The molecular composition of a person. The mineral composition of the body

A person, no matter how surprising it may be, contains almost all the chemical elements of the periodic table. Some of them are present in large quantities, while others make up a negligible proportion. The composition of a person, the number of elements in it can be described for a very long time, but for the coordinated work of the body, the main thing is not quantity, but quality. But still, each of them is indispensable for our body, regardless of its mass or percentage in our body.

Our body is 96% carbon and hydrogen, as well as oxygen and nitrogen. But atoms are not as important for the body as chemical compounds, which simply cannot occur without them. After all, they are the main components for the implementation of vital compounds for our body. The remaining 4% are other chemical elements. But, despite their low content, you should not reduce their effect on our body. Chemical elements, or rather, their compounds, are the components of our body.

The body of a person weighing 70 kg contains:

  • carbon -12.6 kg
  • oxygen - 45.5 kg
  • hydrogen - 7 kg
  • magnesium - 200 g
  • chlorine - 200 g
  • phosphorus - 0.7 kg
  • iron - 5 g
  • fluorine - 100 g
  • silicon - 3 g
  • iodine - 0.1 g
  • arsenic - 0.0005 g.

As you know, a person consists of water for a third of his mass. In children, the percentage of fluid in the body reaches 80%. In the elderly, it is 50%. Therefore, it is simply necessary to replenish fluid reserves, for this, drink water in a volume of 2 liters per day, in hot weather this amount increases. Water is an essential component of our body.

20% of a person consists of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and compounds from them. One of the important components of these elements is carbon; without it, compounds simply will not occur. That is why carbon can be attributed to one of the main constituent elements of our body. To obtain fats and carbohydrates, only three components are required: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. By attaching nitrogen molecules, a protein is obtained. As you can see, our body is able to produce vital trace elements and compounds, while using only four chemical elements.

For the proper functioning of our body, it is necessary to consume only healthy and proper food. The food that a person consumes daily should be saturated with proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Our body produces all the necessary compounds on its own. We should only replenish it with useful substances, replenish the water supply, be more in the fresh air, and then our body will work like clockwork.

Human organism— open biological system. The human body is a multilevel system. It consists of organ systems, each organ system of organs, each organ of tissues, tissues of cells. Each cell is a system of interconnected organelles.

The human body is an open system that constantly exchanges matter and energy with the environment. From it, oxygen enters the body during gas exchange, and together with food - water and nutrients. Outside, the body removes carbon dioxide, undigested food residues, urine, sweat, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Externally, the body receives thermal energy and nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), the molecules of which accumulate chemical energy. It is released during the breakdown reactions of these substances in the body. Part of the chemical energy is spent on the process of its vital activity, and the excess in the form of heat is returned to the external environment.

inorganic substances

Among all inorganic substances, the water content in the human body is the highest. It makes up to 90% of the mass of the embryo and up to 70% of the mass of the body of an elderly person. Water is a solvent that provides the transport of substances in the body. Substances dissolved in water acquire the ability to interact. Water is also involved in the processes of heat exchange between the body and the environment.

The human body contains many inorganic substances. Some of them are present in the form of molecules, such as calcium compounds in bones, substances - in the form of ions. So, iron ions are involved in the transport of oxygen in the blood, calcium ions are necessary for muscle contraction, and potassium and sodium ions are necessary for the formation and transmission of nerve impulses.

organic matter

The molecules of many organic substances consist of blocks - simple organic molecules. All proteins have this structure. They are formed from amino acid molecules. Normally, the amino acid chain folds into fibrous or club-like structures. So the protein molecule becomes more compact and occupies less space in a cage.

Dozens or even hundreds of different proteins are involved in every process that occurs in the body. The proportion of proteins is more than 50% of the dry mass of cells. Some proteins are the building material of cells, others work with muscle contraction, and others protect the body from infections. With the help of enzymes - proteins-catalysts - almost all chemical reactions in the body occur.

Complex carbohydrates

Like proteins, complex carbohydrates are formed from block molecules. So, the blocks of glycogen are molecules of a simple carbohydrate - glucose. Glucose in the body plays the role of an energy source, and glucose reserves are created in the form of glycogen. In compounds with proteins and other organic substances, carbohydrates perform a structural function.


Fats- water-insoluble organic substances. The composition of the fat molecule usually includes molecules of glycerol and fatty acids. Fats form plasma membranes of cells, they accumulate in the cells of adipose tissue, which performs protective functions in the body. Just like glucose, fats are a source of energy. A fat molecule stores more energy than a glucose molecule, but the cell extracts energy from fat much longer than from carbohydrates.

Everything is chemistry" - an expression that can most often be heard from chemistry teachers at school, however, it is correct. Since, in the end, absolutely everything consists of chemical elements. Our body too.

1. Oxygen. It is not only an essential part of the air we breathe and drinking water, it also occupies a significant place in our body. With 65% of our total body mass, oxygen is the most important chemical element in the composition of the human body.

2. Carbon boasts not only the largest number of chemical compounds in the periodic table, (the most famous of them are coal and oil). It also occupies an honorable second place in our list.

3. Hydrogen, like oxygen, is a constituent element of air and drinking water. And it also applies to the main components of the human body. 10% of our weight is hydrogen.

4. Despite the fact that nitrogen is also found in the air, it is better known as a heat carrier, in liquid form. Still, its mysteriously evaporating gases should not be misleading - 3% of our body mass is made up of nitrogen.

5. Even if it is only 1.5%, calcium is an important metal in our body. It is he who gives strength to our bones and teeth.

6. Phosphorus, as a luminous substance, is known to everyone. But not everyone knows that it is thanks to phosphorus in the body that DNA is formed, the basis of human life.

7. Potassium, with a modest 0.2%, takes little part in the processes of the body. It belongs to the electrolytes that our body needs, first of all, during sports. Its deficiency can cause a feeling of exhaustion and convulsions.

8. Can sulfur, with its unpleasant appearance and smell, be important for our body? Yes, that's right. Sulfur is an essential component of amino acids and coenzymes.

9. First sulfur, now chlorine. You might think that our body consists of some poisons. Of course, there is no elemental chlorine in our body, but there is chloride. And it is vitally important for us, since it is contained, for example, in blood plasma.

10. Sodium we consume primarily in the form of sodium chloride, also known as table salt. The element is important for the protection of cells and the movement of nerve signals.

11. Magnesium is vital for all organisms on earth, naturally for us humans, too. Despite its small fraction of 0.05% of our body weight, a lack of magnesium leads to distinctly tangible consequences: Nervousness, headaches, fatigue and muscle cramps are just some of them.

12. The male body contains more iron than the female. One of the reasons for this is the difference in nutrition. Another is that women lose iron during menstruation. Therefore, the average mass of this element in the human body varies from 2 to 5 grams.

13. Cobalt is an integral part of vitamin B12, which is necessary for human existence. An overdose of cobalt leads to numerous diseases, including cancerous tumors.

14. For microorganisms, copper is lethal even in small quantities, but a person needs it for the formation of vital enzymes. Heavy metal makes up 0.05% of our body weight. We get it through vegetables, chocolate and nuts.

17. Selenium is an essential trace element. At the same time, in case of an overdose, it is highly toxic, so its use as a dietary supplement causes great discussion in the circles of scientists.

18. Until now, it has not been fully clarified how much fluorine is necessary for our body. An indisputable fact is that most of the fluoride is found in bones and teeth. Fluorine, like selenium, is highly toxic in overdose.

The chemical composition of the human body includes most periodic tables: iodine, iron, potassium, calcium and many other elements. These substances enter the organs together with food and air, since they themselves are not produced by our body. With a deficiency of some element in our body, important organs fail, teeth, nails and hair stop growing, bones break, metabolism is disturbed, diseases appear.

The chemical composition of the human body includes two groups of minerals: macroelements and microelements. Macronutrients (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine, etc.) are required by the body in relatively large doses. The need for trace elements (manganese, iron, iodine, copper, zinc, cobalt and fluorine) is limited to a negligible amount.

Today we will tell you about the main substances that make up the chemical composition of the human body, their functions and the consequences of their deficiency.

Potassium is necessary to maintain the body's water-salt balance, nourish cells and strengthen the immune system. It also affects the functioning of the muscular, nervous and cardiac systems. Potassium is found in large quantities in avocados, bananas, raisins, dried apricots, parsley, peas, beans and potatoes.

Iodine tones muscles, ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, supports metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It is found in large quantities in seaweed, seaweed, fish, other seafood, all types of meat, cottage cheese, cereals, beets, cabbage, potatoes, apples, persimmons, plums and grapes.

Calcium, which is part of the chemical composition of the human body, is necessary for strengthening bones, developing teeth, normal activity of the heart muscle and to ensure proper blood clotting. Found in dairy products, salmon, sardines, white bread and green vegetables.

Magnesium is useful for nerve, energy and muscle functions, for the normal development of bone structure. Its deficiency is typical for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, and causes "chronic fatigue syndrome". Found in bananas, wheat bran, peas, soybeans, nuts, brown rice and seeds.

Phosphorus is needed for bone development and for the normal absorption of fats, protein and carbohydrates by the body. Lack of phosphorus is fraught with weakness and pain in the bones, anxiety and irritability. A lot of phosphorus is contained in milk, fish, meat, potatoes baked in their skins, and ginseng.

Iron, which is part of the chemical composition of the human body, has a general strengthening effect, participates in blood formation and supplies cells with oxygen. Iron deficiency causes anemia and fatigue in a person. Iron is found in the liver, kidneys, bran of all cereals, black caviar, prunes, dried apricots, wholemeal bread, pomegranates, and pure chocolate.

Zinc plays an important role in the development of the reproductive system, the activity of the digestive organs, in the implementation of hormonal functions and promotes wound healing. Found in mushrooms, sprouted wheat, nuts, seeds and oysters.

Selenium is needed by the body in very small doses, however, it is necessary to protect cells from destruction, to prevent premature aging, to slow down the growth of cancer cells. Found in coconut, fish and seafood, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds and wholemeal bread.

We examined the basic chemical composition of the human body. We hope this information will help you stay healthy.

Our body is complex biochemical mechanism which requires a daily supply of essential nutrients.So, what is the most unique creature on earth made of?

The human body is made up of over 80 elements. Main - to oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen.Next come macronutrients - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, magnesium and completes this list of trace elements, there are more than 68 of them in the human body.

So what is cause of deficiency and surplusthese elements in the human body, in our time. The fundamental changes that have occurred to our planet over the past decades, not only in ecology, but also in our diet, have an extremely dangerous effect on our health. Almost all the products we consume contain harmful substances -herbicides, insecticides, antibiotics, synthetic vitamins, preservatives, dyes, flavors. Chemical compounds accumulate and deposit in the tissues of our body, eventually destroying it from the inside.

For example, an excess molybdenum poses a risk of gout and stone formation. a lack of copper, especially in pregnant women causes fetal malformations. When the human body lacks chromium and zinc, the risk of getting sick increases. diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis, and the lack of manganese and selenium leads to the formation oncological diseases.

Usage medicines xenobiotics- foreign to the body synthesized chemicals, leads to irreversible processes. For example, diuretics flush out potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium from the body. Aspirin and antiarrhythmic drugs cause a lack of copper, which leads to the formation of arthritis and arthrosis. Citromon and antacids- chemical preparations intended for the treatment of acid-dependent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, contain aluminum(a toxic trace element that causes cerebrovascular disease and osteomalacia).

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