Classes for children in the extended day group. Abstract of the lesson in the gpd

An extended day group is not only a place where children can wait for their parents while they are working, but also an important element of the educational process. The planning of this program must be given due attention. So let's look at all the features and approximate actions of this category of classes.


The extended day group has special opportunities. If a regular lesson does not allow the children to fully open up, then in the after-school such opportunities take place. After all, each kid is talented in his own way: someone is in mathematics, someone is in drawing, someone is different, and so on.

The generally accepted position of the "long day group" obliges teachers to follow actions that help children develop. This is the organization of additional classes that help to master the work program. This is followed by the development of communication processes and the development of thinking. In addition, the after-school group should also show children and help them develop and qualities.

General provisions

Of course, there are more specific general provisions on which the after-school group should work. The law says: "The development of the child must be interesting and of high quality." Such classes help many children, especially those who have just come to the "world of sciences" to school and teachers.

The teacher in the afterschool should take an individual approach to each child and create all the conditions so that the baby can develop comprehensively. In addition, in the aftercare, it is necessary to maintain emotional integrity and a favorable environment. During the training, the guys should be trained in speed, agility, good manners, flexibility, endurance. Thus, an extended day group is an excellent replacement for various circles.

Principles and Results

Any occupation has a number of its own characteristics and principles. With their help, a work plan is drawn up. The extended day group is guided by the age and personality characteristics of each child in order to make every day spent in class as informative and interesting as possible.

Scientific, entertaining, accessible and systematic - these are the main signs of well-planned classes. Classes related to the study of the territory adjacent to the educational institution will also have a good effect on children. So the guys will get some knowledge in the field of geography.

The after-school group, the planning of which must be organized with great care, should lead to some results. For example, at the end of the year, the guys should improve their academic performance. This is a pretty important indicator that you need to pay attention to. In addition, kids should become interested in the subjects they study. At the end of the year, children should also develop independence and some good habits.

Organization Requirements

The extended day group, class 1 in particular, must comply with hygiene rules. In addition, teachers also have to follow certain standards. Which one exactly?

The stay of the guys in the air is necessary. Regardless of the weather and seasonal conditions outside. All clothing and footwear for children/teachers must be appropriate for the season and be comfortable and comfortable. During the educational process, physical overload should not be allowed. The fact is that all children, even those exempted from physical education, are engaged in after-school programs. So lessons should be

Despite all of the above, groups should be provided with a normal level of mobility. With all this, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the terrain in order to prevent hypothermia and injuries in children. The physical activity ends with washing with cool water.

Lesson times may change. However, the after-school group, whose law includes hygiene, must be provided with everything necessary to maintain cleanliness, order and safety. In addition, general provisions regarding classes must be observed. For example, children should be in the air for at least 1.5 hours, and breaks between lessons should be done every 45 minutes. Every child should have personal hygiene products. Regarding teachers, it can be emphasized that they must organize physical education sessions and developing gymnastics during breaks. Now we can talk about the tasks that the extended day group must complete.


During the year, the extended day group must complete certain tasks that the work program sets before it. For example, a rather important part is the improvement of the quality of homework and the formation in the child of the desire to do it independently. In addition, in the course of work in the afterschool, the behavior of each baby and the entire group as a whole should improve.

Craving for knowledge and curiosity are one of the main companions of the work of the extended day group. Also, extensions should be engaged in the development of moral qualities in the child. In the course of classes, heights should be achieved in the development of self-esteem and respect for one's relatives and elders.

Children should be given knowledge about their place of residence, as well as ideas about housekeeping. Memory, speech, and logic should be greatly improved during the year of study.

What are the weekly activities?

Now it's time to talk about how to plan properly in an after-school group. This is a rather important point, which, as a rule, is given special attention.

It is best to start the week with outdoor games. In addition, it is preferable to spend Monday under the formation of a proper and healthy lifestyle. It's a good idea to have classes in ecology, geography, and talk about holidays and other events.

Tuesday is good to give for thematic excursions and classes in literature. At this time, it is necessary to read your favorite fairy tales and other works, listen to audio recordings, hold essay contests and in every possible way instill in the children a love of literature.

Wednesday is national day. At this time, it is most preferable to hold various national games and discuss native lands. This is how knowledge about one's people and love for the Motherland is formed. An extended day group, the planning of which is drawn up in this way, provides all the necessary knowledge about the world around us in full and in the required quantity.

Thursday is walking day. At this time, it would be a good idea to hold quizzes, solve various riddles, rebuses, crosswords and charades.

At the end of the working week, it is better to spend a physical education day. Relay races, competitions and physical activities - that's what the kids need at this time.

Rules of discipline

The after-school group must follow the general rules for maintaining discipline. Both students and teachers should prepare themselves for the start of classes. In addition, the time allotted for conducting a particular lesson should be spent economically and practically.

Children should understand that they are forbidden to use objects that create noise during classes, distract others from work and ask any questions unnecessarily. In addition, the baby must learn the fact that he must spend time very economically on self-preparation and not be distracted.

During classes, it is forbidden to engage in extraneous activities. All attention should be directed only to the teacher and the task given to them. Also, the teacher should not be distracted from the lesson.

Responsibilities of educators

Teachers also have a number of responsibilities. Before the start of each lesson, teachers are required to check the presence of children using a special journal. After that, they should always find out about the well-being of the kids, about homework. Information about academic performance is also a rather important point that a good teacher should be interested in. An afterschool group that is properly programmed is sure to be beneficial, even if it requires too careful recruitment of caregivers.

The classroom should be organized duty of children and timely cleaning. At the end of each day, everyone should clean up their jobs and tidy up the office. Also, the teacher takes responsibility for visiting the dining room.

If necessary, the teacher of the extension should conduct individual conversations with children and parents. The education of children and their development is the main task of a good teacher. But do not forget about self-education.


If you are just starting your classes in an extended day group and are afraid that you will forget the course of the lesson, you can use a special reminder.

  1. Greetings.
  2. Checking the children in the journal.
  3. Discussion of plans for the current day.
  4. Listening to suggestions for future sessions.
  5. Conducting a lesson.
  6. Warm up every 20 minutes.
  7. Dining room visit.
  8. Walk.
  9. Completion of classes.
  10. Summing up the day.
caregiver extended day groups

Vasilyeva Yulia Anatolievna

Municipal educational budgetary institution of the Vyshnevolotsky district "Yesenovichskaya secondary school"
The system of working in an extended day group.

MOBU "Esenovichskaya secondary school"

Extended day caregiver

Vasilyeva Yulia Anatolyevna

2. Description of the education system in the extended day group.

Daily regime.

System of work in directions.

3. Estimated result of activity.


Education is a purposeful management of the process of development of the child's personality and his entry into the culture of society. An extended day group is one of the forms of public education of children, which has great opportunities for a comprehensive solution of educational and recreational tasks. Afterschool groups are a necessary form of organizing extracurricular time for primary and secondary school students. An extended day at school contributes to the formation of an educative educational environment.

Long-term stay of children at school can only have a beneficial effect on them if appropriate hygiene conditions are available and observed. An important psychohygienic condition for the stay of children "on an extended day" is the creation of the maximum possible home comfort and the inclusion of elements of a home environment in the interior of the room for classes, which contributes to a favorable emotional mood of children, attracts them to attend school after school hours, and increases its educational value.

To ensure the maximum possible health impact and maintain the working capacity of children attending extended day groups, it is necessary to rationally organize the daily regimen, starting from the moment children arrive at school, and conduct physical education and recreation activities.

Cyclogram, in my opinion, helps to systematize the work, clearly define the mechanisms and principles. When choosing the forms of organization of students' activities, I try to focus on the interests and desires of children.


12.30 -13.00 preparation for dinner, lunch.

13.00 - 13.30 admission to the extended day group, hobby classes.

13.30 - 15.00 walk.

15.00 -15.15 afternoon snack.

15.15 -16.00 self-training.

16.00 departure of children home.

The mandatory implementation of the regime means that all participants must strictly follow its requirements.


The average duration of a self-training session should be 20-25 minutes. Such a time schedule is associated with the place of employment in the daily routine and its main functional purpose - to become a form of useful active recreation, to prepare the body for further training load. At the same time, it is not recommended to copy the lessons either in terms of the content of the “stuffing” of the lesson, or its structural components, or in the ways of activity. Children should be provided with conditions for changing activities other than educational, and productive rest should be provided.

It is also necessary to create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in the group, conducive to liberation and stress relief; build each lesson as a process of collective activity; without coercion to involve students in training sessions, pedagogically expediently alternating the role functionality of the participants; in every possible way to support and encourage children's participation and initiative in the preparation and conduct of classes; skillfully creating the proper psychological mood in the classroom, awakening children's interest in knowledge, arousing the joyful expectation of the upcoming event, involve children in determining the goals and objectives of the lesson, strive to provide each child with a personal perception of the pedagogical plan; flexibly build the structural parts of the lesson; timely catch changes in the mood of children and make the necessary adjustments in the course of classes; complete each lesson with its collective analysis, including from the standpoint of the correspondence of its content and form to the personal expectation of each participant; give an emotionally attractive pedagogical announcement of the next lesson along with the launch of a week-long preparation for it.

The above requirements guide the teacher to treat the educational activity as a leisure activity. So, at the end of self-training, it is necessary to organize gaming activity.

Game activity.
When working in a group of the same age (grades 1-2), it is recommended to widely use toys and games familiar to children from preschool age. It helps relieve emotional and mental stress. The game has always been an integral part of human life, used to educate and develop the younger generation.

In contrast to work, which has a specific goal and is aimed at performing some specific task by adapting to the requirements of the immediate environment, the game is internally complex, does not depend on rewards from outside, and brings the outside world into line with the child's ideas about the environment. Considering the game as a universal spontaneously emerging form of education, D.B. Elkonin emphasized that no other type of human activity forms such a powerful "pedagogical field" around itself. The uniqueness of the game is that this is the activity in the process of which the human imagination is formed and without which the creative development of the individual is impossible. To deprive a child of playing practice would mean to deprive him of the main source of development: creative impulses, richness of relationships. A child is a playing being, in the game as a form of expression of human joy, he becomes more perfect.

The necessary conditions for successful gaming activity are naturalness, irrespective acceptance of all the actions of the players, their sensitive understanding (full emotional contact with them).

Game activities are planned for the entire school week. At the same time, the activities of the first half of the day are not duplicated: if there was a serious mental load in the lessons, it is better to give games to develop communication skills or role-playing games. The game should not be a preparation for the club hour (if the game is entertaining, an event of a different orientation is planned); the players should not interfere with those who have not yet completed the preparation of lessons; the game must correspond to the age, physical and mental condition of the child; only pedagogical games can be used (psychological trainings can only be conducted by a specialist).

One of the forms of extracurricular work is the club hour. .

Club hour.
Before proceeding with the organization of the club hour, I would like to dwell on school-wide and group entertainment.

Club hour is an event held for educational purposes. The educator prepares it in advance, sets the goal, tasks, determines the techniques and methods of educational influence. If necessary, pupils, parents, members of the teaching staff - a teacher-organizer, music director, librarian, museum worker, etc. can be involved in the participation.

Approximate technological map of the preparation and conduct of extra-curricular educational activities, which is a benchmark for a high level of professional activity, to which one should strive. Consider the main components of extracurricular educational activities.

The first stage is preparatory. In order for the lesson to become a bright event, it is necessary to organize advertising that is diverse in content and methods of design and implementation, the task of which is to inspire the children to participate in the event, attract their attention, arouse their interest. Advertising can be ordinary planar (poster, announcement) and three-dimensional (pedestal, ball, "house").

She can be "walking" moving. Imagine guys defiling around the school on the eve of the holiday with advertising texts on their backs and chests. Advertising may be theatrical. Its carriers are specially trained groups of itinerant artists, heralds, popular heroes of books and cartoons. You can also involve media such as flyers. In essence, advertising will be various postal items, sent to the group: telegrams, notifications, letters, maps, guides, etc.

It is recommended to organize an invitation- an act creative and delicate, but always very pleasant. In terms of addressing, invitations can be collective (for the entire group) and individual. The unusual form of invitation cards is always of interest: toy tickets, cap tickets, bookmark tickets, program tickets, etc.

A calendar that will be made and posted in the class by the students of the extended day group will help to create the necessary psychological mood. Every day it will remind you of the approach of the desired event. For example: "There are 4 days left before the opening of the finger painting vernissage of the students of our group." Rehearsal preparations, which are held in a narrow circle of participants behind doors closed from prying eyes, will also contribute to the general intrigue of waiting. Secret negotiations educators with parents about surprise moments will also not go unnoticed and will fulfill their purpose.

The next stage of preparation is the creation of a psychological mood . The lesson starts right from there. That emotional state of joyful expectation, which was caused at the stage of preparatory work, should receive its confirmation and development at the moment of the beginning of the educational lesson. Means to achieve this goal can be: shaping the premises, transformation of the classroom space, creation of an unusual mise-en-scene in the usual place; unusual lighting, which carries a special sacrament, which is achieved with the help of table lamps with specially painted light bulbs or lampshades, candles, New Year's garlands, mirrors; music background, creating the right mood. Music can also have other functions: to be an epigraph (calling card) to the topic of conversation; carry an independent semantic load; act as a delimiter of individual structural parts of the scenario design, etc.; special rituals, ceremonies, actions, magic words that have a special symbolic meaning for a given group of children; unusual stage setting actions, intriguing novelty of impression; specially prepared opening speech leader - a kind of prologue to the action (often in the form of a parable, legend, fairy tale, letter), an emotional appeal to those present in order to arouse interest in what is happening and expose the personal meaning of everyone's participation in it.

The third stage is the achievement of a substantive result. This is the implementation of the main part of the plan. It all depends on the specific idea. However, there are general recommendations: the lesson should not drag out and emotionally oversaturate children.

The appointment of the next stage, otherwise - its final chord part- to become the end point, giving everything a beautiful and noble conclusion, to cause the participants a sense of satisfaction and general joy from being involved in what happened. The means to achieve the desired result can be words of gratitude and gratitude to all the perpetrators of the event, including the "behind-the-scenes heroes"; surprise moments left "for dessert"; homemade gifts and souvenirs.

And the last stage - pedagogical aftereffect is organized as a summary of the lesson and can be continued during free communication after its completion. In the process of discussion, a positively colored emotional state of the child is maintained, and the result should be an awareness of the so-called “immediate perspective” by students.

The teacher can organize circle work in any direction or take the children to circles, sections, interest clubs. Circle work should also be planned and systematic. Each child can attend no more than two circles (SanPiN norms).

Walk- one of the forms of organizing active recreation, which serves to restore the working capacity of children. A walk expands the horizons, develops cognitive interests. A walk is an outdoor activity, it has its own goals, content, and methodology.

I start the walk by communicating the goal, having a conversation on safety precautions, and giving the children separate instructions. In the main part of the walk, I spend observations with the children, a conversation on the topic of the walk, and outdoor games. At the end of the walk - a brief summing up.

During the walk guided tours. They are usually given a health-improving and educational character. In this they differ from study tours. In a group, they represent one of the forms of recreation and therefore require the use of methods and means of organizing active recreation.

All excursions in the extended day group are divided into social science and natural history according to the content of educational material. During social science excursions with younger students, I pay great attention to showing labor and other socially useful activities of people. Children learn about the specifics of mass professions, military and labor traditions of the people on the examples of the life and history of their native land. When conducting natural history excursions, I introduce children to the diversity of the surrounding nature, the transforming role of man, the interaction between him and nature. Excursions quite fully satisfy the needs of the body of children in the rest. They have a beneficial effect on the formation of an important quality for educational work, as observation, enriches students with new ideas and concepts about the life around them.

Education of students is impossible to imagine without games. They occupy a significant place in the life of children, especially in the lower grades.

Young children have a natural need for outdoor games, which by their nature are sufficiently capable of improving and consolidating skills in walking, running, throwing, jumping and other motor actions. Games form in children the ability to act in various circumstances, instantly make decisions in changing situations, children learn to act together with each other, in accordance with the interests and requirements of the team. Children gradually accumulate knowledge about various games and the rules for their conduct, which helps them to use their free time more meaningfully. I teach children various games, I strive to ensure that each walk included an element of novelty, unusualness. In the extended day group, we gradually learn new games in which all students are involved.

The physical labor of children, organized on a walk, helps students switch from mental work to activities with a predominance of physical activity. Such a transition has a positive effect on the well-being and mood of children. Collective productive work has a beneficial effect on the formation of moral and labor experience in children. Competition and mutual assistance form a responsible attitude to their work duties.

Visual activity.

  1. The value of fine arts classes in the GPA:
- introducing children to the world of beauty;

The development of artistic creativity, taste, observation.

  1. Basic principles:
- artistic creative orientation;

The relationship of artistic and creative development;

Variety and alternation of artistic activity;

Variety and activity of methods of organizing classes;

The connection of art classes with the life of the school and public


  1. ISO requirements:
- classes should be relaxed;

Focused on children's skills;

Alternate independent work with physical. minutes;

Independent work of children should be encouraged;

Implement an individual approach to each child.

  1. The approximate content of classes to familiarize children with various types of fine arts:
- work on the composition;

Work on the form;

Working with color;

Development of observation and love for nature;

  1. Evaluation of the results of work on:
- the content of the story;

The manifestation in the work of observation, imagination,

independence, diligence;

General artistic expressiveness;

Tool ownership.

  1. Types of fine art works:

  • DPI - decorative and applied art;

  • Application - silhouette reproduction with scissors, followed by placement and gluing of cut out elements on a plane;

  • Collage - a kind of application:

  • Design - an artistic solution to the shape and color of an object, taking into account its functions and the appointment in a real, reduced form of layouts;

  • Papier - Mache - making paper casts from voluminous objects, which are then painted with paints;

  • Crafts from natural material;

  • Mosaic;

  • Modeling;

  • Thematic drawing; (illustration, works from nature).

  1. Perception of reality in fine arts:
The perception of art should be carried out through excursions, conversations on paintings, after reading works of art.

Music lessons.

  1. Main goals and objectives:
- to captivate children with music;

Learn to love music

To educate musical culture;

  1. Condition required for training:
- connection with life.
When organizing work on music, it should be remembered that:

  • all types of music lessons should be aimed at the moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren, the formation of their musical tastes and interests;

  • the wide use of various methods should contribute to the awakening of artistic interests, the development of artistic imagination, musical, creative abilities of schoolchildren;

  • it is necessary to instill in students an interest in educational work, the desire to promote musical culture.
The success of all the diverse work on musical education is largely determined by the extent to which children master various types of musical activity and feel the need for it. The formation of their interests and tastes is greatly influenced by the family, the media, peers, and this is necessary. be taken into account in each specific case.

Working with a book on the GPA.

  1. A task:
- to learn to work with the book.

  1. Conditions necessary for the organization of extracurricular reading:
- creating a serious and joyful mood;

Conduct in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere;

Careful attitude to the book;

Use the program for extracurricular reading, exercise

intersubject communication.

  1. Forms and methods of working with the book:
- reading aloud by students;

  • individual works,

  • excerpts from books.
- reading to yourself, followed by answers to questions, retelling;

Consideration of illustrations for read works;

Browse books on a specific topic;

Literary reading with memorization of poetry, literary montages;

Reading quizzes;

Contests, solving crossword puzzles;

Carrying out literary matinees and a book holiday;

Exhibitions of favorite books;

Library visit;

Exchange of books from the home library between children;

  1. Library hour.
Introduction to the library.

literary games.

Conversations after visiting the library.

What is a library?

What is it for?

The main departments of the library.

Who can be a reader?

Types of libraries.

Libraries of our city.

Literary games - travel.

March: Children's Book Week.

  1. Guide to reading magazines with children:
Introduction to the magazine.

Magazine display;

Magazine review;

How to use the magazine;

1. Exhibition of magazines.

2. Board games offered by the magazine;

3. Concert of songs, poems, short stories that offers

4. Solving riddles, a charade from a magazine;

5. Acquaintance with proverbs;

6. Homemade products described in the magazine.

Classes to familiarize with the culture of behavior.

Formation in the unity of consciousness and behavior in children;

Formation of the unity of word and deed;

To form the ability to follow the rules of a culture of behavior.

The culture of behavior is the culture of communication, speech and appearance.
Circle work.

The teacher can independently organize circle work in any direction or take the children to circles, sections, interest clubs. Circle work should also be planned, be systemic and systematic. Each child can attend no more than two circles (SanPiN norms).

Work on the improvement and equipment of the group.

The situation in the extended day group, if possible, should be close to home. The main task is to make the child's stay in the group comfortable and enjoyable. You can create comfort with the help of children, parents, sponsors, etc. You can arrange a group with the work of children to increase their self-esteem and in order to show parents the abilities of children. There should be flowers in the group, they create a calm atmosphere and will be useful for labor education (domestic and socially useful work).

It is advisable to zone the group: a play corner, a self-training corner, a psychological relief corner for children. The corner of psychological relief should be fenced off from the rest of the room, for example, with a small screen. It is necessary so that the child, if desired, can be alone. He needs this to reflect on all the information and impressions received during the day. Reflection is the development of one's own attitude to events and people, by understanding the information received.

Thus, the educational space of the extended day implies a special way of life, regime and different ways of self-organization of younger schoolchildren and the educator.

Working with parents.

Working with parents is one of the most important areas of work for an educator of an extended day group. When preparing for a meeting with parents, you need to think over the tactics of communication with each adult. At the same time, it must be remembered that children take an example from him, learn to communicate and behave in society.

You should not start a conversation with parents with complaints about the upbringing of the child. Education is a common task for parents and a teacher, and the result will be high only if they are united in their requirements. "First about the good" - that's the motto of the educator. For example, you can tell parents even about the minor achievements of their child, praise him in the presence of parents. This will increase his self-esteem and rating of the teacher as a friend. If the violations during the day were minor and the student has already been punished for them, do not repeat the content of the misconduct. If the teacher needs the help of parents, it is necessary to form their motivation for providing it.

One of the important conditions for the success of educational work is the unity of requirements for students and families. The unity of the requirements of the family and the school is a condition for the normal upbringing of children. The positive results of working with students largely depend on contact with their parents. One of the important forms of establishing contacts between teachers and families is the parent meeting. Parent meeting is the main form of joint work with parents, where decisions are discussed and made on the most important issues of life and education of students at school and at home. Its main purpose is to harmonize, coordinate and integrate the efforts of the school and the family in creating conditions for the development of a spiritually rich, morally clean and physically healthy personality of the child.

The task of the educator is by all available means to achieve interaction, agreement with parents in raising a common culture, in creating an emotional and charitable climate that focuses on universal human values. To convince each parent of the value of the personality of a particular child, to help determine the personal orientation of the upbringing of each student, taking into account his individual psychological characteristics, to form the motive and need for parental participation in the upbringing of a citizen with high moral, intellectual and physical properties.

Parent-teacher meetings are held in order to help parents solve certain problems that they are unsuccessfully trying to cope with on their own.

In the extended day group, there are constant contacts with parents, a wide system of parental education, individual conversations, visiting children at home, holding joint events, joint work on repairing furniture in the classroom, participation of parents in helping the group, the school as a whole, participation in subbotniks. I suggest that parents fill out a questionnaire where they need to indicate what the child likes to do in his free time, what games he prefers, how the child behaves in the children's team, what duties he has at home. Active participation in the composition of the parent committee and other measures of influence and communication with parents can achieve good educational results. I involve parents in organizing the diverse life of children in a team, I involve them in public life. I organize a visit by parents to an extended day group.

Parents are constantly aware of the affairs of the group, they are not third-party observers of their children's studies, but actively participate in the pedagogical process.

The expected result of the activity.

Thanks to the classes that are held in the extended day group, there is an increase in the level of education of children, an increase in their social activity.

Children began to actively participate in various events, sports competitions, participate in practical, scientific activities.

Primary school graduates quickly adapt to secondary school.

Individual work, increased control over the educational activities of lagging children in learning, the creation of favorable conditions for their mental development, made it possible to increase their educational activity.


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First days at school.

Extended day group lessons

1 class

1 DAY.



Miracles in this house:

Many desks, a call is a wasp,

Silence rang out

It's time to start the lesson.

What's this? / SCHOOL/

All of you today have become students of the ABVGDeika school. Although we have a small, but already a school. Every school has its own rules. Do you want to know which ones?

    If you want to answer, do not make noise,

But just raise your hand.

    If you want to answer - you have to get up,

When you are allowed to sit down, sit down.

    A desk is not a bed and you cannot lie on it.

    You sit at your desk harmoniously and behave with dignity.


I will name different items, and you will clap your hands if it is school supplies.



The teacher asks a question and throws the ball to the child, the child answers the question and throws the ball back.

    How should you address a teacher at school?

    If you need to ask a teacher about something, what would you do?

    If you need to go to the toilet during the lesson, what should you say?

    How do you know it's time to go to class?

    What is the change for?

    What is the name of the room where children study at school?

    What is the name of the table at which children sit at school?

    Where does the teacher write when explaining the assignment?

    Which grades are good and which are bad in school?

    What is vacation?


    Today we will go into one well-known fairy tale. And what kind of fairy tale it is will help to guess the words "Pull, pull - they cannot pull out."

    Let's remember this story. What were the heroes?

    Would you like to stage this story?


First we need to choose a grandfather. Who wants to be a grandfather?

Grandfather knew how to do everything: dig the earth, and plant a turnip, and protect the harvest. And he knew all the vegetables.

Name the vegetables, whoever names the last vegetable will be the grandfather.


Who wants to be a grandmother?

Who will meet you at the door

And teach you how to write

Reads a lot of books

And put all of you "5" (teacher)

Whoever guesses the riddle will become a grandmother.


Smile competition. We will count to three, after which you will smile widely, from the bottom of your heart. Whoever has the most beautiful smile will be the granddaughter.


The bug guards the house and must growl well, whoever growls best of all will be the bug.


A simple question for kids, who is the cat afraid of? (DOGS).


Describe the mouse. What is she? Whoever says the last word will be the mouse.



If I say:

GRANDFATHER - you "chop wood",

BABKA - you "knit"

GRANDDUCH - “jump”

CAT - “wash yourself”

Bug - "wag your tail"

MOUSE - "feed"


Let's try to depict the heroes of a fairy tale using diagrams and tell a fairy tale according to a diagram.









Now we will go to visit our grandmother and grandfather, but it is not easy to get to them. Open notebooks with the words:

I will open my notebook

And I'll put it down.

I will not hide from you, friends,

I'm holding the pencil.

I'll sit straight, I won't bend

I'll take the job.

In order for our fingers to obey, we need to give them a massage.


    This finger is the thickest, strongest and largest.

    This finger is for showing it off.

    This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle.

    This finger is nameless, the most restless.

    And the little finger, although small, is very dexterous and daring.


In the middle of the sheet, you need to draw a path along which we will go. The path must be straight.

Show top right corner, top left corner

Show bottom right, bottom left corner.

Draw a turnip in the upper right corner.

Draw a grandmother in the lower right corner.

Draw the grandfather in the lower left corner.

Draw a mouse in the upper left corner.


(sound automation Sh-Sh-Sh)

The “cat” sits on a chair, the rest of the children - “mice” quietly approach the cat and, threatening each other with their fingers, say in a low voice:

Hush, hush, hush mouse!

The cat is sitting on our roof.

Mouse, mouse, beware

And don't get caught by the cat!

The cat wakes up, says "MEW", jumps up and chases mice.



Let's count the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip". How many? (7)

Who is first? (grandfather)

Who stands between the grandmother and the Bug? (granddaughter)

Who is in front of the mouse? (cat)

Who is behind the granddaughter? (Bug).

Put as many circles on the typesetting canvas as we have heroes in a fairy tale.

The mouse ran away. How many heroes are left? (6)

How many heroes have become less?

And then the cat ran after the mouse. How many heroes are left? (5)


Remember who is behind whom: grandmother, bug, granddaughter, grandfather, mouse, cat.

Close your eyes. At this time, the teacher changes the characters of the fairy tale in places. Children open their eyes and say what has changed. Repeated several times.


The cat has three kittens

They meow loudly.

We look into the basket.

Where did one go?

Suddenly we see from behind the bench

The cat takes it out

He stood up first

And got out of the basket.

How many kittens can't walk yet? (2)

Cat Vaska is a fisherman,

Brought a big catch:

Five huge perches

3 less carp.

What is the cat's catch?

Who is ready to answer me? (7)

Tired of our granddaughter

Then our granddaughter became

One sits on a tree

Another one looks out the window

Three sit on the roof

To hear everything.

So tell me how many birds

Did your granddaughter count? (5)


Well we tried

Draw and frolic

But it's time for us to say goodbye

Goodbye, kids.

DAY 2.


(pictures-guesses are put on the typesetting canvas)

Small in stature, but daring

Jumped away from me. (BALL)

The fraction beats off, it helps to walk. (DRUM)

Near different girlfriends,

But they are similar to each other.

They all sit next to each other

And just one toy. (MATRYOSHKA)

The baby is dancing, but only one leg. (YULA)

That's a stubborn man!

You won't make me lie down forever.

Do you meet this?

She doesn't want to sleep at all

I bet it gets up again. (roly-poly)

How can one name all the items placed on the typesetting canvas in one word? (TOYS)

Why do people need toys?

Tell us about your favorite toys.



Our Masha got up early,

She counted all the dolls:

Two nesting dolls - on the window,

Two Tanyas - on a pillow,

Two Irinka - on the feather bed.

And Petrushka in a cap -

On an oak chest

How many dolls does Masha have? (7)


Pictures with animals are displayed according to their name: FOX, WOLF, HARE, COW, BEAR, ELSE.

What animal can you say about:

    Grey, predatory, greedy…. (WOLF)

    Big, spiky…. (BEAR)

    Redhead, cunning, dexterous ... (FOX)

    Kind, pockmarked, motley ... (CHICKEN)

    Oblique, weak, cowardly ... (HARE)

    Fast, elk ... (ELOS)

Which animal comes first? (WOLF)

What animal stands between the fox and the hare? (CHICKEN)

What is the third animal? (FOX)

What animal is to the right of the hare? (ELK)

What animal is to the left of the moose? (HARE)

What animal is missing? Why? (CHICKEN - poultry)


I will name the animals, if it is a pet - clap, if wild - stomp.



Let's say the word "FOX". How many sounds did we make? (four)

Draw as many circles as there are sounds in the word "FOX".

Now say the word "WOLF". How many sounds did you make? Draw as many triangles as there are sounds in a word?

How do you show sounds in writing? (in letters)

Who knows the letters? Compose the words FOX, WOLF from the split alphabet.

7 . GAME "HARE JUMPS" (children draw a bunny path)

Mark the bunny with a dot.

The bunny jumped 2 squares to the right,

Jumped 3 cells down,

5 cells to the right

1 cell up

3 cells to the left

2 cells up.

8. MOBILE GAME "HARES AND THE FOX" (automation of 3-C sounds in text)

Children stand in a circle, holding hands, inside the circle the leader is a fox.

A gray hare jumps near the old pines,

It's scary to fall into the clutches of a fox, a fox.

Bunny ears prick up, look to the right, to the left,

Is anyone coming?

Children shout "Fox". The fox is chasing the rabbits.





Draw a circle. Shade it with a spiral.

Circle the square. Shade it from top to bottom.

Outline the triangle. Shade it from left to right.

Outline the rectangle. Shade it with slanted lines from top to bottom.


Hands to the side


sit down






Guess the riddles, find the pictures - riddles.

grayish color,

baggy gait,

thievish habit

The screamer is hoarse. (CROW)

Fidget motley.

long-tailed bird,

talking bird,

The most chatty. (MAGPIE)

Every year I fly to you

I want to winter with you

And even redder in winter

My bright red tie (Bullfinch)

You saw him more than once

He jumps two steps away from us.

Chick-chirp - don't be shy

I am seasoned... (SPARROW)

Even though I'm not a hammer

I knock on wood.

It has every corner

I want to explore.

I walk in a red hat

And a great acrobat. (WOODPECKER)

How can you call all these objects in one word? (BIRDS)

Describe each bird.

What is special about the appearance of each bird?

How are all these birds similar? (wintering)

Many birds stay with us for the winter. Winter is very severe.

How can we help the birds in winter?


Arrange the bird cards with the sparrow first.

Place a crow between the sparrow and the magpie.

Place the bullfinch last.

Put the woodpecker fourth in a row.


"If you like it, then do it"

Come on, clap like me (2 claps)

So they clap only with us! (2 claps)

Come on, stomp like me (2 stomp)

Come on, all together, all at once

So they stomp only with us! (2 floods)

Come on, meow like me (meow-meow)

Come on, meow like me (meow meow)

Come on, all together, all at once

So only we meow! (Meow meow)

Come on, bark like me (woof-woof)

Come on, all together, all at once

So they bark only with us! (WOF WOF)

Come on, grunt like me (oink-oink)

Come on, all together, all at once

So they grunt only with us! (oink-oink)


"What changed"

Children look at pictures of birds, then close their eyes. The teacher swaps the pictures. Children guess what has changed.



(Working with individual sets)

  • Place as many squares as there are birds in the pictures. How many squares did you put in? (6)

    Place 5 triangles below. What more? What is less? How much more? How much less.

    How to make squares and triangles equal?


Each bird has its own house. Let's build a house for a starling - a birdhouse.

What figures do we need for this? (triangle, rectangle, circle)

Shade the resulting birdhouse.


    Circle one cell and paint it black.

    Take a red pencil, count four cells to the right from the black cell, and paint over the fifth cell with a red pencil.

    Take the blue pencil. From the red cell, step back down 2 cells, and paint the third with a blue pencil

    Take a green pencil. The cell located to the left of the blue one and one cell from it, paint over with green.

    Take the yellow pencil. Count five cells up from the green cell, and paint over the sixth cell with a yellow pencil.


Differentiation of whistling and hissing sounds.

Geese, geese!


Do you want to eat?

Yes Yes Yes!

The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home!


The chicken, the duckling and the gosling went for a walk. How differently they could stand. There are 6 options, let's find them.

C - U - G

C - G - U

U - C - G

U - G - C

G - U - C

G - C - U

It's time for the cubs to go home, find their mothers.






    Draw the figure of a person.

    Copy the phrase from the stencil: She was given tea or he ate soup.

    Copy ten drawn dots from the stencil, placing them one below the other at an equal distance vertically and horizontally.



There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt

golden heart,

What it is? (CHAMOMILE)

What is chamomile? (flower)

What other flowers do you know?

Put as many circles as there are sounds in the word "chamomile" (7)


What geometric shapes do we need to build a camomile?

Shade the chamomile.

Place the letters on the chamomile. What letters do you know?

What are these letters? Why?

A, O, S, I, W.

Another letter is hidden in the middle of the chamomile. Guess what letter it is:

On this letter, as on a ladder

I sit and sing songs. (H)

How is it pronounced?


Come up with words. that start with the letter "N".


If I show:

A - clap

Oh - squat


Y - turn your head

And - stand up straight


Draw 5 daisies.

Color the flower in the middle red.

Color the last flower yellow.

Between the red and yellow flower is the blue flower.

The first flower is the same color as the fifth.

Between the first and third flower is a green flower.


Automation of the "sh" sound

Carousels, carousels

We sat on a boat with you

We sat down and went (imitate rowing and pronounce the sound “sh”)

Carousels, carousels

You and I sat on a horse,

They sat down and drove off (they imitate riders, and click their tongues to the beat)

Carousels, carousels

We sat in the car with you

We sat down and drove off (they twist the steering wheel and pronounce the sound “g”)

Carousels, carousels

You and I got on the train

We sat down and drove off (they are built by a train and say “choo-choo”)

Carousels, carousels

We got on the plane with you,

Sat down and let's go (spread their arms-wings and pronounce "sh")





Item count.

Item Comparison

Item alignment.

(flowers - butterflies, hares - carrots)

Count how many butterflies flew to the flowers.

Put as many circles as we have butterflies (5)

How many circles must be removed to leave 3? (2)


The hedgehog went through the forest

Found mushrooms for lunch.

One under the birch

Two - under the aspen.

How many mushrooms are in a wicker basket? (3)

In the meadow near the oak

The mole saw two mushrooms.

He found another one.

Who is ready to answer us

How many mushrooms did the mole find? (3)

Arinka entered the class,

And behind her is Marina,

And then came Ignat.

How many children were in the class? (3)

A rooster flew up on the fence,

I met two others there.

How many roosters have become

Who has an answer? (3)

3 apples. One to rip

The arm is stretching.

How many will be left? (2)


    How many girls are in the class?

    How many boys are in the class?

    What in the class one at a time, and what can be said “a lot” about?

    how many desks are in the class?

    How many chairs are in the classroom?

    How many desks are occupied by students, and how many are free?

    Why are there more desks or chairs in the classroom?


Orientation in space (“Do you know your student” p.16-18)

Definition of the dominant hand.



Friendly with the owner

The house guards

Lives under the porch

Ring tail. DOG

Put as many circles as there are sounds in the word dog (6)

Why do you think humans tamed dogs?

What job does the dog do?

How do you understand the words "A dog is a man's best friend"?



Who has come to visit us?

What letters are hidden on the little man?

How many identical letters did you meet?

U-2, O - 3, A-1, N-1, S-1.


The teacher shows the letters, and the children perform the movements.

A- jump

U - clap your hands

Oh - sit down

N- arms to the sides

S - stand up straight.


Vasya put the dog with the puppy into the boat and swam away. Let's show them the way.

1 cell to the right - 2 cells up - 3 cells to the right - 4 cells down - 5 cells to the right - 1 cell up - 2 cells to the left - 2 cells up - 4 cells to the right.



The players stand in a circle and hold hands, the leader is in the center. He explains the task: if they agree with the statement, then raise their hands up and shout “yes”, if they do not agree, lower their hands and shout “no”

    Are there fireflies in the field?

    Are there fish in the sea?

    Does a calf have wings?

    Does the pig have a key?

    Does the mountain have a ridge?

    Does the burrow have doors?

    Does a rooster have a tail?

    Does the violin have a key?

    Does the verse have a rhyme?

    Does it have any errors?


Here's how much "K" I can say:

Pot, coffee pot, box, bed,

Cow, apartment, painting, carpet,

Pantry, gate, chest of drawers, corridor.

What words that start with the letter "K" do you know?

Oh, that's enough! And the sound can get tired too!

But what can you name on "T"?

(children name words beginning with the letter "t")

Axe, stool, plate and spoon,

I seem to have messed something up a bit.

What words that start with the letter "t" do you know?

Well, okay, I'm not going to stray anymore.

And it’s better to call “C” the dishes:

A glass, a frying pan, a salt shaker and ... a cat.

Where is the cat from? Got in the window!

Ask the cat where you came from

Are all the dishes in the kitchen intact?

What words that start with the letter "C" do you know?

- Find the words that start with the letter "C" in the picture?

How many sounds are in the word "elephant"? (four)

- Write this word on the typesetting canvas.



What dog breeds do you know? (post 6 pictures of dogs of different breeds)

Put as many circles as you see dogs on the typesetting canvas. (6)

How many dogs must be removed to leave 4 dogs? (2)

What more circles or dogs?

How to make it equal?

Game What has changed.


On the big sofa in a row

Katina's dolls are sitting:

2 bears, Pinocchio and cheerful Chepolino.

Both a kitten and an elephant.

Help Katyushka-

Three big ones, three small ones,

Small, distant ones.

The whole family is again,

How many of them are sitting on the stump. (6)

The doll has 5 elegant dresses,

What should she wear today?

I have wool for the doll

I will knit, and there will be dresses ... (6)


Find similarities and differences.

What shapes is the drawing made of?

What has changed in the face?

When does such a face occur?

Build a little man with the help of patterns and shade it


Find the gnome's house along a given path

- “Draw the ninth” (kittens, geometric shapes)


Organization of children's leisure in the extended day group.

Most of the children, after school, remain in the extended day group. GPA is an important form of parenting. Successful work in it depends primarily on how purposefully its work is planned and the mode is properly organized. From the rational, from the point of view of the pedagogical and hygienic, construction of the regimen, the increase in academic performance, the preservation of sufficient working capacity and the prevention of student fatigue depend. Performed for a long time, the correct mode promotes health, creates a cheerful, cheerful mood and increases the efficiency of schoolchildren. Steady adherence to the instructions of the regime brings up in the child such qualities as discipline, accuracy, organization. It is known that the systematic violation of the daily regimen and the overload of students with training sessions lead to a decrease in working capacity. The most typical violations are insufficient exposure of children to fresh air, too much time spent on preparing homework. Therefore, it is very important to plan the time for students to study, eat, and rest.

Students' extra-curricular time can be divided into two periods: after school hours before doing homework and after doing homework before going home.

Since the first period immediately follows the training sessions and precedes the preparation of homework, it is most responsible for the choice of activities that contribute to the rapid and complete recovery of students' working capacity. At this time, all types of activities that represent an additional burden on the nervous system of students are contraindicated: lectures, conversations, classes in a circle. Therefore, at this time, children gather in an after-school group and play calm games that do not require mental stress, using toys that they bring with them.

After the children have gathered in a group, we go to dinner. After lunch we go for a walk. A walk helps to strengthen their health, increases the body's resistance to colds. Movement, running, play have a positive effect on the growth and development of children, contribute to the improvement of breathing skills and abilities.

In order for a walk to benefit not only the soul, but also the body, several types of walks have been developed. On thegame walkchildren are offered several outdoor games of medium intensity. On thewalk-excursionschildren get acquainted with individual objects or natural phenomena. On the walk-searching – search for a pre-hidden package. Duringsports walkcompetitions are held. Types of walks constantly alternate.

Outdoor recreation is very important, as it has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the central nervous system of children and helps to better prepare for subsequent activities that require great mental stress.

After the walk, the children go up to the classroom. An important routine moment in the extended day group is the hour of self-training. Children with different levels of academic performance go to the group, so self-help groups have been created, that is, weak children are attached to strong ones. Children love being a teacher. They try to explain to their wards how to perform this or that task, and they treat this very responsibly. Thus, it turns out that older children repeat the material of the previous class. If something does not work out, then I explain myself. For each subject, we have developed our own rules for doing homework.

With the help of such memos, the children quickly and easily cope with homework.

The degree of restoration of the working capacity of the child's body largely depends on the organization of the second period of extracurricular time, which occurs at the end of the day after the preparation of homework.

One of the important tasks in working with children is to ensure that the hours free from doing homework are filled reasonably and interestingly. To do this, the educator must captivate children with an interesting thing, give an outlet for energy, provide an opportunity to fully express themselves, realize their abilities. To this end, various forms of leisure activities are used in work with children and various game programs have been developed. Games are used every day in working with children. The game replaces work for children. It introduces the child to life, communication with others, contributes to the acquisition of knowledge, work skills, improves physical activity.

Games are used differently and alternate: mobile, imitative, musical, didactic, cognitive, intellectual, creative. They contribute to the development of thinking, imagination, bring up activity, dexterity, ingenuity, initiative, and the ability to stand up for oneself. During the game, children's knowledge, general awareness and education are tested in an interesting and organized way, deepening their knowledge. The game for children is an important means of self-expression, a test of strength. It helps to rally the children's team, includes children who are closed and shy in active work. Conscious discipline is brought up in them, children are taught to follow the rules, justice, the ability to control their actions, correctly and objectively evaluate the actions of others. A special place is occupied outdoor games .

In the extended day group, a sports hour is constantly held. The content of a sports hour should be understood as an organic unity of the high physical activity of children and the provision of theoretical information to them. High motor activity of children can be achieved with the help of outdoor games and various physical exercises. Theoretical information is communicated in the form of a conversation.

During the week, thematic classes are held every day in the extended day group. In the classroom"Valeology" talks are held about bad habits, proper nutrition, daily routine. (“Vegetables and fruits on our table”, “is it in the garden in the garden”, “Lessons of Moidodyr”, “Lessons of Aibolit”). In the classroom, knowledge about folk signs, animals and plants is clarified and generalized. (Conversations: “Bird Protection Day”, “take care of your native nature” ...). Usually, before the holidays, conversations are held about the rules of the road, about the rules of behavior on the street and at home, about precautions (“Drips. Icicles.”, “Me and the river”)

Several classes in valeology are devoted to teaching children to play chess and checkers. Playing chess brings up valuable qualities of character, as well as develops memory and attention. Chess is the most convenient model for the development of logical thinking. The use of chess introduces novelty into the educational process and unobtrusively teaches students to build logical chains. The game of chess is also important. Considering some drafts tasks in a simplified form, the student sees the logic of reasoning, the uniqueness of the solution (or various options), masters the method of analogies and the construction of logical chains. Thus, the guys early acquire independence of thinking, the ability to defend their point of view. They learn to make and implement their own decisions and take responsibility for them.

In the classroom "Etiquette and culture of behavior"children learn to communicate with each other, adults. Children remember verbal forms of expression of politeness and learn to use them appropriately, depending on the situation. Teaching verbal politeness is associated with the development of a common culture of behavior, the formation of a kind, respectful attitude of people towards each other (“On behavior at school”, “Respect your elders!”, “If you are polite” ...). Much attention in the classroom is drawn to the rules of conduct at home, on the street and in public places. (“You and your family”, “I was invited to visit”, “On behavior with family members”, “On behavior with friends”).

One day there are classes"Love and know your city."These activities are very important for children. St. Petersburg is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is impossible to know everything about our city, so these classes expand the stock of knowledge of children. Many bright pages of history are captured in the names of streets and avenues, squares and embankments, rivers and bridges. In order to deepen knowledge, thematic classes are held (“Cast-iron lace-lattices”, “My street”, “Why is your city called that” ...). Museums are not left without attention (“Conversation about the Zoological Museum”, “Conversation about the Hermitage”…). In these classes, I try to cultivate love for our city, respect for it.

In the classroom "Crazy hands"The children make various crafts with their own hands. In order to make the lesson more interesting, I conduct a conversation. Usually it is a briefing related to the methods of performing a particular product. The conversations I propose are related to the topic of the lesson and contain information that allows you to deepen the children's interest in work. In the “crazy hands” classes, work is carried out with various materials: paper, natural material, plasticine. These classes have great pedagogical possibilities. They develop imagination and creativity, constructive thinking and ingenuity, expand the gaming experience, give knowledge about the world around them, enrich the vocabulary of children, form the ability to communicate with each other. In addition, in the process of labor, the child's hands become more dexterous, which also has a positive effect on his development.

In the classroom "In the world of fairy tales" The children and I read and analyze various works. These classes contribute to broadening one's horizons, enriching the vocabulary, clarifying and generalizing knowledge, and developing speech. Children learn the ability to construct phrases grammatically correctly.

In the extended day group, all educational and extracurricular work proceeds under a rational regime under the guidance of a teacher, as well as under the constant influence of the children's team. All of these factors combined have a positive effect on students. In the group, educational and upbringing tasks are more effectively solved: improving the quality of knowledge, developing the interests and abilities of schoolchildren, preparing students for socially useful work, fostering collectivism and mutual assistance.

The stay of students in extended-day groups allows for systematic monitoring of the preparation of homework by schoolchildren, organizing a variety of extracurricular activities, pedagogical guidance for children deprived of proper family supervision and thereby preventing gaps in their upbringing, eliminating child neglect.

Miltykh M. Kh. - teacher of the GPA,

senior teacher;

Ushullu T.I. - GPA educator,

year 2013


The most difficult and urgent problem at the present time is the upbringing of the younger generation. The problem of revealing the individuality of each child cannot be solved outside of the activities that are organized in their free time from educational work.

The success of educational work as a whole depends on how the life and activities of the child are organized in the extended day group, how correctly the selection of content, types of activities, its forms and their combination in a single system of educational influence is made.

At present, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the natural needs of younger students. It is the satisfaction of these needs (from the position of pedagogical expediency) that should become the basis for their comprehensive development. During the stay of the child in the extended day group, the formation of personal qualities takes place, the process of socialization is carried out, and generally accepted life skills are formed. And since elementary school children are focused on the game, games and game situations help to optimally exercise pedagogical influence. “Play is of great importance in the life of a child, it has the same significance that activity, work, service has for an adult. What a child is at play, so will he be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the upbringing of the future figure takes place primarily in the game, ”said A. S. Makarenko.

Children love to play, they listen carefully (or read themselves) to fairy tales, empathizing with the characters, they love to draw, they want to run, they readily carry out many tasks.

The game, as the main activity of a child in early and primary school age, is his constant companion. A game for a child is the first opportunity to express themselves, express themselves and assert themselves. In games, schoolchildren not only reflect real life, but also rebuild it. According to L. Vygotsky, “a game for a child is not a simple recollection of what happened, but a creative rethinking of the experienced impressions, combining them and building a reality out of them that meets the needs and interests of the child himself”, that is, the game is considered as a creative activity , in which the combined action of the representation appears.

Therefore, the developmental game should be used as a means of teaching, developing and educating children. V. Sukhomlinsky in the book "I give my heart to children" wrote: "The game is the most serious thing." And this is true, because with the help of games such personality traits as attention, observation, memory are formed, thinking develops, the student's creative abilities, independence, and initiative are revealed.

The attention of schoolchildren, first of all, is directed to the game action. At the same time, deep experiences of the individual are connected to the processes of memorization and comprehension, which make them more intense and learning takes place without much effort.


Such games solve several main tasks:

  1. Facilitate the acquaintance of children in the group.

  2. They develop important personality traits of children - the ability to understand the state of another, to express one or another emotion; observation and attention, imagination and intuition.

  3. They create an adequate emotional background for communication, goodwill and trust in relationships.

  4. Pay the team.
Snowball(acquaintance game)

All children sit in a circle. The first child calls his name, the second calls the name of the first and his own, the third - the name of the first, second and his own, etc. The game can be complicated if the children are already tired: some quality can be added to the name (Kolya is cheerful, Marina is smart and etc.) or an object (Anya is a pineapple, Vasya is a bicycle, etc.)


Children are invited to form groups in 30 seconds according to various criteria: hair color, eyes, etc., within the groups, children get to know each other.

The teacher can offer children to line up according to different signs:

  • by growth

  • by shoe size

  • hair color (lightest to darkest)

  • by the number of buttons

  • along the length of the nails, etc.
I believe - I do not believe

The game is played in a dark room. The players sit in a circle, take turns taking a candle (you can use a flashlight) and say three words, characterizing themselves. On the opposite side, at the direction of the leader, someone says: “I believe” or “I don’t believe.”


The facilitator invites everyone to break into pairs. Couples sit on the floor, hold hands, stretch their legs and rest their feet. At the command of the leader, they stand up at the same time.

group drawing

Start drawing something very important to yourself. Then pass the drawing to the neighbor on the right, receiving another drawing from the left neighbor. Draw until your drawing comes back to you. Then you can make an exhibition of group drawings.

Find a couple

The players are attached to the back of the plates with the names of fairy-tale heroes (old man, old woman) or parts of names (king, peas). It is necessary to find your mate (for the king to find Peas, for Ivan Tsarevich - a frog, etc.). You can’t ask directly: “What is written on my back?”.

Secrets of the subconscious

The host asks questions, throws the ball to the player, who must answer: “yes”, “no” or “I don’t know”.

Question options:

1. Do you believe in ghosts?

2. Do you believe in love at first sight?

Infinite word

The host calls the first letter of the word. The next player - the second, etc., until the word ends.

The last one to say the word is out of the game.

Back touch

Having united in pairs, the children sit on one chair, touching with their backs. Sitting with their backs to each other, you need to describe your partner: eye color, hair, hairstyle, facial expression. You can ask each other questions about your appearance.


Blind and guide

Work in pairs. The child must lead the blindfolded partner through the obstacle course, but only with the help of verbal instructions. Children change roles and partners, after finishing work they discuss who managed to lead better and who did worse.


Children work in pairs. One child performs various actions, the other, like a reflection in a mirror, must repeat them. At the first signal, the children change roles, and at the second - partners. The game ends when each of the participants visits both the mirror and the person and works with all members of the group.

After completing the exercise, everyone sits down, a discussion of the game is held.

Who was the best to work with? Why?

Who didn't like it? Why?


Each of the participants should be the leader in turn. Children stand in a circle, hold hands and get tangled without separating their hands. The task of the presenter is to unravel the resulting "tangle", and the players - to get confused so as not to cripple each other.


Performed in pairs. Everyone must mold some figure from the other, and then take his place - feel the same as the partner feels. Then the children form a new pair. Everyone should be given the opportunity to work with all members of the group. The exercise is then discussed.


The task is to depict a car, a horse, a TV set, etc. together.

Like in a mirror

Break the children randomly into pairs, preferably of the opposite sex. Players need to stand facing each other at arm's length. One child in each pair will act as a mirror. He needs to copy as accurately as possible all the movements of his partner. Those of the children who are allegedly standing in front of a “mirror” will look at their face in this mirror, while changing their facial expressions: frown or smile, make a surprised face, wink - in

in general, as fantasy tells. Then the children switch roles. And the partner must accurately and dispassionately reflect everything. And laughed - get a penalty point.

Find a friend

The participants stand in a circle. The leader, going around the circle, whispers the name of the animal in the ear of each participant: cat, dog, mouse, cow.

Now, with your eyes closed, you will look for partners for yourself, shouting loudly in the voice of the animal that was named to you. Thus, it can be divided into 4 teams.


My grandmother lives in Brazil with such a hand (repeat all parts of the body). At the end: (what a grandmother, such are the grandchildren).


Everyone sits in a circle and asks each other: “Is Miss Maria at home?” Another replies: "I don't know, I'll ask my neighbor." The joke is that you need to ask and answer without separating your teeth, without showing them.

Volume control

(from noise) The presenter shows the volume control with his hand. Hand up - maximum noise, lowered down - means silence.

The host raises and lowers his hand, and the players depict the sounds of the appropriate volume.

Game "Associations"(for interaction)

I will now guess a person, you must guess using associations, and if this is a song ... if the time of the year is first to name the associations, then the name of the one you guessed. He guessed the person. To spend sitting in a circle, through association, children penetrate into some of the character traits of a person, reveals to others the qualities of a person.


Who is talking about what. Children turn their backs to each other in pairs, you need to find out if the person wants to cooperate further with you. Your back is turned, you need to find out if the person is telling you the truth.

Questions: raise your hand those who have found a topic for cooperation? Have you discovered something new in a person. Did anyone have something in a couple for a long time, you can talk about it. Back to back, help to relax without looking into each other's eyes.

"I love you darling," - looking into your eyes, say the words, do not laugh, seriously. Words are spoken in a circle (it is important to give the opportunity to be silent). When you speak into your eyes, if a person is lying, you can immediately recognize.

This game helps to bring children together, teach them to speak kind words, make the atmosphere friendly.

Gordeev knot

They are divided into three groups (10 people each). They stand in a circle, the children exchange glances with whoever they want to grapple with. At the leader's signal, they should grab their hands. Opening your eyes, you must check whether the pairs matched.
Guidelines for organizing outdoor games

Take into account: the age of the children, the number of participants, the availability of equipment, the equipment of the room ..

When explaining the game, children should see and hear the teacher well. Name the goal of the game, tell about the course and rules.

· If the game has a lot of rules, then some of them can be omitted when explaining, and talk about them during the game.

· Drivers to choose according to the appointment of the teacher, lot, counting rhyme.

· First, conduct a rehearsal of the game, without counting the result.

· Start the game in an organized manner, on a signal.

· To develop the creative initiative of the participants.

Observe the mood of the children, emotional stress.

· There must be healthy, friendly relations between the players.

· Pay special attention to children with whom they do not want to play.

It is necessary to dose physical exercises, alternating loads with


· When announcing the results, motivate them.

· During the game, you must observe safety precautions.


1 "We are funny guys"

The children are on one side of the hall, in the center there are two drivers. All the guys run out with the words: “we are funny guys, we love to run and play, well, try to catch up with us.” Children run across, drivers catch.

2 "The ball to the neighbor"

We divide the children into 3-4 lines. The first player in each line has the ball. They pass on a signal to each other in a line, the last one hits the floor and passes back. Repeat 2-3 times. Children need to try not to drop the ball.

3 "Handed - sit down"

Divide the children into 3 teams. In front, opposite, with the ball at a distance

1 m is the driver. Throws the ball to the players in turn. Having caught the ball, the child throws it back to the driver, and he sits on the floor. Then the second, and so on. Who is faster.

The children ran away. Hearing the command: “1, 2, 3 - run into the circle as soon as possible!” Everyone runs and walks in a circle. In the circle, the driver: "Guess the riddle, who called you - find out." One calls the last name and first name. If guessed - change.

5 "Paratroopers"

2-4 teams of children. The same number of gymnastic benches at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m from one another. At the end of the bench is a circle with a radius of 30-40 cm. This is the landing site. On a signal, the children enter the bench (into the plane). On a signal, paratroopers jump exactly into a circle, maintaining stability (at the same time, it is necessary to straighten up in the main stance and leave the circle. 1 point is counted for 1 person.

6 "Cosmonauts"

There are circles-rockets with the inscriptions "Earth - Venus - Earth" on the site, etc. 4 people sit in the rocket. All the children in a large circle go and say: “Fast rockets are waiting for us, for walking around the planets. Whatever we want, we'll fly to such. But there is one secret in the game - there is no place for latecomers. Everyone is trying to get a seat in the rocket. Who is late - returns to the circle. And so repeat several times. Those who made more flights are noted.

7 "Catch up with your mate"

Children stand in two lines facing each other, forming pairs. On a signal, the first catch up with the second, and they run over the line. More dexterous children are determined.

8 "Listen to the signal"

The guys walk around the hall. Hearing one clap, they put their hands on the belt, 2 claps - lowered down, 3 claps - hands behind the back, made a mistake - back.

9 "Ball over head"

We divide the children into 2-4 columns. The first one has the ball in his hands, the ball is passed over his head with straight arms. The last child with the ball runs and gives it to the first. Repeat 2-3 times.

10 "Sharp on target"

2-3 teams of children. 1st lines up along the line. Each has a throwing ball. 5-8 meters in front of each - pin. On a signal, each pin is knocked out. Each team counts points. The team that scores the most points wins.

11 "Equestrian athletes"

There are stalls at a distance of 2 meters from the wall. There are fewer of them than the players. Children stand in a circle. They follow the command “Step of the horse” with a high knee, without reaching the arm bent at the elbow. "Turn!" - turned. "A lynx!" - run. "In the stall" - everyone runs to take a place. Who did not have time - lost.

12 "Rope Walker"

Two columns. Sandbag in hand. A straight line ahead is a rope. On a signal, they go along the rope to the flag - hands to the side. They run back. Who quickly.

13 "Rod"

All children stand in a circle. In the center is a leader with a rope, at the end of which is a bag of sand. The driver twists the rope, everyone jumps so that they are not hurt. Whoever falls for the bait is out of the game.

14 "Burners"

Two columns. The words:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Look at the sky - the birds are flying

The bells are ringing

1-2-3 - run!

The last couple runs forward and tries to stand in front and hold hands. The driver is trying to catch one.

15 "Two Frosts"

The children are at the end of the hall. In the center - 2 Frost. “We are two young brothers, two Frosts are daring. I am Frost - Red nose, I am Frost - Blue nose. Who among you will dare to set off on a path? We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of Frost. Children run, and Frost stops them.

16 "Day and Night"

Two teams stand with their backs to each other at a distance of 2 m, on the command "Day" -І the team runs away to their house, and "Night" (II team) catches. And vice versa.

17 "Hunters and Ducks"

A circle. Children count on the first or second. 1 - hunters. 2 - ducks. Ducks in a circle. Hunters have the ball. Hunters pass the ball to each other, knock out ducks. When more are knocked out, they switch roles.

18 "Train"

4 columns. After 6m, objects are placed. The first one runs, runs around the object, returns, takes the second by the hand and runs together, then three, etc. Who is faster.

19 "Through bumps and stumps"

Camp, forest, bumps and stumps are marked. On the opposite side is a tree, behind it are wild bees (2-3 people). The children go and say: “We went to the forest lawn, raising our legs higher, through bushes and hummocks, through branches and stumps. Who walked so high, did not stumble, did not fall? Look, the hollow of a tall Christmas tree, angry bees fly out. We are not afraid of a swarm of bees, let's run home as soon as possible. Everyone is running away from the "wild bees".

20 "Be nimble"

Children around the circle. In front of each is a stone. Leading in the center of the circle. On a signal, the children jump over their pebble and jump into the circle. The driver catches.

21 "Empty Space"

Children stand in a circle. The driver walks along the outside and touches any player. They run in opposite directions in a circle and try to take an empty place.


22 "Fox and chickens"

Children are chickens. The fox is assigned. Gymnastic benches - perch. At the signal of the teacher, the fox jumps over the benches and catches the chickens. A chicken on a perch - you can't catch it. You can't sit on a perch for a long time. At the signal of the teacher, the fox goes to his house to count the chickens he has caught. Then a new fox is appointed.

23 "Hurry to run out"

Children go in a circle. There are 7-8 people in a circle. They all clap their hands. At the signal "Stop!" everyone stops and quickly raises their clasped hands. The teacher counts: 1, 2, 3 - the children should have time to run out of the circle. On command: "3" - hands are lowered.


Planting vegetables:

Two or three teams line up in columns one at a time. In front of the teams at the opposite end of the site, 5 circles are drawn. The first players are each given a bag with items that conditionally designate vegetables (garlic, onions, beets, carrots, potatoes). On a signal, the children run, lay out all the “vegetables” in their mugs and pass the empty bag to the second numbers. The second numbers run, collect "vegetables" and pass the bag with "vegetables" to the third, etc. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Centipede run:

The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-12 people. Each team gets a long rope. Players are evenly placed on both sides of the rope, which they hold on to, respectively, with their right or left hand. On a signal, the teams run to the finish line (distance of 30-40 m), all the while holding on to the rope. The team that runs to the finish line first wins, provided that none of its participants threw the ropes.

This game can be played in another way. Each team lines up one by one. Everyone raises their right hand and holds on to the cord stretched along the column. On a signal, both teams go to the finish line (10-15 m) and return. The team that returns first wins.

In teams of b-7 people. Each team lines up one by one. On a signal, the one standing first quickly turns around, after which the second one takes him by the belt and they rotate together, then three of them, etc. The game ends as soon as the last member of one of the teams joins his column and all the guys turn around the axis.

Express train:

Flags are placed 6-7 meters from each team. On command: "March!" the first players with a quick step (it is forbidden to run) go to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where the second players join them, and together they again make the same path, etc. The players hold each other by the elbows and while walking, they move their hands like a locomotive connecting rod. When the locomotive (front player) returns to its place with a full train, it must give a long whistle. The first team to arrive at the station wins.

To a new location:

Two teams line up in columns one at a time. A line is drawn at a distance of 15-20 m from them. At the signal of the leader, the first and second numbers of each team, holding hands, run over the line. The first numbers remain in a new place, and the second ones return, join hands with the third players and again run to the line. Then the second numbers remain, and the thirds return to unite with the fourths, and so on. The team wins, all of whose players are the first to be on the other side.

Relay with balls:

For the game you need volleyballs according to the number of teams. A chair is placed in front of each team 6-7 steps from the start line. The first numbers, having received the ball, run to their chairs, stand behind them and from this place throw balls to the second numbers, after which they return and stand at the end of their column. The second and subsequent numbers, having caught the ball, do the same. If the next player did not catch the ball, he must run after it, return to his place and only after that continue the game. The team that wins the ball, having bypassed all the players, will return to the first number earlier.

Passed - sit down:

The players are divided into several teams of 5-6 people each, choose captains and line up at the line in columns one at a time. Captains stand in front of each column facing it at a distance of 5-6 steps. The captains get the ball. On a signal, each captain throws the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, the player returns it to the captain and sits on the ground (in the gym - on the gymnastic bench). The captains throw the ball to the second, then to the third players, etc. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, sits down. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain lifts it up, and all the players of his team jump up.

The team whose captain first lifted the ball and whose players jumped up first wins.

If during the game one of the players drops the ball, he must pick it up and throw it to the captain, having previously taken his place.

Ball in a circle

The participants of the game join hands, form a circle, and then step back as far as possible. Having opened their hands, the players throw the ball to each other in no particular order. Everyone to whom the ball is thrown must catch it without leaving the spot.

Whoever does not catch the ball served, he becomes the driver and takes a place in the middle of the circle. Now any player, having caught the ball, can throw it at the driver, who is allowed to dodge as he likes; but the driver has no right to hit the ball. If the ball flies past, then the missed player replaces the driver. And so on.

Walking in starts

The players stand at the start in a line at arm's length from each other.

On a signal, the participants of the competition go to the finish line, which is marked with a line and flags 100 steps from the start.

Everyone can go as he pleases; it is not allowed to just move from step to run. Anyone who breaks this rule is eliminated from the game. The one who reaches the finish line first is considered the winner.

Pair fishing

Two, at will or by choice, become leaders; the rest of the players run around the court. Drivers join hands and, running around the site, try to catch one of the players. Whom the leaders surround, having folded their hands, he is considered to be caught; The one caught steps aside and waits for the drivers to catch another player. Then both caught form a new pair of drivers and catch the players in the same way as the first pair.

The game ends when all players have been caught. The one who is caught is forbidden to free himself by force - to tear the hands of the couple who caught him. He can slip under the arms and dodge until the two catchers have their hands together.

Catch a stick

The participants of the game stand in a circle and are calculated in numerical order. Everyone must remember their number. The leader becomes in the center of the circle; in his hands he has a stick about a meter long. He puts the stick with the end on the ground, holding the other end with his hand. Then he loudly calls a number and quickly releases the stick, running away. The player whose number is called must run up and grab the stick before it falls. If he succeeds, he becomes the leader, and the leader takes his place under the same number. If the stick falls to the ground, the leader remains the same, and the player takes his place.

Give me your hand!

Having chosen the driver, the participants of the game scatter from him around the site. The player who is overtaken by the driver shouts loudly: "Give me your hand!". Anyone who is nearby at this moment can help out his friend who is in a dangerous situation: if two players grab each other's hand, the driver has no right to stain them; he must slip under their arms and the leash can then pursue everyone who runs alone.

The driver is replaced by the one whom he stains.

It is impossible to insure yourself against the driver in advance and unnecessarily call for help from comrades. It is also not allowed to run in pairs after the danger has passed.

flight ball

The participants of the game stand in a circle; in the middle of it is the driver. The players quickly throw the ball to one another without any particular sequence. The driver tries to bite the ball when it is in someone's hands or in the air.

The player who has the ball stained in his hands replaces the driver. If the ball is spotted on the fly, then the one who threw the ball takes the place of the driver. The player who dropped the ball replaces the driver. The ball can be thrown no higher than the arms raised above the head.


A mace is placed in the center of a circle drawn on the ground. Around the circle becomes a defender; he has a ball in his hand. The rest of the participants of the game, holding hands, surround the defender with a wide ring. Then they give up; one of the players receives the ball from the defender.

Those standing in a circle throw the ball among themselves; seizing the opportunity, each player can throw the ball at the mace to knock it down. The defender covers the mace and hits the ball in any way without kicking it. Whoever succeeds in knocking down the mace changes roles with the defender.

It may happen that the defender himself will knock down the mace with an awkward movement. Then he gives up his place to the one who has the ball in his hands at that moment.

Sometimes several maces are placed in a circle, and not one.

Behind the opponent's ball

Two equal teams of players, in columns one at a time, stand over the line.

Head players receive balls from the leader; on a signal, each of them throws the ball forward as far as possible and immediately runs after the opponent's ball. Whoever brings the ball back to the line as soon as possible wins 1 point in favor of his team.

Having run, the first player passes the ball to the second of his team and stands at the tail of the column. So, at the signal of the leader, the players, pair by pair, throw the balls and run after them.

The team that scores the most points wins.

Free place

Having chosen the driver, the participants of the game stand in a circle with their backs to the center. The driver leads, runs around the circle from the outside, stops for a second in front of any player, claps his hands and continues to run even faster in the opposite direction. The one called by the driver immediately runs around the circle, but in the opposite direction. Both have one task: to take a free place. The one left without a seat is out of the game.


Children stand in pairs with their backs to each other, grapple with their elbows and begin to squat on the count. The task is not to disengage, not to fall. Each child must work in pairs with all participants. When discussing, ask the children who was easier for them to work with and who was more difficult to work with.


Children line up and turn into "carriages". Everyone closes their eyes, except for the “locomotive”, which carries the “wagons” around the room, and then arrives in some corner. The task of the children, without opening their eyes, is to guess where the train ended up. The task of the "locomotive" is not to drop the "cars", not to hit them on the surrounding objects. Then a discussion is held, the children decide who was the best engine.


Ball game. Everyone stands in a circle and throws the ball to each other, asking or answering questions. You can give children a specific task, for example: “Speak the other way around” (children should name antonyms). It is important to ensure that the ball has been with each child.

forbidden number

Participants count in order, without naming certain numbers (for example, ending in the number 3), you can ask them to perform some movement instead of the forbidden number (clap their hands).

Cold - hot

The host hides the thing, and the participants look for it according to the instructions of the host. You can play in pairs - triplets, each of which is looking for its own subject and obeys its leader

forbidden movement

Participants repeat after the leader all movements, except for the forbidden one. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

Freeze - unfreeze

One participant (or several) freezes with open eyes, others try to bring him out of his stupor, make him smile. You can not touch the "frozen". Then they switch roles. According to the results of the game, the most persistent participant is selected.

Freeze, die

This exercise helps to relax, relieve stress. Everyone runs as they want, and at the signal of the leader they must freeze. After the next signal, the children run again. Anyone who did not have time to freeze, or moved before the signal allowing movement, is out of the game.

Sit - stand up

Participants turn into robots that understand and follow only two commands: "Sit down!" and "Get up!" The host commands, gradually increasing the pace, and then suddenly says a new command, for example, “Jump!”. Those who could not resist executing this command are "sent for repair."


A special place among the games of this group is occupied by role-playing and role-playing games. In them, children do not just copy reality, but combine the impressions of life with personal experience. First, they come up with the plot of the game, find the means to implement it, then determine their place in this game. Adult intervention in such games is undesirable. It is permissible only when it is necessary to give the game the right direction. And even then, it should be remembered that the intervention will be successful if the adults have a trusting relationship with the children. Influence on the content, i.e., on the choice of topic, the development of the plot, the distribution of roles and the implementation of game images, is the main way of education in the game.

As a rule, children choose the plot of the game and the roles themselves. Most often - this is a family, school, kindergarten, holidays, recreation; people of a certain profession (salesman, pilot, driver) or family members (father, mother, grandmother). Playing the story "family", children learn some housekeeping skills: they sweep the floor in their house, set a toy table, wash doll dishes. Sometimes they can portray animals, characters from fairy tales, expressing their personal attitude towards them, showing personal qualities.

Let's take as an example a game with the following plot: "Bus stop. It's raining heavily. A child is standing under an umbrella, and next to him is a person without an umbrella. He needs to decide what he will do." The plot develops in different versions: "a girl with an umbrella - a boy without an umbrella", "a boy with an umbrella - a girl without an umbrella", "an adult with an umbrella - a schoolboy without an umbrella".

Different attitude

The game should start like this: "We treat different people differently. Imagine that yesterday you forgot a very necessary book at school (think about it) and you need to find it. To do this, you must ask your friend, teacher and students you haven't talked to in a while. How are you going to ask, in what tone? Think about it."

This game will help children learn to resolve conflicts positively, without causing psychological trauma to other people.

The plot of the game is that three "sparrows" settle in the "birdhouse" in late autumn. During the winter, they settled in their house, equipped it. They feel good and comfortable living together. But then spring came, and three "starlings" returned from the warm lands. They flew up to their house and saw that it was occupied by "sparrows".

Then the children are given the opportunity to act independently. The game ends as soon as the "sparrows" and "starlings" come to some common decision.

It may be as follows:

- "starlings" will drive "sparrows" out of the birdhouse;

The birds agree to live together;

- the "starlings" help the "sparrows" find another house and settle down there, and also agree that in the winter the "sparrows" can occupy it again;

- "starlings" fly away when they see that their house is occupied;

Your option.

At the end of the game, it is important to conclude that in a conflict it is always necessary to see and understand the position of the other and look for a way to resolve the situation together.

good doctor

Invite your child to think about what a good doctor should do in the following situations:

A mother came to the doctor with a boy who was very afraid of the injection and was crying. (Optional solution: the doctor should talk to the boy, treat him with candy, tell a fairy tale, and then give an injection.);

An old man came to the doctor, who does not agree with the way the doctor treats him. (Optional solution: the doctor should listen carefully to him, calmly express his opinion, and then show books on medicine that confirm the correctness of the chosen treatment, and invite him to read them.);

Several patients are cursing in front of the doctor's office;

The nurse is often late for work;

The nurse washes medical instruments badly.

Let the child choose one situation and come up with a small dialogue scene that you will act out together.

Learning to care

Ask the child to think about how he would act in the following situations, how he would show his concern. Let him choose one of the situations, and together you role-play it:

Mom got sick. (Solution option: you need to put her to bed, bring tea with raspberry jam or honey; open the window so that there is fresh air in the room, and put a thermometer on mom.);

Grandma's birthday

The younger brother is naughty;

A friend came to visit;

Dad came back from work tired;

One of the family members (friend, teacher) is in a bad mood;

You (your brother or sister, friend) were scolded by your parents;

Your friend is not a good student.

On the ship

This is a group game. Divide the children into three groups: one is the sailors, the other is the captains, the third is the passengers. Then offer each group a different situation.

For example:

The ship hit an underwater rock;

One of the passengers fell overboard;

The captain fell seriously ill;

One of the passengers lost a child.

Each group must answer how the captain, sailor or passenger of the ship should behave so that there is no panic on the ship.

Good fairy tale

Ask your child to imagine that one day in all fairy tales, the characters became good, doing good deeds. Let him choose two well-known fairy tales and compose one of them in such a way that the negative characters of the two fairy tales do only good deeds in the common fairy tale (for example, the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood and the fairy tale about the three little pigs). Once Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother. On the way, she met a wolf who worked as a forest doctor. The wolf told her that he was going to the piglets' house because they had the flu.

Little Red Riding Hood also wanted to visit the piglets and went to them together with the Wolf. The wolf gave the piglets a forest mixture of raspberries and mint leaves, and they got better.

Then the Wolf suggested that Little Red Riding Hood take her to her grandmother, because it was already dark. Grandmother was very worried that Little Red Riding Hood was gone for a long time. She thought that her granddaughter was lost in the forest, and her heart began to beat violently from excitement. When the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood arrived, the Wolf gave Granny some mints to calm her down. Then they began to drink tea together with pies and lingonberry jam.

In parting, the grandmother gave the Wolf a jar of delicious jam and asked him to bring delicious pies to the three piglets as a gift.

Press conference

This game will be interesting if as many children as possible take part in it.

Select the one who will answer the questions of "journalists". At the table next to him sits a "leader", preferably an adult, opposite five or six "journalists" who ask questions when they are given the floor. Questions should relate to different aspects of the child's life: school, class, teachers, family, his interests, etc.

If the question turns out to be incorrect, it will be difficult for the child to answer it, the "host" has the right to reject it. A "journalist", before asking a question, should stand up and name the newspaper or magazine he represents. Questions are asked clearly and politely. Answers must be clear and complete.

adult life

Have your child interview several adults. For example, grandparents, older brother or sister, aunt or uncle. You can help your child by asking sample questions:

When did you first feel like you were an adult?

Did you dream of becoming an adult when you were a child?

How do you think the life of an adult differs from the life of a child?

How often do you think about your childhood, and when does it happen?

Do you have any things from your childhood?

Would you like to return to childhood again? The child must write down everything

adults' answers and compare them, revealing common patterns. It will be good if at the end he will make a story on the topic "Adult World".

miraculous transformation

Children pass the pencil in a circle, mentally turning it into any other object. At the same time, all other participants in the game must understand which one. For example, a student brings a pencil to his hair, and by his movements everyone understands that this is a comb. When the subject is guessed, the participant passes the pencil to the next. You can't repeat.

This game is designed for five or six people. The guys need to take turns depicting a fountain, a birdhouse, a bench, an open window, a basket of mushrooms, different trees and flowers.

mime artists

The child needs to depict objects with their inherent sounds: a motorcycle, a cuckoo clock, a door lock, a grandfather clock with a fight, a flashing light, a damaged TV, a burning candle, a hot iron.


Let the child present himself as a specialist in a particular profession and, with the help of pantomime, show himself at work.


One of the participants in the game comes up with what he will give to the person sitting next to him. Then, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, he shows this object. As soon as the seated guesser, the right to guess passes to him. A hint is allowed, but one that does not contain the name of the given item, but only its description.
The game begins with the words: "In front of you is a window with very thick glass, through which sounds do not penetrate. You want to say something to a friend. Decide in advance what. You can articulate with your lips, write imaginary letters on the glass, explain on your fingers." The second participant in the game, which you yourself can be, must understand it and answer in the same way.


Several intersecting "paths" of different colors are drawn on the floor with colored chalk. Players (a team of four or five people), having chosen their "path", try to get to the end of the path as quickly as possible without knocking down their neighbors.

Impromptu theater

In this theater, only the plot and characters of the play are known in advance. Who will play the roles, text and mise-en-scenes, no one knows. The performance is created in front of the audience in the process of reading the prepared text. It is best to choose short fairy tales (or excerpts from fairy tales) in which the action takes place in one place. Having received a role, the child waits for the time when, according to the plot, he will have to go on stage and independently (within the framework of the plot) play his role. Thus, all those present are in an extremely tense state: what next? what will end? what will the hero say? In this game, all the creative abilities of children are actualized, and the child himself is in the center of attention, acts independently, smiles at him, he is not afraid to be funny. In the impromptu theater, the actions of children depend on the behavior of the participants in the performance, everyone learns to listen and understand their comrades. The guys develop such qualities as responsibility to partners, sociability. Here is an example of one of the plays that can be performed in the impromptu theater.

Night. The wind howls. Trees are swaying. The Reaver sneaks between them. He is looking for the stable where the Horse sleeps... Here is the stable. The horse is sleeping, he is dreaming of something, he is slightly moving his hooves and neighing thinly. Not far from him, Sparrow was attached, he is dozing, sometimes he opens one eye, then the other. On the street, on a leash, the Dog sleeps ... The trees sway and rustle, so you can't hear the Kidnapper sneaking into the stable. Here he grabs the Horse by the bridle ... Sparrow chirped anxiously ... The dog barked. The kidnapper takes the horse away. The dog bursts into barking ... The hostess ran out of the house, groaned, screamed. She calls her husband... The owner ran out of the house... The kidnapper runs away. The owner leads the Horse to the stall. The dog barks and jumps for joy... A sparrow flies around. The trees are rustling and swaying. The wind, howling, flies between the Trees... The owner strokes the Horse, throws hay to him... The owner calls the Mistress into the house. Everything calms down. The dog lays down and falls asleep. The Sparrow is dozing, the Horse falls asleep while standing.

imaginary journey

Start the game like this: "Now we will go on a journey. I will describe the place where we will find ourselves, and you need to imagine, see it in your mind and do what your fantasy tells you.

We take backpacks from the chairs, put them on. We are in a clearing where berries and wildflowers grow. You can pick berries, pick flowers, enjoy the beauty! But first, determine what kind of flower or berry it is, because I can ask about it. Keep in mind that many berries like to hide in the grass, which means that they can not be seen right away. Therefore, the grass must be carefully moved apart by hand. Well, now we go further, to the forest. On the way we come across a stream. A board is thrown over it. Cross the board! Don't be afraid! And here we are in the forest, where there are a lot of mushrooms and raspberries. Take a look first. Find yourself a place to eat. Here we will rest and have a snack, and then we will clean up after ourselves. Now I'll try to guess what you're eating."


Tips for the game organizer:

  1. Before playing the game, clearly develop the rules and criteria for scoring.

  2. Take care of the place where the game will take place in advance. Arrange it so that everyone is happy.

  3. The highlight of the program is its host.

  4. Involve children in the preparation and participation in activities.

  5. Volunteering is the foundation of everything. If the child does not want to participate in the game - do not force him. Try to interest others, and he will join them - if not in the first game, but in the fifth.

  6. Explain the terms of the game accurately and concisely.

  7. Don't delay the game.

  8. If the questions are too difficult, then help, hint to the players what the answer is.

  9. If the game allows, then tell an interesting story during the break (better - on the topic), play the game with the audience, if any.
Get everyone excited, but don't make it the goal of the game to win one team or another (unless it's a competitive program).

Sea, land, sky.

In this game, children will remember the inhabitants of the sea, land, sky. They line up. The host turns to face them, says, for example: "Land!" - and throws the ball. The one who catches the ball must throw it to the leader, naming the representative of the animal world that lives on land.


This game is played on the same principle as the previous one. Only this time, when throwing the ball, the host says, "Edible!" or "Inedible!". Children in response should name the corresponding product, fruit, vegetable or object.

Children become in a circle. The leader tells them that it is usually very quiet before a thunderstorm, and asks the children to freeze. Then distant quiet sounds are heard: the children, looking at the leader, rub their palms against their palms. The sounds gradually increase: the children clap their hands, at first quietly, then louder. A thunderstorm is already heard: the children stamp their feet. Thunderstorm in full swing: children stamp their feet loudly and clap their hands. But now the storm subsides: all actions are repeated, but in the reverse order.

Departing train

The host starts the game with the words: “Imagine that we are in a compartment of a train that is about to move. We look out the window and see that the parents who are seeing us off are waving to us. Let’s wave to them too. , the wheels are spinning. Let's depict with our feet how this happens. (Children move alternately on the floor with their right and then their left legs, continuing to wave their hands.) They brought us tea, let's stir sugar in a cup with our free hand. " (Children perform the previous movements, adding circular ones to them, imitating stirring sugar in a glass of tea.).

Neighbor, raise your hand!

The players, standing or sitting (depending on the agreement), form a circle. A driver is chosen by lot, who stands inside the circle. He calmly walks in a circle, then stops in front of one of the players and loudly says: "Hands!" The player addressed by the driver continues to sit (stand) without changing position. And both of his neighbors must raise one hand up: the neighbor on the right - the left, the neighbor on the left - the right, that is, the hand that is closer to the player standing (sitting) between them. If one of the guys made a mistake, that is, he raised the wrong hand or forgot to raise it at all, then he changes with the leading roles. Play for a set time. The one who leads the least number of times wins.

Question to a neighbor

Everyone sits in a circle, the leader becomes in the center. He approaches any player and asks a question, for example: "What is your name?", "Where do you live?" etc. The answer should not be the one who is asked, but his neighbor on the left. If the one whom the presenter asked answers, he must give a phantom. After the game, the forfeits are played.

Into pieces

With one hand, right or left, the child needs, according to the condition of the game, to tear the newspaper into small pieces, while the hand is extended forward. You can't help with your free hand. Whoever has the smallest pieces wins.

wooden puppets

The facilitator begins the game with the words: “We all saw wooden puppets controlled by strings. If the string tension weakens, then the arms, head, body, legs of the doll go down. Now get back to the starting position: straighten your back, raise your arms and head up.
On the count of "one" sharply lower your head down, "two" - hands drop from the elbow, "three" - hands are completely relaxed, "four" - bend forward, head and arms are relaxed, "five" - ​​get down on all fours. Now the strings will be pulled in reverse order, and the dolls will straighten. Don't confuse the order!"

The players become in a circle. The host commands: "Touch something yellow. One, two, three." Players try to grab clothes as quickly as possible, an object of this color before the rest of the participants. Who did not have time - leaves the game. The host repeats the command again, but with a new color. The remaining player wins.

In the swamp

Two participants are given two sheets of paper. They must go through the "swamp" along the "bumps" - sheets of paper. You need to put a sheet on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other sheet in front of you. Step over to another sheet, turn around, take the first sheet again and put it in front of you. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins.

most attentive

Three or four people play. The facilitator starts the game like this: “I’ll tell you a story in a dozen and a half phrases. I’ll just say: “Number three” - take the prize immediately. Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, and not one, but as many as seven. When you want to memorize poems, do not memorize them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once or twice at night, or better ... ten. A hardened guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, do not be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: one, two ... march! Once I had to wait for a train at the station for three hours ... (if they do not have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it). Well, friends, you did not take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.

Return the stolen

The game begins with the words of the leading child: “Magpies like bright, shiny objects. If the object is small, the magpie can take it to its nest. Imagine that the magpie’s nest fell to the ground from a strong wind. to your acquaintances. We must return the stolen things to the owner."

Children line up facing the leader. In the palm of each is a small object (button, pencil, pin, etc.). Exposure time - 10 seconds. Then all the items are placed in the "nest" (hat). The leader's task is to remember who owned the "stolen" item, and, having taken it out of the "nest", return it to the owner.

This game is played outside. A field of 8x8 squares is drawn on the ground. The host at the beginning of the game announces the rules: "There is a swamp in front of you. Any swamp can be crossed along a path of bumps. This swamp also has a path, but it is not visible. But I have it on the map, in any disputable situations the final word will belong to me Your task: find that path and cross the swamp along it, observing the following rules:

  1. One player can be on the playing field at a time.

  2. You can move forward, backward, right, left, diagonally in any direction, but only one cell, i.e. you cannot step over the cell.

  3. If, taking the next step, you touched the cage with your foot, then you have already stepped on it.

  4. If you stepped onto the cage and there is no signal from the leader, then you are on a bump; if the signal sounds, then you stepped past and must return back.

  5. If several participants or even almost the entire group have already moved to the other side, but someone stumbled, the whole group returns.

  6. You can't stand on the edges of the swamp.

  7. You can not draw diagrams, mark cells.

  8. You can't talk.

  9. The order of attempts to pass is arbitrary.
After the announcement of the instructions, there are two minutes to discuss and develop a strategy, if necessary. The game time is not limited. The game ends when the entire group crosses the swamp.

14 items

This game will help children understand that each person has their own values ​​and attitude to life situations.

The facilitator prepares and puts together several items that have different uses. For example: magnet, film, notebook, plastic bag, newspaper, scissors, etc. (14 items in total). All items are randomly placed on the table.

Participants are placed around a table with objects, and the facilitator invites the whole group to clean up for 10 minutes, while participants should not communicate verbally.

After the game, there is a discussion: why does the final composition look like this? If you managed to restore order, then what helped to do it? If not, what got in the way? Did the participants communicate with each other during the game?

1. Introduction.

2 dating games.

3 Outdoor games

  1. guidelines for organizing outdoor games;

  2. mobile games in a hurry;

  3. games in the schoolyard.
4 Games that form a culture of behavior.

5 Games for collective trust, attention, relaxation and creation

positive mood.


1. We play together with mom and friends. Minsk: Harvest; M.: OOO "Publishing House ACT", 2001. 208 p.

2. Lopatina A. 50 lessons about good qualities / A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova. M.: Knizhny Dom Lokus LLC, 2002. 320 p.

3. Lopatina A. 600 creative games for big and small / A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova. M.: Knizhny Dom Lokus LLC, 2002. 320 p.

4. Samoukina N.V. Games at school and at home: psychotechnical exercises and correctional programs. Moscow: New school, 1995.144 p.

5. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: pract. allowance: per. from German: in 4 volumes / K. Fopel. M.: Genesis, 2003.160 p.

6. Fopel K. Creation of the team. Psychological games and right. - K .: Geneza, 2003. - P. 400.

7. Udovchenko M. Game activity. http: // deti/ 3dn/ru/