Personality and individuality correlation of personality and creativity. Education as a social and pedagogical phenomenon

Thinkers since ancient times tried to penetrate into the essence of the concept of "man". To understand, they created various concepts of understanding its definition. As a result, they came to the general conclusion that a person is a biological, psychological and social unity. The term "man" is closely interconnected with the concepts - "individual", "individuality", "personality". Let's make some distinctions between these terms in order to understand their essence.

person, individual, personality, individuality

Man occupies the highest phase in the origin and development of life. The theory of human evolution is called anthropogenesis. Man is a product of nature, which is closely interconnected with society.

The biological nature of man refers to the higher mammals that appeared on Earth about 550 thousand years ago. As a biological being, a person has anatomical and physiological inclinations, that is, he has a muscular, circulatory and nervous system, in addition - sex and age characteristics. But the nervous system and the processes responsible for existence are programmed in such a way that a person can adapt to different conditions of existence.

The psychological nature includes the presence of a person's imagination, thinking, feelings, character, memory.

The social essence of a person includes moral qualities, worldview, knowledge, values, skills. A person is formed by a social personality only when he comes into close contact (communication, relationships with society) with another society.

Differences between human and animal nature:

  1. The person speaks articulately and possesses thinking. Of all the species of mammals, only man can evaluate his present, think about the past and the future.

True, several species of monkeys also have insignificant communication, but they cannot transmit information to each other about the objects around them. People know how to focus on the main thing in their speech.

  1. A person can own creative activities, in particular:

- to foresee the development and nature of some natural processes;

- choose a role in society, model your behavior in it;

- Show values.

The behavior of animals is based on instincts, initially their natural actions are programmed.

  1. Man has an impact on the environment - he is able to transform reality and create culture, that is, to form spiritual and material values.

In animals, the way of life is established by nature - they adapt to environmental conditions.

  1. Man independently knows how to produce means for material goods.

Some animals are able to wield natural tools, but not a single species of mammals can make tools of labor.

So, man is a unique, spiritually incomplete, universal and integral being.

Main characteristics:

  • The presence of consciousness.
  • The unique structure of the body.
  • Susceptibility to work.

An individual is a representative of a person in a singular genus. He is the bearer of the social and psychophysical traits of a person.

In other words, the individual is "a person in the singular."

The main qualities of the individual:

  • Activity.
  • Resilience to the reality that surrounds a person.
  • The unity of the psychophysical state of the body.

Personality is the personification of the qualities of the individual.

In ancient times, personality meant some kind of social face that a person took on when he played various roles in the theater, that is, a kind of “mask”.

A personality is a certain person who is prone to experiences, understanding the world around, having consciousness and establishing certain relationships with the surrounding society.

People differ from each other in personal properties, that is, traits inherent in one individual. The definition of "individual characteristics" refers to the psychological and somatic (from Latin "body") definitions of a person: height and figure, skeletal formation, eye color, hair color, and so on.

An individual feature of a person is the facial expressions of a person's face. A person's face reflects not only the anatomical, but also the psychological specificity of a particular person. For example, when they say: “this person has sly eyes”, “you have a conscious face”, then they mean exactly the peculiarity of a psychological nature inherent in a particular individual.

Let us summarize individually - psychological characteristics in four facets of personality:

  1. Qualities of a social nature (moral orientation, worldview).
  2. Qualities of a biological nature (vital needs, temperament, inclinations).
  3. Individual traits that have a different mental nature.
  4. Experience (a set of skills, habits and skills).

Individual and Personality: Differences

Man is born as an individual, the status of personality is already established in the process of development. The distinction between the definition of the individual and the personality will help to assess the functioning of the person.

So what is the difference between an individual and a personality?

  • Interaction with society. A person remains an individual from birth to death, and a person is formed only in interaction or opposition with society.
  • Confession. The rights of all people are equal, that is, each person initially has his own individuality. However, a person has certain social advantages: recognition, power, authority.
  • Adequacy. An individual is born, but a person becomes.
  • Awareness. The path to acquiring the status of a person is a conscious action of the individual.
  • Quantity. There are tens of millions of personalities in the world, and about seven billion individuals.

A person who is estranged from society very quickly loses his personality traits - he begins to poorly understand other people, up to forgetting the language. At the same time, the development of the genetic code takes place by nature, regardless of the life changes of a person. A person can become a person, even with limited abilities.

But the term individuality is already more difficult to define, since in addition to personal properties, it includes the physiological and biological qualities of a person.

Individuality is a certain person who has a special combination that is different from other individuals, social, physiological and mental characteristics. Their difference is manifested in communication, actions and human activity.

There have been cases in history when a person lived and was brought up among animals. Such people lost their social origin - the ability to express themselves articulately, lost their mental abilities. Returning back to the society of people, they could no longer take root in it. Such cases once again prove that a person who has only a biological principle cannot become a full-fledged individuality.

It is labor activity that contributes to the transformation of a biological individual into a full-fledged personality. By engaging in some business that is important to society, a person can prove his uniqueness.

Individual, individuality, personality

“An individual is born, a person becomes, an individual is defended” essay.

This saying Asmolov Alexander Grigorievich. It contains significant and very interesting concepts.

In other words, this expression can be formulated in this way: from birth, a person is considered an individual, with each year of life he can acquire the status of a person, but he needs to lag behind other people as an individual. Indeed, the relationship between the concepts of individual - personality - individuality in each society manifests itself at different stages of its life path.

As mentioned earlier, a person is born as an individual, that is, he has his own innate genetic differences. In the process of gaining experience, learning any skills, an individual is formed by a personality. You can get the status of individuality only in the ratio of social and biological qualities.

For example, Napoleon Bonaparte from birth was an ordinary representative of society - he did not differ in physical abilities and expressiveness in appearance. However, he became a bright personality, since his fundamental goal was precisely the struggle for his individuality.

You can also give an example of the life path of a popular composer - Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven came from an ordinary family and did not have much difference from his peers. True, in childhood they tried to teach him music, but there were no special hopes. But still he was able to show his unique talent in music. In addition, he actively participated in politics and social life. He was able to prove to society his individual qualities.

Thus, on the basis of these facts, we can conclude that the expression: “an individual is born, a person becomes, individuality is defended” is very significant in human life. It is only through the development of these concepts that one can consistently prove one's uniqueness to society.

Psychology of individual differences

People differ from each other in character. For example, a person with a strong temperament usually has a more attractive appearance than a person with a sluggish temperament.

Character is an affirmed mental property that leaves a trace in all human actions. Character represents a subordinate substructure of personality. In an adult personality, character is often already stable. As for the teenage character, it does not yet have a core.

Various life factors influence the change in character.

Myths that relate to the character of a person:

  • Character is a biological manifestation in a person and cannot be changed.
  • Character can be nurtured and shaped by organizing a special system of influence.
  • The national character, that is, this unique mental property, depends precisely on the nationality of people.

However, you need to know that all myths have some truth. The basis of the character of the biological type is temperament. We receive it from birth.

There are certain standards that influence the formation of a national character. Representatives of one nation are convinced that others have certain traits in character. After conducting a survey in Germany about their attitude towards the French, it turned out that one half of the Germans is convinced that frivolity is inherent in the Germans in their behavior, while the other believes that it is courtesy and charm.

A character trait is understood as various specifics of a person’s personality, the change of which is observed depending on the actions of the individual.

We divide character traits into some groups:

The first is the traits that form the psychological composition of the personality. Here you can define - adherence to principles, determination, courage, honesty and so on.

The second is the features that express the relationship between two personalities. This group includes: sociability and closeness, which may indicate prejudice to the surrounding society or the internal concentration of a person; honesty or impenetrability; correctness, subtlety, politeness and straightforwardness.

The third group - traits that determine the disposition of a person to himself. This is self-condemnation and ambition, self-respect, unpretentiousness or vanity, resentment, selfishness, shyness.

The fourth group - traits expressing a person's disposition to work. This group consists of - assertiveness, diligence or apathy, fear of obstacles or a desire to conquer them, scrupulousness, accuracy, diligence.

And in conclusion, we can say that the sequence of development of such a combination: a person - an individual - a personality depends, first of all, on the society and environment in which a person develops and, of course, on his genetic code.

Individual, individuality, personality was last modified: December 21st, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva

The personality of each person is endowed only with its inherent combination of psychological traits and characteristics that form its individuality, constituting the originality of a person, his difference from other people. Individuality is manifested in the traits of temperament, character, habits, prevailing interests, in the qualities of cognitive processes (perception, memory, thinking, imagination), in abilities, individual style of activity, etc. There are no two people with the same combination of these psychological characteristics - a person's personality is unique in its individuality.

Just as the concepts of "individual" and "personality" are not identical, personality and individuality, in turn, form a unity, but not an identity. The ability to add and multiply large numbers very quickly “in the mind”, thoughtfulness, the habit of biting nails and other features of a person act as traits of his personality, but are not necessarily included in the characteristics of his personality. They may or may not be represented in the forms of activity and communication that are important for the group in which the individual possessing these traits is included. If personality traits are not represented in the system of interpersonal relations, then they turn out to be insignificant for characterizing the individual's personality and do not receive conditions for development.

Only those individual qualities that are most "drawn" into the leading activity for a given social community act as personal ones.

The individual characteristics of a person remain “silent” until a certain time, until they become necessary in the system of interpersonal relations, the subject of which will be this person as a person.

So, individuality is only one of the aspects of a person's personality.

The life of a person in the social and external world is an activity. In activity, the personality is formed, expressed and realized. When we consider activity from the point of view of what kind of personality relations are realized in activity, we are talking about the orientation of the personality. When we consider activity from the side of ways of realizing the relations of the individual, we are talking about the abilities of the individual. When we consider the integration, unity and interconnection of the direction and methods of activity, the integration of social behavior and objective activity, we are talking about character. Thus, the structure of the personality in its relations and interaction with the world includes orientation, abilities and character.

When we talk about the relationship of a person's personality to the world and the experiences associated with this, we are referring to the next world in which a person lives - this is “my”, inner world. This is a world filled with experiences, personal meanings, a sense of personal involvement, personal relation to something, “eventfulness” of existence with other people. This is a world into which objective activity can enter as "my personal" activity, as creativity, and not just utilitarian - useful activity. An impersonal objective action, social behavior enters “my” world as interpersonal communication, as contact with the inner worlds of other people, as a way to open oneself to other people, as self-expression. In “my” world, specific types of activity also appear: play, art, religion, communication as a contact of inner worlds.

The personal relation of an individual to the external and social world is manifested to the extent that they become part of the internal world, to the extent that their life becomes an “event” or event for a person. This world is based not on an object - object relations, as in the external world, not on a subject - object relations, as in the social world, but on a subject - subjective relations. To understand another person, we must understand this person in his subjective characteristics (what are his motives, intentions, etc.). Therefore, the main criterion for intersubjective behavior, when truly personal, “eventful” relationships are established between people, is not usefulness, not correctness, but sincerity, truthfulness and openness. We believe the artist (actor, writer, painter) if we consider the experiences expressed by him sincere, and in this case we have empathy, and “my” inner world is enriched with a new experience, a new view of the world, which was not in personal experience.

A person is a person only insofar as he distinguishes himself from nature, and his relation to nature and to other people is given to him as a relation, i.e. because he has consciousness. The process of becoming a human personality includes, as an integral component, the formation of his consciousness and self-awareness: this is the process of development of a conscious personality. If any interpretation of consciousness outside the personality can only be idealistic, then any interpretation of personality that does not include its consciousness and self-consciousness can only be mechanical. Without consciousness and self-consciousness there is no personality. A person as a conscious subject is aware not only of the environment, but also of himself in his relations with others. If it is impossible to reduce the personality to its self-consciousness, to the "I", then it is also impossible to separate one from the other. Therefore, the last final question that confronts us in terms of the psychological study of personality is the question of its self-consciousness, of the personality of the “I”, which, as a subject, consciously appropriates everything that a person does, relates to itself all the deeds emanating from him and deeds. The problem of the psychological study of the personality does not end with the study of the mental properties of the personality - its abilities, temperament and character; it ends with the disclosure of the self-consciousness of the individual.

The unity of the personality as a conscious subject with self-consciousness is not a primordial given. It is known that the child does not immediately recognize himself as "I": during the first years, he himself very often calls himself by name, as those around him call him; he exists at first, even for himself, rather as an object for other people than as an independent subject in relation to them. Awareness of oneself as "I" is thus the result of development. At the same time, the development of self-consciousness in a person takes place in the very process of the formation and development of the independence of the individual as a real subject of activity. Self-consciousness is not externally built over the personality, but is included in it; self-consciousness does not have, therefore, an independent path of development, separate from the development of the personality, it is included in this process of development of the personality as a real subject as its moment, side, component.

The unity of the organism and the independence of its organic life is the first material prerequisite for the unity of the personality, but this is only a prerequisite. And accordingly, the elementary mental states of general organic sensitivity, associated with organic functions, are obviously a prerequisite for the unity of self-consciousness. Elementary, gross violations of the unity of consciousness in pathological cases of the so-called split personality or disintegration of the personality are associated with violations of organic sensitivity.

The source of self-consciousness is by no means to be sought in the “relationships of the organism with itself. The true source and driving forces of the development of self-consciousness must be sought in the growing real independence of the individual, expressed in a change in his relationship with others.

It is not consciousness that is born from self-consciousness, from the “I”, but self-consciousness arises in the course of the development of the consciousness of the individual, as it becomes an independent subject. Before becoming the subject of practical and theoretical activity, the “I” itself is formed in it. The real history of the development of self-consciousness is inextricably linked with the real development of the personality and the main events of its life path.

There are a number of stages in the development of personality and its self-awareness. In a number of external events in the life of a person, this includes everything that makes a person an independent subject of public and personal life: from the ability to self-service to the start of labor activity, which makes him financially independent.

Each of these external events has its own internal side; an objective, external, change in the relationship of a person with others, reflected in his consciousness, changes the internal, mental state of a person, rebuilds his consciousness, his internal attitude both to other people and to himself.

However, these external events and the internal changes that they cause do not exhaust the process of formation and development of the personality. They lay only the foundation, create only the basis of the personality, carry out only its first, rough molding; further completion and finishing is connected with other, more complex, inner work, in which the personality is formed.

The independence of the subject is by no means limited to the ability to perform certain tasks. It includes a more significant ability, independently, consciously, to set certain tasks, goals, to determine the direction of one's activity. This requires a lot of inner work, involves the ability to think independently, and is associated with the development of an integral worldview.

The development of self-consciousness goes through a series of steps - from naive ignorance of oneself to a more in-depth self-knowledge, which is then combined with a more definite and sometimes sharply fluctuating self-esteem. In the process of developing self-consciousness, the center of gravity is transferred from the external side of the personality to its internal side, from more or less random traits to the character as a whole. As a result, a person defines himself as a person at a higher level.

At these higher stages of the development of the personality and its self-consciousness, individual differences are especially significant. Every person is a person, a conscious subject, possessing and known self-consciousness; but not in every person those qualities of him, by virtue of which he is recognized by us as a personality, are presented in equal measure, with the same brightness and strength. With some people, it is this impression that in this person we are dealing with a person in some special sense of the word that dominates everything else. We will not confuse this impression even with that very close, it would seem, feeling to him, which we usually express when we say of a person that he is an individuality. "Individuality" - we are talking about a bright person, i.e. distinguished by a well-known peculiarity. But when we specifically emphasize that a given person is a person, this means something more and different. A person in the specific sense of the word is a person who has his own positions, his own pronounced conscious attitude to life, a worldview, to which he came as a result of great conscious work. The personality has its own face. Such a person does not just stand out in the impression he makes on another; he consciously separates himself from the environment. In its highest manifestations, this presupposes a certain independence of thought, not a banality of feeling, willpower, some kind of composure and inner passion. The depth and richness of a person presupposes the depth and richness of her connections with the world, with other people; the rupture of these ties, self-isolation devastates her. Personality is not a being that has simply grown into the environment; a person is only a person who is able to distinguish himself from his environment in order to contact him in a new, purely selective way. A person is only a person who relates in a certain way to the environment, consciously establishes this attitude in such a way that it is revealed in his entire being.

A true personality, by the certainty of his attitude to the main phenomena of life, makes others self-determine. A person who has a personality is seldom treated with indifference, just as he himself is not treated with indifference to others; he is loved or hated; he always has enemies and there are real friends. No matter how peacefully the life of such a person flows outwardly, internally there is always something active in him, offensively affirming.

In psychological science, the category of personality is one of the basic categories. It is not purely psychological and is studied in essence by all social sciences. In this regard, the question arises about the specifics of the study of personality by psychology. All mental phenomena are formed and developed in activity and communication, but they do not belong to these processes, but to their subject - the social individual - the personality.

The problem of personality in psychology also acts as an independent one. At the same time, it is studied in different ways by various branches of psychological science. The most important theoretical task is to reveal the objective foundations of those mental properties that characterize a person as an individual, individuality, personality.

It is possible to understand what a person is only by studying the real social ties and relationships that a person enters into.

The meaning of the foregoing lies in the fact that our goal was to consistently, step by step, trace the path of cognitive penetration into the mental life of the individual and, on the basis of this, assume that the whole variety of mental phenomena - functions, processes, mental properties of activity ... - belongs to the personality and merges into its unity.

There are a large number of concepts of what a person is in domestic and foreign literature, but each time this is determined only by the level of development of science and the position of the author.

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Most of us are not us. Our thoughts are the judgments of others; our life is mimicry; our passions - quote!

Oscar Wilde

Personality is part of the triad, expressing itself through consciousness.

Consciousness is a property of our biological computer - the brain - to receive and process information about the world around us and interact with it.

Under the shell of personality is individuality - the unique nature of each person, emphasizing his uniqueness and the task of the individual - to become an instrument for expressing this individuality. If a person does not perform this function, then it becomes not a living person, but a mask that hides individuality under itself. We have seen quite a few such masks, they were the standards of socially acceptable personalities in every era. Every day, such masks are stamped by the conveyor of the social system, they are tried on by the child from childhood by parents, kindergarten, at school, university, at work. This mask contains features of socially approved personality traits, social and socially controlled, dependent on the main external regulators, such as criticism and praise (carrot and stick). A small child, being focused on parents, is dependent on their opinion. He takes on programs containing the “I - the image” of what he is dictated to be as a “good”, he is afraid of condemnation and punishment and craves approval, praise and encouragement, and thus becomes an easy puppet in the hands of a public egregor. Taking other people's patterns on his face, the child begins to perceive them as his own and implements their life programs. The weaker the individuality, the better the program takes root. Many people, living their lives, cannot answer the question: “Who am I?” So much mask programs overwrite their real face, forcing them to unconsciously justify other people's expectations and live someone else's life, not their own.

What do you know about yourself now? In addition, who loved you wanted to see you. What do you know about your destiny, the meaning of your individual life? Who you are? If you have given answers to these questions without appealing to your social roles, then you are the bearer of individuality, not a mask.

Ego and selfishness

The term personality has many definitions, and many conflicting opinions: psychologists put personality in the main place, considering it the most important attribute of the psyche. In their opinion, personality is the path of evolution, the result of social influence. They believe that we are not born as a person, but become ourselves, and society and the state help us in this, presenting a person as the psychological image of a person as a member of society, conscious of his role in it.

Esotericists and mystics attribute negative properties to the personality, arguing that the personality is a mask, a screen, a false face under which a person hides his true face, and the core of the personality is its egoism, in which they see the cause of all the troubles of humanity and nature.

And again we fall into extremes, from which the middle path of the Buddha will help to get out: Truth is in the middle, at the point of harmony of the two extremes. Personality is neither evil nor good, it is a component of the triad, a part of our nature, without which, at this stage, human development is impossible. We have already passed the animal stage, in which the unconscious helped us, and now we are going through the stage of social development, in which the personality helps us, in the next stage of development, at a qualitatively new stage, our spirit will help us to learn and master the spiritual sphere (spiritual and not religious ). Without going through and learning the lessons given by the personality, the further path of development is impossible, therefore, the practices of leaving the world and immersing in nirvana are not effective now, without learning to live in our world, a person will not be able to know many other worlds that exist outside the perception of personal consciousness.

But talking and even more arguing about the positive or negative foundations of personality is pointless if you do not define the terms.

There are two kinds of foundation from which the personality grows, they are Ego and Egoism. These are not identical concepts, as it may seem at first glance. The ego centers the energy of the individual, grounding it to the personality and tying it to the body. The ego allows the individual to perceive himself as an autonomous unit, to understand his individuality and express it, to feel his significance, as well as the significance, autonomy and right to life of all those around him.

The ego enriches the perception of a person from the inside, gives him the opportunity to feel his personal boundaries and the boundaries of other people. Having an ego does not stop us from feeling the limits of others. It enables consciousness to feel like a drop in the public ocean, a cell in the body, where, without losing your individuality and nourishing it, you feel the boundaries of others as significant as you.

Egoism also centers the energy of consciousness in the personality, tying it to the physical body and identifying the personality and its consciousness with the brain, but unlike ego, egoism closes the personality on its own system and its boundaries, not noticing and not taking into account the interests of others. In other words, egoism is nothing but a focus on one's own ego and its assertion at the expense of others.

Egoism is a virus introduced into humanity that changes the Ego, increasing its self-centeredness and grounding, and turns people into robots that it keeps under control. Have you ever wondered who the egoists serve? Their selfishness, satisfying his whims, and being dependent on him, they rarely realize this dependence. Selfishness loves worship, servility, admiration, praise, veneration, fanatical devotion, servility, servility, fear of others before themselves. Our selfish needs dictate to us the concepts of good and evil: good is what is beneficial; evil - that which is unprofitable.

It dominates the current personal system, and is noticeable in all spheres of life, including the spiritual, when spiritual mediators and gurus find out whose authority is more true, and whose god is better. Selfishness flourishes in scientific circles: science studies the world for the sole purpose of exploiting it more effectively. The selfishness of most modern scientists tends to expand their horizons in order to demonstrate their intelligence and superiority over others, showing that they are dumber and thus assert themselves at the expense of others.

Egoism has subjugated most of humanity and its main task is not to allow a person to realize himself and enter into harmonious interaction with the World, otherwise it will be impossible to control him.

Egoism does not allow a person to feel another, for him only that which concerns him personally matters.

The egoist sees the world around him through the prism of his own self-interest: he perceives and evaluates people according to what he can extract from them for his own benefit. Our selfish needs dictate to us the concepts of good and evil: good is what is beneficial; evil - that which is unprofitable.

An egoist is a cell in the body that has outlined and strengthened its boundaries and claimed the right to superiority. It grows like a tumor, sucking the energy out of others and directing it to its own needs.

The "egoism" program has changed our ego towards more centering and grounding of personality energy, making people fragmented. Thanks to it, a person does not feel those natural relationships between people as particles of the One Whole. It changes consciousness, instilling in a person the need to pull the blanket over himself, dictates his superiority over others.

Depending on what foundation of perception of the world a person grows (ego or egoism), one can judge her life orientation.

Before the stage of personal development became available to people, they felt themselves to be the One, being in the mother's cradle of nature. The individuality of each made up and supplemented this universal one, like a cell, its own organism. But with the advent of the ego, this very cell finally felt its boundaries, established and began to protect them. In life, this is expressed in the fact that our Ego identifies itself not with the Universal, but with the Personality, considering the Personality the most important for it, believing that the personality and its boundaries are its true essence.

The ego is guided by the external world, given to it in physical sensations, guided by the principle of “comfort-discomfort”, expressed through pleasure and pain.

Through pleasure, the ego feels the elevation of his "I", and through pain - depression, humiliation and discomfort. These two regulators make a person predictable according to the “stimulus-response” principle and controlled according to the same principle.

How to find your personalityknow the real you?

Surprisingly and incomprehensibly: the body is mine,
the brain is mine, but where am I myself?

To begin with, cleanse your ego of selfishness and discard the personal mask imposed on you from the outside. The nature of Individuality is given by existence, the nature of the masked personality is imposed by public opinion and its regulators. Personality is comfortable in society, but it is easier to manipulate. As long as you serve your Egoism, your psyche has buttons, by pressing which and making you feel pain or pleasure, experts in this insidious mental mechanism will play you like Pavlov's dog.

Archetypes of Personality and Personality

Society is irritated by individuality, because the sheep herd instinct is not inherent in individuality. Personality is ruled by the Leo archetype a, the lion tends to move alone. A personality mask that has suppressed its individuality has the archetype of a sheep that prefers to always be in a crowd where it feels comfortable in the company of equals: more protected, confident and irresponsible: “ We are a crowd, and therefore no one in particular.”
Every person is born a lion, but society programs the human mind, raising sheep out of people. This gives a selfish masquerade limited personality, cozy, pleasant, comfortable, and obedient. Shepherds nurture in society dependent slaves who are not aware of their slavery, and not people who have dedicated themselves to freedom. And this is understandable: society needs slaves, because state interests require obedience.
In order for you to feel your individuality and throw off the mask of someone else's face, let's turn to the old parable about how a sheep raised a lion cub, and he considered himself a sheep until the old lion grabbed him and took him to the pond, where he showed him his reflection. Many of us are like this lion—our self-image is not made up of our direct experience, but of the opinions of others. And the “personality” imposed from without replaces the individuality that could have grown from within. We have become only a sheep from the flock, we cannot move freely and do not realize our true nature. It's time to look at your own reflection in the pond and make a move to destroy the self-image that you've been led to believe in since childhood.

Evgenia Beinarovich

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Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Federal State Educational Institution

Higher professional education "Chuvash State Agricultural Academy"

Department of "Management and Marketing"


In the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy"

Cheboksary - 2015


1. Individuality and personality

1.1 Man as an individual

1.2 Personality, its formation, properties and potential

1.3 Individuality and personality

2. Education as a social and pedagogical phenomenon

2.1 Pedagogical process as an integral system

2.2 Patterns of the pedagogical process

2.3 The concepts of educational space and educational system

2.4 Education as a pedagogical process

2.5 The pedagogical process of the moral culture of the individual in the social space

3. Answers to the test


List of used literature


The problem of personality is one of the central ones in psychology. But the study of personality and its understanding is closely connected with the understanding of such categories as individuality.

Modern society involves a person in the cycle of various processes, connections, relationships, imposing certain patterns, standards of life and activity on him. Under these conditions, it is very important to protect and further develop the uniqueness and originality of the human personality, to preserve the individuality of a person. Personality is a socialized individual, considered from the side of his most significant socially significant properties. A person is such a purposeful, self-organizing particle of society, the main function of which is the implementation of an individual way of social existence.

The purpose of this work is to study the concept of "personality", "individuality" and the analysis of education. At each stage of the historical development of society, pedagogy as a science reflected the state of education, training and education of the younger generation. Pedagogy developed in line with philosophical knowledge about man and society, but in the XVI-XVII centuries. it has become an independent science, meaning the science of the laws of upbringing, of the transfer of experience from one generation to another, the science of the process of educating and educating not only children, but also adults. Common to philosophy and pedagogy were a system of views on the world and the place of man in it, on the place of man in society. Pedagogy as a particular science of philosophy focused only on the problems of man, personality and society, upbringing, education and training, the ideal of education, the ideal of the individual in society. It has become the science of education, the process of enlightenment and self-education of the individual. There is a pattern: a person is born, he becomes a person.

The relevance of this topic is due to a certain interest in the education, development and improvement of the individual.

Thus, the main tasks in writing this term paper were: to define the concepts of "individuality", "personality", their features, structure; to realize how these concepts correlate in a person, what is their relationship. After all, the concepts of "individuality", "personality" are not identical: each of them reveals a specific aspect of human existence. Personality can only be understood in a system of stable interpersonal relationships mediated by the content, values, and meaning of the joint activities of each of the participants. These connections are manifested in specific individual properties and actions of people who are part of the team.

1. Individuality and personality

1.1 Man as an individual

Individuality is usually considered as a set of physiological and mental characteristics of a particular person, characterizing his originality, his difference from other people. Individuality is manifested in character traits, temperament, habits, prevailing interests, in the qualities of cognitive processes, in abilities, and in an individual style of activity.

Until a certain time, the individual characteristics of a person do not manifest themselves in any way until they become necessary in the system of interpersonal relations, the subject of which will be a person as a person.

The individuality of a person consists of three principles. First, each person is somewhat similar to everyone else. Secondly, each person is in some way the same as some other individuals. And finally, thirdly, each person is in some way not like anyone else. Depending on how these principles are combined, the individuality of each individual person is formed. At the same time, no matter how this combination is built, one must always remember that a person always simultaneously has in common with the rest and is not like the others.

Each person has a stable set of traits and characteristics that determine his actions and behavior. These features manifest themselves in a sufficiently long period of time, thanks to which it is possible to fix and feel the individuality of a person.

A particular person is fixed by the environment according to his individuality, since the individuality of a person has a certain stability, people recognize each other and maintain a certain attitude towards each other. At the same time, it should be noted that under the influence of experience, communication with other people, upbringing and education, a person's individuality changes, sometimes very significant.

The individuality of a person is formed under the influence of three groups of factors.

The first group consists of heredity and physiological characteristics of a person. Heredity preserves and transmits the external features of a person. But not only. Studies conducted with twins show that heredity can also carry the transmission of some behavioral traits. Human physiology suggests that people have a lot in common that determines their behavior. In particular, the general adaptation syndrome, which reflects the physiological response to irritation, is the same for everyone.

The second group of factors that form a person's individuality are factors arising from the person's environment. In general, the influence of these factors can be considered as the influence of the environment on the formation of individuality. Firstly, the culture in which it is formed has a strong influence on the individuality of a person. A person receives norms of behavior from society, assimilates certain values ​​and beliefs under the influence of culture. Secondly, the individuality of a person is strongly determined by the family in which he was brought up. In the family, children learn certain behavioral stereotypes, develop their attitudes towards work, people, their duties, etc. Thirdly, the individuality of a person is strongly influenced by belonging to certain groups and organizations. A person develops a certain identification that sets for him a certain type of individual with whom he personifies himself, as well as stable forms of behavior and, in particular, reactions to the influence of the environment. Fourthly, the formation of individuality occurs under the influence of life experience, individual circumstances, random events, etc. Sometimes it is this group of factors that can lead to a significant change in a person's personality.

The third group of factors influencing the formation of a person's individuality are the traits and characteristics of a person's character, his individuality. That is, in this case, the situation with the formation of individuality is as follows: individuality influences its own formation and development. This is due to the fact that a person plays an active role in his own development and is not only a product of heredity and environment.

The concept of individuality (from Latin individuum - indivisible) in modern psychology represents the systemic organization of a person as a single integrity, including various levels of his psychological organization. All its complexities of the psychological nature of a person in the study of individuality are emphasized on various signs (indicators) of individuality.

One property is singled out and its manifestation at different levels of a person's mental organization is studied, for example, uniqueness, originality: from skin finger patterns to uniqueness in behavior and activity. As an indicator, the relationship can be considered both within a separate level and between levels. The closer this connection, the more the individuality acts as a single integrity. For example, the connection of the properties of the nervous system with the individual dynamics of mental processes, states and personal properties of a person.

Finally, a sign of individuality can be larger aspects of human characteristics, defined as factors in the development of individuality: biological, psychological and social. Their relationship determines the formation of individuality.

The most complete concept of individuality is revealed in the works of BG Ananiev. The components of individuality are the properties of an individual (a set of natural properties), personality (a set of social relations, economic, political, legal, etc.) and a subject of activity (a set of activities and measures of their productivity). Each of these groups of human properties is open to the outside world, social life created by people in their social development, artificial habitat, geographical environment and the biogenosphere as a whole, the Universe. In the constant active interaction of a person with the world, nature and society, the individual development of a person is carried out. In each of the substructures - an individual, a person, a subject of activity - there are individual differences that can be considered from the point of view of uniqueness, originality. But such individual differences cannot be criteria for individuality as a holistic education, because it is not only a system open to the outside world, but also a closed system, with a complex structure of the inner world. In this structure, the mutual correspondence of potentials and ways of their manifestation, self-awareness and reflexive properties of the personality is formed, the components of values, claims and self-assessments are formed.

In individuality, three forms of development are combined into a single whole. The main form of development of individual properties is ontogeny. The main form of development of personal properties is the life path of a person in society. For subjective properties, (i.e. a person who knows the world) - the history of a person's production activity in society, in particular, the history of the formation of his professional activity. The beginning, culmination and end of individual, personal and subjective properties are not a coincidence in age development. Individuality is genetically formed later, as a result of the contradictory dynamics of development, interaction and interpenetration of an integral system of its properties in the process of ontogenesis and life path.

The study of individuality requires considering it as a multidimensional system, the development and formation of which is subject to certain patterns. An important sign of human individuality is the activity of the creative creative activity of a person. The measure of activity, intensity of the work of the inner world is an indicator of the spirituality of the individual. The effects of internal work are manifested in behavior and activities as a result of creativity, producing values ​​for society. One of the manifestations of the activity of individuality can be the actions of a person, which can manifest itself as a stable style of behavior.

The criterion for the formation of individuality is the contribution of a person to the material and spiritual culture of his society and humanity, that is, the unique contribution of the individual to social development.

In psychology, there are several traditions of understanding individuality.

The first tradition is connected with the understanding of individuality as singularity. Individuality in this case is understood as a unique combination of different in severity, but inherent in all people without exception, that is, common personality traits. However, a very pronounced feature is hypertrophy, approaching the border of the norm and pathology, in potency - pathology. From this point of view, the more pronounced the individuality, the closer a person is to pathology. According to psychiatrists: there is no accentuation (the selection of one hypertrophied feature in the human character) - there is no character. The description of individuality from this point of view is the definition of a line of potential pathological changes in personality. Of course, in the interval between the norm and pathology, pronounced individual characteristics can lead to non-standard perception and understanding of the world around us, to non-standard, non-trivial ways of activity, which, depending on the result, can be evaluated both as creativity and as a lack of adaptation.

The second tradition is the understanding of individuality as an addition to general personality traits that are characteristic of a population and express the general tendencies of its development, such that are found only in an individual specific person and are genetically associated with specific, not regular, random circumstances of his development. In this case, individual traits acquire the status of something secondary, insignificant, unimportant from the point of view of understanding the general laws of personality development and are significant only from the point of view of psychological practice, work with this particular person. Individuality in this sense is a kind of addition to the personality as a carrier of essential features and is defined as a set of individual and personality traits that distinguish a particular person from other people.

The third tradition is the understanding of individuality as integrity and as a fundamentally new level of consideration of the individual. Therefore, in this sense, individuality can be considered as a fundamentally new formation in the structure of man. If we consider the series "individual - subject of activity - personality", then in this series the integrity of each level is the prerequisites, opportunities and at the same time a form of manifestation of mental education of the next level.

Thus, the starting point in considering the existing individuality should be a more or less established, mature personality, that is, a person integrated into society and being a full-fledged subject of activity, with a formed intellect.

1.2 Personality, its formation, properties and potential

The concept of "personality" is used in many sciences, but their meanings are similar. The mask in the ancient theater was the mask that the actor put on his face. Now speaking of a person as a person, they also mean his role, but in a broader sense - a role in the "theater of life", in society, among people.

Personality is a specific person, taken in the system of his stable socially conditioned psychological characteristics, which are manifested in social relations and relations, determine his moral actions and are essential for himself and those around him.

A person can be considered as a specific person, a representative of a certain social class, a collective, who is aware of his attitude to the surrounding reality and is engaged in socially useful activities, endowed with individual mental traits and properties inherent only to him.

The concept of "personality" characterizes one of the most significant levels of human organization, namely, the features of its development as a social being.

Psychology, in accordance with its subject, connects the dignity of a person as a person with his inherent psychological properties and qualities. Personality in psychology means the systemic social quality of a person, it is the main integral characteristic of the inner world of a person, a measure of his development as a carrier of consciousness, intellect, culture, morality, a protector and creator of human values.

Pedagogy is interested in personality as an object and subject of the pedagogical process, training, education and development. Psychology is interested in personality from the point of view of its internal structure, patterns of emergence, formation, development, and characteristics of socio-psychological manifestations.

A number of factors influence the formation of personality. (Appendix A). The leading role in the formation of personality is played by social circumstances, which include primarily the following:

Macrosocioenvironment - the social system, state structure, the level of development of society and its ability to ensure the life and activities of people, the features of the ideological and other impact on them of the media, propaganda, agitation, the socio-political, ethnic, religious situation in society, etc. .;

The microsocioenvironment is the environment of direct contact interaction of a person: family, friendly company, school class, student group, production, labor collective, other situational and relatively long-term relationships of a person with the social environment;

Education is a specially organized process of the formation and development of a person, especially his spiritual sphere.

Activity - game, educational, industrial and labor, scientific. In the process of activity, including its various types, social connections and relationships, a person acquires social experience and builds it up, develops his creative and physical potential, will, character, skills and abilities of subject-practical actions, behavior;

Social interaction in all its variety of varieties, and above all communication with other people.

Along with social circumstances, an exceptionally large role in the formation and development of personality is played by the biological factor, the physiological characteristics of a person, the characteristics of general and specific types of higher nervous activity, the originality of brain morphology, etc. Communication, other types of human interaction with the immediate social environment and activities play a special role in the formation and development of the personality, its individual structures. First, through communication with parents, other people, and then through various types of joint activities with them, a person learns social experience, masters the norms, rules, ways of behavior and activity, individual actions - the socialization of the individual occurs, its subjectness is formed and develops.

The socialization of the individual is the process of mastering by a person social and socio-psychological norms, rules, functions, values, social experience in general. This is a continuous process of formation and development of the individual through the development of material and spiritual culture, social and personal relations characteristic of the specific conditions of his life and activity.

The socialization of the individual is carried out through its interaction with the environment, during which a person not only acquires social experience, but also builds it up, makes appropriate changes in the social and natural environment. The process of socialization of the individual has two interrelated sides. On the one hand, a person appropriates social experience. On the other hand, the individuality of a person is manifested.

The main properties of the personality are: orientation, abilities, character, temperament.

Orientation is understood as the psychological property of the individual, the system of her motives, views, expressed in needs, worldview, attitudes, life goals and activities of the individual.

A need is a person's persistent and strong need for something. They direct his interests, thoughts, movements. Satisfaction of a need causes a feeling of pleasure, failure - a bad mood and well-being, discontent and even anger, rage, aggression. The desire to satisfy needs is the basis of purposeful activity, and the successful results of satisfying one or another need strengthen its role in the direction of the individual.

Human needs are divided into two groups: material (socialized) and spiritual.

Life goals are long-term and medium-term results planned by a person for implementation in life plans and activities.

Motives are the motivating forces of specific choices, decisions and actions that are perceived by the individual. The goal is what a person strives for, the motive is for what, for what he needs it. Motives characterize the predominant internal reasons for the choice of goals, methods, actions and actions that are typical for a person. The same manifestations of activity can be generated by different motives.

Worldview - a set of ideas, opinions, beliefs, views of the individual on the world, life, society, these are the value orientations of a particular person.

Abilities - a property of a person associated with the qualities of individuals that favor the mastery of any business, its effective implementation. Distinguish between private abilities and abilities for a particular type of activity. Private abilities include: intellectual, creative, business, organizational, artistic, observation, memorization, endurance, ear for music, etc. They are usually due to the special development of individual qualities. The second type of abilities is the ability to a certain profession, specialty, type of activity. Such an ability is always a personality complex. It includes individual private abilities and qualities related to other properties - orientation, character, psychophysiology.

Character is a property of a person that determines the line of human behavior, the established system of stable relations to work, other people, to the world around and to oneself. These relationships largely depend on the orientation of the individual, but are also associated with special knowledge, value orientations, skills, habits and qualities. Attitudes towards work are expressed in the knowledge of the individual, relevant work orientations, skills, abilities, habits and qualities of purposefulness, enterprise, diligence, responsibility, conscientiousness, perseverance, activity, independence, initiative and others. Attitudes towards people are expressed in respect for the individual, humanity, politeness, benevolence, justice, kindness, altruism, sociability, conflict, etc. Attitude towards oneself is characterized by self-perception and self-esteem by the individual of himself and his characteristics. Attitude towards oneself in psychology is associated with the phenomenon of reflection - the ability and habit to look at oneself from the outside, to see through the eyes of other people, to reckon with their assessment of oneself. The level of development of reflection in a particular person largely characterizes the level of its development as a whole, determines its attitude to self-improvement and decent behavior among people. Character embodies the moral and psychological characteristics of the individual.

Temperament is a personality property that characterizes the dynamics of the course of mental processes (excitation and inhibition), depending on the characteristics of the higher nervous activity of a given person. Complexes of various psychophysiological features serve as the basis for distinguishing types of temperament. There are four general types, due to the characteristics of the nervous system:

Sanguine. The most common type among people. A person who possesses it - a sanguine person - is distinguished by activity, severity and strength of all processes, emotionality, easy switchability, flexibility, a tendency to a variety of types of activity, stability, and efficiency. He is balanced, optimistic, has cheerfulness and easygoing. The reverse side of these features is an underestimated perseverance, dislike for monotonous work, sometimes a tendency to change where it is necessary to be constant;

Choleric. A person who possesses it - a choleric - is also distinguished by high activity, increased emotionality, easy switching, working capacity, mobility, speed of reactions, their strength, intensity, and rapid adaptation to new conditions. Possesses fast speech, expressive facial expressions, gestures. Disadvantages - imbalance, rapid mood swings, irritability, impulsiveness. In general, according to I.P. Pavlova, this is a combat type;

Phlegmatic. It is based on a strong, balanced, but inactive type of nervous system. The phlegmatic is efficient, usually calm, restrained, stubborn, assiduous, stable, but slow, sluggish, and therefore avoids changes and situations where it is necessary to react quickly, cautious, thinks about upcoming actions for a long time, is indecisive, tends to conservatism;

Melancholic. The most characteristic natural prerequisite for a melancholic is the weakness of nervous processes. Therefore, he is highly sensitive, emotional, and because of this, he is not sufficiently balanced, unstable, psychologically vulnerable. Prone to negative moods, sad feelings, pessimistic, prone to confusion, sometimes whiny. The performance is reduced. These features have the other side pluses: good observation, attention to the troubles of others and responsiveness, increased self-criticism.

A personality is a person who actively masters and purposefully transforms nature, society and himself, who has a unique, dynamic ratio of spatio-temporal orientations, need-volitional experiences, content orientations, levels of development and forms of implementation of activities that provides freedom of self-determination in actions and measure responsibility for their consequences before nature. Personality receives its structure from the specific structure of human activity and is therefore characterized by five potentials.

Epistemological (cognitive) potential is determined by the volume and quality of information that a person has. This information is made up of knowledge about the outside world and self-knowledge. This potential includes the psychological qualities associated with human cognitive activity.

The axiological (value) potential of a person is determined by the system of value orientations acquired by her in the process of socialization in the moral, political, religious, aesthetic spheres, i.e., her ideals, life goals, beliefs and aspirations. We are talking here, therefore, about the unity of psychological and ideological moments, the consciousness of the individual and his self-consciousness, which are developed with the help of emotional-volitional and intellectual mechanisms, revealing themselves in his worldview, worldview and worldview.

The creative potential of a person is determined by the skills and abilities acquired by her and independently developed, the ability to act creatively or destructively, productively or reproductively, and the measure of their implementation in a particular field of work, social organizational and critical activity.

The communicative potential of a person is determined by the measure and forms of her sociability, the nature and strength of the contacts she establishes with other people. In its content, interpersonal communication is expressed in a system of social roles.

The artistic potential of a person is determined by the level, content, intensity of her artistic needs and how she satisfies them. The artistic activity of the individual unfolds both in creativity, professional and amateur, and in the "consumption" of works of art.

1.3 Individuality and personality

In psychological science, the category of personality is one of the basic categories. The problem of personality appears in science as an independent one. And at the same time, in different plans, it is studied by various branches of psychological science. The most important theoretical task is to reveal the objective foundations of those psychological properties that characterize a person as an individual, individuality and personality.

The personality of each person is endowed only with its inherent combination of features and characteristics that form its individuality. The concepts of "personality" and "individuality" form a unity, but not an identity. If personality traits are not represented in the system of interpersonal relations, they turn out to be insignificant for assessing the personality of an individual and do not receive development conditions, just as only individual traits that are most “drawn” into the leading activity for a given social community act as personal traits. The individual characteristics of a person may not manifest themselves in any way until they become necessary in the system of interpersonal relations, the subject of which will be this person as a person. We note again, as was done above, that individuality is only one of the aspects of the personality of a particular person.

The fact that the concepts of individuality and personality do not coincide does not allow us to present the structure of personality only as a certain configuration of individual psychological properties and qualities of a person. The structure of a person's personality is much broader than the structure of his individuality. From the standpoint of domestic psychology, the data obtained as a result of the study of personality as an individual cannot be directly transferred to personality characteristics. . The difference between these concepts is manifested, in particular, in the fact that there are two different processes of the formation of personality and individuality.

The formation of a personality is a process of socialization of a person, which consists in the development of a generic, social essence. This development is always carried out in the concrete historical circumstances of a person's life. The formation of personality is connected with the acceptance by the individual of social functions and roles developed in society, social norms and rules of behavior, with the formation of skills to build relationships with other people. A formed personality is a subject of free, independent and responsible behavior in society.

The formation of individuality is the process of individualization of an object. Individualization is the process of self-determination and isolation of the individual, its isolation from the community, the design of its separateness, uniqueness and originality. A person who has become an individual is an original person who has actively and creatively manifested himself in life.

The process of personality development is much slower than the process of becoming an individual, it takes a lot of time until a person becomes a mature, formed personality. Moreover, this process requires not only time, but also other factors discussed in the first chapter.

In personality, it is necessary to distinguish between individuality and individualism. Individualism is a special type of worldview that unconditionally puts the interests of the individual above all else. A distinctive feature of the psychology of an individualist is selfishness, narcissism, an exaggerated opinion of oneself, one's own merits and significance, the conviction of the need to live only for one's own sake, ignoring the interests of other people and society. Individuality is valuable, and individualism is immoral.

It is also necessary to distinguish between the concepts of individual and individuality. The concept of "individual" means an individual person, which is considered from the point of view of his tribal affiliation, while individuality characterizes the originality of a person, his mental and physiological characteristics that distinguish this person from other people. The natural features of an individual in themselves do not form a human individuality, because they do not make him an independent subject of activity. The concept of individuality reveals a person as an integral being, in the unity of his individual and general, natural and social properties and defines him as a specific individual.

Unlike the individual and individuality, the essence of which is based primarily on the biological nature of man, the essence of the personality is based mainly on its social qualities.

Personality and individuality are not only interconnected, but also mutually condition each other. The formation of a person's personal qualities is in close connection with his individual self-awareness.

It should be said that there are other approaches to the relationship between personality and individuality. According to one of them, individuality is considered as a mature personality, integrated into society, realized in it in all its diversity and being a full-fledged subject of activity. This view is shared by Kjell and Ziegler.

Thus, a person, taken out of connection with individuality, is an abstraction and does not really exist. If the human individual cannot become a person without assimilating his social essence, then a person cannot acquire his individual being without becoming an individual. Thus, the personality is social in its essence, but individual in the way of its existence. It represents the unity of the social and the individual, essence and existence.

2. Education as a social and pedagogical phenomenon

2.1 The pedagogical process as an integral system

The pedagogical process is the developing interaction of educators and educators, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in state, transformation of the properties and qualities of educators. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process in which social experience is transformed into the qualities of a formed person (personality). This process is not a mechanical connection of the processes of education, training and development, but a new high-quality education. Integrity, commonality and unity are the main characteristics of the pedagogical process.

In pedagogical science, there is still no unambiguous interpretation of this concept. In the general philosophical understanding, integrity is interpreted as the internal unity of an object, its relative autonomy, independence from the environment; on the other hand, integrity is understood as the unity of all components included in the pedagogical process. Integrity is an objective, but not permanent property of them. Integrity can arise at one stage of the pedagogical process and disappear at another. This is typical for both pedagogical science and practice. The integrity of pedagogical objects, of which the most significant and complex is the educational process, is built purposefully.

The pedagogical process is a holistic process

What is meant by integrity?


in extracurricular activities;

Educational ( manifests itself in everything):


The pedagogical process has a number of properties.

a holistic pedagogical process enhances its constituent processes; pedagogical education personality

The structure of the pedagogical process.

Stimulus-motivational. The pedagogical process is a holistic process.

The pedagogical process is a holistic educational process of the unity and interconnection of education and training, characterized by joint activities, cooperation and co-creation of its subjects, contributing to the most complete development and self-realization of the individual.

What is meant by integrity?

In pedagogical science, there is still no unambiguous interpretation of this concept. In the general philosophical understanding, integrity is interpreted as the internal unity of an object, its relative autonomy, independence from the environment; on the other hand, integrity is understood as the unity of all components included in the pedagogical process. Integrity is an objective, but not permanent property of them. Integrity can arise at one stage of the pedagogical process and disappear at another. This is typical for both pedagogical science and practice. The integrity of pedagogical objects is built purposefully.

The components of a holistic pedagogical process are the processes of education, training, development.

Thus, the integrity of the pedagogical process means the subordination of all the processes forming it to the main and single goal - the comprehensive, harmonious and holistic development of the individual.

The integrity of the pedagogical process is manifested:

In the unity of the processes of training, education and development;

In the subordination of these processes;

In the presence of a general preservation of the specifics of these processes.

The pedagogical process is a multifunctional process.

The functions of the pedagogical process are: educational, educational, developing.


implemented primarily in the learning process;

in extracurricular activities;

in the activities of institutions of additional education.

Educational (manifested in everything):

in the educational space in which the process of interaction between the teacher and the pupil takes place;

in the personality and professionalism of the teacher;

in curricula and programs, forms, methods and means used in the educational process.


Development in the process of education is expressed in qualitative changes in a person's mental activity, in the formation of new qualities, new skills.

The pedagogical process has a number of properties

The properties of the pedagogical process are:

a holistic pedagogical process enhances its constituent processes;

a holistic pedagogical process creates opportunities for the penetration of teaching and upbringing methods;

a holistic pedagogical process leads to the merging of pedagogical and student teams into a single school-wide team.

The structure of the pedagogical process

Structure - the arrangement of elements in the system. The structure of the system consists of components selected according to a certain criterion, as well as the links between them.

The structure of the pedagogical process consists of the following components:

Stimulus-motivational - the teacher stimulates the cognitive interest of students, which causes their needs and motives for educational and cognitive activity;

The teacher stimulates the cognitive interest of students, which causes their needs and motives for educational and cognitive activity;

This component is characterized by:

emotional relations between its subjects (educators-pupils, pupils-pupils, educators-educators, educators-parents, parents-parents);

the motives of their activities (the motives of pupils);

the formation of motives in the right direction, the excitation of socially valuable and personally significant motives, which largely determines the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

Target - awareness by the teacher and acceptance by students of the goal, objectives of educational and cognitive activity;

This component includes the whole variety of goals, tasks of pedagogical activity from the general goal - "all-round harmonious development of the personality" to specific tasks of the formation of individual qualities.

Associated with the development and selection of educational content.

Operational-effective - most fully reflects the procedural side of the educational process (methods, techniques, means, forms of organization);

It characterizes the interaction of teachers and children, is associated with the organization and management of the process.

Means and methods, depending on the characteristics of educational situations, are formed into certain forms of joint activity of educators and pupils. This is how the desired goals are achieved.

Control and regulatory - includes a combination of self-control and control by the teacher;

Reflective - introspection, self-assessment, taking into account the assessment of others and the determination of the further level of their educational activities by students and pedagogical activities by the teacher.

The principle of integrity is the basis of the pedagogical process

So, integrity is a natural property of the educational process. It objectively exists, since there is a school in society, a learning process. For example, for the learning process, taken in an abstract sense, such characteristics of integrity are the unity of teaching and learning. And for real pedagogical practice - the unity of educational, developmental and educational functions. But each of these processes also performs accompanying functions in a holistic educational process: upbringing performs not only educational, but also developing and educational functions, and training is unthinkable without the accompanying upbringing and development. These connections leave an imprint on the goals, objectives, forms and methods of formation of the educational process. So, for example, in the learning process, the formation of scientific ideas, the assimilation of concepts, laws, principles, theories, which subsequently have a great influence on both the development and upbringing of the individual, are pursued. The content of education is dominated by the formation of beliefs, norms, rules and ideals, value orientations, etc., but at the same time, representations of knowledge and skills are formed. Thus, both processes lead to the main goal - the formation of personality, but each of them contributes to the achievement of this goal by its inherent means. In practice, this principle is implemented by a set of lesson tasks, the content of training, i.e. activities of the teacher and students, a combination of various forms, methods and means of teaching.

In pedagogical practice, as in pedagogical theory, the integrity of the learning process, as the complexity of its tasks and means of their implementation, is expressed in determining the correct balance of knowledge, skills and abilities, in coordinating the process of learning and development, in combining knowledge, skills and abilities in a unified system of ideas about the world and ways to change it.

2.2 Patterns of the pedagogical process

Every science has as its task the discovery and study of laws and regularities in its field. The essence of phenomena is expressed in laws and patterns, they reflect essential connections and relationships.

To identify the patterns of a holistic pedagogical process, it is necessary to analyze the following relationships:

connections of the pedagogical process with broader social processes and conditions;

connections within the pedagogical process;

links between the processes of training, education, upbringing and development;

between the processes of pedagogical guidance and amateur performance of educatees;

between the processes of educational influences of all subjects of education (educators, children's organizations, families, the public, etc.);

connections between tasks, content, methods, means and forms of organization of the pedagogical process.

From the analysis of all these types of connections, the following patterns of the pedagogical process follow:

The law of social conditionality of goals, content and methods of the pedagogical process. It reveals the objective process of the determining influence of social relations, the social system on the formation of all elements of education and training. It is a question of using this law to fully and optimally transfer the social order to the level of pedagogical means and methods.

The law of interdependence of training, education and activities of students. It reveals the relationship between pedagogical guidance and the development of students' own activity, between the ways of organizing learning and its results.

The law of integrity and unity of the pedagogical process. It reveals the ratio of the part and the whole in the pedagogical process, necessitates the unity of the rational, emotional, reporting and search, content, operational and motivational components in learning.

The law of unity and interconnection of theory and practice.

The regularity of the dynamics of the pedagogical process. The magnitude of all subsequent changes depends on the magnitude of the changes in the previous step. This means that the pedagogical process, as a developing interaction between the teacher and the student, has a gradual character. The higher the intermediate movements, the more significant the final result: a student with higher intermediate results also has higher overall achievements.

The pattern of personality development in the pedagogical process. The pace and level of personal development achieved depend on:

1) heredity;

2) educational and learning environment;

3) the means and methods of pedagogical influence used.

The pattern of management of the educational process. The effectiveness of pedagogical influence depends on:

the intensity of feedback between the student and teachers;

the magnitude, nature and validity of corrective actions on students.

Pattern of stimulation. The productivity of the pedagogical process depends on:

actions of internal incentives (motives) of pedagogical activity;

intensity, nature and timeliness of external (social, moral, material and other) incentives.

The regularity of the unity of sensory, logical and practice in the pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on:

1) the intensity and quality of sensory perception;

2) logical understanding of the perceived; practical application of the meaningful.

The regularity of the unity of external (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. From this point of view, the effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on:

quality of pedagogical activity;

the quality of the students' own educational and upbringing activities.

The regularity of the conditionality of the pedagogical process. The course and results of the pedagogical process depend on:

the needs of society and the individual;

opportunities (material, technical, economic and others) of society;

conditions of the process (moral-psychological, aesthetic and others).

Many learning patterns are discovered empirically, and thus learning can be built on the basis of experience. However, the construction of effective learning systems, the complication of the learning process with the inclusion of new didactic tools requires theoretical knowledge of the laws by which the learning process proceeds.

External regularities of the learning process and internal ones are distinguished. The first (described above) characterize the dependence on external processes and conditions: the socio-economic, political situation, the level of culture, the needs of society in a certain type of personality and the level of education.


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Individuality is the originality of an individual, a set of features belonging only to him. In psychology, the problem of individuality is posed in connection with the integral characteristics of an individual in the diversity of his thoughts, feelings, manifestations of will, abilities, motives, desires, interests, habits, moods, experiences, qualities of perceptual processes, intellect, inclinations, abilities and other features.

The question of individuality is considered taking into account the analysis of temperament and character of a person, the search for grounds for distinguishing types of people and is posed as a problem of the correlation in a person of typological features and individual differences, therefore, individuality is described as a set of features inherent in a given person. The prerequisites for human individuality are embedded in the anatomical and physiological inclinations, which are transformed in the process of education, which has a socially conditioned character, giving rise to a wide variability in the manifestations of individuality.

Newly born children, so similar to each other, from the first minutes of their lives demonstrate their individuality in the behavior and perception of the world around them. Let this be manifested in the reaction to the arrival and departure of the mother, the peculiarities of giving the most primitive signals to others or expressing a negative attitude towards something. The child manifests free will, which takes on more and more concrete forms in the course of its development. As you grow older, the individual undergoes changes under the influence of external and internal factors.

Individuality is realized both through a person's behavior in a situation of communication, and through the cultivation of various abilities in his activity.

The uniqueness of the human psyche is determined by the organic unity and integrity of the process of development of his needs and abilities, which are formed in active communication with the bearers of culture (in the broad sense of the word).

The term "individuality" is used as a synonym for the word "individual" to denote a unique set of features inherent in a single organism and distinguishing this organism from all others belonging to the same species.

Individuality, therefore, is personality in its originality. When they talk about individuality, they mean the originality of the individual. Usually, the word “individuality” defines some dominant feature of a person that makes him different from others. Each person is individual, the individuality of some is manifested very brightly, convexly, while others are inexpressive, hardly noticeable. Sometimes the peaks of the external manifestations of the originality of the personality fall on the early stages of human development (from 3 to 5 years), and then subside or become latent.

Individuality can manifest itself in the intellectual, emotional, volitional sphere, or in all spheres of mental activity at once.

The originality of intelligence, for example, consists in the ability to see what others do not notice, in the features of information processing, i.e. in the ability to pose problems (of an intellectual and moral nature) and solve them, in a great mobility of emotions. Features of the will are manifested in willpower, amazing courage, self-control. Originality may consist in a peculiar combination of the properties of a particular person, giving a special flavor to his behavior or activity.

Mass media play a significant role in the modern process of personality development. Television programs and broadcasts, for example, encourage the individual to a somewhat one-sided, standardized development. Vivid images of perception inhibit such functions of thinking as analysis and introspection. Often the accents in the programs provided by television are already placed and, as it were, push the viewer to certain conclusions. This is especially dangerous for the developing personality, which is just beginning its process of socialization and often accepts any authoritatively stated theory as the truth.

Individuality characterizes the personality more concretely, in more detail and thus more fully. It is a constant object of research in the study of both personality psychology and other areas of psychology.

One of the most important, defining properties of individuality is the ability, expressed in the degree of quality of the performance of a particular activity. Abilities are such individual psychological characteristics that are related to the success of one or more activities. The basis for the development of abilities can be all sorts of combinations of general and special individual psychological qualities. Among the most common are such abilities as ability to work, endurance, etc. E.A. Golubeva found out that the combination of natural prerequisites for social abilities constitutes complex system complexes. So, for example, with developed linguistic abilities, people are distinguished by passivity, the predominance of visual memory over everything else, and developed secondary signal functions. People with communicative inclinations remember information mostly by ear; as a general characteristic, they have the mobility of the psyche and nervous system. With the ability to musical self-expression, the lability of the nervous system at different ages, greater susceptibility and sensitivity, as well as the predominance of an involuntary level of regulation, come to the fore.

Abilities are those features of human psychology that determine the productivity of obtaining various skills and abilities, but the ability to do something does not mean the initial possession of the skills and abilities already laid down. A person's abilities are only a tendency towards an easier mastering of certain knowledge. Just as the sown field is only a possibility in relation to the future crop that can grow from seeds, but only under favorable conditions, human abilities are only an opportunity for acquiring knowledge and skills.

In the case when a certain set of personality traits coincides with those required in a given field of work, and the development of a profession took place quite easily and on time, it makes sense to talk about the ability of a given person for this particular activity.

Since a person differs from another precisely in his abilities, this set of qualities can be called individual psychological characteristics. The system of abilities inherent in a person includes basic qualities (properties that are directly related to the predominant activity (a musical ear of a singer or an artist’s visual memory)) and additional ones (properties that are not directly related to the main activity performed, but help to cope with one’s duties sufficiently qualitatively (a good eye for a builder or endurance for a truck driver)).

But both the leading and auxiliary components form a unity that ensures the qualitative level of education and upbringing, and at the same time determine the special ways and methods associated with the personal qualities of the teacher.

Among the general qualities of a person, which in the conditions of a particular activity can act as abilities, are individual psychological characteristics that determine the individual's belonging to one of the three types of people. I.P. Pavlov classifies them as "artistic", "thinking" and "average" types. This typology was formed in the process of teaching that higher nervous activity is determined by the existence of two signal systems in it:

  • figurative and emotional;
  • signaling images by means of a word - a signal of signals.

The artistic type is characterized by the predominance of the signals of the first signal system, the mental type - by the relative predominance of the signal signals, the average type of people - by the equal presence of both signal systems.

For example, the artistic type is characterized by the brilliance of images formed by the direct influence of real impressions, experiences, emotions. Thinking type - abstract perception and construction of logical systems, theorizing. But at the same time, the fact that a person has, for example, artistic abilities does not mean at all that he should become or will become in the future an outstanding or even mediocre artist. It’s just that it’s easier for a representative of this type than for another to get used to activities that require impressionability, an emotional attitude to events, imagery and liveliness of fantasy. Therefore, there are often stereotypes of ideas about a particular profession, which in real life are very often confirmed.