Animals in English with Russian transcription. Thematic vocabulary

Without mastering at least the basic "animal" vocabulary, a foreigner in a conversation with an English-speaking interlocutor risks missing out on a significant part of the information. The theme of animals in English, like the weather, is a kind of lifeline that you can resort to if the conversation is at an impasse. When you visit a stranger, you can easily win him over if you start asking about pets (pets). Yes, and you can get acquainted with an interesting person in the park by talking about a dog walking with him.

The names of animals in English are enthusiastically taught by children and adults. It is easier for kids to remember the name of animals than abstract things. One of the first questions children ask in foreign language classes is, how do you say "animals" in English?

Pets in English

As a rule, students can answer the question of what pets are called in English after the very first lessons. Children begin their acquaintance with this topic by studying songs and rhymes about cats and dogs. And adults learn to talk about their pets, briefly describe them. For English-speaking people, it is common to subdivide all animals that are customary to keep in the house, into those that bring real benefits to a person (cow, sheep, ram), and indoor animals created for entertainment. The first are called domestic animals, the second - pet. At the first stage of learning a language, it will be enough to learn the names of those very animals that a person gets not for the sake of benefit, but as friends:

  1. dog - dog
  2. puppy ["pʌpɪ] - puppy
  3. cat - cat, cat
  4. kitten - kitten
  5. parrot ["pærət] - parrot
  6. hamster ["hæmstə] - hamster
  7. chinchilla [ʧɪnˈʧɪlə] - chinchilla
  8. guinea pig ["ɡɪnɪ pɪɡ] - guinea pig
  9. mouse
  10. rat - rat

farm animals

After you have mastered the names of our smaller brothers from the pets group, you can begin to study domestic animals, that is, domestic animals that give us meat, milk, and wool. Here, as in Russian, the same animal, depending on the genus, and often the age, is called differently. For example, a horse is horse, but a mare will already be mare, a stallion stallion [ˈstæljən], and a foal colt. However, to begin with, it is enough to remember the word horse. Below is a list of animals with translation. We classify all these animals as domestic or farm animals.

  • chicken ["tʃɪkɪn] - chicken
  • rooster ["ru:stə] - rooster
  • cow - cow
  • bull - bull
  • pig - pig
  • piglet ["pɪɡlɪt] - piglet
  • turkey ["tɜ: kɪ] - turkey
  • sheep [ʃi:p] - sheep
  • ram - ram
  • lamb - lamb
  • horse - horse
  • rabbit ["ræbɪt] - rabbit
  • goat - goat
  • donkey [ˈdɒŋki] - donkey

You will often encounter the names of these animals in everyday life. After all, the British and Americans, just like Russian speakers, tend to use the names of farm animals in comparative characteristics in relation to people, as well as in various sayings and idioms.

Wild animals

The word "animals" in English sounds like animals. Accordingly, native speakers call wild animals wild animals. This category of animals includes individuals whose natural habitat is forests, jungles, savannahs, water bodies, etc. Most of us encounter these animals only in zoos and circuses. But even if your plans do not include a safari, the name of some well-known wild and exotic animals in English is worth remembering, if only to make your speech more figurative. Otherwise, how can you tell your interlocutor that your boss is as powerful as a lion, and your colleague does not take up snake wisdom?

Wild and exotic animals with transcription and translation

Insects and reptiles

The chance to meet a wild or exotic animal for the average Russian, as well as for an avid traveler, is relatively small. But to face an insect, and in some areas with a reptile, each of us can at any time. And not always these meetings are pleasant. Therefore, it is no less important to know the names of dangerous insects and reptiles in English than the international SOS alarm. In case of unwanted encounters with insects and reptiles while traveling to exotic countries, you can warn of the danger.

So, the short list of names of insects and reptiles in English, which everyone should be familiar with, looks like this:

  1. Fly - fly
  2. Spider - spider
  3. bee
  4. Scorpion - scorpion
  5. Wasp - wasp
  6. Mosquito - mosquito, mosquito
  7. beetle
  8. Crocodile - crocodile
  9. Turtle
  10. snake
  11. Rattlesnake - rattlesnake
  12. Cobra - cobra
  13. Dinosaur - dinosaur

Of course, you are unlikely to encounter the latter somewhere. But knowing the English name of this terrible reptile, you can always discuss Jurassic Park.


In order to finally conquer those around you with your knowledge of animals in English, in addition to the above words, you should supplement your vocabulary with at least a few names of birds. And one word bird (bird) is clearly not enough here.

We have already mentioned some domestic birds above, but now we will give a short list of wild birds:

  • sparrow ["spærəʋ] - sparrow
  • raven ["reɪvən] - raven
  • penguin ["peŋwɪn] - penguin
  • swallow ["swɔləu] - swallow
  • dove - dove
  • swan - swan
  • eagle ["iːgl] - eagle
  • owl - owl
  • crane [ʹkreın] - crane
  • bullfinch [ˊbulfɪntʃ] - bullfinch
  • magpie ["mægpaɪ] - magpie

Animal groups in English

Now we perfectly understand how to name one animal in English. But what if there are several of these animals? In Russian, for various groups of animals there is a name. For example, wolves gather in packs, snakes form a nest, etc. Everything is similar in English.

So, if we have a group of kittens or puppies in front of us, then we use the word liter[ˈlɪtə], which can be translated as "brood" or "litter". Lions form a pride ( pride), snakes - nest ( nest). A school of fish in English sounds like school .

Fans of serials and films about werewolves may know that a pack of wolves, as well as dogs, is called pack, but a flock of birds - flock. Groups of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats form a herd - herd, but ants and rabbits, in the understanding of English-speaking people, are colonies ( colony[ˈkɒləni]). And finally, a swarm of insects (butterflies, bees, flies) in English is called swarm .

What do wild and domestic animals “speak” in English?

When teaching English, it is important to learn that animals in this language do not animate. Animals in English correspond to the pronoun it. An exception to this rule are fairy tales, where animals, as a rule, are given some human traits. Many fabulous animals have names, and the pronouns he (he) and she (she) are applied to them. The same applies to pets. People often think of pets as family members or friends, so we also use the pronouns he and she when referring to them.

The topic "animals in English" for children will be more interesting if you tell them how, in the understanding of the inhabitants of English-speaking countries, pets "talk". In Russian, a cat meows, that is, it makes the sound “meow”. In English, this verb corresponds to the word meow. Bears, tigers and lions roar growl). The clucking of a chicken in English is expressed by the verb cluck. The British hear the barking of a dog as " bow-bow" or " woof-woof", the bleating of a sheep -" baa-baa”, mouse squeak -“ squeak-squeak". And the rooster in English in the morning cries not “crow”, but “ cock-a-doodle-doo". The neighing of a horse to children in the UK is heard as " neigh-neigh", the pigs make the sound " oink-oink”, owls -“ hoot", and the birds -" chirp».

And here is a list of verbs that will help you characterize the actions of certain animals:

  • squeak - squeak (rodents and rabbits);
  • moo - moo (cows);
  • scream - scream (monkeys);
  • roar - roar, growl (bears and lions);
  • chirp [ʧɜːp] - chirp (cicadas and crickets);
  • purr - purr (cats);
  • tweet - tweet (birds);
  • hiss - hiss (snakes);
  • quack - quack (ducks);
  • howl - howl (wolves and dogs);
  • bleat - to bleat (sheep, goats);
  • bark - bark (dogs).

Easy Ways to Remember Animal Names in English

For children, animals in English are always an interesting topic. Kids easily remember the names of animals with the help of pictures, all kinds of cartoons, simple songs and poems. Animals appear in many children's fairy tales, which are useful to read not only for children, but also for adults learning English.

Topic “Animals \ Animals”- one of the first encountered when learning English. Today we will look at how pets, wild animals, groups of animals (such as a flock) are called in English, and also learn how animals “speak” in English. All words are given with transcription and translation.

Names of pets in English

domestic animals Pets
cow cow
bull bull
horse horse
Mare mare
goat goat
he goat goat
ram ram
donkey[ˈdɒŋki]a donkey
mule mule
pig pig
cat cat
dog dog
calf calf
lamb lamb
Foal foal
mouse mouse
rat rat
guinea pig (cavy)[ˈgɪni pɪg] [ˈkeɪvi]cavy


  1. mouse-words mice, not mouses.
  2. Word sheep also in the plural sheep(forms match).

Wild animals in English

wild animal wild animal
wolf wolf
Fox Fox
bear bear
lion[ˈlaɪən]a lion
ape (monkey)[ˈmʌŋki]a monkey
hare hare
rhino (rhinoceros)[ˈraɪnəʊ]rhinoceros
deer deer
lynx lynx
seal seal
tortoise (turtle)[ˈtɔːtəs] [ˈtɜːtl]turtle
hyena hyena
raccoon raccoon
elk (moose)[ɛlk] ()elk
opossum (possum)[əˈpɒsəm] ([ˈpɒsəm])opossum
puma (cougar)[ˈpjuːmə] ([ˈkuːgə])puma

note: word deer also in the plural deer, forms match.

Animal groups in English

In addition to the names of individual animals, there are names of groups of animals. In Russian, we say a herd of sheep, a pack of wolves, but not a herd of wolves and a pack of sheep. Here is what groups of animals are called in English with a rough translation (approximate, because the exact one depends on the context):

Group nameTranscriptionApproximate translation
colony (of ants, rabbits)[ˈkɒləni]the colony
swarm (of bees, flies, butterflies) Roy
flock (of birds, geese) flock
herd (of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats) herd
pack (of dogs, wolves) flock, pack
school (of fish) flock, shoal
pride (of lions) pride, flock
nest (of snakes) nest
litter (of puppies, kittens)[ˈlɪtə]brood, offspring, litter

As you can see, some words are similar to Russian, some are very different: we also say “ant colony”, but we don’t say “rabbit colony”. What amused me most of all was that a group of kittens, puppies and other cubs is called a litter - literally, scattered things, garbage, a mess.

What do animals say in English? Song for children

Another interesting topic about animals is how their “speech” is rendered in English. For example, we say that a bird chirps “chirp-chirp” and a pig grunts “oink-oink”, but an Englishman will say that a bird chirps “tweet-tweet” and a pig grunts “oink, oink”.

There are two groups of words to be distinguished here:

  • Onomatopoeia like “quack-quack”, “oink-oink”.
  • Verbs that call the process of “speech” itself, for example: quack, grunt.

Onomatopoeia is well demonstrated in this children's song:

And here is a list of some, let's say, verbs of speech. In parentheses are the names of animals and birds to which these actions may apply.

Now consider which animals these “verbs of speech” refer to:

  • growl- bears, tigers, lions
  • squeak– rodents (mice, chinchillas, etc.), rabbits
  • scream- monkey
  • roar- lions, bears
  • cluck- Chicken
  • moo– cows
  • chirp- crickets, cicadas
  • bleat- goats, sheep
  • bark- dogs
  • howl- dogs, wolves
  • quack– ducks
  • hiss– snakes
  • tweet- birds
  • meow, purr– cats

Here are some examples with some verbs:

Can you hear the dogs barking? Go, check the backyard. - Listen, dogs. bark? Go check out the back yard.

Whose cat is meowing outside for like an hour? Whose cat is this for about an hour meows on the street?

The mouse sqeaked and hid under the pillow. - Mouse squeaked and hid under the pillow.

My neighbor's dog howls like a wolf every night. - My neighbor's dog howls like a wolf every night.

Hello dear readers! In order for communication with native English speakers to be comfortable, it is necessary, first of all, to master the most commonly used vocabulary. Knowing the names of animals in English is useful not only for children, but for all those who want to master this language. In our speech, we very often mention some kind of domestic or wild animal. For example, when we say “hungry like a wolf” or “tired like a dog”, or when we talk about our pets. Name animals in English Learning the names of animals in English is not so difficult even for children. After all, all domestic, wild and rare representatives of the fauna, which are very often found in the communication of carriers, are not such a large number of words. However, I immediately want to note the moment that some animals are familiar to us, but for Americans, Australians, Canadians or the British they are rare.

Also, some animals are exotic for us, but for them it is quite familiar fauna. For example, for a resident of the United States it will not be surprising to meet a skunk on the street, for a Canadian - a wolverine, for an Australian - a kangaroo, and for a Russian it is not uncommon to meet a bear or a wolf in the taiga. Therefore, today we will consider the names of animals according to the following criteria:

  • Homemade
  • wild
  • Endangered

So, let's get started right away.

Pets in English

Pets in Kanglish To begin with, I will say right away that for native English speakers, a pet and a beloved pet are two completely different words. Pets that benefit a person, they call the words " domestic animals ", and a pet for entertainment and games, that is, a pet is the word" pet ". For example, a cow, a sheep, a chicken are domestic animals, and a hamster, a kitten, and a dog are pets.

And now we will find out how their names are called and pronounced in English. To do this, I suggest you study a convenient table with translation and transcription:

Word in Russian

Titles in English



Save this table, and at any time you can check the translation or pronunciation of a particular name.

wild animals in english

Of course, wild animals in English are a much larger number, but we will not fill our heads with unnecessary information, and we will learn only the most commonly used names and words with translation. And also we will learn how to pronounce them correctly by studying the table with transcription and translation. Wild Animals in English First, let's learn how to name species of wild animals in English - wild animal . The species "herbivores" in English is called the word " herbivorous”, and “carnivorous” with the phrase “ flesh-eating"or the word" carnivorous". And what is the name of the “predator” species, everyone probably remembers from the famous film of the same name with A. Schwarzenegger - “ predatory».

And now the promised short table, but if it's not enough for you, then you can download the extended table with the translation:

Word in Russian

Titles in English


a lionlion["laɪən]
lion cublion's whelp["laɪənz welp]
bear cubbear cub
baby elephantelephant calf["elɪfənt kæf]
wolf cubwolf cub
a monkeymonkey["mʌŋkɪ]
fawnyoung deer
camelyoung camel
fox cubkid fox
kangarookangaroo[ˌkæŋg (ə)"ruː]
kangaroobaby kangaroo["beɪbɪ ˌkæŋg (ə)"ruː]

As you can see, wild animals do not have a separate name for animals. Instead, the word is added to the name of an adult whelp, cub, calf, baby, kid or young.

Endangered Species in English

Unfortunately, for various reasons, most often because of humans, entire species of representatives of the wild fauna disappear from our planet. Despite the fact that rare and endangered species are listed in the Red Book and are under the protection of Green Peace, they continue to be killed and destroyed from the face of the Earth. Endangered species of animals in English Our task is to find out what these species are and how they are called in English. And if you meet a disappearing animal, then in no case harm it. Pass on the beauty of wildlife to your descendants.

And now we will find out which animals are listed in the Red Book and get acquainted with the translation of their names into English:

  • Amur tiger - Amur tiger
  • bison
  • Rhino - rhinoceros
  • Cheetah
  • Muskrat
  • Canadian beaver - Canadian beaver
  • Narwhal - Marine unicorn

Naturally, these are not all rare animals. And it is very sad that their populations are decreasing year by year.

Animals in English for kids

When children learn a foreign language, the names of animals in English are studied first of all, since for children these words are of the greatest interest. They are much more fun to study concrete nouns than abstract ones. In this case, pictures with various representatives of the fauna with translation and transcription are perfect for children. Names of animals in English for children Also, kids love to sing, play, have fun, read or listen to beautiful short rhymes. It will not be difficult for them to even learn a short verse in English about their favorite animal. Therefore, use this ability of children to teach them a foreign language. Here is an example of a poem with a translation that you can study with your child:

The Elephant (Elephant)
When people call this beast to mind, (The white bear is not afraid)
They marvel more and more. (Fierce winter cold)
At such a little tail behind, (Such an outfit as he has)
So large trunk before. (I would need one too)

1. An elephant is a huge animal that lives in Africa and Asia. Elephants are grey, they have two big ears, two long teeth (tusks) and a long nose (a trunk). They eat leaves, plants, fruit and roots. Elephants are mammals.

2. A fox belongs to the dog family. It is a mammal. Foxes are red and they have beautiful fluffy tails. They are very cunning, they catch and eat small animals and birds. They live all over the world.

3. A giraffe is a tall animal with a long neck and thin long legs. Animals live in Africa, they eat tree leaves and fruit. Giraffes are mammals. Their bodies are covered with brown marks.

4. A rhinoceros is a large and heavy mammal that lives in Africa and Asia. It has one or two sharp horns on its head and it has thick skin. Rhinoceroses eat fruit, leaves and grass.

5. A hare is a small mammal with a short tail, long legs and long ears. Hares eat plants and fruit. They can jump and run very fast. Hares live in Europe and America.

6. A hedgehog is a small mammal covered in spines. It can roll in a ball. Hedgehogs hunt for insects, worms and small animals. They live in Asia, Africa and Europe.

7. A lion is a large wild cat. It is called "the king of beasts". It has sharp teeth and claws, a big head and a long tail. Lions are predators, they hunt for other animals. Animals live in Africa and India in groups called prides. Lions are very strong, smart and cunning.

8. A bear is a large mammal. Bears have large paws with sharp claws. They can climb and swim very well. They live all around the world. Animals like to eat meat, fish, plants, fruits, berries and honey. Bears have a sweet tooth.

9. A camel is a large mammal. It lives in Africa. It eats vegetation: plants, grass and grain. Camels have a long neck and two humps. They can live without water for 10 months.

10. A wolf is a wild mammal. Wolves are of gray color and they look like dogs. They are smart predators and eat other animals. Wolves live in small groups in forests and mountains.

11. A crocodile is a large dangerous animal that lives in rivers and lakes of Africa, Asia, Australia and America. Predators eat fish and mammals. They can swim and run very fast.

12. A zebra belongs to the horse family. It is a striped black-and-white mammal. Zebras live in Africa in groups (herds). They eat vegetation. They can run and kick with their strong legs.

13. A monkey is a small animal with a long tail. Monkeys live in the forests of America, Africa and Asia. Animals are very funny, smart and active. Monkeys can run, jump, climb and play with each other. They like to eat fruits, nuts, berries, eggs and insects.

14. A panda is a white-and-black mammal. It lives in the forests of China. It can climb very well. Pandas look like fluffy bears. They eat bamboo trees, plants and small animals.

15. A kangaroo is a mammal that lives in Australia. It eats plants and leaves. Kangaroos have strong long legs and they can hop very fast. They also have a pocket on their stomach where they can carry their babies.

16. A squirrel is a small pretty animal. It has a fluffy tail. It lives in trees all over the world. Squirrels eat nuts, berries, fruit and insects. They can jump and climb trees.


1. Elephant is a huge animal that lives in Africa and Asia. Elephants are gray in color, they have two large ears, two long teeth (tusks) and a long nose (trunk). They feed on leaves, plants, fruits, and roots. Elephants are mammals.

2. The fox belongs to the canine family. This is a mammal. Foxes are red in color, they have beautiful fluffy tails. They are very cunning, they catch and eat small animals and birds. They live all over the world.

3. Giraffe is a tall animal with a long neck and thin long legs. Animals live in Africa, they eat tree leaves and fruits. Giraffes are mammals. Their bodies are covered with brown spots.

4. Rhino is a large and heavy mammal that lives in Africa and Asia. It has one or two sharp horns on its head and has thick skin. Rhinos feed on fruits, leaves, and grass.

5. A hare is a small mammal with a short tail, long legs and long ears. Hares eat plants and fruits. They can jump and run very fast. Hares live in Europe and America.

6. The hedgehog is a small mammal covered in spines. It can curl up into a ball. Hedgehogs prey on insects, worms and small animals. They live in Asia, Africa and Europe.

7. The lion is a big wild cat. He is called the "king of beasts". It has sharp teeth and claws, a large head and a long tail. Lions are carnivores, they prey on other animals. Animals live in Africa and India in groups called prides. Lions are very strong, smart and cunning.

8. Bear is a large mammal. Bears have large paws with sharp claws. They are very good at climbing and swimming. They live all over the world. Animals eat meat, fish, plants, fruits, berries and honey. Bears are sweet.

9. Camel is a large mammal. He lives in Africa. It feeds on vegetation: plants, grass and grain. Camels have a long neck and two humps. They can live without water for 10 months.

10. The wolf is a wild mammal. Wolves are gray in color and they look like dogs. They are smart predators and eat other animals. Wolves live in small groups in forests and mountains.

11. Crocodile is a large dangerous animal that lives in the rivers and lakes of Africa, Asia, Australia and America. Predators feed on fish and mammals. They can swim and run very fast.

12. Zebra belongs to the horse family. It is a striped black and white mammal. Zebras live in Africa in groups (herds). They feed on vegetation. They can run and kick with their strong legs.

13. Monkey is a small animal with a long tail. Monkeys live in the forests of America, Africa and Asia. Animals are very funny, smart and active. Monkeys can run, jump, climb and play with each other. They love to eat fruits, nuts, berries, eggs, and insects.

Necessary English words on the topic "Pets and animals" for beginners, children: a list with transcription and translation

The topic "Pets" in English is always interesting for children to study, because such lessons can be filled with various forms of work:

  • Acting out dialogues
  • Learning songs
  • Watching cartoons
  • Reading poems
  • Drawing
  • Hearing

In addition, the lesson involves the presence of a large number of visualizations (pictures) that children like so much.

The whole topic can be divided into several sections:

  • Pets
  • Farm Animals
  • Animals in the forest
  • Exotic animals

The main role in the study of this topic is played by vocabulary, so try to compose your own vocabulary (dictionary) and consolidate it by writing out, pronouncing and repeating each word. It is useful to write down and learn words based on transcription (signs that represent sounds). If the child is small, but already knows how to read, you can even write down the sounds in Russian letters.

Topic vocabulary

Exercises in English for children on the topic "Pets and animals"

It is not enough just to give the child a vocabulary (a list of words on a given topic), they should also be consolidated with the help of simple and complex exercises: written or oral.

What exercises can you suggest?

  • In the first part, you should label all the images so that the word matches the picture. In the second part of the task, simply connect the word and the picture with a line.
  • A simple task for young children that involves rewriting words - the names of animals.
  • Sign the pictures of animals with the correct words, and then fill in the crossword puzzle with them so that the letter matches are perfect (preferably using a pencil).
  • Label the pictures using the suggested words in the column
  • A creative task for which colored pencils are useful. In the picture, you should recognize and highlight different animals with color, naming them.
  • Complete a colorful crossword puzzle using the suggested pictures (remembering their names in English).

Dialogue in English for children on the topic "Pets and animals" with translation

Play out a dialogue on the topic “Pets” in the class or with an individual student, it will help to consolidate the knowledge gained and actively use new vocabulary in speech.

Which dialogues are suitable:

Video: Animal Comparisons Dialogue - English Lesson for Kids

Phrases in English for children on the topic "Pets and animals" with translation

In order to have a good command of the topic "Animals and pets", you should introduce into colloquial speech not only individual vocabulary units, but also whole phrases with which the child can compose stories, monologues and dialogues.

Phrases and phrases:

English Translation
I like animals I love animals
I have a pet I have a pet
My favorite pet is … My favorite pet is...
Do you like animals? Do you like animals?
My pet's name is … My pet's name is...
What's your cat (dog) name? What is the name of your cat (dog)?
Animals (pets) are good Animals are very good
Dogs our friends Dogs are our friends
Domestic pets live in a farm Pets live on the farm
Exotic animals live in a tropical Exotic animals live in the tropics
I have a red cat I have a red cat
My dog ​​is smart My dog ​​is very smart
Parrot is a bird parrot is a bird
I feed my pet with … I feed my pet...
My dog ​​likes bones My dog ​​loves bones

Songs for children in English on the topic "Pets and animals" with transcription and translation

A song in an English lesson is not only a way to escape from monotonous and difficult work, but also a very effective form of work. Relaxing and moving, memorizing vocabulary is much more pleasant and therefore it is deposited in memory much more firmly. An alternative to songs is musical cartoons, which also involve visual memory, which means they are more effective.

Songs about animals:

Video: "The animal song"

Cards in English on the topic "Pets and animals" with transcription and translation

Cards are the main visual aid in the lesson, which will help any teacher to present educational material well to children. The pictures on the cards must be bright, clear, and positive.

On the other hand, cards are individual work for each child, for example, task cards where you need to enter a certain word or complete a sentence.

Thematic cards for the lesson:

Cards on the theme "animals"

Games and riddles in English on the topic "Pets and animals"

With the help of the game, you can interest your child in learning English and help him memorize new vocabulary more easily and quickly.

What games can be used:

  • Individual cards. They may have a task: solve a crossword puzzle or connect an animal and its favorite food by signing each picture.
  • Puppet show. To do this, use soft toys - different animals. They can communicate or talk about themselves, for example: I am cat. My name is Foxy. I like milk. I live in a big house.
  • Puzzles. You can give the characteristics of a particular animal, and the student's task will be to guess it and name it in English. For example, "Who is it?": it has white fur and a long ears. - Rabbit!

Poems in English on the topic "Pets and animals"

Learning rhymes in English will help the child not only memorize words, but also train the pronunciation of owls using intonation and stress. Pick up theme poems ahead of time and have the children memorize them to present to the class.

SECRET: To make it easier for the child to remember, invite him to recite a poem with an animal - a toy. So it will use its associations.

Poem "Little Bird" in English

Poem in English "My cat" and "Cow says"

Poem in English "Once I caught a fish"

Poem in English "Pig" and "Little Turtle"

Poem in English "I have a little turtle" and "Monkeys"

Poem in English "Birds" and "Rooster, fox, cat and wolf"

Cartoons for children on the topic "Pets and animals"

Educational cartoons will help you diversify the lesson and make it more fruitful, because children are much more interested in absorbing information through multimedia files and visuals than from text.

  • Game "Crocodile": one child depicts an animal, others guess it (only the English word should be called).
  • Imitate animal sounds (as is customary in English).
  • Talk about your pets, introduce them or show a photo.
  • Use individual and group cards for work (preferably colorful and with pictures).
  • Ask children to use their creativity, for example, to draw their pet beautifully and talk about it in English.
  • Play the game "Moms and Babies": distribute the pictures among the animals and call them in English words, for example, "hen - chiken".
  • Video: "Animals in English: video simulator"