Christianity is not just a doctrine with an impeccable logical basis. It is a new life and, accordingly, a special life practice.

This is where legitimate objections come in. They are known: it is the life practice of Christians throughout their history that has given many examples of godless intolerance. Most often it was associated with religious intolerance. The dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron was mentioned above. It said: “Religious tolerance is a necessary condition for the development of mankind. Meanwhile, it was the achievement of religious tolerance that was most difficult for mankind, because religious ideas are unthinkable without faith in their absolute truth. Truth is, in a certain sense, intolerable.” All this is true if religion remains at the level of beliefs and "ideas". But where the Christian faith becomes true life in Christ and His Kingdom, intolerance comes to an end.

Two thousand years ago, a new story began, a new story just began. The Church, which began as an inconspicuous bunch of people in a distant province of the Roman Empire, like a seed, has just begun to germinate. Jesus Christ loved to compare the growth of the Kingdom of God with the slow germination of an imperceptible mustard seed, with the slow action of a small piece of leaven, with the sowing of grain, most of which will be devoured by birds, and whose seedlings will be burned by the sun and strangled by weeds. But the time will come, and a large tree will grow from the mustard seed, the leaven will ferment the whole dough, and the remaining seedlings will give a hundredfold harvest. Let us look with an unprejudiced eye at what fruits Christianity has already borne. The universal abolition of slavery, flowing precisely from countries with a Christian tradition, the humanization of legislation and the democratization of society, the highest examples of mercy and charity ... We do not see the end of history, and it is clear to us that the Kingdom of God cannot be realized on this earth, such as it is. But it can gradually and visibly influence people's lives, through the people themselves. And it affects.

The Christian is in a state of "dual citizenship". He, according to the Apostle Paul, is a citizen of the "state in heaven", that is, a citizen of the Kingdom of God. He accepted this "citizenship" through faith, repentance and baptism, received the "certification" of the Spirit. And in this Kingdom - love and freedom. But at the same time, he remains a citizen of the earthly kingdom, in which neither God nor Christ reigns, but another master, no matter how he is called. In this kingdom - vain struggle and laws. This duality throughout the history of the Church has created a difficulty for thought and for life. After numerous trials, errors and successes in resolving this dilemma, what should have been clear from the very beginning became finally clear: Christians should in no case neglect the problems and needs of “this age”, for their direct and irrevocable task in this world – to continue the work of Jesus Christ and His disciples to improve this world according to the gospel “law” of love. At the same time, while remaining within the framework of the culture and legal order of his earthly fatherland, a Christian must be critical of any existing cultural and legal situation, judging them by the scale of his heavenly homeland.

Tolerance, being one of the requirements and achievements of modern culture, is, as we have seen, a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Therefore, a Christian should approach tolerance not lightly, but critically. Worthy of every encouragement in it is that which leads to the organic unity of people in mutual respect and brotherly love. That tolerance deserves condemnation, which, turning a blind eye to actual or ideological evil, is thereby the instrument and conductor of evil in the world. A very important aspect of the problem of tolerance is that it is labor, it is a process. This is really hard work, and not very cloudless, requiring caution and wisdom bestowed by inspiration. The Christian in this regard is given one very practical instruction of Jesus Christ: "Behold, I am sending you as sheep among wolves: therefore be wise as serpents, and simple as doves." “Dove simplicity”, that is, the sincerity of preaching the Kingdom of God, in the “kingdom of the beast” must be accompanied by “serpentine wisdom” in order to be successful. Alas, how often everything happens the other way around with us, and Christians, if we are talking about them, preach the gospel of love with "serpentine simplicity", that is, with sanctimonious hypocrisy, and with "pigeon wisdom", that is, in absolute stupidity and dark ignorance. .

Not all people use the concept of tolerance in their lives. What it is? These are the norms of behavior accepted in the social environment, which are expressed in people's tolerance for each other, religions, customs and feelings. It can be said that The basis of tolerance is considered to be the right to express thoughts and every person. These are human feelings, which are expressed in a positive attitude of people to something, but not to violations of moral and universal principles. This word has recently come into use, let's try to understand this concept in more detail.

peony flower

Tolerance includes such human qualities as:

  • Compassion and tolerance;
  • Forgiveness and mercy;
  • Perception of the neighbor with all his shortcomings;
  • Respect for the rights and freedoms of people;
  • Willingness to cooperate;
  • Maintaining a spirit of partnership and parity among people.

In 1995, the UNESCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance was adopted.

According to this document, tolerance is:

  • Patience;
  • Lack of aggression;
  • Philosophical worldview and the ability to philosophically evaluate the life positions and manifestations of the character of other people.

Depending on the sphere of manifestation, tolerance is divided into the following categories:

  • political;
  • Pedagogical;
  • Medical;
  • Scientific;
  • Administrative, etc.

Types and types of tolerance in modern society

The concept of tolerance is not just a Wikipedia definition. There are different definitions, as well as divisions of tolerance into species, types, subspecies and subtypes. Psychologists divide tolerance into four types, which are based on interpersonal communication of people:

  1. natural (natural). This type of tolerance is characterized by the fact that the child cannot oppose his own "I" to the world around him. He doesn't have much experience for that. Children's consciousness is driven by forgiveness, trust. It is these qualities that allow a small person to adapt to the conditions of existence. However, these character traits make the baby suppress desires and manifestations of will.

People with different skin colors can be tolerant of each other

  1. moral tolerance. This kind of tolerance is typical for self-sufficient and wise people who know how to use the body's psychological defense mechanisms. The main manifestation of this attitude is the manifestation of tolerance towards others. Inside, the passions of indignation may rage and negative energy accumulate, but outwardly the person is extremely calm.
  1. moral tolerance. It will be surprising to many people that two paragraphs with synonymous subheadings go in a row. But there is a significant difference between moral and moral tolerance. Moral tolerance is different in that it determines the degree of trust in a person. This type is typical for people who try to accept the thoughts, values, stereotypes, life principles of another person. It is easy for such people to endure conflict situations and resist the pressure of stress.
  1. ethnic tolerance. Causes long-suffering and lack of condemnation to a foreign culture, customs and way of life.

A person endowed with ethnic tolerance is able to live for a long time in an environment that is unusual, and sometimes even unpleasant for him, a foreign culture and traditions.

Main types of tolerance consist of four subspecies:

  1. The attitude of a person to the situation and the people taking part in it. Subdivided situational tolerance to the following levels:
  • Low level characteristic of a person’s negative attitude to the world and the surrounding reality (“they annoy me”);
  • On the middle level a person expresses tolerance for interlocutors (“I like to communicate with them, and I understand them perfectly”);
  • Highest level characterized by the complete acceptance of a person by a person (“I feel comfortable and good with them”).
  1. The position of a person in relation to other people, based on political, ethnic and national characteristics. This type of tolerance is called typological.
  2. Another subtype of tolerance - professional. This is the reaction of people to the environment in which they are forced to stay for a large amount of time - employees, colleagues, colleagues.
  3. Collective tolerance (general) consists of the signs that a person shows as a result of the previous three observations. Their systematization gives a general picture of the level of tolerance of the individual.

Many people are intolerant of men and women with tattoos.

Examples of tolerance from life

The most obvious manifestations of tolerance in life, as a rule, are associated with religion: you can meet a Christian who talks with a Muslim, and both of them are tolerant towards each other, listen to each other's position and opinion. Also, an example of tolerance can be a conversation between people of different political views. It is important that l people do not try to impose their point of view but have the power to recognize that the other person may not share your political beliefs.

Often people are not tolerant of the appearance of people who dress or look completely different from you. For example, you don’t like tattoos and as soon as you see a girl with a tattoo, your attitude towards her immediately deteriorates, or you don’t want to communicate with her at all.

It will be absolutely intolerant to express your position as the only true one, to hint in every possible way that the person is wrong, that all his arguments seem stupid or insignificant to you. In this situation, you can safely call yourself an intolerant person.

Tolerance and intolerance

In an effort to become tolerant, a person does not think about the fact that his manifestations of tolerance sometimes have the character of violence against himself. That is, he does not have moral tolerance, which is due to acceptance and forgiveness. This process takes place at the level of moral tolerance, which suppresses the internal rejection of any processes.

Tolerance and intolerance are manifested in all spheres of human relationships: professional, interethnic, interreligious and others.

How to understand that a person is tolerant? As a rule, the following signs of tolerance and tolerant personality are distinguished:

  1. Humor. The ability to laugh at one's own shortcomings is the main difference between a tolerant person. He adequately responds to criticism and jokes addressed to him.
  1. Self-realization.

A tolerant person is aimed at self-improvement and the implementation of his plans.

He is inquisitive, open with people and selflessly comes at the first call for help. An intolerant individual does not know how to empathize and does not show compassion for people. He cannot self-determine, and does not strive for self-improvement.

  1. Self-esteem. Tolerance is the ability of a person to adequately evaluate himself and others. He clearly knows and strives to eradicate them. Tolerance implies the harmony of people with the world and within themselves. An intolerant person is accustomed to blaming others for his troubles. He transfers all the blame to those around him, to the circumstances. At the same time, intolerant people exalt their own achievements and stick out their virtues, which, perhaps, do not exist at all.
  1. Security. With all the problems of modern reality (rampant crime, terrorism, etc.), a tolerant person feels protected in society. However, intolerant people see everything that happens around them as a real threat to their own security.
  1. A responsibility. Tolerant people are not afraid of responsibility. In everything that happens around, they are looking for the true causes and meaning. It is not difficult for them to take on certain obligations, and bear for their misdeeds and others.

Conchita Wurst, aka Thomas Neuwirth, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Copenhagen

  1. Democracy. Tolerant people will never convince you that they are right. They will definitely listen to your point of view, but will remain with their own. Intolerant people are dictators in their psychological attitude. They need to know that everyone around them is subject to their concepts and aspirations.

Tolerance in the modern world

Tolerance for our state and its citizens is something new that has come to us since the time of "Perestroika" and the formation of a new state. In the Soviet Union, tolerance was considered, if not a manifestation of weakness, then a betrayal of the political views promoted by the state. In a communist society, differences of opinion, religious views and preferences were not allowed. The perverted concept of tolerance was recognized only in the call for equality and brotherhood of all peoples and strata of society. Which, however, was sheer propaganda, and had no real basis.

At the present time, people in our country and around the world are increasingly asking themselves the question: “How to become a tolerant person?” And many confuse tolerance with forgiveness in Christianity. However, this concept is far from calling Christianity to the patient and stoic desire to "bear your cross" or "turn your cheek for a second blow." The Orthodox Fathers categorically reject tolerance as a science and in every possible way prevent its teaching in schools and universities. They believe that the acceptance and understanding of any point of view destroys the moral foundations of a person who were brought up in him from childhood.

We can list several examples of the dual interpretation of manifestations of tolerance in society:

  1. Youth. Let's consider a vivid example of the manifestation of the denial of tolerance - skinhead groups. They believe that tolerance for foreign culture, beliefs and attitudes leads to the oppression of the Slavic race. How to explain to a child what tolerance is? First of all, by example. Do not be afraid to discuss sensitive topics in the family regarding any kind of tolerance. Tolerance for children, especially small ones, can be a difficult concept, but over the years, the seeds you sow will make themselves felt, and your child will become a truly tolerant person.
  1. A family. In some countries, where a tolerant position towards people has been promoted for a long time, there are some excesses in concepts. For example, in England it is forbidden to use the words "husband" and "wife" in the document flow. Thus, the authorities of the state try not to offend the feelings of sexual minorities entering into a marriage union. However, this is also not the limit, in the future it is planned to ban the words "mother" and "father", with the same purpose. European society condemns the denial of Russians in relation to same-sex partners who want to adopt children.

  1. Politics. In political life there is a very thin line between tolerance and servility. Politicians receive appropriate training and skills to help them manipulate the public and the opinion of the majority of people. Take the same ban on teenage homosexuality, adopted at the legislative level in Russia. In tolerant Europe, this caused a storm of condemnation and accusations of intolerance of the Russian rulers.

Today we see that the Russian public is outraged by the manifestation of fascism and extremism on the territory of the former Russian state - Ukraine.


From all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Manifestations of tolerance for non-traditional views on life and the concepts of the minority must be justified by logic and common sense;
  • It is necessary to consider the adoption of certain positions guided by the laws and traditions adopted in society;
  • It is necessary to clearly know and be aware of the limits of tolerance;
  • Tolerance should not develop into permissiveness and violation of true values.

It is necessary to respect and understand the meaning of life, the positions and aspirations of other people, which must correspond to such concepts as "morality", "morality" and "democracy". A tolerant person is not one who is endowed with one positive quality, it is an individual who possesses all of them in full. He will never go into conflict, even justified by certain circumstances, it is impossible to call him to condemn or sharply reject other people's ideals and aspirations. However truly tolerant people must have high moral principles. In order for our society to become tolerant, it is necessary to educate and instill in young people tolerance based on the standards of morality and morality.

Today, the issue of tolerance has acquired particular relevance - tolerance towards people belonging to different nationalities and cultures. Recently, this problem has acquired particular importance because more and more often we began to notice manifestations of hostility, unfriendliness, anger, and aggressiveness. Moods of mutual intolerance and cultural selfishness penetrate the family and the school. Such trends negatively affect the development of the personality of children, their spirituality and kindness. That is why parents need to carefully consider the education of children's tolerance and find effective mechanisms that contribute to its formation.

The problem of tolerance

Why bring up a child in the traditions of tolerance? Everything is simple. The basis of tolerance is the right to difference, individuality. If you want your child to easily integrate into society and be adequately perceived with all the features and individual traits, then you need to bring up the same perception of people in him from childhood.

People all over the world are different: a different race, nationality, religion, social environment, health status, way of thinking. Tolerance is the life position of a person, which I have, it is easy for him to communicate with various people, which means it is easier to live. Tolerance today has become a condition for harmonious life in society. That is why it became necessary to educate the younger generation according to the rules of tolerance.

An important task of education today is the understanding and acceptance by children of universal human values ​​(cultural, moral, social), which are close and understandable to different peoples. The child should be explained that disrespect for a particular culture does not contribute to the emergence of mutual understanding between people, but only increases the level of conflict. It is important to convey to children in accessible ways that a tolerant person:

  • respects the opinions of others
  • benevolent
  • aimed at interaction
  • able to understand and accept
  • inquisitive and witty
  • indulgent.

Watch the video about the need to educate children's tolerance

Considering the problem of tolerance in relation to children of preschool and school age, it can be attributed to the main areas of education. It is associated with the culture of communication, which is one of the most important in the school, as well as outside it. Agree, not only children, but also ourselves, knowing full well that we are all different, do not always behave adequately and tactfully towards people. Being tolerant of each other is far from easy.

The spirit of intolerance has always existed in society. The subject of intolerance may be the following:

  • national
  • religious
  • ethnic
  • social
  • genital
  • related to appearance
  • health related
  • associated with interests, hobbies and habits.

Great importance in the formation of tolerance in children is given to teachers. Tolerance in the pedagogical sense is communication between a teacher and students, built under non-optimal conditions that contribute to the formation of a culture of communication among schoolchildren, respect for the individuality of the individual, and the ability to calmly express their opinion.

The education system should be aimed at transferring deep knowledge about peoples, cultures and traditions to children, which, in turn, will solve the problem of prejudice in children.

“Do you know that children who show tolerance mean that they realize that people differ in appearance, in social status and hobbies, in ethnicity and religion, and understand that everyone has the right to life, their own view of the environment? peace and individuality?

The main tasks of educating tolerance in children:

  • dissemination of ideas and ideals of tolerance
  • development of independent critical thinking, training in the development of judgments, taking into account moral universal values
  • building respect for people
  • work on the ability to build effective communication with students of different nationalities and religions.

How to develop tolerance in preschool children?

Psychologists believe that it is best to start building tolerance, because it is in this period that the personality begins to actively develop.

Directions for the education of tolerance in preschoolers:

  1. Formation of a positive attitude towards the disabled, people of different nationalities and religions.
  2. Teaching preschoolers how to communicate and how to resolve conflicts.
  3. The study of folklore in order to gain knowledge about the diversity of peoples.

To educate tolerance in preschoolers is best through the game.

The best opportunities in the field of tolerant education of preschool children are created in a preschool institution. Kindergarten has a very important advantage - a children's society in which a child can learn to perceive the diversity of children and learn to communicate. Such an environment is the readiness of the child for humane, tolerant behavior.

In order to develop tolerance in kindergarten, a whole range of events:

  1. Holidays and lessons of acquaintance with the culture and traditions of one's own people and other nationalities.
  2. Role-playing games to master the moments of tolerant communication.
  3. Active games of different nations.
  4. Folk holidays.
  5. Classes based on folk tales.

With the development of tolerance in children, it is important to educate educators and parents on tolerance issues.

It should be noted that the development of tolerance in preschoolers will become effective only if it occurs in an emotionally balanced environment.

Tolerance at school

Being engaged in the development of tolerance at school, it should be remembered that pedagogical activity should be based here on a systematic approach and a combination of various forms of activity of schoolchildren. Pedagogical experience testifies to the presence of different methods and forms of work, with the help of which it is possible to cultivate tolerance in students.

The teacher should include the following components in the educational process:

  1. Application of the orientation of tolerant education in the organization of class work.
  2. Conducting adequate patriotic education in the process of subject lessons and extracurricular hours.
  3. Formation of a positive civic position at school.
  4. Education on the principles of tolerance and comradely love for people.
  5. Formation of respect for the cultural and spiritual heritage of the country, as well as a positive perception of other cultures and traditions.

The following principles underlie the teaching of tolerance to schoolchildren:

  • Humanization: each individual is unique.
  • Integrations: interaction between different art forms.

The education of tolerance is a difficult intellectual and responsible, great mental work of a teacher, which is aimed at shaping the fragile personalities of students. The basis of such activities should be live communication and explanation of concepts using real life examples.

"Advice. The teacher must himself be tolerant and open to children: only in this case he will be convincing for them.

Methods and techniques

In order to carry out successful pedagogical activities in the direction of tolerance, it is recommended that the teacher use the following in the learning process:

  • active use of gaming technologies
  • mother tongue development
  • history teaching
  • expanding knowledge about the nationalities of students, their traditions
  • use of works of art (literature, paintings, films, etc.)
  • involvement of students in active forms of discussion of topical issues (participation in discussions, debates, debates)
  • organization of joint activities of students
  • teacher's attention to students' understanding of the meaning of this or that behavior, actions
  • interaction of the teacher with the families of students
  • educational activity of the teacher, which consists in joint visits with students to cultural centers, exhibitions, concerts of various national cultures, etc.

Exercises for correcting behavior in case of intolerance

Games and training exercises help the teacher to conduct an interesting classroom hour or an individual lesson on the formation of schoolchildren's tolerance (for example, working with a child who is intolerant of another or with a child who is intolerant).

  1. "Antipodes". The teacher asks the student to write in two columns good and bad traits of his character. After that, you can discuss the resulting list, simultaneously developing options for replacing negative qualities with positive ones.
  2. "Cons and pros". Using the same list of personality traits, the teacher suggests that the child think about the cases in which negative qualities would be useful. For example, intolerance can manifest itself, but only to lies, bad habits, betrayal, violence.
  3. "Pebble". The teacher says that every person has some kind of flaw, like “a pebble in a shoe,” which prevents him from developing and achieving success. The teacher invites the child to find in himself such a quality that prevents him from communicating normally.
  4. "Zest". The teacher explains to the child that everyone has some best quality that allows them to cope with difficult life situations. The teacher offers to find the very “zest” that the child can be proud of.
  5. "correct position". The teacher helps the child develop the right attitude towards himself and the current situation. The teacher should teach the student to say within himself, "I am fine, others are fine too." Such a positive attitude will help develop an adequate position in communicating with anyone.
  6. "Breaking stereotypes". The teacher explains that the world is not only divided into black and white, good and bad. The world is multifaceted, colorful and amazing. And the more diverse each person is, the more interesting it is to live.
  7. "My ideal image." The teacher suggests writing to the child a list of qualities that suit him, as well as those that he wants to develop in himself and acquire. Determining the ideal image will help the child outline a plan to overcome negative character traits.

When using these techniques in collective or individual work with students, the teacher must carefully select them in accordance with the goal and task. The teacher himself must be humane and show a high level of trust in children, be able to accept them and try to provide support.

Tolerant parents

Everyone knows the truth that a child from birth should be surrounded by parental love. Ideally, friendly, cheerful relations should dominate in the family. All this affects the formation of tolerance in the child. If, on the contrary, in a family, eternal discontent, screams, humiliation, hostility towards each other, reproaches are considered normal, then in such a family the child will not learn to adequately perceive his own personality and individuality and will similarly perceive others.

"It is interesting. Psychologists say that if a child constantly saw aggression and negativity in the family, then these manifestations can become the norm of life.

Parents need to understand:

  • If a child is regularly criticized, he will learn to hate.
  • If a child is treated with hostility, he can easily become aggressive.
  • If a child is constantly laughed at, he will grow up closed.
  • If a child is often reproached, he will be haunted by guilt.
  • If a child is accepted as he is, he will also accept people.
  • If a child is carefully treated and supported, he will believe in himself.
  • If the parents are honest with the child, he will become truly fair.
  • If a child feels safe, he will grow up to be an optimist.
  • If a child is understood and taken care of, he will believe in love.

Under conditions, if parents are inconsistent in their upbringing, a certain model of behavior can form in a child. For example, when parents say one thing today and something completely different tomorrow, the child will be confused, unscrupulous, embittered at others and aggressive - moreover, in relation to parents. You can't make a child intolerant overnight. Tolerance is a gradual pedagogical work. And a big role here is given to how the parents themselves behave.

If you are attentive parents, then our tips to help raise a child in the tradition of tolerance:

  1. Learn to listen to the child and hear him.
  2. Learn to relieve the child's emotional stress.
  3. Allow your child to express emotions, including negative ones.
  4. Accept and love your child for who they are.
  5. The child will obey and fulfill the requirements if they are reasonable.

A child will be open to the world and tolerant if he feels kindness and respect for each other, understanding and calmness in his family from birth.

To be tolerant means to perceive the world in all its richness and diversity. Teach your children to be just like that, and then they will not have barriers in communication and enemies.