Timetable of the institute of inclusive education. Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University Institute for Problems of Integrative (Inclusive) Education City Resource Center for the Development of Inclusive Education

Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education created at the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University in July 2009.

The purpose of the Institute– promotion and implementation of an inclusive approach in Russian education, scientific and methodological support for the process of formation and development of inclusive education at all levels of the general education system in Russia.

The main content of the work of the Institute- studying the experience of inclusive educational institutions, methodological support and support of educational institutions that implement an inclusive approach, technological and instrumental equipment for pedagogical work, designing inclusive educational systems in the regions, developing effective organizational and administrative models of inclusive schools and kindergartens, disseminating advanced pedagogical experience, popularizing ideas of inclusive education in Russian society.

The Institute has extensive ties and partner research projects with research teams from Europe and America.

Since 2011, the Institute has been holding the most important scientific event on inclusive education in Russia every two years - the International Scientific and Practical Conference, which brings together more than five hundred participants. The subject of the conference reflects the current problems of a certain stage in the development of inclusive education in the country:
2011 - I International Conference "Inclusive Education: Methodology, Practice, Technologies" (Moscow, June 20-22, 2010)
year 2013 - .

Inclusive education at the RSUH is aimed at ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual opportunities. According to the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” and other regulatory legal acts and local regulations, the RSUH is actively working to provide conditions for the education of students with disabilities and students with disabilities.

The model of communication based on humanism and mutual respect between students of different physical abilities is the norm of university life. The university provides an opportunity for citizens with disabilities and the disabled to receive higher education, depending on the level of training and individual abilities of each. The best graduates have the opportunity to enter graduate school and engage in scientific work. All work of the university structures is based on a strictly individual approach to each student and listener, on methodological materials developed by specialists from institutes, centers and general university departments using modern computer and information technologies.

The university's strategy for students with disabilities and students with disabilities includes:

  • availability of all levels of higher education: bachelor's, master's, specialist's, postgraduate studies;
  • integration into the university environment through joint lectures in general groups at the stages of education;
  • the training of economically independent intellectual labor professionals capable of contributing to the development of their country.

RSUH implements a set of constantly developing elements of modern social rehabilitation:

  • vocational education and vocational rehabilitation;
  • an inclusive system of education in general groups according to an individual curriculum using distance learning technologies;
  • pre-university training as part of the general system of pre-university training of applicants;
  • vocational guidance in the form of consultations on admission and training;
  • entrance examinations are accompanied by the provision of separate classrooms for applicants with disabilities, an increase in the duration of entrance examinations, the provision of an opportunity to choose the form of entrance examinations (written, oral);
  • socio-psychological engineering (social and psychological correction);
  • medical rehabilitation and prevention;
  • rehabilitation sports and physical education;
  • social and environmental adaptation and social orientation and integration;
  • barrier-free architectural environment at the university for students with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, hearing, vision - the availability of the adjacent territory, the availability of specially equipped sanitary and hygienic facilities. There are Super-Truck (Public) stair lifts for moving people with disabilities around the university, in the university's academic buildings.

The university has created conditions for the education of people with disabilities and people with disabilities, including the ability to adapt any educational program if necessary (clause 4. Regulations on the educational program of higher education (bachelor's, specialist's, master's)). It also provides for the organization of intermediate and final state certification of students with disabilities, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, their individual capabilities and health status (clause 5. Regulations on the state final certification for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs and master's programs) , a special procedure has been established for mastering disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports based on the principles of health, savings and adaptive physical culture (), special requirements for writing term papers (clause 5 of the Regulations on course work) and other provisions on inclusive education have been developed .

If a disabled student needs help and / or special conditions for studying, when conducting tests, exams, etc., then you must apply with a written application (in free form) to the dean's office of your faculty, and also notify the teacher, tutor, assistant rector on inclusive education.

To provide training in physical culture and sports, the university has several sports halls and a swimming pool, a gym, and an outdoor sports ground. For a description of sports facilities of the Russian State Humanitarian University, see

The Employment Assistance Service of the Russian State Humanitarian University has created a page on the employment of students with disabilities and students with disabilities (link).

With the support of the Office of Student Affairs of the Russian State Humanitarian University, the university organized a student club "Best friends at the Russian State Humanitarian University", within which various events are held on an ongoing basis.

Internet Project IVROR (Disabled people in Russia - frank conversation): Education for the disabled.

Statistics of Russian Education.

National report 2005 "The state and development of the system of general secondary education in the Russian Federation" (1.53 MB).

INVAK.INFO: Information agency - portal of the disabled.

Public Interest Law Initiative (in Russian and English).

UNICEF: children with disabilities (in Russian and English).

Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, resource center of the country.

Reference information about educational institutions for the deaf and hard of hearing throughout Russia.

Tatyana Goguadze: diagnosis and correction of writing disorders.

Computer technologies for the blind and visually impaired.
http: www.tiflocomp.ru

"Integration" (website of the club of blind computer users).

i-School: a school for distance education support for children with disabilities and children who do not attend educational institutions for health reasons.

Big Change" is a project aimed at public promotion of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010.

"Moscow education": information portal of the Department of Education of Moscow.
http: www.mosedu.ru

Official server of the Moscow Department of Education.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: Federal Agency for Education.

Priority national project "Education".

Federation of Internet Education.

Electronic scientific and practical journal "Issues of Internet Education".

Banner exchange network "Children's Houses" (The task of the network is to promote websites for helping children. The websites of organizations, projects, individuals who, in one way or another, provide assistance to children with special needs, are invited to exchange.)

Charitable Foundation of the OIP "Celebration of Life". (Combining the efforts of families with sick children, government officials, medical workers and sympathetic people in resolving issues of organizing treatment, rehabilitation and social adaptation of families with sick children.)

IREX: American Council for International Research and Exchanges (IREX / Russia).

Innovative educational network "Evrika".
http: www.eurekanet.ru

Department of Health of Moscow.
http: www.mosgorzdrav.ru

Department of social protection of the population of Moscow.

Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region. Lists of correctional educational institutions.

Ministry of social protection of the population of the Moscow region. List of social rehabilitation centers.

Russian educational portal.

Website "Education for children". Lists of all kindergartens, schools, institutions of additional education and socio-psychological assistance by districts.
http: www.edukids.ru

Information medical network.
http: www.neuro.net.ru

Capital non-state schools.
http: www.moschools.ru

Electronic library "Special child".

Website "Special Childhood" (Center for Curative Pedagogics, Moscow).
http: www.osoboedetstvo.ru

Increasing discrimination against children with disabilities in the field of education. Ways to change the situation.

Useful books (book section of the site "Special childhood").

Website of the St. Petersburg Foundation "Fathers and Sons".
http: www.autism.ru

Website "Child psychology for parents".
http: www.psyparents.ru

Information network of Russian psychology.
http: www.psi-net.ru

Catalog of non-commercial organizations in Russia.

Conference "Other children" on the site "Semya.ru".

Conference "Special Children" of the club "Give birth and grow up".

Forum on the Russian-language website of the mother of an autistic child from Canada.

Catalog of publishing house "Terevinf" (Literature on curative pedagogy - books for parents and specialists).
http: www.terevinf.ru

Portal on inclusive and special education for children with disabilities in the city of Moscow. The portal allows specialists in the field of inclusive and special education and parents of children with disabilities to have quick access to a large-scale information resource of knowledge for the prompt resolution of specific professional and life situations, obtaining the necessary information materials and recommendations on organizing the education of children with disabilities in a general education institution. .

The activities of the Center for Curative Pedagogics (established in 1989) are aimed at helping each special child find their way in life: from diagnosis and early assistance to obtaining a profession and integration into society.

The Institute for Problems of Integrative (Inclusive) Education was established by the decision of the Academic Council of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University in July 2009. The purpose of the institute's activities is scientific and methodological support of inclusive education, support for educational institutions that implement an inclusive approach, training and retraining of specialists in the field of inclusive education. The Institute conducts applied research on the main problems of inclusive educational practice, develops programs for the training and advanced training of teaching staff working with children with disabilities in the system of integrative and inclusive education, creates technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education in preschool, school, additional and higher professional education.