Synopsis of the interactive game “Collect a portfolio. Interactive game for children of senior preschool age "Collect a portfolio

Didactic game "Collect a portfolio"

"Portfolio Tutyr"

Maksat. Uku asbaplarynyn isemnären haterdä nygytu. Alarga karata sakchyl karash tarbiyalu. Ukyrga baru telege buldyru.

Yen are goodies. Wenda 3 balls katnasha. Balalar uku asbaplaryn portfolio, wenchyklarny cabinet kuyarga tieshlәr. Alyp baruchy kechkenә cards kүrsәtә һәm sory: Bu nәrsә? Bala rәsemdәge үrәtneң isemen аytә, kaisy zur kartochkaga tours kilә, shul bala rәsemne үzenә ala, shakmaklary tiz tulgan bala җiңүche bula.

"Collect a portfolio"

Target. Fix the names of school supplies. Cultivate respect for them. Encourage the desire to study at school.

Game progress. 3 players participate. Children should sort school supplies into a briefcase and toys into a closet. The host shows a split card, asks “What is this? (Bu nәrsә?), Players name the drawing and sort according to the rules of the game. Whoever fills the empty spaces on their map first is the winner.

Who lives in the portfolio:


Filled with books in winter
And in the summer it is empty and sleeps soundly.
Runs down the street in winter
And in the summer it lies in the room.

But it just gets really hot
He takes me by the hand
And again in the rain and blizzard
My briefcase is walking with me.

The teacher is in my bag!
- Who? It can not be! Really?
- Look, please! He is here.
It's called a textbook.

The notebooks in the briefcase rustled,
What is more important in life, decide.
Lined notebook mutters:
- Grammar!

And in a cage, a notebook grumbles:
- Maths!
What reconciled notebook with notebook,
It is still a mystery to us.


I am a smart bookmark.
You need me to keep order.
Don't flip the page.
Where laid - read!

I am an eraser, I am an elastic band.
Dirty back.
But my conscience is clear:
I erased the blot from the sheet!


And at ten, and at seven, and at five
All people love to draw.
And everyone boldly draws
Everything that interests him.

Everything is interesting:
Far space, near forest,
Flowers, cars, beaches, fairy tales…
Let's draw everything! There would be colors

Yes, a piece of paper on the table
Yes, peace in the family and on earth!

The pencil in the pencil case toils
But he doesn't break.
The handle is tight
But it's easy to find.


I am a little pencil
I wrote a hundred papers.
And when I started
That with difficulty climbed into the pencil case.

The student writes and grows
Pencil is the opposite.

In the diary of homework,
And there are marks next to each other.
How good are they!
Come on, mom, sign!

I think silently
Then I click on the accounts again.
If you count correctly,
You will always get a "five"!


Above paper sheet
Waving brush tail
And not just waving,
And smears paper

Paint in different colors.
Wow, what a beauty!

Letters printed
Very careful.
Letters for writing
I write myself.

It is very fun to write with a pen:
The letters hold each other by the handles.
More about the pen
- Ah, fathers! the pen said. -

What does this squiggle mean?
- You ink head!
You wrote the letter "A"!

My compass, dashing circus performer,
Draws a circle with one foot
And the other pierced the paper
Grabbed - and not a step.

Why from under the sharpener
Curling shavings and sawdust?
Pencil does not want to write
Here she sharpens it!

Target: consolidate the dictionary on the topic "School supplies".
Tasks: To form in children the ability to assemble a whole image from individual parts. Develop hand-eye coordination and spatial perception in children. Develop figurative memory and attention. To improve children's communication skills in the game. To form non-standard thinking and imagination during the game. To educate in children the ability to bring the work begun to the end; perseverance. Encourage children to want to go to school. Encourage respect for school supplies.



"Collect a portfolio"

The game is designed for children 5 - 7 years old.
Target: consolidate the dictionary on the topic "School supplies".

To form in children the ability to assemble a whole image from individual parts.

Develop hand-eye coordination and spatial perception in children.
Develop figurative memory and attention.
To improve children's communication skills in the game.

To form non-standard thinking and imagination during the game.

To educate in children the ability to bring the work begun to the end; perseverance.

Encourage children to want to go to school.

Encourage respect for school supplies.

Game progress:

1 option: Invite the children to look at the pictures to guess the riddles and name the school supplies. Players solve riddles and put items in a briefcase.

There is one game for you,

Let's play now,
I will make riddles

And you have to guess them, friends!

1. I carry a new house in my hand, the doors of the house are locked.
Here the tenants are paper, all terribly important ( briefcase ).

Well done! Let's start building a portfolio!

2. In a black field, a white hare jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white. Who is this hare? ( eraser)

3. Who will color our album? Well, of course… ( pencil ).

4. There is no language, but it tells ( book ).

5. Now I’m in a cage, then in a line - write on them, manage,
You can also draw. I'm called ... ( notebook ).

6. I love directness, I myself am direct.
I help you make a new feature.
And draw a straight line without me.
Guess my friends, who am I? ( ruler ).

7. A white bunny jumps over a black field ( a piece of chalk ).

8. I don’t know letters, but I’ve been writing all my life ( a pen ).

9. They like to poke their nose everywhere:

And draw and draw.

Everything is painted by ourselves

Multicolored noses.

(colour pencils)

10. In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, erasers and paperclips -

Anything for the soul.(pencil case)

11. On the girl's palette,

colored sisters,

Paint a sheet of paper

When they smear with a brush! ( paints)

12. Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads on the page.(tassel)

13. Two legs agreed
Make arcs and circles.(compass)

14. Glue the ship, soldier,
Locomotive, car, sword.
Help you guys
Multi-colored ... (paper)

The field is white, the sheep are black.(paper and letters)

15. To connect the sheets,
The device must be taken.
Can be stapled.
What will we call him?(stapler)

16. Hy, who is ready with his two swords

Cross because of a piece of paper? (scissors)

17. With a sharp nose, everything will be pinned:

Sheet to the board, poster to the wall.

Very necessary as in school,

So even at home, to me.(button)

18. Here is our drawing ready.

The pencil worked hard.

But he needs a fix.

Sharpens a pencil ... (sharpener)

19. It consists of buttons,

Every student knows him.

The numbers will be counted instantly.

What is it, student?(calculator)

20. Two sheets in between
He fastens, open the cap.
You can smear, do not be sorry.
And everyone calls him...?
(glue )

21. This tape can be glued

Everything that was impossible:

book, torn notebook

Fix and patch.

If you don't mind gluing,

That will help you...(scotch)

Well done guys!
All riddles solved

Portfolio properly assembled!

Option 2: Invite the child to look at the cut-out cards and say "What is shown on them?". Then explain to the child the purpose of the game- get a single picture from separate disparate elements.

The child must learn to "see" the picture in detail, keep it in memory and repeat on their own, mentally turning and combining the parts. If the child has difficulties, it is necessary to give him a sample of the collected picture.

"Guys, all of you will go to school soon, and you will need to collect your briefcase , in which there should be only the most necessary things for study. Today I propose to collect our common school briefcase . What do you think is the most important thing to do in school?”

Holiday script

"Graduation at school for preschoolers"


    To develop intellectual and cognitive activity in children;

    To develop in children the sharpness of thinking, ingenuity;

    Create a joyful mood in children, arouse a desire to participate in competitions;

    To promote the development of children's communication skills, the ability to communicate, to overcome the complex of shyness, stiffness.


    Chairs for children, guests;

    Tape recorder, CDs with music;

  • Board, magnets;

    Portfolio with tasks (three envelopes);

    2 briefcases with content for the "Collect the briefcase" game;

    Gifts for preschoolers.

Holiday script

1. Presenter:

We are opening the Graduation Ball

It will start the adult road

And trees will grow from small sprouts

And it all started at this threshold.

2. Presenter:

How timidly he stepped over it

And your heart sank with excitement.

After all, he could not do anything then

And then came the moment of farewell.

1. Presenter:

Wipe the tears of tenderness from your eyes,

Look, these are your children.

(Children enter in pairs and the presenters call them by name and surname)

Girls enter in pairs and disperse in one column, boys in another

2. Presenter:
Today we are all waiting for an unusual and exciting celebration. Our children are saying goodbye to the mini-center and getting ready for a new life stage - going to school. Each child in the group is a small star. Everyone is talented and unique. We fell in love with them and today with pride and hope, sadness we let them go to school. And now I would like to dedicate preschoolers to graduates.

The song "Oh, how good ..."

Children read poetry: (poems in the application)

1. Presenter:

May all be well in your school life.

And now it's time to check whether you are all ready to become students.

Tell me what is needed at school? children's answers - form, notebooks, pencils, paints ...). Well done!!! But the most important and necessary thing in school is briefcase! Without it, you can not imagine the future student! Do you all know what to put in a briefcase? ..

We will check now!

Game "Collect a portfolio"

So, children, if I name an item to take to school, you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, you stomp your feet. Ready?!.

textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

clockwork steam locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

brushes and paints,

christmas masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

stapler and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Collected to school student!

2. Leading: Well done!

But to be a real student, you need not only to be able to pack a portfolio and not be late for school, but also to cope with various tasks.

I suggest checking if you are ready to be first graders. In our cool portfolio, we have prepared assignments for you. Can you deal with them? Let's see…

I take it out of my briefcasethe first the envelope…

Envelope No. 1.

We wish you to gnaw nuts for a whole year without interference,

It's fun to play burners.

Forest squirrels are writing to you.

From squirrels for you mathematical problems.

1. In the meadow, by the stump,

He found another one.

Who has the answer

How many mushrooms did the hedgehog find?

2. One birch grew

It has 8 branches.

Each one has an orange.

How many oranges were on the birch?

3. In a clearing by the river
May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who managed to count them?

1. Presenter: Well done! You have learned how to solve problems! And now we will listen to children's poems.

Game "1, 2, 3,4….." ( building in pairs, triplets, etc. )

Music is playing, everyone is moving, dancing! As soon as the music stops, I hold up the number card. For example, if the number "3" is shown, then you are going in threes! If "2" - in pairs! Got it?.. let's start!

Worked out, and now a break!

What are the kids ready to do?

Who is our favorite friend? (The game)

The song "Our Educator!"

2. Lead

Game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!" (mindfulness game)

1. We will now ask everyone: who here loves dancing, laughter?
2. Who walks to school every day with a merry gang?
3. Answer in unison in an instant: Who is the main prankster here?
4. Who is accustomed to your order, does exercises in the morning?
5. Which of you, tell me brothers, forgets to wash?
6. And one more question: who does not wash his nose?
7. Which of you keeps pens, books and notebooks in order?
8. Which one of you was so good at sunbathing in galoshes?
9. Who is in bed all day and who is too lazy to study?

10. Who promises not to be lazy, but only to study well?

11. Which one of you, I want to know, will pat me now?

1. Leading

I take out the third envelope from the briefcase ...

Envelope number 2.

welcomes you Lesovichok and offers to guess what animal will be discussed.

Game "Tell me a word".

    Hay with a trunk takes a thick-skinned …(elephant)

    Who likes to run on branches? Of course the redhead …(squirrel)

    In more often with his head up, howling with hunger …(wolf)

    Who knows a lot about raspberries? clubfoot, brown …(bear)

    On the fence in the morning likes to crow …(rooster)

2. Who gnaws a bump on a branch?

Well, of course it is... bearsquirrel

3. Who will take off from the flower just about?

Multicolored... hippobutterfly

4. Who is mooing in the barn in the morning?

I think so... whalecow

5. Lace web

Weaved skillfully ... Pinocchiospider

2. Presenter: Here are the first tests. And you're ready to move into preschool!

Dance "Ha-fa-na-na"

2. Presenter:

They put everything in portfolios of books,

And the diary, and the pen is here,

All girls and boys

Coming soon to preschool!

The school will open the doors for them,

Step forward with your nose

1. Presenter:

Of course we believe in you

Just don't let me down!

Grades are waiting for you at school

Friends and friends are waiting

Waiting for lessons, breaks -

Your school family!

Friends song.

2. Presenter: The guys came to our holiday and look, they left their portfolios!!! Let's see what they have inside ... .. (I lay out the contents of the briefcases on the table) Oh, there are a lot of things!...

I am sure that our future first graders know what they need at school!

1. Leading

Game "Collect a portfolio"

Let's imagine: early in the morning, you are going to school ... and suddenly you remember that your portfolio is not packed! In a few minutes, you must collect a portfolio, putting in it what you consider necessary at school!

And then we'll see how you got together! What a fun morning we had!

2. Leading: We invite you to watch a short film about our children.

1. Presenter: And now the most solemn moment of our holiday. You will be awarded the very first diplomas in your life in memory of the kindergarten.

He reads poetry and gives certificates, medals and memorable gifts.

Words of gratitude from the educator sound:

The guys have their first graduation in their lives! We are a little sad to part with you, but our kids have grown up and are entering a new stage in life! We wish you happiness, good health and prosperity! And for participating in the preschool life of the kindergarten, we want to reward you with letters of thanks……………... (delivery of letters)

Words of gratitude from parents.

They offer to go outside to launch the balls of desires.

KSU "Kachar secondary school No. 1"

Holiday script

"Graduation at school for preschoolers"

Educator: Khromova A.Yu.

Release of children from kindergarten to school. Scenario

Simakova Irina Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education, MBU DO TsRTDYU st. Severskoy MO Seversky district
Material Description: scenario of a theatrical performance for children of 6-7 years old, graduating to school, with the participation of children of 9-10 years old, presenters, heroes. The scenario will be of interest to educators, music directors, teachers of additional education, teachers-organizers.
Target: creating a solemn, festive atmosphere.

-create a festive atmosphere;
- to instill a love for learning;
- develop curiosity;
- to expand children's knowledge about school traditions;
- Encourage children to actively participate in games.

Equipment: musical arrangement of the holiday; costumes of Malvina, Pinocchio,
2 briefcases with school supplies; toys; commemorative medals.

1 Lead:
Light and elegant now in this room,
And lush bouquets are everywhere.
Today we celebrate a big holiday,
We accompany our children to school.

2 Lead:

Inaudibly autumn will come,
Dropping a smart leaf from a branch.
Along the golden roads
Slowly September will come
For boys and girls
Starting the school year.

1 Lead:
Well, today a ray of sun beckons you, teases,
You are having fun this morning.
You have a school holiday today,
And the main guest on it is the game!
She is our guest big and smart,
Will not let you get bored and discouraged
A big and noisy dispute will start,
Helps you learn new things.

2 Lead: Guys, the heroes of your favorite children's books came to your holiday. Meet!
Malvina enters to the music.

Hello guys!
I got up early today
I collected my portfolio.
I'm fine here:
Books, pens and notebooks.
(She lays out the contents on the table.)
And I didn't forget the line
She was also taken.

1 Lead: Guys! Malvina did not come to us alone. Guess who else came to visit us?

A fragment of the song "Bu-ra-ti-no" sounds. Pinocchio runs in. A briefcase dangles behind him.


Hello guys!
My nose is sharp
My nose is long
I am a cheerful Pinocchio.
I didn't yawn either.
I quickly threw everything into the briefcase:
Cubes, plates, cups.
Multicolored papers.
Pyramids, rattles -
In general, all your toys!

Pinocchio puts toys on the table next to Malvina's school supplies.


What are you, what are you, Pinocchio!
What is this strange picture?
Well, why do you need toys:
Pyramids, rattles?
You go to school to study
Don't be naughty and don't be lazy
You learn a lot of new things
You read many books.

And what do I have! Here, admire: this is so that after answering the question of the teacher, the throat does not dry up! (Takes out a bottle of lemonade from his briefcase.) This is to have enough sweets for the whole day! (Pulls out a bag of sweets.) I almost forgot the most important thing! (Takes out a pillow.) I'll need this when I'm tired in class and want to sleep. I'll put a pillow under my head to make it softer. That's how good I am!

Yes, "well done", do not say anything! And what are you going to wear textbooks? Guys, let's tell Pinocchio what to take with you to school.

Let's play the game "Collect a portfolio"

2 people come out to the table and begin to collect a portfolio to the music from the things that Malvina and Pinocchio laid out. Checking collected items.

- Guys, if I name a subject that needs to be taken to school, you clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, you stomp your feet.
textbooks and books,
toy mouse,
clockwork steam locomotive,
Colored plasticine,
brushes and paints,
christmas masks,
Eraser and bookmarks,
Pencil, notebooks,
Schedule, diary,
Collected to school student!
Malvina: Guys, and now I will guess riddles about school supplies. Help Pinocchio solve them.
If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this? (Pencil)
In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, eraser, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul. (Pencil case)
Who walks with a bag of books
School in the morning? (Student)
black, crooked,
Silent from birth.
And as soon as they line up,
Everyone will talk right away. (Letters)
I know everyone, I teach everyone,
But I am always silent.
To befriend me
Need to learn to read. (Book)
Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.
Feel free to write on me.
You can also draw.
What is me? (Notebook)

Pinocchio: Oh, guys, how smart you are - you guessed all the riddles! And now we will check whether you know fairy tales well.
Baba ... (Yaga)
Koschei the Deathless)
Cat ... (Leopold, in boots, Matroskin)
Crocodile Gena)
Postman Pechkin)
Dr. Aibolit)
Red Riding Hood)
Fly Tsokotukha)
Winnie the Pooh)
Uncle ... (Fyodor, Styopa)
Three ... (bear, pig)

Pinocchio: Oh, and it will be fun at school!
Malvina: The kids at school don't always have fun. They master various complex sciences.
Pinocchio: What are complex sciences?
For example, mathematics.
Math is hard
But I will say with respect:
Math needed
Everyone, without exception.

Pinocchio: Well, I can solve examples and problems. Ask any - I will cope with it easily and quickly.
Malvina: Good. Then listen to my task:
A magpie, a sparrow, a butterfly and a bumblebee flew across the sky. How many birds were there?
Pinocchio: Of course 4, what is there to think.
Malvina: And here is wrong.
Pinocchio: Why is it wrong?
Malvina: And you guys ask.
(Pinocchio asks the guys and finds out that there are only 2 birds, since the butterfly and the bumblebee are not birds).
Pinocchio: Oh, how interesting! Let's check if the guys know math?
Malvina: Here are my tasks. Listen carefully!

1. Vadim found six mushrooms,
And then another.
You answer the question:
How many mushrooms did he bring? (7)

2. In a clearing by the river
May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who managed to count them? (four)

3. Three daisies - yellow eyes,
Two funny cornflowers.
The children were given to the mother.
How many flowers are in the bouquet? (5)

4. In the clearing near the oak
The mole saw 2 fungi.
And further away, by the pine,
He found another one.
Well, who is ready to say:
How many mushrooms did the mole find? (3)

Pinocchio: Well, you guys are surprised!
You were not taught in vain.
Can you count
So you can dance!
1 Lead: Dance "Corn"

2 Lead: Thank you Pinocchio and Malvina for coming to our party.
Pinocchio: Dear children, we wish you good health
Malvina: and good luck, bye!

Pinocchio and Malvina leave.

1 Lead: Guys let's play a game. If you hear sentences about you, then say in chorus: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” and if not, then silently, shake your head negatively.
- Who walks to school every day like a merry gang?
- Which of you keeps books, pens and notebooks in order?
- Who is in bed all day and who is too lazy to study?
- Who, tell me, guys, does exercises in the morning?
- Which of you, from the kids, walks dirty to the ears?
How many of you come to class an hour late?
- Who does his homework exactly on time?
- Which of you, say aloud, catches flies at the lesson?
- Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
- Who promises not to be lazy, but only to study well?
- Which of you, I want to know, likes to sing and dance?

Game-dance "Helper".

2 Lead: Guys, now for you the rules of conduct at school.

1 Lead:

Wake up early in the morning.
Wash well
In order not to yawn at school,
Do not peck your nose at the desk.

2 Lead:
Dress neatly
To be pleasant to look at
Check your own clothes
You are big now.

1 Lead:

Train yourself to be in order
Don't play hide and seek with things
Treasure every book
Keep your briefcase clean.

2 Lead:

Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair back and forth
respect the teacher
And don't bother your neighbor.

1 Lead:
Don't tease, don't be arrogant
Try to help everyone at school.
Do not frown in vain, be bold
And you will find friends.

2 Lead:
That's all our advice
They are wiser and easier,
You, my friend, do not forget them.
Well, good luck, good luck!

1 Lead: And now we will give the floor to your teacher: _________________.