Speech errors: types, causes, examples. Achieving clarity of syntactic constructions in literary editing

Speech is a channel for the development of intellect,
the sooner the language is learned,
the easier and more complete the knowledge will be assimilated.

Nikolai Ivanovich Zhinkin,
Soviet linguist and psychologist

Speech is conceived by us as an abstract category, inaccessible to direct perception. Meanwhile, this is the most important indicator of a person’s culture, his intellect and, a way of knowing the complex relationships of nature, things, society and transmitting this information through communication.

Obviously, both learning and already using something, we make mistakes due to inability or ignorance. And speech, like other types of human activity (in which language is an important component), is no exception in this respect. All people make mistakes, both in and in oral speech. Moreover, the concept of speech culture, as an idea of ​​"", is inextricably linked with the concept of a speech error. In fact, these are parts of one process, which means that, striving for perfection, we must be able to recognize speech errors and eradicate them.

Types of speech errors

First, let's look at what speech errors are. Speech errors are any cases of deviation from the current language norms. Without their knowledge, a person can live normally, work and communicate with others. But the effectiveness of the actions taken in certain cases may suffer. In this regard, there is a risk of being misunderstood or misunderstood. And in situations where our personal success depends on it, this is unacceptable.

The author of the classification of speech errors below is Doctor of Philology Yu. V. Fomenko. Its division, in our opinion, is the simplest, devoid of academic pretentiousness and, as a result, understandable even to those who do not have a special education.

Types of speech errors:

Examples and causes of speech errors

S. N. Zeitlin writes: “The complexity of the mechanism for generating speech acts as a factor contributing to the occurrence of speech errors.” Let's consider special cases, based on the classification of types of speech errors proposed above.

Pronunciation errors

Pronunciation or pronunciation errors occur as a result of violation of the rules of orthoepy. In other words, the reason lies in the incorrect pronunciation of sounds, sound combinations, individual grammatical structures and borrowed words. They also include accentological errors - violation of the norms of stress. Examples:

Pronunciation: “of course” (and not “of course”), “poshti” (“almost”), “plot” (“pays”), “precedent” (“precedent”), “iliktric” (“electric”), “colidor” (“corridor”), “laboratory” (“laboratory”), “thousand” (“thousand”), “right now” (“now”).

stress: “calls”, “dialogue”, “contract”, “catalog”, “overpass”, “alcohol”, “beetroot”, “phenomenon”, “chauffeur”, “expert”.

Lexical errors

Lexical errors - violation of the rules of vocabulary, first of all - the use of words in unusual meanings, distortion of the morphemic form of words and the rules of semantic agreement. They are of several types.

The use of a word in an unusual sense. This is the most common lexical speech error. Within this type, there are three subtypes:

  • Mixing words that are close in meaning: "He read the book back."
  • Mixing words that sound similar: excavator - escalator, ear - colossus, Indian - turkey, single - ordinary.
  • Mixing words that are similar in meaning and sound: subscriber - subscription, addressee - addressee, diplomat - diplomat, well-fed - well-fed, ignorant - ignorant. "Cashier for business trips" (necessary - seconded).

word writing. Error examples: Georgian, heroism, underground workers, winder.

Violation of the rules of semantic agreement of words. Semantic agreement is the mutual adaptation of words along the line of their real meanings. For example, you cannot say: I raise this toast", since "raise" means "move", which is not consistent with the wish. “Through the door wide open” is a speech error, because the door cannot be both ajar (slightly open) and wide open (wide open) at the same time.

This also includes pleonasms and tautologies. Pleonasm is a phrase in which the meaning of one component is entirely included in the meaning of another. Examples: “May month”, “traffic route”, “address of residence”, “huge metropolis”, “to be on time”. A tautology is a phrase whose members have the same root: “The task was set”, “One public organization acted as the organizer”, “I wish you long creative longevity”.

Phraseological errors

Phraseological errors occur when the form of phraseological units is distorted or they are used in an unusual meaning. Yu. V. Fomenko distinguishes 7 varieties:

  • Changing the lexical composition of a phraseological unit: “While the essence and the case” instead of “While the court and the case”;
  • Truncation of a phraseological unit: “It was just right for him to hit the wall” (phraseologism: “hit his head against the wall”);
  • Expansion of the lexical composition of a phraseological unit: “You turned to the wrong address” (phraseologism: contact the address);
  • Distortion of the grammatical form of a phraseological unit: "I can't stand to sit with my hands folded." Correct: "difficult";
  • Contamination (association) of phraseological units: “You can’t do everything idly by” (a combination of phraseological units “sleeveless” and “idly folded”);
  • The combination of pleonasm and phraseological unit: "A random stray bullet";
  • The use of phraseological units in an unusual meaning: "Today we're going to talk about the film from cover to cover."

Morphological errors

Morphological errors are the incorrect formation of word forms. Examples of such speech errors: “reserved seat”, “shoes”, “towels”, “cheaper”, “one and a half hundred kilometers”.

Syntax errors

Syntax errors are associated with a violation of the rules of syntax - the construction of sentences, the rules for combining words. There are a lot of varieties of them, so we will give only a few examples.

  • Wrong match: “There are a lot of books in the closet”;
  • Mismanagement: "Pay for the fare";
  • Syntactic ambiguity: "Reading Mayakovsky made a strong impression"(did Mayakovsky read or did you read Mayakovsky's works?);
  • Structural displacement: “The first thing I ask of you is your attention.” Correct: “The first thing I ask you is attention”;
  • Extra correlative word in the main sentence: "We were looking at those stars that dotted the whole sky."

Spelling mistakes

This type of error occurs due to ignorance of the rules of spelling, hyphenation, abbreviation of words. characteristic of speech. For example: “The dog barked”, “sit on chairs”, “come to the railway station”, “Russian. language", "gram. error".

Punctuation errors

Punctuation errors - incorrect use of punctuation marks with.

Stylistic mistakes

We devoted a separate topic to this topic.

Ways to correct and prevent speech errors

How to prevent speech errors? Your speech work should include:

  1. Reading fiction.
  2. Visiting theaters, museums, exhibitions.
  3. Communication with educated people.
  4. Constant work on improving the culture of speech.

Online course "Russian language"

Speech errors are one of the most problematic topics that receive little attention in school. There are not so many topics in the Russian language in which people most often make mistakes - about 20. We decided to devote the course "" to these topics. In the classroom, you will get the opportunity to work out the skill of competent writing using a special system of multiple distributed repetitions of the material through simple exercises and special memorization techniques.


  • Bezzubov A. N. Introduction to literary editing. - St. Petersburg, 1997.
  • Savko I. E. Basic speech and grammatical errors
  • Sergeeva N. M. Speech, grammatical, ethical, factual errors ...
  • Fomenko Yu. V. Types of speech errors. - Novosibirsk: NGPU, 1994.
  • Zeitlin S. N. Speech errors and their prevention. – M.: Enlightenment, 1982.

Syntax as the doctrine of a phrase, a sentence and a complex syntactic whole. syntactic rules. The phrase and its types. Types of connections of words in a phrase. Synonymy of phrases. Errors in coordination and management.

Sentence. Types of proposals by composition, purpose, emotional coloring. Current division of proposals. Stylistic use of different types of sentences. The main mistakes in the construction and use of simple and complex sentences.

Identification, explanation and correction of various kinds of syntax errors.

Questions to the topic:

  1. List the differences between the basic units of syntax - phrases and sentences.

  2. Describe the types of word connections in the phrase.

  3. Sentence and statement: correlation of concepts.

  4. List the types of sentences by composition, purpose, emotional coloring.

  5. What are the main mistakes in the construction and use of simple and complex sentences.
Practical tasks.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the rules for coordinating the subject and the predicate

The verb is used in the plural

The predicate is used in the singular

1. With nouns-subjects, expressed words majority,minority,lots of( and the like):

  • when expressing the active nature of the action;

  • if the subject means animateditems;

  • if there is homogeneousmembers as part of the predicate or subject, involvedorparticiplesturns share the grammatical basis.

  1. When listing homogeneous subjects, if the predicate immediately follows them.

  2. Verb-predicate expressing active action.

  1. Verb-predicate, meaning being,Availability,presence.

  2. With the designation measures,weight,space,time.

  3. If the quantity in the sentence is indicated approximately or specified by the words only,only,Total.

  4. If the subject has words each,any,any.

  5. If homogeneous subjects are connected by divisive conjunctions so-and-sonotthen- notthen.

  6. With pronouns nobody,someonesomebody

Completeexercise:explainwhypredicateinproposalsusedinformpluralorthe onlynumbers:

A hundred years have passed.

Every climber and athlete knows how dangerous mountains are.

Three telephones on the table rang at once.

There are only twenty of us sitting.

Most writers strongly rejected the editor's corrections.

2. Determinestructuretext(revealamountsuggestions)

  1. Familiarize yourself with the types of syntax errors


  1. Errors for different cases of agreement (there is no unity in the form of gender, number or case)
Example: All his considered unfortunate a victim circumstances (unhappy victim).

  1. Mistakes for different cases of control (if the verb requires control in another case)
Example: Other would reconciled and to such life (With such life)

  1. Mixing the short and full forms of the adjective as a predicate.
Example: All were ready (ready) to hike.

  1. Violation of the aspectual and temporal correlation of verbs in one context.
Example: When mother learns (found out) what son prints leaflets, at her appeared fear per him

  1. Errors with homogeneous members of the sentence:

    • association on the rights of homogeneous members of words that denote species and generic concepts
Example: to me like poetry and work Pushkin.

  • association on the rights of homogeneous members of words belonging to different parts of speech.
Example: Books help us in study and to choose profession.

  1. Violation of the order of words in participial circulation.
Example: arrived Onegin in village, settled in home uncles (Onegin, arrived in village).

  1. Incorrect use of the participial turnover (the participle and the verb - the predicate must denote the action of one person).
Example: driving up to Petersburg, With me flew off hat (When I drove up to Petersburg, With me flew off hat).

  1. Violation of the rules for placing words in a sentence.
Example: AT basis drama Ostrovsky lies With surrounding dark kingdom conflict Katerina .(lies conflict Katerina With surrounding)

  1. Duplication of the subject.
Example: Pelagia Nilovna she is passed long vital path.

  1. Removing a subordinate clause from the word being defined, creating ambiguity in the statement.
Example: Several birds Faith gave winterers islands dixon, which there Good acclimatized. (For winterers islands Dixon Faith gave several birds, which )

  1. Establishment of homogeneity relations between a member of a simple sentence and a part of a complex one.
Example: Shabalkin saw in Dubrovsky human hot and what he few knows sense in affairs. (Shabalkin saw in Dubrovsky human hot, unknowing sense in affairs).

  1. The absence of a logical connection between the parts of a complex sentence.
Example: Tatiana not wants repeat sad an experience his mothers, which in youth came out married per unloved human, but then her liked to be full hostess estates.

  1. Cluttering a complex sentence with clauses.
Example: Paul became leave in city, where were revolutionariesunderground workers, which gave to him political literature, spread illegally With topics to help Pavel figure out in those questions which his especially interested.

  1. A mixture of direct and indirect speech.
Example: Volodya answered, what not I this is did (Volodya answered, what not he this is did.)

  1. Violation of the coordination of the subject and the predicate.
Example: To stop drove up (whether) three truck.

Completeexercise.Determinemistakesinbuildingoffers.Fix it.

  1. Gorky was born in Nizhny Novgorod and spends his childhood on the banks of the great river.

  2. As her mother wrote, Dunya was ready to do anything to help her brother.

  3. The essay described well the surroundings of the school.

  4. It's hard to deal with a man if you know he's a real hypocrite.

  5. In the field of computer software development for many years the United States was the first.

  6. Walking in the woods, it's so good to breathe.

  7. I didn't feel comfortable reading this book.

Topic: Punctuation. Rules for the use of punctuation marks.

Punctuation in simple sentences: a dash between subject and predicate; dashes in elliptical and incomplete sentences; punctuation marks with homogeneous members of a sentence, with isolated members of a sentence, with clarifying, explanatory and connecting members of a sentence, with introductory and plug-in constructions; with appeals, interjections, particles.

Punctuation in complex sentences: punctuation marks in compound, complex and non-union sentences; punctuation in direct, indirect and improperly direct speech. Punctuation principles.

Grammatical analysis of sentences related to the placement of punctuation marks.

Control dictation with subsequent analysis.

Practical tasks.

1. rewrite,arrangingsignspunctuation.Forreferences:wordTHANKS TOmaybeprotrudeinqualitygerundsandpretext.Signspunctuationexhibitedincaseusegerunds(itanswerson thequestionWHATDOING?).Pretextnotrequiressignspunctuation(heanswerson thequestionTHANKS TOWHAT,TO WHOM?).

1. The patient recovered quickly thanks to the care of doctors. 2. On the day of discharge from the hospital, the patient shook hands with the doctor in gratitude for the treatment. 3. Thanks to the hospitable hostess for her hospitality, tourists began to gather on the road. 4. Thanks to a warm welcome, tired tourists quickly rested. 5. Thanks to the commissioning of a powerful antenna, residents of remote areas can receive TV broadcasts. 6. Thanks to the reconstruction of the house-building plant, its capacity has almost doubled.

2. Arrangesignspunctuationincomplex subordinateoffers.

1. Konovalov expressed his joy in such a way that I shuddered. 2. Sitting opposite me and hugging his knees with his hands, he put his chin on them so that his beard covered his legs. 3. He obviously did not expect that the conversation with this mustachioed ragamuffin would end so quickly and insultingly. 4. It was clear that Chelkash had just woken up. 5. Izergil looked at the silhouettes of those people who went to the sea. 6. One can only guess how and when people learned to swim on rafts and boats. 7. He thought that his work did not seem to be in vain. 8. When we arrived, my father showed me several large perches and rafts, which he fished out without me. 9. I realized that the car stopped when a white spot from an electric flashlight began to flicker.

ChapterIV. Texthowspeechwork.

Knowledge requirements:

Know the structure of the text, the concept of "complex syntactic whole" and its types, ways of connecting sentences in the text, functional styles of the literary language, the concept of genre, genres of oral and written speech, genres of educational and scientific speech.

Skill Requirements:

To be able to choose a genre, text composition and language means depending on the topic, purpose, addressee and communication situation.

    Wrong match: Youth love go to the theater (likes); Dog Ball saw cat and chased after her (saw and chased); young engineer Irina Petrovna entered the workshop (young); I live in the city Tyumen(Tyumen); The boy grew up round orphan (round).

    Mismanagement: According to orders rector (by order), head departments(department), pay for travel(pay the fare, pay the fare); worried about you(for you), advantage over the enemy(before), indicate about shortcomings(for shortcomings), review per article(about the article), dissatisfaction for low wages(low salary), came from university(of), noted about success(success), confidence in victory(victory), laments about it(on this), on arrival remembered (upon arrival).

    Pronominal duplication of the subject: Yakushev - he our governor; Children - they love to play pranks; Sun - it already warm; Tanya - she is very smart student.

    Incorrect construction of the predicate: I will grow up and soccer player(football player); The mechanisms must be off and locked after work (off and locked); The boy dreamed of being sailor(sailor).

    Lack of types of temporal correlation of verbs-predicates: Back from work had dinner, and then I read(revered); students got notebooks and prepared for the lecture (get ready); Girls laughed and watching at each other (looked); doors closed, and the bus gets under way from a place (started).

    Skipping sentence members: The driver turned on the light in the cabin and (?) started off ( bus moved); At the stake (?) the best people of the village ( present); There are (?) writers hanging on the wall ( portraits of writers); In the spring, ice breaks on the river, (?) Overflows, floods its banks ( she/river); The kiosk sells (?) movie actors ( portraits / photos of actors).

    Wrong word order: Residents of the flood-affected area received timely assistance; We saw a tree twenty paces away; Our country needs smart people; Rybtrest starts recruiting young men under the age of twenty-five for expeditionary fishing; The best milkmaid of the Marusinsky collective farm Kozlova M.P. on the twenty-eighth day after calving, she received 37 liters of milk from a cow named Maruska; The owner pushed the dog away with his foot, which immediately took offense and ran away.

    Double syntactic link: Residents demanded troubleshooting and repairs (demanded repairs or liquidation of repairs?); He sought leave without pay and a ticket (he sought a ticket or leave without a ticket); Training of hunters for the extermination of wolves and those responsible for carrying out this event.

    Syntactic ambiguity: Reading Yevtushenko made an indelible impression (read Yevtushenko or read his works?); Return of children (children returned or someone returned them); the story of the writer excited everyone (told by the writer or the story he wrote).

    Violation of the syntactic connection of revolutions with prepositions except, in addition to, instead of, along with(these turns must be controlled by predicate verbs): In addition to sports, read books; Along with psychological shock, As a result of the fire, people lost their homes.

    Free (independent) gerund: Coming home after school, the kitten will meet me with a joyful meow; Learned about the competition, I had a desire to participate in it; The boy led the dog merrily wagging tail; Walking down the hallway found a pencil; Running under a tree, the rain is over; Filming "American Daughter", the pain released Shakhnazarov; Being unconscious, he was taken to the hospital.

    Establishing homogeneity relations between members of a simple sentence and parts of a complex one: The boy was waiting for the evening and when mother will come; Walking in the cold and if do not take care, you can catch a cold; I do not like to be ill and when I am being brought up.

    Structural displacement(the speaker builds the beginning of the sentence according to one model, and the end according to another): The last thing I will stop on is it's in the making control work (this design); The main thing to pay attention to it's their literacy(this is literacy); The first thing I ask you it's about discipline(this is discipline); The only thing missing here this list references (this is a list of references); When Bazarov did not want to see anyone, and this he went somewhere (then he went somewhere).

    Mixing direct and indirect speech(lack of necessary replacement of first person pronouns with third person pronouns, etc.): The teacher said that I check all notes (he will check ...); Bazarov said that my grandfather plowed the land (his grandfather); Pushkin writes that good feelings I lyroy awakened that in our cruel age I praised freedom; My brother told me in confidence that I today I'm going for the first date.

    Wrong choice of union or allied word: The issue was discussed with the rector, where a decision was made (and it was ...); Can't put up with it when students are late, use foul language and smoke at the entrance (with the fact that ...); I borrowed a book from the library where there are all the rules of spelling and punctuation (in which); I am late, because traffic jams everywhere (because; union because not in literary language).

    Duplication of unions: In the darkness he felt as if someone is following him; He said, as if already wrote a term paper.

    Incorrect placement of parts of a compound union: We were Not only at the conference, but also made a report (We not only were, but also spoke; Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" makes Not only think high, but also educates (not only makes you think, but also ...); In the forest we collected Not only many mushrooms and berries, but also we caught a squirrel (we not only collected ..., but also caught ...).

    Extra relative word in the main clause(demonstrative pronoun): We looked at those the stars that dotted the sky; The puppy rolled on volume a floor that was wet; Has entered that teacher who teaches physics.

    Simultaneous use of a subordinating and coordinating union: When the fire started, and people were not at a loss, but extinguished it; If a it will rain, a we hide under a tree; To to be healthy, and Here I go in for sports.

    Diversity of structure of the homogeneous parts of the non-union complex sentence: The following can be said about the student's report: the report is not quite corresponds topic; it is desirable to use more facts; not specified practical significance the research conducted (The following can be said about the student's report: incomplete correspondence to the topic, insufficient use of facts, lack of indication of practical significance ...).

21. Violation of the boundaries of the proposal: Which students are late, interfere with others; After school, I thought and decided. What needs to be learned further. And I entered the university (After school, I thought and decided that I needed to study further, and entered ...).

State budget educational institution

secondary vocational education

Moscow region





Discipline: "Russian language and culture of speech"

Specialty: "Pharmacy"

II course

Compiled by:


O.I. Filippova


year 2013

Topic: "Syntax. The use of syntactic constructions in speech.

Errors and how to fix them"

Purpose of the lesson: after studying the topic, the student must:


    basic units of syntax;

    the main types of syntactic and syntaxo-stylistic norms of the Russian literary language;

    reasons for variation in management and reconciliation;

    causes of syntactic and syntax-stylistic errors and ways to eliminate them.

Be able to:

    build your speech in accordance with the syntactic and syntaxo-stylistic norms of oral and written speech of the Russian literary language:

    observe the rules of coordination and management in phrases and sentences;

    use synonymous constructions to express the main semantic relationships;

    take into account the stylistic coloring of syntactic means in oral and written speech;

    correctly build sentences with homogeneous and isolated members;

    build complex sentences correctly.

    recognize and correct errors and inaccuracies in their oral and written speech in accordance with the syntactic and syntaxo-stylistic norms of oral and written speech of the Russian literary language.

Lesson duration: 2 lessons of 45 min. (90 min.).

Class type: practical


    L.A. Vvedenskaya, M.N. Cherkasova, "Russian language and culture of speech", Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2003, pp. 163 -187;

    L.A. Vvedenskaya, "Culture of Speech", Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", pp. 375 - 410.

    Grekov V.F. "Russian language". Allowance, Moscow: Education, 2002, pp. 31 - 35.


    A.D. Deikina, T.M. Pakhnova, “Russian language. A practical textbook for high school students”, “Verbum-M”, 2003, pp. 121 – 164.

Lesson plan.

I. Organizational moment - 3 min.

II. Checking the initial knowledge

Frontier testing - 10 min.

III. Teacher's message - 15 min.

I.Y. Independent work of students

with theoretical material - 20 min.

Y Completion of practical tasks

followed by a collective check - 30 min.

Y I. Final check. Current testing - 10 min.

YII. Summing up the lesson. Homework - 2 min.

Guidelines for work in the classroom and for independent work.

I. Organizing time.

1. Check your readiness for the lesson: appearance (presence of a bathrobe), notebooks for theoretical material and practical tasks.

2. Open notebooks for theoretical material, write down the topic of the lesson.

Familiarize yourself with the relevance of this topic.

II. Checking background knowledge on the topic.

Frontier testing.

Complete the test task (Attachment 1) and submit it to your teacher.

III. Formation of new knowledge.

Independent work with theoretical material (Appendix 2).

Read the material presented in the information block, outline the main provisions in the form of a plan.

III. Fulfillment of practical tasks with subsequent mutual verification by verification.

Open the practical part (Annex 3) and complete tasks No. __________________


III. Final check.

Complete the task of the current test (Appendix 4). Submit to your teacher for review.


Learn the theoretical material (compendium). Familiarize yourself with the studied material in the educational literature.

Attachment 1


(morphological norms)

Indicate the numbers of examples where a mistake was made in the formation of word forms

2) one hundred grams

3) according to their order

4) laughed merrily

    1) burn the evidence

2) eight kilograms

3) lecturers

4) in one hundred and fifty six cases

    1) no fable

2) highest

3) wonderful doctors

4) up to forty degrees

    1) about six hundred meters

2) take from the princess

4) no stockings

    1) both girlfriends

2) more higher

3) in two thousand and three

4) harvest of oranges

    1) her hat

2) with sixty rubles

3) the holidays have begun

4) two hundred meters

Annex 2


Syntax. Syntactic norms of the Russian language.

Syntax (from Greek.Syntaxis - coupling, connection) - This is a branch of the science of language that studies the laws of organization of coherent speech, ways of connecting words in the process of communication.

The basic units of syntax are − sentence and phrase.

The phrase has no independent communicative meaning; it is part of the sentence and occupies a subordinate place in the syntax.

The sentence has grammatical meaning.

To illustrate, the example of academician L.V. Shcherba, who constructed such a proposal: The glistening kuzdra shteko bobbed up the bokra and curled up the bokra.

A Russian person understands the grammatical structure of this text: it is clear that glokaya is an adjective associated with the noun kuzdra in zh. R. and I.p.

The grammatical basis of the sentence (subject and predicate) is also easily distinguished. We can even single out homogeneous predicates.

Syntactic norms/errors.

    Order of words in a sentence

The bike crashed the tram.

Did you immediately understand the meaning of this sentence? Some effort of thought is needed to understand that the culprit of the accident was not a bicycle, but a tram, while the bicycle turned out to be in the role of the “victim”.

In Russian, the word order (the order of the members of the sentence) is relatively free: there is no strictly fixed place for one or another main or minor member of the sentence.

However, there is an accepted, more common order of the members of the proposal - straight order and deviations from it - back order (inversion).

STRAIGHT: A large cloud slowly covers the rays of the sun.(agreed definition before the defined entity) - subject - the circumstance of the mode of action precedes the predicate - the predicate (after the subject) - the addition (follows the predicate) - the inconsistent definition (after the defined entity).

So that speech is not depressingly monotonous, writers use reverse word order in a sentence.


Example: To emphasize the action denoted by the predicate, or the sign expressed by it, the predicate is often placed before the subject.

My troubles are over (A. Kuprin); Winter evenings are good (M. Makarenko); He arrives in four days. Azamat to the fortress (M.Yu. Lermontov).

To enhance the expressiveness of speech, inversion can also apply to minor members of the sentence (last example).

Conclusion: The arrangement of words in a sentence depends on what goal we set for ourselves when creating this sentence.

Thus, the proposal is divided into two parts. (actual division):

1st the foundation statements (topic): this is what we know from the preceding text or from the very setting of the speech.

2nd - nucleus statements (rheme): it is something that is new, something for the sake of which the proposal itself is built.

Word order disorder

We not only received a textbook, but also a collection of exercises.

Here we are dealing with a violation of the order of words with a double conjunction "not only, but also." It will be right: We received not only a textbook, but also a collection of exercises.

    Predicate agreement

1. There are five students in the circle.

Eat or -yut? Both forms are acceptable: the first shows the quantity as one, meaning joint action, in the second separate its commission.

Compare: Send five soldiers elk in reconnaissance (group)

Send five soldiers foxes in reconnaissance (each with his own task).

2. With numerals two three four, which are part of the subject, the predicate is usually put in plural. h.

Three houses are called for the evening. Four dogs followed the carriage.

3. At the words a lot, a little, a little, a lot, a lot, a lot the predicate, as a rule, is put in singular.

There were many books on the shelves. Many children annually have a rest in the country.

4. If the subject contains a collective entity with a quantitative meaning (majority, minority, series, part, etc.), then the predicate can be put in the form of units. hours and more h.

Most of the delegates arrived (arrived) at the congress.

5. Brother and sister left to the village (both persons are equal in their actions (subject - combination brother and sister).

Brother and sister left to the village (the main character (subject) is the brother, and the sister is the accompanying person (addition).

    harmonization of definitions

    Round orphan, round orphan

The definition for nouns of the general gender is put in the form m.r. or f.r. depending on what gender the person is denoted by the noun.

A terrible bully, a desperate bully, a terrible glutton, an incorrigible muddler, dirty.

    Our family occupies two large (big) rooms.

Both forms of agreement are acceptable, although the former is less common.

    The definition is put in the form of units. hours, if in meaning it refers not only to the first (nearest) entity, but also to the rest.

Wild goose and duck flew first - it could not be a wild goose and a domestic duck.

Her magnificent fur coat and hat did not make any impression - the meaning of both the fur coat and the hat are magnificent

    The definition is put in the plural form when it may be unclear whether it refers only to the nearest entity or to the entire series of homogeneous members.

The room had a brown wardrobe and a sofa. A ten-year-old boy and girl passed by.

How would you say : I haven't seen in a long timemy (or my) brother and sister?

    Application matching.

In the city of Orel, but at the Orel station.

    City names are usually agree in all cases with a defined word: in the city of Moscow, near the city of Smolensk.

Compound city names do not usually agree: In Mineralnye Vody

    River names are usually agree with defined word: on the Dnieper River, between the Ob and Yenisei rivers, near the Vistula River.

However, obscure river names do not agree: on the Ros River, a tributary of the Seversky Donets River.

    Names of lakes, bays, straits, bays do not agree with generic names: on lakes Elton and Baskunchak, near the Gulf of Alaska, in the Bosporus, in the Golden Horn.

    The names of islands, peninsulas, mountains, mountain ranges, deserts, as a rule, also do not agree: on the island of Novaya Zemlya, near the island of Madagascar, in the Karakum Desert, near Cape Chelyuskin.

- Well-known people agree names commonly used in speech: on Sakhalin Island - the northern half of Sakhalin Island. (two options)

    Names of stations, ports do not agree: in the port of Odessa, at the station Moscow-Passenger.

    Street names in the form of a f.r. agree, rest do not agree: on Sretenka Street, on the corner of Arbat Street, near Oleniy Val Street.

    Astronomical names do not agree: orbit of the planet Mars.

    Names of foreign administrative-territorial units do not agree: in Michigan

    Names of foreign republics agree, if they end in –iya, other names do not agree: In the Republic of Bolivia, trade between Russia and the Republic of India, in the Republic of Cuba (Cyprus).

Agreement violation.

The young doctor came to the reception.

Here we are dealing with a violation of agreement between the subject "doctor" definition of "young", which is unacceptable. And the mismatch between the subject and the predicate (the doctor came) is a valid option. It will be right: The young doctor came (or came) to the appointment ( when it comes to women).


This is the connection between the members of the sentence, which finds its expression in the correct choice of the case form 9 with or without a preposition).

    A) unpredictable design pay (what?) travel, labor of workers, business trip expenses.

B) Prepositional construction pay (for what?) fare.

C) In other cases, the constructions are equal

Ride a tram - ride a tram, ask for help - ask for help.

    Guilt (synonymous prepositions, although they are different in LZ: “inside something”, “on the surface of something”)

BUT) AT: - with geographical objects: in the city, in Belarus

    indoors: in the cinema, in the theater, in the circus (if we mean a performance, performance, then AT a performance, at a concert, at the opera).

    B) NA: - with the names of mountains (in singular h) and mountainous areas: on Mount Ararat, in the Caucasus (with mountain names in plural - V .: in the Alps, in the Pyrenees)

    With the names of vehicles: on the train, on the subway (if inside the vehicle - on the train)

    With the names of islands, peninsulas: in Kamchatka, in Taimyr

    IN - FROM, ON - FROM: went to the Crimea - returned from the Crimea (sometimes: went to the Volga region - returned from the Volga region), went to the Urals - returned from the Urals.

    OVER and FOR: “To study an object without interfering with its “behavior” (watch the stars)“to study the phenomenon and regulate it » (observation of experimental animals)

    Software: We miss you by YOU or by YOU:

    with the 3rd person pronoun, PO governs D.p. (for him, for them)

    with pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person is combined with P..p. (miss you)

Disruption of control

It is necessary to distinguish between constructions with words that are close in meaning and phrases that have different controls.

Superiority over something - advantage over something;

Confidence in something - belief in something;

pay the fare - pay the fare

Syntax errors are made in the following sentences:

Making sure there's nothing morefrom (out of) the speakers cannot be pulled out, we decided to close the debate.

AT(at) the first stage of the competition, both students and employees of the institute can compete.

Often in sentences with two or more control words there is general addition. Such constructions are correct if the control words require the same case and preposition: read and outline a book, talk and write about contemporary literature. But if the dependent word is at the words that require different control, then an error occurs: We love and will be born by our Motherland ( love what? We are proud how?). Therefore, it would be correct: We love our Motherland and are proud of it.


The book lying on the table is read.

The disadvantage lies in the wrong word order: the noun being defined book turned out to be in the middle of the participial turnover, although according to the rules it should be either before the whole turnover or after it ( The book lying on the table has been read; The book on the table has been read.

Keep in mind: The stylistic feature of participle and participle turnover is that they give the statement a bookish character (!)

    Participial turnover

Errors in the use of adverbial turnover

As I approached the station, my hat fell off.

Violated the rule of using adverbial phrases.

The adverbial turnover denotes an additional action to the main one. In this sentence, the main action is expressed by the verb "flew". This predicate refers to the word "hat". It turns out that the hat drove up to the station.

It will be right: On my way to the station, I lost my hat.

    Proposals with homogeneous members.

I drink tea with lemon and enjoy

The words “with lemon and with pleasure” only superficially resemble homogeneous members, but they express incompatible concepts that are far from one another, therefore they cannot act as homogeneous members.

The same in a pun: It was raining and two students: one to school, the other in galoshes.

    Compound sentence.

The roosters have long sung and are playing on the horn.

The whole point is in the incorrect punctuation of the sentence: it does not put a comma before the union BUT. As a result, instead of a compound one, a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates turned out.

    Complex sentences.

Here is a dog without a tail

Who pats the cat by the collar,

Which scares and catches a tit,

Which deftly steals wheat ...

These are poems by S.Ya. Marshak.

The repetition of unions in this case is an artistic device of the author.

In written speech, this is a violation of the syntactic norm: with consistent subordination, the same allied words should not be repeated.

Syntax-stylistic norms/mistakes.

Ignorance of the features of the functional styles of the Russian literary language is the main reason for the occurrence of syntax and stylistic errors. As a rule, syntaxo-stylistic errors are associated with the use of complex syntax, adverbial phrases in a colloquial style.

He is my brother.

The use of the link "to be" in the present tense is characteristic of the scientific style, while in the colloquial style this use is a syntax and stylistic error.

Appendix 3


Exercise 1. Correct errors, determine their type.

    Why does he need superiority over his father?

    Listening to this exciting music, I imagine a picture of a hurricane.

    He didn't pay for the bus fare.

    Conclusions are drawn on obtaining various chemical compounds

    Who will decide the issue?

    The artist depicted how Peter 1 sent troops into battle, adhering to the manner of Surikov.

    They will subsequently present the greatest interest to posterity.

    Ivanov said that I would not fall asleep, but I would learn all the tickets before morning.

    Today we worked not only in the office, but also in the laboratory.

    He loved music and dancing.

    The night was rainy and dark.

    The brother was a doctor.

    All measures depending on us to prevent a catastrophe were taken.

    According to the director's order, the deadline for submitting the report is May 1.

    It is difficult to deal with a person when you know that he is a real prude.

    The essay described well the surroundings of the school.

    In his speech, the speaker pointed out these shortcomings.

    In the field of computer software development for many years the United States was the first.

    Two heart attacks undermined his health.

    After reading such slander, my hands trembled.

    Having squandered all his fortune, he had nothing to leave for the children.

    Because I knew about his arrival, I was able to prepare for him.

    Land owners pay land tax to the city treasury, which is established in accordance with the law.

    Meals on board the aircraft were delicious, high-calorie and uniquely designed.

    The forest stretches along the river and is very picturesque.

    The commander called the boy and said that we are taking you to the detachment.

    I wrote the last test paper badly. Because I missed the last two lessons.

Task 2.Correct the following text. Determine the type of errors made, explain their reasons.

Task 3.Come up with several coherent sentences (4 - 5) with syntactic and syntax-stylistic errors that are not medical topics. Exchange with a neighbor to find and fix them. Then rate his answer.


Exercise 1

    Why does he need superiority over his father? (over father)

    Listening to this exciting music, I imagine a picture of a hurricane. (I represent)

    He didn't pay for the bus fare. (without ZA)

    Conclusions are drawn on obtaining various chemical compounds (after obtaining ... conclusions are drawn).

    Lizaveta returned. Arriving home, the corpse of Alena Ivanovna lay in a pool of blood.

    Who will decide the issue? (about whom)

    The speaker who reported these data and who turned out to be a passionate patriot of river transport made an interesting comparison.

    The artist depicted how Peter 1 leads troops into battle, adhering to the manner of Surikov.

    In the locksmith workshop, we teach our children to do, to do, not to break.

    Turgenev loved and told us about the inexhaustible power of nature, its undying beauty.

    They will subsequently be of the greatest interest to descendants. (They will be ... for descendants)

    Ivanov said that I would not fall asleep, but I would learn all the tickets before morning. (won't sleep)

    Today we worked not only in the office, but also in the laboratory. (not only but)

    A textbook on nursing that I read, which I really liked.

    He loved music and dancing.

    The night was rainy and dark.

    The brother was a doctor. (without WAS)

    All measures depending on us to prevent a catastrophe were taken. (All measures in our power to prevent a catastrophe were taken).

    According to the director's order, the deadline for submitting the report is May 1. (According to the director's order, the deadline for submitting the report is May 1st ( after prepositions according to, thanks to, contrary to - nouns and places in D.p.)).

    It is difficult to deal with a person when you know that he is a real prude.

    The essay described well the surroundings of the school. (The surroundings of the school were well described in the essay.)

    In his speech, the speaker pointed out these shortcomings. (In his speech, the speaker pointed out these shortcomings).

    In the field of computer software development, for many years the United States was the first. (In the field of computer software development, the United States was the first for many years).

    Two heart attacks undermined his health. (Two heart attacks undermined his health).

    After reading such slander, my hands trembled. (When I read this slander, my hands trembled.)

    Having squandered all his fortune, he had nothing to leave for the children. (Having squandered all his fortune, he could not leave anything for the children).

    Because I knew about his arrival, I was able to prepare for him. (Because (because) I knew about his arrival, I was able to prepare for him).

    Plot owners pay land tax to the city treasury, which is established in accordance with the law. (Plot owners pay land tax to the city treasury, which is established in accordance with the law).

    Meals on board the aircraft were tasty, high-calorie and uniquely designed. (Meals on board the aircraft were delicious, high-calorie and uniquely designed).

    The forest stretches along the river and is very picturesque. (The forest stretches along the river, and it is very picturesque).

    The commander called the boy and said that we are taking you to the detachment. (The commander called the boy and said that they were taking him to the detachment).

    I wrote the last test paper badly. Because I missed the last two lessons. (I wrote the last test badly, because I missed the last two lessons).

Task 2..

“The ulcer, suffering from stomach disease for 10 years, showed signs of internal bleeding. The patient is pale. Pulse 106. The abdomen is soft. Symptoms of peritoneal irritation are negative. What complication of the stated disease has developed? To confirm the diagnosis, what extreme studies should be carried out?

“A patient suffering from a disease of the gastrointestinal tract for 10 years showed signs of internal bleeding. The patient is pale. Pulse 106. The abdomen is soft. No symptoms of peritoneal irritation were found. What complicates the disease of the gastrointestinal tract? What tests should be done to confirm this diagnosis?

Appendix 4


    Syntax errors in the Russian language can be associated with:

    incorrect formation of words;

    violation of the grammatical forms of words;

    violation of management;

    ignorance of the lexical meaning of the word;


    violation of the order of words in a sentence;

    breach of agreement;

    incorrect construction of a sentence with participial turnover;

    unjustified repetition of identical unions (union words) in a complex sentence.

    What are they usually associated with?

A. Lexico-stylistic errors:

B. Syntax and stylistic errors.

    using adverbial phrases in a colloquial style;

    using speech stamps in school essays;

    using clericalisms in an alien context;

    using vocabulary with diminutive suffixes in scientific and business styles.

REFERENCE for the current test

(syntactic norms/errors)

The accuracy and clarity of speech are due to the correctness of grammatical constructions, the construction of phrases and sentences.

The possibility of combining words into phrases in different ways gives rise to ambiguity: The teacher had to explain a lot(did the teacher explain or did someone explain to him himself?).

The reason for the ambiguity of the statement may be the wrong word order in the sentence: 1. Spacious loggias are framed by reinforced glass screens. 2. Seven operating platforms serve several hundred people. In such sentences, the subject does not differ in form from the direct object, and therefore it is not clear what (or who) is the subject of the action. An example of such confusion is The sun covered the cloud.

Of course, such sentences can be corrected if they are used in written speech; just change the word order: 1. Armored glass screens frame spacious loggias. 2. Several hundred people serve seven operating platforms. And of course: Cloud closedsun . But if you hear a phrase with the wrong word order, then you may misinterpret it. This is what A.P.'s joke is built on. Chekhov: I wish you all kinds of troubles, sorrows and misfortunes to avoid.

Semantic ambiguity sometimes arises in combinations like mother's letter(written by or addressed to her), criticism of Belinsky, portraits of Repin etc.

Ambiguity can also arise in complex sentences with relative clauses of the type: Illustrations for storiesthat were submitted to the competition masterfully executed(were illustrations or stories sent to the competition?). In these cases, subordinate clauses are recommended to be replaced by participial phrases: Illustrations sent to the stories. Or: Illustrations for submitted stories.

Chapter 3 Richness of Speech Vocabulary

In reviews of the style of good writers, you can hear: "What a rich language!" And they say about a bad writer or speaker: “His language is so poor ...” What does this mean? What is the difference between rich speech and poor speech?

The very first criterion for the wealth and poverty of speech is the number of words that we use. Pushkin, for example, had more than 20 thousand words in circulation, and the well-known heroine of Ilf and Petrov Ellochka Shchukina "easily and freely managed thirty." So the active vocabulary of a person may turn out to be in complete discordance with the lexical richness of the Russian language.

The Russian language has a huge number of words. In one of the most interesting Russian dictionaries, the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, compiled in the middle of the last century by V.I. Dahlem, collected 250 thousand words. And how many more words came into our language after that time!

But the richness of a language is judged not only by the number of words. It is also important that many of them have not one, but several meanings, that is, they are multivalued. For example, the word house. In what meanings is it used by Pushkin? - master'shouse secluded, protected from the winds by a mountain, stood above the river (house- building, structure); I'm scared to get outhome (house- a dwelling where someone lives); Everyonehome rules one Parasha (house- household); Threeat home call for the evening (home- a family); House was on the move people who live together). As you can see, the different meanings of the word expand the boundaries of its use in speech. Thus, we ourselves can increase the wealth of our native language if we learn to discover in words their new and new meanings.