What is known about parallel worlds. Parallel worlds we don't know much about

Thematic cycle - "Parallel worlds"


The theme of parallel worlds or many worlds has always aroused great interest among the general public with its unusualness, sometimes mystery and at the same time closeness to every person. We live among different worlds in the structured reality of the Earth and the cosmos, being ourselves heterogeneous entities with their own individuality and inner world, which unite with their own kind by gender and congeniality, nationality and territory, economy and culture. Our planet is an element of the solar system, which in turn, along with billions of other similar systems, makes up the galaxy - the Milky Way.

Hundreds of billions of galaxies form the Universe, which until recently seemed to be united, infinite and expanding, and now, due to the emergence of new scientific data, it is losing its former status of a single and comprehensive and acquiring a new one - one of many Universes that make up something on a larger scale - the Multiverse. Seemingly unthinkable and abstract for many, these ideas about the universe, for all their complexity, however strange it may seem, contain a lot of positive things that excite the imagination and encourage development...

The better a person knows the world around him, the better he knows himself and the greater his possibilities become. The process of cognition brings people closer and brings closer the moment of their meeting with extraterrestrial intelligence. In this context, the importance of science and art increases, as well as their interaction is natural, because they should serve one thing - to help people comprehend the world and themselves in it and find happiness!

1. Parallel worlds - what is it?

For a long time there have been myths and legends that we - earthlings - are not alone in the Universe, that people are not the only intelligent beings on Earth, and our world is one of many worlds. We meet with parallel worlds not only in literature, we can say that we live among parallel worlds, although some of them can be easier to imagine than to logically explain and, moreover, strictly substantiate. For example, fairy tales and fantasies familiar to us from childhood with brownies, goblin dryads, water nymphs, myths and legends and their characters - Gods, heroes, titans. And the religious world of God and the devil and the other worlds are Hell and Paradise. And the world of people - humanity and the unique worlds of each person, and the animal and plant worlds and their communities. And the visible variety of worlds in the universe, the material and subtle world, the real world and the anti-world... Finally, the worlds that are reproductively imagined and scientifically substantiated by scientists, and the worlds are products of the creative imagination of writers and artists.

An important point in understanding the idea of ​​a multi-world is the fact that other worlds exist for a person, as something external in relation to his individual inner world, arising as an obscure vision of another world, which, as it is known, is refined, filled with more and more content, is structured itself and becomes an element of the structure of a higher level. This does not always happen without difficulties associated with the resistance of the material or overcoming the conservatism of thinking, especially when it comes (A. Doshchechkin, 2002) about worlds that are not compatible with our world in time and / or space (extraterrestrial civilizations) or compatible, but existing in another dimension or frequency range (poltergeist, ghosts)...

Another variation of the parallel world can be a world combined with ours in time, but separated in space, which implies the possibility of the existence of an anti-world and a world with the reverse course of time - from the present to the past. Well, there are still possible worlds that are combined with ours in time and spaced apart in space, allowing the existence of discrete space and time. The latter resemble computer animation, when one world appears for a while, then it is replaced by another or third, and so on until the end of the cycle, which then repeats. If such a construction of the world is allowed, then Atlantis, which cannot be found, is one of the parallel worlds coexisting with ours ...

All this is very difficult to imagine even for a well-educated person - what can we say about those who could not or did not want to join the known and new knowledge about the world - in their minds the picture of the world can be far from the real one, resembling a patchwork quilt cut from heterogeneous pieces - fragmentary knowledge, part of which is based on faith. For such people, as well as those who are not inclined to serious reflections, there are options for fantastic parallel worlds or "alternative universes" that allow, by placing actions in them, to do without much effort to scientifically substantiate the picture of the future or to match the historical sources of pictures of the past, providing limitless possibilities for the imagination of the authors ...

To a certain extent, the idea of ​​parallel worlds can be considered as a psychological phenomenon and a property of individual consciousness immanent to a person and evolving along with him, allowing, with the help of the mind and one of its most important components - imagination, to form ideas about oneself and the world around, to correlate oneself with society and nature, to recognize oneself as their organic component and to find the correct moral and economic, reasonable ecological and cosmological correlations in the context of the fulfillment of vital necessity and the achievement of the highest benefit. Since both an individual and all of humanity are in development, passing through its successive stages, the noted ratios are not always optimal and depend on the level of general culture and erudition of people, the degree of religiosity and reflection of their thoughts, the adequacy of imaginary images and implemented actions.

As you know, the idea of ​​parallelism or plurality of worlds arose in ancient times, for example, in ancient Greece it is associated with the names of Democritus, Epicurus and other thinkers who proceeded from the principle of isonomy - the equal probability of events, equal existence. At the same time, Democritus believed that there are different worlds, both similar or similar to ours, and completely different. Plato and Aristotle spoke about the same, and later I. Newton and J. Bruno. From ancient sources it is clear that the existence of parallel worlds was known to more ancient civilizations, as well as the fact that some of them witnessed the appearance of aliens, whom they perceived as Gods who came to Earth through the so-called portals...

One of these portals, according to scientists, is located in the ancient Bolivian city of Tiwanaku, built by an unknown civilization many centuries before the rise of the Inca Empire. In Tiwanaku, pyramids, temples and "gates of the sun" have been preserved, through which, according to legend, the main God - Verakuchi fell to Earth from another world. There is a version that there are portals of transition to other worlds on Earth and in other places. These can be anomalous zones, places with curved space. However, their secrets are still hidden from us - apparently, the time has not yet come to open the portals...

The beginning of scientific research into the problem of parallel worlds is associated with 1957, when the American physicist Hugh Everett published the theses of his doctoral dissertation "Formulation of quantum mechanics through the relativity of states." In it, he resolved a long-standing contradiction between two quantum mechanical formulations - wave and matrix, which almost half a century later led to the emergence in physics of the concept of the Multiverse (a homeostatic universe or a set of all possible real-life parallel universes). According to Everett's theory, the Universe at each moment of time branches into parallel microworlds, each of which is a certain probabilistic combination of microevents. As you know, H. Everett was not the only scientist who tried to explain various phenomena with the help of the many-world theory.

Here it is appropriate to mention the "Theory of Everything" by A. Einstein, in which for two decades he unsuccessfully searched for a universal answer to all the questions posed by science, and the "string theory", which arose in the mid-70s and rapidly developed in the subsequent twenty years of the twentieth century, with which the possibility of creating a "unified theory" or "theory of everything" was associated. Recently, "string theory" has encountered a serious difficulty called the "landscape problem", formulated by the American physicist L. Suskind in 2003, the essence of which is that "string theory" allows the equal existence of a huge number of universes, and not just that in which we exist.

While physicists and mathematicians are trying to prove the existence of parallel worlds logically and mathematically, esotericism is doing this with the help of its own, called irrational, methods ... Researchers of altered states of consciousness have long developed a method of the so-called "second attention", - in the tradition of K Castaneda called this "shift of the assemblage point". Sol Falcon, a researcher of parallel worlds, argues that the perception of other worlds is possible when the "assemblage point" shifts to areas with a higher frequency of self-fixation. Such states are achievable with the help of certain meditations, various spiritual and psychological practices, or the use of certain psychoactive substances, but sometimes they arise spontaneously in ordinary life...

There is a point of view that the riddle of alternative being is connected with a certain “fifth dimension” in addition to three spatial and time, however, the head of the sector of the Institute of Philosophy V. Arshinov is sure that we can talk about a much larger number of dimensions: “models of the world are approximately known, in which contains 11, 26 and even 267 dimensions. They are not observable, but are folded in a special way. In multidimensional spaces, according to the scientist, things are possible that seem incredible, other worlds can be anything - there are an infinite number of options "... However, the most popular and "developed" the idea of ​​a plurality of worlds, of course, in mythology, including the modern one, called fantasy, however, we will return to its scientific interpretation below. The idea of ​​the existence of other worlds arose as a way of realizing the dreams of people, for example: the dream of flying was embodied in a flying carpet, and the dream of fast movement on land was embodied in walking boots. Among the myths of ancient China there are stories about life on the Land of Joy in the land of the immortals, many myths were created about the Gods, which were originally intended to inspire people in their life achievements. When society was divided into classes, the rulers appropriated the mission of the deputies of the Gods on Earth to pacify the protest of people against oppression and instill fear and obedience in them.

In myths, first of all, the world of human relations was reflected, and the universe was divided into worlds - earthly, heavenly and underground. Along with Chinese civilization and mythology, Indian, Greek and Egyptian are known, and the myths of the Greeks and Indians are most fully preserved. The logical continuation of mythology are utopias that appeared in the 16th century and are still developing. Let us mention T. Campanella's "City of the Sun", F. Bacon's "New Atlantis", and especially Voltaire's "Candide", in which, in order to criticize the teachings of the optimist G. Leibniz, the words embedded in in the mouth of Pangloss: "everything is for the best in this best of all possible worlds."

For the first time, the idea of ​​a multi-world or the existence of parallel worlds for science fiction was discovered by Herbert Wells in 1895 with the story "The Door in the Wall". And it was just as revolutionary as the ideas of H. Everett for physics, expressed 62 years later. However, it took another forty years before the idea of ​​parallel worlds began to develop seriously in science fiction. In 1941, the first novel by Sprague de Camp and Pratt Fletcher from the Chartered Magician series was published, in which the adventures of the characters were based on the idea of ​​the existence of countless worlds built according to conceivable physical laws. In 1944, H. L. Borges published in his book Fictional Stories the story "The Garden of Forking Paths", in which the idea of ​​time branching, subsequently developed by Everett, was expressed with the utmost clarity. As soon as the hero of any novel finds himself in front of several possibilities, he chooses one of them, rejecting the rest ...

In 1957, Philip Dick from the United States published the novel Eyes in the Sky, which took place in a parallel world, and in 1962, the novel The Man in the High Castle, which became a classic of the genre. The idea of ​​the branching of the historical process was first developed here at a highly artistic level. The novel is set in a world where Germany and Japan defeated their opponents in World War II and occupied the United States: Germany went to the east, Japan to the west. The idea of ​​parallel and branching worlds turned out to be no less rich in literary terms than the ideas of time travel and the contact of civilizations. However, despite the huge amount of fiction on this topic, in fact there are not so many works where a qualitatively new experience would be offered and its new original explanation would be given. The ideas of many worlds were developed in their works by Clifford Simak, Alfred Buster, Brian Aldiss, Rendal Garrett, in the USSR by the Strugatsky brothers, Ariadna Gromova and Rafail Nudelman...

Science fiction literature often describes projects that have not yet been implemented, discoveries and ideas that have not yet been made, and one of them is the prediction of a multi-world and a description of the numerous consequences of it for people. Science fiction foresaw the emergence of Everettism, which, having established itself in physics, allows us to come to the conclusion about the ontological value of literary fantasy, since as a result of an infinite number of branches of the universe that occurred after the Big Bang, all or most of the universes described by science fiction writers can exist in the Multiverse. In this sense, fantasy literature created by authors in our Universe may be purely realistic prose in another part of the Multiverse...

2. Parallel worlds - variations. Fantasy and science.

In most science fiction works, parallel worlds are not substantiated - their existence and properties are simply postulated. However, in many cases attempts are made to explain them and the possibility of movement of people and objects between them. The most important argument in the explanation of parallel worlds is the assumption that the Universe has not three spatial dimensions, but more. After that, a natural and logical generalization of the concept of "parallelism" is made - if parallel lines can exist in two-dimensional space, and parallel lines and planes in three-dimensional space, then in four-dimensional and more space there can be parallel, not intersecting with each other, three-dimensional spaces. Further, it suffices to assume that for some reason we cannot directly perceive these other dimensions, and a logically coherent picture of the plurality of worlds will be obtained ...

In some cases, the world means not only space, but also something more complex, including time as another dimension. Then the parallel existence of four-dimensional worlds becomes possible, in each of which time flows in its own way. Parallel worlds can be represented as independent of our world, and interacting with it. In this case, the interaction can be carried out either in certain circumstances, say, in the presence of transitions between worlds or when they cross.

Sometimes other worlds seem to be embedded in our reality, remember the story of H. L. Borges "The Garden of Forking Paths", where the same story is told several times and contradictory, after which it is explained that the author perceived time as a set of "forking paths", in which events occur in parallel and at the same time. In other cases, the formation of other worlds is inferred from the probability that a certain event may have more than one possible outcome. As a result, a Multiverse is possible, in which there is an infinite number of worlds, each of which differs from the others in that one of the possible outcomes is realized in it. The appearance of parallel worlds is also possible, as a result of the actions of time travelers, when a person who has moved into the past affects some event and the world becomes different.

No less curious is the system of parallel worlds in the Chronicles of Amber by R. Zelazny, existing around the only real world - Amber, as reflections created by people capable of creating parallel worlds, for example, an artist who painted a picture and went to live in it ... In Russian In fantasy, one of the most original pictures of the Universe, consisting of many worlds, was created by V. Krapivin in his cycle: "In the depths of the Great Crystal". According to his idea, the Universe is a kind of a multidimensional crystal, each facet of which is a separate world, the fourth dimension of which, as well as measurements of higher orders, is not time, but the multivariance of development. As a result, the worlds neighboring on the Great Crystal may differ greatly in appearance, but in fact they are of the same type and are at close levels of development...

A variant of the parallel world used in science fiction is the concept of "hyperspace", which is a medium for movement in interstellar space at a speed greater than the speed of light. The justifications for this form of hyperspace vary between works, but two common elements stand out: 1) some, if not all, objects on the hyperspace world map correspond to objects in our universe, thus forming "entry" and "exit" points; 2) the time of movement in hyperspace is less than that in our Universe, due to the greater speed of movement, or slowing down time or reducing the distances between similar objects.

In the plot sense, the idea of ​​a parallel world can be used in different ways, for example: the action moves to another world, and its characters belong to this world (for example, "The Lord of the Rings"). The reason for the implementation of this idea is some new possibilities, including the introduction of phenomena and factors that are absent in the real world (supernatural beings, magic, unusual laws of nature, etc.). Either the action takes place in another world, but one or more characters do not belong to this world, for example, in the first books of the Svarog cycle by A. Bushkov, or another reality invades our lives and affects it - the books of Sargaret Cavendish and Fyodor Berezin.

In some works, emphasis is placed on the ability of a person to adapt to a reality that is completely alien to him, in others - on the fact that a person in a different reality is able to survive and succeed, remaining himself. In a number of works, the heroes act in several worlds, moving from one to another and actively participating in the creation and change of worlds. Examples of such fantasies are "The Ring Around the Sun" by K. Simak, the philosophical fantasy "The Threshold" by Ursula le Guin, "Chronicles of the Orderly" by N. Perumov, and the cycle "Odysseus Leaves Ithaca" by V. Zvyagintsev. Another world can also be a product of human thinking and imagination. Everything that a person thinks about for a long time and imagines can materialize in a parallel world, for example, in R. Sheckley's story "The Shop of Worlds", a person can get into a dimension in which his most secret desire is embodied.

As soon as the existence of parallel worlds is assumed, it is natural to speak about the possibility of transitions between them... To do this, in a multidimensional system, it may be necessary to create a fundamentally new technique that provides the ability to move along additional axes of dimensions or make a transition at the places of intersection or contact of the worlds. In this context, the hero of the novel by G. Wells "The Time Machine" moved in time. Hypothetically, transitions between worlds can be of two types: with the help of a certain tool-means of movement - a portal or through the consciousness of the operator - a transfer. In the case of a portal, a channel is formed between the worlds, when transferred, the operator himself seeps through the border of the worlds. The portal may look different, it must have an entrance and an exit, and it can be one-way or two-way.

They say that a great many of them remained from our ancestors, and most of them are working ... Moreover, several types of portals are defined: 1) space puncture or teleportation - a transition within our world, but to a place far from the entrance; 2) energy portal - a place or object that can only pass energy from one world to another. Their existence is known from some practices with mirrors; 3) portal of reflections - a place specially created for moving between the so-called worlds of variations or reflections. Maps, paintings and other images can serve as such portals. Sometimes such portals arise under the influence of unknown natural factors or as a result of the activity of some intelligent beings; 4) portal of worlds - a place specially created for moving between worlds that cannot be reflections of each other; 5) The gates of the worlds are not a place or structure, but a certain state or position from which one can get into many worlds, which implies the intersection and connection of the worlds. Since the Gates of the worlds are not material or do not exist in reality, a person who enters this place forms the appearance of the Gates for himself. For some, they are a huge arch, for others - a tower going up, for others - a corridor with many doors, a cave, etc.

The existing laws of physics do not deny the assumption that parallel worlds can be connected by quantum tunnel transitions, which means the theoretical possibility of a transition from one world to another without violating the law of conservation of energy, however, its implementation will require such an amount of energy that cannot be accumulated in all our galaxy ... There are many places on Earth called anomalous zones or "hellish places" that could be used as transitions, for example, a limestone cave in California, which you can enter but not exit, or a mysterious mine near Gelendzhik, from which people return very old. The portals are the English Stonehenge and the Cretan labyrinth with the Minotaur supposedly devouring people, the temple in Ibsambul, south of Aswan in Egypt, Mount Bogit and the Stone Grave in Ukraine, dolmens of the Black Sea coast of Crimea and the Caucasus, the Terektinsky fault in Altai and others ...

However, let us return to Earth and believe the myths and fantasies about parallel worlds as the arguments of science... - some choice - "to be or not to be", for example, - how two universes came out of one. We live in one, and the second - by itself, although we are present there too "... Interesting!? But the father of quantum physics, N. Bohr, did not accept this theory - due to lack of interest in it, Everett switched to other topics, indulging in hedonism, and passed away at the age of 51. By this time, the idea began to mature in physics that the idea of ​​parallel worlds could become the basis of a new paradigm of the universe. Andrey Linde, a graduate of Moscow State University and an employee of the P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute, and later a professor of physics at Stanford University, became the main proponent of this beautiful idea.

Building his reasoning on the basis of the Big Bang, which resulted in the emergence of an expanding bubble-germ of our Universe, he suggested the possibility of the existence of other similar bubbles and built a model of inflationary (inflating) Universes that arise continuously, budding from their parents. An illustration of the model can be a certain reservoir filled with water in different states of aggregation - liquid zones, blocks of ice and vapor bubbles, which can be considered analogues of the parallel Universes of the inflationary model of the world, as a huge fractal consisting of homogeneous fractions with different properties. In this world, he believed, one could move smoothly from one Universe to another, but it would be a very long (tens of millions of years) journey...

There is another logic behind the substantiation of parallel worlds, which belongs to Martin Rees, professor of cosmology and astrophysics at the University of Cambridge. He proceeds from the fact that the probability of the birth of life in the Universe is a priori so small that it looks like a miracle, and if you do not believe in the Creator, then why not assume that Nature randomly gives rise to many parallel worlds that serve as a field for her experiments on creation of life. According to M. Rees, life arose on a small planet revolving around an ordinary star of one of the ordinary galaxies of our world precisely because its physical structure favored this. The other worlds of the Multiverse are most likely empty...

Max Tegmark, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania, is convinced that universes can differ not only in location, cosmological properties, but also in the laws of physics. They exist outside of time and space and are almost impossible to depict. Considering the Universe, consisting of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, it can be represented as a ring - the Earth's orbit, "smeared" in time, as if by a braid, which is created by the trajectory of the Moon around the Earth. The scientist likes to illustrate his theory using the example of playing Russian roulette - in his opinion, every time a person pulls the trigger, his universe splits into two: in one shot occurred, and in the other - no. Tegmark himself does not risk conducting such an experiment in reality, at least in our universe.

Yu. Gnedin, Deputy Director of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, believes that "the theory of the existence of parallel worlds" is possible. And this is not just a belief, but an assumption based on scientific data that does not contradict basic physical laws. Everything is born from the original state due to random deviations from the average value of physical quantities. There can be many such deviations, and each of them can have its own universe, moreover, each of them can be habitable, but the problem is how to contact them. We are not yet able to get to the nearest stars, and to the "wormholes" - even more so.

"Wormholes", in fantastic literature they are also called - zero-space, belong to the same mysterious phenomenon as "dark energy", which consists of 70% of the Universe. They are hypothetical objects where there is a curvature of space and time, which are tunnels through which you can make transitions to other worlds. Despite the existence of the concept of the Einstein-Rosen bridge, according to which tunnels can appear in our Universe, through which one can almost instantly get from one point in space to another, and the results of the work of a group of physicists led by Professor B. Klayhouse (2012), it is still unclear , do they really exist, or is it the result of a rampage of the imagination of theoretical physicists ...

In 2010, scientists from University College London, studying maps of the cosmic microwave background radiation, discovered several round zones with an abnormally high radiation temperature. In their opinion, these zones appeared as a result of the collision of our Universe with parallel Universes due to their gravitational influence. Based on the assumption that our world is just a small "bubble" floating in space and colliding with other world-universes, they claim that there have been at least four such collisions since the Big Bang...

Another confirmation of the theory of parallel worlds was made by mathematicians from Oxford. As you know, one of the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, from which it follows that it is impossible to simultaneously determine the exact speed and location of a particle - both have only probabilistic characteristics. Many scientists who took up the study of quantum phenomena came to the conclusion that our Universe is not completely deterministic and is only a set of probabilities. Thus, scientists from Oxford came to the conclusion that it is the theory of H. Everett about the splitting of the Universe that can explain the probabilistic nature of quantum phenomena.

As is often the case in science, the impressive advances in particle physics and cosmology have raised unexpected and fundamental questions, the main of which are: what is the main part of matter in the Universe, what phenomena occur at ultrashort distances, and what processes took place in the Universe at the earliest stages of its evolution. ? I would like to hope, and there are reasons for this, that answers to these and similar questions will be found in the foreseeable future. We live in a time of a fundamental change in the view of nature, promising grandiose discoveries and new opportunities for people!

3. Man - his mind in the perception of the Universe and the Earth

Once upon a time, the Earth was seen by people not at all as we know it now ... Thus, the ancient Indians imagined it as a hemisphere lying on the backs of elephants standing on a huge turtle, and the turtle on a snake. It seemed to other peoples that the Earth was flat and supported by three whales floating in the boundless world ocean. The inhabitants of Babylon saw the Earth in the form of a mountain surrounded by the sea, on the western slope of which Babylonia is located, and on the sea, like an overturned bowl, the firm sky rests - the heavenly world, where, like on Earth, there is land, water and air ... By People perceive the world around them in different ways.

For a long time, the geocentric system of Ptolemy dominated, but which was replaced in the 16th century by the heliocentric system of Copernicus, while he considered the Universe to be a limited sphere of fixed stars. Two centuries later, I. Newton built his model of the infinite Universe, but cosmology in its modern form arose only at the beginning of the 20th century. Its development is associated with the names of A. Einstein and A. Friedman, E. Hubble and F. Zwicky, G. Gamow and H. Shelley. Thanks to them and other scientists, it is now known that the Universe arose as a result of a big bang and is continuously expanding, moreover, remember A. Linde, the existence of others is possible - inflationary universes that arise continuously and form the Multiverse.

The above shows a change in the picture of the world in the minds of scientists, which does not immediately become the property of many. The reason for this situation is in the complexity and diversity of the world, for the knowledge of which serious motivation and cognitive efforts of a person are required, despite the fact that the determining actions of most people are by no means self-knowledge and knowledge of the world, but the achievement of personal benefit for survival in the pursuit of pleasure... For many people and now more important is hedonism, the doctrine of pleasure as the highest goal of life, the theoretical basis of which was laid by Aristippus, a contemporary of Socrates, and later developed and supplemented by Epicurus.

Indeed, why strain in the knowledge and comprehension of the world, which is not accessible to everyone, when you can, without further ado, live with sensations and feelings, indulging in the euphoria of pleasures. Why complicate your life by thinking about necessity and benefit, morality and perfection, when it is easier to realize your individual benefit and enjoy the satisfaction of natural needs. This logic comes from the animal world and retains its significance under capitalism, giving rise to the ideology of consumption and pleasure, the triumph of individualism and the primitivization of people's interests, inequality and social injustice, hindering the development and cognitive progress of the Earth's civilization.

It's good that there are people for whom the pleasure is not only in consumption, but in the knowledge and discovery of the new. Thanks to them, many people get to know the world in all its complexity and interconnection with other worlds and, to the best of their abilities and possibilities, are drawn to it... strive for harmony with it and not look for a meeting with other worlds and intelligent beings? However, how difficult it is to achieve this and how people need to change in order to achieve this - in their ideas about themselves and the world around them? ..

The world is complex and parallel in its essence, starting with the person himself with his body and psyche, which in turn are structured, the earthly world with many spheres, elements and communities, and the system of the sun, which is an element of a structure of a higher order - the galaxy, and so further... Needless to say, how difficult it is to perceive and, moreover, to determine these parallel structures - when it succeeds, often through overcoming the skepticism of others, they cease to be imaginary and become real, opening up new facets of the world and the limits of human capabilities!

The Universe is so big and mysterious that it is impossible to imagine something even bigger and more complex than it, except perhaps the Multiverse... Man originated in this Universe, is an integral part of it and is connected with it by many threads. Just as the Earth was formed from the primary matter of the cosmos and life arose on it, so man, as the pinnacle of evolution, is in development. He already knows and can do a lot, but he could achieve more if people were united by a common desire to know and explore the world. Thanks to the fantasy and art of science fiction writers and the achievements of science and technology, people have long wanted to break out of the limits of gravity, start more active space exploration and find, if not a real extraterrestrial civilization, then at least traces of it...

However, modern life is also aimed at something else, and people are divided in their interests, ideas and actions... Why is this happening? There can be several reasons: 1) a person is dual and contradictory by nature, being born as a mammal with gradually and not all people equally forming mind-psyche; 2) for objective reasons, people do not have equal opportunities in meeting vital needs and development, in self-realization and self-expression, which gives rise to many social problems and contradictions. The process of formation and normal life support, unfortunately, is still less important for a person than obtaining greater benefits, and therefore, both in the first and second cases, there are significant differences between people, leading to their separation and reduced opportunities for studying and mastering the surrounding world.

One more reason can be named, which is a consequence of the first two - this, if not an insufficient level, then a very difficult stage in the development of modern science, resulting in the hypothetical, unproven many of the most important provisions, on the one hand, and the diversity of ideas on the most important humanitarian and natural questions and problems, on the other. Sometimes it is very difficult to draw a line between science and non-science, which is partly evidenced by the material of this article. Apparently, at this stage in the development of mankind and science, one cannot be categorical in accepting or denying that which cannot be verified or proved now, let us recall the works and experiments of N. Tesla and the theory of relativity by A. Einstein, the theories of H. Everett and A .Linde...

It is not out of place to mention an important principle of natural science, formulated in a general way by V. Lefebvre: "The theory about an object that a researcher has is not a product of the activity of the object itself." It follows, in particular, that researchers of man and society have no hope of constructing a reliable theory of their development due to the lack of objective criteria of truth... When studying a system comparable in complexity to the object under study, for example, the Universe, one must be careful with final conclusions , because it can be created by representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence, immeasurably superior to us in its worldview and capabilities...

I would like to think that humanity is on the way to understanding the mechanism of the birth of new Universes and will eventually be able to create them, the energy foundations of which are already known - for this, according to E. Harrison, one must learn how to create black holes from elementary particles with an energy of the order 10 to the 15th power of a gigaelectronvolt (GeV), which is 13 orders of magnitude greater than the power of our most powerful accelerators ... Expanding into another space, these holes form Universes, while, according to Harrison, the physical conditions in the created Universe will be the same as in the original. And this process will be eternal, and the Universes most favorable for intelligent life will be selected according to their ability to reproduce...

Much of the above suggests non-randomness, perhaps even subordination to some higher logic or regularity of what is happening in the Universe, raising it above the 2nd law of thermodynamics and prompting its perception, not as some kind of mechanistic system in a vacuum, but what - something much more complicated ... The statement of cosmonaut G. Grechko is interesting: “I am sure that there is another mind in the Universe, and more developed than ours. Now I am seriously studying the history of mankind and I conclude that even on Earth there have always been parallel civilizations "Celts and Druids, Egyptians and their priests. I think that Someone gave us an impetus in development, helped artificially bypass chimpanzees in intelligence. And in relation to us, of course, he was God, really created us in his own image and likeness."

At the same time, despite the expanding search for extraterrestrial civilizations over the past 50 years, not one of them is known yet. One can be comforted by the fact that the Earth's radio telescopes have probed no more than a hundred trillion fraction of the "volume of searches", despite the fact that the possibility of meaningful contact remains the most important reason for continuing the search for signals of artificial origin. The reason for failure may also be the uniqueness of the earthly mind and civilization and the related problem of interaction with another mind, as well as the lack of effective means of long-distance communication over distances of hundreds and thousands of light years...

According to all estimates, life and intelligence, similar to those on Earth, should have originated on many planets near other stars with conditions similar to Earth, and the silence of the cosmos speaks of our loneliness in the Universe, as well as that, having reached a certain stage of development, the mind dies before sending a signal to the stars - a conclusion reached in 1976 by I. S. Shklovsky, the founder of research into the problem of extraterrestrial civilizations in our country. He proceeded from the fact that the mind is one of the countless inventions of the evolutionary process, leading the species to a dead end ... Note that if this were so, then, probably, P. Teilhard de Chardin did not write about the “Phenomena of Man”, In I. Vernadsky would not develop the theory of the Earth's noosphere, and N. K. and E. I. Roerichs did not create the teachings of Agni Yoga, built on the idea of ​​perfection - refinement of the spirit...

The historical experience of the development of the Earth's civilization shows that it was able to survive global natural disasters. In this sense, the internal vices of a civilization may be a more likely cause of its death, for example, a world nuclear war, AIDS epidemics or new mutant infectious diseases. However, humanity has repeatedly experienced plague epidemics without any means of protection. The "nuclear winter" scenario, calculated in the mid-1980s, became an important incentive to reduce the nuclear-missile confrontation, however, modern world development carries another danger associated with the fact that the consumption rates of natural resources of 1/6 of humanity, the so-called "golden billion", including those mined far beyond its borders, are so large that their spread to the remaining 5/6 would lead to a quick global catastrophe...

For many, it is clear that the consumer society is doomed and the beginning of the decline of civilization will be the slowdown in the development of science. And without science, one cannot survive - because it is impossible to maintain a stable state of the economy, not to mention its development, as well as education and medicine, - one cannot solve the problems of inequality of people and ensure social justice, - one cannot cope with environmental problems, and finally, one cannot find an alien mind, which will be interested in such a civilization ... If the mind is considered as a means of achieving the highest benefit of a person, which consists in the development of improvement to improve his appearance, then we can talk about the existence of another fundamental problem - the limits and methods of knowledge and cognition, which is closely related with the most important problem of scientific epistemology - is there, at least within some limits, a "theory of everything"? If so, then our loneliness in the Universe is apparent - it will end when everything that exists in it becomes clear to us! ..

It can also be added that mind carriers can exist in other, non-human forms, in something like the thinking ocean of S. Lem or the intelligent plasma-dust "Black Cloud" of F. Hoyle. As noted by the famous physicist F. Dyson, the essence of life is not connected with the substance (from which molecules?), but with the organization. For example, in the teachings of N. K. and E. I. Roerichs "Agni Yoga" it is said that "Matter is a crystallized Spirit", and "Spirit is a certain state of Matter". The laws of life are the same for the whole World, while Agni Yoga represents the Universe as a multitude of worlds in which life exists at different levels. Earth is one of the worlds where cultivation takes place! [VD] the human spirit. There are three main planes of being: 1) the Dense World (physical); 2) the Subtle World (astral); 3) The Fiery World (mental-spiritual).

The structure of the Universe is represented by layers (eons, loks), in which consciousnesses that are at different stages of evolutionary progress live. The more refined the consciousness, the higher the layers it resides. The path of evolutionary ascent is the refinement of consciousness and its strengthening in ever higher refinement. One of the most important concepts of Agni Yoga is Infinity, which describes the cosmic evolution of life and the unlimited possibilities of human development. And this is not at all some mythical or mystical reasoning that came from Ancient India, but a doctrine confirmed by the theory of groups and variants (D. Kovba), the main idea of ​​which is that parallel worlds are determined by the structural levels of matter.

There are other arguments in favor of the multidimensionality and fullness of the Universe with energy and information. Let us recall the unsurpassed Nikola Tesla, who believed that the Cosmos operates on the principle of vibration and resonance, and energy arises under the influence of external guidance - induction. To the question: "Where does the energy come from?" - he answered: "From the ether". His creative process went beyond the materialistic understanding, approaching the esoteric, he said that his consciousness penetrated into the subtle world, and his brain was just a device for receiving information from a single information field of the Earth and space... Tesla's cosmological model is a concentric chain rotating magnetic fields: the galaxy rotates, the Solar system rotates around the center of the galaxy, the Earth rotates around the Sun, molecules, atoms, electrons rotate ... All this is nothing but a set of rotating magnetic fields described by a single law, thereby, on the basis of which N. Tesla's induction motor set in motion.

And how can one not recall A. Einstein's unsuccessful attempts to create a "Theory of Everything"... If all physical reality is reducible to the interaction of electromagnetic fields, then its theory can be expressed mathematically. Tesla's research, as it were, confirms the truth of Plato's theory of knowledge, in which he argued that mathematics is a connection between the world of ideas and the world of material phenomena. It is probably no coincidence that ancient legends say that matter is only a condensed light, and this is the all-penetrating cosmic substance of Nikola Tesla - "luminopherous ether".

How much has already been written and how much more could be written about parallel worlds and about the Universe, about the Earth and its inhabitants, but sometime you need to stop, at least for a while, to take the spirit, which, in its aspiration forward and upward, to Infinity , does not know peace and will help a person to better understand himself and this world in order to find his happiness!

Since this expansion was not only exponential, but also very fast, the “doubling” occurred at intervals of 10^-35 seconds. That is, as soon as 10^-34 seconds passed, the Universe was already 1000 times larger than its original size; another 10^-33 seconds - the universe is already 10^30 times its original size; by the time 10^-32 seconds had passed, the universe was 10^300 times its original size, and so on. The exponent is a strong thing not because it is fast, but because it is persistent.

It is obvious that the Universe has not always expanded in this way - we are here, inflation is over, the Big Bang has taken place. We can think of inflation as a ball rolling down a slope. As long as the ball is at the top of the hill, it rolls, albeit slowly, inflation continues. When the ball rolls into the valley, inflation ends, the energy of space is converted into matter and radiation; the inflationary state flows into a hot Big Bang.

Before we get into what we don't know about inflation, it's worth saying what we do know about it. Inflation is not like a ball - which rolls on a classical field - it is more like a wave propagating in time, like a quantum field.

This means that the further time passes, the more space is created in the process of inflation, and in some regions, from the standpoint of probability, inflation ends, while in others it continues. Regions where inflation ends experience the Big Bang and see the birth of the universe, while the rest of the regions continue to experience inflation.

As time passes, due to expansion dynamics, regions where inflation has ended never collide or interact; the regions where inflation continues push each other and interact. This is exactly what we expect to see, based on the known laws of physics and observable events that exist in our Universe, which will tell us about inflationary states. True, we do not know some things that give rise to uncertainties and probabilities at the same time.

  1. We do not know how long the inflationary state lasted until it ended and moved into the Big Bang. The universe may not be much smaller than the observable, it may be many orders of magnitude larger, or even infinite.
  2. We do not know whether the regions where inflation has ended will be the same or will be seriously different from ours. There is an assumption that there are (unknown) physical dynamics that bring fundamental constants into line - the masses of particles, the forces of fundamental interactions, the amount of dark energy - like those in our region. But there is also an assumption that in different regions with the end of inflation there can be completely different universes with different types of physics and constants.
  3. And if the universes are similar to each other from the point of view of physics, and the number of these universes is infinite, and the many-world interpretation of quantum mechanics is absolutely correct, does this mean that there are parallel universes in which everything develops in exactly the same way as in ours, with the exception of one -a single tiny quantum event?

In short, could there be a universe like ours in which everything happened exactly the same, except for one tiny thing that drastically changed the life of your alter ego in another universe?

  • Where did you go to work abroad and not stay in the country?
  • Where did you beat the robber, and not he beat you?
  • Where did you turn down the first kiss?
  • Where did the event that determined life or death go differently?

It's incredible: perhaps there is a universe for each of the possible scenarios. There is even a non-zero probability of the appearance of a universe exactly copying ours.

True, there are many reservations to allow this. First, the inflationary state had to continue not only for 13.8 billion years - as in our Universe - but for an unlimited amount of time. Why?

If the universe expanded exponentially - not in the briefest fraction of a second, but over 13.8 billion years (4 x 10^17 seconds) - then we are talking about gigantic space. That is, even if there are regions in which inflation has ended, most of the Universe will be represented by regions in which it continues.

Thus, we will be dealing with at least 10^10^50 universes that started with initial conditions similar to our universe. This is a gigantic number. But still there are more numbers. For example, if we undertake to describe the possible probabilities of particle interaction.

There are 10^90 particles in each universe, and we need each of them to have the same interaction history over 13.8 billion years as our universe to get an identical universe. For a universe with 10^90 particles with 10^10^50 possible variations of such a universe, each of these particles would need to interact with each other for 13.8 billion years. The number you see above is just 1000! (or (10^3)!), a factorial of 1000 describing the number of possible permutations of 1000 different particles at any given time. (10^3)! greater than (10^1000), something like 10^2477.

But there are not 1000 particles in the Universe, but 10^90. Every time two particles interact with each other, there can be not only one result, but a whole quantum spectrum of results. It turns out there's a lot more than (10^90)! possible outcomes of particle interactions in the universe, and this number is many googolplex times larger than a tiny number like 10^10^50.

In other words, the number of possible interactions of particles in any universe grows to infinity much faster than the number of possible universes grows due to inflation.

Even if we put aside such moments that there can be an infinite number of values ​​​​of fundamental constants, particles and interactions, even if we put aside the problems of interpretation, they say, does the many-world interpretation describe our physical reality in principle, it all comes down to the fact that the number of possible development options is growing so fast - much faster than exponentially - that unless inflation continues indefinitely, there are no parallel universes identical to ours.

The singularity theorem tells us that, most likely, the inflationary state could not continue indefinitely, but arose as a distant but final point in the past. There are many universes - perhaps with different laws, or maybe not - but not enough to give us an alternative version of ourselves; the number of possible variants grows too fast compared to the rate at which possible universes arise.

What does this mean for us?

This means that you have no choice but to be in this universe. Make decisions without regrets: do what you love, be able to stand up for yourself, live to the fullest. There are no more universes with other versions of you and no future other than the one you live for.

British scientists from Oxford proved the existence of parallel worlds. The head of the scientific team, Hugh Everett, explained this phenomenon in detail, writes MIGnews on Friday.

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity was the result of the creation of the hypothesis of parallel worlds, which perfectly explains the nature of quantum mechanics. It also explains the existence of parallel worlds even on the example of a broken mug. There are a huge number of outcomes of this event: the mug will fall on the person’s leg and not break as a result, the person will be able to catch the mug in the fall. The number of outcomes, as previously stated by scientists, is unlimited. The theory had no actual background, so it was quickly forgotten. In the course of Everett's mathematical experiment, it was found that, being inside an atom, one cannot say that it really exists. To establish its dimensions, it is necessary to take a position "from the outside": measure two places at the same time. So scientists have established the possibility of the existence of a huge number of parallel worlds.

Parallel world: Will a person be able to live in another dimension?

The term "parallel world" has been familiar for a long time. People have thought about its existence since the beginning of the origin of life on Earth. Belief in other dimensions appeared with man and was passed down from generation to generation in the form of myths, legends and tales. But what do we modern people know about parallel realities? Do they really exist? What is the opinion of scientists on this matter? And what awaits a person if he gets into another dimension?

The opinion of official science

Physicists have long been saying that everything on Earth exists in a certain space and time. Humanity lives in three dimensions. Everything in it can be measured by height, length and width, therefore, within these frameworks, the understanding of the universe is concentrated in our minds. But official, academic science recognizes that there may be other planes that are hidden from our eyes. In modern science there is a term "string theory". It is difficult to understand, but is based on the fact that there is not one, but several spaces in the Universe. They are invisible to humans because they exist in a compressed form. There can be from 6 to 26 such measurements (according to scientists).

In 1931, the American Charles Fort introduced a new concept of "place of teleportation". It is through these sections of space that you can get into one of the parallel worlds. It is from there that the poltergeist, ghosts, UFOs and other supernatural entities come to people. But since these "doors" open in both directions - to our world and one of the parallel realities - then it is possible that people can disappear into one of these dimensions.

New theories about parallel worlds

The official theory of a parallel world appeared in the 50s of the twentieth century. It was invented by mathematician and physicist Hugh Everett. This idea is based on the laws of quantum mechanics and probability theory. The scientist said that the number of possible outcomes of any event is equal to the number of parallel worlds. There can be an infinite number of such options. Everett's theory has been criticized and discussed in the circles of scientific luminaries for many years. Recently, however, professors from the University of Oxford have been able to logically confirm the existence of realities parallel to our plane. Their discovery is based on the same quantum physics.

The researchers proved that the atom, as the basis of everything, as the building material of any substance, can occupy a different position, that is, appear simultaneously in several places. Like elementary particles, everything can reside at several points in space, that is, in two or more worlds.

Real examples of people moving into a parallel plane

In the middle of the 19th century in Connecticut, two officials, Judge Wei and Colonel McArdle, got caught in a thunderstorm and decided to hide from them in a small wooden hut in the forest. When they entered there, the sounds of thunder ceased to be heard, and around the travelers there was deaf silence and pitch darkness. They found a wrought-iron door in the darkness and peered into another room filled with a faint greenish glow. The judge went in and disappeared instantly, and McArdle slammed the heavy door, fell to the floor and lost consciousness. Later, the colonel was found in the middle of the road far from the location of the mysterious building. Then he came to his senses, told this story, but until the end of his days he was considered crazy.

In 1974, in Washington, one of the employees of the administrative building, Mr. Martin, went outside after work and saw his old car not where he had left it in the morning, but on the opposite side of the street. He approached it, opened it and wanted to go home. But the key suddenly did not fit the ignition. In a panic, the man returned to the building and wanted to call the police. But inside, everything was different: the walls were of a different color, the telephone was gone from the lobby, and there was no office on its floor where Mr. Martin worked. Then the man ran outside and saw his car where he had parked it in the morning. Everything returned to its usual places, because the employee did not report the strange incident that happened to him to the police, and told about it only many years later. Probably, for a short time, the American fell into a parallel space.

In an ancient castle near Comcrieff in Scotland, two women disappeared on the same day. The owner of the building named McDougley said that strange things happen in it and there are old occult books. In search of something mysterious, two elderly ladies secretly climbed into the house, which the owner left after one night an old portrait fell on him. The women went into the space in the wall, which appeared after the fall of the picture, and disappeared. Rescuers could not find them or traces of tartans. There is a possibility that they opened a portal to another world, went into it and did not return.

Will people be able to live in another dimension?

There are different opinions about whether it is possible to live in one of the parallel worlds. Although there are many cases of people transitioning to other dimensions, none of those who returned after a long stay in another reality made their journey successfully. Some have gone mad, others have died, and still others have suddenly grown old.

The fate of those who passed through the portal and ended up in another dimension forever remained unknown. Psychics constantly say that they are in contact with creatures from other worlds. Proponents of ideas about anomalous phenomena say that all people who are missing are in those planes that exist parallel to ours. Everything may become clearer if there is a person who can get into one of them and return back, or if the missing suddenly start to appear in our world and accurately describe how they lived in a parallel dimension.

Thus, parallel worlds can be another reality that has remained practically unknown for all the millennia of human existence. Theories about them so far remain only conjectures, ideas, conjectures, which modern scientists have only explained a little. It is likely that the universe has many worlds, but do people need to know about them and get into them, or is it enough for us to simply exist peacefully in our space.

The mythology of many peoples divides the universe into the earthly world, the underground and the heavenly, "Agni Yoga" tells about the existence besides ours, both the subtle and the higher worlds. V. Lavrova in her "Keys to the Secrets of Life" also divides the Universe into the Biosphere (our physical world), the Noosphere (the intermediate world) and the Quantosphere (the world of accelerated higher vibrations).

Here is how she explains it: “I’ll make a reservation right away that we are talking about a different world, parallel to us, on a different energy level. About the world of quantum mechanics. Before it, in terms of the energy coordinate, there is a rather wide range, and includes one more intermediate sphere. Between our worlds, i.e. Biosphere and Quantosphere, there are only two large conditional energy differences, but they include energy divisions of a wide spatial spectrum. At the same time, such a cascade of energy levels is not in our favor. The biosphere is at its lowest level. Here the energies are soft, weak; processes are slow and sluggish. But this is precisely what is necessary for intelligent life to arise in it. And each of us made the transition from the Biosphere to the Magnetosphere more than once. This is the same long, narrow, dark or white corridor, expanding at the end of the path and there is a connection between parallel worlds ... We are neighbors. Only for us their world is invisible, living objects are elusive, and therefore non-existent...

The first world is the world of the Biosphere, the home of the protein-nucleic complex. This is our kingdom, the abode of weak speeds, the first substance, the outermost shell... On the scale of the energy level, the Biosphere and the Noosphere (intermediate world) are very close; the world of quants is far away. Two orders further than the Biosphere, one further than the Noosphere… All three worlds interact with each other; like the flour of three grindings together, so they are inside each other.

The ideas of the shamans of the North also affirm the existence of the heavenly world of gods and the underworld of spirits. So, the Yakut shamans, even during divination on runes, divide the circle into three tiers, corresponding to the “abodes of the gods”, “abodes of people” and “abodes of death and evil” or “abodes of spirits”. It is the latter that primitive witchcraft and shamanism use in their practice. Many contactees call the lower underground world the two-dimensional world of reverse evolution - the anti-world. K. Castaneda points to it as the world of inorganic beings, which some magicians use as "allies".

The ancient magicians of the Toltecs pointed to the presence of seven parallel worlds on our planet, accessible to human perception and similar to our world. K. Meadows names nine such worlds in shamanic practices. Such worlds are not only accessible to perception, but also accessible to the travels of magicians and sorcerers. At the same time, two of these worlds are perceived quite easily, for the rest - the seer must have a sufficiently high energy potential.

Here is how A. Ignatenko describes these parallel realities: “Our Universe unites thirteen worlds: seven main, five intermediate and one opposing world, the world of “dark” forces. An interesting classification of these worlds is offered by the AUM system, which studied the laws of harmony and beauty in the Universe.

The first - the three-dimensional world - is well known to us. Matter and energy correspond to the vibrations of the red waves and are consonant with the vibrations of the sound waves "to" the first octave.

The second is ethereal, has no living beings. The energy corresponds to the vibrations of the orange waves and the note "D". The energy of this world goes to the movement of the living beings of the Earth.

The third is astral. Matter is the gravitational field of the Moon.

Energy and matter correspond to the vibrations of yellow waves and the note “mi”.

The fourth (four-dimensional space) is mental. Matter is the gravitational field of the planets of the solar system. Energy and matter correspond to the vibrations of green waves and the note "fa".

The fifth (five-dimensional space) is karmic. Matter is the gravitational field of the Sun. Matter and energy correspond to the vibrations of blue waves and the note "salt".

The sixth (six-dimensional space) is intuitive. Matter - the gravitational field of our galaxy, corresponds to the fluctuations of blue waves and the note "la".

The seventh (seven-dimensional space) is Nirvana (the world of love). Matter - the gravitational field of the Universe, corresponds to the fluctuations of violet waves and the note "si".

There is a mirror image of the world of Nirvana - the thirteenth world. This world is based on the opposite energy - hatred, leading to destruction. Its matter and energy correspond to the vibrations of the brown waves, and the note is missing.

In addition, according to the researcher, there are five intermediate worlds:

- red-orange (note "c-sharp", 3.25 meas.);

- light orange ("D-sharp", 3.25 meas.);

- mental-karmic (aquamarine, F-sharp, 4.5 meas.);

- intuitive karmic (light blue, "sol-sharp", 5.5 meas.);

- supramental (mixture of aquamarine with violet, "A-sharp", 6.5 meas.)

Intermediate worlds are a kind of energy barriers between full-fledged parallel realities. It is possible that they are perceived by consciousness as a strip of fog of a certain color, when the "entrances" to parallel realities open. Exactly the same information about the main and intermediate worlds is also given by S. Tsvelev.

In magical and shamanic practices, special techniques are used to travel to these parallel realities, both with the help of the "energy" body, and physically. The shamans and magicians themselves never questioned the fact of the existence of these realities, since they were convinced of this in practice.

For example, T. Marez speaks of ten worlds (including ours) accessible to human perception. At the same time, our physical world is the most “dense” and the lowest-frequency type of energy vibrations: “These ten worlds are reflected in the microcosm in the form of ten points of a person and, in essence, represent ten different degrees of vibration intensity. Indeed, the density is really determined precisely by the intensity of the oscillations. In other words, the higher the frequency of vibrations of energy fields, the more ethereal, imperceptible they turn out to be, and vice versa: the lower the frequency of vibrations, the more dense and tangible they are. It follows that the energy fields of the Universe oscillate at an infinitely high frequency, and due to the unification, this frequency is progressively reduced to ten fixed sequences, with each successive sequence being more complicated than the previous one and having a lower frequency of oscillation. Thus, the lowest frequency of vibration of energy fields gives us the densest manifestation, which we call the physical Universe or, more simply, the physical plane. Further, it is logical to conclude that the physical plane, i.e. the tenth world, contains the greatest unifications of energy fields and, due to the significant differentiation of the latter, has the highest level of complexity.

However, this "complexity" can only be considered from the point of view of materiality. Higher frequency vibrations, and therefore realities, are much more difficult to achieve. In addition, there are realities with a lower vibration frequency than our world. These are worlds of lesser dimension. The number of parallel worlds does not match as compared with the scheme provided by A. Ignatenko. It cannot be otherwise, since each person describes the surrounding reality in accordance with his ability to perceive it. We all know that the perception of a color blind person is much poorer than that of an ordinary person. In turn, the perception of the latter is many times more vague and weaker than the perception of the “seer”. Among the latter there may also be individuals who are able to perceive a different number of parallel realities. Due to the limitations of human perception, any rigid scheme for describing the picture of the world will be incorrect. Reality is much wider and more immense than our ability to perceive it. But in the main, both A. Ignatenko and T. Marez are right - parallel realities exist, and they exist regardless of our ability to perceive them.

So, for example, Scandinavian mythology divides our Universe into nine worlds:

Asgard - the world of the gods

Vanageym - the world of light spirits - vans;

Alfheim - the world of bright spirits benevolent to the gods - alphas;

Midgard - the world inhabited by people;

Jotunheim - the world of giants hostile to the gods - jotuns;

Muspellheim - the world of fire;

Svartalfageym - the world of dark alphas;

Niflheim - the underground world of dwarfs;

Nifgel is the world of death.

As you can see, such a multidimensional system includes both "light" multidimensional worlds and "dark" worlds of low dimension, between which our physical world is located. Almost any mythology has such a scheme for dividing the Universe into the worlds of gods and light entities, and the worlds of dark entities of the Underworld, between which the world of people is located. And this is not accidental, since it is a reflection of the multidimensional picture of the Universe obtained by the ancient shamans and magicians through their intuitive connection to the Unified Energy-Informational Field - the Akashic Records.

The well-known researcher of shamanism K. Meadows describes these worlds as follows: “The landscape of other worlds where shamans travel has an outward resemblance to the familiar

physical reality: there are mountains, valleys, trees and flowers, rivers, lakes and even oceans. But the laws that apply in ordinary reality do not apply there ...

Other worlds of perception are as real as physical reality, and your sensations there are no less intense than in everyday life. Perhaps even more intense, since everything you see and hear has a special meaning.

Information about the multidimensional structure of the Universe can be gleaned from the religion and mythology of almost any ancient people. For example, the ancient Egyptians believed that the universe was divided into three parts: the sky, the earth and the Duat (the underworld), each of which was inhabited by deities of a certain type. The ancient Incas also had a similar cosmogony.

Christianity also divides the invisible worlds into two main worlds - heaven and hell, as well as an intermediate world - purgatory. In ancient Indian cosmogonic views, the Universe also consists of three large parts: earth, sky and underground hell.

A. Sviyash gives the following explanations on this matter: “... the whole manifested world can be represented as two worlds – the divine world of the Creator and pure spirits and the world of demons. The Divine world is a world of superfine and pure energies…

The world of demons is a world of coarser mental, astral and ethereal energies.” At the same time, the scientist separates the demons of the Heavens and the demons of the Underworld. Apparently this is the Upper and Lower worlds in the mythologies of the peoples. The Divine world consists of more subtle and closer to the plan of the Absolute energies (primary torsion fields).

American theoretical physicist Michio Kaku is a well-known popularizer of science, as well as the author of a number of popular science books and films. Some of them are devoted to the theory of superstrings and the views of modern scientists on the existence of parallel worlds and universes. Unlike most retrogrades, "hanging" on outdated dogmas of a hundred years ago, many modern theoretical physicists consider the existence of parallel worlds and even parallel universes to be a quite probable reality of our world.

And here's what he says about it: Revolutionary progress has changed the whole outlook. Data from space has allowed us to look at cosmology differently. Satellite Data Shows Parallel Universes May Exist

The amazing thing is that there can be 4 types of parallel universes. The first type can exist in the same space as we do. But this universe is so far away that we cannot see or reach it. In another scenario, many other universes may be in giant cosmic "soap bubbles" floating in the cosmic "sea" of giant "bubbles". According to another theory, many parallel universes occupy the same time and space as ours, but since they are in other dimensions, they are invisible. Another theory says that all laws are different and therefore everything looks completely different.

New theories, called string theories, predict the existence of higher-dimensional worlds. Quantum physics at the level of the microcosm also shows that the possibility of parallel universes exists. For simplicity, physicists have divided parallel universes into different levels.

According to physicists, a level 1 parallel universe is just an extension of our universe. The idea of ​​a level 1 parallel universe is based on the fact that our universe is infinite. If it is true, then according to mathematical probability, exact copies of our solar system, planet Earth and all people on it can exist in infinite space. If you are planning to go there, we hasten to inform you that the nearest parallel universe of the 1st level is incredibly far away.

But is our universe infinite? The new inflationary universe theory suggests that this is the case. This theory answers the question: why, after its appearance, the Universe suddenly grew so much? We believe that there are a huge number of 1st level universes. We used to say "universe" meaning that there is only one world. All that is, all that we observe is the Universe.

Now the idea of ​​the Multiverse has appeared, in which there are unseen worlds. Worlds that we can't see and that we can't touch... And that's not all. There are an infinite number of other universes and planets Earth, and an infinite number of copies of all of us. If this is true, then all possible variants of the development of all lives occur simultaneously. In some universes, which some call the "multiverse", your copy lives absolutely the same, but in others, everything can be a little different ... Everything that is physically possible happens in another parallel universe. This means that in some universe, Elvis Presley is still alive. In another level 1 universe, George W. Bush is a basketball commissioner. Maybe in some universe we don't exist at all...

The universe appears to be completely flat. And this means that either the Universe is flat, or it is elongated so weakly that we do not see it. In such a case, the universe would eventually bend into itself and form a hypersphere. It would be finite in size and volume, not flat and infinite. It is also possible that the universe has swelled up so quickly and strongly that it only appears to be flat. Imagine yourself in the place of a beetle crawling on a giant ball. The larger the ball, the flatter it appears. The beetle crawls in all directions and says: "The Universe seems to me absolutely flat!". But from the side we see that the beetle is crawling on a giant ball. I tend to believe that the universe is a kind of "soap bubble", but it is so slightly curved that we do not notice it.

Some experts argue that there are other, even more stunning types of parallel universes. These are parallel universes of the 2nd level, consisting of huge cosmic "bubbles" floating in hyperspace. In each separate "bubble" there is a whole universe. The question is: do we live in a giant cosmic "bubble"? Could our Universe be a "megabubble" in a cluster of other "megabubbles"? If the incredible theory about the 2nd level universes is correct, then the true nature of the cosmos may be even more amazing than we imagined...

According to this paradigm, "soap bubbles" can form, change and separate. This is a dynamic process. Universes are created from nothing, universes give rise to other universes. All together these bubbles form a parallel universe of the 2nd level and inside it there are an uncountable number of parallel universes of the 1st level. The multiverse is made up of universes appearing and disappearing, perhaps even colliding with each other.

Why look for parallel universes that we can't touch? Because they keep the main secret: they keep the secret of the origin of all things. For the first time in history, we can imagine where our universe came from. Perhaps our Universe appeared after a collision with another parallel universe or "break away" from another universe. These are questions for modern researchers of physics "before the Big Bang", physics "before the emergence".

But there is a problem: for decades, scientists have been trying to find one connecting "theory of everything" that would combine Einstein's general theory of relativity, which explains the gravitational effects of large bodies, with quantum physics, the science of the smallest particles. Together, these great theories explain everything that mankind knows so far about the cosmos. But like mice and a cartoon cat, they fight each other. These theories hate each other. How to arrange a "reluctant marriage" between these theories that do not like each other?

When scientists started talking about "string theory" in the 1980s, it seemed that it could solve all the mysteries of the universe. String theory evolved into what is called M-theory or membrane theory. Now we understand that the particles that we observe in nature, and even the Universe itself, are all made up of vibrating membranes and vibrating strings. The main achievement of M-theory occurred when scientists realized that for the absence of contradiction, the Universe must be considered in 11 dimensions.

If you sit on top of a mountain and look down, you see different villages that are not connected by anything. But from the top of the mountain you see a whole, harmonious, beautiful picture. This is M-theory, which explains the work of both the smallest and largest objects in space. It also suggests that we live on a huge energy membrane. Our Universe is connected with this "wall" by additional invisible dimensions...

But that's not all. Scientists have recently shocked the world again, declaring that another kind of parallel universes may exist. Level 4 universes are created either by quantum fluctuations or by membrane collisions. It turns out a special type of universes. In parallel universes of this type, there are no rules we are used to, and the reality is different from what we are used to."