Creative Pedagogy. Scientific electronic library

Pedagogical activity, no matter what areas it includes, always involves creativity, the search for something new, interesting, original. The word "creativity" comes from the word "create" and in a well-known sense means to seek, invent and create something that has not been encountered in past experience.

In general, the problem of creativity in our days has become very relevant and is rightfully considered the "problem of the century." Pedagogical creativity has a peculiarity: its content is the creation (education and formation) of a reasonable person, always inimitable, unique. The need to prepare each teacher for creativity does not need proof.

This is a thinking, constantly positive thinking person. Therefore, the first and necessary condition for creativity is the breadth of the creator's horizons. In our case, this is a huge supply of ideas and a free orientation in them. And for this it is necessary to know the achievements, first of all, of modern psychological and pedagogical science and the education of children.

Today's educational process imposes special requirements on the teacher: professional competence, high level of culture, intensive work capacity, erudition, creative activity.

The main criteria in are skills:

Set and analyze goals in their activities;

Orientation in various situations;

To make decisions;

Implement certain programs or execution plans;

Check the results of your activities and adjust it to reflect changing situations.

The requirements that the above criteria must meet:

They reflect both the productive and procedural characteristics of the activity of teachers and characterize not only its result, but also the ways to achieve it;

Based on didactic principles of education and upbringing;

Are socially and psychologically significant, make sense for the teacher;

Easy to understand and easy to measure.

There are the following components of creative activity: motivational, content-operational, emotional-volitional.

Motivational component includes a system of motives that express a conscious impulse to activity, including creative activity, the totality of those mental moments that determine a person’s behavior as a whole, that which stimulates a person’s activity, for which it is performed.

The motivational component has been studied by many researchers, who considered it as a system-forming element in creativity, since it not only gives personal significance to creative activity, but also regulates it at all stages of implementation.

The motivational component, providing a focus on the creative assimilation of knowledge, includes the motives for creative assimilation and mastery of skills of this kind. For educators, it suggests:

  • awareness of the need to cultivate a creative personality;
  • understanding the importance of solving the problem of developing creative activity;
  • the desire to cultivate creative imagination, fantasy, improvisation, creative transformative activity;
  • awareness of the importance of developing creative activity in preschool children;
  • interest, enthusiasm of the teacher in solving this problem;
  • striving for high marks, recognition of success in creative activity.

A significant place in the content-operational component is occupied by organizational abilities and skills. These are the ability to plan, the ability to self-organize, i.e. the ability of the individual to mobilize their capabilities to achieve intermediate and final goals, the ability to relax, correct, refine and complete the original plan.

So, the content-operational component includes:

  • knowledge of the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical foundations of the theory of creativity;
  • broad general cultural outlook: continuous improvement in creative activity;
  • the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, justify, express one's thoughts;
  • the ability to generate ideas, flexibility of thinking, transferring knowledge, opinions to new situations;
  • the ability to use the creative experience of others, cooperation, the ability to defend one's point of view;
  • readiness to master modern innovative processes of creative activity and designing own innovations on this basis.

Emotional-volitional component. Emotions are the immediate temporary experience of some more permanent feeling. The emotional component reflects the emotional attitude to educational and creative activity, the inclination to engage in and achieve successful results in it, despite the difficulties that arise.

Another component of this component is the volitional principle, because activity is accompanied by volitional manifestations, it is more conscious, purposeful.

The emotional-volitional component involves:

  • the ability to overcome emerging difficulties, to bring the work begun to the end;
  • the presence of interest, the ability to rejoice and be surprised;
  • decisiveness, initiative, ability to strong-willed skills.

Intellectual, emotional and volitional components in creative activity are inseparable.

For not a single emotion, not a single volitional decision and action arises outside of human activity.

Thus, the formation of teachers' readiness for the upbringing of children's creative activity is associated with all aspects of personality formation: needs, interests, inclinations, abilities, volitional manifestations, emotional attitude to activity.

The outstanding teacher K. D. Ushinsky, asking the question: “What is pedagogical experience?”, Gives the following answer to it: “A greater or lesser number of facts of education experienced by the educator. But, of course, if these facts remain only facts, then they are not They must impress the mind of the educator, be classified in him according to their characteristic features, become a thought, and this thought, and not the fact, will become the rule of the teacher's educational activity "... and then he singles out the main feature of advanced pedagogical experience - the presence in it of a certain pedagogical idea, "thought", which undermines the transfer to other teachers: "... an opinion derived from experience is transmitted, and not the experience itself."

In modern pedagogical science there is no unambiguous approach to the definition of the concepts of "pedagogical experience", "best practice", "innovative experience" - these are the main types of experience, we will give their definitions.

Experience is the skills that are formed in the activity, it is a derivative of knowledge and practice.

Pedagogical experience is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by a teacher in the process of teaching and educational work.

Pedagogical experience is accumulated in the specific activities of the teacher under the influence of the specifics of the educational institution, the style of the teaching staff, the personal qualities of the teacher, it is formed on the basis of pedagogical knowledge, is a criterion for the truth of scientific and methodological recommendations, a means of transferring theoretical provisions into practice. Mass pedagogical experience reflects what is in everyday practice.

The advanced pedagogical experience reflects what can be achieved in training and education and under what conditions. Advanced pedagogical experience is the high skill of the teacher and high pedagogical results. Advanced pedagogical experience is original in content, logic, methods and techniques like pedagogical activity, gives better results compared to mass practice; this is the frontier to which mass practice must be brought. It creatively reflects the achievements, conclusions and recommendations of pedagogical science, implements the identified patterns, synthesizing with the personal experience of the teacher. Best practices associated with scientific recommendations give a high pedagogical effect, arouse public interest, and influence mass practice. So, in the 80s, many teachers studied the theory of problem-based learning well, got acquainted with the best practices, creatively combining it with their pedagogical experience, work style, began to successfully develop the cognitive activity and independence of students, and subsequently began to transfer their own experience through the demonstration of lessons, reading reports, messages to other teachers (especially after the 1980 All-Union Conference in Rostov-on-Don).

Innovative pedagogical experience is a rare phenomenon. These are pedagogical discoveries and inventions, the experience of implementing original ideas, methods, methods of teaching and education. Innovative experience reveals patterns that are still unknown to pedagogical science. The experience of an innovative teacher requires close attention, in-depth study and justification from school leaders, vocational schools, methodological service workers, scientists, since this experience, as a rule, has predictive functions and is ahead of best practice.

For example, the book Pedagogical Search describes the experience of innovators: V.F. abstracts. In the lesson, he graded each student for the entire amount of material with a minimum investment of time. Shatalov in his books "Where and how did the triples disappear" (I979), "Pedagogical prose" (1980), "Fulcrum" (1987), "The experiment continues" (1989) and others shows that the main purpose of his lessons is education. Shatalov's teaching methodology is based on an educational approach. The incentive for learning is not assessment, but the desire to solve problems, interest in learning, awareness of duty, responsibility, self-respect, self-esteem. The democratization of education in V.F. Shatalov is manifested in the following way: everyone writes independent work, and grades are given in the journal only with the consent of the student (you can redo the assignments). Relationships "teacher-student", "student-team-student"

become a powerful engine for the intensification of educational activities, the development of collectivism in labor. V.F.Shatalova created an integral innovative system of education, which is based on the psychological and pedagogical ideas of A.S. Makarenko, L.V. Zankov, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin and other scientists.

Individual influence on the personality of the child through the creative team dominate the teacher of labor and drawing from the Moscow region I.P. Volkov. He, relying on the experience of the commune to them. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, created by A.S. Makarenko, put forward and practically implemented the important idea of ​​early detection and development of inclinations and abilities of students. For this, Igor Pavlovich believes, it is necessary to provide an opportunity for everyone, starting from the first grade, to try their hand at any kind of activity. Any student (regardless of age, success, season of the year) comes to Volkov's creative room, joins in any work: designing models and models, modeling, carving, wood inlay. Here there are no restrictions on the student's initiative - there is no choice of topic, neither in the methods and terms of implementation, nor in the amount of assistance from adults. The end result of a self-selected and completed work is evidenced by an entry in a creative book, which is issued to the student after graduation and by which one can see inclinations, practical skills, and the level of development of abilities (see: "We teach creativity" - M., 1988).

Sh. A. Amonashvili scientifically substantiated and tested in practice the content and principles of work with six-year-old children, younger schoolchildren, which contribute to the formation of socially significant motives in learning, the humanization of the learning process (see: To school - from the age of six. - M., 1986 ).

In the 1980s, the Moscow teacher S.M. Lisenkova developed a management system for proactive learning for younger students, which gives the child the joy of success, equips them with methods of learning and self-regulation of learning activities (see: When it's easy to learn. - M., 1981).

The Leningrad linguist E.M. Ilyin invented a way to accelerate the spiritual development of students, making the teaching of literature lessons in the knowledge of life and oneself, lessons in moral insight, human studies (see: The Art of Communication. - M., 1982; Way to the student. - M., 1989).

In the late 80s, in the early 90s, the books were published: "Letter to the Future", "School on the Ros" - about the advanced and innovative experience of the people's teacher O.A. Zakharenka; S.G. Shuman "Parental Anxieties" : from the experience of a psychological service, I.A. Druzhinina "With an open heart": from the experience of a chemistry teacher L.V. Makhovoi, O.O. Katolikova "My family" - about the experience of the Syktyvkar boarding school for orphans.

O.O.Zakharenko is the director of the Sakhnovskaya school in the Cherkasy region, hundreds of thousands of sightseers have visited it, and among them are not only teachers, public education specialists, students, and schoolchildren. Young sightseers are surprised by the Sakhnovskaya exotic: a telescope, a planetarium, a go-kart, a hang glider, an airplane (not a model), designed and built in a school van, and much more, it would seem, is not characteristic of the village.

For O.A. Zakharenka, the school is not educational premises with beautiful classrooms, but not visual propaganda. A school is a high spirit, a dream, an idea that captures three at once - a teacher, a child and parents, and is immediately realized. More than 40 years he worked at OA Zakharenka's school, not a single day of which was wasted. A striking feature of O.A. Zakharenka is that if you can give people something, never miss such an opportunity. The core of the educational system at A. Zakharenko's school consists of 5 elements: purposefulness, an integrated approach to training and education, an activity approach, a combination of an individual and collective approach, and creating conditions for better results. The source of information about the child, the result of the work of teachers is the "Table of progress and upbringing", in which education is graded in subjects not only by the teacher, but also by the class, the student himself and parents. At the beginning of the 1980s, there were 5 centers in the school (2 educational, labour, ideological and health).

The pedagogical press wrote a lot about M.M. Paltishev, an Odessa physicist from vocational school No. 1. His experience of a phased system for studying physics in vocational schools was repeatedly analyzed by ministerial commissions, he was reported on at the All-Union Pedagogical Readings (1981 -1988), at the councils of the Academy pedagogical sciences. On the basis of vocational school No. 1 in Odessa, a republican and all-union school of excellence was created to improve the teaching of physics in vocational schools. The phased organization of the study of physics can be represented in a holistic way as follows:

§ 1 stage - identification and elimination of gaps in the knowledge of students in physics;

§ 2 stage - creation of a microclimate, education of faith in success;

§ 3 stage - mastering the methods of teaching, students learn to learn;

§ 4 stage - the study of physics using a test system;

§ 5 stage - preparation for the final exams.

From year to year, 60-80% of students graduated from this school with grades "4" and "5" in physics (see: Public Education. - 1988. - No. 1).

At the lessons of M.M. Paltishev, students listen to music, poetry, there is time for everything; musical fragments, poetry organically fit into the lesson, contribute to the assimilation of new material. What a huge work is behind all this, what erudition and what culture! Before studying a new section, a kind of "advertising" lessons are held, in which physical laws are applied in various spheres of life. The work of Bach, Repin, Pushkin, Grieg, Tchaikovsky, Kramskoy, Rozhdestvensky, Vysotsky harmoniously merges in physics lessons with the experiments of Galileo and Newton, Faraday and Popov, Stoletov and Coulomb. Such lessons broaden the horizons of students, bring them to broad life generalizations.

For example, before studying the topic "Surface Tension", an excerpt from A. Green's "Running on the Waves" is read out. Then the purely physical side of the fantastic phenomenon is discussed: can this really be, can you walk on the waves? After that, Galileo's paradoxical experiment "a needle on the surface of water" is demonstrated, which states that iron can float in water. And then physics explains both Green's real experience and fantasy.

The study of sound waves is preceded by listening to the piano pieces by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons". An appropriate atmosphere is created, music evokes a romantic mood in students, daydreaming, a desire to do serious work - the study of the physics of sound phenomena. Paltishev succeeds in all this, children highly appreciate, respect, his style of communication with students is democratic, he trusts children, is demanding and always sincere with them. It is no coincidence that MM Paltishev states: "The main thing in training is us with our methods, and they are children with their pluses and minuses."

Pedagogical excellence- another kind of pedagogical experience. This is the ability to improve the pedagogical process, find non-standard solutions, use the achievements of pedagogical science and practice. Let us give examples of the activities of teachers-masters of pedagogy, well-known in Ukraine.

M.P. Guzik, a chemistry teacher from Odessa, has developed a holistic didactic system that includes 5 main types of lessons that follow each other in a certain order when studying each topic. The first lesson of a new topic is an explanation, analysis of new material. Next - combined seminars. Conditions for individual learning have been created, teachers work with a minimum of homework of a creative nature. (See: "Experimental school-complex". - M., 1988).

B. IDegtyarov - teacher of physics at the 45th school in Donetsk, candidate of pedagogical sciences. Constructing the pedagogical process, he pays great attention to the motivation of learning. His office is a real exhibition of unique devices created together with his students. He uses a closed-circuit television system in the classroom, has been using microprocessor technology for a long time, has developed optimal models for combining various forms of education, and proposed rational ways to gradually control the assimilation of knowledge by students of different levels of development.

B.N. Shkolnik is a teacher of mathematics at the 51st secondary school in Kyiv, he tries to interest students in mathematics, to make the learning process joyful, he gives great attention to extracurricular work with students: he organizes the work of a club of mathematics experts.

S.P. Logachevska is a primary school teacher in the Balakhov school in the Kirovograd region, she has experience in a differentiated approach to organizing the educational process. It systematically, deeply and thoughtfully studies the level of development of students' thinking, the pace of writing and reading, quickly reveals the readiness of children to study specific educational material, creates conditions for dividing children into temporary groups in the lesson, moving students from one group to another depending on the level of mastery specific material in the system of lessons. Logachevska attracts children to perform tasks of their choice, stimulates positive motives for learning, uses differentiated tasks, the transition from collective forms of work to partially and completely independent ones within the lesson and in the system of lessons.

Pedagogical talent- this is not only general talent, spiritual generosity, complete dedication, enthusiasm and wide erudition, but also necessarily extraordinary actions, a crime of the canons familiar to the school, creativity that perfectly serves the cause. Unfortunately, we don't often meet such teachers, for this you need to visit the "Teacher of the Year" competition, which is held at the local, state and international levels.

Let us give examples of unusual lessons conducted by teachers - participants in the first All-Union competition "Teacher of the Year" in 1990.

Literature teacher V. Rusetsky conducted a lesson dedicated to Rasputin's "Fires". It began with the question: "What word will save us from disaster." Schoolchildren answered: "Man", "Soul", "Faith", "Beauty", "Teacher". “No, not a teacher,” Rusetsky said, “family. Only domestic warmth, harmony between close people can educate the soul ...”

Winner of the first competition in the USSR "Teacher of the Year" (Russia, Moscow) in 1990. O.E. Sutormin became a philologist with

Tula. He conducted a difficult lesson on the topic "Moral problems of modern prose". The students were exposed to the books of V. Rasputin "Live and Remember", Ch. end tragically! At the lesson, skillful, painstaking work was carried out with the literary text, as if the emotional intonation of the lesson was found; professional mastery of the class, excellent diction, declamatory data inherent in the teacher. Teacher Sutormina fully revealed himself in the lesson, demonstrated discontent, pain, his desire for truth , to goodness, beauty - what could be more convincing!

A teacher of Ukrainian language and literature from a lyceum-boarding school in Rivne, NV Sosiuk became the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition "Teacher of the Year" in 1996.

Here is a snippet of her lesson. The bell rang and the class fell silent. And the tenderly sad song “Oh Zhuravko, Zhuravko” poured out ... Thus began the lesson of Ukrainian literature in the seventh grade, the lesson-longing for Bogdan’s poem is easier “You see, my brother” ... And in the imagination of schoolchildren, a crane key emerges from the gray drizzle , one hears the plaintive Crane "kru-kru". The teacher's heartfelt words are intertwined with the song, and her peculiar voice makes the lesson magical. How many such lessons, meaningfully and organizationally filled, this teacher conducts! A lesson of involvement in the native land, a lesson in philosophical research, a lesson- access to the analysis of the problems of Nature, Man, Society ... The core in the development of students' national self-consciousness is the planning of non-standard literature lessons, in particular in high school: lesson-research, lesson-memory Five, lesson-conscience, lesson-crying, lesson- prayer, lesson-pain, lesson-love, lesson-sorrow, lesson-longing, lesson-forgiveness, and in the middle classes - a lesson-tale, lesson-wisdom, lesson-concert.Therefore, the lessons of literature, which are mainly based on a discussion basis and often accompanied by a song, is a delight for students, and the variety of these lessons is the highest manifestation of emotional strength and feelings, great opportunities for alternative student thoughts.

Teacher-methodologist of school No. 13 in Rovno Mizyuk Irina Leontievna for many years has been carrying out folklore expeditions with students to the ancient centers of Rivne region. During the expeditions, more than two hundred rare folk songs were recorded, which are sung ^ in Volyn (they were included in the collections "We laughed in the eyes of death", 1992; "We went to battle", 1993; "Azalea", 1994, 1995 .). Rich material is collected in the handwritten collection "Man in its customs, traditions, beliefs".

IL Mizyuk sows thirsty children's and youthful souls saved with treasures. She widely uses the materials of folklore expeditions in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, often presents the collected materials in front of the school. The literary and creative circle "Dawn" teaches students to appreciate the artistic word, to feel its beauty, to make attempts in literature. Each lesson of the circle is original in form and content, united by a motto, held in "rooms" with rich imagination and fiction. The skills and abilities acquired by students in the circle find practical application in literature lessons, many students publish their own poems in the press.

English teacher, teacher-methodologist of secondary school No. 15, Rivne, winner of international competitive programs Franchuk Elena Evgenievna successfully conducts integrative lessons, combining them with school cycle subjects: literature of the peoples of the world, history, geography, music. The teacher has a rich music library - recordings of musical works by domestic and foreign authors, folklore, recordings of folk songs performed by native speakers (English), poetry recitations, original radio broadcasts, samples of various language dialects. O.E.Franchuk together with his students produces and uses in the lessons a rich didactic material of an original regional character. Such work allows students to successfully master the material in the subjects "Literature of Great Britain" and "Regional Studies of Great Britain".

Basic concepts and characteristics of pedagogical creativity

The 20th century is characterized by a change in the type of cultural and historical heritage. In a matter of decades, mankind has made a turn from the type of sociocultural heritage that has evolved over centuries and millennia, based on the transfer of a set of past samples, systems, knowledge and rules, to a new type of sociocultural heritage, in which the main thing was not so much the assimilation of old recipes, but preparation for mastering the methods and the content of knowledge and practice, creative understanding and transformation of reality.

Creativity is interpreted as a socio-historical phenomenon that arises and develops in the process of interaction between subject and object on the basis of social practice. From the point of view of philosophy creation- this is the activity of people that transforms the natural and social world in accordance with the goals and needs of man on the basis of objective laws of activity.

In psychological and pedagogical science, both the psychology of creativity and the pedagogy of creativity are distinguished. Under psychology of creativity is understood as a field of knowledge that studies the creation by a person of a new, original, useful in various fields of activity. Psychologists focus on questions about the structure of creativity, the ways leading to the discovery of something new, about the cognitive role of intuition, imagination, foresight, goal-setting, and creative activity.

Pedagogy of creativity- the science of creating innovative theories, systems, technologies of the educational process. A distinctive feature of the pedagogy of creativity is humanity and humanism, aimed at the implementation and self-realization of the creative "I"-concept of the teacher and pupil.

The purpose of creativity pedagogy- the formation of a creative personality, which is characterized by a stable, high focus on creativity. A creative person is characterized by a creative style in one or more activities, the presence of abilities, motives, knowledge and skills, thanks to which a product is created that is novel, original, unique. The study of these personality traits revealed the important role of imagination, intuition and improvisation - the unconscious components of mental activity, as well as the need of the individual for self-actualization, for revealing and expanding their creative capabilities. The most important role in the formation of such a personality belongs to teachers.

In modern conditions, a creative teacher is a researcher with the following personal qualities: scientific psychological and pedagogical thinking, a high level of pedagogical skill, a certain research courage, developed pedagogical intuition, critical analysis, the need for professional self-education and the reasonable use of advanced pedagogical experience. All these qualities characterize the readiness of the teacher to organize professional creative activity.

The researcher of the problem of creativity N.M. Shakirova under the teacher's readiness to organize creative activity understands the formation of the corresponding qualities and personality traits in him, namely:

- awareness of oneself as a creative individuality, the presence of creative activity, independence;

- the need for creative interaction with students;

- availability of knowledge, skills, experience in organizing the process of cognition, labor, communication as a creative activity.

It is also assumed that the teacher-educator has a set of creative abilities and research skills, among which an important place is occupied by organizational skills, initiative, activity, perseverance, attention and observation, the art of thinking outside the box, a rich imagination, a research approach to the analysis of educational situations and creative solutions. pedagogical tasks, independence of judgments and conclusions, emotional and volitional qualities.

The development of the individual in the personality is directly proportional to the perfection of the creator in it. Creative individuality is considered as the highest characteristic of professional creativity. It includes intellectual and creative initiative, intellectual abilities, breadth and depth of knowledge, sensitivity to contradictions, a tendency to creative doubt (“doubt everything”), the ability to experience an internal creative struggle, information hunger, a sense of novelty, unusual in a problem, professionalism, thirst knowledge.

The creative individuality of the teacher's personality is carried out in the enrichment of human culture, in the improvement of the world around, the transformation of the psychological and pedagogical process and personality, in finding new technologies and original technological processes, the implementation of emotional culture, empathy and identification, in the development of the subconscious or unconscious structure of the personality, pedagogical intuition and imagination, in self-development based on self-determination, freedom, in self-expression of the individual, in the formation of creativity and individual style of professional activity.

The professional creativity of a teacher covers all aspects of his activity, the development of a strategy and tactics of teaching work aimed at solving the problems of the versatile and harmonious development of the personality of students, including the preparation of various forms of the educational process.

Pedagogical creativity- this is an activity that is distinguished by qualitatively new approaches to the organization of the educational process in an educational institution and forms a highly erudite, from the point of view of modern science, creatively thinking person. The main features of pedagogical creativity, as well as creativity in general, are:

- the creation of a new or significant improvement of the known;

- originality, uniqueness of the product of activity, its results;

- the relationship of creativity and self-creation, self-creation, that is, a creative person is constantly working both on himself and on creating something new.

IN AND. Andreev singled out various types of creative abilities and, on their basis, the characteristics of a creative type personality. According to his typology, the profession of a teacher belongs to the block of professions "artist" along with the professions of a sculptor, writer, musician. Thus, in the profession of a teacher, the aspect of one's own creativity, creative understanding of the surrounding reality is emphasized. Pedagogical activity is a fusion of science and art, and both of these components always involve creativity.

Many teachers paid attention to the fact that the creative, research nature is inherent in pedagogical activity: Ya.A. Comenius, I.G. Pestalozzi, A. Diesterweg, K.D. Ushinsky, P.P. Blonsky, S.T. Shatsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky. The relevance of the teacher's ability to make prompt, flexible decisions in a multivariate pedagogical process is emphasized by a number of modern teachers and psychologists: B.S. Gershunsky, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.A. Kan-Kalikom, V.V. Kraevsky, V.A. Slastenin and others.

P.P. Blonsky in his work “The Tasks and Methods of the New Folk School” wrote: “The school should have as much room as possible for the personal creativity of the teacher: a precisely regulated program, a textbook and a question-answer form of teaching depersonalize the teacher. Let us turn the lessons into a joint life of a teacher with children... let our new school of thought, humanity and poetry for a child be a school of full human life and lively cultural creativity for the teacher as well.”

P.F. wrote about the creative nature of pedagogical activity. Kapterev: “... the activity of a teacher is a complex activity, it has elements of both purely scientific, objective, and purely personal, creative elements of pedagogical art and talent. The basis of the teacher's activity is scientific knowledge - science in general, its special subject, related to it, its methodology, children. The wider and more thorough the teacher's knowledge, the more fruitful his activity will be. But on this objective basis, the teacher must be an artist: he must rework the method, make it his property and tool, and be able to modify it endlessly, adapting it to different children, with different training and unique natural properties. Therefore, a truly good teacher cannot be a slave to either programs or methods, he must always remain a free and independent worker.

A similar judgment was expressed about the role of creativity in the activities of the teacher A.S. Makarenko: “The system of means itself can never be a dead and frozen norm, it always changes and develops, if only because the child grows too, enters new stages of social and personal development, our country also grows and changes.”

Creativity always means the emergence of something new. As a result of creativity arise: discovery, invention and creation. Opening - comprehension of something new that exists objectively. Invention- a qualitative transformation of the existing so that something new arises that can be effectively used in practice. Creation - activity in which, through creative efforts and labor, existence is given to something, something is called to life.

The characteristic of pedagogical activity can be attributed to the emergence of discoveries, but this is rarely observed in the field of education. Invention is a more frequent occurrence in pedagogical creativity, although it can rarely be assessed as a completely new formation. To characterize the creative nature of pedagogical activity, the concept of “creation” is most adequately applicable. The teacher-educator, through truly creative efforts and labor, brings to life the potential abilities of the student, pupil, creates conditions for the development and improvement of a unique personality.

Let us give an example of a creative non-standard approach of a teacher to solving emerging problems from the experience of the Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation N.M. Khomutovskaya. Stas Ch., the son of a primary school teacher, studied in the 5th gymnasium class of school-laboratory No. 1026 in Moscow, where there was a very “strong” group of children. He had difficulty in mathematics. The teacher noticed the disrespectful attitude of classmates, their dismissive remarks towards him. She talked with the boy about his hobbies, learned that in the summer he helped his grandfather work on a combine, and there is even a video of his work. Natalya Mikhailovna decided to show the strengths of Stas's personality to classmates: all the guys in the class watched a video in the class, and then wrote a miniature essay “Ay, yes, Stas! ..” Immediately after this incident, several guys undertook to help Stas Ch. in mathematics, and after for a while the whole class rejoiced at his first successes.

One more example from the experience of school-laboratory No. 1026. Lessons-journeys to a fairy tale are typical for elementary school. A fragment of a mathematics lesson in the 2nd grade, working according to the system of developmental education by D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov, teachers L.N. Petrova shows the teacher's creative approach to the learning process. The teacher at the beginning of the lesson tells the children: “Today we will not just study, but we will go on a journey through a fairy tale. A fairy tale is magic, and the magic begins. Close your eyes and count to yourself to 10 ... ”In this lesson, Little Red Riding Hood comes to visit the guys - one of the students in the class dressed up with her. Little Red Riding Hood says to the children: “I'm going to my grandmother, I'm bringing a pie and a pot of butter. My path is long, that's what it is (she opens the board, on the board there is a “road”, consisting of 29 cells). One cell is my step. How many steps do I need to walk? Children count the cells - 29. Little Red Riding Hood is surprised: “Oh, what is this number? (Pointing to number 9). I can only count up to 6. The teacher invites the children to help Little Red Riding Hood and count in the six-digit system. Then in quaternary, as it turns out that her grandmother can only count up to 4.

The magician comes to the lesson, inviting the children to fill in the magic squares, then - Piglet. Piglet asks the guys to help him: “I'm going to the donkey's birthday party, I'm bringing him balloons. Look (he hangs balloons cut out of paper on the board, on which examples are written), guys, something is written on them, but I don’t know what. The children are actively working in the classroom, imperceptibly assimilating the educational material.

The creative nature of pedagogical activity is also confirmed by the fact that a competently made pedagogical decision in its organization corresponds to all the rules of heuristics that guide the researcher in his activity: 1) analysis of the pedagogical situation (diagnosis) → 2) designing the result in comparison with the initial data (forecast) → 3) analysis of the available means suitable for testing the assumption of achieving the desired result, → 4) design and implementation of the educational process → 5) evaluation and interpretation of the data obtained → 6) formulation of new tasks.

Criteria of pedagogical creativity:

- the presence of deep and comprehensive knowledge and their critical processing and comprehension;

- the ability to translate theoretical and methodological provisions into pedagogical actions;

– ability to self-improvement and self-education;

- development of new methods, forms, techniques and means and their original combination;

- dialectic, variability, variability of the system of activity;

– effective application of existing experience in new conditions;

- the ability to reflectively assess one's own activity and its results;

- the formation of an individual style of professional activity on the basis of a combination and development of reference and individually unique personality traits of a teacher;

- the ability to improvise based on knowledge and intuition;

- the ability to see the "fan of options".

Pedagogical improvisation - this is an action in the course of the pedagogical process, arising in response to an unexpected situation, when consciousness and reproduction coincide in time. Improvisation is possible if the teacher has fundamental knowledge, quick response, developed imagination and intuition, the ability to instantly recreate the decision being made as if everything had been foreseen and prepared in advance. intuition - subtle understanding, penetration into the very essence of something without a detailed logical justification. The ability to intuition is formed on the basis of knowledge, experience, developed reflection and empathy.

IN AND. Zagvyazinsky names the following specific features of pedagogical creativity.

Hard time limit. The teacher makes decisions in situations of immediate response: lessons every day, unforeseen situations every minute, hourly, communication with children constantly. The teacher can compare his plan with its implementation only in episodic, momentary situations, and not with the final result because of its remoteness and focus on the future.

In pedagogical creativity, the stake is only on a positive result. Such methods of testing a hypothesis as proof by contradiction, bringing an idea to the point of absurdity, are contraindicated in the activities of a teacher.

Pedagogical creativity - always co-creation with children and colleagues.

A significant part of pedagogical creativity is carried out on people, in a public setting. This requires the teacher to be able to manage their mental states, promptly evoke creative inspiration in themselves and students.

The subject of pedagogical creativity is specific - the emerging personality; the tool is the personality of the teacher, the process itself is complex, multifactorial, multi-level, based on the mutual creativity of partners; the result is a certain level of development of the personality of the educated person.

N.D. Nikandrov and V.A. Kan-Kalik singled out three areas of teacher's creative activity: methodical creativity, communicative creativity (interaction with children), and creative self-education.

Methodical creativity associated with the ability to comprehend and analyze emerging pedagogical situations, the choice and construction of an adequate methodological model. It includes the construction of content and methods of influence, the adaptation of existing methods and pedagogical systems to the characteristics of the individual and the pupil and the teacher.

Communicative creativity is realized in the construction of pedagogically expedient and effective communication, in interaction with pupils, in the ability to know children, to carry out psychological self-regulation.

Creative self-education involves the awareness of oneself as a specific creative individuality, the definition of one's professional and personal qualities that require further improvement and adjustment. Creative self-education also involves the development of a long-term program of self-improvement in the system of continuous self-education.

« The level of the new in education is determined depending on the degree of changes introduced into the educational process or the education system.

Let us list the levels of innovation in education.

1. Improvement- changing one or more elements of the educational process; adaptation of the known methodology to the new conditions of educational activity.

Example: in the current group learning system, the teacher uses new ways to create groups.

2. Rationalization- establishment of a new rule for the use of well-known pedagogical tools for solving traditional problems.

Example: the head teacher draws up a class schedule in the senior classes in such a way that students have the opportunity to more thoroughly immerse themselves in the subjects being studied while unloading homework (for example, in pairs). In this case, students prepare more thoroughly for 2-3 subjects every day instead of 5-7.

3. Modernization- change of several elements of the current educational system.

Example: changing the structure of general secondary education - instead of 11 years of schooling, 12 years are proposed.

4. Heuristic solution- finding a way to solve known pedagogical problems; creation and use of previously unknown pedagogical forms, methods, means for solving actual pedagogical problems.

Example: - a way of studying the same amount of traditional material in a shorter time.

5. Pedagogical invention- a new tool, technology or a new combination of known pedagogical tools for the implementation of education. A pedagogical invention can be a combination of known means or a completely new approach to teaching.

Example: "immersion" system M.P. Shchetinina.

6. Pedagogical discovery- setting and solving a new pedagogical task, leading to a fundamental renewal of the educational system as a whole or a significant improvement in its constituent element.

Examples: the concept and technology of student-centered education; Waldorf School; TRIZ pedagogy; didactic heuristics; competence approach; distance learning using network resources and technologies”. (Probably, not all the technologies listed in the last paragraph correspond to the formulation of the “pedagogical discovery” given by the author - Note.

The main task of modern education is to master the methodology of creative transformation of the world by specialists. The process of creativity includes, first of all, the discovery of something new: new objects, new knowledge, new problems, new ways of solving them.

Learning cannot be reduced only to the acquisition of U and N, it is a means to achieve its highest purpose, self-actualization and self-expression in creativity (A. Maslow, 1999).

Despite the great diversity of opinions about what creativity is, everything converges on one thing, that the result of a creative act is always something new. Questions arise: “How is creativity born?”; “Is it possible to teach a person to be creative?”; “Why is the activity of one extremely productive and is evaluated as creative, while the other is only capable of reproductive labor?”

The creative activity of students helps to identify their personal qualities, such as activity, responsibility, independence, creative approach to business, the level of intelligence development, the ability to clearly express their thoughts, etc.

There are many factors that imply a creative approach to the learning process itself (the study of the sciences themselves, the research of teachers, etc.). Direct teaching of creativity is not possible, but only the creation of conditions that stimulate creative activity is possible. The creative nature of learning is largely determined by the method of obtaining knowledge: knowledge, creatively recreated; knowledge rediscovered by man himself; knowledge that remained for him formal, alien, foreign.

The task of training is to find such educational material that would involve the student in a specific activity that has a goal in his eyes (of great importance, interest). It is necessary to find typical activities, the results of which are of real interest to the trainees, and which cannot be performed mechanically. A student truly learns only when he realizes the role of the truths being studied in obtaining the results of an activity that is important for him (J. Dewey, 2000).

In ancient India, the process of transferring the personal creative qualities of a teacher was not limited to transferring information to a student. Creativity was associated with a special state of individual consciousness. This state of consciousness is characterized by the inexpressibility of thought in verbal form. As soon as a thought takes on a verbal form, it becomes fixed, stable, goes beyond the limits of individuality, socializes, thereby setting the limit of individual creativity, during which it is only possible to achieve new meaning and knowledge.

Cognition is considered as the acquisition of new knowledge in the creative act of intuition. In teaching, the creative transfer of the qualities of the teacher to the student was pursued. It was this - the creative personality of the teacher - that was the content that was passed down from generation to generation. The understanding of creativity in Eastern culture is closely related to intuition, which is irrational in nature. How is it possible to teach intuition, and hence creativity, and is it possible at all? In the East, it is believed that intuitive abilities are only to develop them.

There are a number of factors that influence the formation of the creative potential of students:

  1. self-confidence, in the ability to solve the problem;
  2. striving for independence in choosing goals, objectives and ways to solve them;
  3. excitation of positive emotions (joy, surprise, experience of success, etc.), stimulating the process of creativity;
  4. formation of critical thinking and sensitivity to contradictions; a tendency to fantasize and develop the imagination;
  5. the use of teaching methods that stimulate the installation of independent discovery of new knowledge (S.D. Pinchuk, 2004).

Creativity is one of the most natural forms of fulfilling the need to search. Along with it, there are other motives for creativity - the need for self-affirmation, recognition by other members of society, etc. For the creativity of gifted people, the very search for a new one, due to psychophysiological patterns, brings great satisfaction. Creative is any activity in the course of which the search for problems, solutions is carried out; creative is also an activity that takes the subject beyond the existing paradigms. The transformation of activity into creative will be facilitated by the formation of certain U and N, creative abilities in the subject. Such creative U and N abilities can be considered as U and N of analysis, comparison, evaluation and self-assessment, creative search and critical perception. It is difficult to teach creativity, but it is in the power of the teacher to purposefully form and develop some U and N, opening the way for a creative breakthrough.

A student is a person with a pure soul, open to the new and the unknown. The task of the teacher is to use and develop methods and technologies aimed at the formation and improvement of creative U and N, the development of creative abilities and, ultimately, the formation of a creatively oriented personality, taking into account the results of diagnosing its individual characteristics (L.N. Kolesnikova, 2004).

A creative approach to the work being done is not possible without a broad mobilization and proper application of accumulated knowledge, a comprehensive analysis of current information, and a comparison of options for its use. The formation of creative potential is facilitated by the appropriate organization of the educational process:

  • problem learning,
  • the ability to establish interdisciplinary relationships,
  • fostering a creative attitude to the study of disciplines,
  • the ability to highlight the main thing and critically comprehend the completed educational material,
  • development of students' abilities, skills and abilities of analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification,
  • ability to assess practical situations.

Introducing students to the received profession, activating interest and passion for future professional activities are formed in the process of involving students in research, which significantly expands their horizons and scientific level, improving the quality of training. Therefore, the most important condition for the development of a student's creativity is a joint research activity with a teacher. During the training period, everyone should receive U and N of research work, independently work on a scientific topic and participate in collective research, in the work of SSS (O.A. Chernova, 2004).

Many educators point out that their work cannot be reduced to certain patterns, it involves creativity.

According to S.L. Rubinshtein, creativity is a human activity that creates new material and spiritual values ​​that have social significance.

Creativity implies that a person has ZUN, abilities, motives, thanks to which a product is created that is distinguished by novelty, originality, and uniqueness.

The development of real creative possibilities, according to I.Ya. Lerner, involves learning to independently transfer acquired knowledge to a new situation, to see under familiar conditions a new function of a familiar object, a new structure of an object, an alternative method of solving, a new method from among the known ones.

Exploring the creative abilities of the individual and the educational and creative activities of students, they pay attention to the presence of contradictions and barriers that stand in their way.

From the point of view of a systematic approach, V.I. Andreev (1988) it is possible to distinguish 3 groups of contradictions in the development of the creative abilities of the individual:

  1. socio-pedagogical contradictions between social processes in society and the development of the pedagogical system;
  2. proper pedagogical contradictions arising in the pedagogical system itself;
  3. personal (psychological) contradictions that reflect the formation of the creative abilities of the individual.

A.M. Matyushkin (1993) points out 3 main contradictions:

1. the contradiction between what the student knows and can do and what he is capable of in the process of solving creative problems; the student needs to update the experience of redesigning knowledge, mobilize creative abilities and help from the teacher so that the curriculum is solved;

2. the contradiction between subject education and the need for a systematic application of scientific knowledge in terms of solving a creative problem;

3. the contradiction that arises in the organization of collective educational activities, when it is necessary to realize the group interests and individual interests of the personality of each student, because uniform pedagogical requirements, including creative tasks, cannot be met by all students with the same result.

The normativity of requirements and creativity in education illustrate the unity of opposites, in which normative knowledge serves as the basis for the creative process. However, stereotypes lead to a struggle between normativity and creativity, in which normativity and standard more often prevail, but in the end they lose in efficiency and effectiveness. The content of education should combine knowledge and elements of creativity.

The formation of the creative personality of the student is contradictory in its basis. The theoretical analysis of pedagogical contradictions makes it possible to find psychological and pedagogical approaches and strategies for resolving these contradictions and, thereby, to formulate the corresponding principles of pedagogy of creativity.

The pedagogy of creativity is the science of the pedagogical system of two types of activity: pedagogical education and self-education of the individual in order to comprehensively and harmoniously develop creative abilities, both as an individual and as a team.

Creativity in the pedagogical process is manifested through the development of the creative abilities of students and is formed through the organization of their search activities.

The educational and creative activity of students is focused on solving educational problems, creative tasks and assignments. Educational and creative activity is a pedagogically controlled activity, carried out mainly on the basis of indirect and prospective management. The success of educational and creative activity often depends not so much on the level of development of formal personal, but on heuristic, intuitive methods of intellectual activity (E.I. Belous, 2004).

At present, the main principles of the pedagogy of Torrens' creativity have been updated:

  1. recognition of previously unrecognized or untapped opportunities,
  2. respect for the student's desire to work independently,
  3. the ability to refrain from interfering in the process of creative activity,
  4. providing the student with the freedom to choose the area of ​​application of forces and ways to achieve the goal,
  5. individual application of the curriculum depending on the characteristics of the trainees,
  6. creating conditions for the concrete implementation of ideas,
  7. providing opportunities to contribute to the common cause of the group,
  8. encouragement to work on projects proposed by the trainees themselves,
  9. the exclusion of any pressure on the trainees,
  10. emphasizing the positive meaning of individual differences,
  11. respect for the potential of those who are lagging behind,
  12. show of enthusiasm
  13. creating situations in which more successful students work with less successful students,
  14. search for possible points of contact between the ideal and the real,
  15. approval of the results of students' activities in any area in order to induce a desire to test themselves in other activities,
  16. providing authoritative assistance to students who express different opinions, who are under pressure from their peers (S.I. Samygin, L.D. Stolyarenko, 2003).

Consequently, the organization of the principles of creativity pedagogy in the educational process creates a creative atmosphere in an educational institution, "saturating" all teaching methods with elements of creativity and providing an innovative approach to the implementation of SVE.