The structure of the report on the results of the study. Research report







All articles 12/16/2015

Dramatic changes are possible within the standard budget for repairs

The KIDZ design team turned the library to them. N.V. Gogol into one of the most fashionable urban spaces and has since transformed more than one St. Petersburg library. It was they who, on the portal of the New Type Library, visualized the ideas and principles laid down in the “Model Standard for the Activities of a Public Library”.

How to transform book storages into actual social spaces? Designers shared their experience.

Alexey Puzin,
Development Director, Design Bureau KIDZ

Egor Bogomolov,
architect, design bureau KIDZ

Nastya Tereshchenko,
architect, designer, design bureau KIDZ

St. Petersburg

Ideology determines design

When we were offered to transform Gogol's library, we asked ourselves the question: “What is a library? What is she now? Who does she work for? It is from the answers to these questions that depends on what the structure and design of the space will be.

The ideology of space is changing. The Model Standard states that the public library becomes a center of social activity and communication. The book itself loses its value as a type of value, and the library is reorganized from the book storage (although one of the main functions of the library is to continue to store books as a value) and acquires a social function: holding events and building communication. It is from the format of events, when people gather and interact with each other through various types of activity, that the concept of space is also repelled. A person should be comfortable ideologically, visually and at the level of sensations.

Focus on the event

At the top of the new website of the Gogol Library, the phrase “propose an event” attracts attention. This is an iconic detail. The user himself can offer to hold a lesson or a meeting in the library and, most likely, he will not be refused. This approach, of course, is reflected in the structuring and design of space. In fact, it is necessary to give an opportunity to organize a cultural event in a small area, without knowing in advance what exactly the visitors can offer. This means that in 10–15 minutes, without the use of brute male force, a space that was adapted, for example, for 50 people to read, should turn into an auditorium for 100 people. How to do it? And just move the racks on wheels, make room, arrange chairs - that's it, the lecture is on! After an hour and a half, it ended and the space also easily takes on its former form.

Make space mobile

Mobility is achieved through multifunctional furniture, which at the same time serves as a space delimiter. We love versatility. For example, we have objects that are at the same time a bookcase for storing books, a place to sit and relax, and separate zones of different activities. One piece of furniture solves several problems: functional, spatial and design. In addition, most of the furniture - on wheels, it can be easily and quickly moved.

Make space transparent. Literally

In the Gogol library, the entrance area is decorated not with a heavy massive door, but with the help of large glass surfaces. Full-wall windows and glass doors symbolize the openness of the library. Passers-by see what is happening inside, that is, the functionality of the room is clear from the outside. Such “transparency” is not always perceived positively by the staff, because it obliges and even requires changes in working methods.

However, if all libraries were decorated with large windows, it would help them a lot. A person who did not plan to come to the library, but simply passed by, could see that something alive was going on there. That alone might motivate him to come in. The librarian, who greets visitors and tells what is happening and where, makes it clear that they are expected here. Such ethical aspects are no less important than design techniques.

Librarian - activity facilitator

The new library format does not serve books in terms of value, but people. If earlier the librarian performed the technical functions of issuing a subscription, now he becomes a facilitator of activities in the library environment. One of the goals of the New Type Library project is to create a space that would eloquently declare that it can become a platform for almost any event. We think in terms of events - in this format it is most convenient for people to interact. Each visitor can come up with the whole idea, so the librarian should be open to any idea and build communication with active users. Plans for the future - to form a caring community around the library and its staff. It must be said that the space in its development is ahead of the community. Even in St. Petersburg, the amount of reorganized space is now a level higher than the number of people who can professionally serve it.

Let the space be flexible

Any rigid functions run the risk of dying off over time, so it is necessary to lay the ability to change in space. For example, the art hall was originally planned by us as a space for musical evenings and exhibitions. But over time, he especially fell in love with the children who began to come here after school. As a result, the art hall expanded its functionality. In the daytime, children's activities are held here: lessons and master classes. And it is right: the space must be flexible and responsive to the real needs of users. In addition, we are against the division into children's and adult libraries. A parent can come with a child and leave it to a teacher for a couple of hours: both will spend time with benefit.

From traditional division to open floor plan

The library has always been created as a book depository where you can come and borrow a book. Related to this is the traditional layout: a subscription, a reading room, a storage for books, as well as many shelves and narrow aisles between them. Time has shifted priorities: we expect that a person, having come to the library, will stay here, not only to work, but also to communicate, attend events. That's why the need to divide the space in the old way has disappeared. All space is for people, there are practically no closed areas, all books are in the public domain. Gogol's library has a closed storeroom of unpopular literature, but this is a very small room.

Of course, visitors have different goals: someone came for communication, and someone needs to concentrate on work. Therefore, we divide a large space into smaller zones, including through mobile furniture. Oddly enough, in order to retire and feel protected, there is no need to hide behind a concrete wall, just the shelving on the left is enough. Yes, it is impossible to create an ideal space, especially in such a limited area. Therefore, a network of city libraries is needed: if you feel uncomfortable in one of them, you can go to another, solved in a different style.

Every library has its own face

Each of the libraries should have its own conceptual solution: one can specialize in events and lectures, another - in musical evenings and have a recording studio, the third one can conduct master classes and have its own workshop. It's not even so much about a network of libraries, but about a network of urban spaces, whether they are commercial or non-commercial. The partnership of the library with commercial partners is very important. The idea is to bring the local community together. People can gather in the library, among other things, in order to solve pressing problems (for example, the issue of parking or landscaping the yard). The library becomes an activating space and influences what happens in the city, its cultural, social and physical landscape. The goal is this.

Standard renovation budget

Many people think that a cool, trendy environment is either foreign or very expensive, but it is not. The furniture for the Gogol library was designed by us and assembled at the Ryazan factory. Good spatial solutions are not always expensive. No space budget! We fit into the amount allocated for a standard renovation for a district (not even a city!) library. A good designer will always be able to find an effective solution for a specific problem, which will require minimal costs.

It turned out to be difficult to convince the contractors to meet us and produce custom-made furniture according to our sketches. Suppliers have developed a standard line over the decades, which they sell to libraries, and see no reason to change anything. It would be more convenient for us, designers, to cooperate with small workshops that can easily make changes to the technological process, unlike large manufacturers. But a rigid system of tenders prevents them from entering this market.

Fit the library into the urban context

What exactly to create in the library depends on where it is located and what residents need. For example, a recording studio was created in one of the St. Petersburg libraries, following the example of Finnish colleagues. The project is not bad, but artificial, because there is no real need for this studio. While visitors to the library of Finland, with which they took an example, really needed such a studio, a sociological study was carried out. Next to it is a music school and residents need a platform for recording, rehearsing and performing.

You cannot create a library in a vacuum, in isolation from what already exists. It is necessary that the library supports the already established activities, then people will come themselves. The Gogol library is a pilot site, the context was not fully taken into account there, its goal was different - to loudly declare itself and the changes taking place in the library world. But working on the Rzhev Library, we "tune" it to the surrounding space. For example, a theater studio has existed there for many years and people want to keep it, so the project includes an auditorium. It is important to pay attention to what is around. If there are a number of institutions that already perform a certain function, the library should abandon it so as not to duplicate each other.

Tomorrow, the renovated children's library No. 5 of the Krasnogvardeisky district will open in St. Petersburg. The Village looked at how the cutting-edge reading room is set up and spoke with the project curator.

The library is a city in miniature, divided into five functional areas. The first is "Little Town", which exhibits books for children from six months and older. The reader can use a single electronic ticket, independently issue and return books using the book issuing station. The space is filled with game developing components: there are constructors, a prefabricated railway, a touch-screen game terminal and game modules assembled according to the Montessori method - for the development of motor skills, attention, imagination and other important foundations for the development of a baby.

The second platform - "Big City" - collected books on all branches of knowledge for readers of middle and senior school age. There is Wi-Fi, computers, desks for work and a collection of feature and animated films.

Next come the "Alley" and "Amusement Park", where you can play floor chess, Xbox and numerous educational games. There will also be family events that will help to learn biology, physics, ethnography and other sciences. Nearby is the "Academy" - a small conference room for children's lectures, master classes, meetings with writers and prominent people. It is equipped with a projector, interactive whiteboard, home planetarium.

Finally, there is the "Teatralnaya Square" - a theater mini-hall, which can be transformed for various events: lectures, concerts, master classes, meetings, puppet theater performances.

project curator of libraries in the Krasnogvardeisky district

The projects of both libraries (this one and Gogol's) were developed simultaneously. The initiators of these changes since 2011 are the staff and director of the Central Library System of the Krasnogvardeisky District.

According to our concept, libraries are a space for development and action. We are creating a new generation children's library for the residents of the district, a multicultural developing socially oriented center for children and parents, where it is comfortable to read, relax, learn new things, meet friends and interesting people.
In addition to traditional forms of library and information services, edutainment areas with play/developing equipment for children of all ages are organically included in the library space. Books are specially ordered for parents on how to develop their child.

The next project is the reconstruction of the Rzhevskaya library in the Krasnogvardeisky district - a modern technological multifunctional information center will be created there, including a variety of formats for human existence in the information space: from coworking to professional communication

PHOTO: Yasya Vogelhardt

Our pride …

To date, 180 model libraries have been opened in the Belgorod region, this is one of the best indicators in Russia! Agree, there is a reason for pride, especially since we, as a methodological center, have done a lot to achieve such a result.

The first model libraries were created in our region in 2002 within the framework of the federal project “Creation of model public libraries in the countryside”. From the Belgorod region, the project participants were: Antonovskaya rural library of the CLS of Graivoronsky district, Bessonovskaya rural library of the CLS of the Belgorod region, Velikomikhaylovskaya rural library of the CLS of the Novooskolsky district, Novotavolzhanskaya rural library of the CLS of the Shebekinsky district, Gostischevskaya rural library of the CLS of the Yakovlevsky district.

They proved to be excellent, and the idea of ​​creating model libraries was supported by the Governor of the Belgorod Region E.S. Savchenko, therefore, the regional target program "Development of rural culture in the Belgorod region for 2003-2005" (which was extended for another 3 years, until 2008) included a section on the creation of at least three model libraries in each district.
The regional target program "Development of rural culture in the Belgorod region for 2009-2014" also provides for the creation of model libraries, one in each region annually.

The peculiarity of the work on the creation of model libraries in the Belgorod region is that it has been developed Model library concept, which acts like model standard activities of the library of this status.

The federal concept of a model library, according to which the status of a model library can only be assigned to a rural library, has received its methodological development in the Belgorod region. A methodological decision was made, according to which the status of a model library can be assigned to both a rural library and a city branch library, as well as a rural or city children's library. There are already examples of granting the status of a model children's or city library - in the Valuysky, Yakovlevsky districts, the city of Shebekino.

The concept of "model library" is not considered as an exemplary model, which is created for demonstration to various delegations and guests. A model library is a norm, a typical form of existence of a modern municipal public library.

Such a tough position in this regard contributed to the fact that in the professional library community of Russia the requirements for model libraries in our area formed the basis of the all-Russian concept of a model library. This was confirmed by the in the Belgorod region in 2008 VIII All-Russian School of Library Innovation, which was held in the format of a creative laboratory on the topic "Model Library as innovative structure of library and information support of the village”.

Today, our model libraries, being a library of a universal profile, perform the functions of an information, cultural, leisure, and educational center for various groups of the population.

For specialists, librarians open registered electronic folders, they collect information from the Internet according to their profile of activity. Libraries actively use a fairly new form of service - electronic delivery of documents.

Every resident can use email service and open your own mailbox. Librarians without fail teach future defenders of the fatherland how to work with e-mail and open for them personal mailboxes so that already in the army they can always contact their relatives.

All model libraries have become centers for training the population in working with information technologies: educational groups of youth and pensioners are being created. In the context of the economic crisis, more and more people come to the library to learn how to work on a computer. people of active working age, including those left without work.

Libraries create their own electronic products- it is obligatory to create an electronic version of the Chronicle of a settlement, an Electronic presentation of a settlement, a database of social and household information, etc.

The good material and technical base of the libraries makes it possible to provide the population with additional paid copying and duplicating services. Funds earned in this way cannot compensate libraries for budget funding. The main task of introducing paid services is to increase the efficiency of library activities aimed at improving the quality of life of the population.

All libraries are legal information centers. Together with the Department of Special Communications for the Belgorod Region, all model libraries have been provided with free access to the State System for the Distribution of Legal Acts. Libraries have been allocated a password for access to legal acts on the Internet site of Spetssvyaz of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, in addition, legal databases of Spetssvyaz of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation have been installed in libraries free of charge. In addition, the lawyer of the CLI of the central library periodically, according to the schedule, travels to the settlement libraries to provide legal advice to all residents.

Through access to the Internet, libraries perform the functions social information center: addresses of work of various institutions both in the district, region, and in the whole country, traffic schedules, conditions for admission to educational institutions. For prompt service to the population on various issues, model libraries form their own databases, such as "Addresses, working hours of all organizations and institutions located in the village, district", "Employment Center offers", "Medical institutions in the region", "Where go study."

All model libraries were developed jointly with schools programs to help the educational and educational process. On the basis of libraries, training sessions are held on the subjects of "World Art Culture", "Fine Arts", "Music", "Folk Culture", "History of Russia", "World History".

To promote video materials from the fund, library become video educational centers : open video lounges, video clubs , for example, the Intellectual Cinema Club, their programs provide for mandatory collective discussion by the audience of the programs they have seen. All this makes it possible to organize useful leisure of the population.

It is interesting that a new "movement" has begun in the Belgorod region - libraries on their technical base publish newspapers, on the pages of which they tell about the life of their locality. Any local resident can become a correspondent for such a newspaper.

As the main holders of local history information, model libraries become, within the framework of the regional program "Tourism Development in the Belgorod Region", excursion centers of the territory: they develop tourist routes, video tours, conduct them, create electronic and paper local history products and distribute it among tourists.

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The report on the performed practical work must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements for research work. Includes 4 parts:

1. Research program(consists of methodological (see 49), methodological sections (see 49), working plan of the study - consists of an Action Plan indicating the deadlines and those responsible for implementation + calculation of the necessary resources)

2. Analysis of the results of the study ( results obtained during the processing of primary sociological information (tables, graphs, figures, etc.) and their analysis. summary (conclusions, recommendations, suggestions, directions for further research of the problem, etc.).

3. List of used literature ( A list of used literature is given, both on the problem under study and on the methodology of sociological research. The list should be formatted in accordance with bibliographic requirements) .

4. Application ( includes working materials of the study (questionnaires, forms, protocols, etc.; route sheets, intermediate calculations, statistical information).)

Report structure

The content of the final stage depends on the form of organization of the study and the type of report. If the research was carried out on the initiative and at the expense of the researchers themselves, then the report is made in the form of: a) a dissertation for a degree, b) publication of a scientific monograph or articles, c) a report at any meeting of sociologists (conference, symposium, congress, etc.) .P.).

Reports Planned state budget.research include :

research program;

Description of all operations and procedures and each stage of the study;

Extensive applications (samples of all tools, summary tables, diagrams, graphs, etc.).

At the same time, the report is drawn up in full accordance with the requirements of GOST for the design of scientific papers.

Reports for commissioned research ( determined by the contract for its implementation) are:

In full form (which is extremely rare),

In the form of an analytical note containing conclusions and recommendations (which happens most often),

In any other form between the two above.

Problems, which most often arise in connection with the acceptance and delivery of reports on sociological research:

Respect for the confidential nature of the information contained in the reports.

The problem of ownership of sociological information

The findings of the researchers are intended to:

1. prove the truth or falsity of working hypotheses;

2. to give a solution (preferably unambiguous and as clear as possible) of the tasks set in the research program;

3. fix hypotheses that could not be verified, and unsolved problems in this regard, of course, in cases where this took place (a negative result in science is also a scientific fact).

Sociologists' conclusions are differentiated into estimates and forecasts. The first ones are related to the assessment of the state of the object under study, its phenomena and processes during the study period. The second - with the prediction of the future fate of the object, its future changes.