The most shocking facts in the world. Our brains are mostly made up of water.

There is a lot of mysterious, mysterious, inexplicable in the world. There are facts that make us think about our existence and once again make sure that the world around us is multifaceted and unusual. The most shocking facts presented by scientists of the world for general discussion are not only surprising, but also defy logic.

The Eiffel Tower

The 324-meter building, which is considered a symbol of Paris, grows by 14-15 cm every year in summer, and becomes lower by the same 15 cm in winter. This phenomenon is associated with heating of the metal. Even at school, we are told that the metal expands when heated, and narrows when cooled. In the summer, the metal structure warms up, expands, grows. With the onset of cold weather, the tower decreases in size due to the narrowing of the metal.

During the construction of the tower, these features of the material were taken into account: the tower was built with temperature compensators, which make it possible to reduce and increase the volume of the structure without destruction.

The emergence of species

In the top ten most shocking facts was the mystery of the appearance of species from nowhere. For many years, scientists have been wondering how this is possible, because this phenomenon radically changes the history of the origin of all life on Earth.

Numerous experiments have shown that there are animals and other living organisms on the planet that appeared just like that, without evolution. Representatives of these are amphibians. It is not clear how land animals appeared, and immediately with well-developed limbs, a pronounced head. And immediately several dozen species were formed, the appearance of which cannot be explained.

The same goes for mammals. The earliest representatives of the species were small and led a hidden lifestyle back in the era of dinosaurs. Then, after the supposed cataclysm, several groups of mammals appeared at about the same time. Scientists are struggling in conjectures and cannot understand where they came from.

neutron star weight

The most shocking fact is the weight of a neutron star. In general, neutron stars are the remains of massive objects, which consist mainly of a core covered with a thin crust. It is represented by heavy atoms of nuclei and electrodes. The cores of stars that died during a supernova explosion are compressed under the influence of gravity. As a result, neutron stars are formed.

Astrophysicists have calculated that the weight of this object is so great that it is often equated to the weight of the Sun, although the objects themselves are no more than 20 km in diameter, that is, a teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh six billion tons.

"Floating" Hawaii

Among the most shocking facts is the ability of the Hawaiian Islands to swim. As you know, the earth's crust consists of several large parts - plates. They are constantly moving along with the upper layer of the mantle. Hawaii is located in the middle part of the Pacific Plate, which is drifting to the northwest. Because of this, the islands are gradually approaching Alaska.

Every year, Hawaii gets closer to Alaska by 7.5 cm. For information: tectonic plates move at the same speed with which human nails grow.

Humanity in a sugar cube

99.9999% of space is the void between atoms. Many people remember from school lessons that an atom consists of a tiny dense nucleus, around which electrodes are located, which occupy a large space. They move in waves and can be anywhere. So if you remove all the empty space between atoms, then all of humanity can be placed on a small area, the size of a sugar cube.

The earth is not round

Not so long ago, the most shocking fact of the world was that scientists revealed the truth to people by telling about the real shape of the planet. There was a time when people thought our Earth was flat. And only after thousands of years they changed their point of view, saying that the planet has the shape of a circle.

After the first satellites were launched into space, astronomers rushed to see what our planet looks like from space. In fact, it is not round, but has the shape of a geoid or oblate spheroid. The earth is flattened in the direction of the poles, and in the “waist” zone it is 20 km larger than it is usually designated. By the way, because of this, the highest point on the planet is not Everest, but the Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador.


There are many of the most shocking facts about the Eskimos. This northern people surprises scientists and makes them think. Many secrets and mysteries are connected with them, which still cannot be explained.

For scientists, it remains a mystery how the Eskimos can eat predominantly meat food throughout the year, while other peoples of the world eat quite a lot of plant food. And if representatives of another nation get sick from an excess of meat products, then the Eskimos feel great, they have no problems associated with the digestive system due to excessive consumption of meat dishes. Among the Eskimos there are albinos, blonds.

hydrochloric acid in the stomach

Among the most interesting and shocking facts is the ability of the human body to produce hydrochloric acid. The pH level is so high that it can dissolve a variety of elements that have entered the stomach, even metals. Acid has a negative effect on the walls of the stomach, but it is able to quickly recover: approximately every four days there is an update.

The hydrochloric acid produced by the body is so strong that it can dissolve even thin steel sheets.

Death of mammoths

The 10 most shocking facts include the sudden death of mammoths. Scientists cannot say for sure what caused the death of the giants. Undigested food in the stomachs of animals suggests that they died suddenly. And some representatives of the giants were found with under-chewed greens. Why did the animals die, and all at once? It remains a mystery.

Scientists cannot say for sure what exactly caused such a mass death, although there are suggestions that they simply froze due to a sharp cold snap. However, this theory still needs to be proven.

Flea speed

When moving, fleas jump up to 8 cm per millisecond. Moreover, each jump gives an acceleration 50 times greater than the acceleration of the space shuttle. Judging by the speed of a flea, we humans have something to strive for.

Here are 38 shocking facts that will keep you awake! It's interesting to know! Read on and be amazed!

The amazing book "1227 Facts", from which you will be stunned, contains the most complete information about our wonderful world.

The creators of the book have collected the most shocking facts that can amaze even the most seasoned skeptic.

And some of these facts surprised even the brightest minds of our vast planet.

Do you want to know what scientists were so amazed at?

Really it's interesting to know!

Then read the facts below!

The diary of success is sure that from the first line your mouth will not stop closing!

So let's go!

This is interesting to know: do not let your brain relax!

  1. There are so many diamonds on our planet that each of its inhabitants would have enough for a comfortable life.
  2. An English prison costs the government £45,000 a year. And this price is only for one prisoner. For this money, one Englishman can study at Eton.
  3. In the country of hamburgers and fries, there are three PR people for every journalist.
  4. In the Victorian era, women's magazines encouraged people to travel with a pin in their mouth. What for? It was she who could keep the lady from kissing a stranger.
  5. A female ferret can die from a year of abstinence.
  6. There is 500 times more uranium on Earth than gold.
  7. Regardless of the color of the rhinos, they are all the same color.
  8. Imagine that female plant aphids are able to give birth to female aphids already pregnant with other female aphids.
  9. Nearly half of the bottled water in the world is actually plain tap water.
  10. In the 19th century, it was fashionable to give the removal or replacement of teeth for adulthood.
  11. Every third earthling dies before reaching 1 year.
  12. does not process even a tenth of the information received by it.
  13. In the entire history of the existence of our planet, only 1% of all living things have been petrified.
  14. Aerosmith earned more money for playing "Gitar hero" than they ever did on any of their albums.
  15. The first metros were called "sewage trams".
  16. The English trade makes huge bucks on unused gift certificates. Why don't people use them? It's still a mystery!
  17. Arabs are illogical. Letters are written from right to left, but numbers are written from left to right. Reading an Arabic text replete with numbers is “a real pleasure!”

  18. Aborigines with an ancient culture can easily list the mountains that have long gone under water.
  19. Know that a coal-fired power plant is 100 times more dangerous than a nuclear one?
  20. 90% of crimes in Afghanistan are committed by the police. Who is behind bars at this time remains a mystery.
  21. Human saliva is inherently six times more powerful than the same morphine.
  22. Surprisingly, a simple microwave oven consumes more energy on the built-in clock than on heating food.
  23. A tenth of American electricity comes from old Soviet bombs.
  24. In one smartphone, 250 thousand patents for individual spare parts are collected at once.
  25. Caffeine is similar in composition to cocaine, thalidomide, TNT, heroin and nylon.
  26. Despite the overcrowding of China, only 15% of the poor live there.
  27. In the 19th century, theft of sheep or cheese was punishable by death.
  28. By age 18, the average child has already seen over 200,000 murders.
  29. The main income of the London Underground is from the sale of maps, rather than from the transport of people.
  30. The plumage of a bird is 2 times heavier than its skeleton.
  31. Of all the North Korean refugees, only two wanted to return.
  32. Despite the statement of American television about the chic life of their people, almost half of the citizens of this country live in poverty.
  33. Zeus ate his third wife.
  34. The king of Fiji brought measles to his island, as a result of which he personally killed a quarter of the population.
  35. The English use only 1000 words in writing letters or texts.
  36. With transparent eyelids, beavers can see without opening their eyes.
  37. In the early 19th century, millionaire Cecil Chubb gave his wife Stonehenge. However, his wife was so stupid to appreciate the gift that Chubb gave the gift to the British.
  38. Americans are really so stupid that almost a good half of them firmly believe that the Earth is only 10 thousand years old.

And yet, I want to advise you a VERY interesting video,

The human body is the most familiar thing in the world for each of us, however, it remains one of the most mysterious organisms. Even today, with all the medical and scientific advances that have given us in-depth knowledge of our physical bodies, many experts are still puzzled by aspects of our bodies - how they work and why.

At the moment, more than 7 billion people live on our planet. While our cultures and personalities make us unique, we are all very similar in many ways. We all evolved from the same single-celled organisms in the distant past and evolved into the bodies we know today. Each part of our body has specific functions, and apart from these functions, our bodies are capable of amazing things. Put every part of the human body together - from hair, skin to sneezes - and you will realize the amazing natural power that is inherent in all of us. If you, like the rest of the world, take the simple fact of your own body for granted, we invite you to read the following list of incredible facts and be amazed at what even the smallest parts of your body are capable of.

20. We can see up to 48 kilometers away

Our eyes will never be as sharp as an eagle's. However, the human eye is so sensitive that if the Earth were completely flat, we could clearly see the flicker of a candle up to 48 kilometers away.

19. Our nerve impulses travel at 402 kilometers per hour.

The sensation of pain, in fact, comes instantly when you touch something hot or prick with a needle. Thanks to our highly developed nervous system, we can react in less than a millisecond to things we should stay away from. Nerve impulses are so fast that the electrical signals responsible for sensations travel to and from the brain at an average speed of 402 kilometers per hour.

18. Our belly button has an entire ecosystem.

We cannot see them, but the human body contains trillions of tiny organisms such as bacteria, millions of which live inside the navel. Relatively speaking, there are so many bacteria in the human navel alone that they could form an ecosystem the size of a rainforest.

17. There are more atoms in the human body than there are stars in the universe.

All matter is made up of molecules and molecules are made up of atoms. An adult human is made up of 7 octillion atoms (7 followed by 27 zeros). This is more than twice the known number of stars in the universe.

16. Our bones are as hard as granite.

We may think that human bones are fragile. However, bones are as strong as granite. Just one piece of bone, the size of a matchbox, can support a weight of 8 tons.

15. We share DNA with fruits.

You've probably already heard that humans differ from chimpanzees by only one chromosome. DNA is so precise that the slightest change can transform you into a whole new species. As it turns out, humans share 50 percent of their DNA with the normal, common, and tasty banana.

14. Our cells never stop reproducing.

Cells are the building blocks of the body. Every second, the human body produces 25 million new cells. For comparison, for every 13 seconds, more cells are produced than the population of the United States.

13. We glow in the dark

As deep sea creatures, humans are naturally bioluminescent and we glow in the dark. However, the light we emit is incredibly weak. It is so faint that our human eyes cannot distinguish it.

12. Our skin never stops growing.

Considering that we produce 25 million new cells every second of time, we have new layers of skin. During their lifetime, people lose up to 18 kilograms of skin.

11. Most of our cells are not human.

Of the billions of cells that make up the human body, only about 10 percent are actually "human." The remaining 90 percent are made up of various fungi and bacteria.

10. We have more than five senses

Humans have five basic senses. We also have over 10 other important senses such as balance, temperature, pain, and time. We have inner feelings of suffocation, thirst and fullness. Unfortunately, we still can't see dead people.

9. We have 1,609 kilometers of capillaries in our lungs.

If you stretched the 300,000,000 capillaries in your lungs from start to finish, the line would stretch from Seattle to San Diego, or about 1,609 kilometers.

8. Our tears know our emotions.

People produce differently structured tears depending on the reason we cry. Emotions such as grief, guilt, sadness or happiness lead to a fundamental change in the molecular structure of tears. Like a snowflake, no tear is alike at the molecular level.

7. Our brain does not feel pain.

The brain can perceive and process feelings of pain coming from other parts of the body. However, the brain itself is not capable of feeling pain. There are no pain receptors in the brain like there are in your arms, legs, or other parts of the body.

6. Our brain is mostly water.

Our brains have less flesh and tissue than fluids. Our brain is 80 percent water. In fact, most of the human body is made up of water.

5. We are completely covered in hair.

In nature, there is no such thing as a bald man. Every person, including women, has as much hair per square centimeter of their body as a chimpanzee. The hairs are so short, light and thin that most of them are almost impossible to see with the naked eye.

4. Our hearts are stronger than any other muscle in our body.

The human heart must be strong enough to pump blood through every vein in our body 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is so strong that it can generate enough pressure to squirt blood up to 9 meters away.

3. Our sneezes are stronger than the wind

Sneezing has a practical function. It clears the nasal cavity and throat from any congestion. The force of a sneeze is so great that it exceeds the speed of 160 kilometers per hour.

2. We almost always have sex.

This fact applies to the human population as a whole, rather than to the human body itself. Every day, sexual intercourse occurs around the world approximately 120 million times.

1. Our growth changes every day, and several times.

The human body grows at night. Something like that. People are 1 centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening. During the day, the discs in the back begin to shrink and our body becomes shorter.

Our history is full of various strange, and at times frankly shocking facts. We all know that much of the school curriculum is removed so as not to injure the fragile children's psyche. But is it right? Users of the popular social network Reddit decided to tell us about what they know about history, and what terrible facts teachers never told them.

Parents ate their children so as not to starve to death

“During Stalin's time, when Russia was in the stage of industrialization, he took away all the food and crops of the farmers, which they had been growing for so long, and the common people began to starve. This led to the fact that people began to eat other people. Many cases have been documented of parents even eating their children to keep from starving.” - R3ddittor.

People were cut off their heads and loaded into cannons

“During the Great Siege of Malta, the commander of the Turkish forces, Mustafa Pasha, ordered the bodies of knights found on the battlefield to be beheaded, nailed to wooden crosses and allowed to float in the bay in mockery of their Christian enemies. In retaliation, the enraged master La Valette ordered that the heads of all Turkish prisoners be cut off, loaded into cannons and shot towards the Turkish camp ”- Fakezaga.

Squad 731 scientists performed horrific experiments, such as cutting a fetus out of a mother's womb.

“It was a group of Japanese scientists who did various horrific experiments on people from China during World War II. The way these people were mocked was captured in photographs, and when I read about it, I dreamed that they would simply disappear, because I had no strength to look at all this horror. I read about this incident in a book some time ago, but I remember some things clearly.
Frozen people who were on the verge of life and death were thrown into boiling water; syphilis patients were forced to have sex with perfectly healthy people; a child was cut out of the womb of a woman while she was on weak painkillers and so on. And I am sure that there were no experiments there. Everything they did to people was purely for fun. They were curious what would happen if... What was the worst thing about this book?
So it is that the chief "scientist" got away with it. Not only that, he recorded everything they did, and it was these recordings that gave him a ticket to freedom. Apparently, many of his studies were useful and greatly expanded our understanding of the human body "- davisbobavis.

Soldiers raped and tortured millions of innocent people

“Japanese soldiers killed, tortured and raped thousands of innocent Chinese people. In addition, they cut off the genitals of both men and women, abused children in every possible way, and also forced patients with a venereal disease to have sex with healthy ones. It's just awful" - ThatGuyYouKnow905.

He killed his own wife and blew up a school that killed many children.

Massacre at Bath School in Michigan. In 1926, a man named Andrew Kehoe was removed from his position as local clerk. In retaliation, a year later, he first killed his wife, and then blew up the school and killed quite a few children and some of the teachers. He was an electrical engineer and suffered a head injury that may have caused him to go insane. Or maybe he was just crazy from birth." - IFudgedTheMath.

Rosemary Kennedy had an unsuccessful lobotomy

“The lobotomy of Rosemary Kennedy, which brought her back to two years of age and left her disabled for life. The woman couldn't walk, and she couldn't talk." - Silly_Bun.

Francisco Macías Nguema ordered his soldiers to fire on the spectators

“Francisco Macías Nguema, the first President of Equatorial Guinea, once invited all his political rivals to the big stadium on Christmas Eve under the pretense of some social event. When they all gathered and took their places, the soldiers, dressed as Santa Claus, began to shoot the audience with machine guns to the popular Christmas carols" - FuzzyMeep7.

Their hearts were torn out while they were still alive

“The Aztecs committed acts of mass human sacrifice of slaves. In one such event, over 10,000 slaves had their hearts torn out while they were still alive. By the time the Spaniard Cortes arrived, thousands of natives from the captured tribes had joined him to get rid of the Aztec empire. Over 90 percent of the army that fought against the Aztecs were native tribes" - deroque.

Cannibals in Siberia

“On one island there was a guard named Kostya Venikov, a young man. He courted a beautiful girl and also protected her. One day he had to go away for a short time, and he said to one of his comrades, "Take care of her." Unfortunately, Kostya's friend could not cope with all the people who were on this island. People caught the girl, tied her to a poplar, cut off her chest, muscles, in general, everything that could be eaten. They were hungry, they had to do it. When Kostya returned, she was still alive. A young guy tried to save his girlfriend, but she lost too much blood" - Spinner1975.

Christopher Columbus fed animals to humans

"At one point, Christopher Columbus gave a live sex slave to feed his dogs." - Junko_Enoshima.

Over a million people were hacked to death with machetes

“The genocide in Rwanda lasted 4 months. Four fucking months and a million dead. Most died from machetes" - Mumtaz3580.

Read the most interesting facts about a person! Find out what your body and your brain are capable of! How are we different from any other living beings?

1. Why do we not notice anything unusual in ourselves?
2. When do superpowers appear?
3. Incredible facts about a person!

Why do we not notice anything unusual in ourselves?

The media regularly informs us about people with extraordinary abilities that defy rational explanation. It has long been established that the mental abilities of a person are enormous, and the safety margin of the body is amazing.

Why don't we see this in everyday life?

Except for people who have amazing abilities from birth, and those who develop their potential throughout their lives (you will find methods for developing superpowers), then we can say that most people do not have any superqualities.

However, it is not!

When do superpowers appear?

Getting into extreme conditions, a person begins to show abilities that shock him. Phenomena of super strength, super speed, super reactions, etc. manifest themselves when the life of a person or the life of his loved ones is in danger.

There are cases when fragile women lifted a car after an accident to get their child.

Often in emergency situations, all the internal resources of a person are unconsciously activated so that he can survive. Why not always? Because our body and consciousness are not prepared for such overloads.

And yet, even in ordinary life, some of the possibilities of our body are simply amazing. The most interesting thing is that you did not know about yourself until now!

Incredible facts about a man!

Below you will find 50 Amazing Human Facts Backed by Science!

1. human heart, is equipped with its own life support system, and therefore it can beat for some more time if it is torn from the chest.

2. Gastric juice has such a level of acidity that the mucous membrane in the stomach is updated every four days.

3. Nasal receptors capable of recognizing nearly 1 billion different scents.

4. During sneeze time speed outgoing air is 158-160 km/h.

5. If all blood vessels laid out in one line, then you can wrap the equator 2.5 times, their length will be 96,560 km.

6. Daily human heart generates a huge amount of energy, it is enough for the truck to cover a distance of 32 km. And if you sum up the energy generated over the entire life span, then this truck could make it to the moon twice.

7. Skin weight, updated throughout life, reaches 47-48 kilograms.

8. Some people claim that Andromeda is visible in the daytime cloudless sky. This proves that the human eye is capable consider a tiny luminous dot at a distance of two and a half million sv. years.

9. Snore sometimes reaches 78-80 decibels, which is comparable to the sound of a working pneumatic drill. At the same time, if the noise level exceeds 82-85 dB, this is considered a critical threshold for hearing.

10. General saliva volume developed during life, you can fill two sports pools.

11. Man combines 7 octillions (27 zeros) of atoms and molecules. General age of all these smallest particles exceeds tens of billions of years.

13. neural cells in the brain create impulses that are transmitted at a speed of 240 km / h.

14. Few people know, but in addition to the five basic senses, man is endowed with proprioception her¹. This ability allows consciousness to control the work of various muscle groups, evaluate the relative position of body parts relative to each other, and also feel the volume and posture of the body. This explains why a person can accurately touch their nose without opening their eyes.

15. When a person listens to music, heart imitates her rhythm.

16. During wakefulness, the brain produces amount of energy enough to light up a light bulb.

17. Bones the human skeleton is stronger than steel. It has been established that a bone with a volume of 16 cm³ can theoretically withstand 8,600 kg.

18. Though the bones are stronger than steel, 30% of their composition is water.

19. If compare the eye with a video camera, then the resolution of the matrix would be 575 megapixels.

20. Naked eye human recognizes 10 million colors and shades.

21. If everything strands of DNA unwind in a single line in the human body, this will amount to 16 billion km., which is equal to the path from the Earth to Pluto and back.

22. If we summarize the long-term human memory throughout life, its volume will be 1 quadrillion units. inf.

23. Prefrontal cortex², responsible for social connections and communication skills, develops up to 40 years.

24. Average life expectancy reaches 68-75 years. Over this time cardiac muscle pumps almost 180 million liters of blood, enough for 200 tank cars.

25. The human body produces blood cells at a rate of 178 million per hour.

26. Usually, gestational age is 9 months, but not always. The longest pregnancy was 12.5 months.

27. It has been established that if a pregnant woman has damage to internal organs, her baby in the womb shares stem cells with her to restore them.

28. Scientists have calculated: to make one sha d, a person must use two hundred muscles.

29. In the human navel scientists have discovered about one and a half thousand species of unknown bacteria.

30. Surprising fact - growth of astronauts in weightlessness increases by 5 cm.

31. Each body cell contains up to six billion steps of human DNA.

32. The highest activity fixed during intercourse. Between 200 and 500 million spermatozoa fight for the opportunity to fertilize one egg.

33. man sleeping over twenty years of his life.

34. Established scientifically! If you shine on the knee from behind, then you can change the circadian rhythm, that is, change the mode of wakefulness and sleep.

35. Without food the human body can live for about two months.

36. Incredible, but taste buds is not only on the surface of the tongue! It turns out that they are on the walls of the stomach and intestines, in the brain and even in the anus.

37. neural connections occur at the time of the formation of long-term memories.

38. It has been experimentally established that the most insignificant pressure on a person another person can change how the brain works and reduce the degree of empathy and empathy.

39. If oxygen stops flowing, then brain death will start only after 4-8 minutes.

40. 60% of the brain is fat.

41. In an attempt to prevent starvation, human brain will eat itself.

42. There is an assumption that fears and phobias Memories are genetically inherited from ancestors.

43. Emotion- nothing more than a programmed human response to a specific stimulus.

44. long term memory has the ability to create continuous and lasting changes in the structure of the brain.

45. If a person tries to display any emotion then in a few moments he will be able to feel it!

46. Eye is able to cover only a small part of the field of view for a certain time, therefore, to create an overall picture, he needs to make 3-4 movements in 1 second.

47. Memories are based not on facts, but on imagination, so inaccurate pictures may pop up or details may arise that were not there before.

48. Forgetfulness- a protective reaction of the brain against an excessive amount of information. It helps to process information and speeds up the thought process.

49. The brain works better during REM sleep. He can analyze information and memorize tasks.

50. Despite all the differences, many things are all people see from the same angle. So scientists around the world invited people to draw a cup of coffee on paper. All the resulting drawings were almost the same - the cup was drawn slightly above and slightly shifted to the side. There was not a single drawing where the cup would be depicted from above.

These amazing facts about a person confirm that we can not only show superpowers in extreme conditions, but are also amazing in our structure.

But how little we know about ourselves! Until now, man remains the most unexplored and most unpredictable creature in the universe.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Proprioception, proprioception - muscular sense - a sense of the position of parts of one's own body relative to each other and in space (Wikipedia).

² The prefrontal cortex of the brain is a section of the cerebral cortex, which is the anterior part of the frontal lobes (