Who loves autumn psychology. Character of those who love winter

Of course, each of us has our favorite time of the year, when we feel cheerful, unusually cheerful and just happy. Of course, for some it manifests itself to a greater extent, for someone - to a lesser extent. But the season to which you give your sympathy, according to psychologists, in a sense reflects the characteristics of your character, and also demonstrates your preferences when choosing a professional field of activity. Below we will talk about what his favorite season can say about a person.

Character of those who love winter

As practice shows, in people who prefer the cold winter months, individualism and leadership prevail in character. Their life passes according to the so-called "cat" principle, which can be expressed in a nutshell: by itself. Quite often, these are closed people who do not tolerate stormy communication and overly active communication. However, at the same time, they always understand what they want from life itself, as well as from others. They easily overcome difficulties and obstacles, and life's difficulties, which anyone else would have saved, are perceived by them as another obstacle that you just need to get around. Of course, these are extremely patient and at the same time persistent people.

Winter lovers really know how to achieve their goals, therefore, success for them is a matter of time. They are very cautious and prudent, do not like to talk a lot, they do not advertise their emotions in public. Even if their feelings are extremely strong, they will try to hide them from others and keep their experiences secret. Do not speak openly. They only speak when they are asked a question. True, they do this only when they themselves wish to be heard.

They do not have a large list of friends, and even that suffers constant verification. In the choice of acquaintances, they are unusually demanding and scrupulous, bringing only a few closer to themselves. If they decide to start a family, they are exemplary spouses.

Often these are hardened materialists who prefer comfortable living conditions, a comfortable and clean environment. Of course, for dear and close people, they will do the impossible. But betrayal, betrayal, etc. will never be forgiven.

Favorite season is spring

For the most part, these are very gentle people, whose character is distinguished by cheerfulness, lightness and carelessness. These are very playful individuals who are characterized by a certain frivolity. They value their life and know how to be truly happy, because every moment for them is a reason to rejoice. They rarely fall into despair and depression, often act as the "soul of the company", they simply adore communication and various adventures.

As a rule, they do not like to act as the initiator of any event, but at the same time they will readily support an interesting idea. Fortunately, they do not hold enthusiasm and passion. They are ready to take an active part in a business that will seem fun, exciting and funny to them. Surrounding people love such people, use their good mood and appreciate the ease of communication with them.

However, connoisseurs of spring are not capable of lasting friendship, because even this entails a certain amount of responsibility. But these people do not understand what they really want from life. Therefore, they do not realize why they need true friends and comrades. The ease of thinking allows them not to linger on one situation for a long time, joy and gaiety make it possible to easily make vital decisions.

As a rule, their character is distinguished by selfishness and exactingness. However, at the same time there is a place for romance. They believe that they can come at any time convenient for them and leave without saying goodbye. Moreover, it is quite normal for them to just leave you, completely forgetting that you were together. And everything is explained by their selective memory, which does not allow them to dwell on one thing.

Summer season lovers

Of course, these are real leaders, whom nature has awarded with the appropriate qualities. They are able to win your mind and heart with their enthusiasm, conquer with self-confidence and bribe with energy. Their head is always full of interesting ideas, far-reaching plans and simply original solutions.

Of course, many people envy them. They make excellent bosses, however, as practice shows, summer lovers do not always strive for this. They are not attracted to leadership as such, they prefer to be free from all sorts of circumstances.

They strive to live their lives brightly and diversely, which sometimes goes to the extreme. Often these are stubborn individuals who everywhere and always try to achieve their goal. True, it is easy to compromise.

Probably, more than others are capable of crazy and passionate love. However, in the event of problems, they take a long time to break, however, in this case, all bridges to retreat are burned.

Your favorite is autumn

It would seem that connoisseurs of the autumn season should be incorrigible romantics. However, in reality this is far from always the case, because this time of year is often liked by people who are strict, self-confident and withdrawn, who have a weak nervous system, a tendency to depression, as well as a depressed inner state. The character in this case is quite changeable, which is so inherent in the autumn season. The mood, accordingly, jumps from joyful and positive to irritable.

Most of all they value peace and moderation, they love solitude. Quite rarely feel an acute need for communication. Difficulty getting along with new people. They do not try to get to know themselves better by penetrating into the depths of their "I". Never try to play an important role in relations with such people, because they are not capable of passionate impulses and actions due to natural rigidity, restraint and self-doubt. Due to the fact that there is a weakness of the spirit, they often experience cravings for alcoholic beverages.

But there are other situations when connoisseurs of autumn are distinguished by not quite traditional behavior, as well as outlooks on life: they behave defiantly or, say, act as charm itself.
Among those who love autumn, there are many poets and artists.

P.S. I love spring! And I'm selfish, yeah :)
And what is your favorite time of the year?

How a person's character is influenced by a favorite season: winter, spring, summer, autumn.
Of course, each of us has our favorite time of the year, when we feel cheerful, unusually cheerful and just happy. Of course, for some it manifests itself to a greater extent, for someone - to a lesser extent. But the season to which you give your sympathy, according to psychologists, in a sense reflects the characteristics of your character, and also demonstrates your preferences when choosing a professional field of activity. Below we will talk about what his favorite season can say about a person.

If you have not yet decided for yourself which season you like, do not despair. It is enough just to relax and think, when you feel a surge of vitality in yourself, feel comfortable, calm, etc. It may turn out that you will notice such a feature: at certain times of the year it is easier for you to cope with some tasks, solve problems, etc. d. And if you already know exactly which season brings you good luck and success, you just have to check your observations with the information below.

Character of those who love winter

As practice shows, in people who prefer the cold winter months, individualism and leadership prevail in character. Their life passes according to the so-called "cat" principle, which can be expressed in a nutshell: by itself. Quite often, these are closed people who do not tolerate stormy communication and overly active communication. However, at the same time, they always understand what they want from life itself, as well as from others. They easily overcome difficulties and obstacles, and life's difficulties, which anyone else would have saved, are perceived by them as another obstacle that you just need to get around. Of course, these are extremely patient and at the same time persistent people.

Winter lovers really know how to achieve their goals, therefore, success for them is a matter of time. They are very cautious and prudent, do not like to talk a lot, they do not advertise their emotions in public. Even if their feelings are extremely strong, they will try to hide them from others and keep their experiences secret. Do not speak openly. They only speak when they are asked a question. True, they do this only when they themselves wish to be heard.

They do not have a large list of friends, and even that suffers constant verification. In the choice of acquaintances, they are unusually demanding and scrupulous, bringing only a few closer to themselves. If they decide to start a family, they are exemplary spouses.

Often these are hardened materialists who prefer comfortable living conditions, a comfortable and clean environment. Of course, for dear and close people, they will do the impossible. But betrayal, betrayal, etc. will never be forgiven.

Favorite season - spring

For the most part, these are very gentle people, whose character is distinguished by cheerfulness, lightness and carelessness. These are very playful individuals who are characterized by a certain frivolity. They value their life and know how to be truly happy, because every moment for them is a reason to rejoice. Quite rarely they fall into despair and depression, often act as the "soul of the company", they simply adore communication and various adventures.

As a rule, they do not like to act as the initiator of any event, but at the same time they will readily support an interesting idea. Fortunately, they do not hold enthusiasm and passion. They are ready to take an active part in a business that will seem fun, exciting and funny to them. Surrounding people love such people, use their good mood and appreciate the ease of communication with them.

However, connoisseurs of spring are not capable of lasting friendship, because even this entails a certain amount of responsibility. But these people do not understand what they really want from life. Therefore, they do not realize why they need true friends and comrades. The ease of thinking allows them not to linger on one situation for a long time, joy and gaiety make it possible to easily make vital decisions.

As a rule, their character is distinguished by selfishness and exactingness. However, at the same time there is a place for romance. They believe that they can come at any time convenient for them and leave without saying goodbye. Moreover, it is quite normal for them to just leave you, completely forgetting that you were together. And everything is explained by their selective memory, which does not allow them to dwell on one thing.

Summer season lovers

Of course, these are real leaders, whom nature has awarded with the appropriate qualities. They are able to win your mind and heart with their enthusiasm, conquer with self-confidence and bribe with energy. Their head is always full of interesting ideas, far-reaching plans and simply original solutions.

Of course, many people envy them. They make excellent bosses, however, as practice shows, summer lovers do not always strive for this. They are not attracted to leadership as such, they prefer to be free from all sorts of circumstances.

They strive to live their lives brightly and diversely, which sometimes goes to the extreme. Often these are stubborn individuals who everywhere and always try to achieve their goal. True, it is easy to compromise.

Probably, more than others are capable of crazy and passionate love. However, in the event of problems, they take a long time to break, however, in this case, all bridges to retreat are burned.

Your favorite is autumn

It would seem that connoisseurs of the autumn season should be incorrigible romantics. However, in reality this is far from always the case, because this time of year is often liked by people who are strict, self-confident and withdrawn, who have a weak nervous system, a tendency to depression, as well as a depressed inner state. The character in this case is quite changeable, which is so inherent in the autumn season. The mood, accordingly, jumps from joyful and positive to irritable.

Most of all they value peace and moderation, they love solitude. Quite rarely feel an acute need for communication. Difficulty getting along with new people. They do not try to get to know themselves better by penetrating into the depths of their "I". Never try to play an important role in relations with such people, because they are not capable of passionate impulses and actions due to natural rigidity, restraint and self-doubt. Due to the fact that there is a weakness of the spirit, they often experience cravings for alcoholic beverages, etc.

But there are other situations when connoisseurs of autumn are distinguished by not quite traditional behavior, as well as outlooks on life: they behave defiantly or, say, act as charm itself.
Among those who love autumn, there are many poets and artists.

Everyone loves especially some time of the year and looks forward to it. Psychologists say that a person's favorite season can fully tell about a person's character, reveal his true essence. People who love autumn, what are they like?

There is something beautiful in every season of the year. Every season has its advantages and disadvantages. For many people, autumn is a time of change, the start of studies and work after a long vacation. A protracted rainy season with the same protracted depression and sadness. But there are people who love autumn. They feel comfortable at this time of the year.

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What kind of people love autumn?

According to psychologists, autumn is liked mainly by people who are strict, self-confident and at the same time reserved. The nature of these people is quite changeable, just like the weather in autumn. It is warm and sunny in the soul, then sadness and tears roll over. Therefore, the mood often changes from joyful to irritable.

People who love autumn usually love peace and solitude. They are comfortable with themselves, do not need communication and new acquaintances. They are not capable of strong spiritual impulses, manifestations of violent passion, since by nature they are quite restrained and tough.

Among people who love autumn, there are often poets and artists. They are distinguished by extraordinary views on life and strange behavior. They can behave provocatively, and in the next minute become charm itself.

An autumn person can be a hopeless romantic or a person with an unstable nervous system. They often succumb to depression, mood swings and unwillingness to communicate.

Autumn people are very difficult to make contact with strangers. They have little interest in those around them.

By the way, these people are not interested in leadership. They usually have low self-esteem, so they often become alcoholics or drug addicts. Sometimes, to prove their superiority, they start a large number of love affairs. Therefore, many consider them romantics, although in fact they are not.

With the onset of autumn, many people begin a period of sadness. It is a pity for the passing summer, warmth and wonderful days of rest. Work days begin. But you need to find the positive aspects of this wonderful time and enjoy immersion in creative self-development this fall.

People who love autumn: reasons to love it

Since we can't avoid the coming of autumn, let's find reasons to love it. Or let's look at autumn through the eyes of those people who already love autumn and are waiting for its onset.

Here are the reasons why people love autumn. Similar reasons can be found for any season. So why are we talking about autumn? Because this is the time of the year that many people do not know how to survive and what to do with themselves. There is no time to be sad and depressed, there are so many interesting things ahead.

Seasonal development. What to do in autumn?

It is foolish to deny that the weather greatly affects the mood and well-being of people. Overcast skies and rain can really ruin your mood. Therefore, we need to occupy ourselves with things that will support us and return a good mood.

Use the warm days of autumn to your advantage

This is something you can do at home in the fall when it rains. But autumn often pleases us with warm sunny days. Therefore, on such days you need to go out and spend them with benefit.

For example:


Regardless of the season, you must always move forward, never lose heart and never give up. The world is full of wonders, exciting activities, interesting people and knowledge. The main thing is to maintain the desire to live and develop. With a desire, you can not only endlessly learn something new, but also come to create something unique yourself. The main thing is not to stand still, but to constantly move, desire, achieve and enjoy what we already have.

People who love autumn, despite the characteristics given by psychologists, must learn to enjoy life, to live their day effectively and profitably.

Is seasonal self-development effective? Of course, yes, self-development has a positive effect at any time of the year, at any time of the day, in all days and centuries.

A person who is constantly engaged in development, is interested in many things, is inquisitive, lives his life interestingly. And the laws of the Universe work in such a way that the same interesting versatile personalities are attracted to him. This contributes to a new impetus for self-knowledge and development. Self-development is a lifelong journey.

All the most relevant information in the article on the topic: "People who love autumn psychology." We have compiled a complete description of all your problems.

How a person's character is influenced by a favorite season: winter, spring, summer, autumn

Of course, each of us has our favorite time of the year, when we feel cheerful, unusually cheerful and just happy. Of course, for some it manifests itself to a greater extent, for someone - to a lesser extent. But the season to which you give your sympathy, according to psychologists, in a sense reflects the characteristics of your character, and also demonstrates your preferences when choosing a professional field of activity. Below we will talk about what his favorite season can say about a person.

If you have not yet decided for yourself which season you like, do not despair. It is enough just to relax and think, when you feel a surge of vitality in yourself, feel comfortable, calm, etc. It may turn out that you will notice such a feature: at certain times of the year it is easier for you to cope with some tasks, solve problems, etc. d. And if you already know exactly which season brings you good luck and success, you just have to check your observations with the information below.

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Character of those who love winter

As practice shows, in people who prefer the cold winter months, individualism and leadership prevail in character. Their life passes according to the so-called "cat" principle, which can be expressed in a nutshell: by itself. Quite often, these are closed people who do not tolerate stormy communication and overly active communication. However, at the same time, they always understand what they want from life itself, as well as from others. They easily overcome difficulties and obstacles, and life's difficulties, which anyone else would have saved, are perceived by them as another obstacle that you just need to get around. Of course, these are extremely patient and at the same time persistent people.

Winter lovers really know how to achieve their goals, therefore, success for them is a matter of time. They are very cautious and prudent, do not like to talk a lot, they do not advertise their emotions in public. Even if their feelings are extremely strong, they will try to hide them from others and keep their experiences secret. Do not speak openly. They only speak when they are asked a question. True, they do this only when they themselves wish to be heard.

They do not have a large list of friends, and even that suffers constant verification. In the choice of acquaintances, they are unusually demanding and scrupulous, bringing only a few closer to themselves. If they decide to start a family, they are exemplary spouses.

Often these are hardened materialists who prefer comfortable living conditions, a comfortable and clean environment. Of course, for dear and close people, they will do the impossible. But betrayal, betrayal, etc. will never be forgiven.

Favorite season - spring

For the most part, these are very gentle people, whose character is distinguished by cheerfulness, lightness and carelessness. These are very playful individuals who are characterized by a certain frivolity. They value their life and know how to be truly happy, because every moment for them is a reason to rejoice. They rarely fall into despair and depression, often act as the "soul of the company", they simply adore communication and various adventures.

As a rule, they do not like to act as the initiator of any event, but at the same time they will readily support an interesting idea. Fortunately, they do not hold enthusiasm and passion. They are ready to take an active part in a business that will seem fun, exciting and funny to them. Surrounding people love such people, use their good mood and appreciate the ease of communication with them.

However, connoisseurs of spring are not capable of lasting friendship, because even this entails a certain amount of responsibility. But these people do not understand what they really want from life. Therefore, they do not realize why they need true friends and comrades. The ease of thinking allows them not to linger on one situation for a long time, joy and gaiety make it possible to easily make vital decisions.

As a rule, their character is distinguished by selfishness and exactingness. However, at the same time there is a place for romance. They believe that they can come at any time convenient for them and leave without saying goodbye. Moreover, it is quite normal for them to just leave you, completely forgetting that you were together. And everything is explained by their selective memory, which does not allow them to dwell on one thing.

Summer season lovers

Of course, these are real leaders, whom nature has awarded with the appropriate qualities. They are able to win your mind and heart with their enthusiasm, conquer with self-confidence and bribe with energy. Their head is always full of interesting ideas, far-reaching plans and simply original solutions.

Of course, many people envy them. They make excellent bosses, however, as practice shows, summer lovers do not always strive for this. They are not attracted to leadership as such, they prefer to be free from all sorts of circumstances.

They strive to live their lives brightly and diversely, which sometimes goes to the extreme. Often these are stubborn individuals who everywhere and always try to achieve their goal. True, it is easy to compromise.

Probably, more than others are capable of crazy and passionate love. However, in the event of problems, they take a long time to break, however, in this case, all bridges to retreat are burned.

Your favorite is autumn

It would seem that connoisseurs of the autumn season should be incorrigible romantics. However, in reality this is far from always the case, because this time of year is often liked by people who are strict, self-confident and withdrawn, who have a weak nervous system, a tendency to depression, as well as a depressed inner state. The character in this case is quite changeable, which is so inherent in the autumn season. The mood, accordingly, jumps from joyful and positive to irritable.

Most of all they value peace and moderation, they love solitude. Quite rarely feel an acute need for communication. Difficulty getting along with new people. They do not try to get to know themselves better by penetrating into the depths of their "I". Never try to play an important role in relations with such people, because they are not capable of passionate impulses and actions due to natural rigidity, restraint and self-doubt. Due to the fact that there is a weakness of the spirit, they often experience cravings for alcoholic beverages, etc.

But there are other situations when connoisseurs of autumn are distinguished by not quite traditional behavior, as well as outlooks on life: they behave defiantly or, say, act as charm itself.
Among those who love autumn, there are many poets and artists.

Everyone loves especially some time of the year and looks forward to it. Psychologists say that a person's favorite season can fully tell about a person's character, reveal his true essence. People who love autumn, what are they like?

There is something beautiful in every season of the year. Every season has its advantages and disadvantages. For many people, autumn is a time of change, the start of studies and work after a long vacation. A protracted rainy season with the same protracted depression and sadness. But there are people who love autumn. They feel comfortable at this time of the year.

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What kind of people love autumn?

According to psychologists, autumn is liked mainly by people who are strict, self-confident and at the same time reserved. The nature of these people is quite changeable, just like the weather in autumn. It is warm and sunny in the soul, then sadness and tears roll over. Therefore, the mood often changes from joyful to irritable.

People who love autumn usually love peace and solitude. They are comfortable with themselves, do not need communication and new acquaintances. They are not capable of strong spiritual impulses, manifestations of violent passion, since by nature they are quite restrained and tough.

Among people who love autumn, there are often poets and artists. They are distinguished by extraordinary views on life and strange behavior. They can behave provocatively, and in the next minute become charm itself.

An autumn person can be a hopeless romantic or a person with an unstable nervous system. They often succumb to depression, mood swings and unwillingness to communicate.

Autumn people are very difficult to make contact with strangers. They have little interest in those around them.

By the way, these people are not interested in leadership. They usually have low self-esteem, so they often become alcoholics or drug addicts. Sometimes, to prove their superiority, they start a large number of love affairs. Therefore, many consider them romantics, although in fact they are not.

With the onset of autumn, many people begin a period of sadness. It is a pity for the passing summer, warmth and wonderful days of rest. Work days begin. But you need to find the positive aspects of this wonderful time and enjoy immersion in creative self-development this fall.

People who love autumn: reasons to love it

Since we can't avoid the coming of autumn, let's find reasons to love it. Or let's look at autumn through the eyes of those people who already love autumn and are waiting for its onset.

  1. After a hot summer, coolness finally sets in. In such weather, it is pleasant to walk around the city, enjoy the still warm weather. Wonderful walking time in the parks and picnic time. In the evening, when it gets cooler, you can wrap yourself in a warm blanket at home, read a book and drink hot tea.
  2. Famous artists and poets have found inspiration in this lovely season. Incredibly beautiful landscapes, bright colors of nature. At this time, you can sit on the banks of the river, think about the eternal and beautiful. And perhaps engage in creative self-development. When, if not in the fall, take painting lessons.
  3. In autumn, a lot of vegetables and fruits, nuts appear. This is a great opportunity to please the family with new recipes or switch to proper nutrition.
  4. A fascinating activity in the fall is a trip for mushrooms or berries. You can go to the forest with friends, families and children. Such a walk is not only good for health, but it will also be very informative for children.
  5. Autumn is fashionable time. In clothes, you can combine different styles, colors, accessories. A lovely time for felt hats, scarves and handkerchiefs. Look at fashion magazines, fashion shows. It's time for a wardrobe update. Go shopping!
  6. Updated? You are beautiful, there is beauty around. It's time for a photo session. New photos will delight you for a very long time and cheer you up.
  7. Autumn promotes self-development. On rainy cool evenings, there is no need to rush anywhere. You can try to draw, write poetry or memoirs, embroider or knit. Basically, do what you love.
  8. Autumn is a time of change. The development of the personality according to the season is most welcome. You can not only change your image, but also find new hobbies, sign up for new circles, courses, trainings. Personal development never hurts. This will help not only to cope with the autumn depression, but also open up new knowledge and opportunities for you. It's better than spending time in front of the TV.

Here are the reasons why people love autumn. Similar reasons can be found for any season. So why are we talking about autumn? Because this is the time of the year that many people do not know how to survive and what to do with themselves. There is no time to be sad and depressed, there are so many interesting things ahead.

Seasonal development. What to do in autumn?

It is foolish to deny that the weather greatly affects the mood and well-being of people. Overcast skies and rain can really ruin your mood. Therefore, we need to occupy ourselves with things that will support us and return a good mood.

  1. Art lessons or art therapy have a great effect on self-development. You can sign up for courses or draw at home. This helps not only to throw out negative emotions, get rid of old grievances, but also develops imagination. Now there are many books on sale that teach drawing, as well as free video tutorials on the Internet.
  2. You should always find time to read useful and developing books. But this is especially true on cold rainy autumn evenings. You can also read poetry or try to write poetry or a book yourself.
  3. You can have fun spending evenings with your family at home, playing different board games.
  4. You can do some baking. Involve children in this activity. They will be especially pleased with the preparation of delicious muffins, cookies and cakes. There are many interesting recipes on the Internet. You can arrange a cocktail evening or learn how to make mulled wine.
  5. Perhaps you have long dreamed of learning how to play a musical instrument. Why not take guitar lessons?
  6. There are many free webinars on the Internet on various topics. So you can learn a lot of new and useful information and even learn a new profession. You can become a copywriter, Internet marketer, photographer without leaving your home.
  7. Start learning a new language. Listen to songs and watch movies in a foreign language.
  8. Watching a quality movie greatly affects the self-development of a person. On the Internet you can find a list of films that motivate, promote self-development or develop self-confidence. Watching movies is just as useful as reading books.
  9. Fall is a great time to start exercising. You can run, bike, do yoga or swim. This is an opportunity for next summer to put yourself in order for a goal and look the way you dream.
  10. You can plan a trip to warm countries if you are planning a vacation or vacation. No one comes back from a trip the same.
  11. Try different meditation techniques. This is the most effective way to deal with depression.
  12. If you like change, you can arrange a rearrangement in the apartment. Print and frame photos, hang pictures you have drawn. Decorate the interior with homemade decorative pillows, dolls, napkins.
  13. Autumn is conducive to reflection on life. Keep a wish diary, a gratitude diary. Think about your purpose, about new goals in life.

Use the warm days of autumn to your advantage

This is something you can do at home in the fall when it rains. But autumn often pleases us with warm sunny days. Therefore, on such days you need to go out and spend them with benefit.

For example:

  • Book a photo shoot or bring your own camera. Autumn is a beautiful time when you can take a lot of beautiful pictures. This will teach you to notice the little things, to see the beautiful around.
  • You can make feeders with your child and hang them in the park on the trees. Then come and watch how the birds fly into the house you made and eat.
  • Collect leaves, make wonderful wreaths out of them, or make a herbarium album with your child. And how many interesting crafts you can make from dried leaves and flowers!
  • You can arrange quest games in nature. Look for treasures on the map or look for hidden objects. Connect fantasy! The game can be completed with a festive picnic.


Regardless of the season, you must always move forward, never lose heart and never give up. The world is full of wonders, exciting activities, interesting people and knowledge. The main thing is to maintain the desire to live and develop. With a desire, you can not only endlessly learn something new, but also come to create something unique yourself. The main thing is not to stand still, but to constantly move, desire, achieve and enjoy what we already have.

People who love autumn, despite the characteristics given by psychologists, must learn to enjoy life, to live their day effectively and profitably.

Is seasonal self-development effective? Of course, yes, self-development has a positive effect at any time of the year, at any time of the day, in all days and centuries.

A person who is constantly engaged in development, is interested in many things, is inquisitive, lives his life interestingly. And the laws of the Universe work in such a way that the same interesting versatile personalities are attracted to him. This contributes to a new impetus for self-knowledge and development. Self-development is a lifelong journey.

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Every person has a favorite time of the year. And the season that you love the most, according to psychologists, reflects your character and your preferences in choosing a profession. It is about what his favorite season says about a person, and will be discussed below.

Photo gallery: What does your favorite season say about a person?

If you've never wondered what time of year you like best, relax and think about what time of the year you feel most comfortable and relaxed. Maybe you will notice that in one season everything is easier for you, and in another you are haunted by constant problems. If you already know which season you prefer, just check the following observations.


In people who love winter, as a rule, individualism prevails in everything. Their life goes by the feline principle - on their own. Often they are closed, not very sociable, but they always know what they need from life and others. They know how to overcome the whirlwind of life's difficulties, gritting their teeth, very patiently and persistently.

This type of people knows how to succeed in everything. Naturally, they are cautious, do not talk much and do not seek to show their emotions in public. Although their feelings are very strong, they try to keep them quiet and keep them secret from others. The same goes for open statements. They prefer to speak only when asked, or if they think they should be heard by others.

In choosing their friends, they make a careful selection and, therefore, their total number is small. They value friendship and family if they make that decision.

In most cases, they are materialists, they value comfort and convenience. At the same time, for those who are around them and who are dear to them, they are ready to do a lot.
They do not want to forgive and do not forgive betrayal and betrayal.


Spring lovers most often have a soft character and cheerfulness. The very lightness of the season says a lot about the person who prefers it. Such people are playful, frivolous, happy and carefree. Rarely capable of succumbing to despair, they are often the soul of the company and lovers of adventure.

They are rarely the initiators, but they have the passion and enthusiasm to accept the ideas of others and are ready to actively participate in their implementation. Everyone loves them and uses them because they communicate easily and simply.

They are not capable of a long and faithful friendship, because it is a responsibility, and these people simply do not know what it is and what it is for. Their ease of thinking creates a distraction, their joy allows them to make very important decisions for other people with ease. Their motto is: “Far from the eyes, far from the heart. "

They tend to be demanding and selfish, inexhaustible and romantic. They can come and go as they please. They can leave at any time and forget about your existence. For them, this is not difficult, because their memory is selectively short.


People who love this time of year tend to be the real leaders. Born individualists, they are able to win the hearts of people with their fountain of living energy. Their head is always full of ideas, plans and far-reaching thoughts.

Others often envy them. They make good bosses, but the irony is that they themselves do not want to at all. They are not attracted to leadership, they like to be free from circumstances.

Artists in their natural form, they always try to live their lives with diversity, which sometimes reaches extremes. They are tenacious, often stubborn, always trying to get their way, but are ready to compromise - in reasonable accordance with their own limits of understanding.

Summer lovers are capable of crazy love. They are loyal and devoted. They experience serious suffering in case of betrayal, they decide to break for a long time, but when they leave, it's forever.

They are melancholic, romantic, sentimental and touchy. It is difficult for them to forgive betrayal, they hate lies. Simple and open, they are good friends and comrades in life.


It would seem that her lovers are incorrigible romantics. But in practice, this is not always the case: this is also a favorite time of the year for strict, reserved and self-confident people with a weak nervous system, prone to depression and a depressed mood. Their character is variable, just in unison with the autumn season. The mood often changes very quickly - from fine to dark irritable for no apparent reason.

These people love peace and solitude. Rarely feel the need for society and communication. They have a few friends, but it is difficult for them to understand their shortcomings, but it is even more difficult to meet new people. They are very rarely ready to know themselves. Do not try to play an important role in dealing with them. They are not capable of outbursts of passion because of their natural restraint, rigidity and self-doubt. They are weak in spirit and therefore will tend to abuse alcohol, cigarettes and even drugs.

But there are other cases when these people are inherently distinguished by unconventional behavior or outlook on life - they can behave defiantly or, conversely, be charm itself. Among fans of autumn there are many artists.

Do you already feel this endless grumbling under your breath with or without? For the next few months, we'll be complaining about bad weather, freezing and putting on a ton of clothes. All this leads to the question: how to cope with the winter blues?

It turns out that it's not about the time of year, but about ourselves. This conclusion was made by Kari Leibovitz, a graduate student at Stanford University, who from August 2014 to June 2015 conducted research in Tromsø, a city in northern Norway, far beyond the Arctic Circle. So far away that from November to January the sun does not rise above the horizon!

Leibovitz studied the psychological state of local residents, who, in theory, should have become discouraged (still, three months without seeing the sun). But, as it turned out, the scale of their winter depression was much lower than the global average.

Kari asked the locals, "Why don't you get discouraged?" After all, residents of other countries of the northern hemisphere (Russians too) do this. To which she received the answer: “Why do we need this?”. Kari realized that such a question in these parts sounds inappropriate. In the north of Norway, people perceive winter as gift rather than endless torment.

Far North Lessons

An important factor in this perception of winter is local communities. They are very united, have strong social ties, which enriches everyone's life. You can draw an analogy with the small peoples of the North in Russia: the Chukchi, Evenks, Khanty, Mansi - here social ties are just as strong. But this is not the whole Norwegian secret.

First, Norwegians celebrate almost all of their holidays in winter. Leibowitz says the locals couldn't wait for the ski season to start. For them, there is no concept of "bad weather", there is only inappropriate clothing.

We have a similar situation with holidays. New Year, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day - they all fall just in the winter.

Norwegians have a word koselig which denotes a feeling of comfort. People love to get together, light candles, drink and bask under blankets. Tromsø hosts many festivals and public events that give everyone a sense of community and active pastime.

And finally, people are literally fascinated by the beauty of winter landscapes. From November to January, when the sun doesn't rise above the horizon, you can catch amazing shots, says Leibovitz.

Change the setting

Most of us, of course, do not live in Tromsø, and not everyone has a fireplace in the house for spiritual gatherings, but there are things that we can change quite well. “In the States, we grumble a lot about the winter, and it's hard to be in a good mood when everyone around is complaining,” notes Kari.

Instead of swearing at the cold and wind, find opportunities in winter to enjoy life. These are skiing, and hockey, and snowmen, and snow removal (many people like this activity), and a pleasant feeling of returning to a warm house after a cold. Spend time with friends: one is more boring at any time of the year, even in summer.

“This is not a super difficult task. Be more conscious about it and change your habitual negative winter attitudes to ", advises Leibovitz.

This is especially true for us, the inhabitants of Russia. No matter how much we love summer and warmth, we must not forget that Russia is predominantly a northern country. And instead of counting down the days until the start of summer, you should just enjoy the wonderful moments of winter.