Microwave oven harm. The harm and benefits of a microwave oven

Microwave ovens have firmly settled in every kitchen. Cooking and heating food in them is much faster. Along with the benefits of microwave ovens, talk about the dangers to human health does not subside.

Microwaves use powerful electromagnetic radiation to heat food. Waves in the decimeter range penetrate into the structure of products and affect water molecules.

Molecules line up around the created electromagnetic field and are in constant motion. Friction resulting from the movement of molecules raises the temperature of the product. Unlike classic ovens and ovens, food is heated from the inside. This takes a few seconds.

Harm or benefit

During the heating of food in a microwave oven, the molecules rotate at great speed. This damages the structure. The molecules are deformed and their shell is destroyed. The result is a product with a completely transformed molecular structure.

All scientific evidence of the harm caused to the human body by microwave ovens is based on this fact.

According to experts, microwave ovens can be dangerous for several reasons:

  • under the influence of microwave radiation, the structure of the product changes, and the body is not able to properly absorb food;
  • when food is heated in the microwave, carcinogens are released that can provoke the development of cancer;
  • the human body does not have the ability to absorb vitamins and minerals transformed in the microwave;
  • electromagnetic radiation, penetrating through the body of the microwave oven, negatively affects the human body;
  • when heated in a microwave, food loses its beneficial properties and is perceived by the body as a foreign substance that needs to be removed;
  • If a metal object accidentally enters the oven, it could cause the appliance to explode and cause injury to the user.

Scientists from Switzerland conducted studies that revealed the harm of microwaves on certain parts of the body. They hired a person who alternated eating conventionally cooked food and microwaved food.

Based on the results of the experiment, conclusions were made about the negative impact of food from the microwave oven:

  • on the brain, causing irreversible changes in its cortex;
  • on the digestive system - the body cannot recognize the transformed food, remaining hungry, even after processing a large amount of food;
  • on the hormonal system - the body reacts incorrectly to products from the microwave, the production of female and male hormones is disrupted;
  • on blood vessels and joints - vitamins and minerals altered by microwaves are not absorbed by the body, but settle on the walls of blood vessels and joints;
  • on blood - after eating food from the microwave, it loses its ability to clot, because of this, the wound healing process is disrupted.

At the same time, even the most skeptical researchers could not deny that the device has a number of useful properties that are not available to conventional ovens.

First of all, it is the speed of heating food. It only takes a few seconds to heat up the product. The stove does not require preheating and is ready for use immediately after being connected to the network.

Products that require long-term heat treatment in a conventional oven or stove are cooked several times faster in the microwave. Defrosting meat and fish takes 2 to 5 minutes.

Myth or reality

The research results presented by a group of Swiss scientists have been completely refuted by the World Health Organization. In their opinion, microwave radiation cannot affect products or the human body. At the same time, WHO drew the attention of consumers to the fact that microwave radiation can disrupt the operation of pacemakers.

It was not possible to fully prove the effect of products heated in the microwave on the human gastrointestinal tract. It is not the processing of foods with microwaves that harms the body, but systematic malnutrition.

Carcinogens, which were declared by the researchers, also appear as a result of frying on a conventional stove using oil. When vegetable oils are heated, much more of them are released than when using microwaves.

Vitamins and minerals partially decompose during any heat treatment. Food prepared in a microwave oven does not differ in content from that cooked on a conventional stove and has the best performance, as it is prepared without oil.

Radioactive radiation, which was used to frighten opponents of the use of stoves, in fact does not exceed the radiation from a mobile phone, since a specially designed case completely keeps it inside the device. Only a stove with a damaged casing can be dangerous.

Scientific evidence of the likelihood of a microwave explosion due to metal devices placed inside has not been identified. It was found that when the metal is heated, the furnace begins to spark, but does not explode. A raw egg can explode. In this case, the oven door may suffer from a rupture.

With proper use of a microwave oven, the harm to human health is no higher than when using any household appliance.

Key tips include:

  • To get the most out of using the stove and get rid of the negative impact, follow the safety precautions.
  • Do not violate the installation rules recommended by the manufacturer. The microwave oven should be placed away from other household appliances. Do not block the ventilation hole.
  • It is strictly forbidden to operate the device with a damaged glass or case. Doing so may result in radiation leakage or electric shock.
  • Only products recommended by the manufacturer should be reheated. Do not put objects not intended for it into the oven. Do not open the door during the work process. Most models are equipped with a protection that turns off the oven when the door is opened, but if this is done constantly, it may deteriorate.
  • The amount of food heated at one time should not exceed the recommended amount. The food will not be fully heated, and the stove will work in an enhanced mode.
  • To heat food, use glassware with thick walls or special heat-resistant plastic. Do not turn on an empty microwave, so as not to damage it from the inside.
  • Clean the microwave with a soft sponge, do not use abrasive products, so as not to damage the protective coating.

Most of the statements on the topic of the harm of a microwave oven for a person do not find understanding among users, and sales of microwave ovens continue to be stably high. The device greatly facilitates cooking and irrefutable evidence that the microwave is harmful has not yet been provided.

You should not completely abandon classic ovens and replace them with microwave ovens, but with a reasonable approach, you can reduce the time spent on cooking a dish.

The main thing is to observe the service life specified by the manufacturer and do not use the microwave after it has expired.

Our topic today is "Microwave Harm". From the point of view of many sources, it exists, and this harm is very great. There are followers of the theory about the dangers of microwaves and food heated under its rays, and there are individuals who prove the opposite and completely opposite opinions. Manufacturers and some modern users of technology are confident in its safety, and they defend their point of view, but there are also some scientific facts against microwave ovens.

the site offers to figure out whether the decision to classify microwave ovens as a safe technique is correct. Or maybe the radiation is capable of harming the modern inhabitants of the planet? To solve the question of "microwave harm or benefit" we will be helped by feedback from users of technology, the structural properties of its mechanism, scientific research by scientists and knowledge of the molecular properties of liquid substances.

For those who have doubts about using a microwave oven, it is worth abandoning the idea of ​​​​buying one for your home. We are also interested in the question "Microwave food is good or bad?" and we decided to get to the bottom of it.

Microwave health benefits and harms

Where did the microwave come from?

The World Wide Web and the media are not “teeming” with anything, and with what opinions of “experts” the theses about the dangers of technology are not supported. For example, about the origin and use of microwaves: some say that they were invented by the Nazis and used as radar during hostilities, others argue that the microwave was needed to warm up food for soldiers, but was no longer used as soon as they noticed its harmful effects on the body.

In fact, the miracle technique was invented by the American engineer Peri Spencer in 1942, when he studied mechanisms for radars. But purely by chance I noticed the relationship between an electromagnetic wave and heat. It is assumed that he received a burn during the test, but there are other options (sandwich, melted chocolate lying on the magnetron). But this is no longer important, the main thing is that it was this person who invented the household appliance, which was then improved for several decades.

Harm of microwaves - myth or reality

Unfortunately, the human body is not able to feel fields of high intensity (tension). With a close stay near working devices, a person takes a certain dose of radiation on himself.

According to scientists dealing with harm from household appliances, electromagnetic waves in a microwave cannot go out if the device is in good condition, and also if you just purchased it. It provides additional means of protection - a window with a mesh, a tight-fitting lid, additionally the body is treated with a special metal coating that prevents "leakage". But, there are facts that the protection can be broken and radiation comes out.

How many years can you use a microwave without harm?

Otherwise, after serving for 2 years, the microwave oven can be harmful to your health if you are near the appliance. Since electromagnetic rays are able to penetrate into your space due to the malfunction of some parts that have already worn out.

Is there any serious harm from the microwave? Scientific confirmation

There is a misconception that food from the microwave is as "dead" as when cooked on a gas stove. But this is just an assumption, scientific studies show that the reverse action of microwaves is even more dangerous than it seems.

Studies that prove the harm of electromagnetic radiation have been carried out since the 30s by Russian scientists, then there was no microwave yet. But this does not negate its detrimental effect on humans. . Such radiation fully affects the growing organism, that is, the embryo. Since the properties of such fields had already been proven, this provided an opportunity for further study of modern technology.

Microwave ovens were banned from sale in 1976 and there are still opinions that refute the benefits of microwave food and even reveal its harm. An example is the University of Vienna, where in 1989 they conducted research on the harm of microwave rays. It was found that when food is “heated” by rays, the atomic arrangement of the amino acids necessary for the human body to grow radically changes. As a result, proteins are not preserved, but simply disappear.

That is, what gives us life - we do not get proteins with food, but what exactly is absorbed with such food? Perhaps a certain amount of radiation, which, in fact, is not visible, or simply "dead food" .... Until this is proven. It is only clear that the frequent use of a microwave in everyday life does more harm than good.

Microwave damage to health

well and diseases that follow us on our heels slowly but surely manifest themselves after 10-20 years of life. These are oncology and neurological disorders and cardiovascular dysfunctions. According to medical experts, the eyes are especially affected, because there are no blood vessels that are able to lower the radiation vibrations.

Why do we state such facts? Research on this topic was carried out by scientists from the USA, Sweden, Russia, Vienna, some of these experimenters were then fired, simply because microwave manufacturers are unprofitable for such beliefs and for people to know about the “merits” of a miracle of technology.

Here's some more scientific evidence for you:

  1. Genetic engineering always conducts experiments with the cells of living organisms after weakening the surface layer of the cell itself. To do this, they act on the cell with electromagnetic waves, that is, they are pre-irradiated. This weakens the cell membranes, so you can explore the cell from the inside. It can be concluded that the structure of the cell is changing, and the body is weakening, providing an opportunity for the penetration of various infections, fungi and other microbes. This gives us the right to claim that the harm from microwaves exists, reducing immunity through the food taken.
  2. Russian studies have confirmed that microwaved dishes (meat, milk, vegetables and fruits) contain carcinogenic compounds in small quantities. Even after short-term irradiation, they are found in food. Of course, a small amount of such elements cannot kill a person, but still this is the effect of carcinogens. Like in slow motion, it affects the immune system, causing the heart to stop earlier than fate intended.

Many will object that mobile phones and computers are everywhere and you can no longer protect yourself from harmful effects. Yes, it is, but nothing prevents you from using such equipment as little as possible.

A few tips to reduce harm if you can't throw your microwave in the trash:

  • When turned on, it is recommended to move at a distance of 1.5 meters from a working microwave;
  • You should ventilate the room more often and try to heat up dishes as rarely as possible at minimum power. EMR can negatively affect the functioning of the brain directly, the nervous system, cause leukemia and simply reduce immunity;
  • You need to heat in small portions so as not to provoke the growth of bacteria due to strong overheating from above and underheating from the inside.

The dangers of microwaves for human health

Another thing is the taste of the resulting dishes, they say that they differ from those if the dish is cooked on the stove. This is due to the rapid heating and usually the food is heated unevenly, and the liquid evaporates too quickly, overheating occurs in some places. Therefore, it is advised to put a plate of food to warm up at a lower power, set a longer time, and occasionally stir the contents. These seemingly trifles will prevent much more dangerous consequences. For example, the opinion that microbes grow in microwavable foods partly right...

Heating in the microwave can do a lot of harm. The fact is that heating from top to bottom can have a harmful effect on food in those places where it remained cold. Especially when it comes to cooking in the microwave, and not warming up.

Also, the average consumer does not always know that the meat he purchased may contain salmonella (a stick that dies only at 55 degrees of heat treatment). It is in these millimeters that bacteria multiply, especially for raw meat products. That is why consumer reviews do not recommend cooking in a microwave oven, and the properties of the technique itself confirm this.

So, it remains to conclude what harm exists from a microwave oven and whether the effects of a microwave oven are harmful to food. Microwave radiation is especially harmful if there are small children in the family, that is, growing organisms, it is dangerous for pregnant women. It is especially important to remember that after the expiration of the warranty period, such equipment must be ruthlessly disposed of.

We advise you to avoid using microwave ovens, although it is very convenient. It is possible to live without them, but there is no way without health. Replace them with gas stoves, mini ovens or infrared ovens, you can heat them up, defrost them and cook yummy.

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Is microwave dangerous to human health: truth or myth?

When microwave ovens first appeared, they were jokingly called bachelor appliances. If you follow this statement, then it is true in relation to the first generation of kitchen appliances. However, at present, microwave ovens are equipped with a number of functions and unique features that deserve respect. It is very easy to control the device using a processor that works according to the set parameters. That is why it is important to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of such a technique in order to make sure what effect it has on the human body.

Physical characteristics of operation

Over the past few years, you can observe a boom in microwaves. The harm of a microwave oven is not a myth, but a strict reality, which has been proven by doctors and scientists. This opinion is supported by materials, scientific evidence of which confirms the negative impact of microwaves on the human body. Long-term scientific studies of radiation from microwave ovens have established the level of harmful effects on human health.

Therefore, it is important to adhere to the rules of technical means of protection or TCO. Protective measures will help reduce the power of the pathogenic effect of microwave radiation. If you do not have the opportunity to provide optimal protection at the time of using the microwave for cooking, you are guaranteed a harmful effect on the body. It is very important to know the basics of TCO and apply them in the work in the microwave.

If we recall the basic course of physics in the school curriculum, we can establish that the heating effect is possible due to the work of microwave radiation on food. Whether you can eat such food or not is a rather difficult question. The only thing that can be argued is that there is no benefit to the human body from such food. For example, if you cook baked apples in a microwave oven, they will not bring any benefit. Baked apples are exposed to electromagnetic radiation, which operates in a certain microwave range.

The radiation source of microwave ovens is the magnetron.

The frequency of microwave radiation can be considered the range of 2450 GHz. The electrical component of such radiation is the effect on the dipole molecule of substances. As for the dipole, it is a kind of molecule that has opposite charges at different ends. The electromagnetic field is capable of turning a given dipole one hundred and eighty degrees in one second at least 5.9 billion times. This speed is not a myth, so it causes molecular friction, as well as subsequent heating.

Microwave radiation can penetrate to a depth of less than three centimeters, subsequent heating occurs by transferring heat from the outer layer to the inner one. The brightest dipole is considered to be a water molecule, so food that contains liquid heats up much faster. The vegetable oil molecule is not a dipole, so they should not be heated in a microwave oven.

The wavelength of microwave radiation is about twelve centimeters. Such waves are located between infrared and radio waves, so they have similar functions and properties.

Microwave Danger

The human body is capable of being exposed to a wide variety of radiation, so the microwave oven is no exception. You can argue for a long time about whether there is any benefit from such food or not. Despite the huge popularity of this kitchen appliance, the harm from the microwave is not a fiction or a myth, so you should listen to the advice on TCO, and also, if possible, refuse to work with this stove. During use, you need to monitor the status of the indicator.

If you do not have the opportunity to protect the body from harmful energy, you can use high-quality protection, the basics of TCO, to protect your own health.

First you need to find out the risk that the radiation of a microwave oven can carry. Many nutritionists, doctors, and physicists are incessantly arguing about food prepared in this way. Ordinary baked apples will not do any good, as they are exposed to harmful microwave energy.

That is why every person should become familiar with the possible negative health effects. The greatest harm to health from a microwave oven is in the form of electromagnetic radiation that comes from a working oven.

For the human body, a negative side effect can be deformation, as well as the restructuring and collapse of molecules, the formation of radiological compounds. In simple words, there is irreparable damage to the health and general condition of the human body, since non-existent compounds are formed that are affected by ultra-high frequencies. In addition, one can observe the process of water ionization, which transforms its structure.

According to some studies, such water is very harmful to the human body and all living things, as it becomes dead. For example, when watering a living plant with such water, it will simply die within a week!

That is why all products (even baked apples) that are thermally processed in the microwave become dead. According to such information, we can sum up a little, food from the microwave has an adverse effect on the health and condition of the human body.

However, there is no exact argument that can confirm this hypothesis. According to physicists, the wavelength is very short, so it cannot cause ionization, but only heating. If the door opens and the protection does not work, which turns off the magnetron, then the human body is affected by the generator, which guarantees harm to health, as well as burns to internal organs, since the tissue is destroyed, it is under serious stress.

To protect yourself, protection must be at the highest level, so it is important to stick to the tso base. Do not forget that there are absorbing objects for these waves, and the human body is no exception.

Impact on the human body

According to studies of microwave rays, when they hit the surface, the tissue of the human body absorbs energy, which causes heating. As a result of thermoregulation, there is an increase in blood circulation. If the irradiation was general, then there is no possibility of instantaneous heat removal.

Blood circulation performs a cooling effect, so those tissues and organs that are depleted in blood vessels suffer the most. Basically, clouding occurs, as well as the destruction of the lens of the eye. Such changes are irreversible.

The tissue with the greatest amount of liquid has the greatest absorbing capacity:

  • blood;
  • intestines;
  • mucous membrane of the stomach;
  • lens of the eye;
  • lymph.

As a result, the following happens:

  • the efficiency of the exchange, adaptation process decreases;
  • the thyroid gland, blood is transformed;
  • the mental realm changes. Over the years, there have been cases where the use of the microwave causes depression, suicidal tendencies.

How long does it take for the first symptoms of a negative impact to appear? There is a version according to which all signs accumulate for a long time.

For many years they may not appear. Then comes the critical moment when the general health indicator loses ground and appears:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • apathy, stress;
  • heart pain;
  • hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • fatigue and more.

So, if you do not follow all the rules of the TCO base, the consequences can be extremely sad and irreversible. It is difficult to answer the question of how long or years it takes for the first symptoms to appear, since it all depends on the microwave model, manufacturer, and human condition.

Protection measures

According to TSO, the impact of a microwave depends on many nuances, most often it is:

  • wavelength;
  • duration of irradiation;
  • use of specific protection;
  • beam types;
  • intensity and distance from the source;
  • external and internal factors.

In accordance with the TSO, you can defend yourself in several ways, namely individual, general. Tso measures:

  • change the direction of the rays;
  • reduce the duration of exposure;
  • remote control;
  • indicator state;
  • protective screening has been used for several years.

If it is not possible to follow TCO, it can be guaranteed that the condition will worsen in the future. TCO options are based on the functions of the oven - reflection as well as absorption capability. If there are no protective measures, it is necessary to use special materials that can reflect the adverse effect. Such materials include:

  • multilayer packages;
  • shungite;
  • metallized mesh;
  • overalls made of metallized fabric - an apron and a potholder, a cape equipped with goggles and a hood.

If you use this method, then there is no reason for excitement for many years.

Apples in the microwave

Everyone knows that baked fruits and vegetables are very nutritious, healthy, baked apples are no exception. Baked apples are the most popular and delicious dessert that is prepared not only in the oven, but also in the microwave. However, few people think that microwave-baked fruits can be harmful.

Baked apples contain many vitamins, nutrients, get a more tender and juicy structure. Baked fruits are not harmful, so it is important to choose the method of preparation. As it became known, baked apples in the microwave are not harmful, as they are not ionized.

In simple words, baked apples are a very tasty, valuable food that can be cooked in a microwave without harm to health. If you do not follow the rules of operation, neglect the indicator, then you can harm your condition. Baked apples are very easy to make as the microwave cuts down on the cooking time. The indicator on the display is responsible for all other functions, so it is important to keep an eye on it.

It is important! If an indicator fails, it cannot be repaired. The indicator is a special LED light bulb. That is why thanks to the indicator you can find out about the health of the device.

Answering the question whether the harm of microwaves is a myth or reality, we can say for sure that this is not a myth. By following the suggested recommendations, operating rules, you will protect yourself from negative impacts.

Since the creation of microwave ovens between physicists and medical specialists, disputes have periodically flared up about the benefits and harms of this technical achievement. In fact, without certain knowledge about the effect of microwave oven radiation on the human body and the effect of microwaves on food cooked in it, many people are afraid to use it.

It is worth noting that these fears are not groundless: a useful invention for the kitchen can indeed become unsafe under certain conditions. But if the operation of the microwave oven is organized in accordance with all technical requirements, microwave waves will fulfill their culinary purpose without much harm to humans.

The principle of operation of the microwave oven

The process of heating products in a microwave oven is based on the effect of radiation generated by a magnetron on them. It is thanks to the ultra-high frequency of the microwave (2450 GHz - in contrast, for example, from 50 Hz of the current frequency in the industrial power supply network) that the heating is carried out almost instantly, which is the main advantage of the device.

The most important condition for successful heating of the product is the presence of dipoles in it - molecules with an uneven distribution of charges and a total electric charge equal to zero, due to the polar arrangement of positive and negative charges in the atom. The most prominent representatives of the dipoles are water molecules, which means that all products with high humidity will be more susceptible to the influence of microwaves. At the same time, vegetable oils do not have dipole molecules, so heating them in a microwave oven is not practical.

Thanks to the electromagnetic field created in the microwave oven, the dipoles inside the product turn 180 degrees about 6 billion times per second. This incredible speed brings the molecules of the substance into friction, which is why the internal temperature of the product rises. It is in this physically explicable transformation of electrical radiation into thermal energy that many see the harm of the microwave.

The harm and benefits of a microwave oven

Some people believe that the direct radiation from a microwave oven that is on can harm a person nearby. Many explain this risk by the fact that the human body consists of more than 70% water, that is, dipole molecules that are particularly sensitive to the effects of microwaves. Because of this influence, the structure of water allegedly changes, since it is ionized (the appearance of an additional electron in the water atom or the loss of the existing one). Therefore, the destruction and deformation of molecules occurs not only in the heated product, but also in the human body. However, this opinion is erroneous.

Science claims that the concept of “structurality” in relation to water (namely water, not ice) is not applicable, which means that it is impossible to destroy or change its structure.

The Internet is filled with such slogans

Is there any scientific evidence of the harm of a microwave oven?

A microwave oven is not always dangerous for a person, but only under specific circumstances. Its direct harm can be caused by the cumulative action of microwave radiation generated by the magnetron. This becomes possible only in two cases:

  1. If the shutdown mechanism does not work when opening or loosely closing the door. Manufacturers convince that the device has double guaranteed protection of the consumer from unwanted radiation, however, the automatic shutdown system occasionally fails.
  2. If, as a result of accumulation of soot or other reasons, the tightness of the door is broken. Microwaves are able to seep through the smallest holes or crevices. These outwardly imperceptible defects most often appear after prolonged use of the appliance.

Leakage of microwaves through imperceptible cracks, and even more so into an open door with the generator not turned off, can cause significant harm to a person, up to burns of internal organs.

Symptoms of microwave exposure

You can suspect that a person has been harmed by a microwave oven by the following signs:

  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of signs of heart failure;
  • clouding in the eyes;
  • drowsiness;
  • nervousness and unreasonable crying (in children).

If such symptoms were detected after being near a working electrical appliance, this is an almost 100% signal that its case has been depressurized.

Ways to Check Your Microwave Oven for Radiation Leakage

To check whether the operated microwave oven is dangerous, whether there is radiation leakage through gaps in the door invisible to the eye, you can use several popular methods. You can also use a special microwave detector.

Manual verification methods

These methods, in the absence of a special device, are quite simple, but some of them do not always give reliable results. However, if you have not yet been able to purchase a detector, you can check the oven as follows:

To conduct the most popular, but most unreliable method of testing for harmfulness, you need two mobile phones. You need to put one of them in the microwave and close it tightly, without turning it on. Then call him from another mobile. If it rings, then the waves pass freely through the protective door both from the outside and from the inside.

Experts consider the difference between the operating frequencies of microwave ovens and mobile phones to be a disadvantage of this method, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to establish the harm or benefit of the device in this way.

Checking with a detector

The most reliable and effective is the test using a special device called a microwave radiation detector. Necessary:

  1. Put a glass of cold water in the oven.
  2. Close the door, turn on the oven.
  3. Bring the detector closer to the door and move it slowly along the perimeter and diagonally of the door, stopping at the corners. In the absence of radiation, the instrument needle will be in the green zone, and the slightest leak will make it move into the red zone.

Recommendations for the safe use of the microwave

It is known that as you move away from the microwave, the power of microwave energy decreases rapidly, so it is most safe to stay at a certain distance from it during operation of the microwave oven.

Near the operating device (about 2 cm from the outer wall), the level of permissible radiation should not exceed 5 mW per 1 sq. cm.

A microwave oven, the harm and benefits of which depend on compliance with the rules of operation, with such radiation is absolutely safe for the human body. However, there are other reasons why this kitchen appliance can be harmful. Therefore, you should consider the rules for handling it:

  • Stay away from the appliance when operating.
  • Do not place the microwave oven near the stove or at the dining table.
  • Use only for quick defrosting and reheating of food.
  • Food to be reheated should be placed open and not hermetically sealed (this applies even to sausages in a dense cling film).
  • Do not put metal utensils and ceramic containers with a border of metallic paint inside - this contributes to the occurrence of an arc that threatens the integrity of the magnetron and the protective casing.
  • Monitor the cleanliness of the protective door, prevent the appearance of soot on it, which contributes to depressurization of the housing.

People who have a pacemaker implanted should not use the microwave device.

Which dishes are not suitable for the microwave and why

When using the microwave oven, it is forbidden to use the following types of utensils:

  1. From metal. Any of its types - cast iron, steel, brass, copper - reflect microwaves, preventing them from penetrating into the product. In addition, being electrically conductive, they can cause sparks and electromagnetic fields that are dangerous for microwave ovens.
  2. From glass and porcelain, if such dishes have a pattern applied with golden or other paint, which may include metals. Even a half-erased design may contain metal particles, which, under the influence of a microwave, can spark and create a field.
  3. From crystal. Its complex structure may contain particles of silver, lead and other metals, in addition to this, an obstacle to its use is the inhomogeneity of the thickness (faceted surface), due to which such dishes under the influence of microwaves can shatter into pieces.
  4. It is not recommended to use disposable tableware made of thin plastic or waxed cardboard, unglazed ceramic, or plastic that is not resistant to high temperatures.

Even in a second, microwaves cause dipole molecules to rotate “around their axis” billions of times. Therefore, it is better not to risk either the dishes or the serviceability of the microwave oven itself, so that it works in the kitchen for a long time and safely.

Rumors have long been circulating among the people about the harm that microwave ovens cause to the human body. Sellers of household appliances claim that they are harmless, some claim that only expensive stoves are able to cook oud without negative effects. Where is the truth we decided to tell in today's article.

Due to the lack of information, all electronics, including microwave ovens, managed to acquire dozens of myths about whether a microwave is harmful. Fortunately, scientists have dealt with this issue quite responsibly and we can know the whole truth and scientific evidence about the negative qualities of this device.

Negative impact

Back in the days of the USSR, scientists were forced to give an answer to the emerging question of whether the myth or reality is harmful to the microwave oven. Back in 1976, researchers firmly declared the exceptional harm of such a technique. The authorities of the Soviet Union did not even give permission for the sale of such devices in the country.

Since the creation of this technology and to this day, the problem of ignition of devices for unknown reasons does not disappear. Thus, the technique can be dangerous for humans. It is not safe to be near a working device, at the same time, its operation must be observed.

Does it spoil the products

Inside the microwave oven, all dishes are exposed to microwave radiation. It has been proven that after such exposure, carcinogens were detected in most products. The nutritional value of food is reduced by 55-65%, in simple words, after processing, any most useful vegetable becomes empty.

Food from the microwave can lead to such consequences for a person who consumes it too often:

  • Possible metabolic disorders and disorders of the digestive system.
  • The work of the immune system is disrupted.
  • The risk of oncological neoplasms increases.

Microwave rays affect food so that its structure simply disintegrates. In food, the wrong chemical processes begin to take place. The benefit of cooking in a microwave oven is only from its practicality, but in fact it is an exceptional harm to the dishes you have prepared.

For the human body

If you use microwave ovens too often, then think about the fact that your headaches, jumps in blood pressure, depression, nervousness and even oncology can arise precisely from this external factor. The damage from a microwave to food is instantaneous, but according to scientists, for such an impact on a person, it will take about 10 years to use the equipment regularly. Let's look at the possible health effects of frequent microwave use:

  1. The rays affect the lens of the eye, thereby causing vision problems. The risk of cataracts increases, of course the microwave is dangerous under such circumstances.
  2. Insomnia, depression, nervousness, irritability are the negative effects of the stove on the human nervous system.
  3. Radiation radiation can damage skin, hair and nails. True or fiction, we cannot say with accuracy, there is no official confirmation of this information. There are only reviews on the forums of ordinary users and doctors.
  4. Whether food from the microwave is harmful, we have already told above, but we did not say that such food can provoke gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  5. Through excessive exposure to radiation, reproductive problems can occur.
  6. Changing the structure of food can provoke the oncology.

Of course, it all depends on the frequency of microwave exposure, think about how often you heat up food and stand next to the microwave. Scientists say that the microwave can be used without harm for up to 10 years. Food from the microwave is not as harmful as useless, the body may not receive enough useful elements.

Some sources report that the harm of microwave ovens is that it is able to change the composition of the blood. People who often use this technique have noticed an underestimated amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Plus, food from microwave devices increases the amount of cholesterol, which threatens the occurrence of cholesterol plaques and blood clots.

Scientific confirmation of the negative impact

Back in 1989, Swiss scientists conducted research on whether a microwave oven is harmful to health, is it a myth or reality. The funds for the experiments were not enough to conduct full-scale studies, they were able to find only one volunteer to study the dangers of heating food in a microwave oven.

The volunteer had to take food alternately: on the 1st day cooked on a conventional stove, on the 2nd day in a microwave oven. Scientists conducted tests at every stage of the life of the test subject. The conclusion shocked scientists: food from the microwave was not only harmful but also dangerous to health. The subject began to change the structure of the blood, which could lead to cancer.

The World Health Organization (WHO) immediately denied such data. WHO experts declared the harmlessness of microwave rays on the human body and food prepared with their help. Then the speakers only stated about the danger of such radiation for people taking pacemakers, for the same reasons, such people were recommended to give up cell phones.

American scientists in 1992 conducted separate studies on whether it is harmful to heat food in the microwave. Experts were able to provide scientific evidence of harmfulness. They stated that food from microwave ovens retains microwaves, which naturally enter the digestive system of the body, thus irradiating a person from the inside is possible. No such changes were observed in products prepared in the classical way: scientific evidence proves the words that it is impossible to use a microwave.

How it works

A microwave oven emits electromagnetic energy at microwave frequencies. The length of such waves is from 1 mm to 30 cm. The speed of such waves reaches 300 km / h, similar waves are used for cell phones, television and radio stations, as well as the Internet.

The radiation frequency is 2540 MHz, the waves are able to penetrate food to a depth of 3 cm. Food in the microwave becomes dry very quickly.

Checking your equipment for safety

There are many ways to measure the benefits and harms of a microwave oven. A few of them do not inspire confidence, so for greater certainty, we advise you to do a few experiments, so you can follow the trend. Here are a few ways to test your microwave oven for harm:

  1. Wait for the evening, or turn on the microwave in a dark room and place a fluorescent lamp next to it. If the lamp starts flashing or shows some signs of “life”, your microwave emits too much radiation. There is little benefit from this - the harm is obvious.
  2. The strong heating of the doors of the device is a sign that microwave waves run away, giving your health a danger.
  3. For the next experiment, the microwave must be turned off! Take two mobile phones, put one of them in the oven chamber, from the second try to get through to the first phone. If you were able to get through, then your equipment does not sufficiently protect you from hazardous radiation, the risk of getting harmful effects increases.
  4. Try boiling a regular glass of water in your microwave. Harm will be proven if after 3 minutes the water does not begin to boil. You will prove that most of the rays are leaking somewhere, most likely to the gun, exposing you to their harm.

A microwave detector will help prove the leakage of radiation from the microwave to the outside. For correct measurements, put a glass of cold water in the chamber and turn on the stove. Examine the gaps around the door of the device with a detector, and also pay special attention to the corners and the ventilation grill. If everything is in order with the equipment, then the indicator will remain green, if there is a leak and potential harm, then the indicator will be red.

How to reduce risks

If you are very accustomed to using a microwave oven, or simply circumstances force you to use it regularly, then you should know how to use such equipment without harm. With the following tips, you can reduce the harm to a minimum. There is scientific evidence that the harm to health of a microwave oven is minimal if the dose of radiation received is low.

Scientists say that it is quite safe for a person to be already 2-3 centimeters from the body of the device, the main thing is that the radiation does not exceed 5 milliwatts. It is logical that the farther you are from the device, the less risk of getting harm from the microwave.

Don't play with fire. Opening the chamber door during operation is strictly prohibited. In this way, you release all the waves of radiation into free swimming, including on yourself. Wait 3-5 seconds before opening the appliance door after reheating food.

Manufacturers of household appliances, taking care of the health and safety of their customers, usually give the following recommendations:

  1. The device is best used for heating and defrosting food. Cooking in it is not its main function, although it is not prohibited.
  2. In the kitchen, the stove is best placed away from your permanent place of residence. Place it where you spend little time.
  3. It is forbidden to use metal utensils and utensils that contain metals in their paint. In addition to the fact that the equipment may fail, the radiation in the furnace begins a chaotic movement, increasing the risk of being thrown out.
  4. It is not recommended to use the technique for people who use pacemakers.
  5. Microwaves do not kill bacteria, keep the device chamber hygienically clean.

If you follow these elementary rules, the harm from the microwave oven will be minimal and the body will cope with it.

Komarovsky destroys myths

Dr. Komarovsky in his television program proves a different reality. The doctor's review was criticized by many of his colleagues, but Evgeny Olegovich insists: the harm from the microwave is a myth, not a reality. See the program for more details: